I OPENED A Portal Using The NEW Ion Engines in People Playground

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hey everybody i'm blitz and this guy right here this is my very best friend of the entire world his name is kevin he is so excited for you to be here today kevin wake up good boy he's asking you to do two things specifically is subscribe if you haven't already and uh i guess he's taking a favoritism to hitting the like button oh he stood up i tell you if you haven't hit the like button already bad things are gonna happen do you see these guys over here these are the anti-kevins they're also called zombies and if i tell them to start walking forward they're gonna try to eat kevin but when you hit that like button magical things appear out of the thin air do you know what this does kevin likes this one this one my friends gives him superpowers are you ready oh i think it worked i think it worked okay let's see if it actually does work we're going to slow it down a little and then oh it does work oh oh that worked really well okay kevin just got laser eyeball sight did you see that we looked down a little bit oh my word that is so cool that's why you hit the like button on every one of the videos so kevin gets super powers and he doesn't get to die today okay super speed this is great i need one of these oh i think he just just let his he just let himself on fire um well uh kevin had a lot going for him and since that's happening i'd also like to thank today's sponsor which is a game called dying light 2. if you haven't heard of dying light 2 before it's a 2-4 player co-op zombie killing game with a vast open world where your choices shape the future of the city and what i love most about the dying light games is the unique and creative combat and movement system where you can use parkour skills clever traps and creative weapons to defeat the zombie hordes and i did see that in the trailer too that there should be a continuation of those same systems from the first game into the second one and it's very satisfying to lay out a plan and then watch the zombies fall right into your trap now techland did just re-reveal the game with a ton of new details in their new dying to know show if you want to take a deeper look at the game i would encourage you to check it out and hear the dev interviews enter fan contest and watch new game play and trailers to check that out you can go to teclangg.com you can also sign up for starter packs and gifs and all sorts of other really cool stuff for the game even before it's released so if you are ready to slay some zombies now make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to pre-order dying light too and you can also get the original dying light platinum edition right now for 75 off it has all of the dlc and everything it's a great way to learn how to survive in the new infected world of dying light so i did what i do best i went on the steam workshop and i found this really cool contraption check this out it can drive how cool is that i mean it's a one wheeled tank i should probably follow it can i follow it can i click on something thank you he is just driving it's it's really well balanced plus you can like aim things too we can go up and down how neat is that the turret doesn't move but the entire vehicle does can also fire its gun so how cool is that i really like this thing i thought it'd be fun if we did like a little battle we have kevin driving the tank on the left and kevin driving the tank on the right both barrels are pointed exactly at each other we can of course aim them properly but i feel like that's pretty good aim right there oh okay that was messy but neither tank blew up which is our goal we have to blow up the tanks looks like left side worked pretty well there oh there we go we exploded the core and this tank is still pretty good with the exception to kevin he's got a little bit of prop he's if there's a lot he's got a lot of problems he's uh kind of through the wall a little bit we'll fix him up quick though because that's what we do best right there and we got that life syringe and everything will be yeah just get right in kevin get healed up thank you there he's fixed now i think sort of um delete and delete oh he's coming together oh what is going on why are your legs down there kevin you're gonna make it why are your his um you know what we'll just remove that yeah and we'll move on to something else now there was something you new and unique that i found it's this thing i don't really know what it does but it goes off green goo so we have to test this out first we're gonna put a velociraptor on it because why not oh that doesn't do too much velociraptor doesn't get burned up like a tropical thruster see if i put the velociraptor over here it kind of lights on fire and all sorts of bad stuff happens to it but i want to try dropping yeah so that doesn't he can stand in it oh that's amazing and this thruster over here gets nice and toasty warm now if i unfreeze this does it move so it's a heatless thruster interesting i like science experiments look at it go it's like the fourth of july hey real quick do they have a fourth of july in canada i don't know i really like this thing it's pretty cool it bounces really heavily on the ceiling too really makes me want to retrofit this thing which is my favorite rock in the entire world the v2 rocket if i can figure this out oh man this is a lot of brains happening here now i delete that thruster i can put in the new ion thruster which way did the ion come out the bottom yep the bottom obviously i didn't even know what the bottom was oh and uh i forgot that that's actually sinking so if i put this down here after i connect u down to here and then we'll hide this stuff back in the middle duct tape that beastie boy back onto the ship because that's what we have to do and i messed it up oops here that fixes all of our problems so i guess we'll see right if this actually works i just a little bit of boop oh it doesn't quite work i mean i can tip it over are you just too heavy bud i think it might be too heavy let's make some of the explody boys in here a little bit weightless then it should work okay attempt number two almost all of these explosives are weightless and i guess the metal frame of the missile is not weightless so [Music] it's not working i need to give it more thrust so we'll just lift it up a little bit and then we'll do what we do best in kerbal space program add more boosters duct tape those bad boys into the frame connect up the good old-fashioned whatever this thing's called activate it probably it's called activation wires isn't it propagation wires that's my nickname in high school and let's see how this works oh maybe it needs a boost there toss me toss me um they look super cool oh that's almost blew up okay you know what uh we're just gonna make everything weightless see this will be perfect oh look we made a whistle yes i love it it's got a little bit of a little bit of a wiggle up there gold missile oh that's so cool oh no it's always fun and games until your missile breaks yeah come on come on missile oh no no no no no no no no well um missile broke got some really weird things over here and most of these got broken with the latest update there was one though that was supposed to work and i don't know where it went so does this work nope mismatch dragon mismatch everything's corrupted now you guys remember where i built this machine right the one that creates the black hole and selects everything into it what would happen if we did like an inverted black hole if i delete that not that i want to delete everything just go away and we can kind of create that using those ion thrusters because i think it would look cool where'd the ion thrusters go thrust st there it is yeah ion thruster if i put a butt load of these in a circle and turn them all on after i froze them i think it would look kind of cool right if we did a little bit of that and a little bit of that and a little bit of that i gotta i actually get the right angle of the dangle here so i think the best way to do this is to create like a corner something like that where everything is kind of lined up together and then they should be frozen that looks so cool and then if i do this if i save it um as you know just a typical letter where you roll your face on the keyboard and see how many characters that you can put into one contraption name at the same time also i like eating pizza with pineapple i can't spell pineapple on it you should too because that's the best kind of pizza in all the world dot com does that work yeah of course of course that's uh oh it's saved with errors i think i think there's a problem with my naming convention i'm not sure why and for some reason it's not in there so we'll just do the typical copy and paste and we'll grab slap in the rotate align to grid and activate that worked pretty well i think kevin's gonna have to wear sunscreen for this adventure all right before we get to spoil anything let's turn all of these things off i also forgot to try out one thing that works normally but what happens if we give it a generator so we'll try the regular and then turn on the small generator [Laughter] and then the super generator okay we'll turn that one off it's it's growing oh that thing is growing so much longer uh i should have put that on the v2 rocket i didn't even think to test that out i bet if i this is gonna be hilarious watch this you ready and if i go unfreeze and then watch this i'm gonna delete these two when it's totally buffed up and then we're gonna follow it and it's gonna go wow that wasn't so much oh i like that i think there's okay epilepsy warning you know what delete that okay so that gives me big brain ideas for our adventure here you want to know what my big brain idea is is to copy this paste it and then we're gonna make it super sized we're gonna we're gonna hook up one of these dudes on the butt of every single one of them all right i'm kind of excited to see how this happens it's uh unpaused i have them all hooked up in order if i go into slow motion oh the ion circle is happening i like this this is really cool everything's lined up perfectly i'm kind of surprised those boosters well the boosters aren't on yet let's actually see oh yeah okay so they are doubling the length of the thrusters interesting oh that pulse in the middle is so cool looking okay it's even better when you do it regular speed oh those sounds though okay what i want to do now is to get them stuck at a certain point where all of the tips touch okay you ready for this chest let's go oh yes oh that's so cool i love it except this one's slightly off a little bit you need to be turned just a little there that looks cool now the idea is that i want to put this one inside of that one a little bit off-centered oh that's going to be nice and then all of these are going to turn on after i figure out how to do that properly and on oh okay okay that's cool wow i don't think anything's going to be able to survive in that middle but i'm going to totally try it i really want to know what's going to happen if i put kevin inside of that but i also kind of really want to put in one of these big time thermal generators on the outside and make another circle so that's this is what i'm going to yeah i'm going to do it so i really like it but it's too much we don't need that much for our death loop beam of death beam looping like what i did i need big flashy lights and it's kind of exciting i like it does it poop up okay good it's actually wow i actually made it alternate red or green and yellow the whole time around i'm kind of excited for that all right so the idea is that those work in conjunction so if i hit that button and then that button oh it turns up and then i can hit this button that's not the right why didn't you do it hey this one oh boy i need to i need to put these in in series so it actually works right all right my friends i think i've done it i think i've created the ion portal that's what i'm going to call it sounds like a good name activate power lines on active and then secondary ion thrusters activate power and third tier inside we have made the iris the ion iris i'm going to make up new words i think it worked pretty good i just we have to have a volunteer i feel like you're going to be a good volunteer because your name is kevin and i need to kind of like i don't even know how i'm going to make you stay in here you just want to escape and that's not okay come on up right there right in the center and then cower yeah we're gonna make you go into a little ball uh-huh and then beautiful we're gonna freeze you in place this will be perfect this is how you get teleported into alternative dimensions are you ready kevin are you ready yes test number one worked test number two it's also working test number three wait what i feel like this is how he gets superpowers i'm gonna unfreeze him hold on why is it not infecting him maybe it's like there's too much thrust oh oh we got we got a little spaghettio juice hanging out there um that's a little weird i feel like we need to do something more about this here if i spin you really stinking fast in here does anything funny happen oh i hear noises i got to see we're going in oh you are getting sleepy you will hit the subscribe button if you haven't oh well that happened kevin just got oh it's they got limbs hanging out over here yikes oh that one got that one's that's conducting that's kind of funny it's conducting power from the generator whoops oh uh okay see what kind of damage happened nothing let's uh clear the living okay can i clean it it's kind of dirty didn't even save this before kevin's spilled is there a like a soap thing i feel like there needs to be a bar of soap somewhere or you can just take it and you're like hey it's all dirty it will just kind of get it on dirty with the bar of soap nope all right so we did maybe just a baby slight tiny little little bit of a modification here dude you can't i'm you don't know what's happening i'm not gonna tell you what's happening okay i'm gonna tell you there's decimators in here and they're hooked up to create a black hole once everything works kevin literally just knocked himself out perfect volunteer well done kevin i will summon you right here you that's a good position right there and we're just going to what is that flat pose nah freeze so only that one body part is frozen but it's going to work very well are you ready for this i'm i'm kind of excited this is cool contraption and power on the beams on the back side fire up the first layer activate the generators fire up this second layer the decimators are online and are you ready for this oh it only worked on one no i mean it kind of worked kevin's gone but that's not really what i wanted to do okay so after some very significant minor changes kevin is gonna have some more fun yes that's right kevin you are i would appreciate it if you would not do that right now we're gonna make you cower just because that makes you kind of roll up in a ball and then box your oh he didn't get knocked out this time that's okay it's better when they're alive anyway did i say that all out i feel like i shouldn't have said that aloud but he's frozen in place [Music] don't you like the smell of ion in the morning oh it's on and then we'll turn these on oh i love that that is so cool i love how the animation goes and we'll turn three on yes oh oh i added the decimators of course but now what happens if i hit four cover your ears this will be loud oh kevin's gonna be gone kevin's gonna be gone you see the little lightning bolts going in there too that is so stinking cool and is it done now oh wow oh that's fantastic i love it i love every little bit about that thing okay so i called it the ion black hole and i'm gonna upload that to the workshop so anybody can play with the fun destructible realistic like that thing just click all the buttons that'll work perfectly and i honestly think you can put anything inside here as long as it's small enough to fit in the side and freeze it into place and it should delete it because what it does is this is just for decoration going around the outside and when i hit key number two it triggers all of the ion which goes around in the circles until this one starts the generators which increases the ion thrust that way and then if i hit the three button everything in that circle goes on including the decimators but i'm wondering what happens is if i right click on everything and unfreeze it and then let it go just to see what happens oh that's kind of cool too and then i should hit four and it'll create a black hole still oh yeah sort of i think the black holes ooh oh oh that might be even cooler look did you see the raptor get sucked in that was awesome oh that's so cool and then everything should be gone because it got all ripped right into the giganto black hole of that's not very big but i'm gonna try to put a semi-truck in it just to see what happens okay semi-truck go that one just kind of disappeared look i'm gonna go semi trucks go zoom i feel like this is a really weird one of those youtube kids animations who's like let's go play with trucks let's go play with trucks and then they all get sucked into the black hole and the kids like i need therapy and then that's the end oh wow they got stuck to the other side of the map interesting go team we did it actually just stare right in there for a second and look somewhere else that's really weird you can still see the black hole on the screen awesome anyway that's the end of the video thanks for watching and thanks again for dying light 2 for sponsoring this video make sure you guys do click on that link down below in the video description to pick up dying light and watch the other stuff for yourself bye and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and rau and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 802,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bliz, blits, biltz, blitz plays, blitz play, blitz plays people playground, people playground, people playground fight, people playground war, people playground rocket, people playground laser, people playground download, download people playground, people playground ep1, people playground tank, people playground dinosaur, people playground machine, people playground mods, people playground black hole, people playground ion, black hole game, people playground gameplay
Id: Ut2mApEta84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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