The Satisfying End Of TikTok's Stupidest Criminal

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I see whyatt thought he was too famous to be arrested put both your hands out the window I don't know who I am yet his 1.4 million followers failed to help anything as Tik tok's dumbest criminal has been in jail for almost a full year to introduce the type of guy he is I see white was employed before Tik Tok had a job I worked at McDonald's yet a family member exposed him stating he worked there for a week and showed up one day and they were like why are you here he found out the previous day he showed up to work so high on Xanax that he got fired and he didn't remember any of it thankfully for Wyatt however a work ethic wasn't needed for his genre of Tik Tok content simply being a feminine man who was attracted to women if I had a girlfriend hair nails new bag because I want to take care of my girl I'll be so proud to have a girlfriend and I wouldn't be obsessed with her that was his very first Tik Tok and it gained over 8 million views fueled by people wondering if he was actually telling the truth I see whyatt Fed into this to achieve a rapat audience with videos as simple as people who don't understand that I can be fem and still like girls giving him hundreds of thousands of likes whyatt funneled his attention into Bingo gambling sponsorships I am the king of bingo I am the king of gambling and then scolded the audience because they weren't as rich as him I make $800,000 year you not even near my tax bracket Google me you can see my network maybe White had an ego as he'd previously been in jail and I've been to jail like multiple times which the audience quickly realized he most definitely deserved because a user named KD nail Artistry uploaded a Tik Tok explaining she was the one who did Wyatt's nails and he agreed to pay me from the start at a price of $200 for three different sessions well rather than paying he wrote me a check from a closed bank account he also knew I was in nail school at the time so Not only was Wy a total scumbag but it also seemed he wasn't as rich as he professed despite this Wy only kept on bragging gee I sure do look like the disappointment of the family but isn't it funny how I make the most money sit down believing that you'll get much further in life by cutting off all the toxic people and focusing on becoming the main character Wyatt seemingly went against his own advice and began dating a girl named MOA with whom he started to spend irresponsible amounts of money okay so baby got her Vin hey you know I had to give me one too stop playing we some V babies now Wyatt had his Mercedes wrapped in hot pink while Mo's Mercedes was crashed within a month introducing everyone to Wyatt's terrible driving history he had to move out of California solely because of driving offenses the reason why I went to Florida was because I couldn't drive here I had like so many traffic tickets and like driving on suspended license oh my DUI everything so I went to Florida and I got my license and it was perfectly fine and would upload an old video of his own road rage incident trying to look tough with the title don't play with me TF Wyatt was clearly proud of being a terrible human and normally I'm not that nice normally it doesn't matter who you are I will be like shut the up I don't want to hear about that please stop talking about that next subject and nothing solidified this more than a video he accidentally posted he'd already given the audience a tour of his house but it was specifically on this House's front walkway that he'd kick his girlfriend out by throwing away all of her possessions whyatt claimed the video was posted accidentally and the couple quickly reconciled but the pink Mercedes scene back in the tour was about to be another problem 25 days after getting the car he'd post this Tik Tok looking all bruised and battered which came with a tweet reading I'm going to get some rest and try and recover my face is in so much pain and the rest of my body whyatt then gave some context he claimed that two white Hillbillies attacked him unprovoked I was hate cried in Florida I was attacked by two men my car was stuck between like a Chick-fil-A line they backed me in so that they could both come out and come on either side of my car and attack me describe like what they look like older fat hillbilly in like a white pickup truck that's what they look like and I'm in a pink Mercedes with this type of nails and when he called to report the hate crime police beat him further because he didn't take off his seat belt yeah should I do a story time about how I got ripped out my Mercedes and my ass beat for trying to take my seat Bel off when they tell me to get out the car W had filmed his own snippet of the incident I can't take the seat Bel off you need to show some respect posting only what made him look like a victim with the caption Sunrise County police in BR County ambushed me in my neighborhood hours after I had called for help in a road rage incident earlier in the day they didn't send anyone to help me but came to my house hours later and held me at gunpoint this is not okay Wyatt was clearly the victim here right well later that day TMZ posted their own article Tik Tok star icy Wy arrested for battery on police officer which clarified he was booked on Monday night for two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon one count of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon one count of battery on an officer and one count of resisting arrest why its innocence was suddenly in question yet he continued you to claim I was the victim this was in self-defense also adding I didn't B the police I was handed my phone and then another officer ripped it out of my hand and because I didn't release it right away he said I assaulted him on Tik Tok Wyatt maintained it was all police's fault the rumors are not true there will be several new stories coming out soon about what actually happened the police were in many wrongs until the body cam footage was publicly released to nobody's surprise why it wasn't actually hate Crim if it began with him parked in the middle of the street yelling at a random lady leading the two white Hillbillies to stand up for the woman they politely told Wyatt to get back in the car stop blocking traffic to which Wyatt responded by Pistol whipping them throwing a drink on their car and driving erratically in front of them almost hitting a lady with her infant baby as he sped away from the scene in a beautiful display of stupidity Wyatt then called police himself reporting I just pulled over because somebody just tried to kill me in the car this truck came up and tried to cut me off so I pulled over to the next Lane and again he's trying to Swerve into my lane and tried to hit the car yet this is actually what he done to them Wyatt then continued lying and then I had four guys jump out of the car and say we're going to beat the crap out of you and stuff failing to include that he'd pistol whip them after after speaking with these Hillbillies police discovered the truth showing up at Wyatt's house to arrest him where he'd speak the infamous L y'all don't know who I am Wyatt maintained I didn't hit nobody claiming his girlfriend was there to confirm his story can't be a witness to was she with you yes oh okay well we can talk to her when she gets here more then showed up to tell her side yet it was later shown by this Frame that Mo wasn't even there at the time why its final defense of having a gun was because he drove a bright pink car who is famous online and gets messed with on the freeways all the time as if it's been a liong long issue and he didn't just buy the car 4 weeks before he added I have millions of followers people make this stuff up all the time to which the cop responded not everybody knows who you are prompting Wy to add I have 58 million followers everybody who's been on Tik Tok or Instagram has seen who I am before spending the night in jail Wyatt bragged about his jewelry you know this is 80,000 on my NE personing right being released the following day and posting a celebratory Tik Tok you can't get rid of me [ __ ] I'm not going nowhere Wyatt then called the paparazzi on himself to claim they don't you know who I am phrase was referring to him being the one who called police I called the police and told them that this whole altercation happened so when they pulled up I said don't you know who I am he's the one who called Don't You Know Who I Am bragging about his followers was due to his head injury I'm not sling my words until they slam my head on the ground then I'm like oh I have 58 million followers which was covered by a brand new tattoo of his girlfriend's name on his face despite treating the arrest like one massive joke why it was in serious trouble so yeah I might be facing 20 years in prison because of this night yet it still post Tik toks such as this one all right y'all do y'all think I should get this 2021 Range Rover or should I get a G wagon leading to many comments mocking him if I were facing up to 20 years I don't think looking for a new vehicle would be at the top of my list of things to do additionally because W was now awaiting trial if I got pulled over I could get the maximum sentence 10 years leading to a Tik Tok beef with his very own mother she simply gave Wyatt the most obvious advice ever she's like well you know you're not supposed to be driving if you get pulled over you're going to go to jail for 10 years blah blah blah and I'm like girl can we talk about this another time like I'm really not trying to hear about this she's like okay well I'll talk to you about it later then I'm like no I don't ever want to talk to you about it unless I bring it up because that's something that triggers me to their relationship completely falling apart theyd publicly argue back and forth about anything and everything although Wyatt failed to take any of her advice because during this period of waiting for his sentence Wyatt's stepdad proudly announced he got into an altercation and K a car while he was out on bail as a result Wyatt was rearrested to be jailed until his trial predicting just beforehand he wouldn't be in for long I'm looking at probably a month's time in 10,000 however 3 months passed without a word about his trial and his plan to work out every day didn't exactly happen cuz I'm going to just be working out the whole time as he'd tell his girlfriend via Jail phone he'd gained £40 or 18 kilos in the process Wyatt was facing other issues have you gotten in a fight since you've been in there I was attacked as Mo finds out Wyatt will be serving at least 2 years I know I was being the Lulu like thinking that this was going to be like quick and easy that you were going to be home soon the reality is just like very much like hitting me now despite this more had Icy Wyatt tattooed on her neck live streaming the session during which she'd get a call on the phone was a debt collector asking for payments on a mattress they've got all this money apparently but can't buy a mattress outright Wyatt's mom then revealed they had payments on their cars making it obvious they'd Finance their whole life and were pretty much broke 2 months ago Wyatt vocalized being worried about the cost of a phone call while his 40 lb weight gain has turned into 70 I gained 70 lb since I've been here can you believe that i' g almost 100 as a last ditch effort Wyatt sent the judge a letter stating I feel absolutely terrible and ashamed for the way I handled things with these people I'm not the type of person to hurt anyone or vandalize people's property that just isn't who I am or who I want to be but the judge didn't buy it I see why it's still yet to be convicted having spent 4 months in prison and lost absolutely everything simply because he couldn't hold his anger
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 2,079,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: icywyatt, icy, wyatt, tiktok, tiktok bad, tiktok creep, tiktoker
Id: _DZ5pPe5-6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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