Whatever Happened to Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy?

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[Music] here is jared fogle you may have seen him on the news or a talk show he was inspired by subway's great tasting sandwiches jared believes in an active lifestyle including lots of walking at the heart of jared's routine are subway sandwiches hey jared remember jared from subway at subway you can choose from seven sandwiches with six grams of fat or less and they all taste great food for thought jared had the cream of the crop opportunity all he had to do was just stand there smile hold up those big ass monster pants but he couldn't even do that jared ended his career the same way he started it trying to get into smaller pants today we're talking about the rise and fall of jared fogle we are talking about some very disturbing content today [Music] now jared fogle was born in indianapolis indiana in 1977 and like any kid at the time he loved video games so much so that he would sit there for hours playing his nintendo eating chips and sweets and just being lazy and it got to the point where when he attended indiana university he weighed an impressive 425 pounds now on an average day jared would drink up to 15 cans of soda while also inhaling 10 000 calories jared was unable to walk around campus he couldn't keep up with the kids so as a new year's resolution jared was going to lose some weight and choose to start eating right at subway because as he put it he lived 10 steps away from the nearest subway he started eating his two sandwiches a day exercising a bit more and surprisingly within 11 months he had actually lost 245 pounds he literally became half the man he was losing more than half of his body weight now people started to notice jared's insane weight loss and one of his roommates wrote a piece about him that landed jared on the front page of the school newspaper in april 1999 and then miraculously men's health pipped up the story and headlined jared in an article called stupid diets that work and from that point the jared diet became a phenomenon now executives at subway caught wind of the story and they saw dollar signs within the jared died so right out of school at 22 years old subway struck a deal with jared that would change his life forever they were going to pay him 1.1 million dollars a year to be the celebrity endorser for subway so they started out with an ad campaign talking about his weight loss and his whole journey and the first one with the jared diet premiered in early 2000 now these early ads just showed jared as the everyday joe i jared here just trying to eat healthy [Music] eating his two sandwiches a day super relatable [Music] and then at the very end he would hold up those famous size 60 pants now he was at more than 300 subway commercials hi oh hey there hi i'm jared the subway guy just jared's fine and this is my story wrote an autobiography even wrote a children's book that's not going to be weird in the future and he became a motivational speaker pulling in tens of thousands of dollars for an appearance jared he had become a multi-millionaire before the age of 25. now i can't understate how much jared had a cultural impact he was grand marshalling nascar races jimmy fallon played him in an snl parody skit and he carried the 2002 olympic torch through indiana and he was the centerpiece of a south park episode well eating sub sandwiches was a big part of it but the way that i lost so much weight was that i got aids and jared who had been kind of a loser and never had a date before in his life had gotten hitched to a pediatric nurse and was in a happy dependable loving marriage it wasn't all roses though there were some criticisms it was discovered by doctors and nutritionists that the jared diet was actually just a thousand calorie a day diet i'm on the subway diet and she just orders whatever she wants from subway whenever she feels like it uh it doesn't work that way aka starving yourself to death so subway then legally had to put disclaimers in all of their ad stating talk to a doctor first then they had an issue with statements saying that subway didn't even endorse the jared diet because he was literally just eating two six inch subs a day skipping breakfast working out now for subway this was insane they were gonna base their entire brand identity on some random guy from indiana who had some weight loss story eating their sandwiches what could go wrong what could go wrong delicious i can't do it all the time but to subway this was a great idea at the time just within 10 years of jared being there he had tripled subway's yearly revenue from 3.1 billion to 11.4 billion dollars or as the chief marketing officer of subway said jared is woven into the fabric of the brand and is an essential part of the family that's not going to come back to bite him in the ass [Music] what a what a great fit for subway and to team up with little league and with these kids that are so impressionable early on in their life people to do is to go on the internet go to subway kids.com subwaykids.com there's a link on there you could start bidding on these balls uh the the more you're around little league the more you're impressed with the things they're doing with uh with these younger kids i may be on my hands and knees subway now with jared's fame and fortune he wanted to give back to the community so he started a foundation in 2004 to fight childhood obesity where they would go in the elementary schools and high schools and educate children on eating fresh in 2004 fogle established the jared foundation an organization aimed at eliminating childhood obesity in 2006 rtv6 interviewed fogle as he hosted a charity outing with hoosier children the boys and girls club of indianapolis calling him a role model and honestly it's a pretty worthy cause helping kids get healthy and who would really know better than jared the guy that lost 245 pounds jared was then traveling to hundreds of elementary schools a year showing off those size 60 genes wowing children across the nation making visits from the foundation on oprah the today show the super bowl jared even said it this time i'm surprised my 15 minutes of fame aren't up yet and again with the foundation it wasn't really what it was cracked up to be the whole foundation really was more of an image enhancement for jared judging from their spending the charity raised 650 thousand dollars between 08 and 2013 but it only just donated 145 000 to fight obesity in that same time period the foundation paid more out to its director than it did actually spending promoting the health of children so sure celebrity makes them scammy charity they just promote their own image what is new really but what the foundation did do was this put jared in a position where he could have access to children at this point in general's life he was on top of the world the talk of the town had millions of dollars so jared started to indulge himself he started having some affairs outside of his marriage you had one woman rochelle who he met through a radio interview and they would go in these romantic getaways then there was subway store owners jared groupies all who he was hooking up with and jared was living the high life until this is going to be one of the watershed days in financial markets history now 2007 was a pretty bad year for jared he had the recession the economy crashing and subway was kind of feeling that this whole jared story was pretty played out they'd done it for almost a decade at this point so they decided to go in a new advertising direction jared could still remain visible on the whole touring circuit and whatnot but the tv commercials they'd be gone in favor of subway's new famous [Music] five dollar foot long ad now cracks really started the show at this point that happy marriage he had it was really a shame his wife actually fled the marriage after five years and even filed a restraining order against jared saying that he had become controlling and had a mean streak in him interestingly enough when his wife filed for the divorce the reason she gave was that the marriage was your retrieval be broken maybe from the affairs or something else now with the divorce subway change in their advertising jared had a lot more free time on his hands you know what they say idol hands are the devil's playthings so jared started taking more business trips to get himself active for the foundation now he was doing hundreds of these elementary school presentations across the united states hey it's angie with news okay i am here at tinker elementary with jared from subway he does have a last name but we love just saying jared from subway anyway he is here at tinker elementary to chat with the kids tell us what you're doing with the kids you know one of my big passions is getting the kids and speaking to them obviously about my story a little bit and uh i think we all know that childhood obesity is such a huge now the day before one of his big presentations jared's at a bar and he meets this guy named russell taylor they start shooting the [ __ ] getting to know each other and you know it was nice for jared he'd always do these trips solo so it was you know refreshing to have some company alongside and this taylor guy he really took a liking to him he had why if he had two kids and taylor was already working for a children's non-profit so jared invited him out to dinner and asked them for help on writing a speech that he had to give the next day so taylor agreed helped him write the speech jared gave the speech it was a smashing success everyone was clapping and just the day after jared came up to taylor and asked him for more help and told him that he would make it worth his while and it wasn't too long before jared asked taylor to come with them on dozens of these foundation trips so one time they went to the patriots playoff game they took a first-class flight out there they had a 3 000 night suite at the hilton and then after the game the two headed to a strip club where they got into the champagne poppy room two turned up virgil got a padded for my risk on us and then jailer asked taylor if you can convince that stripper to come back to our hotel room i will pay you and like a good friend taylor brought that stripper back to the room where jared and him had sex with her and that began her 12-year run that's what taylor said from his court-ordered psychological report linked below now with taylor helping out with the folk foundation jared actually hired him and promoted him to the executive head of the foundation and that point the two became inseparable now they were traveling across the country and even the world going to schools giving these healthy eating presentations the children all around the earth people are always fascinated to see the pants it's a great visual aid and especially when i'm talking to kids you know i speak to children all over the country and actually all over the world now thailand japan indonesia and how could i forget during the night they would party their faces off and get prostitutes to sleep with and then once they found out they weren't law enforcement they would then ask them if they had any underage escorts available which then they would do their thing with now with these two out in the town going on these trips taylor got a bit paranoid about people stealing stuff from the fogle foundation office so in an effort to avoid anything happening he started placing hidden cameras around the office so they come back from a trip and the first thing taylor does is he reviews some of the video on the camera and what he found shocked him he had captured the underage intern and her boyfriend having books in the office now taylor brought this up to jared to possibly maybe reprimand this girl but jared wants to see the tape in full and while he was showing this video jared actually pushed them to set up more hidden cameras around the office and into children's bathrooms and at first taylor thought maybe this was some weird joke now taylor brushes it off and a couple of months go by at this point now jared started buying taylor a lot more things he bought him a home that taylor lived in for free bought him a mercedes benz paid for all of his family's expenses now what he was putting taylor in is what's called golden handcuffs now months later jared comes up the tailor and asks him again if he'll place these hidden cameras and he reminded him that this is from the court documents jared fogle literally said this to taylor daddy is paying for your things jared fogle called himself daddy so locked in these golden handcuffs taylor would become the gazlane maxwell to jared fogle the fall guy the dirty guy who do all the dirty business so taylor then started placing these hidden clock camera radios in children's bedrooms across the city they were capturing photos and videos of children ages 6 to 12 while they were changing their clothes naked now let me be clear they weren't taking any videos of any acts being performed on the children it was just the kids being nude while changing their clothes and this is an important point for the end of the video when we go into the court case now taylor didn't show any of these to anyone but jared their program would work where taylor would go around collect all the photos and videos review them for the best ones put them onto a laptop give that laptop to jared for him to only bring it back a week later now i'm not kidding this is from the court-ordered psychological reporting jared fogle would say daddy needs some pictures now once this operation was underway jared started upping the ante he wanted better quality videos and photos so he started purchasing professional spy equipment a taylor would then start placing across children's bedrooms across the city and no one knew now it's a couple years later it's 2010 jared in an attempt to maybe slow down finds a adult woman that he gets married to in 2010. now maybe this whole underage escorts and depravities would go away no the temptation was still there for jared even with him getting all the cp from their hidden camera racket he still wanted more victims to add to his collection i remember rochelle that late night radio host he was hooking up with so even with this new second wife jared was still having an affair with her so she became suspicious of jared one day he told me that he was he thought that middle school girls were so hot saying how we found middle school girls attractive and this shocked rochelle to record so she ended up baiting him along a little bit further and started recording it seeing what you can get out of them i can't actually play the actual audio because it is copyrighted but i will link it below but honestly it's nothing super crazy i'm gonna read it right now i like all ages that's the thing i mean it depends who is ready for what you know who's gonna give you the glance so rochelle amassed years worth of these recordings of jared saying this and rochelle finally reached the breaking point when fogel mentioned her two young children and he asked her what if we put a camera in your kid's room would they be okay with that would you rather have it in your son or your daughter's room which one do you think would be better now remember she was sleeping with jerry this whole time and knew this that he was into underage people but that last part that was the tipping point other kids that's fine but her kids out of line so rochelle filed a serious complaint with the fbi in 2011 though the fbi couldn't do much about it because it's audio evidence there wasn't actually enough to even put him behind bars convict him or even get a search warrant now in multiple interviews rochelle has claimed that she was the woman that brought down jared fogle and that the fbi used her as an informant and that she wore a wire and took him down well i find that hard to believe because number one the fbi has not confirmed any of these recordings number two they weren't actually used in the court case and number three why would the fbi put a wire on her for years record all this stuff and then not do anything about it until way later in the future like we're talking seven years makes no sense but let's continue so russell taylor and his wife lived alternative lifestyles they were swingers swingers basically people who had have sex with other people outside the marriage and also within orgies now taylor had sex with several of his guy friends girlfriends and his neighbors now one of the women from taylor's neighborhood orgies we will call her jane doe from the court documents so their friendship took a disturbing turn in 2014 when taylor who often talked to her sexually and friendly over texting went over the line russell taylor offered to send this jane doe images of cp this was disturbing to her rightfully so so jane doe made a call to the police and report from there was passed off to the cyber crime unit detectives and an investigation was launched in 2014 into russell taylor so on the basis of all these texts the police had enough to execute a search warrant on taylor's home so they went to his house raided it arrested him and what they found there was so disturbing i'm not even going to get into it but it was terabytes and it was equipment so once in custody with the evidence they had this seemed like an open and shut case really except when taylor told the police a story that they didn't even believe all these videos all this equipment it wasn't for him it was for his boss jared fogle the spokesperson for subway now quietly behind the scenes the police started to look into this further and they started finding little bits of threads that were leading back to jared now on the outside though every news outlet picked up the story head guy of jared fogle's foundation distributing cp and jared came out publicly as shocked and put out a statement saying we cut all ties with russell taylor and jared continued to post his diet tips on twitter posting up updates on facebook living as if nothing would happen to him because that was the plan russell taylor was always meant to be the fall guy these guys continue to fall for it every single time there must be like a hundred million episodes of the show and these guys still come out now 32 days after the raid on russell taylor's house in july 2015 at 6 a.m investigators raided jared's home with one of the top mobile cyber forensic teams in the country so they had police dogs that have the ability to sniff out for hidden thumb drives in the walls but baer is anything but your typical family dog he can sniff out sd cards thumb drives external hard drives ipads micro sd cards and they found two of them hidden at jared's house that were eastern european cp now subway immediately dropped them sharknado 3 which he was going to be in they dropped him his wife divorced them and of course once this ugly truth came out people were not only quick to denounce vogel but they grew skeptical of subway like how could no one have known this so jared had been making incredibly creepy comments for a while to a lot of people if he talks so openly with rochelle it's really no surprise he did this with other people too so back in 04 subway's senior vice president of marketing received a complaint about fogle that he had tried to solicit an underage girl at a las vegas promo event then in 2008 a florida subway franchisees warned the then ceo of subway jeff moody about jared making disturbing comments about kids but moody apparently said quote there was nothing that implied any sexual behavior about jared fogle now that florida franchisee owner cindy mills well jared was having an affair with her as well and said that once they got intimate jared would text her about possibly trying to have with the 16 year old and now what would subway executives think when they heard that now these messages he sent to her i'm not even gonna get into them jared was roughly asking to meet up with their underage cousin at the time bragging about how you would constantly pay underage call girls across the world for sexual acts i mean then jared's second wife the new one claims that subway actually were aware of some of these reports against them despite receiving tips that fogel solicited children they still sent him into elementary schools across the country as a part of their marketing and katie even claims that subway even hid these allegations from her because they thought that the marriage would keep fogel grounded now jared was arrested and charged after the raid and pled guilty to the allegations that he had paid for special acts with children and receiving cp now russell taylor he pled guilty in a plea agreement for giving evidence and testimony to helping convict jared now taylor was supposed to get originally 35 years but with this plea agreement it came down to 27 years for producing and distributing cp which are huge charges now jared had a 15 million dollar fortune that would be wiped out paying for the 1.4 million dollar restitution to the 14 victims in the case his second wife would take 7 million in the divorce in november 2015 and he was sentenced to 15 years in prison where he will serve 13 years before parole and jared could be as free again as soon as 2028 and during his sentencing jared lowered his head cried his eyes out waved goodbye to his family members and was whisked off to the prison in littleton colorado where they primarily deal sex offenders now vogel's got various pen pals in prison one of the letters states that oh i want to see your photos you look so hot in these those pictures made me smile so much now besides the pen pals it hasn't been that well at the prison he's been beaten up a ton and i can't say i feel too bad for him if he's free in a century that would be far too soon now there's still many unanswered questions about this whole thing what about the dozens of unaccounted victims that jared had bragged about to rochelle and cindy mills did subway really know about any of this like why did this take so long for informants to come forward with this why did the fbi not look further when they first got audio recordings so recently the saga has come up in the news again as of march 2020. so russell taylor the guy had three of his cp convictions overturned by a judge so i remember when i made that point about there only being photos that he took of children while changing their clothes so three of the exploitation charges that he admitted to involved hidden camera images of young male relatives of his that didn't involve the explicit conduct necessary for criminal charges so because he admitted to that it ruined the guilty plea the proceedings and the sentencing for russell taylor and could also change the case for jared fogle now so now there's already going to be a new trial set for russell taylor on the remaining 10 felony charges both of them are still in prison at this time the story of jared fogle and russell taylor is one of the most disgusting stories i have seen in a long time you had an entire sham foundation set up to just take advantage of underage children who cannot consent to anything being done to them it is the absolute lowest of the low and i think with this new court case with russell taylor i hope that he gets the same sentence that he did before if not worse even with these three charges being dropped now jared fogle's rise and fall is almost the work of fiction and every day joe picked from normal life because of a simple weight loss story his entire career that he was paid millions for was just to retell that story again and again now if there's anything to be taken out of this video is that even people that seem perfect in the public's eye could also do the most despicable things when nobody's watching now thank you so much for watching this video about two of the most disgusting human beings i have read about in a very long time make sure to follow me on twitter peace
Channel: Vince Vintage
Views: 6,135,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jared fogle, jared from subway, jared from subway documentary, jared fogle documentary, jared fogle downfall, jared fogle prison
Id: 7GzqlCI2dkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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