Remember This TikTok Creep? He’s Basically Lost Everything

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bentellect is still posting videos but ever since his expose he's lost all support on basically every platform Tik Tok was where he started and you might describe his style as laughing at the most basic memes he stole from Reddit the format was extremely consistent he'd put himself at the bottom and the meme at the top then just read exactly what it said but whilst reading the final word he'd always forc the fakest laugh as if the sentence was just too funny to finish I once dated this girl who spoke so much about herx that even I end up missing the dude this is the only call I want healthy relationship I must be blocked from it or something I don't know what this dog is going through but I can relate to the coure the content was repetitive and completely devoid of effort initially catching the attention of Nick is no green who was the first to slam bentellect in the video shown on screen you're reading something that somebody wrote and then you just laugh at it that's that's it that's the whole thing within months this was echoed by multiple YouTubers B you suck dude I don't like the types of videos you're making you know you're not enjoying it while even Billy ish roasted bentellect for his incredibly fake [Laughter] laugh facts however it didn't seem like bentellect was doing anything wrong and by watching his videos he seemed like a friendly guy it is so so awesome to be able to make people laugh just by sharing the tweets and memes that I think are funny and like bringing them to life in a way and he definitely felt genuine when talking about his fans one of my favorite things about social media is that I have people that I can communicate with engage with I kind of pride myself on being one of the creators who actually responds to DMS takes feedback from fans been believed he was being attacked because of the following reason you're just an easy target cuz you're almost obnoxiously like happy and that's like how I am in general although it' be through another Nick's not green video where that bent X false kindness began to get exposed Nick revealed that Ben had copyright struck the previous video he made on him not just copyright claim but copyright strike my video and get it taken down because I was making fun of him he even wrote the whole entire email out with the AIL reading this video should be removed and want it to be looked into further a large part of the video is content that I created including videos from the video sharing app Cameo and Screen recordings of my social media accounts about half the content in this video is my work which you could only describe as laughable yeah he basically complained that I was stealing his content and would Link videos of him just stealing other people's content Nick then exposed that even bentex tweets was stolen he doesn't just use other people's content to make his own but he straight up steals it and reposts it on Twitter when I say the other day it can be anytime between yesterday and my birth that's that's a Shameless one shees benelect come on man as well as the concepts for his less frequent comedy skits which was stolen in their entirety from other already popular Tik toks Noah Samson then posted this video in which he'd find that Ben had admitted to stealing content I actually just did a spoof on another guy who had that idea while debunking Ben's Claim about crediting the original person ventel explains that he did base the sketch off of someone else's work but he insists that he tagged that person but after doing a bit of digging it turns out that was a lie so as you can tell by the description no one is tagged bentellect was rapidly losing favor resulting in quite possibly Tik tok's strangest meme ever people began stitching bentex videos with weird scary images and a generated creepy voice things that don't exist anymore the only thing that doesn't exist anymore will be you Benny boy after we suck your soul from your body the main progressed into many different formats with one of its contributors John casteline using it to show more of Ben's hidden anger John simply joked that Ben was probably scared of the memes this dude goes to bed with the slightest thought in the back of his head that someone is actually going to take things a little seriously I'm on my way to your house which led bent to reply you kind of look like Woody from Toy Story and lastly dude just sits in his room telling stories in his bed and while it didn't seem like Ben was all that angry John then revealed this if this guy was actually mad did he at least reach out to me and and say something to me so I go on Instagram and find out that he called me about 17 times Ben was making it obvious that he was completely different off camera with the best example discovered by fans of the H3 podcast Ethan and AA had previously roasted bentellect yeah I mean it's super unfunny he laughs at everything and he goes fast wow that's painful leading Ben to take a shot at Ela in a video titled top five people who hate me number one heila clein she looks like she hasn't smiled in years so I'm not surprised H3 fans began to question why be M to AA why insult her appearance it felt so unnecessary and weird with the top comment predicting he might have a hidden disdain for women people saying that about her never smiling or whatever it's sexism it's misogyny plain and simple so when these misogynistic men decide to attack AA that's one of their points bentellect had eerily stated we all have secrets right like straight up that's just the way it is without realizing his were about to get exposed on the 30th of July 2023 Ben and a model named Jordan Max had arranged to make a podcast in which they tasted pickles however just 3 hours before we were supposed to record bentellect texted Jordan requesting to film an extra bit of content do you want to make a video for only fans when she responded today no you need a TTS test from within the last 14 days and an only fans Creator account B to like then clarified I mean a video for your page doing what I don't know what performs the best on your page I was just thinking you're helping me with doing a video for my YouTube so maybe I could help with your only fans I'm good thanks thanks though no worries hey going to do the pickle video with someone else thanks though okay any particular reason why to be honest I thought it would just be fun to film and see where things go but I got it Ben was basically saying his goal was simply to get freaky although in the beginning no one seemed to care the Tweet confirming it was Ben had just a couple hundred likes until a full 10 days later when Ben shot himself in the foot by sending another message you need to take this tweet down or I will sue you Jordan didn't delete her tweet and within hours had instead written a new one so it turns out that I'm not the only one bentellect has tried this with another woman who wishes to stay Anonymous dm'd me with screenshots from conversations that she had with him as well do you want to come over here and spend some time with me because on a side note I do think I could probably make us some money on only fans bent blank's crazy blank into Oblivion if you come over I'll give you $11,000 I just really want you I'm good right now don't try to bribe me with money that's weird no that is weird but I want to see you Ben Then followed this up with some messages via text and when eventually rejected he was totally disrespectful one day later Jordan tweeted again we got another DM from another anonymous woman which read RG I've dealt with B intellect too actually he's bothered a lot of women I don't have any screenshots from our 3-day hangout but he told me he loved me and asked me to move in right away I started pushing back that it was too much and he flipped out on me it was days after I was cheated on and he was like I don't want to talk about your feelings I want to talk about us he also drank 2 1.75 liquor bottles of mine in a day he's an alcoholic and needs to seek help immediately ironically Ben had claimed in the past there wasn't much his audience didn't know about him I usually put a lot out there on social media so I don't think there's a whole lot people don't know which might explain why he initially denied the allegations I've recently been accused of some heinous actions and would like the opportunity to share my disgust at these accusations I'm a firm believer in the rights and equality of all humans including women I grew up in a home with three sisters and no brothers so I learned very early of the importance power love and abilities women have they deserve to be cherished and lifted and treated with respect and that's how I live my life the evidence however only kept on coming from more and more people shut up and quit wasting people's time you stupid blank if I recall I told you I didn't want anything to do with you just shut up and go to bed sounds like you need some anger management help be careful who you say that to Maria because there are people who really need help with that super disrespectful to say that to somebody and also a very basic thing to say there's a reason you've been single for this many years and it's because no one wants you and no one gives a crap about you because you aren't anything you're not fun you're boring as so shut up and get out of here basic ass boring loser bent's Q&A history had suddenly aged like milk Petty things drive me crazy I'm a very upfront person I don't like Petty I don't like grudges I don't like things like that I just don't do those things so when they come my way it's kind of like does not compute like I don't really know how to deal with it although this one was even worse if a guy is too nice to a girl that she's going to probably friendzone him my thing is it's 6040 60% of the time nice guy 40% of the time you got to be who you are you can't be just like you know giving it all being a total simp and all that stuff after three more women came forward Ben ging and apologized there's a lot being said about me on the internet right now and I just wanted to clear the air I want to say to any girl who I've been rude to whether through text or in person that I'm sorry I understand that me being sorry does not excuse that kind of behavior I will continue to work on myself and do better with comments disabled and a caption reading onward it seemed Ben was trying to return to normal although judging by comments such as finally a legitimate reason to hate him the internet wasn't ready to let this happen when you invite an only fans model to your non-existent podcast but then they say they don't want to hook up with your creepy desperate 34-year-old self yes YouTubers covered the drama in bent's classic style I knew bent was trash the first time his video appeared on my fyp and I blocked him so there's no surprise while his notable quotes were changed to subtly include your killing me gorgeous penguin Zero's video gained over 10 million views while Nicki not green was also given the last laugh benelect put his Twitter on private as his Tik Tok growth completely vanished his YouTube statistics followed a similar pattern and as of more recently so did every other method he used to make money bent merch site has now been totally wiped while the website link to see his secret merch is also now disabled bentil X Cameo has just 28 reviews The Last of which being from before he was even exposed Ben doesn't seem to do any sponsorships and his YouTube isn't exactly popping making you wonder why he's even still uploading well Ben has recently resorted to just blatantly reposting his old most popular Tik toks and with a short from a couple of days ago reading this channel is now for random content it seems as though bentellect has basically lost everything
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 2,738,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bentellect, tiktok, penguinz0 bentellect, penguinz0 huge loser, tiktoker, Shorts, Latest tiktok, TikTok, Best videos, YouTube shorts, Shorts on YouTube, Shorts beta, TikTok best, Shorts viral, Trending, For you, Viral, Viral videos, Explore, Popular videos, Compilation, #shorts, Short videos, Nice, Best, TikTok compilation, Arbys, h1t1
Id: _1NdJtm7XYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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