confronting boogie2988 on fake cancer payments

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a YouTuber we accused of a crypto scam just got accused of Faking cancer you are faking your cancer diagnosis Boogie despite being offered a total of $80,000 to prove everyone wrong if he could show his diagnosis to a private third party he refused to do so which is annoying because publicly he uses his cancer as a shield from any wrongdoing in fact when I confronted Boogie on his crypto scam that's one of the reasons he used I'm in pretty dire need of money uh I have a lot of medical and I'm fighting cancer and more specifically why he had to promote the coin and couldn't pay back $5,000 the money is already spent that's it's it's at it's at Mercy Hospital right now it's gone I used it to pay deaths I'll be honest I have no idea if Boogie is faking cancer I also don't understand why he wouldn't just show it if he had a diagnosis but either way we won't know without an actual doctor involved so I won't speculate on that but what I can do is confront Boogie on this second claim though cancer and medical bills because I found out a few days ago that these statements were false I know this because Boogie gave us a timeline of when he got paid in the first place so when were you paid the 5,000 five days ago later I verified with Boogie this payment occurred on June 19th and when Boogie said all the money was gone on June 26th that gives us a window of time where he should have receipts for about $5,000 of medical expenses Boogie when I asked agreed to share these expenses with me and the following conclusions are based on him providing accurate records which I know is a dubious idea but when he shared what he had it fell far short of even what I was expecting he gave me two receipts for the time period one for $154 the other for a co-pay of $60 a total of $214 by the time we talked so where did the rest of the money go well Boogie claimed that it was really intended for medical expenses after we spoke and that when he said the money was gone he meant it colloquially and then accused me of lying wa wait that's on June 28th that's on June 28th you showed me a payment for 550 on June 28th which is after we talked after you told me the money was all gone yes have you never heard of the colloquialism yeah that money's all gone it's all spent I have a specific thing I need to do with it have you ever heard that cism use [ __ ] Google then it's very common I'm saying I'm not used to this level of scrutiny I'm not used to this level of scrutiny yes okay so I have a big problem with this because looking back at what Boogie said it wasn't just the money's gone which already means very specifically the money's gone but he also says the money's at Mercy Hospital right now which is a colloquial ISM I've never heard before if you mean it's not at Mercy Hospital it's at it's at Mercy Hospital right now but even being as charitable as I can adding in everything he calls medical expenses outside of our time window like there was in $1,000 credit card payment okay we'll just say that's medical right um he's still only able to get me to about $2500 worth of medical expenses for the month most of it not to Mercy Hospital which I wondered about did he need the fatty coin then from where I was sitting instead of having spent the money on medical bills it looked like he saved most of it because of his starting and ending Bank balances for the month wait wait you're taking [ __ ] liar you paid about 2500 like you're you're say you're also talking about money you haven't spent which you're trying to add up to $3,000 that's not the $5,000 you said was gone and then you're taking I told you it was 4,000 when we started this conversation but of course you're lying about that too Boogie can you explain exactly how you started the month with $800 ended it with $5,000 you're saying the $5,000 you made from a crypto scam has nothing to do with it I saved my ass off that's right the $5,000 Boogie made from a crypto scam has nothing to do with the $5,000 sitting in his bank account right now that's there cuz he pinched his pennies now when I pointed out Boogie could have refunded the scam if he want wanted to he freaked out and told me he's got a mortgage to pay Boogie you need to pay that $5,000 back you need to find a way to refund people you it's spent if I do I won't have it's not spent you have $5,000 no I can't I won't have mortgage but this is totally Shifting the Galos remember the reason we were told the money was at Mercy Hospital right now that was initially now it's because he's got a mortgage but also Boogie had showed me his income for the last month and it looked to me like the podcast is what paid for his mortgage and so I asked wouldn't that money pay for your mortgage Boogie said this month it wouldn't because he had to go on a special trip and his co-host was withholding all the money for that month do you understand you're not getting a where's your podcast payment coming from you got that on the 30th I I it's being [ __ ] kept so we could go for this goddamn trip the money's coming out of my goddamn paycheck so you're going on a trip yes I'm being forced to go up there to film the [ __ ] podcast live I told him I didn't want to he told me the business was going to pay for it and then he just said he's not he's taking it out of the check now later I asked his co-host keemstar about this and he seemed surprised he said the show definitely pays for Boogie's mortgage so I was confused later Boogie was confronted on this by his co-hosts and Boogie suggested maybe I edited the clip out of context you told him that you weren't getting paid from this show he played the [ __ ] recording cuz he recorded you then why then I understand that do you think people can edit things to be a little bit out of context well if he wants to play that game here's the clip where Boogie directly says it he says he's not getting paid buggy you could have gotten through this month without the crypto scam is what I'm saying and I could have not paid my friend back for covering my medical bill no no no you and I couldn't no listen listen listen listen well I've seen your I I've seen your bank statement so I know because you're ignoring the fact that I need to pay morage your mortgage right which should have come from the podcast money coming in there's no more money coming in between now and then which should come but it should have come from the podcast it's not right because I'm not getting paid this month because I have to travel to do an on location shoot this guy is so manipulative he has managed to move the store from the mone's at Mercy Hospital right now to will I have $2,500 of medical expenses at some point in the month to well the reason I'm ending the month with $5,000 is because I'm such a great saver and I needed to pay my mortgage to know actually that mortgage was paid for too the last point I want to address is the accusations he made against me on his show he says he should have never taken a call with me he says I recorded him without his consent despite me telling him UPF front this was all going to be public and that I was approaching him for comment this guy now acts like I tricked him I should have never talked to coffeezilla to begin with it was a joke coffeezilla told of course you [ __ ] did much less a second [ __ ] time then in this by the way coffeezilla records you without telling you he records name a YouTuber does no he did in the first time in the first time well I think it's worth showing you then how he talked about me behind the scenes when he spoke with me because it was very different to what he's saying now now he's saying I'm taking him out of context that he didn't know what was going on here's what he was saying back then amount of Integrity I really really appreciate it hey no no no I mean I mean to be honest it's I'm happy to do it it's something that I really like people to know ahead of time it's not I I try to play a long game with YouTube I'm not interested in like a quick video like who cares like I'd rather you know you look better and you get your point across then and it shows that you have the Integrity that I believe you did 110% it means it means so much many many YouTubers would not have done that for me and you did and I think that's incredible and uh I even no matter what you have to say in this video I'll never have a bad thing to say about you even on the show I like even on the low cal podcast where my job is going to be to attack you back I'm just not gonna do it no I think coffee was sh uh I'll be genuine okay okay thanks man than you man appreciate it of course all right I really appreciate you thank you man have a great have a good night have a good night
Channel: voidzilla
Views: 267,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeezilla, voidzilla
Id: bc3ehyKl6Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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