Is Planet Fitness REALLY That Bad?

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what comes to your mind when I say Planet Fitness is it a good environment where members and staff don't judge a safe space for new members to go and not feel any pressure or maybe people who consistently go but don't want to be surrounded by Meat Heads or maybe does it sound more like a place that never has operating equipment with people who are judgy rude and unprofessional see over the past couple of years Planet Fitness has gained a notion that it's a bad gym and it gets judged a lot and if you didn't know that let going be the first one to tell you it does my goal this week is to see if it's well-deserved criticism or only spoken by people who don't go to the gym and I don't know hate the color purple or something this week I'm going to see if Planet Fitness is really that bad not just yet Buckaroo we have some learning to do bars so before embarking on this journey I wanted to take a little bit of the the features and the L that Planet Fitness has to offer and uh a little a little bit more information on what people actually say about Planet Fitness Fitness so then I can look forward to it whenever I go so I'm not going to go into the whole detail on the first ever plan of Fitness that ever was made and I'm not going to talk about everything leading up to this point with Planet Fitness and its company but there is something that I went into this knowing in the back of my mind and I wanted to kind of look further into it to see if I was correct about what my memory has put in my head I just SP everywhere so back in the day I saw I I want to say I saw a commercial that was talking about like if you go to the gym consistently for like certain amount of days maybe it's like a month or something then you get a free pizza or like a burger or something I like could have sworn that I heard something about that whenever I was a kid and it always stuck with me about Planet Fitness sounds crazy to some of you right well turns out this is somewhat true not all of it's false so while I was wrong about the consistency and you get a pizza if you go a certain amount of days there actually is a pizza Mondays and Bagel Tuesdays in short one day in 1999 the gym had no hot water for a few days but people still came to work out as a sign for appreciation of the Loyalty of the customers they decided one day that they were going to give everybody a slice of pizza if they wanted everybody in town like this so the word spread around people were rocking with it so they decided to keep on doing it and they brought a bagel Tuesdays into the mix they would have Bagels in the morning for the people that go to the gym in the morning they would have breakfast which would be Bagels uh every second Tuesday of the month so you may be thinking awesome what's the problem with that some people say that it's bad because it's a gym and you know they don't want to encourage people to eat bad foods like uh you know if you're working out you don't want to be tempted with a cheat meal because there's a pizza or Bagels there but the thing is is that like really one slice of pizza isn't going to hurt and uh same with a bagel I mean even whenever I was cutting I was eating Bagel so not that bad but some people didn't like that and also if someone didn't want to eat a bagel then they don't have to you know they don't they don't have to eat the bagel and they don't have to eat the pizza and it's not like it's an everyday thing but yeah they they don't have to eat the food that they offer also you forget some people are trying to gain weight you know not everyone's trying to lose weight some people are trying to get them extra calories and after reading about this I then went to an article called Sports k um where they list off reasons why Planet Fitness is a uh perhaps a bad Gym number one you guessed it baby Lun alarms the classic Horror Stories of the L Al arms man obviously you know try not to throw your damn weights around you know try not to throw your weights around or phone if you're this kid you know I have a lot of problems with this my number one thing is like shouldn't the no judge place also include like powerlifters and stuff like that I want won't even count that as one because I understand it kind of goes both ways and it's like a little bit counterintuitive so I won't even count that as number one they'll just be like a miscellaneous like a a side point my thing is like what about like deadlifting deadlifting is just a loud a loud lift I mean you can be the quietest deadlifter and you're still going to probably piss somebody off in the gym so number two the alarm is made to make the gym a peaceful environment and not loud and obnoxious and to the vast majority of people that's a plus but you know what's not making the gym a peaceful environment that is quite literally the loudest thing I've ever heard in my entire life imagine you're a World War II veteran you know trying to get back in the gym New Year's New Year's resolution maybe you're on the treadmill trying to get that Mobility back that you used to have whenever you were younger and then you just hear that [ __ ] blasting PTSD or not you're going into a panic attack take it or leave it number three me personally I love a loud gy I I like it when people grunt pause I like it when people grunt cuz then like I'm not focused on my breathing in me grunting you know if someone else is being louder than I am then automatically I'm not the one that feels bad about being loud and like not saying I like scream or nothing but like you know I might I might let out a or something you know like I might let out of something like that some of those May slide so if I'm not the loudest person in the gym then I don't worry about it and like music you know I like loud music blasting cuz then it's like no one's listening to me I mean everyone already has headphones but for the people that don't have headphones on you know sometimes I kind of look over and I'm like are they are they listening to me you know just stuff like that the last gym I went to was a smaller gym and I just remember like sometimes late at night they wouldn't even play music The Radio would just stop and it just for that night it wouldn't play music whenever you're working out all you all you think about is just you're breathing and for someone like me and I was like just starting out so I was trying not to be obnoxious and I was like hyper focused on everything I was doing for me I I would get embarrassed quiet gyms just make me think too much loud gym make me feel cozy okay okay enough the damn LK alarms and story times rude and unprofessional staff I think that's kind of harsh to generalize that to a whole franchise I mean we'll see at the if the folks at my gym are rude but it's kind of dumb to generalize that with just all Planet fitnesses you know like come on limited equipment and Facilities I'm just going to read this straight from the Straight From the Source many Planet Fitness members claim they're unhappy with the quality of equipment in the gym cardio machines are often broken while weight machines are uncomfortable and in poor condition the cleanliness and upkeep of facilities have been a sticking point for many yeah Planet Fitness Gyms have no pool saunas steam rooms or massage therapists they also don't have juice bars I read the whole thing considering a lot of that I'm going to be focusing on in the video as kind of good points for critiquing but but I've also heard this about like Planet fitnesses like machines and stuff I've heard this stigma that they're like bad and that they like don't work there's also fewer types of machines available and I can see this along with what I just said with the last last thing I can see they're not being that much to offer at a Planet Fitness since it's kind of like the YMCA it's kind of just like yeah we have a gym and then it's just like just the basics which isn't bad it's not bad at all but you know I I like the cool stuff you know always fun to Adventure at a gym they got some stuff you never used before I need a Smith machine I need a Smith machine baby if you watch my videos you know I'll be on that Smith machine you can call me a machinist because i' be on that machine all day so if they don't have a Smith machine you know that's already minus two points for me got to have a Smith machine the other stuff is just just really cool like a leg press hack squat you know just like stuff like that not the machine leg press not that like the weird like cyck or whatever not like the weird little machine leg press like I want I want the cool stuff plate loed the cool stuff man that can really make or break a gym if they don't have cool stuff it's like the basics are needed and they're essential and I get it you got to have them but like put some cool [ __ ] in there um no free weights in some locations I mean self-explanatory like what the [ __ ] are we doing got to have free weights and unqualified trainers I mean most gyms already have that already so [ __ ] it I mean I'm sure most of gym trainers at gym or not trained so okay sorry that took a while I don't know if it did but if it did I'm sorry let's go to Planet [Music] Fitness so I know what you're thinking dude shut up and go to PL Fitness already well to tell you the truth I already went and yes I am wearing the same outfit don't ask let me set the scene I drive all the way to Planet Fitness and I get there I'm in the parking lot you know excited to tell you the truth a little bit nervous I have all my stuff my $10 in hand cuz that's how much it is for a day pass ready to go get a nice workout record some footage and uh you know get to editing so I walk in you know I'm starting to talk to the guy about signing up for a day pass and stuff get all that done and then I was like oh I can't find my money so I was like okay whatever I'm just going to go grab my card so I went to back to my car put my stuff down came back get all signed up and everything and we're good to go turns out it wasn't $10 like I said on the website it was $20 for a day pass the month pass is $27 $7 more than the day pass then was like you know what [ __ ] it I'll just I'll just pay pay it cuz I already did so you know whatever what else am I going to do I start to you know grab all my stuff and he's like oh yeah by the way you can't record here which I already paid and I wasn't going to get a refund cuz it was on my card and I was like whatever I'll just say like okay and then go somewhere else cuz it's a pretty pretty big gym I was like I'm only coming here for a day so screw it so I was like whatever I look around looking at the machines you know I'm like getting a feel for the gym and I you know I have a big camera h hug lens tripod and I was like there's no way I'm going to be able to record so I was like whatever I'll just record my phone didn't ever do that either so I got no footage a plan of Fitness obviously I mean that's just long story short there was a lot of other stuff but it's not even worth telling immediately I'm like okay well nice now what am I going to do am I just going to like scrap the video am I just not going to record this other things were coming to my head like oh I'll just come back at 3:00 in the morning well I don't have a key so it's not like I can just come in and they close at like 10: or something on the weekends which is whenever I was going so I I I couldn't do that yeah he was just like you can't record in here I'm like what what if you saw me with my camera bag and you saw me with my tripod why didn't you tell me that before I paid and I didn't even think that like it makes complete sense why I can't record because it is like a gym that's like uh no judgment and you know not like any Cockiness and filming in the gym shouldn't have that stigma but you know it does so I wasn't like really tripping about that but the thing is I see a lot of people record at playing of Fitness so I was like okay they're probably pretty chill about it but I guess not man I was like the video has to go up there's no option I mean this video is coming up I'm already this far so I kind of I went to the gym and took some a little bit of b-roll and kind of collected my thoughts and um I I took a lot of notes of a lot of things you know I was like well if I'm paying $20 I might as well stay a while and test all these machines out or at least a good majority of them and get my opinion so bear with me I'm sorry I don't have video footage really realistically I mean the video footage wouldn't have been like amazing anyways cuz it was packed out the ass just bear with me um first thing I want to talk about is that it was hot as [ __ ] in there I was sweating dude I didn't want to stay there that long cuz it was so hot it was so hot usually I walk into my gym with you know my hoodie on and whatever else I'm wearing after the first exercise I could take off my hoodie if I want but if I want to build up a sweat then I keep it on at this gym dude it's like you got to walk in there with no pump cover it's so hot in there I don't know maybe it was a bad day but Jesus the machines were basic I will I will say that unfortunately the machines were basic it was the essential you know it was stuff you need but it just like I said it had like the leg press that like is not cool stuff like that but it's not like it's a bad thing if you're just trying to go to the gym to get a workout and do everything that you need it has everything you need you know it doesn't it's not lacking in anything you know I kind of like some of the crazy stuff like they didn't really have any like hack squat that I like like a basic like YMCA type gym you know just kind of what you need God there was so much cardio like stuff for cardio and abs you know having a lot of treadmills and cardio that's that's one thing you know it's like whatever but like there are so many ab machines it's like nobody uses ab machines like I use one of them like there's so many that just people don't use it's like why waste of space I don't know that it might just be like a unpopular opinion but I think there's so some gyms just have way too many cardio and ADM maches but at the gymm that I used to go to they didn't have enough cardio like sometimes there was too many people on the cardio machine so I feel like you know having a lot of treadmills that's good but like it gets to a point man obviously you know you can't film but like I can't be mad cuz playing Fitness you know it's like it's not really a filming gym but I think there should be a filming room you know cuz they had like a like a black sauna room which the article I read said they didn't have any like masses m they said they didn't have like a spa room or anything like that but there I saw that there was a spa room and they had like an like a 30 minute exercise room but it's like one of those could have been like at least a posing room like a recording room it would cater to a lot more people I feel like the number one thing is I got totally scammed paid for the membership which was a total scam Planet Fitness scammed me bro $20 for a day pass are you [ __ ] kidding me I went on the website cuz I I obviously planned before and I was like how much is a day pass it said $10 a day pass and it I found that underneath like my specific gym page but then I get charged for $20 and I'm like bro I mean he said it was $20 but at the moment I was just like I'm already here you know what am I going to say uh nah don't want to I asked him I was like is there is there any cheaper one and he was like no I don't know why it's so expensive I should have pulled out theing in the moment I was like whatever I'm gonna record and all that stuff which didn't end up getting to do that either so was uh scamed um the worker did seem a little bit down it's kind of on par with like Walmart workers you know some may love being there and then others are just like I I'm 16 and I need a job which is completely fine you know whatever my gym though I will say they greet you when you walk in they remember your name I feel like I'm part of a family so just saying man but on on the flip side you know said some negatives the gym had useful machines all the machines there are well not all but most of the machines there are useful the Smith machines were in the front which is badass I like Smith machines so the fact that they're in the front makes it I would say easier record but you can't record there so you know they had a pretty badass row I will say it was like a they had a lot of like CeX type machines kind of like clunky I don't really like the clunkiness of those but they do have like a lot of machines that are useful you can get a good workout in that's what it's for nothing too bad I would get bored personally but you know a lot of the things that I like are for like bodybuilders and stuff and stuff that it's just like you don't need it and this is Planet Fitness caters to sometimes elderly people but stuff that they just need you know nothing too crazy it don't really make sense to be like oh they don't have a testicle pullover not really a gym meant for me the people that it's targeted at it's awesome for me I just don't feel that comfortable there the TV's had good channels on it for cardio I went on the cardio a little bit had like FX on and A&E Storage Wars what's up the dumbbells which they did have dumbbells the TVs that were by there they just had like stock footage of like people doing [ __ ] you know like surfing and stuff and it would say like a song title underneath it and like it sucked those need to have like FX and like I think they had like The Avengers playing on one and I was like dude this is badass the bathroom is nice bathrooms I feel like are are a plus a big Plus on gyms if the bathrooms are trash then cuz that's most of the time where you're going to take your you know your pump picks and stuff so you want to have good lighting and you want to have a dope bathroom and Planet Fitness has that down I'll say it no complaints there the lockers were nice and Tall so I could put my tripod and jackets anything I needed so that was that was pretty nice the the gym felt nice and cozy I didn't feel like dirty it was nice and clean it was very clean it was nice wasn't wasn't dirty at all well taken care of know I've been to gyms here in town even just kind of like all all the stuff was like ripped like kind of dirty so that's you know good there wasn't anything I noticed that I was like this was gross I want to get out of here it also did seem very um fake like I don't know it just felt like I don't know it it's just a weird feeling like if you ever been to a YMCA or a Planet Fitness you might know what I'm talking about but it just seems like fake there's bad sides to it there's good sides to it I think if you're starting out at the gym and you don't really care you just want to start doing [ __ ] I think it'd be a perfect gym the lunk alarm did not go off on me and I actually did drop one of my weights like pretty pretty heavy and I totally forgot and I was like right by it and it didn't go off I don't really know how it works maybe it's like vibration they had Smith machines Smith machines were dope and they're in the front love that but no barbells I know some people are we're going to be pissed about that no barbells no freee barbells can't have people lifting weights okay let's not have people lifting weights at our gym I'm just playing the lunk alarm said something weird about like let me see if I can pull it up where's the one that my gy had Rick is slamming his weights come on Rick what are you doing wearing a bodybuilding tank top what's wrong with that the second one lost I wear a tank top I wear a wife a wife lover uh at the gym I think wearing I think I think what you wear shouldn't be a judgy thing but anyways and drinking out of a gallon water jug what a lunk um I drink out of a gallon water jug bud what's wrong with that H what's wrong with that Planet Fitness I uh two of the three things that you said I do and sometimes even three out of three if it's if it's one of them workouts is Planet Fitness a bad gym no it is not a bad gym is it the best gym absolutely Ely not Planet Fitness is like it's not the bottom but it's like the middle it's like right in the middle you have the worst of the worst gems right here you have the best of the best gems Planet Fitness is right in the middle not bad but it's not great it's just me me like I said I was hot in there one of those places where it's like we don't judge but they feel super judgy you know even the workers they kind of feel like I don't know like I said they give me Walmart employee Vibes and Walmart employees are the most judgmental people I've ever met in my life and I used to work at Walmart so I can say that it's not an intimidating gym intimidation wise I feel like that would be a gym You' get used to really fast my advice to you would be to consider what you need what you want out of a gym and then pick your gym that's what I did with every time I went to a gym what do I want there then you know start picking from there if you want the the cool kid jym where all the cool kids go you go on Snapchat and you see all the cute girls and the big buff dudes and you see them posting Angelic lifts gy then go to Angelic lifts gy if that's what you want to be you got to figure out what your needs are don't take this as me bashing Planet Fitness which I don't think I said anything that's bad about Planet Fitness like bad like this gym sucks I don't think I said anything like that you know if you go to Planet Fitness and you love Planet Fitness go to Planet Fitness dude cuz I can totally see it I could see why me a year ago I would I would have loved Planet Fitness and they got a Smith machine I can work out there yeah in conclusion like I said before go to whatever gym works for you didn't really have any like bad experience there comment down below if you had any terrible gym stories that you were like I never want to come back again or just a funny gym story let me know I kind of want to I want to hear about [Music] those
Views: 3,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babiemook, planetfitness, gym, commentary, review
Id: ldZbP4Dfy-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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