The Satisfying Downfall of SSSniperWolf

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manipulation greed and ego three of the many deranged elements hiding behind the cue facade of one of YouTube's biggest creators from outright stealing content to doxing other YouTubers all the way to being criminally charged for crimes such as armed robbery hit and runs and disorderly conduct it's more than safe to say that SS Sniper Wolf is quickly becoming YouTube's most hated Creator but the worst part YouTube seems to let it all fly presumably due to the millions of dollars she rakes in for the platform hi I'm the internet Anarchist I create weekly YouTube documentaries and today we'll be dissecting the well-deserved downfall of a YouTube Titan SS Sniper Wolf AKA aiyah Marie shees by the end of the video you'll fully understand the true extent of her wrath to describe Leah's decade long sound YouTube as full of controversy would be a gross understatement for as long as she has been on the platform Leah has been creating enemies out of friends fans and fellow creators at the start of her career in 200 13 she accused another female gamer of Faking gameplay in order to spark controversy and increase her following of sweaty virgin redit users so yesterday I posted a video called the truth about girl gone gamer which actually got a lot more attention than I would have ever thought and it seemed to cause a war between the Fanboys she belittled created fake accusations and copyright struck numerous smaller creators that criticized her a couple years ago he reuploaded one of my videos and you can't just take somebody else's content and upload it and monetize it so I filed the copyright claim with YouTube trying to take it down and in the copyright process I got his real name and of course I Googled his name and it turns out he is a registered sex offender not to mention she was more than willing to ignore a terminally ill fans final request to have one phone call with her only changing her mind when she rightfully received backlash for it Adam 22 from the no jumper podcast hit me up couple days ago about a week ago saying hey can you get me in contact with SS Sniper Wolf there is this girl she's 10 years old she's dying of cancer her dream and her wish is to meet SS Sniper Wolf and I told Adam 22 right out Leah AKA sexy sexy sniper is a piece of good luck with that anyhow Adam trying to make this 10-year-old's dreams come true gets a hold of sexy sniper wolf or SS Sniper Wolf and she agrees to talk to the kid dying of cancer she set it up with her mom I got the text conversations so they have a date to do it right Sniper Wolf blows it off completely blows it off she's posted on Instagram that she's out to dinner all right she's she's she's out partying and living it up and this 10-year-old is literally dying right now Leah is more than willing to lie harm or tear down another person's reputation if it meant she could get ahead or make a quick Buck considering the fact that a current content format is predicated on stealing from others and is consistently rewarded by YouTube it's no wonder that so many people have spoken out against her the the most recent and possibly most impactful detractor being a Creator by the name of Jack's films whom has a reputation for calling out such lazy reaction channels on the 26th of October 2022 Jack uploaded a video with the title SS Sniper Wolf in which he announces plans to parody Leah's reaction content with his own reaction Channel JJ Jack films so I recently stumbled across an entry on Know Your Meme that read sister Sniper Wolf spends Millions on new mansion for those who don't know sister sniperwolf is a YouTuber who reacts to Tik toks I promise it's way cooler than it sounds take a look so this said the St want to be Petty right how do you deal with a Karen so to so what St want to be Petty oh he got time epic right well this news kind of inspired me so what I've done is I've created a brand new YouTube channel called J Jack films and so far I've only uploaded one video titled Tik toks that gave me a tummy ache here's a little snippet your mom a ho oh it says your mom a ho oh that's not very that's not very nice this is giving me a tummy ache Jack followed through on his promise and began making frequent uploads to the created Channel by his third upload JJ Jack's films had gained about 50,000 subscribers this showed that there was a market for people that simply wanted to make fun of Leah's low-effort reactions however Jack wouldn't restrict his criticisms on Leah's content to just making YouTube videos on the 29th of June 2023 Jack released a tweet directed at YouTube and VidCon for promoting Leah on a questionable content quoting I invented reacting to other people's Tik toks anyone else is copying me incredible mental gymnastics hey at YouTube at VidCon you sure you're okay boosting her are you absolutely sure as you would expect Leah wasn't going to take the mildest form of criticism without throwing ATT tantrum first quoting where I can't stand that a female YouTuber is getting more views than me even though I make the same content girl life is hard for context Jack films made another Channel where he copied my content for a few months thinking it would blow up and get millions of views it didn't now he is mad also I hate bringing gender into this but no one ever attacks the male react channels there were two obvious issues with Leah's response to this situation firstly Jack had already made it clear that he' made the channel to joke and criticize what he saw as low effit content and secondly no one besides Leo was bringing gender into the arguments in fact jacket targeted more male reaction channels in the past which made it seem like Leo was trying to play the victim card to get her point across Leo would take things a step further and attack Jack's appearance with a now deleted tweet that read the only thing that is funny about you is your hairline if your content was entertaining it would reflect in your views once again Leo was putting herself on a pedestal while putting down other creators based on numbers alone unfortunately for Leah that pedestal would soon come crashing down as Jack made it his mission to expose the truth behind her reaction Empire on the 26th of July 2023 Jack decided it was time to take a hard look at what Leah proudly called content with his video let's talk about Sniper Wolf this is Sniper Wolf she's a YouTuber with over 30 million subscribers she uploads daily and her videos get at least a million views each throughout the video Jack describes her content as low effort stolen and repetitive while these attributes are noticeable on a surface level Jack went a step further by providing multiple examples of Leah intentionally removing credits from original creators making fair use violations and free booting AKA monetizing others content without credit Jack even went out of his way to reach out to several of the creators that were featured in Leah's reactions to ask them if they gave her permission to use their videos and all of them said no Jack wanted to make it crystal clear that Leo wasn't adding any real value and was actively harming the platform while simultaneously being boosted by YouTube management so why am I going after sniper wolf in particular after all she's hardly the only person stealing other people's content and reaping all the benefits is it because as she suggested that I'm sexist and only go after female reactors well no no no no and no the real reason is actually this this is the official YouTube creators account on Twitter with over 6 million followers claiming she gets her ideas from her fans now there are several things wrong with this tweet like why is she a keynot speaker at VidCon why is YouTube creators bolstering this but the worst thing about the Tweet is this getting video ideas from her fans what ideas quite literally all she does is upload other people's Tik toks how is that an idea what am I not getting here jack's first few videos on Leah drew some attention to her repeated wrongdoings but this time around viewers really took notice with around 2 million views and a very angry comment section directed at Leah SS s wolf is the human embodiment of the popular kid saying your joke louder and getting all the credit she's the perfect example of how being attractive literally negates all of your negative character traits in the public eye several other creators also made videos and tweets documenting their concerns with Leah's recent uploads which helped to further spread Jack's message these reaction channels are so awful that use the same react Clips in the same video to hit the 8 Minute Mark for Mid roll ads holy we need a Content cut patrolling these streets now more than ever some users even made Bingo cards that Illustrated how repetitively his videos were by the 16th of August 20123 Jack would return to YouTube with more egregious examples of misconduct like reusing videos and uploading clips from other creators in their entirety without any inputs the pressure was growing on all sides and you would think with all the negative press surrounding her brand Leia would attempt to attack or def Fame Jack but for now she remained silent and continued posting unfortunately for what would happen next would have a far greater impact than any expose video could have as on the 14th of September 2023 a YouTuber by the name of mad catstar dug up a pending lawsuit that alleged some shocking information about Leah the SS Sniper Wolf Brands and a partner sausage AKA Evan Young the document revealed the events about how Leah's main channel was created the connection to her old Channel sexy sexy sniper wolf and the pivotal role that her husband who was previously described as her boyfriend played in their success further details about who started the channel and what each party brought to the agreement were also shared the concept of behind the SS Sniper Wolf YouTube channel was that young Leah's ex-husband would play video games such as Call of Duty and or metal gear rising and record gameplay young would then prepare a script for each recording for shees AKA Sniper Wolf to read on camera while acting as though she was playing the recorded video game footage according to the lawsuit Young's involvement in the channel later extended past playing games and quote was at all times heavily involved in the creative content and operations of ss sniperwolf YouTube channel including but not limited to concept origination and development script writing directing video editing posting finished videos to the channel and market research unquote as their success continued the pair entered an oral 50/50 agreement on splitting the channel Revenue as well as joint decision- making something that Leah seemed to want to keep hidden however once their romantic relationship ended in September 2022 Le decided that she didn't need her partner anymore and S to cut him out of the business entirely she kept all Channel Revenue around that period which amounted to over $1 million started new channels and withheld hard drives that had proof of Young's involvement in the business luckily for young he managed to retain Priority Access to the SS sniperwolf YouTube channel and left Leah as a manager to upload videos although their marriage is still intact young had already started the divorce process in October of 2022 and was using this lawsuit to to get what he felt was a rightful share of the business that they built together everyone now knows that her career was founded on life since the very beginning she tried to distance herself from the unsavory nature of the sexy sexy sniper wolf Channel lied about creating her own gameplay even going as far as receiving two awards for it and hid her decade long marriage with young the perfectly crafted facade of a quiry gamer girl that she struggled so hard to protect for all those years was finally crumbling down all around her and there was no coming back in Leah's mind if Z didn't go around questioning her videos and turning the public opinion further against her then maybe the skeletons in her closet wouldn't have been revealed sadly it was too late with that said Leah still wanted to assert OD dominance over Jack and take back some control in this problematic situation something that would forever alter his life as her life was altered on the 13th of October 2023 Leah released an Instagram story that would have Untold ramifications on Jack his family and potentially every Creator on YouTube should I go visit at Jack's films he lives 5 minutes away from my shoot yes or no tragically Leah didn't wait for response and baded to stop by Jack's house anyway all right right in front of your house come out come out and talk to me he has food outside so he should be out any minute now to pick it up it's ice cream as well it's ice cream I just want to talk within hours of the video going live Leah deleted the post but by now the damage had been done to put this into perspective Leah has 5 million followers which just got the exact location of Jack's home if even a tiny fraction of them meant harm to Jack they now had the means to find him it would only take one deranged Super Fan to make a trip there and Dre unspeakable things to him and his family as Leo was making a spiteful Instagram post Jack was inside streaming and whilst live was made aware of the situation by his chat she's literally right outside your house oh my God this is happening right call the police actually wait what like call the police no there's a she's outside your house right now what theit on minutes AG she's outside our house record this right now you yeah that's yeah no this is oh my God that's horrible no that that is huge privacy and so much else there's so much wrong with that no I'm not getting out dude that stay absolutely call the cops and show them the Instagram story hold on I'm gonna go please don't all right hold on should we I'm GNA end this um but yeah end the stream sorry thank you for coming out um from the moment leam made that post things crossed the line from a harmless online disagreement to a potentially life-threatening incident Leah herself has expressed discomfort numerous times when she's had to deal with people coming close to her residence I love meeting you guys but just this person that took it a step too far to follow me home like don't do that don't follow people home like please respect my privacy respect any any other YouTuber's privacy cuz we it's hard it's hard to believe but you know we're people just like you like you wouldn't like it if somebody followed you home or came up to your house so you know just like respect other people respect their privacy and I feel like a teacher or some I'm just really paranoid about that kind of stuff the very next day Jack took to Twitter and YouTube Community posts to voice his grievances with Leah's recent outing quoting SS sniperwolf just dos me on her Instagram creepy gross violating what you do is disgusting you steal content and stalk YouTubers at YouTube demonetize this dangerous Creator or just get her off your platform she posted an Instagram story right outside our home and deleted it unsurprisingly Leah would try and frame herself in as the victim despite her openly malicious behavior quoting this creep has been harassing me for months then plays victim saying I threatened him when I just wanted to talk to him I have no ill intentions it's so sad people have to constantly create drama to pay their bills not long after Jack tweeted to counter Leah's biased claims I have no ill intentions Sniper Wolf you showed up to our home tonight and filmed it for your 5 million plus Instagram followers to see that's called doxing the harassing you claim I've been doing is documenting recent examples of you stealing creators content stealing jokes and failing to provide transformative commentary obviously it struck a nerve but wow doxing me was not on my bingo card there is no reality where you're in the right here by the 15th of October Jack released a video statement on the incident urging YouTube to De platform Leia in order to prevent this type of behavior from her and other creators that would deem it necessary to stalk their critics I've been critical of her content but that does not equate to harassment what is harassment is coming to our home sharing it for Millions to see and taunting me to come out YouTube needs to take Swift action and ban her from the platform ASAP and the same goes for Instagram speaking of Sniper Wolf is already making light of the situation as if stalking someone is a quirky thing to do no one should feel unsafe in their own home and thanks to sniperwolf my wife and I now do so YouTube please do the right thing and get her off the platform anyone who weaponizes their fan base like she did does not deserve a space here Jack wasn't the only one calling for Leah to get banned from YouTube many creators such as some odinary Gamers also thought it would be better if Leah wasn't on the platform anymore there is no reason why she is is not open to termination YouTube should actually be fair in this and terminate her Channel or at least heavily restricted or severely punish her because letting her get away with this just sets a bad precedent to everyone on the platform if any other Creator did this to her instantly removed off the platform I would imagine right I would assume or severely punished if anything on the on the best chance so YouTube you need to severely punish Sniper Wolf or maybe remove her Channel all right I'm not even being light about that too like this needs to have a seriously heavy punishment attached to it doxing Jack would be a banable offense under normal circumstances but it's obvious that YouTube doesn't treat Leah like a normal Creator they seem to promote her at every turn and endorse her Channel by constantly putting it on the trending Tab and making tweets and support of her although it would be wise to reconsider that decision after seeing videos involving miners that she was posting on the platform before she reached stom hey girl what's up how old are you I'm like 15 how old are you oh 16 I'm 15 oh you're just like a year older than me that's pretty cool want to show each other sure yeah I'll show you my beat oops you first I'm shy oh damn you work at Hooters too damn you got enough money at Hooters like get fake I didn't know they pay that good you seem way too excited to show me hey girl tell me do you like my hair these clips are from Leah's days of making Egle videos back when she asked minus to work for her in exchange for exposing her BS the video had been public on the Sniper Wolf YouTube channel for years only being deleted when a recent controversy brought it back into the public eye Leah may have deleted the video to hide her mistakes but that wasn't enough by now viewers had gotten to know just how vile of a human being Leah truly was over 100,000 people unsubscribed from her channel on the 18th of October 2023 and many more will soon follow as the drama raged on YouTube made a few tweets vaguely referencing the situation but they couldn't avoid it forever would it be too meta to do a reaction video to a reaction video where the Tweet got community noted stating for additional context it needs to be known that this tweet was written in the wake of a controversy regarding reaction YouTuber SS Sniper Wolf who recently leaked the personal information of a fellow Creator on the platform Jack films on the 20th of October 2023 YouTube finally responded to the community outcry with a tweet reading confirming snip wolf has received temporary monetization suspension for Creator responsibility policies off platform actions that put others personal safety at risk harm our community and the behavior of both sides isn't what we want on YouTube hoping everyone helps move this convo to a better place where the Tweet again got community noted stating snip wolf has also been called out for allegedly sing miners which YouTube didn't address and it is against their own terms of service as with many corporate statements the language was intentionally ambig ambiguous they weren't willing to State just how long Leah's channel would be demonetized it could just be a few days a week or a possible month until they let her off the hook there was also the fact that they felt both sides were in the wrong despite Leah being the one to cross the line by breaking terms of service this led many to believe that YouTube only demonetized Leah out of obligation and that they saw Jack as problematic for exposing the truth there was also the matter of content on a channel that featured in inappropriate situations that was quietly swept under the rug less than hour after YouTube made their thoughts on the situation public Leah momentaneous posted the first and worst apology of her career let me start by saying that I'm sorry for my recent actions it is inexcusable I am sorry to Jack's films YouTube and the entire Creator community and my incredible fans for not being a better example for appropriate conflict resolution Jack's films while we certainly don't see eye to eye and have our differences I'm sorry for reacting the way I did I should have taken the opportunity to show young creators how adults and professionals resolve Conflict by communicating directly respectfully and privately not for the views or content but a meaningful example of how conflict should be solved I'll reach out directly and hope we can find some time to connect and communicate respectfully I'd also like to thank YouTube for holding me accountable I deserve it respect the decision and appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from a true lapse in judgment no one believed this apology was genuine and absolutely no one was going to give Leah the benefit of the doubt looks like your PR manager just secured their Christmas bonus Sniper Wolf using chat gbt to generate this posting it then checking the comments to see if people believe she can write read and think looking at Leah's Channel now the only videos that seem to be affected by the temporary demonetization other the new ones and the rest of their backlog still seem to have ads present it appears that YouTube played a part in making Le's apology tweet and only punished her on a surface level to allow the heat to die down Jack might have set out to expose content theft but in the process revealed favoritism double standards and selective enforcements of policies that YouTube is willing to participate in when when it comes to making more money off larger creators it's unclear what steps Jack will take next to make sure Justice is served or if he'll take those at all however it's clear that YouTube was never on the side of smaller creators and are more interested in maintaining their bottom line even if it means letting a literal criminal remain on their platform Leah's entire career on YouTube was built on the back of others the gameplay editing and commentary that made her popular was never her own to begin with making her only the face of the channel she made everyone she came into cont with including her husband hate her as she slandered stole and cheated away to the top Leah saw sacrificing her credibility trust and honesty with those around her has a small price to pay as long as she got what she wanted but it appears that price might be too high there's a pending lawsuit that left her hanging in the balance temporary demonetization and unending contempt in the community if you want to find out more about the situation make sure you subscribe for future updates
Channel: Internet Anarchist
Views: 4,434,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SSSniperWolf
Id: U7YtrRRccC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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