The Vegan TikToker Who’s Worse Than Vegan Teacher

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vegan booty is often called the vegan teacher's daughter she thinks walking your dog is animal abuse has been on the news for calling horses slaves and believes it's okay fighting butchers service workers and even children at their birthday party the government has banned her from living in her hometown and her first viral video will start to show you why the event scene behind her is the million Paws walk where families meet to walk their dogs together and help raise funds for animals in need well vegan booty called the event the most violent thing that you could ever participate in protesting that every animal should be treated the way that dogs are why would you love one but pay for the suffering and abuse of other animals pigs are in fact more intelligent than dogs hypocritically however vegan booty owned a dog herself which she tied to a leash and used it to pull her while she skated it's pretty funny how you are protesting yet you have a dog pulling you pretty hypocritical and the hypocrisy didn't stop there because vegan booty then showed up at a charity football match disrupting 35,000 Spectators because she thought her cause was way more important in a satisfying turn of events she was fined $1,800 for the stunt yet this wasn't too expensive for the exposure it provided would you do it all again yes 100% however at around the same time Isaac Butterfield was going viral for for his anti-an videos featuring Tash in the worst vegans on Tik Tok why is your name vegan booty when you run around with that change your name to vegan pancake ass and let us all get on with their lives this gave Tash a chance to respond although she was met with a brutal dislike ratio as Isaac's audience offered their very first down vote he therefore slam vegan booty again meat's amazing it's delicious and guess what I'm going to have a big dirty steak for dinner I hope you enjoy your broccoli you tiny little child yet with comments such as who else came from Isaac's Channel this was only helping vegan booty grow she'd use her newly found Fame to launch a vegan clothing company spoofing the antisocial Social Club to instead read anti-animal cruelty Club well Isaac then launched his own anti-vegan Social Club leading vegan booty to call in heavy reinforcements should discuss is Isaac Butterfield's anti-vegan Club responsible for this vegan phobia with no one other than that vegan teacher he literally has shirts made that say anti-vegan Club the pair became so close that they'd call each other family hi sweetie how are you hello hey Mom how you going however it was obvious vegan booty was the crazier of the two she began infiltrating supermarkets wearing an animal onesie before standing in the milk section dissuading Shoppers from their purchase for obvious reason staff weren't too happy about this and even after being ejected she still yelled outside the store her babies are taken away from her straight after birth and her son as a result Tash was permanently banned from Australia's two main supermarkets yet this didn't stop her protests as vegan booty would only get worse she'd sharpen McDonald's in a much more detailed costume being kicked out not by staff but instead this time police hilariously this guy began his own protest countering her with a legendary sign in vegan Booty's next stunt she walked into KFC and poured orange paint everywhere while blasting dying animal noises for over 15 minutes not going to lie but you're incredibly selfish to the people that work at that place all they're trying to do is do their job I feel so sorry for the workers while even other vegans called vegan booty out she is giving veganism a bad name people wrote about Tasha's public stunts instead of promoting vegans you kind of just embarrassed them and nothing showed this better than her children's party meltdown these two horses were clearly very well- looked after and were waiting outside a family Festival so kids could take a picture well of course vegan booty somehow thought it was abuse I just want to know who this SL owner is this is disgusting this is animal abuse disgusting your hanging out of your she tried and failed to make any decent points points if you were in a position would you be happy although vegan booty wasn't finished there she'd then go into the festival to find the horses again disrupting all photos by making a public announcement he's innocent things andno different our belov dogs and cats they look like they're under so much stress this awesome dad then quickly stopped their Antics no we just keep walking that way then keep walking that way and ful police were there to intervene after posting her video to Tik Tok Tash again made national news in which they'd interview the horse's owner Meg Freeman owns the pony business she says she's being bombarded with abuse by vegan protesters Meg Freeman wants her charged they're like terrorists they're not going to go away well only one week later vegan booty announced I'll be going to court on the 13th of May as I received a summon for a restraining order from the owner of ponies for All Occasions those who dislike me are triggered because I've made them realize that they're animal abusers what I'm going through right now isn't a loss it only means we're winning I'm always a non-violent protester and I never harass anyone I don't even think the vegan teacher is this crazy this girl is making vegan teacher seem like an angel at least the vegan teacher didn't have her own number plates as this made vegan booty foolishly recognizable M and Chas across her family's car vegan activist tach Peterson says this cruel joke crosses the line people recognized her car then threw meat Bones on her driveway yet trolls weren't the only people who showed up at her house I've woken up once again to the police knocking at my door so I've been issued with another barring notice controversial vegan activist is banned from every Pub in her state after becoming notorious for wild stunts where she screams at inoc and families anything that sells alcohol I'm not allowed into a penalty of $10,000 applies if I break this baring notice the ban had come after another disgusting protest dising man is 30,000 shots every hour animal abusers animal abusers animal abusers yet vegan booty was still convinced that she'd done nothing wrong I don't really have a right to freedom of speech here in Australia it's honest pretty corrupt if you ask me her freedom of speech is just going to a restaurant and screaming like a lunatic about murder there is a difference between speech and screaming your freedom of speech our freedom to eat meat goodbye she therefore leave Perth and spend a month protesting in Melbourne but when she tried to fly back home the government said she couldn't return the Australian police have banned me from entering into my own City if I choose to fly home I could face a 1-year imprisonment her application was rejected based on her statements made in public and after eventually having the rejection overturned you will not believe how awful she became she'd go back to harassing the innocent Pony business before trying to ruin the life of a hardworking Chef John Mountain owns Fire restaurant in northern Perth where on one unassuming night a diner made a complaint about the lack of vegan options on the menu and was charged $32 for vegetables well rather than bending the knee John instead stated it is not a vegan restaurant and if customers want vegan options they should go elsewhere announcing on their Facebook page sadly all vegans are now banned from fire for mental health reasons we thank you for your understanding all vegans are band end of no more never again God help them everybody loved this Chef's bold move well except for one person known as vegan booty your hands P you have blood on your hands if you're not vegan you're an animal abuser she showed up at the restaurant not just once but twice blasting dying animal noises even after being ejected having disrupted his business multiple times the chef understandably lost it yet still took responsibility for the damage Tash had done and I'm sorry to say Leela I lost my cool and I lost my cool because now it's really disrupting my business and I could see the look on my customers faces my staff they were all a little scared and a bit nervous and I just I stormed out sadly for vegan booty however her activism exploded the restaurant's popularity so far as my business is concerned I've trebled my income I'm now in her words having to murder more animals because of their actions unfortunately there was a bit of a tradeoff I lost um my partner because of this I thought I was going to marry this woman and she just couldn't handle the amount of attention she's a very private person yet this wasn't the only marriage that Tasha's Tik toks ruined her next Target was get this the bigon Veterinary Clinic a business literally designed to help unwell animals and vegan booty losted over budgies out the front you're the type of vets that eat your own patients are you uh yeah I do eat meat so but I don't eat dogs and I don't eat cats and I don't appreciate you pushing your agenda on my personal I don't appreciate you enslaving animals a dog in a cage out the back at the moment receiving treatment am I enslaving it although it seems for the first time ever vegan booty is actually facing consequences defamation action against Miss Tash Peterson 17,700 raised the vet was announcing we are launching a civil action in the Supreme Court of Western Australia which has conveniently been running over the last 2 months the trial has revealed that vegan booty hasn't only falsified her taxable income but she's also been able to ruin another marriage this might explain why fire is also suing Tash this is going to teach her a lesson if she's fine that amount of money she's going to think twice and while she's always stated I actually measure my own success by the amount of haters and criticism that I have it seems penalty after penalty is finally taking its toll her public nuisance stunts are becoming far less frequent as most of her content now focuses on straight interviews do you have a moral justification for animal abuse yummy vegan booty will likely never change but maybe she's reached a decent Middle Ground that's respectful not just to animals but people's lives as well
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 1,329,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that vegan teacher, that vegan teacher banned, that vegan teacher song, that vegan teacher tiktok, that vegan teacher arrested, that vegan teacher drama, that vegan teacher tik tok, that vegan teacher daughter, that vegan teacher videos, that vegan teacher tiktok videos, that vegan teacher copycat, that vegan teacher jail
Id: I03aH1iGPaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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