Why The Island Boys Career Died So Quickly

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uh normally i wouldn't reply to a comment like this i don't understand why you're being so hateful towards me the ireland boys have been receiving fewer and fewer likes on tiktok every single month since they blew up 10 million then 9 million going to 7 million before a pretty sharp drop to less than 3 million last month the google trend graph tells a similar story people have slowly been losing interest in these two rappers who have made respectable physical sacrifices for their career in entertainment however while we're not here to hate on the island boys we will make the argument that they were destined to fail from the very beginning and the first reason is because they never had a decent skill set or product to begin with when they first blew up six months ago in october 2021 for their infamous omen island boy rap it wasn't because people were impressed by their ability to sing in fact it was the complete opposite the video went viral because of how terrible the song was the island boys were instantly judged as two talentless bozos who had covered themselves in tattoos and as a result people began to follow them for their stupidity as opposed to their talent and i think they're entertaining and i follow them because they're entertaining i love to see the stupid that they say they were mocked brutally in some of the funniest tik-tok parodies ever posted to the platform whilst being used as a representation for how easy it was to get famous on the internet in 2021 let's be real how long before the dust bunny twins over here get a record deal sponsors and tours oh you don't think so remember this bozo now the difference between the island boys and someone like six nine is that while six nine also got famous in part by his over-the-top ridiculous appearance he actually has a decent portfolio of music to fall back on people hate on six nine but only in the beginning he then becomes well known people check out his music and then some become fans after realizing that his songs are actually pretty decent therefore it's a solid growth strategy on the contrary for the island boys people hate on them then check out their music only to realize that similar to their tiktok content it's not worth listening to people don't find these guys entertaining they're not entertained by them other than oh hey these guys look like this oh that island boys video was funny what's happened since nothing at all and they keep rinsing and repeating and they're milking it dry did you really think you were going to go into this club do this acapella island boys and people are going to mess with it without some decent art form to fall back on they're unable to convert their haters into fans over time therefore they either become even more hated or completely irrelevant the island boys discussed this on the impulsive podcast with logan paul stating that the haters were actually fans because they were following everything that the island boys were doing they're really fans because really think about a hater a hater is watching you sometimes more than uh yeah and if they're hating on me it's just because they really love me because i see the haters check up on me more than the love so which seemed to be a variation of the it's better to be known than to be liked argument however there are so many examples of where this doesn't really apply there are countless youtubers who have been outed as predators for example edp 445 and minilad who are both very well known yet receive almost no views as a result of people disliking them so much that the audience goes out of their way not to watch the content therefore the argument is probably better expressed as you need to have an entertainment form that people remember as being impressive whilst maintaining somewhat of a likable reputation which the island boys don't really have people don't think about them in the context of unique edgy artists that put a lot of effort into their music they think about them in the context of two clowns who are famous for being famous do you think that that's part of what people kind of hold against you as a grudge is that like your image is is crazy and you're you're sort of famous but maybe the music isn't necessarily the reason why you guys are so known right one of the island boys would go on to state that the other reason they had so many haters was because of jealousy just hating on me or whatever and it's just a form of jealousy either that because i'm not really doing nothing which is just another naive argument often made by narcissistic celebrities who lack self-awareness why are you so confident that people want to be in your position do you ever consider that maybe there's another reason as to why people hate you besides jealousy the everyone is jealous of me argument displays a lack of critical thinking personal honesty and self-awareness which was highlighted once again when logan paul would ask him about why they thought they blew up in the first place why do you think you guys went viral in the first place with the island boy rap i worked my ass off it's not even just the island boys it's the fact that we went through so many obstacles it was just bound to happen now it'd be a cheap shot to say that there was no hard work i'm sure the island boys had to have put some degree of effort into their career before posting that mega viral video however as mentioned previously they didn't blow up because they had been in the studio relentlessly for 10 years straight they blew up because they were being laughed at you have that it factor us i'm a star uh yeah we do we're the only ones that are talented in singing and this is one of the strangest parts about their whole career they've deluded themselves into thinking that they have musical talent as a result of becoming famous so basically when i was locked up i was probably one of the only people in the door in a dorm that knew how to rap they knew how to freestyle but didn't care i think me as a rapper my music is underestimated though yeah for sure i'm a good artist i can sing rap whatever verse top i can make rock music whatever even going so far as to say this when asked about their future what is next for you guys we're rappers we care about music way more important than a lot of things we're trying to take over as an artist singing rapping because i could sing like a rap and this when logan paul would ask them a similar question what's your five year plan uh to be always top billboard in music good god uh maybe maybe maybe acting if they let if they let me with tattoos acting or something like that however the confused response of always being top of the billboard in music was certainly lacking in confidence probably because at the end of the day they know that with their current image and skill set the music they do produce could never compete with the top of the billboard their look doesn't help them at all in terms of music because people just see them as this ridiculous character and it's just unfortunate for them for the future right now they're probably enjoying it for example when they'd post the official version of their iman island boy song to youtube it's basically impossible to find a single positive comment despite the video's 13 million plus views thank you island boys you saved my brother he was paralyzed in a fatal car accident luckily when i played this song he rose and clicked the sound to mute wow you guys definitely have a hidden talent that should stay hidden have this as my alarm clock every morning been waking up 30 minutes earlier just to turn it off thank you island boys in addition to this negativity toward their music online they'd also receive a similar response during their public appearances for example they'd both attend the jake paul vs tyrone woodley fight where the entire crowd would try and get them kicked out stating that they had apparently thrown a shoe at someone which they never did so the island boys just showed up the whole place is booing them the island boys are getting kicked out because they just throw a shoe at someone additionally in november 2021 they'd be booked to sing at club live in miami where they'd be booed by the crowd after yet another underwhelming performance at which point the audience would discover another reason behind why their career wasn't going to last for the long term they were completely unwilling to take advice from more knowledgeable role models in their field going back to the impulsive podcast the island boys seemed pretty proud that they had paved their own path after mike would ask them about which rappers they had been inspired by what was your like inspiration like like obviously you guys listen to rap music coming up i try not to listen to nobody because i feel like it betters my my mindset is that why you guys have such a unique sound yeah yeah we don't listen to rappers nowadays i don't i used to listen to a lot of rappers you think you should start listening to them again no no because you're going to try to because they're already they're they already made it i'm not trying to like you know what i'm saying you make it more of being yourself i'm not sure are you sure brain about being yourself yes yes yeah i agree with you guys to an extent of not of not like being swayed by by other people but also at the same time like the the current winners in the culture act as like guardrails and guidelines for what you do with your craft mike is 100 correct here if they were to copy another artist completely people will call them out as copycats however if they decide to completely ignore the valuable lessons and current trends set by the industry's leading artists and walk their own path without any inspiration from anyone else they're just going to end up sounding like well the island boys is that how you end up in a place where you make where you sound like you guys do which is so drastically different like i wouldn't even call it i wouldn't call it hip-hop like it's not rap right like what is it they don't even really seem to understand what their own genre of music is i was trying to go for more melodic sound when you keep on rapping in the same in the same cadence in the same form you got no flow like not yeah it's the same flow monotone now yeah kind of monotone and going back to their inability to take advice from others that eventually walk out of the impulsive podcast after george would provide them with what seemed to be some tongue-in-cheek yet useful financial advice i think if god forbid it doesn't go in your guys direction for real i think you guys take all of your jewelry assets and invest into something so you guys will never ever be broke again after storming out of the interview an article will be released by hitc reading george jenko vs island boys net worth compared after podcast feud which put the island boys net worth at a hundred thousand dollars compared to george janko's net worth of six hundred thousand dollars with the island boys being so offended by george's basic financial advice and the semi-accurate idea that offensive things are just self-deficiencies that you're yet to address their emotional response to what george had to say is also a pretty good indication that the island boys are probably pretty unwise and insecure when it comes to their financial situation you know they're also insecure about their future if they flip out on a simple question like that george didn't say anything offensive the world is laughing at these boys not with them i refuse to believe there's people this insecure when it comes to money in this world lol this was also the opinion held by a financial youtuber named graeme steven this uh sort of confidence and arrogance i do think would end up getting in the way financial advice is like not something you get offended about i mean there's nothing in there that should have been offensive graham also reiterated what was said earlier about the unlikely nature of their career lasting for the long term a career like this could last you anywhere from a few months to a few years we've seen so many people come up like this where they blow up big and then all of a sudden they do nothing they can't carry that momentum and and for this right now they're good for going viral but i'm not sure if that could be sustained or if that could be translated into a successful career long term before going on to once again discuss how george was probably making just as much money as the island boys i don't see anything here that would say george is making uh less money than the island boys if anything he could be making the same if not more however when this point will be put against the island boys on tick tock they seem to share a differing opinion i must say respectfully in the most humble way as possible i doubt he's making any new money like how island boys are we are successful and happy in life which would be followed by another tick tock once again displaying their inability to take the advice of others and their desire to walk their path of success alone but someone's talking about my financials i don't want to hear you you're not the one that's making me millions dollars i made million dollars myself you know what i'm saying it's just me doing it myself alone overall the reason behind why the island boys are already on their way out was summarized simply and obviously in a comment made by a youtuber called hello yaseen it's short term hustling and we've seen this exact same quote-unquote business model i guess you could call it being done but this doesn't last
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 8,968,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, jake paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, island boys, island boys impaulsive, island boys leave interview, island boys logan paul, george janko island boys, island boys storm out of interview, island boys interview, rapper, rap, nelk boys island boys, billboard, music, island boys liv nightclub, island boys booed, diamond teeth, lil wayne, tattoos, jewelry, island boys walk off podcast, metaverse, logan paul sober
Id: P6ng2QHDeUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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