Why People Are Laughing At Ronda Rousey's Failure

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she might have 17 million followers but with only a couple thousand likes per post it's safe to say Ronda Rousey has only a few active fans through hypocrisy a massive ego and undeniable delusion Ronda Rousey has become one of the most unlikable athletes ever recently wrecking her final career opportunity and sparking a mass Exodus of social media followers so why are people so happy to see her fail well arrogance that's why what makes me so confident that I can win as I'm the greatest fighter in the world now in the beginning ronda's arrogant statements were at least partially Justified she'd spent 4 years winning every fight available although there was one massive issue nine out of her 12 fights were won using the exact same move submission via armar fans would therefore label Ronda a one-trick pony because while being extremely skilled at armar she was seriously lacking in other MMA areas as far back as 2012 people wrote does anyone else think Ronda Rousey is greatly overrated her striking game is almost non-existent is she a good Joker absolutely is she a good mixed martial artist not at all and Ronda had a very limited approach she didn't kick and she wasn't necessarily the most skillful boxer she didn't really have a tremendous amount of experience a lack of striking ability has since been featured in compilations such as this one while people were even commenting at her Peak anytime I need inspiration I watch her hit a heavy bag or shadow box if if she can make it to the UFC with that sloppy garbage then anything is possible despite her obvious weak spots Ronda maintained her arrogance I know the level of my striking is at and um that's one of the advantages that I have is they don't really know which even extended to her personal life I really wouldn't want to waste any time on a guy that is easily intimidated by me I mean there's more intimidating things in life than me so if that stopped you already then you're just saving my time although there was no better examp of arrogance than her 12th and final UFC win egotistical look on her face as if she couldn't be beaten by anyone Ronda refused to show even the smallest bit of humility and as explained by one of the comments this was probably the worst thing that could have happened to Rousy this fight was her downfall as it made her far too confident in her bad striking and she never felt the need to improve anything which was especially bad given her next opponent was Holly Hol a 19-time boxing world champion in the ladup to their fight Holly was humble and extremely kind as far as Rhonda's performances not just some of them have been impressive all of them have been impressive so I mean nobody can argue with that while Ronda was extremely rude maintaining that nobody could ever beat her beating olly Holmes is definitely in my hands that I'm going to do it ronda's arrogance was even worse in other interviews I'm great at this I'm the best at this I'm more prepared than she is for this and I'm going to win on Sunday everyone's going to see still refusing to show a single shroud of humility I'm better than every other girl in every area of MMA MMA striking is different and I think I'm the best at it when the day their fight finally came Hy refused and while Ronda had just four weeks prior stated she can try and kick me in the head but it's not going to go like that not the way she wants this is exactly how the fight ended Holly knocked Ronda out with a kick to the head with ronda's face from before and after the fight confirming she'd been completely humbled well just kidding Ronda refused to accept that Holly was simply better I think that it's probably just hard for her to really maybe admit that I was just the better fighter and instead began to make braggy excuses for why she lost the match it was my third title fight in 9 months and I don't think anyone's ever even attempted that before and um that's a lot I think the one thing I was different I just kind of felt tired Ronda then tried to make the audience feel bad for her what am I anymore if I'm not this and I was literally sitting there and like I'm like I'm nothing I'm like what do I do anymore no one gives a any about me anymore without this although the comment section wasn't having any of it you know ronda's ego was so out of control and she thought herself unbeatable she had no respect for anyone and trashed all of her opponents she deserved to get knocked out and brought down to earth in an article titled rooting for Ronda Rousey is tough and it has nothing to do with her loss ESPN highlighted that Ronda had publicly smeared Floyd Mayweather for his history of domestic violence yet she was dating another MMA fighter who had been accused of domestic violence himself to make matters worse the article brought up ronda's 2015 book in which she talked extensively about assaulting her ex-boyfriend she punched him in the face with a straight right then a left hook when he still wouldn't move she slapped him again then grabbed him by the neck of his hoodie kneed him in the face and tossed him aside on the kitchen floor the incident ended she said at her car when he tried to prevent her from driving away and she pulled him by the neck of the hoodie again dragged him out onto the sidewalk and left him writhing there this might explain why Ronda also began to claimed that she could beat the male heavyweight UFC champion stating you cannot tell me that it's physically impossible it is possible that in any given moment that I could beat him I simply believe in my possibilities UFC fighter Ian maau politely responded She's Dangerous she's good I get it but it's just silly meanwhile on Reddit people dunked on Ronda mercilessly in any given moment under the right circumstances I think it is possible sure but unbarring a man while he is sleeping is just a dick move but hey it's Ronda a different user then shared this video showing that Ronda couldn't even keep up during a sparring session and therefore added the comment with this video anyone with the deduction skills of an 8-year-old would have to say a 250 lb cane would have as much trouble with Rousey as maybe a really angry toy poodle ironically Ronda couldn't even win against those in her own division which only became more obvious in her next fight after Holly home one year after getting owned by Holly opponent Amanda Nunes who knocked Ronda out after only 48 seconds ronda's face from before and after the fight was again extremely poetic with the top comment stating Holly took her to school and Amanda straight up expelled her such an embarrassing loss for one of the most arrogant ungracious fighters in MMA love to say it in the ladup to the fight the media had said about Ronda if she doesn't win impressively I think this is her last fight if she loses I don't think we ever see her again which turned out to be true although Ronda still refused to admit that she was n't the better fighter do you think about the last couple fights do you think about the last fight against Amanda or or Holly I think I just rather not talk about that right now poor Ronda she still can't get over those two losses in the UFC you can clearly tell every time someone asks her questions about her return to MMA she post a photo to her Instagram reading and so rockbottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life which turned out to be accurate I should soon find another chance at repairing her Public Image in January 2018 Ronda Rousey signed a full-time WWE contract but you're doing this full time now right this is your this is your job full time they they got me for a multi-year deal and after her debut match she was surprisingly loved by the audience The Washington Post wrote The Magic seated expectations with fans firmly behind Rousey even breaking out into yes chance at points while comments on the debut video readed glad to see her smiling again reminds me of when she first started her MMA career she was so genuine in here hard to see why anyone could hate her I'm actually excited to see her I just hope Vince doesn't screw this up although as highlighted by a later comment reading it's impressive how she managed to turn both the MMA and wrestling fan bases against her her WWE like ability wouldn't last long because the show chose to pin Ronda against an even more beloved wrestler Becky Lynch and as a result Ronda was painted as the villain and booed by fans during every single match as a part of their storyline Becky was a ared posting the mug shots to her Twitter where Ronda completely lost it that's what I'm trying to do dumbass you hobbling around trying to be a ginger crutch ninja and taking fake prison photos in the hallway isn't helping Becky responded with keep that FW out of your mouth and concentrate on getting better at this business instead of trying to remain above it looking forward to seeing you real soon Ronda then responded again stating F-word you mean fake fake like your nonsensical BS armar that doesn't even work and just looks like you're holding the dick you wish you had before doubling down by writing I don't care what the script says I'm beating the living out of you the next time I see you but while the drama seemed to have been set up by the show Ronda continued to bash the WWE on her YouTube channel it's not an act I'm not going out there and doing their act anymore I meant that I'm going to disrespect the sport that they all love so much it's scripted it's made up it's not real less than a month later WWE took Ronda off the show yet she only continued to bash them writing anyone who is outraged by me calling pro wrestling fake fights for fun has never been in a real fight while you all are tiptoeing around bruising some pro wrestlers huge soft egos no one is thinking about all the real Fighters you're insulting when pretending pro wrestling is somehow on the same level of realism Ronda then appeared on sto's podcast again calling wrestling fake having like fake fights for fun I love choreography I love acting I love theater before bravely bashing her fans spending my time on inter on a bunch of ungrateful fans that don't even appreciate me and claiming she'd never return to WWE again I'll never to be full-time again over 200 days a year like that ever again the irony was that 3 years later Ronda did exactly that or be it with the attitude that she was too good to even be there can't speak for anyone else but for me it really sha proed that she wasn't enjoying herself especially with the complaints about fan reactions she never looked like she wanted to be there and acted like pro wrestling was beneath her whether true or not it's how it came off #f fire Wonder Rousey therefore began to trend on Twitter which became a reality only four months later as she'd be booted from wrestling again with almost zero career prospects Ronda Rousey agreed to an extensive raid Shadow Legends deal and has spent the last year writing another book the release of which has made her a total laughing stalk over the last month she's promoted the book on various podcasts leading to a Reddit post showing that 9 years later Ronda Rousey is still making excuses for losing to Holly home my mouth guard was bad I literally came into that fight concussed from slipping down some stairs already after all all these years of uh concussions and then I had absolutely terrible weight cut which you know you have that means you have less fluid in your brain to con to protect it Ronda then made even more excuses on sto's podcast I have no ACL I tore my ACL falling down that stairs two weeks before that fight the home fight leading to some pretty funny comments such as my ACL had a concussion bad weight cut I had bubble guts my car wouldn't start my dog ate my homework and I've had scoliosis since I was three so yeah didn't really lose did I ironically Ronda also stated this I'm the greatest fighter that is that has ever lived because I'd never been faster never been stronger never had a better grasp of the game I'd never been so much better than everybody else yeah when sto kindly offered props to Logan Paul Ronda Rousey refused to accept it how about Logan Paul like him or dislike him that dude is a performer he's great on the mic he does a great job on the mic but I mean I I wish that I was allowed the time to rehearse that he gets because it's not not evenly spread it's it's frustrating that like everybody doesn't get that treatment Rond is jealous that Logan is already a better wrestler than she ever was I think she might be unhappy with how her run in the WWE went but I don't know anything really about that it seems Ronda Rousey has burned every bridge she could possibly burn which when combined with her complete lack of fans makes it highly likely her career is done and dusted
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 2,922,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sporting Point, ronda rousey, UFC, career, downfall, The DOWNFALL Of Ronda Rousey’s Career EXPLAINED..
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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