The Role of The Governor In Kingdom Administration | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message in Kingdom administration please write that down our session tonight is the role of the governor in Kingdom administration we're going to be focusing on the purpose for the gifts and fruit of the Spirit the purpose for the gift or the gifts plural and the fruit singular of the spirit first let me just clarify some things I want to begin this session with a question it's a very tricky question it's a trick question here's the question what would life be like if man had never fallen I want you to think about that question I don't want an answer now but I want you to think because it is a real legitimate question what would life be like if man if Adam had never sinned first of all obviously there's to be a planet like we have today obviously there still be humans on it like we have today obviously there would be billions of humans on the planet so second question what would they be doing if man had never fallen think about it the first command God gave Adam maybe a hint to one of the questions it's found in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 it says the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden and commanded him first command work everybody say work everybody say work that's important work is not a sign of the curse work was established by God before man sinned so work is not the curse work is God's first command which means that work is why you were created God did not command man to sing the clap he didn't command man to pray as a matter of fact none of these items are found in the book of Genesis chapter 1 and 2 and yet these are the only chapters in the Bible where we find these words and the Lord says this is very good in these chapters there's no command to meet and have meetings and worship god never told us to do that God told Adam work so whatever we are doing now is not God's original plan for our lives an emphasis is on original in other words these religious things that you are going through that you grew up with whether you are here in the Bahamas or a Caribbean or whether you are in America watching this program in Canada England folks are watching us down in Africa South Africa and are you watching you know wherever you are all the religiosity whether it is Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism or Christianity God never intended any of this God never expected nor intended for us to meet together and sing songs it's not a command in God's mandate in Genesis God never expected us to come together and try and get his presence buying worship activities these are serious issues let me take the question further if man had ever never fallen would there still be a need for apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers these are not mentioned anywhere in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 there's no mention of any apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher why because all of these are only necessary because of the fall therefore the things that we call great functions are really products of the fall if man had never fallen there'd be no need for Calvary no need for resurrection no need for church meetings no need for apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers Russia's Ministry of helps musicians there'd be no need for them and based on the biblical text apparently it seemed as if God will get rid of them eventually again matter of fact it is God who spoke through paul and says tongues shall cease prophecy shall cease there be no need for no one to teach you anymore they'll be in your heart in other words gozman get rid of everything you've been trying to get some of you can't wait to be a plastic let me get rid of that why because this entire program that we involved in right now was not God's original plan now why do I stop in such controversy because I want you to understand that God's original plan was never and still is never religion God's plan is very specifically stated by God himself it's found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and God said let us make man in our own image and in our likeness and let them have what dominion over the fish of the sea birds of the air livestock of the field and over all the earth and over everything that creeps upon the ground so verse 26 the Lord God created man in his own image way to him male and female verse 27 and God blessed them and said people full and have dominion over all the earth period period period no singing no dancing no prayers no thing no nothing just dominate the white Dominion is the word Mangla in Hebrew and it's the same word for Kingdom so the assignment God gave humanity was kingdom I boys a kingdom right the king the word Kingdom down please talk about that a kingdom is a government under a king a kingdom has nothing to do with religion it is a governing political concept it is a government under a king very important point number one so the first thing Jesus God gave humanity was a government government responsibility on earth Matt fact the word Dominion means to govern to rule to control to manage to lead and to have authority over it's an amazing word it means to control the environment it means to manage resources that's what a king does a king manages his kingdom so the assignment God gave man was an administrative assignment therefore we can understand our kingdoms work all kingdoms expand themselves through a system called colonization by the way it's my item up on the board I'm having a problem can you please switch help me up please my key thank you very much it's very important to understand that a kingdom expands or extends itself through a process called colonization colonization is when a kingdom rules a territory that's a far away from it through a system called colonization colonization is when a king takes some of his citizens and put them in a foreign land and those citizens make that land just like the kingdom that's called colonization point number three very important and that is a kingdom delegates the administration of its government in the colony to a person called a governor so whenever a kingdom takes territory and it wants to rule that territory it places in that territory delegated authority through a person the King calls governor in the Bahamas or those of you who would be old enough to know this when I was born in 1954 the Bahamas was under a kingdom we weren't a kingdom for almost 200 years as a country actually we're not a country we were what they call a colony and in the Bahamas growing up there was one man in this country that was the rule of this country and he lived in a house not too far from here the house was called the governor's mansion all of you probably know where that house is it's a big pink wall is of an entire block that England created and England built in that block around circled with that pink wall a big massive house that is called the governor's mansion and a person was sent from England to live in that house the reason why they were sent there is because they were sent from the Queen's Court to live in the Bahamas to make sure that the Bahamas becomes just like England that's the purpose for a governor a governor is to come from the king to the colony live in the colony and he was given delegated powers to administrate the Kings wishes in the colony is that clear are you sure all right point number four then becomes critical and that is the governor is empowered by the king to delegate powers and assignments to whom he will in other words when the governor from England lived in the Bahamas the Queen of England and the king of England did not choose the local administrators they left that up to the governor so the governor in the Bahamas appointed people from the local administration pool and gave them powers to administrate under his authority the Kings wishes when a governor comes to a colony he only comes to do the will of the king or the Queen that's why he comes when he tell against authority to anybody he has given them that power to only do the will that he received from the king which means that everybody is basically working for the Kings will so in England when they said we should drive on the left-hand side of the street just like they do then the governor says everybody got a driving lesson said a street so he instructed all the the authorities in the country that he appointed whether it's the chief of police or the chief of Road traffic whatever he says not everybody must drive on the left there's a put up signs he made sure they carry everything and they had to carry out the administration of that and now we drive on the left so we look just like England that's the power of a government delegation leading the number for these delegated powers are only for the purpose of the kingdom in other words when a governor appointed somebody and gave them authority and power to act they could only use that in the service of the kingdom they couldn't use it for personal gain they couldn't use it to build up their own ego or their own reputation they had to use it for the reason of promoting the kingdom only because it was not their power it was given by delegation from the governor he's his Clare every Kingdom works that way you remember in the day of Jesus Jesus was born under a kingdom and God actually made sure he was born under a kingdom so that all the components and the prototypes were present that's why it took Jesus four thousand years to get to earth because no Empire before the Roman Empire had established a them similar to the kingdom of God so God waited and tell the exact prototype was present and then the Bible says Galatians chapter 3 it says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son born of a woman right on time why did God wait for 4,000 years because he had to wait until the system was in the earth that was similar to heaven system of Kingdom so when Jesus spoke everyone understood his words because the concepts were present is that clear now if you study the Roman Empire Caesar was the king and he lived in Italy Italy is far away from Palestine in the Mediterranean you know on the western side and so you find that when Rome took over the whole of Europe they took over all over the Middle East they ruled everything Jesus Christ is born in a little town in the Roman Empire far away from Caesar Caesar was the king but in the area where Christ was born it was called a colony the colony was called Palestine and Caesar the king sent to that area a governor who's name was Pilate Pilate job was to make sure that the whole area acted and thought and spoke and lived just like Rome that's why you hit a statement when in Rome do as the Romans do that was a serious policy if you are in a Roman territory act like Romans that's what that means you eat like Romans just like Romans talk like Romans he spoke laughing matter of fact that's why laughing became such a powerful element in the church later on because all of Rome ruled the world and they made all the religious activities in Latin because Latin is Roman language is not a heavenly language so Christ was born in the middle of a kingdom just like his Caesars job was only to carry out or should I say pilot's job was free to carry out the will of Caesar in that territory pylus job was to convert Palestine into Rome so the delegated powers that he was receiving only for the sake of Rome he couldn't use it for to build up his own kingdom it's a matter of fact any governor that acted and began to behave as if he was the king was killed the governor only says what the king told him to say he only does what the king told him to do he was a total extension of the king therefore these delegated powers were called privileges or gifts gifts of the game now when you talk about delegated powers they had to be gifts because to delegate me you don't own it that's why it's called gift it's a gift you didn't earn this you didn't work for this is deprecated that's why when you talk about the Holy Spirit the governor he comes to the territory with gifts they are called gifts of the Spirit these are delegated abilities he brings with him to give to whom he chooses in the territory to do administration work for the kingdom these are gifts of the governor everybody said gifts of the governor say it loud gives the governor so the entire concept of gifts of the Spirit have to do with this term I want to get used to it kingdom administration is not about religion it's not about spookiness it's not about falling down rolling over and scream and all that stuff we do it's about administration it's government business every spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit given to you as a person is a government delegated gift for government business it's not to make you feel good it's not to give you a thrill to make you run around and do funny stuff it is given to you for activity that promotes the government's interests in the territory very important so the gifts of the Spirit are for Kingdom administration we say this way the governor is responsible for government administration in the colony all government governors in the kingdom are now if you are from America this doesn't make any sense to you because in a republic especially a federation the governor's in those concepts are different as a matter of fact the governor in every state in America are independent from the president in acts in actual fact let me put it this way the United States for example is a conglomeration of Nations every state is that's why it's collimation it's a state the state is a nation the leader of that state is called the governor so the United States has 54 54 governors I get 54 many states 50 so they got 50 governors why because each state is a country Florida is a country Atlanta is a country so Georgia is a country and the head of that country is the governor so the governor doesn't take instructions from the president he's an independent person chosen by the people in that little state that's a country the president I say does not appoint the governors they are voted in by the people in the state they are the head of the state that's why even though Washington may make some decisions concerning laws the state can actually disagree with it that's why you can have a governor in California for example who can choose that lesbianism or gay rights will be you know they can get married in the state disagrees because they're two different countries do you understand is so the president has no influence over the governor's in that Republic however a governor in the kingdom is completely opposite to that first of all the governor is appointed by the king and all he can do is what the King doesn't that's why the governor have to call the king Lord the word Lord means owner do you remember when one time Pilate was you know talking to the people and crisis up next to him and they were trying to crucify Jesus you know claimed for his life the argument was how can you let him go and Pilate says I find no fault in this guy you guys got a personal issue with him and I don't and they said you gotta crucify him he says I don't because I don't find anything legally wrong with him then the people said something that frightened him they said if you don't crucify him we will send a message to Caesar which says that you allow two things one you allow another king in the territory Buddha says that's treason and two we have no Lord but Caesar when I heard those two statements even though he hated to do it that's why he washed his hands he realized that his political life was in trouble because you see the governor can never go against the king in a kingdom he only does and says and acts based on the Kings will and instructions is that clear okay now you understand some things that Jesus said about the Holy Spirit Holy spirt is the governor of the kingdom of God place in the colony of Earth to bring the earth to look like heaven crisis when he comes he will not speak of himself he will only say what I tell him to say and he would not seek his own glory only glorify the king Jesus Christ you can never get the Holy Spirit to disagree with Jesus don't even try he's the governor and he's in the colony of Earth to convert earth into heaven that's why it says the Spirit knoweth how to pray it the will of God it and then he says here's the girl that have got it how to pray it he's a print like this our Father who is where in heaven that's the headquarters country holy is your name is Ana pray thy kingdom influence come and I will there it is be done where on earth how like it isn't him he says you pray you're number one prayer should be for Earth to look like heaven Peter and that's why the governor is here when you do that God has to answer your prayer there's one prayer God have to answer when you pray so every time you pray should always pray that one prayer don't pray for food and clothes anything pray God let your kingdom come let your will be done today this Monday morning this Tuesday this meant to say the whole day in my job in my family in my home in my body let your government come let your influence come in my school in my comments in my life in my thinking in my business in my investment and God begins to rule in those areas and the kingdom comes into your life it's not about religion which I get out of your head this is not religion it's government right it's done gifts therefore are the distribution and the delegation of powers by the governor to the citizens that he chooses to execute government business in the colony if you don't understand that statement you won't understand the Bible and you'll make it a religious book the gifts that the governor brings are delegated powers that he distributes as he wills to whom he will for the purpose of executing Kingdom administrative activities on earth that's why the gifts are given by the governor the holy spirit very important the third point therefore is critical and that is the gifts are given by the governor as the governor decides this is very important you can't tell the governor which gift you want the Bible says I read in a few minutes it says that he gives the gifts as he wills to whom He wills that's why you might not like the person who get that one but than in your bidness to work water god bless her because the governor has a prerogative in the Bahamas when the governor was ruling us under England the governor could have been anybody to be premier complaint anybody to be a pregnant secretary and it was the governor's responsibility and his obligation and his right to appoint the governor in a colony has total powers of appointment very interesting as a matter of fact here's something really strange you don't understand this now in a in a kingdom and we still got a little bit of left in the Bahamas that's why we still arguing right now about whether the governor should represent the Queen still because you see in a kingdom you got this problem the problem is the king or the queen is the ultimate authority so under the the Kingdom of Great Britain we were that were under the kingdom if the governor appointed chose you that they're going to give you a knighthood or an OBE award which is what I got from the Queen already it is done locally first in other words the governor in the society in the community in the colony would say I am gonna give you an Obie Award then the governor will send your name to England and it will call an elastic said on recommendation of the governor now once the governor this is deep now once the governor recommend somebody the king and queen automatically accepts them that's deep that means once the Holy Ghost are you ok crisis ok give God a praise for the Holy Spirit particles are you forgiven brother heaven says forgive on if the Holy Ghost says bless him see heaven says gather all the stuff let's dump it on him why because the governor recommends a blessing that's why the Bible says the Holy Spirit gives the gift to whom he with he doesn't refer to Jesus for that one he may recommend a kiss to Jesus why because the Holy Spirit lives in the colony and he knows your life oh you missed that one so you can't go around the governor talk the crises nice and nice but there's no no I want you all there live in you you ain't no good yet you got promotion yet if the governor promotes you do you are promoted that's why a lot of folks in the thing they can get away stop secretly the governor's living with you every day in your dark secret moments you asking God to bless you from the governor said I live with a friend don't bless that one got some problems still trying to work on some conditions that's why he the governor can fix you a sin not Jesus the governor can fix you because he lives in the colony he knows where you are lacking where you are weak where you are struggling and he works on it he said look you gotta fix this area before God use it for the next level he lives in a colony where's Christ he's in heaven see that right on the Father praying for you but the Holy Ghost where is he he's right in the middle where you got right in a mil of the mess where you are he knows everything about you you can fool Jesus the Bible says that the spirit knowing the deep things of God and reveals them to you and to him it's very important and understand that the gifts are given by the government's prerogative this next point number 4 the gifts are only for government service please write this down this is very important see a lot of folks lately have been using the kiss for their own private development their own private prosperity people sell in prophecies man you know if the government gives you a a government vehicle let me take a deep breath for finish the sentence if the government gives you a red license plate vehicle is that yours no so the government sees you want Sunday with your tensioner on the back of that truck going on a picnic they could literally stop in the road and get everybody out what it's not for your private personal pleasure so it is with our government gifts mmm-hmm when God gives you a gift by the Holy Spirit that aim for your private personal benefit it's government business so we got miracle workers selling miracles because people do prophesy in tongues shillings prophecies to people call me now send me ten ten dollars I'll give you a prophecy you got a problem in your life just call me hundred bucks I prophesied to you and I've seen this I've been in meetings where I puked spiritually puked I couldn't believe it they were doing it and these are well-known people who you run after some time watch who you were now these are illegal people stealing government gifts abusing the gifts of the government gifts of healing selling healings and the healings are real you know it's a gift but they are using it for private prosperity every gift of the government is for government benefit so every time you use a gift of the Spirit it should be to promote the kingdom of God not your private Kingdom that stopper to give to the spirit first Corinthians 12 says now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you to be ignorant I don't want you to use these gifts without understanding Paul says the governor comes to the earth to give you delegated powers he says you got to understand them and you got to learn about him look at the next verse Ephesians 1 verse 13 says and you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation having believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit who is deposited guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession to the praise of his glory now what this means is just simply put that guard deposited the governor on earth as a guarantee that there is a king if you never saw the king the proof that the king exists is the presence of the governor as a deposit in the colony listen when I when I was growing up as a kid in this country every morning we had to sing to the Queen and King of England every morning in school we bought a short pants long socks you know little tie and mammy stood in the hot Sun 95 degrees I mean hot Sun four years old god save our gracious Queen long live I know but we God save our queen barn-door whereas brightly and glorious born to rule over us god save the queen every morning we worship them I never saw them that's important don't need to see him to worship people say to me but how can you believe in a God you can't see how come he made me sing to a queen I never saw the only proof we knew that there was an England is there was this white man from England smoking a pipe who walked around our island speaking English you dad and he was the proof that there was a queen somewhere Oh hallelujah the governor was the deposit guaranteeing that there was an inheritance of a kingdom crochet table you see somewhere once the governor's present the kingdom is present shout Amen somebody Paul says when you receive salvation you believe you were marked there it is you were marked in him out by the deposit you don't need Jesus the governor is enough that's why when you receive Jesus Christ in his words you received the governor to live inside you that's a deposit in the colony that the king is alive and well hallelujah ten rolls of the governor write this down very quickly there are ten rolls that the governor performs and you're gonna see how they work right now number one the governor is appointed by the king number two he only counts from the kingdom now that's important that's important me pause you see the governor in a kingdom never comes from the colony there was no Bahamian governor as long as we were under the Kingdom of Great Britain because the governor never comes from the colony do you know why because anyone from the colony cannot change the colony if the colony is to be transformed to become like the kingdom then no one in the colony can transform it but they don't know what the kingdom is like that's why the governor to be sent from the kingdom to the colony that's why crisis when I leave I will send you another comforter and he will guide you he will teach you he will train you one he's coming from my father he says from the kingdom give God a praise for the governor coming from the kingdom praise God that's why the Holy Spirit is a Holy Spirit cuz he know holy spirits on earth he came to make us holy like our Father in heaven is holy he only comes from the kingdom number three he only represents the king the governor of a kingdom only represents the king he doesn't represent himself jesus said the Holy Spirit will not speak any words of his own he will only tell you what I tell him to say number four the governor only expresses the mind and will of the king the governor doesn't speak his own mind in our country when the governor of England lived here although two hundred years everything that governor says was exactly what the king told him to say to us in the colony he couldn't give us his own ideas he couldn't give us his own intentions or his own perspective he had to keep saying in the name of the king in the name of the king in the name of the king why i what am i speak name of the king matter of fact even when he got the instructions for the year for our colony these were called the message from the throne we still used the term because he surrendered the colony you know the Commonwealth even though we're independent we still got the Queen so even the Prime Minister gotta give his plans to the governor the governor gotta read them and he can say the message from the throat because we're still under the Commonwealth when Holy Spirit speaks that Jesus talking sherry cotton that's a good pretty show a man you missed it that's why I'm Book of Revelations Christ was talking to the church but listen how he said it he says listen to what the Spirit says to the churches even though it's him in the colony he talks through the governor you know let me say something that's very complicated very confusing to me when as a little boy I couldn't understand how people were praying to Jesus and even today I don't understand it even today we are not supposed to pray really to Jesus Christ never told us to pray to Him read your Bible carefully John 16 John seven eighty various specific instructions very carefully he said when you pray pray to the Father that's the government in my name that's the authority and the Holy Spirit shall deliver it because what the holy spirit knows the will of God he knows the mind of the government so if you don't how to pray then pray in the spirit the Holy Ghost and you'll be praying the mind of God that's why your prayers will automatically be answered this is why praying in tongues is so important when you pray in tones you cannot make a mistake when you pray in English chances are you making up your own suggestions to God that's where a lot of our present get answered we come to God all kind of I have a larger I want you to bless your cousin my bless I put Cheryl in this mess to make her grow up don't tell me bless and take her out oh I mean imagine if Shadrach Meshach and Abednego was your pastors and you heard that they were put in prison in Turkey you know the country there and they send back message we are get maybe bout to go into a fiery furnace church pray now what would you pray see that's the problem what would you pray I know what you pray you pray your mind Oh God put the fire out Oh God kill the key really deep press we will never pray or God take him in and go in with them we never pray that and yet that was God's will take him into the fire and he can be with them and ain't nobody gonna get burned now that's some you would never pray but that's praying according to the spirit 8th chapter of Romans says there are times H other fourth graders refrigerators 8 it says there times when you do not know what you ought to pray for he said when that happens pray in the spirit but utterances that cannot be uttered in the holy God for the Holy Ghost knows the mind of God you don't speak in tongues you better get it praying in tongues is safe because it is the spirit talking to Jesus and the father you can't miss hallelujah write this down the governor is responsible for converting the colony into the kingdom that's why most british yet the holy spirit is he has not to take you to heaven and repeat this the Holy Spirit is on earth not to take you to heaven because if that was the purpose he should kill you a long time quickest way to go he's here to change your behavior and your culture he's here to make earth like heaven not to take earth to heaven thy will be done on earth just like it is that's his job so he's here to convert us into Kingdom citizens while we are on earth number five the role of the governor is to transfer kingdom culture values morals nature language and lifestyle to the colony I believe that the Bible has been so grossly misunderstood that we have literally created something God knows nothing about and it's called religion what God wanted was a society and a culture not a religion and an exclusive group of something that we call church he wanted a culture of a society manifested in a people that's why God made Israel he didn't make Israel a church or a religion he made them a nation and he told them that the people shall know the difference between you and them because of the god you serve in the way you live what do we do Yubel are there links but staying class or no one can see us put a belt that everybody knows time to come and we hide behind these walls and we have some rituals be it far from God for such a thing Christ let your light so shine before that they may see your good behavior and when they see it they will give the credit glory to God say they must be from another place that's what he intended but instead of exposing ourselves we hide ourselves in these places called church buildings we almost got a secret society called Christianity what a tragedy number seven the government did the governor prepares subjects for citizenship you know because you are in a kingdom doesn't mean that you are automatically a citizen I want to just state it very clearly when I was born in the Bahamas I'm some of you older remember this and even Jamaica and Trinidad other ways were also know but this but even though we were under the King of Great Britain be we were not citizens of England did you know that even know that we can explain it to you we were born in the Bahamas grouping about my father all my parents they were never citizens of Great Britain we were under Great Britain we work all subjects a subject is not automatically a citizen why because citizenship is a privilege the government of England decided whether you are a citizen or not do you know why because once you become a citizen you have access glory hallelujah that's why they didn't give citizenship so easily they will rule you but not necessarily make you a citizen here's why because in a kingdom the King chose citizens personally that's why Jesus said you didn't choose me but I chose you because in a kingdom the King chooses who will be in his kingdom and once the King chooses you glory hallelujah that means you have total access to everything in the kingdom a subject a subject health have welfare without rights a citizen has welfare with rights so when you are a subject follow me now then the king could do anything to you even kill you what you just property but once you are a citizen now you are part of the kingdom family do you remember when Paul was being whipped by the Roman government they were whipping forward with and in the middle of the whipping Paul remembered something blood all over his back everything or torn up me Paul was just you know just beaten up in the middle of it Paul screaming says I am a Roman citizen the Bible says the soldiers dropped the whip and ran what was jus but his father apparently was of such high respect in that city of Tarsus that he was able to secure a Roman citizenship for himself and his children and when they heard her Paul was a Roman citizen a kingdom citizen the Bible says they ran to the Centurion says all we have done great wrong we will be punished for we have whipped a Roman citizen under became very afraid and the Batterson century went to Paul and begged Paul please do not report us that's in your Bible what it's the power of citizenship and that's when Paul says not only am I going to report you but I'm gonna take my case to Rome and the rest is history they had to take let me tell you something you better be glad that Jesus said you didn't choose me but I chose you and appointed you he says Shabri what are you Boko Haram my hostage you understand no you don't understand you understand that's why he says therefore once you're a citizen wherever any two of you get together and agree on anything it shout heaven have two here's what it means my citizenship because your eyes citizen he says I proponent you he says I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth you know it was access access my son he's a he's a citizen gives you access and rights Christianity doesn't give you rights it gives you religion and rituals jesus said your religion he says his lip service the governor's job in the Bahamas was to develop citizen to the point where they were qualified to become citizens by the way the first boy can I say in a kingdom in the country the Bahamas - the first order of business was language well when I have one in the Bahamas the first thing they said you don't speak English what we training you for citizenship but the first thing is language you gotta speak the British English sometimes you wonder why most of our old politicians are so British and then if our old preachers are so British because that was colonial training if you don't speak the Queen English you won't promote it yeah so you remember night because they finally got it yeah hello Jack you're a black man that's why a crisis as men is believed they first think just speak with new tongues government training I say governor training I say governor training when hoster come upon you baptize you he takes over your town [Applause] first of all our business learning to speak the kingdom language comes with the territory and next the governor role is that he lives in the residence built by the government you know the the governor in a kingdom never lives in a house built by the people in the colony not away you cannot build a house for the governor in a colony it's always built by the by the king so God hallelujah set it all up hey he look I'm gonna live in the earth I'm gonna send my governor to represent me and even not living any buildings I built my own buildings Acts chapter 17 I love it verse 24 it says for God does not live in buildings made by man's hands he says for your body is the temple of the holy governor he made the body with his own hands your body is the residence of the governor give God a praise that's why I said keep your body clean keep it holy because you got a holy resident on the inside shall they meant something that's why you can't just sleep with anybody if you got the governor on the inside you don't lay them down with anybody the promises the tables of God cannot touch with the tables of demons that's why they got a pink wall around the whole governor let's mention to keep it pure and the wall is so high you can't climb up they're gonna keep stuff out your body should be that way put a lock around your body and tell anybody you can't come up in here you come through the gate with a ring shout loud I said shout loud this is politics the same religion the governor if he lives in you your residence is off-limits you can't just drink what you feel like how much you feel like not in your house you can't just smoke the suck on would you feel like that in your house you can't just watch what you feel like with your eyes we would you feel like with your eyes you that's not your house hmm you can't shack up with the house look right now see we don't understand this isn't of religion and Christianity you could shack up and sing in the choir the next day you know prominence religion but in the kingdom you can do that your body is the residence of the holy governor the Holy Spirit write this one down his presence is evidence of the kingdom his presence his presence rather is evidence of the kingdom if the governor is present the kingdom is present and finally the governor is removed when the colony declares independence on July 10 2003 1973 the Bahamas kicked the governor out in a very nice ceremony now listen to me friends at 11:55 I was there I stood on the park 1973 in the Bahamas and I watched and there were thousands of people in love with me we all didn't realize we were doing we were declaring independence from a kingdom the kingdom used to keep all of our roads for us they provide water for us they take pride on the protection they provide all the police they provide all the soldiers they had their ships are there protect us we didn't do anything just enjoy it stuff 1/8 peanut butter you know we had free stuff free cheese I mean everything the rolls were kept by the government of England everything was everything was done by the food came in from the government of England everything was free and that night we didn't realize we're getting rid of all of that independent means you govern yourself and that's what Adam did in the Garden of Eden he raised the human flag and the flag of the kingdom of heaven was lowered and one act of disobedience the governor will came illegal me tell you something at 12:01 the governor of England was illegal in the Bahamas he was gone the next day couldn't stay here while he was illegal when you declare independence the governor is illegal suddenly they knew that they will make it I was a suddenly it happens that fast you tell God you know what them in your life no problem run your own life or at least another word ruin your own life there's a way that seems right unto man God says but the end of that way is destruction we tell you some friends this colony was designed for the governor without him there's chaos nuclear war bird flu AIDS epidemic people dying from poverty dropping to the ground tension in the Middle East terrorism everywhere oil prices unstable political upheaval social duress crime sodomy lesbianism homosexual abuse broken homes divorce growing up and only one parent don't tell me we're doing a good job this place was designed to be ran by the governor so he said without me you can do nothing and ever since he left if you study the story a bit carefully the day he left the next day a brother killed his brother huh he left the purpose for Jesus coming to earth is to bring the governor back and he comes with gifts in our next session we're gonna talk about that those gifts because we're gonna show you that there are different gifts that he brings and he brings them for administration I remember the day he took a residence in my mansion I was 13 years old and you know what he never left and maybe he's not a new tonight young person old person maybe you've been religious but you never had the governor let me tell you something the Kiwanis Club can't give you the governor the Key Club Rotary can give it a governor speech groups and clubs can't give you the governor Red Cross can't get good works can't give you the governor Christ says if any man comes unto me I will not cast him out if any man comes unto me him he says and we will come and make our abode in you he says you can take up residence you don't really want God you need God cuz life don't make sense God thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 69,680
Rating: 4.8464761 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 67qGpuLBLqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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