Restoring The Culture of The Kingdom of Heaven | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message but I want to talk tonight specifically about and write this down on your notes as the head of your topic tonight restoring the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven restoring the culture was a culture of the Kingdom of Heaven restoring the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven we can talk about that tonight why is this concept of culture so important culture is always a reference to a country or a community society culture and I want to begin by talking a little bit about the concept of kingdoms I believe that the the most effective way to understand the message of Jesus is to visit the Caribbean the Caribbean is the most perfect model of the kingdom of God strange statement if you want to know what Jesus Christ was preaching what is a kingdom and how it works you should visit the Caribbean because the Caribbean is the perfect prototype the model of what God intended to happen on earth now why do I say the Caribbean is a perfect model I want you to listen carefully I'm gonna call some names of countries and I want you to tell me what language they speak are you ready Cuba Haiti Trinidad Saint Martinique good Hispaniola dominican republic mm-hmm okay you guys pretty good Barbados mm-hmm st. Maarten French Guiana Colombia Brazil see this whole region is amazing now the Bahamas where I am living where we are now speaks what right next door is Haiti what did I speak and right below us is Cuba what did I speak what do we speak but as Cuba speak what does Haiti speak we right next to each other we all don't understand each other it's the perfect model of Kingdom I want to quote for you and you can turn if you want to the first public statement made by Jesus it's found in matthew chapter 4 verse 17 matthew 4 is his first public statement his first announcement that he made to the world he's 30 years old he's just left the wilderness full of the holy spirit he passed his test and his first declaration is his mission statement and he always repeated that same statement through his whole ministry the three-and-a-half years I quote Matthew 4:17 repent for the kingdom of heaven has arrived on earth that was his announcement every page after that book of Matthew Mark Luke and John you will find him repeating that message the kingdom of heaven that Kingdom of Heaven the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven sometimes we'll use the word the kingdom of God the kingdom of God and the king of heaven are different let me explain the difference I got an email yesterday of someone who's reading my book on the kingdom and they said that they wanted to have that clarified the kingdom of heaven is a place the kingdom of God is an influence the kingdom of heaven is the headquarters it's the country the invisible country where God's throne is the kingdom of God is the influence of that country on territories so the Misses of Jesus Christ is very important because he didn't choose a democracy he didn't choose a republic he didn't choose socialist government he chose this concept of Kingdom and people born in America know very little if not nothing about kingdoms because they were born in a democracy in a republic and republics are opposite to democracies and this is why I to read the Bible from a Democrat from a democracy concept rather will always distort the scriptures because the Bible is about a king not a president Jesus Christ taught a kingdom not a republic I think it would be helpful therefore to define what a kingdom is to write this down a kingdom is the governing influence of a king over his territory impacting it with his will his purpose and his intent I'm gonna repeat that a kingdom is the governing influence of a king a person over his territory and that word his is important that means the King actually owns the country that's the difference between a kingdom and a democracy or Republic the president the Prime Minister's an own the country but in a kingdom the king actually owns the country he also owns the people and everything in the country in a republic or in a democratic society the government doesn't own the country so a kingdom is the governing influence of a king or a territory impacting it with his personal will in other words in a kingdom that Kings personal interests becomes policy the King's personal will becomes law that's right a Bible teaches thy will be done yes on well it just like it is well that's the headquarters country in other words a king wants his will to be done he doesn't want your suggestions to be done in a kingdom there's no Congress or Parliament to discuss which laws they're going to create in the kingdom there is no Congress and no kind of polymer no Senate in the kingdom there's only the king and he has his Council that he chooses around him and they are called ecclesia chosen ones the word we use his church and their job is to take the mind of the king and document it as law and then to enforce it on the territory I'm going to repeat that the job of the ekklesia the chosen ones by the king is to take the Kings for make them law legislation and enforce them in the kingdom so when the King speaks the accuracy it takes the law the words of the king makes it law and makes it legislation that's why the church is the process take clothes to Jesus because he's the king we are the ecclesia and our job is to is to take the word of the King make it law in our territories and impact the territory with that law so a kingdom is very personal now I can listen to me carefully the Bahamas and Cuba and Trinidad and Haiti and Hispaniola and Dominican Republic and Dominica and all the in the Caribbean they are all manifestations of the power of kingdoms over territories one of the things that kingdoms do historically this is true is that they love to take new territory why because the power of a king is related to the territory he owns the more territorial King has the greater he's respected by the other kings that's why Kings like to invade and control new territory God is king of the world's unseen the Bible says open ye gates and let who the king of glory come who is the king of glory the Lord of Hosts he is the king of glory to open up the gates and let the King of glory come in who is the Lord the king of glory the Lord of Hosts our Lord strong Almighty the Lord strong and mighty he is the king of glory the Lord of Hosts that means a lot of armies armies King likes kingdoms of armies worked so they can take territory now God is the Lord the king of what glory that means everything that he made with his weight the unseen world he is king over that but he also wanted to rule another territory which didn't exist so he created it it's all the universe the physical universe is territory that God created chest to have more territory from the rule how can I prove it he wants his will to be in the seen and the unseen scientists of so far so far discovered over 500 million galaxies oh dear a galaxy is a multiplication of solar systems which means there's a modification of millions of planets so that's the universe they still haven't found the end of idiot they still trying to find it in the universe it is so big and according to the Word of God he hosts universe between his thumb his little finger I think he got a pretty big girl giving praise that's a big guy our telescopes cannot find the end of what he holds in his hands it's awesome God he's king he created the earth and all the other planets and he chose by his own divine prerogative to place one planet and miss all of that as his extension of his influence practically so he chose to put his children on a planet called Earth and he gave them a command Genesis 1:26 he says let them have what dominion over the earth so he wanted to extend his unseen influence to the seen world through his family sons of men that's why you are made in God's image you a call a son of God why you have God's family the Bible is about three things it's about a king a kingdom and a royal family I'm a repeating the Bible is not about a religion it's about a king a kingdom and a royal family the Bible is about government that's why the Bible speaks of the Messiah when he comes he says front of us a child is born a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder not a religion he's coming with a government he says unto his governor shall be no and it never says to his religion shall there be no end Christianity is a religion but the kingdom of God is a government it talks about rulership influence impact won't you stay with me now now when kingdoms take over territories read my lips those territories are called colonies a colony is a territory under the control of a kingdom once a kingdom takes over a territory the intent of the kingdom is to transform the colony into the kingdom so that the colony takes on the characteristics and the culture of the kingdom so you can always tell that could mean out it can get sweet you can always tell who controlled the territory by studying the colony the King of Portugal took over Brazil the King of England took over the Bahamas the British also got Barbados they got Trinidad they got Jamaica the French Kingdom took over Haiti they took over same otterloop Guadeloupe the Spanish kingdom took over Cuba they took over Dominican Republic now if you really want to see the power of kingdoms study the Dominican Republic and Haiti they are the same island there's a line right down the middle between the island one side seeks French the other spies speaks Spanish why for two kingdoms grab the same island now watch this whoever took the island the island look like it talks like it dresses like it eats like it so if you go to Cuba you think you ran to Spain check it out the architecture the food the language if you come to the Bahamas you think you're in England narrow streets drive on the left-hand side we speak English you know colabello check see we got their knife and fork this short burns long socks we grew up singing god save our gracious Queen in Cuba in the figure in Spain when you go to Haiti they drink wine with cheese French watch this and they all speak the language of their kingdom you can already tell where a person is from by their language see now listen to me the purpose for a governor in a kingdom the most powerful person in a kingdom is the governor stop thing and democracy something democracy you got a thing Kingdom every country in the Caribbean that was under egg Kingdom that Kingdom always sent a person from the kingdom to live in the territory he was called the governor there was one in Haiti there was one in Cuba there's one in the Bahamas there's one in Jamaica and Barbados and say Lucia st. Thomas st. Kitts they were all the way if ever they take they sent a governor and the governor's job he was he was always from the kingdom the governor was never from the territory why he had to have original culture and his job was to produce the culture of the kingdom in the territory the first thing they made us learn when it really took over our lives was we had to learn English now let me just say something you need to understand 90% of the people who live in the Caribbean are black people rather Indian or Negroes from aetna Africa now here's watch this all of them are related you know all the black folks in the in the Caribbean are cousins same boats same slave trade okay but watch what happens many of them ended up same families now but in different kingdoms this is important same family but depends what Kingdom you fell under you took her on a life you can't even talk to your own brother anymore he's here in the kingdom of God even though even the the people you poop at your brother and sister but then you end the kingdom of God they don't know you anymore you change even though you're in the same family why you now under a different culture you stop cussing you stop telling to any stories you stop dressing funny why because suddenly you are under another culture and your own family don't recognize you anymore anyone I'm talking about copy hands the Haitian and the Jamaican and the brown agents are all family to the paintings different boats different languages different foods different culture it's the powerful Kingdom it changes everything it touches the key to that change listen carefully is the governor your boss that kind of a sheep let's see if you can get the governor in the colony the colony is in trouble because the governor is now going to change the curriculum of the schools he's going to change the coach of the people he gonna change the language of the people and he's gonna make them just like his kingdom that's his job that's why when Christ left the earth he says I'm going but I'm coming right back I'm gonna send one the father the governor will send you a governor and he will be with you in the colony I shall teach you how to think he would train he will train you how to talk he'd give you a new language getting ahead of myself are you following me so write this down the principal goal and purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to deliver the governor of heaven to the colony of Earth Adam used to have the governor here Adam declared independence from heaven so the governor had to leave when the Bahamas became independent in 1973 the first person to leave the Bahamas was the governor of England why he was he was suddenly illegal don't you forget that see the moment that our government signed that release to be independent and that fly came down the governor was illegal so the Queen of England with recall withdrew the governor and the Bahamas became independent you become independent when the governor leaves are you following me yes and that's why today they've never been a governor from England this country since the governor Bahamas is what a Bahamian he cannot teach you anything other than which he would would you already know he's a behavior when Adam disobeyed God he caused heaven to recall the governor and so man stop learning heaven language he stopped living heaven values he lost heavens culture he lost heavens values hard morals he began to have his own independent ideas of her life that's why the Bible says there's a way that seems right unto the man but the end thereof the way of death you begin to live we began to live our own style our culture we develop a culture called the culture of the kingdom of darkness the first act in our culture was a brother killed another brother murder what a way to start a new culture killing can't kill Abel ever since then we've been killing one another is what it's our culture the teeth comes put for to kill steal the destroy that means the king of darkness has a culture is a culture of killing stealing destruction that's why you take drugs that's why folks are in gangs that's why you have broken homes his job is his culture to destroy that's why this summer sweetheart it's a culture to be on empty your wife is a culture destroys families destroys children destroys homes incest abuse domestic violence are all parts of a culture Jesus came to bring back to earth would Adam lost what did Adam lose the governor the governor Matt action for two very important and God has raised Jesus to life this is Peter talking after they were filled with the Holy Spirit the governor came back to earth and they began to speak in their native language again tongues is not for some specific group of people it's world it's Adams original language it's from our country heaven and so suddenly these 120 people who were in that room picked up their native language again why the governor was back in town give the Lord a hand for the governor back in town when the governor comes back to town he the first thing he gives you his language and when show you in a minute why language is important but the first thing he gives you his language a year for Peter says Peter says God has raised this Jesus to life and we are all witnesses of the fact exalted to the right hand of God he has one received from the father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and what he it was they hear his presence not just see it when the governor comes back to earth he comes back into your life he's the person not just see him he's supposed to show up in some evidence of language Tong's is reconnection to your original language that's all it is it's not a weird thing matter-of-fact English is not your original language tongues is your original language we call it town come here in order to call it thumbs up again he says but us would be came over it you know you're speaking in tongues whatever that is whatever that is I don't know what it is but whatever it is it is a language once you look at this Matthew 3 John the Baptist says i baptize you in water for repentance but after me will come one who is more powerful than I I whose sandals I am not fit to carry watch this he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and we were fire he said look I brought you water birds there's another guy coming with the governor I'm the announcer he is the bringer ma-1 verse seven and this was his message after me will come one more powerful than I John speaking the tongues of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie i baptize you with water but he will baptize you with what the governor the Holy Spirit he could bring see but what John is saying is the ultimate goal of Jesus was not Calvary John didn't say there come ones after me and he will die for your sins on the cross and shed his blood John another he said that in a real issue that's a means the end is to get the governor back that's what you lost he says my job my ultimate job is to baptize you in water his ultimate job is to baptize you in the Holy Spirit to get you back in touch with your country can I hear an amen the most important person in the colony of any Kingdom is the governor the most important or prison on earth is the Holy Spirit because the earth belongs to God but he has no control unless the governor is present I like what it says you know I brought one Spirit says when he comes he shall guide you into all truth now every boy is a culture the reason for the governor is to produce culture right there down please the purpose for a governor is to produce culture understanding culture is important every country or Kingdom or nation manifests itself in what we call cultural and social expressions the way you can tell a person's origin is through their culture the certain ways Americans Acuras it as an American Bahama sense of human trinkets luster Jamaican why do we say that about people because until while you stick around long enough you begin to pick up some things but you know mannerisms you know attitudes language especially in other words every nation express itself in cultural uniqueness that's important every nation embraces a common language huh write this down please language is the key to unity and communication the most important thing in a country is language the most important thing in a culture is language I'm saying something very important you a country is not a country until they all speak the same language this is why there's a stress going on right now in United States there's a stress in a German immigrants end result the stress the stress the social stress is because people who you know a weirwood an American was are becoming confused now then I'm sure what is an American anymore you go to past America you can't even understand what they're talking about and they say the Americans they see the Americans have greed that their language is English the French should read their language is French and the Spanish agree that language is Spanish now when you come into those countries it's supposed to be your responsibility and the governments to make sure you learn the language of the country you don't bring your language to the country you adopt the country's language otherwise you will destroy the nation I'm talking to something very important that's why when we were slaves our grandfathers and mothers they made sure we didn't speak our language we had to speak up a to our privately it was illegal to speak your native language read in history book it was illegal you would be punished and you spoke the language of your fathers why because the way you control a country is to make everyone speak the same language because language is the key to unity it's very important the fall of man disrupted the culture and the language of the king of heaven on earth we lost the language we lost the thing that made us one with heaven heaven doesn't understand us anymore that's why the Bible says the mind of the Spirit is opposite to the mind of the flesh they don't think the same thing because my thoughts are not your thoughts the way you think is a different language in a way I think he says your ways race means culture I'm not my ways you don't act like me anymore you guys are strangers the fall of man destroyed our language write this down Jesus came to restore the culture and the language of the kingdom of heaven on earth that's why he came he came to restore what the language and the culture of heaven on earth and therefore he had to get the governor in the territory when he rose from the dead his first act this is important was he went to them and he breathed on them and he said read see see means to have three means to go back to the original state received means to have again so he's telling them you lost him here he is again in Genesis chapter 2 verse 8 he breathand to them Matthew 20 verse 14 he breathed on them he gave them back with their loss therefore he put you back in position to reconnect to your original culture and your original language which is from heaven and therefore the key the kingdom culture is the spirit of the kingdom it got to have the governor you cannot live in the kingdom of God without the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the key to the kingdom of heaven on earth that's why no matter how much religion you go to how many mass you attend I'm the songs you sing in the choir it doesn't matter God don't care he didn't that if you ain't got the Holy Spirit you ain't in the kingdom oh hear me Nicodemus was the head of the Worship Center he was the senior pastor of the synagogue Christ says you ain't got the Holy Ghost except a man be born again of the stud he cannot enter the lifestyle of the kingdom of being in the Red Cross going to rotary helping with the key club being nice to poor people you still in to keep me going straight to hell if you ain't got the kingdom spirit you mean in the kingdom it doesn't matter how long your mother daddy being pastor's if you ain't got the Spirit of God you ain't in the kingdom because he is the source of culture he's the source of language now what's the language of culture yeah write this down the original culture of Eden was one language y'all know that one language as a matter of fact chances 11 tells us about it it says now the whole world had one language and a common speech as men moved eastward they found a plain and Shina and settled it remember and God took him out of the Garden of Eden chapter 3 he threw him where he said I'm beliefs he told him out of the garden and even east were here they show began in verse 11 chapter 11 he says they were there at ease and they still had the language they still were able to speak one language watch this the power of language the next verse I love it verse 11 chapter 7 verse 4 6 then the Lord said if as one people speaking the same language they began to do this thing then nothing they plan to do would be impossible to them why if as want people with the same language God says the key to power his language remember this is a chapter where they decide to build the Tower of Babel a Babel we call it we call Tower of Babel it wasn't actually called the Tower of Babel that's the name was given to it afterward because they were babbling you know God did something the language we talked about in a minute but you see they they want to build this tower up to heaven and the Bible says they they said read my list please they said we will build a tower unto our name bad idea when you build anything unto you and use God's material he gonna confuse you it's called I don't worship anything more important than God is an idol and they were about to build a tower more important than God they said they built it unto our own selves when you do anything for yourself and yourself alone GABA destroy it and you guaranteed all the time now I'm saying that for a reason God was not against the tower God wants you to build a dream in your heart he put it there what he's against is who you're building it for you should do everything for his namesake say it his name sake if it's not for his glory it's for your destruction God loves buildings as a matter of fact the first command God gave Moses build something canto Solomon built something told David build something God I get to build stuff and he liked good things you know read how God told Moses the bill I need they put diamonds put gold but would put he said one nice thing God like building but make sure it's for his name i watch this what did God say was the key to their success he tells us one language watch it if as one people speaking the same language they began and agree to do this thing nothing shall be you see the power of language is the ability to produce God says the danger with these people is that they speak the same language and when people speak the same language God says nothing shall be impossible to them that's why the Bohemians and the haitian can't build anything together that's why the cuban and the american can but why because the language barrier now notice what it says in verse 1 the whole world at that time had one angry that means the whole world was powerful and they used that power of language to build something for themselves and God said this is wrong everything you use in his mind the dirt is mine the mortar is mine the straw is mine the nails the hammer all mine and you build it in your for your glory give me back my things including my tongue watch God now God says come let pull say loud never this is the first time in the Bible I've ever seen where all of God came to earth now you see all of God never came to earth holy goes here word in here cry say here I mean crisis here the father was in heaven they would they were never in the same place all at once but according to God the most the only thing that made all of God come to earth is one stay with me he says let's go down and do what confuse their language he didn't say let's destroy the tower cuz you ain't got destroy the tower if they can't talk to one another you doesn't gotta bring the hammer so you think I'll be able job say what yeah yeah yeah bring what yeah yeah so if I don't know you want to bring signee five-nil I'm sorry that anywhere did you live it what you never bet Gaza look watch this the key to power is one language the key to weakness is many languages and that's why the United Nations is a mess because we trying to live together with many languages and that's why I churches the mess because we're trying to live together with many languages these Baptists we don't speak in tongues be Catholics you don't believe in it Methodist never touched it hey buddy buddy got their own stuff going on Presbyterians you know yes seven that benefit you like the day underlying you just a day give us the day no Cosmo just a confusion they're so weak that's why we can affect the earth as Church I don't care nothing about your religion nothing my question are you in the kingdom second question have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed I'm reading them I would read a voice in a minute I got it right here tonight you can read it see you're gonna believe in still know how to be in the kingdom I believe yeah but you ain't got the Holy Spirit I go to church do you have the Holy Spirit yes do you speak him down no then you ain't got back to Holy Spirit I said active that means you get the well but you ain't got the river yet look at this he says so they would not understand each other look at verse 9 and this is why it was called what Bible you ever say this I mean our cultures if we get the word from stop babbling babbling means that I don't understand what you say that's where the word comes from the towel was not called the tower Babel that was the that was the description of the problem that recurred after God destroyed their language ability hmm when you speak in tongues people say you babbling in fact it's the reverse it's gettin deep English - God is babbling French - God is babbling Spanish is turbulent but when you study cold rap about the Bible says the mind shuts down and the spirit understands every single word he that played in an unknown tongue pray it unto God God has the decode your English to understand your breath that's why the Bible said when you don't know how to pray the Holy Spirit will help you with groanings that you cannot cutter with your language English is interference in breath that's why I pray in tongues all the time I love praying in tongues why I ain't got a decode nothing that's why it's important to learn speak in tongues young man the kids for the Holy Spirit speak in tongues now at 9 at 8 at 7 why cuz you want to learn to speak in your father's and have his language now so when you pray in a matter old you are you are praying in the Holy Spirit's language can I hear an amen very important he says this is why is called Babel because there the Lord confused what the language of the whole world from there the Lord scattered them over the face of the earth when you don't understand each other you separate yourself have you noticed and that's where nations became different and that's why you like to be people who you understand it's all the English go together or the French go together or the Spanish go together the Portuguese go together you know so healy go together everybody kind of go in there and that's what creates all the tension because the language creates the differences differences create the contests the pressure the conflict and now we got war war is created by language this is why the devil fights the baptism in the holy spirit so much the devil created doctrines against it to make sure you and I now speak the same language again they got theological positions on it they send you to seminaries to tell you it doesn't exist anymore and you get a degree in foolishness come out with your degree there's no such thing of the Holy Ghost you see and they give it a degree and ignorance and it stops you from I'm in power but in this place God shall baptize everybody in the Holy Spirit and you shall speak with new tongues come on shout amen my prayer is that there'll be a place filled with thousands of people and they're speaking the same the devil is in trouble when we start speaking in tongues lifts chance to speak in terms of five seconds come I just make him nervous I dare you I dare you to speak in tongues in the name of Jesus rokosz see Bruce at a liquor on my breath so Tomo - camera rasulallah kasi Kondo no mercy for your soul a time machine and if you ain't got it I command you to release it on the inside in the name of Jesus let that don't become a river tonight flow in the name of Jesus for he's a faithful God that language is your key young man listen I used to be an F student in school and I start speaking in tongues in high school and I became the top student in the school graduated upper school courses I confuse their language so they couldn't even live together huh why is language so important I called the prayer of mine write this down the promise was not just for power but for language see love you here the law says the house shall receive power yeah but that wasn't the only promise look at this promise mat mark 16 verse 17 it says and these signs will accompany those who believe that it was here is the evidence that you believe in the work of Jesus on the cross what he did feel here's the evidence that you've received his work in my name they will drive out demons she'sa speaking and they will speak with new tongues he says the evidence that they are reconnected to heaven is they'll get their authority back on earth tribe of demons and they'll get their language back on earth that speak in new tongues how do I know you from Cuba open your mouth that's supposed to prove it you tell me you're Cuban and those big Spanish you lyin come on talk to me you tell me a lie see when you open your mouth it's supposed to expose your heritage when you hear a person say going and them and you know you ain't gonna guess where they come from come on y'all talk to me mmm-hmm and if someone ever say jerk Oh Lord you from Bay town brother you ain't just renounce evil bait out see how powerful languages it reveals your heritage now what I want you to note is who's speaking here this is not Paul this is not Peter this is not Moses the st. John this is Jesus himself he says when you believe there'll be two signs that show up one you have suddenly got authority over earth why you got the governor again secondly your language will change immediately speaking in tongues supposed to be as natural as speaking in English or Spanish or French it was the Apostle Paul who says I am glad I speak in tongues more than all of you Paul spoke in tongues more than he spoke in Hebrew which was his native language his real language was his tongues Paul understood it that's why Paul Forster I would pray with the understanding and I pray in the spirit I pray invoke what cuz when I don't know the praying in English I shift over in minutes and people I shift over and stuff I don't know because I don't know what's going on I got a pray my native tongue very important right is now Acts chapter 2 records the restoration of the kingdom culture and the kingdom language two things that a kingdom has culture language language is the component of culture your languages is the container of your culture if you and I can speak the same language we can never have the same culture because we can't communicate so the key to our community is our language sometimes go visit America and people talk to you and even the Americans you could tell us which part of country they're from can't you I mean the folks in Georgia y'all know miss y'all in New York and y'all you know whatever you tell different I know where you from by the your language your language gives you away in the Philippines different language and Haiti different language I'm gonna talk oh I know you from that's the way they supposed to do when you speak in towns so I know are you from I know are you from yes you are in the Bahamas you ain't from the Bahamas you are in the world but not talk to me your language the brother say I know where you from that's why you should never be ashamed to speak in homes in public Paul says he that speaking in tongues in public it is a sign to the unbeliever it's supposed to be proof that you are not from Earth even though you live here your language is your proof the authority is your proof you such authority because I'm reconnected to the governor I'm a representative I am an ambassador of my country backed up by my government don't fool with me and if you touch me I'll talk to them in language you don't understand come on talk to me I'll talk to the Lord of Hosts mm-hmm she caught up with Randy about that and all of a sudden he sent some armies to back me up give his angels charge concerning me write this down the power of the governor is to affect change in the colony to implement government policy that's why the governor is in the policy it is in the colony the Holy Spirit is on earth to affect change this is so important see this is where the theology of Christianity conflicts with the theology of the kingdom the kingdom theology says the Holy Spirit is supposed to affect change on earth the theology of Christianity is that Holy Spirit came to get you out of earth escapism it's all of our songs are filling wrong theology I'll fly away Oh Gloria why you'll fly away he says thy will be done on earth not in heaven cover this prayer that jesus prayed for you he says father do not take them out of the world how do you deal with that prayer let me send me friends there's a big house uptown with a pink wall around it they built that house here England built that house yeah it's still here over 150 years old they did not build a tent it's a stone house in the bedrock of the country why when a governor comes he plans stay because he comes to affect change the Holy Spirit is here to change our culture our society our politics our educational system the media business no education investors corporate exec he's here to infiltrate the whole country so that there's a culture from heaven in law a culture from heaven in education a culture in heaven in music and Industry and entertainment a culture of heaven in in an educational classroom lessons account of heaven in politics so the country begins to look like heaven on earth and so will come to pass thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth just like it is in heaven he that's the prayer he was praying comes a fact change not to take you out oh I can't wait for others to come I'm gonna start teaching and others on how to affect the community through Kingdom policy it's gonna last six months just to teach you that one thing because you see we are so brainwashed to leave we ain't no good to earth one little light bill you want to go to heaven you're lazy thank you jesus said in the world you shall have tribulation he says but have no fear what I've overcome the world and so you shall overcome the world system clap now give him praise he said you can overcome the world system you don't run from it you take control of it can I hear an amen Romans 14 verse 17 read it aloud together go for the kingdom of God here it is is not a matter of eating and drinking but of what righteousness and peace and joy we're in the Holy Spirit oh yeah the king of God is in the Holy Spirit the influencer the governor the governor is a sign that the kingdom is present the governor is a sign that the kingdom is in the colony when the governors is in the colony the kingdom is present when the governor leaves the kingdom left so according to the scripture it says the king of God is not meat and drink and food let me tell you something friend mutations ISM that's why some of the charismatic movement is becoming a concern to me because we built a religion on things for you you got your car yet you got your house yet but you must think I ain't afraid came inaudible cars it's not about food and houses it's about influence the word righteousness whatever that two Sundays ago it means what right positioning with the government being lined up with the authority of the government he said that's righteousness he said that's where the killer got it's about being lined up with the government influence so doesn't worry me what you will eat which you would drink but you will wear how you will live for your father knows you need these things but seek you first the king of God and his and these things you don't seek things you seek the line of yourself with the government and the government takes you of the things for you give a praise that's a powerful thing it said because anyone who serves Christ in this way would weigh in right standing with the government of God in the Holy Spirit is pleasing to God and approved by him ladies and gentlemen listen to me if God ever approves of you he gonna give you a big house you don't get you a flying car you're gonna get them nice cross if God approve you you know you're straight you straight straight straight if God be for you Oh glory hallelujah who can be against you you gotta get God to approve of you he says here's how to get him approve of you you gotta get the Holy Spirit in your life and stay lined up with the government of God and God will stamp approval on you and everything you need to be added unto you this is Kingdom blessing this is Kingdom message this is good stuff can I shout amen with you amen if he approves of you they can't stop your promotion I'm talking to you in the holy clothes right now I'm prophesy if he approves of you no supervisor can stop your promotion don't even think about it just gotta work and smile if they get in the way of your progress he will remove them not you what you need is God's approval the Bible says that Jesus Christ was approved of God and that's why he had such success he walked in the Holy Spirit he has the verse they want to remember first Corinthians 4:4 the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power power here means dynamic influence he said the king of God it's not in talk it's in evidence that things have changed they see that you change your clothing they see that you change your language they see that you change your attitude they see that you change your friendships they see that you stop doing things that are against the kingdom the proof that you are in the kingdom of God is evidence that you are living a different culture that's why I find it hard new to me they believe in Jesus and nothing changed they still drinking cussing sleeping around committing adultery fornication shacking up and they come to churches sing they in the kingdom is it a matter of talk it's a matter of dynamic change if the Holy Spirit lives in you you cannot enjoy sin any more it'll make you sick and you know what I'm talking about those you got the Holy Spirit you try to mess up the Holy Spirit mess you up in them in your mess [Music] whoopee why are you having fun walk you all through your fun whoop you slap you upside your head matter of fact when you figure you going it wasn't worth it I got beaten too bad I ain't going back there no more that even a worth the struggle he will whoop you why different culture you call it conviction I call it whooping he whoop you why because he comes in power you don't just talk and say you you in the kingdom of God your language changes you're speaking dogs let me close with a couple of thoughts here and then I want to pray for you receive the Holy Spirit mark chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 it says and these signs shall accompany those who believe in my name David what speak in new tongues acts 2:4 all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and what happened when it did it they began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them when you received the Holy Spirit it takes over your language why here's the beauty of this whole thing the beauty of it is you know plague o heaven the beauty of this is yes the beauty of it God destroyed the language in chapter 11 of Genesis so you can weaken them now he comes back to earth and he gives them language back so we can strengthen them I have traveled over 70 countries is incredible I'd go to those countries I don't understand some of those languages but I would get in those conferences and those churches I go to speak in Germany France in England in Africa I could with coaches and I stand there and the people I just in Russia in Ukraine and 20,000 people in the auditorium I don't understand a word in Russia except dobri nobody means going I thought I remember Toby everything else is foreign to me I don't understand but when we step worship Oh [Music] am I here 20,000 russian-speaking people start speaking in oh I joined in my hey v1 now rookery and the whole place explodes with this language suddenly I feel at home the power of unity it's a language my wife and I went to Germany some years ago and now we went to a Pentecostal church in Germany I went in a preach man a boy speaking German Oh then they started pushing me they start speaking in Tom know how crazy I was home woman sitting there was home man I joined the cordon I'm worried about Sunday about it and the header speaking Talz it was like me home we are one one family it was Tom's that did it and then we finished I don't understand a word anymore will you become changes again the language made us one and in those moments of worship and tongues is when the power God came and kissed every meeting I was [Music] that's why we speak in tongues here at this church and if you know speaking tones yet I promise you you don't get it you're gonna be okay because you have to get it right that's your native language they shall speak with new tongues as the Spirit gives them utterance this is the promise of the Father I tell you right when I even think about acts 19 and it came to pass that while Apollo's was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus finding who finding who finding who say it man finding who okay certain who well guy disciples certain okay a lot of people are certain disciples it just certainly certain class the second group over there it's a second group over there it's a second get it straight in groups now notice that they are disabled which means that they got you know all the paperwork down they got the same book the Bible and already they get thanks support read it read out loud read he said unto them [Music] stop it father look you guys got all the motions something missing was enough you got the Holy Spirit John chapter one but do you have the Holy Spirit are you with me they were in church going through a service process you know something yawning at the governor you got the book you got all the rituals you got everything down he says unison the most important thing in the whole thing Jesus did you could believe and still not have and believe hear me and she got all the religious stuff now sing all the songs call all the verses you remember where you go to remember is everything you take your communion and then go and drink liquor right afterwards get drunk he says you you got this all worked out but you ain't got the governor what Paul's gonna do now what Paul and they said unto him read aloud we have not even much as heard that there be such a pig that theology didn't even include they're no different from what's going on today listen should you say you'd you speak in what you better from that gibber ish why could that theology has no room for the Holy Spirit nothing's new Under the Sun the argument is as old as 2,000 years they civilian haven't even heard you could have such a thing read out loud Paul's response and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized baptized and they said under John's baptism in other words man we believe in the Messiah and everything we believe in Jesus but we haven't received would he bought George Simmons was believed in Messiah we believe in the Messiah we believe in Jesus but we haven't received what he bought Paul's response read when they come and read it and when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus remember he was baptized you know what the Holy Ghost and when Paul laid his hands on them now what does he folks never did before you the Holy Ghost came on them and was the first sign and they spake with tongues promise that's in your Bible going through the rituals without the spirit evidence that you were part of the country again if you pick up the language again speaking of talking about an option you grew up in the church where they they don't practice it no problem but a too late tonight I'm showing you the evidence forget your theology in your church if it comes against the Bible you better get with the Bible so you're supposed to have because your church don't take you to heaven I'm telling you now the Holy Spirit gets you into God's kingdom he says you must receive this Paul says and they received it and they spoke in tongues look at the next verse it says what no you're not that your body is what the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you he dwells in us which you have received from God you are not your own anymore you were bought with a price he paid for your body so he could come back to his Governor's House your body is the governor's mansion and every colony must have a governor's mansion however you are the governor is present it's when you go in your bedroom tonight you shut that light off the governor is in your house when you go in your car today and you pull off in your car the governor is driving tonight are you gonna work tomorrow I don't care what's going on around you on your job when you go to school tomorrow the governor went to school the governor went to work the governor is present and don't be afraid to tell them it's gonna be a good day folks because the governor is in this place with you I'm gonna pray the Lord is there is Liberty get a lot a big friend thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 112,942
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: yaCTZnaw7uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 0sec (4140 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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