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hey there in a vision i saw several meteors headed toward the earth they were engulfed in fire but seemed to fizzle out at the very last moment there are times when what was meant for judgment will see mercy those meteors headed toward the earth represent judgment i'm not confused about that some of us have uh mishandled relationships not stewarded finances uh neglected things that the lord has given to us but at the same time look for much better and far greater than we really deserve what should have been set aside for judgment has been shown mercy before i started writing all of this down i heard the lord say an interesting phrase here it is a tidal wave of catch 22s a catch-22 is kind of a situation where the problem and the solution kind of cancel each other out for example um to get the job you need experience but you really need the job to gain the experience they just kind of cancel each other out some of you the lord is saying several several of you are in situations that seem uh that they cannot work and will not work what should have been set aside for judgment will see mercy says the lord for many of us our choices have landed us in a place and we do not deserve greater but the lord has shown mercy and i hear him saying now come forward if you have been mishandling neglecting not stewarding some things i'm sure there are some things that are pressing on your heart right now the lord says come forward there is absolute freedom on the other side of repentance in those catch-22 situations that the lord has highlighted to me today he is a way maker he is a road builder in the wilderness he will show mercy where you should have seen judgment praise god talk soon [Music]
Channel: AFreshWord
Views: 21,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prophetic word, prophetic word for today, prophetic word today, daily prophetic word, Prophetess, Prophetic utterance, church, Christian, Life, Better Life, Forgiveness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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