The Purpose Power and Person of The Holy Spirit Part 3 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the purpose and the power and the role of the holy spirit understanding the role and the purpose of the governor of the kingdom that's our title tonight session number three understanding the role and the purpose of the governor of the kingdom of God in our first session which I would like to quickly review for those who were not here and those watching us live around the world tonight I wanted to basically just give you a quick review we'll take just about three or four minutes to do this but if you were not here I want you to write very fast first of all we talked about the value of the governor and the kingdom of God is not a religion religions do not have governors governments have governors and the kingdom of God is the government of God headed by King Yeshua pronounced Jesus or Joshua the kingdom of God is therefore the governing influence of a king over a territory impacting and influencing that territory with his will his purpose and his intent so the kingdom of God is not a religion it is a country with a government heaven is a country I can use that term and earth is heavens colony God created Earth to colonize earth with the Kingdom of Heaven just like Great Britain took over these islands and colonized these islands as Great Britain's territory and so what we learned last week is that the most important person in a territory or a colony is the governor and I think it's important to just give you a quick confirmation that the governor of the Kingdom of Heaven is the Holy Spirit now in our last session we talked very hopefully clearly that for those of you were never born under a kingdom like I was in 1954 I was born under the Kingdom of Great Britain so I know what a king and the Kingdom is like and all kingdoms like to colonize or take new territory and when they can't take Kingdom takes a territory their goal is to make the territory just like their kingdom in other words the reason for colonization is for conversion to convert the territory into the kingdom's culture the kingdoms language the kingdoms dress and food and and clothing and the whole works a kingdom colonizes to convert so that whatever is happening in the kingdom happens in the colony now the way a kingdom influences and converts a colony is by placing in the colony a person whose job it is to introduce the kingdoms culture language lifestyle and every type of unique aspects of the kingdom to that colony when the Bahamas was under the BRIT great Kingdom of Great Britain they sent a man to live in the Bahamas that man could not be a Bahamian he had to be from the kingdom there is a house built in our capital Nassau that house is called government house is actually should be called Governor's House the governor is the person sent by the king to the colony to make the colony just like the kingdom so the government the governor's job is a very simple job to turn the colony into the kingdom that's why he's put there he had to come from the king because he has to know the mind of the king the will of the king and the intent and purpose of the king because his job is to carry out the King's desires in the territory that's why yet to come from the king every governor of the Bahamas for over 200 years has been from England in 1973 the Bahamas cut off relationship with England it is called independence independence means that the governor had to leave because he is no longer the authority in the colony because independence makes you your own authority so when Adam cut off leadership with God the Holy Spirit had to leave so Adam then became his own authority and that is what is called the fall of man the fall of man is simply the declaration of independence from heaven it's man telling the government of heaven I don't wish you to rule this territory anymore and so the governor left now remember Earth is not man's property the earth is the Lord's the Bible says and the fullness thereof so the earth is still God's property but God lost influence over it because the influencer the Holy Spirit that lived inside the man had to leave when the man dis obeyed disconnected himself from the government of heaven God so man became his own authority and just like the Bahamas became independent what did bombers do chose its first Bahamian governor which means that the only thing that governor could teach us is what we already know and there's the problem of mankind man is dumb because he is his own teacher that's why every leader we produce is just like us corrupt politicians steeping politicians homosexual politicians you know adultery committing politicians bribing policy you can't produce anybody better than yourself hmm that's why for God to save the world he couldn't come to hurt and find someone he had to send someone from outside back into the world because you cannot produce something better than yourself from yourself if you need help with corruption you yourself of the corruptible seed you cannot produce anything better than yourself if your seed is corrupt so sin cannot produce righteousness so a sinful man cannot produce a righteous baby is that clear and this is why when Mary was approached by the angel God says I cannot use a male man to produce a child for me I can have the Holy Spirit to come into you and produce a seed and that seed shall not be from mankind he'll be from God now the Holy Spirit therefore is the most important person on the earth secondly the most important thing man lost was the Holy Spirit do you see why do you see why because man was given a mandate found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 can I read it again let us make man in our own image and in our likeness next statement and let them have dominion over the earth the world oh minion is the word monocot in Hebrew and it means kingdom let them have Kingdom of the earth let them have influence for my country of heaven on earth man was given the job to make earth like heaven and the only way for that to happen is that the man had to have in him the governor of heaven living on the inside you know the house in the Bahamas called the governor's mansion that is the house in which the foreign entity from England used to live well God says the house he built for himself on earth is your body come on now and your body is the house of the governor of heaven and when you declare independence through your forefather Adam the governor left the house which means that the only thing that's missing on earth is the governor which means that the only work of Jesus is to get the governor back to earth don't get all caught up in you know Calvary and the blood and all that stuff all of that is a means to an end I'm gonna prove that his number-one goal was to get back in your house which you lost because you cannot bring heaven to earth if you are out of touch with heaven logical and that is why I ran the Bahamas declared independence that was the last day the governor of Great Britain was in the Bahamas we never had a governor from Great Britain sense why because we told them we don't want a connection as far as government control Third Point very important the solution to all of the world's problems therefore is what the Holy Spirit because that's what's missing that's why we can solve our crime problems and our broken home problems and our you know gay problems and an hour you know lesbian in schools problems because we are still trying to solve problems with government programs and the programs are coming from governments who are also homosexuals something you have a program being solved trying to solve a problem where the problem is the person who made the legislation this is why we need God not the Bible cause God the hope of the world because why we wrote him we ain't got no hope they said don't you ever think that our governments could solve and improve your life's problems if you think so you are gonna be disappointed jesus said he that believeth in me shall have eternal life he that believeth in me is already damned the way they no hope for you if you don't reconnect to the holy spirit young man you need the Holy Spirit every day of your life without the Holy Spirit you are an independent nation who gotta pay your own bills not smart all right number four every man is seat searching for the Holy Spirit well that's true because if what you lost is the Holy Spirit then everything you're trying to find is what you lost now we try to fill that void with all kinds of things like sex and money and power and glory and fame and all this stuff and when we get it we are still empty because that's not what we lost so we got rich people who are depressed poor people who are depressed twice we got folks with ten wives and no sense we got married five sweethearts and a wife and none of them happy because we go into from disco to disco party to party and we still at home with a hangover depressed when the Sun rises still trying to figure out why aren't we happy because what you're missing ain't what you going after you are missing the Holy Spirit write this down number five number six the greatest promise God made to man is the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit why that's what man lost therefore the ultimate goal of the calm of the coming of Jesus was not really Calvary dying on the cross and all that stuff that's not his goal his ultimate goal was to get the Holy Spirit back in every human being I'm talking about children teenagers all men all women adults you remember that the Prophet Joel prophesying about the coming Messiah in George after two he made a statement it didn't make sense at that time he said the day will come it'll be called the day of the Lord the day the Lord means the day when the Lord arrives on earth as well as statement means the day when the Lord arrives on earth and he arrived two thousand years ago he said the day of the Lord will come and he shall give you a sign that he's coming I mean that he's been here was the sign it says you're young men and your old man shall see visions yeah young men shall dream dreams why for the Holy Spirit shall come upon how many flesh I can hear you that is unbelievable it was a prophecy now let me tell you why I was so unbelievable because in the day of joy well the only persons that were known to have the holy spirit upon them not in there but upon them well either the prophets or the judges like Samson or the prophets like Isaiah Jeremiah Lemony Snicket Dan ho that you are limited amen then Brackett are you okay those guys okay in other words the common people couldn't even think of the Holy Spirit coming upon them and guess what especially women in those days a woman oh man they can't believe woman to be a priest a woman to be a prophet are you crazy and here comes Joe God saying but I see a day Jim now he said the day when all this religious problems y'all got a good feelin theology or God God's will destroy your theology because the Holy Spirit come upon all flesh watch this young man oh man ready and I wonder why they tried to kill Amos the aims of destroying their priesthood theology every human lost the Holy Spirit therefore Christ's blood always paid back to every human every atheist Buddhist Hindu Confucius watching the program right now and every person every 6.8 billion human being they deserved the Holy Spirit that's the religion comes from religion comes from man's search for the Holy Spirit so he creates these different traditions and all this commotion trying to find the Holy Spirit he's looking for the Holy Spirit it's ultimate goal of God now I wanted to introduce to now a second thought write this down please the limited and unlimited Jesus okay the most important person it's the Holy Spirit we know that and we an explain to you why because that's what we lost but the second point is the key of all a key of all life is the Holy Spirit in other words if you want to know what life is you got to get the Holy Spirit got to reconnect to him Jesus came to earth to bring mankind the Holy Spirit obviously this was the ultimate purpose and goal of Christ coming to earth was to bring back the Holy Spirit I hear him talking to me gosh Wow well he's saying some wonderful things he said I'm explained he said I must explain to you yes he said explained to you what the kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit is okay as long as the governor of Great Britain was in the Bahamas Great Britain was in the Bahamas the entire government was in the Bahamas as long as that one man was here you're getting it so when Jesus said change your mind that means repent for the kingdom of heaven has returned he was saying the Holy Spirit has returned to Earth in other words the government's official authority has returned to Planet Earth watch this though the goal of God was not to take us where he is but to come where we were that's what colonization is for colonization is not bringing the Bohemians to England but bringing England to the Bahamas let me say something practical in 1954 I was born in the Bahamas I was born under the Kingdom of Great Britain we sang every morning to the green on assembly line some of you are not I'm talking about and we sang praises in a kingdom that's what you do every morning you worship the royalty so every morning when I was a kid we had to put on our little uniforms and out in the hot Sun we'd hold Elena's flag up on Great Britain you know what they call the Union Jack and we had to sing praises to the Queen and King of England I'm talking about serious places like Rule Britannia Britannia rules the waves Britain never never never shall be slaves but we were slaves you see but we say dango never be slaves in other words we have to worship them as our great dominators every morning god save our gracious Queen long live our noble King god save the queen born to rule over us singing god save the queen I'll be singing loud every morning now watch Miss know what just learn a lesson you watch this we never saw them and that's important all my life we sign you see you don't need to see Jesus to sing to him when you are is it how could you worship a God you ain't never seen we did it all in line all the time in the Bahamas we worship and never saw them we just believed they were there and their influence was obvious because they made us speak their language English you know Gela hello chat kappa dat now hello hello lass and laddie have a spot of Thai see here's my point they didn't have to come here to make us like that it's in a statement his goal was not to bring us to England you don't need to go to England to learn to be like English just send a governor in the territory and the territory becomes like England now here's something remember Jesus limited himself what I mean by that when the Holy Spirit came to earth the only human body that was completely pure without rebellious independence sin was the body of Jesus let me say this listen carefully if you read the Old Testament the Holy Spirit never entered a person listen to me carefully from Genesis to Matthew the Holy Spirit never entered a person if you read the Old Testament the Holy Spirit the Bible says came upon people then he would leave why he couldn't enter because they were unholy so when Sam son for example received the power of the Holy Spirit the Bible says he would shake himself and the Spirit came upon him he would get this extra strength and he would do these great things and then the Bible said Holy Spirit would leave him he said with the prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah is that the Holy Spirit came upon them they were prophesy and then he would leave he couldn't enter them because their bodies were unholy unholy houses they were in rebellion independence so when God came to earth God says I'm gonna quote Psalm 38 our body that was prepared for me prophesied about the coming Messiah which means that God had to prepare a body for himself that was not seeded by a male man from Earth because whatever is in your genes as a male you transfer to your offspring so every man born of woman comes out a sinner so in Psalms 51 make sure you read that it says I was born in sin and shapen or formed in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me sound 51 verse 5 in other words you didn't become a sinner he was born that way you don't develop sin you ain't got no choice that's why no one taught you about a lie it was in your genes and at five years old you tell him the biggest lies in the world no one taught you to Steve every woman how she - he went oh you got it - territory my little kid mine - ain't no one taught you that stuff that's why the Bible says you must be born all over again because your first birth is conceived and sin people wondered why don't he be born again because your first break was a bad birth and it wasn't your fault the seed that came from Adam has passed on through you and you are a sinner by birth so I don't care if you work you know charity and you joined you know the Rotary Club and you joined the Key Club and you have pin up some neighborhoods and get some forms of food you still go into hell if you ain't born again you just a good sinner that's all you are so don't get cat all that good stuff that you talk to me let me tell you what being good on a sin is simply dressing a dog up in clothes when you get by yourself I still bark so don't try think that you're gonna get out of this thing by being nice and going to church meetings and joining you know charitable organization that he that ain't born again that's called reef Reformation you trying to reform yourself God had to prepare himself a body because he couldn't live in a body that was unholy so he built his own body in the womb of a woman it says the Holy Spirit came upon her overshadow her and the Holy Spirit built a body in a womb for himself and Jesus came out with no contaminated blood now here's the key the entire Holy Spirit was in Jesus so he has another statement the Holy Spirit never entered a person all during the six thousand years of the fall of man seven thousand now and when Jesus came he was full of the Holy Spirit follow me now and as long as he was on earth the Holy Spirit never entered anybody very important he possessed the entire Godhead you never hear the Holy Spirit coming upon anybody else while he was on earth Jesus Christ who was full of the Holy Spirit completely why because no other vessel was qualified to receive him so the Holy Spirit is is in Christ so Jesus Christ write this down is God limited Jesus possess a dual nature he was man and he was God but he has the mystery he became man to relate God to us so he could feel what we feel an experience would be experience and the Bible says he could be touched with the feelings of our infirmities so he became a true human and yet without sin because he didn't come from a male a male man even though he was pure human he was not from a man's seed which means then that he was the original man again Adam was created with no sin that's why Christ is called the second Adam he was a man with out ship and full of the governor that's why he could say the king of God has arrived then he says he is with you but shall be shall be shall be in you but he can't be in you yet because you are filthy and I'm gonna provide some detergent to clean you up called my blood little later right now he's with you but he cannot enter you even though it's right next to you because you are not qualified to receive him yet I have not yet died he says the Holy Spirit could not enter no disciple who was with Jesus he had to do something first write this down he was reflecting God to show us what God is like Jesus Christ is God in the flesh he's the Holy Spirit in the house back in a human house to bring the influence of the kingdom on earth again that's why his place announcement had to be repaired for the kingdom of heaven has returned in other words the government of heaven is on earth again and he's living in my body and therefore the country of heaven is now then influence birth again and I'm gonna show you what the government of heaven is like I'm gonna show you what the king of heaven is like so follow me watch me watch how I work watch the Dominion I take over the earth like you supposed to take so you walked on water cast out demons spoke the tree you know stop the storm put the bed for the sisters to see the bed I mean the guy just took over the planet then he says created work sure you do if you keep bothering me I'm gonna give you the key important the Holy Spirit is the most important person on earth and he was trapped in Jesus now Jesus voluntarily limited himself in other words God made a decision ready for this to trap himself in one body for thirty three and a half years now that must been an awesome expression of love the God who made the universe who control 500 million galaxies who created the whole expanse of the powers of all creation he's gonna trap himself on a little planet in the middle of the galaxy and put himself in a little body and lock himself in there for thirty three and a half years because he loved the kids on the planet so much you oughta give Him praise voluntarily limited himself wouldn't he lay aside write this down first of all he laid aside and this is a very important thing he laid aside his power and glory matter of fact when he's about to leave he says father glorify me with the glory I had with you before the begin in other words I hid my glory in my true nature I had to hide my true nature in this third body one time he showed his true nature remember he took my Mountain one time he said come I'll show you or something and he took three of his disciples with him Peter James and John and for one minute he exposed himself through the flesh and the Bible says they saw him and he began to shine and he became brighter than the Sun what is God if I was as God is light so when Christ exposed his true self he became the son had to hide its face and the Bible says they fell down on the ground I couldn't believe it they saw and they hid their faces and when they was over they heard a voice and the voice said this is my beloved son hear him and Christ says to them when you go down keep quiet don't tell nobody what you saw he says because they ain't gonna believe you but I just showed you a glimpse of my original glory secondly he put his died as an eternal riches all the wealth of heaven he trapped it in one body he left it anybody then number three he became subject to time space and death imagine the god of eternity became a victim of time the god who own space locked himself in a small space and the God who is the creator of death allowed death to kill him you talk about respecting and loving God you sing that song to make you know we love you you gotta understand why you got to sing that song he did that for you eternity was trapped in time so that those in time could be reconnected to eternity you are to give him praise that's a powerful love that's love you can't imagine and he did it in order to bring the earth back in touch with its original Kingdom he became a victim of time and space and death write this down the unlimited Jesus became subject to the law Galatians 4 verse 4 says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law and subjected to the law so that those who were under the law could be delivered from the law and become sons of God Galatians 4:4 Jesus had to rest on a whale could imagine God having a tired body come on talk to me she said to drink water the man who created the whole ocean at the acts of water the God who made the trees at the pic fruit limited himself the holy spirit was trapped in a body he was under the laws he had to go to sleep imagine a God who never slumbers nor sleep I just sleep in a boat one time he was so tired and all that was for you I said all of that was for you I said all of that was for you and me and that's why we lift our hands and thank him and give him praise tonight because he did it to redeem redeem reconnect you to your sauce which is ever give a big praise anyhow praise God very important Jesus is God limited what we mean by that the limitation of Jesus number one was the time the Holy Spirit was trapped in one body for 33 years that's why you never hear what I'm doing anything for the 33 years there was no activity anywhere else in the work and he believed that there was no activity anywhere else in the world when Christ was on earth that's why there are no scriptures written anywhere this is why there are questions about the Mormon religion because Mormons religions religion is built on a man named Joseph Smith who lived in America who said that he went into a cave and an angel appeared in nine different kinds of angels you could work any just better you okay and that this angel gave him some plates some plates like print plates and that the angel gave more this revelation and that he got revelation about Jesus's other appearance while he's on earth he appeared in America to the Indians while he was in Palestine now that your Bible the Bible says Jesus Christ is the fullness of the Godhead bodily how do you deal with that that means if he got him all then he apparent nowhere else so I leave it to you your great moments now that's why we got a problem with the the Church of the Latter day Saints if these are wonderful people don't get me wrong and they use the name of Jesus and they know they they got a thing worked out and you're not careful you know you got to check their theology you got to check it because it contradicts what the Bible says about Christ even though they even use his name and everything else so be smart and wise and ask questions and read their pork reader and you see matter of fact one of the moments belief keep the TV on your moments one of their beliefs is that Jesus Christ and Lucifer our brothers did you know that - they are brothers I mean the Bible condemns that stuff lucifer is an angel Jesus is God in the flesh yes you know come on the Bible says if any man does not believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh he is an antichrist so we are not against anybody we just saying for them and that's why Unitarianism becomes a problem because unity believes that everybody is right I mean everybody can't be right if somebody wrong so let's forget the unity problems too you see so if you were Unitarian and that's your problem how do you have everybody right so any I thought I throw it in so you can have some wisdom Jesus is God trapped in a body 233 years secondly he limited himself to space that this one is very important right this now Jesus is God and God for thirty three and a half years limited himself to one geographical location an area on the earth and that was around Palestine this is a problem a the the one created the whole planet lived in one little space on earth matter of fact here's a shock Jesus never left Israel when he was a boy just maybe one or two years old his parents took him to Egypt to hide from Herod Jesus didn't go he was taken by his parents when they brought him back imagine he never left this is important he limited himself to a small little strip of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Golan Heights and friends have been there so many times that's a little piece of land he lived there died there rose again there he never left that area that's important he kept himself in the land that he promised his people trapped in their body and thirdly he limited himself to death he had to look into the eyes of death he had to deal with death remember God created death that's found in Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 verse 17 Ashley as well as introduced God told Adam the day you eat you will surely encounter a guy named death I don't didn't know that that even was around God had to introduce in the death the devil is not the creation trait of death God's difficulty if I can use that term respectfully is that he cannot break his word so when God told Adam the day you eat you will surely die the word surely means I will make sure you die now the only way to prevent Adam from dying first let me just say this who was Adam Adam as a human what is a human a spirit in a body so the announcement of debt was made to what a human so in order for God to satisfy his law of death he has to have a human die that's why the Bible says it was not angels to whom he gave the meaning of the earth therefore angels couldn't die for you could they not humans now God gotta keep his word right so which means that he got to make sure that a human died so God is smart guys I tell you what I have to keep my word to myself a cattle I gotta keep my word and I gotta kill a human I'll tell you what I'll do since I love you so much I'll become one of y'all and I killed myself is anybody here that's why Jesus said when he came to it he says no man takes my life so the whole argument about the movie you know the passion was completely ludicrous and unnecessary and they chose the wrong preachers on CNN they should have invited me I could explain it to them it wasn't the Jews nor the Gentiles nor the Romans that killed him God killed himself the Bible says it pleased God to slay him please do God to do one slay him God killed himself because he didn't want to kill you I think he deserved praise he gave himself over the debt so that he wouldn't have to kill man but he had to kill a man that's why Jesus had to be a man to justify the complete resurrection rights of you to come back from the grave that's why I dead can't keep you in the grave you know go dead ain't got no more rights to keep in the grave because dead already did were supposed to do it killed a man gave God the Prince the wages of sin is death that's why in order for him to die he had to have sin in his body and he had none so he collected all of ours and the Bible says he who knew no sin became sin for us so that we can become the right just right standing with the God's government again he deserve a big praise man hallelujah this is the best news in the world you can come back to the government without fear because the government has forgiven you for your independence he says come unto me and I give you a rest from all your labor take my yoke upon you it's easy your burden my burden is light and all the stress he says you ain't gonna build the roads and find water and pay your bills no more see key for it's the kingdom government of God and all of us righteousness and all these things come back to Kingdom life under the British we didn't pave the roads they paved the road we didn't protect ourselves they protected us but independence you gotta have your own and you know it force men play people and you know them better call em defense for some things see were you independence you gotta pay for holiday and you gotta dump big hole in the road you gotta fix your own Road you gotta money you keep pumping pumping policy because you go on independence anybody to help you but under Kingdom the kingdom shifts money down to pave the road tell your neighbor I'm getting in the kingdom that's why crisis why do you worry what you will eat what you will drink which you will wear how you will live he says the government knows you need these things I'm a pretty so no Monday night Venice tonight praise God this year shall be a kingdom first Oh Louie I'm so excited but this year you're gonna live at a higher level this year I promise you God's gonna blow your mind and meet your needs in ways you never dreamt up because you're gonna put his kingdom first come back to the kingdom and he takes care of your life very important how did I get there praise God what did you do did you touch that you sure oh I was getting excited a I did get excited today oh okay but anyhow you all excited to but you've not another praise him as he answered well alright let's just wrap this section we can pick up here next week want you to get this alright write this down Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 says but when the time had fully come God sent his son remember now you gotta send the governor from the headquarters because no one in the colony could be governor because they can't bring the fallen kingdom to the planet so God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive what the full rights of sons it's about rights a right to be a son of God again what a wonderful plan he entered human flesh by the Holy Spirit he did nothing without the Holy Spirit he was the governor in one house and that was a problem why because he could not be in more than one place at the same time Jesus was God limited listen friends there's somebody sick and God can't be there they gotta go get him so they sent word to Jesus and said your friend Lazarus is sick and I remember God is omnipresent but he wasn't for 33 and a half years he was limited by the time he got there largest was dead thank God he had the power to raise him the young woman said to Jesus come my daughter is sick come East I will come he had to go to the house not a president my daughter died and they had to go to the house raise the child in other words he couldn't just be anywhere he was trapped in a body let me say this to you listen carefully it's gonna be mind-blowing listen some of you wish that Jesus Christ is on earth today that's a bad wish because it would cost you so much money to go see him and how long he had a wait to go see him in Palestine the line would be so long you died before you got to the queue am i talking sense a boy's a tank already gone cuz now he could be everywhere at the same time cuz he lives in the human tour give myself away give a praise Kaka Hebrew Sachiko that's why I'm near the end of his life he talked much about the holy sprit he said look when he said I'm leaving they became depressed he said why are you depressed watch this John sixteen five we want to read this now I am going back to him who sent me says yet none of you asked me where are you going because I have said these things you tell I am leaving you are filled with grief in other words I'm telling you guys I'm leaving you and you depressed why because you have been attached to my body you want me to stay but it's not good for you to stay for me to stay horses he says but I tell you the truth it is for your good that I am leaving remise he says if I do not go away then the Holy Spirit will be trapped in one body a half a day he said this ain't good if I don't go away the host RIT would not come but if I go I will what send him back to you remember the governor he says when I leave the colony I'm gonna set him back now watch this watch this why did he come in the first place he came in the first place to clean you up why because the governor cannot live in an unholy body because the governor is a holy spirit and you are an unholy body so he had to come to earth without one body with pure blood I could I wish I did his blood was so powerful six billion could be washed and more as many as received him to them gave me the authority to call themselves sons of God and then he says and if you believe me and my father we will come we will come and make our abode in you but first I gotta clean you up so let me go to the cross guys don't hold me don't don't keep me here I gotta go get the detergent for you but a beautiful reminder he says better for me better view that I go don't don't keep me here cuz right now y'all gotta look for me but if you let me go I'll wash everybody make you holy again and then I'm gonna I'm gonna release him and now he got millions of bodies he's back home in the colony see the problem is the disciples knew him on the sense level they could touch him smell him handle him taste him see him that's bad and some of you just like I was you wish you were had you had Jesus in the flesh bad news in his limited self you are at a disadvantage it is his invisible self that makes him unlimited he can be in the whole colony all over the world at the same time and he lives in black houses Brown hoses white houses yellow hoses you know dark hoses bright hosts he live in short houses fat houses skinny else's long noses nappy a nose as curly hair noses straight here how's the slaughterhouses whatever house double open yeah hallelujah he lives in it for what reason to bring the kingdom of God to earth that's why God lives in you when you go to your job tomorrow the government is present on that job and he wants you to bring about his influence in that job by your moral standards your value system your attitude your forgiveness your love your patience with those people and they ask you why are you so different and your answer will be my kingdom is not of this world that's what he want different the problem is the disciples had built their lives around his physical self and they were afraid to lose it that's why in Matthew in mark 1450 when they arrested Jesus the Bible says they were they first so can see they thought that the arrest of Jesus was the arrest of Christ you're slow Jesus was the body Christ was the resident as the counselor that is the governor so disciples thought they took away our Lord ready for this the whole thing was a setup if you like screaming not going home the devil is the biggest fool in the world the devil let the cat out the bag can I use that see if you did leave Jesus alone we'd still be trapped he said look if I go to the cross I'll be able to draw man six billion unto me if you let me go to the cross the cross was the unscrewing of the gap that held the eternal God shut up will keep us not in Washington Calgary was the greatest mistake that ever made he opened the can o give God a praise God I know God was laughing that was the heart is the setup now watch this two things happen across two things one the detergent came out and to the governor gave up that's a double whammy the breath that was spilled was for the cleansing of the world and the death was the release of the governor to fill that will be cleansed by the blood that came up I thank God I'm one of the vessels how about you can you just scream for five seconds he is he lives in me say it he lives in me say welcome home governor your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit it says keep it holy keep it clean and that's why you don't contaminate your body it's not your house it's the house of the governor keep it clean well it's one last verse look for and we can pick up here next week please don't miss next week it's gonna get good I feel his presence do you feel his presence praise God Luke chapter 4 verse 1 Jesus full of the Holy Spirit say Jesus full how was he full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan he had just been baptized by John and what happened the heavens opened and what came down the Holy Spirit and it says he was filled with him there wasn't nothing left for anywhere else he was - the personification of all of God that's why he wasn't anywhere else for thirty three and a half years he was full of the Holy Spirit and then he was led by the Holy Spirit to the capital s there to the desert to be tested forty days he fasted and he was tempted tested by the devil and you know the devil did of course he ate nothing during those days fasting seen when you want the Holy Spirit capacity to expand you gotta stop eating Jesus was eating when he went to that baptism but when the confirmation of the Holy Spirit's fullness hit that body he says I got to make sure there's no competition inside me so fasting is about a lady came to me after the fast two weeks ago she said pastor Myles I was on three or four bills couldn't sleep she says after the fast say her husband was afraid cuz we kept watching the scene she gonna fall out she says I have no more pills I sleeping like a baby and I ain't going back she says when is the next fast can go out of hand when the Holy Spirit compacity is expanded he says your healing shall rise speedily thank god you're gonna walk in health in Jesus name because the Holy Spirit fills you Christ fasted to increase the capacity of his flow through his life and that's what made him so powerful because when he came out of the desert after this the first person he met was a demon you know a demon-possessed man man and he was loaded man he was powerful don't meet him after 40 don't meet God after 40 days of us meeting God alone his trouble meeting him 40 days empty Oh God that double trouble and the Bible said the demon read a demon saw him it says the man fell on his face and the demons plural cried out and says we know who thou art thou art the Christ have you come to destroy it before the time they recognized him and his answer was shut up come out I do not need the validation of the demon he says I know who I am I don't need a demon to testify for me that's why he told a man tell no man I did this go home to your family cuz I don't need to test the money from no demon I am God all by myself I don't know Amen corner from no demon he pritzker cast a demon out and from that day forward miracles followed him everywhere he went because he was gone in the flesh and when he left and next week begun you're gonna see the beauty of this that the Holy Spirit is now yours the governor is in the glynnie and he's back home and what you gotta do now is learn how to do business with him how to use his legislative gifts how to use his powers how to deliver his his wonders to the world and bring about the change of the kingdom in your world and we're gonna learn those gifts and those foods we can learn about towns matter of fact there was a tongues tonight beautiful town tonight and the Holy Spirit gave me a little a little nudge you know he said he said I want you to demonstrate something so they can see what that was so let me demonstrate it now this is what I saw Otis pretty sure a minister named give from the Philippines right yeah what language do you speak in the Philippines okay coming okay she's from the Philippines okay anyone here from Haiti Haiti and in any nation speak Creole yeah come here I want to show you what towns are like okay come comes with that all right Mexican and even Mexicans here Spanish who speak Spanish you behave in Mexican II all right anybody else here from another country that speaks another language I want another language Spanish got a little fella speak Spanish yeah yeah the truth expanded for true me in all they talk about I need a microphone can you get a microphone for movies all right I wanted to demonstrate something for me okay comes down yes sir okay see I want you to understand that the gifts of the Spirit are very practical we've made them spooky all right thank you appreciate know she is not from the Bahamas he is not from the Bombers heritage wise okay they're from other countries okay I want you to speak Filipino say the Lord's Prayer Filipino okay go ahead I'm an amine so my Salonika sunbaenim island my purse I mean I'm Tyron Muslim didn't love Modi to salute for fairness along it became a call coming in on caffeine sorrow a lot better on me salmon masala going up top autonomy Seneca classless arming the talk mocha maple to the top so at the a jump on me said a long summer I mean okay did you understand her no okay no listen you don't understand huh right okay but is she making sense to who the people from our country okay same Lord's Prayer okay thence just say the Lord is my shepherd okay didn't say anything is real oh you come on yeah go ahead say some more Norma saline a come all away okay you understand no job okay now did he didn't make sense to you no but is he making sense to anybody yes who the people back in Haiti so she's making sense to the people back in Philippines he's making sense the people back in Haiti but they're both making no sense here now because you cannot understand her does that make her language invalid no you can't understand him doesn't make it invalid no so can you say that the language ain't real no it's real if you believe in what she said or not does it change the fact that our language is real no it's real okay now she speaks English she learned English it's not a native language she learned English so English is not her native language okay so when she go back to the Philippines or when she pick up the phone and call back home she shifts into a Filipino while she is in Nassau when he connect go back home he kicks into Creole in the Bahamas because he's talking back home some of you are getting it so you can speak in tongues on earth because you pick up the food hallelujah and the Bible says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh mysteries unto God and those around him does not understand him so if you want information from the Bahamas you speak English right but if she wants information from back home so when you talk about prayer the Bible says you should pray in tongues more than your brain English because you don't want no one to send no facts to interpret what you're talking about in heaven you want direct line can I hear amen I'm conscious direct line and the boxes the Spirit knoweth the mind of God therefore if you pray you know that he here with you and that you have the things you ask of him because the Holy Spirit helping you to pray so the governor is your direct contact with the country that's why you and I must desire spiritual gifts especially to speak in tongues and to prophesy because it's information from Hometowne can I hear amen it's when you get information from Hometowne and tonight you heard a wonderful reminder God gave us a prophetic word tonight in tongues an interpretation came and I heard God's Word God's Word tonight was very simple he says I mean and he said the same thing through three different people same thing he said look stop worrying but stuff just march on to the kingdom aid he's covered that's what he was saying tonight the hometown telling you hey Kingdom first everything else is covered so you could go home tonight sleep I mean just relax why because you've made the kingdom first and all your needs will be met because he is responsible for you thank you very much adios amigo jitter mosey that's all I know I'm just a Creole or not something else oh you're blessed tonight thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes 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Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: NEsch6BbwAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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