Why Speak in Tongues (Live)

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[Music] thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message why speak in tongues some of you even speak in tones now are still asking that question why speak in tongues it's a good question Darla was of good answers 10 Acts chapter 2 with me please Acts chapter 2 is the record of when the baptism in the Holy Spirit took place for the first time since the fall and in Acts chapter 2 verse 4 it says that they began to speak with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance now jesus said in mark chapter 16 and please turn there mark chapter 16 Jesus is about to leave the earth and not too many theologians like to discuss this verse because their theology is built on something else but in mark chapter 16 verse 17 Jesus began to speak and he says verse 16 he that believeth and is baptized he did not say he that is an apostle or he that is a disciple or he that is with the twelve or he that is living in the day that I live in now he says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe not them who were apostles not them who were in the early church not them who were only Pentecostals not those who are Baptists Anglican Methodist these signs shall follow them that believe not in the 21st century or in the 16th century or in the 18th century or in the first century he says these signs shall follow them that believe period question do you believe say man if you believe but guess what you just qualified oh but brother miles that went over the disciples so that means the believers went over the disciples too because this stuff only for those who believe Jesus prayed in John chapter 17 he says and I pray not only for these who believe on my word but for those also who shall believe through their testimony that's you now what signs are for them to believe number one in my name they shall cast out devils hmm and they shall speak with new tongues jesus said that not Paul not Luke Jesus said that guy asked me one time what about his tongs bit I never had Jesus talk about it I says you probably didn't read the Bible good and I showed him this verse and then he got through the Holy Ghost started speaking with tongues they shall take up serpents that means they shall come up against demonic spirits and he says that they have authority over them and if they drink any harmful thing when they go out to preach the gospel in foreign lands and in different cultures he says it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover who shall lay hands on the sick believers who shall speak in new tongues believers what believers all believers they that believe so you must then come and drink but you gotta keep on drinking do you know how you become filled with the spirit you don't just take a sip do you know how you become drunk with wine how do you become drunk with wine you don't take a little sip and then you're drunk man you drink and tell your tree and your drink and drink and drink and then you drink and then after that you drink some more and then you can't find the bottle because you are drunk with wine Paul says be not drunk with wine but be filled or drunk with the spirit some folks are cute they just have a social drink of the spirit I don't want to get too fanatical they want to get to emotion I got to you know keep my poise and keep my clothes looking nice so they becomes social spiritual drinkers just sips Bible says be filled with it as a matter of fact get baptized in it some folks want to speak in tone but they don't want to get drunk if you want a drink of the Spirit drink and tell your overflow tongues is simply an overflow of too much when you get full you start to speak with other tongues say my to Acts chapter to find out how difficult it was for these guys to keep speaking in their normal language every born-again spirit fill believer has within him for ready use all the power that he needs to make it through the earth do you have it in you now if you are a believer and this is true the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is God and you have the Holy Spirit therefore you have God Jesus made it possible for us to receive the Holy Spirit of God and when the disciples began to get drunk on the Spirit it describes what happens that's really carefully in chapter 2 of Acts and they were all with one Accord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a right rushing mighty wind and it filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost they were all filled with the Holy Ghost have you read in John chapter 20 Jesus breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit this was before Acts chapter 2 so they had the person of the Holy Ghost but they weren't filled up with him they had taken a drink of a glass of water but they didn't take the bucket or they didn't dive in the river now they are not just drinking a glass of water they are being filled with water they no longer just drinking anymore will tell you how this works let's turn to first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 the Holy Spirit then is the potential filling up of God in every believer not just receiving the Holy Spirit the person for being baptized in his power 1st Corinthians chapter 3 now let's look at what happens window when the power of God fills us up verse 16 says know ye not that you are the temples of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you if you are a believer you have the Spirit of God already look at chapter 6 our first Corinthians verse 19 what don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have received of God and ye are not your own but the 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for ye are the Temple of the Living God as God has said sternly first John chapter 4 whatever it's for ye are of God little children and have overcome the enemy because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world I tell you speaking in tongues is simply becoming so filled up with God's holy power and joy that your language is insufficient to express the worship and praise that comes from your spirit your spirit have to do it speaking in tongues it's like the water tank we just read just now then that you are filled with God you are the temple of God now if you in your kitchen today would go and look at the spicket the tap the faucet you will find that there is a little knob on the top and as you turn the spicket water comes up if you turn it the other way it goes off but let me tell you something when you turn your water off it doesn't mean there isn't any more water in the tank in this country if you was to ride on top of the Blue Hill Road area you'll find some big tanks government water storage tanks there are millions of gallons of water in those tanks and the water is in those tanks all the time even if you use water in your house or not they are filled with water now when you need water there's pressure in your pipes when you turn it on water comes up when you turn it off the water doesn't come out but it is still in the pipe Tong's is a vehicle it's a gift an instrument that is used to release the flow of the joy and the power of God and if you don't speak in it it doesn't mean you ain't got it come on the Spirit gives the other words in other words the spirits always given the pressure he's always in the pipe flowing he's always there you are the temple of God and therefore the Spirit is in you even when you think so or not tongues is then when you turn to spit it on the pressure is always present you begin to release now why do you turn faucets on because you need water or because somebody else needs water or because you need to do something with water to search somebody else in other words every gift of God is given to be used to help somebody else speaking in tongues then is one of the physical evidences of this spiritual dimension baptism in the Holy Ghost it is not the only can I repeat that one people going around saying if you don't speak in tones you a favor the Holy Ghost I don't agree that because you see we got so many problems that have that have come against speaking in tongues that people have difficulty in believing in it either they are Christians they don't freely have the joy to release themselves in tongues so sometimes they release it in other ways let me say this way speaking in towns is not the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is not speaking in tongues one produces the other you understand in other words speaking in tongues is not the Holy Ghost itself speaking in tongues is one of the gifts of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is not speaking in tongues the Holy Ghost gives utterances for you to speak in tongues that's an important point to clear up because you see some people think that if you don't speak in tongues you can't have the Holy Ghost but you can't have the Holy Ghost and yet not speak in tongues yet you will if you get good teachers to learn how to release that water the book of Acts clearly points out to us that believers received the fullness of the Holy Ghost and every time they did they spoke in tongues now as the reason why we have trouble speaking in tongues so easily today in our fellowships around the world one of the reasons is if you are taught against something long enough even when you believe it it'll be hard to release it and receive it amen now you ain't gonna answer if you don't agree okay but if you've been taught against something for fifty years it will be almost as difficult for you to unlearn it as it would be for you to learn it I've seen people all the places I've been who are being filled with the Holy Ghost right in front of me and they don't know what to do they feel the joy of the Lord in the spirits and all they all they can do is some of you scream disturb the whole church just pray others just don't know to do it itself so they throw yourself down then they say God wrote him down God don't want nobody down just that sometimes you don't know how to release it and if you do not release something and now your body probably won't be able to handle all of it it's like a balloon you keep putting pressure in the below and keep putting pressure in the ballon and keep putting pressure in the balloon and after a while we're gonna see we're gonna win the pressure is gonna win and so if the government of our country does not control the water pressure in those tanks to your pipe they will blow the spicket off you understand that anyone here works into in the water and sewage corporation they'll tell you that the poundage the waited in that water in that tank is enough to sink your house one telling thousands and thousands of pounds in those tanks but your little tiny two-inch pipe could handle it because they control it with a big old ball all kind of gadgets in the system they got to control the pressure so that you only receive just enough so that your spicket don't blow its top now if you don't release pressure one way it'll have to be released another way give you an example you just keep eating and keep eating keep eating you get fat but you still want to wear the same clothes we're gonna see you're gonna win you keep eating close get tighter keep eating close get tighter keep eating in other words something's gotta give I hope it won't be a button in the middle of folks pressure has to give up now tongs is one of the ways that the pressure of the baptism is released now let's begin to rush through some Scripture here and see that every believer who was baptized in the Holy Ghost in the early church just began to speak into our works the next time you're gonna deal with why God chose tones to be one of the most natural releases not the only release there are nine gifts and more gifts that the Holy Ghost is released through but this is one of them why is this one the most prominent one we're going to find out first let's turn in to Acts chapter eight now we read in Acts chapter 2 where they were filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak with other tongues the book of Acts clearly points out that believers received the fullness of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues was the natural result it was a natural result Acts chapter 8 now eight years after pentecost was over eight years a lot of people says well you know tongs only came when that day because you know the holy ghost was just getting them ready for you know the later church and so they only spoke in tongues then well Acts chapter eight is eight years after the Pentecost experience now let's read what happens eight years later here we are two believers in Samaria and the Word of God began to be preached to them begin at verse five these words are written there and Ananias hearing these words fell down am i reading the right one for you honor so wise Acts chapter I'm reading Acts chapter five pardon me Acts chapter eight verse five then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them and the people with one Accord gave heed unto his unto his sayings and those things which she spoke hearing and seeing the miracles which he did for unclean spirits crying out with loud voices came out of many that were possessed with them on many taken with paralysis and that were lame were healed and there was great joy in that city now here we have a spirit-filled Church and the people began to experience the power of the Holy Ghost and it says Philip preached to them and then God began to do what the baptism said would happen they began to lay hands on the sick cast out demons ten years after Pentecost two years after this experience we find in Acts chapter 10 what happens in the church ten years after look at verse 44 ten years after the first filling find these words while Peter yet spake those words the Holy Ghost fell on all of them which heard the word and they of the circumcision that means those who were Jews wouldn't mix with the Samaritans they were prejudiced which believed they were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles those who were not Jews also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost because they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God and then answered Peter can we stop these people from getting baptized in water to which I've received the Holy Ghost as well as us now this is ten years after if you notice no one had to prime them to speak in tongues no one had to rub the head and rock him and beaten him the Bible says they listened they heard they believed they received what do we do normally we listen we don't we criticize then we examine then we think about then we discuss and we call a committee meeting to see if it's true then we call the headquarter see if they agree and then if they don't let me say forget it hey the Word of God says they received the word believed it will fill the Holy Ghost that's bigger than dogs they had time to examine discuss a knowledge stuff they did that afterwards it's amazing you know it's like me giving you a Christmas present and look at the box for three months I wanted this for me I wonder this is really nice I wonder what's in this man I'm gonna take this and put on the microscope check see if this paper is good you know all that that's exactly what we do with the gifts of God we examine them rather than receive them 10 years later how about 20 years later those of you who are Bible scholars can study the chronological order of this book of Acts 20 years later in Acts chapter 19 this stuff was still going on Acts chapter 19 the church in Ephesus was established and now they were excited begin reading from verse 1 and they came to pass the rider parlance without Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed and they said unto Him we haven't even heard we don't even know if there be such a as the Holy Ghost sound familiar I wonder what they teaching on that Abbey I found we haven't never heard of that we never even knew that there was such a thing now notice the Bible says in verse 1 finding certain disciples man these folks were honest sincere they didn't miss a service but they were still missing something see you can go to church all your life and miss the whole point I would share him at a young lady last night and she was seven day Adventists and I said do you know something my dear it's possible to be sincerely wrong it is possible but these folks were sincere but they were also right but they didn't have enough he says have you received it we haven't even heard of it and he said unto them then unto what were you baptized and they said unto John its baptism I mean these folks in other words they believed in Jesus according to what John said but they hadn't received the witness and they said unto Paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying under the people that they should believe on him we should come after him that is on christ jesus these folks believed in jesus just like you they were believers and when Paul and Apollo's heard this that they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus now the reports that come on then you believe might as well show the whole world now that you believe in Jesus let's get baptized so he baptized him in water and then when they finished Paul laid his hands on them and the Holy Ghost came on them and they twenty years after Pentecost began to speak in new tongues don't feel bad if you didn't know you got some company is it you covered in the word but you see these folks were smart they realized they didn't know but they didn't stay in the ignorance say come on Paul give us all of it but we ain't got come on boss is all right some folks it's when I got it I don't want it let's turn to acts chapter 9 find out where Paul got his dose Acts chapter 9 Paul began to speak Lord who what thou who is this Lord Lord says that this is me Jesus he persecuted me and then process oh I didn't know he fell to the ground and was struck blind the light probably burned his retina it was so great the Bible says no man can see God and live Paul probably just saw a little bit of blink from Jesus you know he was in the flesh he couldn't take it his eyes just sizzled then Acts chapter 9 verse 11 then we see where Paul stopped to get his and he was there three days without sight neither did eat nor drink and there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias and 17 unto Him and and the Lord said unto him in a vision Ananias he says behold here am I the Lord says arise go into the street which is called straight and inquire of the house of Judas for one call sort of classes he's there for behold he pray and he he had seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in putting his hand on him that he might receive his sight Ananias answered and said Lord now you you are heard by me I have heard many things about this man he's kill Christians how much evil had he done to thy Saints at Jerusalem and here he had authority from the chief priests to bind all that : thy name and the Lord said unto Ananias go that way for he is a chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings in true individual and I will show him how great things he must suffer for my sake so Ananias went this way and entered into the house putting his turns on pause said brother song oh what a nice statement here's the man who's to kill us harasses throws to the Lions now you call him brother you know that's that's beautiful my lord can change people brother saw the Lord even Jesus that appeared unto thee on the way as thou camest had sent me that thou mightest received thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost and immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales and he received his sight for trip and arose and was baptized now if you note almost everywhere the folks are baptized in the Holy Ghost they began to speak with tongues and Paul talks about it in our Corinthians 14 he says I thank God I speak in tongues more than all of you so four must be had a big dose of this thing well why then did the other disciples not write or say much about the experience of speaking in tongues then and this is a good question I want you to think about guy people would say to you well how come you talk so much about this tongues myth how come James doesn't talk about tongues hybrid the book of Hebrews they were talking about tongues how about a map Ewan and those guys they didn't talk about songs how about Jude they didn't talk about tongues it was so important why didn't they write about it I'll tell you why I didn't write about it because you don't write about things that are too common to write about everybody the church who got saved and figured the Holy Ghost spoke in tongues so why should write a book about it in those days everybody got to with the spirit or believers and spoke in tongues the only reason why we read books about tongues today is because most believers don't do it James he had to write about songs the David write a book about tongues folks I think something's off when the people came up in the fellowship to those houses and received the Lord they laid hands on him then he began to speak in tongues and everybody went home did even talk about it why because everybody had it as a matter of fact the information we have on the gifts of the Spirit and speaking in tongues were found in first Corinthians were actually written not to teach the church about speaking in tongues but to correct a problem in a church think about it it was so common in the church that no one had to write about it it's just that the church at Corinth or you know misuse and some of the gifts so Paul says look let me I write you all the letter and lay some instructions on again everybody every question around the marketplace in Judea would walk around speaking in tongues when they wanted to pray behind some shocked nobody walked around say do you speak in doubt do you speak in tongues have you heard it for anyone speak in tongues have you received don't you know man everybody just did it with no need to write about it but today we have been taught against it so much until people stay away from it and they don't want to go near it and so to even get him to think about it you got to write a book for them to read oh we are in a sad situation being filled with the spirit was as common as being saved cuz every time they got saved they got favored the spirit simultaneously I said we just read every time they got saved receive Jesus they began to prefer the spirit and spoke in tongues in other words whenever they got saved they started to be pure the spirit it was like one package to Sarah getting two gifts but you see we have been taught against it so much until first we get you saved then we try and introduce you to the baptism in the Holy Ghost we may come to separate experiences in the early church Peter was preaching Peter was preaching rich in the way of Richard Richard Richard O'Reilly the preacher folks not speaking in tongues and he was saying what's going on we just read it today why he yet spake they were all filled with the Spirit began to speak with tongues I tell you the devil has done some terrible things in the church he has separated baptism in the Holy Ghost from salvation and made him seem as if their strange experiences they are one and they should come together as a package when you become a Christian and a child of God and make Jesus your Lord you should be filled with the spirit then now a lot of us don't because we don't know anything about it we don't even expect to receive it when Peter men do but I mean for many believers just now we read how he he took him and asked him have you received the Holy Spirit and they said no we haven't even heard about that so he let him he got him baptized if I say I confessed Jesus Lord God baptized in this in the water and then without a question he just laid his hands on him in other words next he didn't think all guests ohh or say now we got a second thing for you again he says laid his hands on him and he came out of the water you as a believer supposed to be filled with the spirit and speaking in tongues and you're not nuts when you speak in tongues you're really sensible and we're gonna learn about that now why was tongs then the most prominent an initial release in the baptism why was tones the first thing to show up I'm gonna tell you why one of the greatest gifts that God gave man is the gift of speech amen dogs don't talk cats don't talk birds don't talk rats don't talk snakes don't talk cows don't talk but you get a man or woman in your midst they talk that's a gift from God god-given gift of communication secondly speech is the most accessible element to expression what's the easiest way to express yourself by talking you ever seen somebody who was stricken with within a dumb spirit try to explain themselves think of all kinds of stuff hands and legs go in and they try and explain themselves but you see I also could talk how he just do it stand there without moving a hand and say I really like you it's the most accessible expression of our be speech it's the easiest way to express ourselves well your inner self even your spirit has a language but to get that language out your tongue is the vehicle and that's why the first thing God touched when the Holy Ghost came was the tongue of man it was the most easily accessible element of expression now we can express our deepest groanings through our speech now if you don't know about the baptism in the Holy Ghost and in tongues and you receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost some people receive it right here in this meeting I've seen people get baptized and Holy Ghost and they just stand there and they don't know about expressing that joy and they overflow that power in towns because they've been taught against it and so what they do they have to get rid of that pressure of joy so they cry some people just cry and cry and they can't stop some of you experienced that but the Holy Ghost would fill you some time you don't know what to do so you're just weak the joy is so hard you say God if you keep this up our best disciples didn't do that see when the Holy Ghost came up they just went thank God it's not magnifying God then suddenly their language wouldn't enough so they started speaking in an unknown tongue now there is more to being filled with the spirit than speaking in tongues so I don't want you to get caught up on this thing patrones it's one of the necessities of the Christian believer tongues are the integral and one of the most important parts of receiving from God Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 18 he says I thank my God that I speak in tongues more than all of you now Paul was really bragging a little bit cuz you see a lot of folks was going around and they were forbidding some people to speak in tongues you know speaking dogs that stuff is of the devil the pork came up to verse then he says now forbid not to speak in darkness he said because he does speaking in an unknown tongue is actually speaking unto God mystery so if you don't understand it good none of your business he said he does pick it under in tongues speak it unto God not unto men therefore the mind is unfruitful it doesn't understand it but he speaks steep things in the spirit pause as I speak in tongues more than all of you now it sounds necessary then I say yes have tongues being done away with let's turn the fourth gradian chapter 13 long people read this and they says yes the Bible says tongue shall cease and prophecy shall cease I agree that the Bible they will so why don't you read the Bible properly and get the right context and then stop robbing yourself train the first Corinthians with me real quick and let's clear this up once and for all huh 1st Corinthians chapter 13 now listen to Paul given instructions beginning with verse 8 this whole thing is talking about love bonaduce's worth versus 80 says love never feel it but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away with when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then I shall know even as I am known and yet now abideth Faith Hope Love these three but the greatest of these is love now what did Paul just say Paul says he's listening all the gifts of the Spirit he says and the gifts of the Spirit are given to the church because the church is not perfect yet we need prophecy we need gifts of healings we need miracles we need a gift of faith we need towns an interpretation of towns we need them but we don't need them in heaven you don't need to give self healing in heaven because ain't nobody sick there you don't need the gifts of miracles in heaven cause ain't nobody laying there you don't need tongues in heaven because they ain't nobody gonna being misunderstanding there you don't need prophecies in heaven cuz we're gonna meet the prophet Jesus was saying through Paul when we verse 12 shall see him face to face then prophecies could leave then tongues we don't even know more then miracles we don't even know more we don't need we're home but we need miracles here because the devil is still working people's bodies we need healings here because the devil still put in sickness on people we need the prophecies of God here because their Bible says there are many voices in the world don't tell me it left and by the way if you believe it left read all of it it says prophecy shall cease tongues shall cease and knowledge also shall vanish away that means we supposed to be dumb stupid unlearned you see how silly it is sometimes we preach things and don't check it out as knowledge passed away yet no matter of fact the Bible says in the last days knowledge shall increase [Music] so tongues are for today just like there was twenty twenty years after Pentecost now I say to you then and I submit this to you is it necessary for all believers to speak in tongues the answer is yes now all of them don't just like it's necessary for you to have money but all of us don't just like is necessary for you to pay your bills but all of us can't just like it's necessary for you to go to work but some of us don't in other words many things are necessary but doesn't mean that we appropriate them so we don't benefit let's turn the fourth gradian chapter 12 and let's see if it is necessary for every believer fourth Corinthians chapter 12 beginning in verse 27 find these words there now you are the body of Christ and members in particular and God has set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps government's diversities of tongues God has set up in the church so don't you tell God they don't exist anymore that verse 30 let's read verse 29 are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret but covered earnestly the best gifts and yet show I to you a more excellent way the question do all speak with tongues that was my question is it necessary is speaking in tongues for everybody well in this verse of scripture he's talking about the gifts of ministry in the church versus the gift of tongues that every believer received when they received the baptism in the Holy Ghost there is a difference there's what we call a ministry gifts than a spiritual gift just like not everybody would be a prophecy and maybe a prophet at the same time because the Lord will move on who he wish to give a word to his body just like he would give somebody a prophesy in tongues maybe that's a unique ministry the Lord operates at a certain time when it's needed to communicate with his body for then there is the gift of tongues not the ministry of tongues the gift of tongues that Paul talks about that every believer should receive at the time of baptism in the Holy Spirit and he goes on to explain why we should receive that now speaking in tongues is a flowing stream that should never dry up speaking in tongues is your source of upbuilding enrichment and edification there are ten reasons why every believer should speak in tongues I'm going to list them to you and then we're gonna close and I want you to write them down because you're gonna need to know for yourself God why should I do this thing it sounds so silly and so insignificant why Lord I hear your reasons number one tongues is the initial expression supernatural evidence of the Spirit indwelling and filling us Acts chapter two second reason tongues are for spiritual edification turn the first Corinthians chapter 14 please do it because I want you to see why it's necessary let's bring this chapter 14 the cover is to he that speaking in an unknown town speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him power be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries for he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification prophecy is in the known language an exhortation verse 4 says but he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies himself he that stuff aside edify the church speaking in tongues is necessary because it is one of your ways of building up your spirit to edify means to build sometimes when I feel my back we get no I go in the closet lock the door on the bottom lock the door on the office lock the door or Stein the elevator five minutes and just friend dong-hee when I see the enemy coming all around with all kinds of problems I say hold it a minute and I edify myself do you know why this is so important - because we as Christians have been too long going to the other folks to edify us come on preacher preach me happy we say come on choir sing good so I could feel good the Bible says why don't you edify yourself get in your bedroom lock the door and just bill yourself up before you go to work just pray in tongues and pray in tongues the Bible says your mind don't understand what you're saying neither does anybody else it says but you speak mysteries in the spirit unto God that means you and God having a good talk and your brain is just going nuts cause you see he being in charge for so long he don't like not to understand that's why a lot of people don't speak in tongues because they live in the carnal mind too long they so used to understanding everything but on the sense level that if they can't understand it they don't want to do it the Bible says that we must walk in the spirit but we're not fulfill the lust of the flesh the lust but I've got to know what's going on the lust of the flesh says I've got to see what's happening and the Bible says when the tongues of your spirit starts coming he says your mind gotta take backseat so we speak in tongues second reason to edify ourselves very recent tongues unnecessary because they remind us of the spirits in dwelling presence you know I can be consoled by the Holy Ghost and I can be conscious of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit when I speak in tongues that means I know the Holy Ghost is in me and just that knowledge encourages me I'm not alone Lord they speak in tongues you realize God is really then you encourage yourself and in John chapter 14 verse 16 and 17 read them Jesus 7 the comforter shall come he shall dwell in you and he shall abide with you and we will come and make our world in you third reason then is that it reminds us of God's presence thirdly it is necessary to speak in tongues because it will keep us in our prayer lives and in our prayer will keep us in line with the will of God this one is very important Tong's praying in the spirit praying in tongues will keep you in line with God's will let's turn to Romans chapter 8 real quickly I want you to read this one how many times have you been tempted to pray and you say to yourself but I wonder if this is the will of God I wonder if it's God's will for me to ask this kind of thing maybe it's God's will for me not to have this thing and so we go on all these questions but in Romans chapter eight tells us how important towns is tongues will keep selfishness out of our prayers nor the kind of prayers we pray gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme this Lord and give me that Lord and give me this Lord and give me more of that and give me this a selfish prayer tongues will keep you in line with God's will let's look at Romans chapter a very carefully and read a couple of passages from here that was twenty twenty-five likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought pause it some time we don't know even how to pray for something we got a problem but we don't know how to pray he says but the spirit that's the capital s in your Bible I think that means the Holy Ghost the spirit itself make it intercession for us with groanings some things you just can't put into English policy it oh god I feel this thing I don't know what to say yeah I felt that way when you found the Holy Ghost baptized in here sometime I get baptized nobody goes everyday sometimes just in my belly in my cavity in my spirit I don't know to tell God I didn't just can't say it Paul says sometimes we don't know how to say it hope but read the rest he says I'm the spirit make it into sessions for us then with these groanings which cannot be uttered in other words you can't say it in your language we don't know how to pray sometime so we need the Holy Ghost to pray and it says and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit capital s because he make it into session for the Saints according to the will of God getting sure what the pray just stopped raining tones and you'll be praying in God's will now I want you to underline the word the spirit itself making intercession in verse 26 and in verse 27 underlying again he make it into session for the Saints Saints is plural the Holy Ghost is perpetually making intercession for you right now the Holy Ghost is praying through you he never stops he always never ceases to intercede for the Saints holy goes to praying right now speaking in tongues is like picking up a third phone understand tap it in on the conversation joining in with the Holy Ghost who knows the answers to your problems and he's interceding for you and tongues is when you when your spirit agrees with God's Spirit and both of you start speaking the same thing it comes out in tongues spirit prayer that's intercession that's why the deepest intercessions are the ones were you just grown in the spirit you God and know in times past and I have to close here and we're gonna finish the other six of those next week in times past in our country we had the churches where they had the old folks used to get together and they to sit down and the church floor I rented a couple of these meetings you know my mama my mama got baptized nobody speared before I was born and she's speaking in tongues long before I knew anything about it my sister right here to tell you man she put the Holy Ghost picking tongues no long before I was even born and she took me some of the meetings but I'm only four to sit around on the floor on the began to sing then they began to hum then they just groomed Oh mmm just grew and all of a sudden they start speaking in tongues all of you with these eyes closed with it hands claps under one another and just growing in the spirit praying in tongues sometime you'll hear them stop prophesying in talks the next one to give an interpretation they've been praying for somebody in Africa somewhere Holy Ghost is working on them intercede with someone in Africa and they caught up on in but awfully calm communication and they brought it into the cup ramekin and the Holy Ghost had someone to agree with and they would grow in the spirit there are times when me in our prayer meetings we find ourselves just groaning in the spirit groaning and sometimes the spread of intercession would overtake us so much that you began to hurt with the person you're interceding for somewhere you can't even express it in English and tones is like a savior to you because they can express fully what the spirits trying to say there's six other good reasons why we should pray intox and speak in talks but the church need to get it now baptism in the Holy Spirit is for you Peter stood up on the day of Pentecost and says this which you have seen we are not drunk he said this is for you your children and your children's children and as many as our Lord shall call the Lord still calling a new one of the many he says now this is for you we need to know that everything that God promised us is for us so we're gonna do what's right amen thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at www.noventri.com
Channel: Dr. Myles Munroe - Topic
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Keywords: Dr. Myles Munroe The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Vol. 1 Why Speak in Tongues (Live)
Id: jZAP4neyc2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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