Intro To Success and National Influence | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message about the purpose of this session and these series I'm going to talk about the mission of it what's the mission for this this school I'm going to talk to you about the vision of this school what is the vision that I have in my mind that I want you to achieve because vision means that there has to be an end to your activity there has to be a purpose for it a destination and then tonight I'm going to also talk to you about the goals of this school what are the goals that you want to achieve in coming to this experience and so we're gonna be specific about our goals and then we're gonna introduce tonight before we dismiss we're gonna talk a little bit about the introduction to success tonight this is a very important area to talk about when you want to talk about influence you must connect success with influence if you are if you are a failure no one to you am i dropping out brother if you are a failure no one listens to you did you know that if you broke people don't talk to you so we have to learn first of all how to position ourselves to become influential and on an influence is not just through monetary power I'm going to talk to you also about the different types of successes everyone in this this school class tonight and those watching around the world and in Freeport you were born to be an influence but most of us don't have any influence right now and become we don't have any influence we are influenced by other people they control our future they control our destiny they make decisions for us they dictate what kind of life you will have and they even control how much we are worth what a tragedy so we're gonna talk about that tonight what's the purpose for this school they stopped at purpose first the worse for this school the purpose purpose has to do with the intent what's the intention for this experience that we're going to go through the school of success and national influence the purpose of the school I'm going to capsulize it in one sentence want you to write it down building an educated heavenly and earthly citizenry that's the purpose for this class I want to say it again the purpose for this experience this process is to build an educated heavenly and earthly citizenry the greatest weapon of an oppressor is the maintenance of ignorance tweet that right now somebody some uh say it again the greatest weapon of an oppressor is the maintenance of ignorance so the greatest threat to an oppressor is an educated slave people become very nervous about you when you become intelligent that's why they want to keep you ignorant ignorant protects the powerful from the weak so if you're going to become successful you must first deal with educating yourself and so this school is about educating you but notice we're going to educate a citizen from two different places you'll be educated as a heavenly citizen which means that you have dual citizenship you're going to learn what your rights and your powers are as as a heavenly citizen but we also need to learn and be educated as an earthly citizen which the average person in power don't want you to have so that's the purpose for this school another word for education is information dispensing you dispense information the only difference in this school is that you won't get information you're gonna get revelation now revelation is information except it is information before beyond your cognitive activity that means it is information that you couldn't learn from a book or from a school we're going to get information from another world that's why it's called revealation so that's the purpose of this class to educate you as a citizen of heaven and earth what is the purpose for this school with its intent I have two specific purposes to focus on number one is to equip you the individual with the knowledge and the principles necessary to achieve personal development for success to equip you to achieve your personal goals your personal aspirations your personal vision and to fulfill your plan for life and I think every human wants that information that alone should give you the incentive to not miss a class this this school for the next few months is to equip you as an individual with the notice to term necessary knowledge because you can have information that doesn't change your life you can learn things that don't help you so we have to learn the necessary things and we want to use those principles to prepare us and position us to develop ourselves personally and that development lead to an experience that gives us the control to achieve our plans and our goals all right the second purpose of this class is to equip you the individual with the basic knowledge and principles of national leadership that's number one we also want to educate you about the process and the formulation of public policy that alone will frighten people in power we want to educate you everyone that comes in this class about the formulation of public policy we also want to equip you with the principles and the knowledge for understanding the democratic process not because you voted doesn't mean you understand democracy and the people you voted for are very glad you don't understand democracy so understanding the process is different from participating in it so you become very educated through this experience you will learn things that will shock you you'll be amazed at what you didn't know and this goes for everyone who will be involved in this and includes our visitors from around the world who are part of our class you will learn some things that you can apply to your own country you're gonna understand the processes of democracy and then thirdly you can understand in this class the purpose is to give you knowledge and principles about the art of party politics and by the way party politics is an art you have to learn this art why is this so important because you are victims of party politics so you have to understand which you are a victim of so in case you decide not to be a victim anymore you can make a decision I will also pursue the purpose in this experience to learn how to influence national and social development how do you influence development how do you influence social development because if you don't know how to do it somebody will do it for you some of you in this room have never been near your government buildings I'm talking about your Congress or your Parliament or your Senate Buildings somehow we just trust them so we're gonna change that we want to understand what happens within those walls and how do you become an agent of influence in that process we're gonna tie this with the kingdom of God because that's what this is really about so that's our purpose the kingdom success the national influence class our mission in this class right the mission down a mission means what do you want to accomplish the school of success and national influence is dedicated to providing the opportunity for any individual to be equipped to succeed in personal life and national influence the same time so we're going to give you an equipment we're going to give you information give you a lot of material and they're going to be some great speakers coming to this class it will help me and they will bring their expertise so you're going to learn from people who are in the field that way you will get the education that you never got in school that includes college so we're gonna give you the opportunity to be equipped all right what about our vision for this class the vision is very important I'll give you a chance to write this down and we will of course give you copies of this with the curriculum later but the vision of this class is to produce spiritually sound biblically based intellectually trained individuals and every word is important spiritually what sound that means you ain't stupid and you ain't ignorant you ain't crazy your spirituality is sensible we also want to pursue intellectualism we want you to be intelligent when you deal with life an intelligence really has to do with the proper use of your mental faculties your capacity to to assess life to make good judgments to understand comparisons between experiences that you observe with your senses to be able to intellectually pass judgment this is important so we're going to focus on intelligent understanding as well but we also going to train you with a clear Kingdom worldview and I think that's the most important part of the vision you're going to learn the world through the kingdom worldview now every one has a worldview worldview simply means the framework through which someone sees and interprets their world around them so our goal is to give you a kingdom worldview which is the view that Jesus had and introduced to the world and it's the only one he really wants us to have in order to learn in the kingdom world view you have to study the world the world view so that you can know the difference and so our vision is to help you as an individual to have a Clare Kingdom worldview and that should be motivated by what I call a sense of responsibility to transform society so our vision is not just you the city and learn we want you to go out of here an impact and apply to your environment what you learn in other words we are here not to make you a good student but to make you an agent of change and we will learn how to do it this school if as far as I am aware does not exist anywhere else I got this school direct from the government of heaven even the choice of the speakers and teachers that we will use I had specific direction so that you will have access to information that they wanted to hide from you and that's important to make you responsible for what transformation of your society through what engagement in other words this experience gonna transform a sheep into a lion anybody ready in other words you're gonna come into this class timid let me open the gate you can come a wild intelligently wild [Applause] boldness is a product of conviction and knowledge right there down please what is boldness it is a product of a conviction and knowledge that are both and that's our vision for this class to give you the boldness and the intelligence to engage society and the second one is to what confront issues challenge the world system speak up without fear knowing that you know the answer wisdom is not afraid of a smart person when I was growing up we used to call smart people Elek come on y'all some you don't know that it smart aleck that would Alec I still don't know we're not in dictionary' but what it meant was you mean as smart as you think you are you are Alec that's a word invented in the Bahamas we want you to be become a wise woman and a wise man from this class not just a smart person so that you can confront the world and this class has a vision also and the last one is important to train you to get involved in the socialization and the governance process write that down that is a part of the vision the vision of this class is for you to become an active engaged transformer where the society is affected by you my goal and my hope is that you will no longer be an observer when this class is finished you'll be on the field playing the game this class is not for the weak-hearted it's not for those who are timid now I am quite aware that there are organizations who will send spies in this class you are welcome I'm even educate you as well when we finish you can join us too you will see that God's righteousness is the best plan for man so that's our vision now let's talk about the goals it's very important where the goals of the kingdom success a national development school the first goal is to provide systematic biblical teaching with content from a kingdom context systematic that's why we're gonna give you a curriculum we're gonna give you systematic teaching you're gonna learn line on line precept upon precept I may give you homework I promise you it won't be homework you got in grade school you know algebra questions and y'all gotta remember no geometry angles or something okay they probably mostly reading an article or something that I want you to study but we want to systematically biblically provide content for you the second goal is to establish an environment conducive to personal development and transformation that means that every session we are going to give you information that will cause you to open up and there are the opportunity for you to share your questions your confusion to ask for clarification to bring some of your issues to the class so we can discuss them it's going to be kind of a learning process from one another we are going to engage each other we're going to listen to each other so that we can learn because believe me friends write this down the students create the lesson all teachers know more than the student but the student may not be willing to learn so your involvement in this experience is more important than mine or the other teachers you're asking questions will determine what you want to know a good student always asks questions so this is going to be a conducive idea for you to to grow along with everyone else the third goal is to provide experts and resource persons to provide information and interaction that is relevant to engaging in the material for learning so you can understand the principles of success and influence we're going to have experts come in this class and they're going to give you of their wonderful knowledge your job is to engage them that means you ask them questions you you delve into their mind and their spirit you drain them dry that's the purpose for a resource person in other words don't sit in this experience and keep your mouth shut ask questions because the expert is really somebody who's been through a certain period of experiences that can benefit you but write this down the mentor only provides information on a need-to-know basis you should never teach a person who doesn't want to learn Jesus calls it casting your pearls yeah so I will never tell you what you don't want to know you waste my time so the resource people are going to come here I'm lining them up the beautiful ones they come in and they can have knowledge on all kinds of things that relate to success and influence and you want to engage them okay goal number four is to motivate you who will be willing to become the answer to the challenges facing your community that's my goal my goal is to motivate you to stop criticizing the world stop complaining and act on correcting what's wrong that's the goal the goal is for you to be motivated to become the answer to the questions to become the solution to the problems this this is what this class is about it's for you to go into the world and make disciples and transform the days of complaining are ending tonight so we're gonna have an experience the next few months that will turn you into a different person goal number five is to Train leaders to enter active public life but that may not apply to all of you but some of you don't even know that you were born to enter public life I believe during this class some of you gonna run into your destiny during this class some of you are going to be introduced to yourself as a matter of fact some of you are going to actually surrender to yourself because you've been avoiding yourself for years because you didn't like what yourself was telling you so we're going to talk about how do you intelligently skillfully interactive public life with a knowledge and a confidence that you are not intimidated by anyone that no one can threaten you because you know how and what to do I have a mouse Monroe philosophy you can write this down this is private I I never pick afraid I can't win I learned that from Bane town and that's the way I work so when I attack you you already law because I know I go in this [Applause] yeah so we're gonna train you how to become like that when you get involved in active political experience you are gonna go in there with confidence with skill I mean knowledge maybe not everybody but you know who you are the Holy Spirit revealed to you some of you are housewives and you would end up in public life some of you are single people who thought you found your career and during this experience the Holy Spirit gonna arrest you and take you back to your passion which is public life be open be open and number six the goal is to produce and educate the citizenry that's everybody to produce an educated citizenry to produce an educated citizenry a society where the scissors are ignorant will always breathe oppression no one can oppress an intelligent person write this down you cannot make me inferior of it of my permission can I say it again someone tweet that you cannot make me inferior without my permission which means if I have been made inferior to you that's because I don't know how valuable I am so if I educate myself you cannot make me inferior this is why Jesus never said a human can set you free you know we say things like you know Nelson Mandela you know said the South Africans free that's not true we said Mahatma Gandhi said the Indians free absolutely not no human can set a human free we say you know sir linden finland said their Bohemians free absolutely not he has the worst one of all we say that Jesus can set people free absolutely not and there goes your religious mind I really just think here this man is a heretic you say okay now let me quote Jesus for you Jesus was talking about slavery and oppression one day and he said to the Pharisees and scribes you are slaves and they said to him we are not slaves we know who our Father is we are free men and Jesus says you are slaves and then he defined it he said the only way to be free is not for someone to make you free but you shall know the truth there it is there it is see I told you it ain't a person you shall know the truth emphases are no because the truth could exist for you might not know it and that's what this class is about it's about the knowledge to make yourself free so other people can't make you inferior and oppress you an intelligent citizen is a powerful citizen a good example of this is the Apostle Paul one day Paul was being whipped by these Roman soldiers they were whipping the guy and you know the Romans had a certain classification for whipping you know for extreme cases they gave you thirty-eight lashes why did the Romans use thirty-eight as a figure because the Romans we were such experts with the whip that they had they had whips with like out of leather strips and they put pieces of steel and glass in the leather so when they hit your back and they rake it then it opens up the flesh and they hit you again gets into your skin they rake it these were experts they call it flogging and they discovered that between 38 and 39 lashes kills the slave they bleed to death so when they say they will give you 38 lashes that means that it is capital punishment so when you read the book of Acts it says that when they put Paul in prison they decided to give him 38 lashes that means Paul was about to die now Paul was a intelligent citizen Paul had two passports and they didn't know everybody said knowledge Paul had a Jewish passport in the top pocket a Roman passport in his back pocket and Paul used him based on what country he wanted to work in yeah you understand and of course you know the story as they begin to whip Paul I'm Paul felt that first one pause you know something i'ma pull the passport out and the Bible says they began to whip all blood spattering everywhere and Paul realized if I don't use what I know about my citizenship power I'm gonna die so Paul cease being an Israelite and the Bible says he pulled out his Roman passport and showed it to the soldier and said I am a Roman citizen now let me explain what that means the Roman law there's a law in the Constitution of Rome that says no Roman citizen is to be flogged or crucified only foreigners for crucified and only foreigners are flogged it was illegal to flog or crucify a Roman citizen as against the law that's why it was easy for them to say crucify Jesus he was not a Roman citizen pause and knowledge saved him and the Bible says the soldier dropped the whip and fell to his knees and begged Paul not to report him imagine going from the river to the WIMP because of what knowledge write down knowledge knowledge will make you a powerful citizen and then finally our goal is to produce individual leaders with a focus on critical thinking some of you older people may not understand what this term means but you know let me help you with this critical thinking is very important and this cool is to help you become a critical thinker that means you don't swallow nothing you don't believe nothing anyone tell you they can't sell you nothing anymore when they sell you something you tell them let me get back to you right let me think this for a couple of days let me turn this upside down turn it right-side turn it up check it out cut it in half let me do it I said oh before I accept what you just told me I couldn't look thinker is one who criticizes his own thinking they look criticize you they criticize their own thinking this is found in the Bible when the Apostles went to preach in a little town and the people were you know they were impressed by the message you know they heard a message but the Bible says they didn't receive the message right away they went home and they checked the Bible to see if what Paul and Peter preached was there that's called critical thinking that's what's wrong with most people in the countries we live in we just accept anything anyone says because of their position or because of their title or because of their status we believe that they automatically are right let me tell you something I don't believe nobody you know the Bible says about the devil the devil is not stupid the devil comes to you like an angel of light in other words you can be so confused when he shows up you're thinking is Jesus he will wrap his lie in such a beautiful package of intellectual compilation that if you are not a critical thinker you will accept a lie as truth let me say something to all of you a smart person hates a critical thinker because they don't want you to challenge anything they say a critical thinker challenges ideas they question things okay here's your first exam what was the name of the people in the book of Acts who did that passionately you were supposed to answer that question you know you think the students here is this professor they were called what the Bereans that's in the Bible okay yeah they didn't accept the gospel just because Peter and Paul preached it they went home and checked and studied the Bible says before they accepted it they were critical thinkers don't accept things because people just say it and this class will help you to become a critical thinker so that you become an intelligent mental thinker to the point where when you believe something is because you have already expanded your knowledge of it nothing is classes for okay is that clear all right so here's our program I'm gonna close with the program here what's the program we're going to use simple program first of all we're going to appoint a teaching faculty that will teach you specific sections and subject matter that will be important for success and for national influence secondly we're going to present you a curriculum for each course that we're gonna study in each segment thirdly we're going to provide reference materials and resources for you to use I may say to you for example I want all of you to go to Internet and type in a certain thing and pull up a so nautical I want anyone to read it why cuz the next class we're going to discuss what you're supposed to read so we will refer to resources sometime you may hand out a resource sometimes you may bring a person as a resource in the class to give you information that is important relevant to a subject so we're gonna give you resource material the next thing about our program is we're gonna form discussion groups to research specific areas of interests I might say to you maybe one of the evenings that we're going to spend an hour discussing certain specific challenges or items and you're gonna get in groups and then you're going to spend that time discussing those items and you definitely will be comparing them with scriptural foundation with texts and also you're going to be dealing with what the system of the world says about them and then come back together and we're going to talk about your findings so that you will have explored all the perspectives of an issue to have a clear understanding of what God's perspective of it is so that's that would involve some research and then finally we got identify and this is very important practical community projects to apply your principles in other ways I might say to you on Monday morning all of us going down to house for Sam you know sit inside we want to observe what we heard and see if they do and would be read is that clear we may say we want 10 of you to go to the Senate and sit in the gallery and see what they do and come back and report to us or we may say to you we want three of you to go visit the commission to police and accent these five questions and come back and report to the class and tell us what we want information we want practical experience so that when you are finished nobody can manipulate you then our goal would be accomplished an educated citizenry is that clear are you excited my gum excited everything in this class will be built on this Constitution we are going to get God's mind on every issue because everybody has an opinion you might as well get is I got here you are clap master mr. clap see everybody given the opinion but I must warn you now God don't give opinions he gives commands so his words are not suggestions they are instructions and we want to get his instructions amen all right now here's what what I'm gonna provide for you in the program I'm gonna provide opportunity for field trips for practical exposure and as I mentioned earlier we may decide to go and visit another country I come back with report we may send Brenda to go too you know he go into South Africa we tell him I want you to meet with certain people come back but would they think about these things you go to Uganda we're gonna do some practical research to see what's happening around because you see the world is becoming globalized and there's no such thing as an isolated case anymore so there will be some practical opportunities for field trips secondly we're going to point a teaching faculty that's going to be focused on the curriculum courses very practical we're going to provide reference material and we're going to form these discussion groups again but it's going to be based on specific areas of interests that we want to know that we don't know about all right now let me explain why this class is important you can write this down the class is important because we have been given a mandate by God to go into all the world and to declare the good news of the kingdom of God to every creature that's our mission and commission we call it we have come to a conclusion based on our assessment over the years that the world is in need of help I mean I use the word world you know what I mean by now I'm not talking about the planet I'm talking about what the system's y'all are so wise and here's some conclusions we've come to number one why is this class important because the world cannot heal itself that's proven by the fact that they've been trying for over 2,000 years do you know that the same problems that were here in the time of Abraham are still in your neighborhood huh matter of fact we little worse than them the Apostle Paul said two thousand years ago that men are so smart now they invent evil that's found in Romans chapter one make a note and read the chapter he said they are so evil they want invent ways to do sin they not satisfied with just natural temptation they have sophisticated temptation they invent themselves God I don't even know how they did that don't say how did you come up with that one we are so evil the BR sophisticated demons so the world can't hear itself secondly we cannot sit by and watch it because we live in it so doing nothing is not an option that's why we have to go through this you know if I could tell you the my honest perception of Jesus Jesus Christ would not have Sunday morning services if he was here today he would have this class because this is where you have to sit down and think and understand and study the environment and then learn the practical principle of God on how to apply them to that environment effectively by the way this morning I was in Las Vegas Nevada ooh gambling city you know I was intrigued when I landed in Las Vegas yesterday I tell you the truth I almost went into shock right now sorry I went into shock the plane landed and when I walked out of the airport out of the aircraft now I'm in Las Vegas before ok but I wasn't ready for what I saw when I walked out of there you know we come up there craft we come up the aircraft all the line and when we walked into the airport the whole place is a casino the airport had more machines than Paradise Island this is true ok so now I took my camera I can show it to you tomorrow they took pictures of I want to be able to see how bad they've gone then I went to get my luggage by the way all the way to my luggage is nothing but casinos in the airport when I get to my luggage they got him right there so why are you waiting on your luggage just turn around and you put your thing in right what's your luggage this I mean they got this all they gonna take everything before you even leave the airport they invent ways the greatest one is when I went to the bathroom uh-huh hey hey oh yes hallelujah [Music] so while you releasing yourself they releasing some money to just ching ching ching ching this this is amazing is that what they want here doing nothing is not an option third reason why this class is important is because whatever you allow you can never criticize if you don't get involved you got to keep your mouth shut let me tell you something now when you open your mouth they don't want you open your mouth but what they don't know is you already planned to open your mouth there's a plan so it doesn't matter what they say you don't calculate the fight over write this down never answer a critic what did I say and given your some secrets already you never answer your critic so the world cannot heal itself but whatever you avoid you can never change so you must become the answer to your own prayer stop asking God to send someone to heal your country do you know how long people have been praying for their governments and their countries are still collapsing you cannot expect righteousness from an unrighteous person I mean that is so simple but it already over your head you know the poison is a demon keep it all Lord please you know just help us Lord I pray for my government how did you pray for a demon to be good the bible does say when the righteous are in power the people rejoice not when the demon will you play that be righteous play dragon power no he said when the righteous are in power the people rejoice the same verse says prevent the wicked rule the people groan I wonder how many countries are groaning the poor the oppressed the widows the children the young people are groaning people losing their houses are losing their sanity and losing their jobs and their businesses and losing their health and can't even get medical attention because they got no money there groaning he said that's because the wicked are in power write this down whatever you permit you are responsible for so we have to learn how to not permit things to happen you have to challenge them you have to question them you have to sabotage them you have to cut them off before they grow why is this class important write this down because you can let things happen or you can make things happen this is a school for you to be successful but also for national influence to make sure that things happen because you had an influence on them you were born not just to make a living but to make a difference I learned something from God if you get involved in making a difference he'd make sure you make a living don't wait to get bless attractive treat that somebody need to get it right now they sit down waiting for the Lord not only for the Lord get active start agitating for change in your environment [Music] so I want to close tonight with an introduction to some keys and we're gonna deal with these in the next few weeks very important next week we're gonna have a an expert come in and they're gonna introduce you I'm continue to the orientation they're gonna talk to you about some of the introductory x' introductory thoughts of righteous politics let's talk about success for a moment before we go now that I'm gonna teach you 10 keys to be successful 24 hours ago this last 24 hours I was invited to Las Vegas to speak to 12 people only 12 but these people control or 100 billion dollars yes he could you know what I said 12 people were locked up in a room with me all day yesterday and they control 12 billion dollars that's the kind of people I'm influencing now why did I tell you that I want to tell you why you should listen to me egg whites influence they flew me for his class put me in downtown the strip of Las Vegas in the hotel right next to us Celine Dion was singing a chauffeured cars I walked into the hotel and I was their teacher from 8 o'clock until 4 p.m. influence do you think I have time to bother small-minded politicians [Laughter] [Applause] I'm influencing the world and they could pay me in one hour with the politician to making a whole year don't fool with the man my job is to make you just like that success in other words I want to teach you the laws that I learned success is based on laws based on laws so I'm gonna give an introduction ten minutes and then we are going to pray for you because I want you to leave here with a little idea of the foundation of success you want to write this down I am convinced that everything in creation was designed to succeed know that I didn't always know because I was born in an environment that was very low cost and poor area and I was taught you have to survive so I develop a survival mentality a survival mentality will always be poor because the survival mentality means you don't believe you deserve to be wealthy so you actually become afraid of success see some of your thinking do you know that most people are poor because they are afraid to be rich because they are mentally convinced that they don't deserve to be wealthy they actually afraid of what they want and whatever you are afraid out stays away from you you repel what you reject so I had to discover this secret that everything created by God was designed to succeed now that was a paradigm shift for me because I had to get rid of all of my upbringing I'm talking about mental damages of to what I expect to be for example write this down I had to be convinced that every human wants to be successful is that true is that true then do you know that's exactly why you're here tonight that brought you here that bought you to the internet that very hunger in your heart to be successful made you leave your television tonight because deep in the heart of every human being 6.2 billion including the one sleeping under the bridge wants to be successful now that makes life very tough doesn't it that is the very source of your depression it is that desire that depresses you because you know what you want to be but you don't know how so you hate what you are but you're stuck it creates depression that leads to point number two success is predictable what did I say success is predictable now there are people who don't want you to know that they believe that success depends on them that you have to depend on them to succeed but I have come to the realization that said that that success is predictable because it's controllable oh why wish you can get this stay with me for the next six months see when I discovered this I realize it's easy it's easy the reason why we fail is because we think success is luck luck is not predictable this is why God hates chance you are too valuable to live on chance your life is not a game success is predictable but here's the mystery failure is also predictable I want you to think about this for a minute if I took a plant and I root it up and leave it on the ground can I predict what will happen yes you can predict failure if I took a plant and I plant it back in the soil can I particular will happen yes you can predict a success and your life is as simple as a plant but it's also as complicated as a plant why is success predictable and why is it fairly predictable the answer is because everything in life was designed to function by laws and that's the secret to success so remember now we're gonna learn the ten laws of success people spend millions of dollars every year go into all kinds of seminars reading all kind of positive thinking books and success books and they still broke it's because they don't understand you can't become successful by using another man's ideas you need your own revelation of those ideas they have to become yours nothing is yours until you believe them I cannot believe for you to eat there Warren Buffett I met him once by the way he is the second wealthiest man in the world forty six billion dollars one man has what is our debt in the Bahamas 1.5 the guy could pay off our debt with pocket change Bill Gates is now the number one again the Mexican guy fell a little bit he's down to 46 bufferless 47 Bill Gates's 48 48 billion dollars I can't even fathom how the guy gonna spend that now when I first met Warren Buffett he lives in Omaha Nebraska so I ran there to speak one of our churches up there and we've met in the restaurant you know our short plans no socks now it was a Bahamian [Music] will never choose snake necktie and wouldn't speak to nobody he was so humble he came to buy ice cream richest man in the world in America action whenever you meet someone who is successful you keep asking them questions so I knew exactly what to do I started asking questions and his answers were the same things I knew which means there's there are no additional laws so I'm gonna teach you the laws everything in life is a function bad laws and that leads to the number-5 laws make life predictable if I took a seed and I put it on the tile in the lobby can I predict what will happen yes I'm gonna pray about that I've need a revelation no prophecy got to come you've got a even promise now you prophesy to yourself this that there shall not be a tree a there should not be a tree of course I'm a tree could prophesy it because what have I done violated laws so it's predictable so whatever you are right now hmm has to be result of some laws you're missing laws make life predictable and number seven your success number six was designed by God and there's a reason why everything God created was designed to be successful that's why we have to study success first because when you are successful you become influential and when you are successful you become free from those who you have to challenge this is so important you know if you only money and then you attack me you you know you're in trouble yeah so you got to become successful now big question why does God make you to be successful the answer is in number seven because your success is good for God success in creation is not good for creation when a plant comes from a tree seed when it comes from a seed that is really not for the plant it's for the Creator when you get the concept the success of a product is not good for the product it's good for the manufacturer are you thinking yeah that leads to point number eight your success as a product protects the reputation of the manufacturer so a manufacturer needs the product to be successful for his sake [Music] your failure will embarrass the manufacturer and that's why the manufacturer doesn't leave your success up to chance guessing experimentation or gambling the manufacturer builds into your operation laws so that you don't even need to think oh boy because he needs you to succeed to protect his reputation we ever and I pad here and I assume this is Apple ya example now notice I use the name right Apple Apple has a logo on this right it is called an image write that down a logo is an image now when they made this it didn't have a logo on it in the factory there was no logo on this they put all these parts together in the factory note and coming down to assembly line and they put the stuff together now when they got to the end of the assembly line they had this machine then they had somebody actually turn it on and they tested every function without the image on it this is very important so there are people in the Microsoft Factory in the Apple Factory their job there all day is just turned it on and check every function they get paid for that see they got about you know fifteen hundred people making it but when it gets to them that's all they do they turn it on and they do it every every function is supposed to function perform they think they actually go through it and when they are satisfied that all the phones are working then they pass it to the other person another person puts in a machine and the Apple image goes on then goes to a plastic bag then it goes to a box and then it's sealed with styrofoam and I put book on top of it and they lock it up and they ship it to the wholesaler who sends it to the retailer and you get it from the shelf but it's already been used this is very important a manufacturer allows no product to leave his factory that has not been tested already because success is more important to him than to you as a matter of fact he is so sure that the functions work that he actually puts a book on top of it so you can't see it and then he puts in the book a piece of paper it's called the warranty guarantee and then he writes on it if this product does not function as promised send it back to us at our expense do not attempt to fix it yourself we will pay for the postage we will pay for the replacement of a new one we will fix it by ourselves will repair it we will send it back to you whatever just give it back to us we're gonna pay for everything they don't even know you that proves that this is not about you so you miss it how about you they will pay all that money but send you a noodle but at their expense and they don't know you we put another way they're not doing that because they love you are getting deep now before go see some you don't think I love you know yeah we take what God really loves right this town God loves us all reputation can I prove it when you read the Bible the whole Bible has a phrase in it that's a manufacturer's phrase it says everything I do is says is for my namesake and same for you namesake means reputation why do you think God even though you are a mess we'll keep forgiving you do you know why because when he tested you before you entered earth you were functioning perfectly but when you landed in that body boom got the old boy in sin did my mother conceive me so I got a perfect spirit in an imperfect body and I pray that he connects to me early and so God sends with you Emanuel and he says you don't even have to pray because there's Joshua I got some such suggestions for you you got a million people you're trying to sort out and you seem to be an intelligent guy he said but I got a little secret for you he says if you keep my laws obey my commands do not turn from them to the right or to the left meditate on them day and night get them into your circuits your system he says I guarantee you will make your way prosperous and you and have God success success he says it's not up to God the manufacturer then you when you port this this tablet you slit it when you pour this tablet when you bought a tablet my Apple didn't come home with you a nobody followed you home and said now seven yeah make sure at work manufacturers do not go home with you they send their mind with you it's called the manual they send the laws with you and they say obey the laws in this manual and we guarantee it'll work and if it doesn't work you send it back to us we send you a brand new one because this is not about you so this class is to put pressure on God to make sure that he makes sure that 2014 is your year of success and that success is not for your sake anybody feel a little Thanksgiving coming go ahead just thank you for a great year you you have to succeed come off report you will succeed you're gonna make success because you are going to learn the laws and you'll make your way prosperous have good success get me give me the last one here whatever I did I don't know what I did oh there it is okay success the success of a product protects the reputation of the manufacturer and number nine success is not a pursuit this is very important you don't pursue success that's why most people try to be successful not successful success is a result of obedience to law give an example if I give you a mango seed in that mango seed is a mango tree correct and on that tree are mangoes but they're all wrapped up in that seed am i right so what you got to do now is learn the laws that relate to seeds and the manufacturer already built some laws then he said okay the seed first of all needs soil and then it needs some nutrients and then it needs some moisture and it needs sunlight that's the laws of the scene so listen to me carefully now but this is important some of you religious people if you took the mango seed and you obey the laws you put it you dig a hole you put it in the soil you cover it up praise the Lord you poured water on it and the moisture starts breaking down the nutrients now what do you do after that what do you do you do what no what are you doing to that I got here you leave it alone where do you go you go to bed jesus said when you kind of you go to bed he actually said you go to sleep and your eyes and your sleep and he said you keep going right sleep he says because it grows by itself now here's my point when you obey the laws you don't need to hang around that spot saying in the name of Jesus come on up come on up come up oh I'm a cross structure over you thou shalt go no when you obey law you don't even need to clap and this is difficult for us because we love to help God we feel like if we're doing nothing then we ain't doing nothing Jesus says no when you plant you go to sleep why cuz the laws work automatically once you engage them once you obey them they have their own productivity on the inside they beget the produce that's what it's classes for this is going to be the easiest year you ever had saved alone clock like you believe that right now in the name of Jesus Easy's here so the greatest secret to failure is two things ignorance of laws or disobedience of laws and now you understand why God begs you to obey Him obedience is always in your interests and number 10 success is a result it's not a pursuit you don't try to make that tree grow as a matter of fact you can't even help it your job is to obey the laws that's all and then it happens by itself I needed to to pay for maintenance on my aircraft the other day I needed $29,000 just for maintenance it's just me okay no different levels don't don't don't come at my level and so I needed that money in 24 hours so I sit okay so I gotta find somewhere to give something how's my first thought I got to find somewhere to give something so I went and got my checkbook i sat in my office at my home I said tell me where they gave Lord cuz I knew once I activate this law I can go to sleep I got instructions said wrote a check I needed 28,000 29,000 so I wrote 10% of it I wrote a $900 and I called the person and I says I want to give you this to help you with your situation they didn't know what I was doing I was working on a law they thought they were getting blessed I was working on a law so they came by the house I gave them the check I says the Lord told me to bless you at this they cried got excited and everything and then I just rested I got a call from Brazil unbelievable country would called me from Brazil the guy can hardly speak English he says the Lord told me to give you $28,000 I said this is for the church or for me he said no no no personnel [Applause] I wonder how many of you have something that is clogged up with your name on it waiting for a law to be activated when you obey a law you can sleep it works by itself let's pray father this will be a great school we are going to be transformed from being normal to being exceptional by your Holy Spirit you will help us to understand your laws I pray for each individual here those sitting at home in England listening to me my friends in America and Canada those in the Bahamas who tuned in Lord you don't want anyone to feel I'm tired of failure somebody join me please say for yourself say like you're mad nor be attired of failure we are tired of scraping by we are tired of surviving we are tired of barely making it tonight we make a covenant with you that we will obey the laws we learn in this class and we will protect your reputation Thank You Holy Spirit now we give you thanks for all you about to do in every life and lord I pray for that person right now sitting in Freeport right there in the meeting you know the struggle you've been going through this week tonight may the lord give you the courage to activate a law and your journey begins to the way of success well thank you for this great school that you will make us successful by teaching us your laws and through that we will become influential and change our nation's I ask you to do this for you as a manufacturer we are your products and you put your image on us already so our failure is not good for you protect your name by changing us in this class and we access in the name of the authorized dealer Jesus Christ who came to repair the product so that we could bring back glory to your name and we say aim amen well I'm excited are you excited amen I want you to get a notebook just for this class there's gonna be a lot of anointing in this class you come here sick you don't get healed because your healing is good for his reputation you come here broke somebody have money in their pockets in this class to give you what you can get blessed just coming to this class matter of fact that day you stay home I can gather money back home can I be in the right place all the time here's what I need you to do we we estimate that the cost of running this place and this is a free class but we want you to give a donation every time you come and some of you may need to activate a law so I'm not gonna tell you what to do but we estimate that if everybody give a donation of 20 bucks or $25 that would cover the cost of every session okay so I want you to prepare to give something tonight what I taught you I get paid a lot of money to teach other people that plenty I don't get no salary from brahma state ministries okay my gift makes room for me in the world I will teach you how to do that I want everyone here to give something so go ahead and prepare an offering those of you in Freeport do the same and those are online it cost us about $2,800 every time we turn the stream on every month $2,800 so if you give you know 25 bucks every time you come on with us you'll have to cover the cost of this coming to you in Freeport of course you know you are our family so go ahead and prepare your gifts and I thank you so much for obeying the Lord not we're not giving an offering we're activating what a loss if you if you changes from that stuff about you know giving offerings to get stuff you miss it you are obeying a law the Bible says whatever you receive you should give back too so you never come here without something to give uh she's here tonight okay can you bring some envelopes please I think some folks you may need some envelopes if you need an envelope of your hand up please envelopes okay we get this won't have a envelopes it may be too far away to reach it that's why I want you to get anyone needs an envelope you got one okay while you're doing that we also want to register everyone for this school now registration is not at a cost you don't pay anything registration the reason why I need your information in this class specifically is because I am going to be sending you throughout the month things that I am using to help me succeed so I'll be sending you emails and articles and ideas I'll even send you some tips that I use when I'm working on certain areas of my success so that you can get them so if you register for the class then you have access to direct material from me is that good okay so next class we're gonna give you an envelope I'm sorry a card to fill out and we want you to turn the card back in I need your name and of course your email would be wonderful to have all right that's what all I probably basically need because I'm gonna communicate to you by electronic if I am in Africa somewhere and I have an idea of I saw something that I thought would be helpful to the class only you gonna get it okay you ready said you'll get it nobody else will get it you'll get it because you are committed to this class and you're registered so I was saying that information any opportunities that come that I believe may be a safe example if there's an opportunity for you to to invest or maybe even have someone invest in your I could send that to you and you can contact them and you know so we're gonna we're gonna use this class not just to teach and to demonstrate but we also want you to have opportunity to experience success practically all right is that good no any questions on this first night before we go anyone have any question with anything we talked about tonight good students ask questions that's a good student you want an apple my son yes we're gonna record every session and we're gonna have an entire package so that you will have all the information that you can actually you can get a CD like after every session you can get them all on Sunday morning you can pick them up okay some of you are not members of the church but you want to be part of this class so they'll also be available to you all right and if you miss a class because you are maybe your job a police or nurse or doctor or something maybe security guard or something somewhere sometimes your schedule may be conflict you can pick up this session that following that that's Sunday or something okay so if you are if you have to miss it's fine but try not to do that because we're gonna be David practical things in the class that you can't get on a CD or a DVD okay all right yes good night everybody for persons whose mentality the mindsets of Benham was the word contaminated yes toxic I used to be one of them don't believe you deserve to be to be successful or to have money are you gonna cover that aspect of exactly that's all night class okay the whole night of the class is to transform the way you think nothing will change until your thinking changes so the first thing I will do is what I'm starting to do already I'm attacking your mind your mind is a stronghold and I'm gonna help you cast down imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God okay so the answers yes idea the duration of the class I'm estimating seven to eight months so that means that we have a lot of testimonies through this class we have people saying here's what happened to me here's what happened to me last week here's what happened to me on Monday I expect there to be so many testimonies in this class that you're in a retail December to tell your story matter of fact some of y'all that started this week because you actually came here got and start working on your behalf because you want to know so expect doors to open beginning this week all right expect that yes sir organize talked about so you mediate what you'll be dealing with the issues of legality as relates to some persons are actually sowing seeds and giving - I mean paying tithes and they're not seeing the results that they desire to see the legalities of that not happening are you gonna be dealing with that issue I think those things happen by themselves as you go through the class my job as a teacher the laws of success your job is to work them you know you know and again you know tithing to me is really not like a law you know it's it's it's an awareness that as a citizen you pay taxes you know I mean there's some folks in our country didn't pay taxes [Music] so that the devera has come to eat their fruit right yeah so you need to know what to do when you do what you supposed to do but you know you also got to be careful too because you know you can plant a seed in the ground you can plant a mango seed in the ground and then you pour kerosene on it so not because you planted it and the soil isn't me gonna grow you may actually be doing something that also negates it do you understand so you give an offering but you're shacking up in someone cause hey I got a problem here you you you you work in a seed here but you're putting something else on it see so you know why things don't happen could be you know you know simplices jesus said if you bring your offering to give to God and the Holy Spirit reminds you that you have ought against someone he said don't even give it go and make it right first then come up so you may be paying tithes but you hate everybody in the church I'm gonna say your hate shuts down the seed it's like putting kerosene on the C&C so your whole life does you know success is a holistic thing so know what 1 so you know you're given an iron getting that's not the issue the issue is you know do you get the whole picture you know your whole life have to be in sync with this whole thing that's why I can't afford to have hatred against nobody bill the people call me names I don't doesn't matter to me I gotta protect my heart I love them no problem I will never get in fight with anyone I got to protect my own blessing ok so I'm gonna let you cause me to you know none of my tree grow you know mess of your own tree dome as a Maitre D' I got I got love you now whether you love me that's your problem but I'm supposed to that's why I said love your enemies you love your enemy because you don't want your enemy to shut down your tree by you hating your enemy ok yeah so what people do is not important is what are you supposed to do that's important sometimes we think that when you forgive someone they supposed to forgive you that's not what the Bible says is that you forgive them that's all that means you release them you forget them and the issue is now on them you're free and then God has an open wind of heaven you know you play okay another question yes hey but think of loud I can't hear oh it's on over here Mike okay so stand up for me it's like a hey boy sorry about that yeah when ask my forgiveness boy I would believe that um you had already taught this to me I've been visiting yeah but I want you to at one of the sessions deal with the laws of God now my better half here just told me that I could find him in Romans chapter one but I think it's important for us to know them all yeah so please one of the sessions if you can deal specifically with it oh yeah with that believe me there's so many laws there's no end to learning them you know so we just think of the Ten Commandments there's a whole lot more laws than that and and again you know we're gonna we're gonna study the laws of success and they all from God God created everything and he has laws attached to them so stay with me and whatever I have I will give you okay yes ma'am I'll take two more yes um good night I'm pastor miles I just want to say thank you in advance for everything that you're going to teach us during this season you know everything that's going on in the world right now and especially within our country it's something that all of us need to know and need to learn how to practice and implement and you said we're gonna learn stuff well it's already started already your law number five or not not here but you will become the answer to the prayer for change absolutely I mean that tonight spoke to me so thank you good let me just say something to that you may want to remember you know when I went to Haiti the United Nations have kind of a assess Haiti as they say you know one of the poorest nations in the world that's their assessment which I don't believe that that says so I went to Haiti and when I arrived in Haiti we were driving from the airport and I saw a couple of trees growing beautiful trees now me I'm the kind of guy I think differently for most of you that's why I'm here and you did I look at the trees I told the drivers slow down he said why I said well look at those trees he's one of the trees for a side road I say stop that stop the car but no one knew why I want to see these trees I want to study history trees are beautiful growing up my sleeves and everything and I I was learning a lesson I I wrote that in one of my books just experience of trees in Haiti that was a lesson see the seed had no interest in the economic analysis the tree didn't care what they said about the country once the tree said look just give me soil give me water I don't care what they say about this economy I'm gonna grow my prophecy to you tonight is simple it doesn't matter what they claim the ekend economic conditions are when you obey God's laws yet comes to fruits Photography so remember this is not about the conditions that people announce it's about the conditions that God instruct so those trees don't know what you're talking about are you making announcement they guess will be the law yeah last one well let's try someone else anyway okay the last one okay Thank You Anton have you planted your senior oh I should space help me out here I think in the pastor buckets and go ahead and Freeport can you take the offering and of course those of you online you know what to do I think you pretty much know how to give do not just receive that's not proper you must also make sure that you activate that law and give back to what's given to you okay yeah yes hey my son yeah good idea yeah my question is can repentance stop a law from ganden into effect can repentance topple amen non repentance yeah well none repentance I mean let's say if you repent for example if I uh steal some money right and I go before going to say God I'm sorry or I mean in other words I repent can the law of register examine you steal some of our us dishonest as that being a law by me repenting does that stop that law from going into effect even though I repent basically not being a law I mean once you obey God you go to sleep I said oh don't complicate this if you violated God's law it doesn't hurt God okay always remember that God is always okay so it doesn't matter what you do if you violate the law then it shuts you down not God when you repent repent means to change your mind about what you did which means that you intend not to do it again that includes that then you open access to the consequences of obedience again understand so basically you control what happens not God okay and so let me just tell you something that may be interesting to you I grew up believing that when you confess your sin it means that you supposed to say what you did you know and tell God how sorry you are and I was so embarrassed when I was in college and we were studying a class had a teacher named dr. Hayden he was my Hebrew professor and we were studying you know Hebrew which is the original language of the Bible and we're going through this translation of these words and this word confessions came up in Hebrew and the Hebrew word for confession doesn't mean to say anything like you know didn't bring up anything the word confession in Hebrew means to agree but shocked me so I asked them dr. Hayden I said would I don't understand this you know or my life I heard you know you come before the altar and you get Brina confess your sins you know you bring about his sins he said he said no he said the word confess means that you agree with God so I said what do you mean he says if your heart condemns you if the Lord says in your heart that what you did was wrong you just agree it's wrong see we have a temptation of explaining to God why we did something let me show you have not confessed confess means you got caught and you agree you got caught and you don't try to explain it Lord you are right this is wrong I have sinned against you so before she must confess your sin it says the machine you got to agree that it is sin and sometimes we don't whenever you attempt to justify why you did something you've not confessed okay won't you think about that and that can shut down your entire success first principle so just agree with God I know you get a little conscience you know say boy what you're doing is not right is that all yes Lord you're right and then you immediately cease and you turn away from them okay that's repentance so confession repentance like a really different confession means I agree this is wrong repenting means I'm gonna change my mind about this I gotta go in the other direction thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 121,818
Rating: 4.8358884 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: pCaza-3Xu_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 49sec (6409 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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