ATF’s New Brace Rules are INSANE

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What's sad is that because of chevron deference, most federal judges are actively seeking to undermine the separation of powers laid on in the Constitution. So this shit will likely stand unless Roger Benitez hears the first case and issues an nationwide injunction.

Kinda glad I picked up some level 4's, though.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/eddieoctane 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wait... I'm confused. So guns OVER a certain length are subject to review as well? So standard size rifles, not handguns, could be categorized as an SBR?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fleeingcats 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

According to this guy, the new regulations are basically what was already followed by manufacturers.

Is this true?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chrisppyyyy 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers got another fun video for you guys today i'm just gonna cut right to the chase on this one and well the atf has just released their new proposed guidelines for how they're gonna classify pistol braces versus sbrs going forward and to be perfectly honest with you it looks a lot more like a dnd scorecard than it does a government regulation roll a 10 or higher to not get your dog shot if these proposed guidelines go through it would make most pistol brace configurations completely illegal and have to be registered as an sbr i told you this was coming we all knew this was coming and here it is in this video i'm going to be diving into exactly what they're trying to do and exactly what you guys can do to help fight it it's gonna be a wild couple years coming up guys so i think it's really important we all just kind of stand together as a gun community and get behind good gun advocacy groups like the firearm policy coalition which is why i'm putting my money where my mouth is and i'm donating all of the sponsored money from this video to the firearm policy coalition today's sponsor is goat guns goat guns make super cool realistic firearm miniatures for display on your desk and you know it's the perfect thing to scare off your xanax mom co-workers at the office they've got tons of cool models to choose from you can check them out in the links in the description and in the pin comment and remember i said before if there was a goat gun air 15 on my desk that i'm in trouble well uh it's on my desk because we're all in trouble so let's let's dive into this proposed regulation here so the new criteria is broken into three sections section one is just prerequisites so it has to meet these two requirements before you're even allowed to go into the the point system first one is that the weapon must weigh at least 64 ounces and the second is that the weapon must have an overall length between 12 and 26 inches first one basically says just the gun has to wear more than four pounds i have no idea why they felt the need to specify that the second the weapon must basically be between a foot long and just over two feet this one is particularly funny to me because the entire argument behind regulating sbrs in the nfa like under the same uh category as machine guns and suppressors and things is supposed to make the gun more dangerous when it's like short and able to be easily concealed right or that's the argument so it's dangerous because it's short uh and now they have it to where if it's too long it's now an sbr for reference the average ar-15 i think is it like 35 inches so it has to be 10 inches shorter than your typical ar-15 or else it's an sbr which is what would happen if you cut down an ar-15 by 10 inches let's just keep going so now we move on to sections two and three or as i like to call them who wants to be a felon this is where we start getting into our point system that's right the atf is essentially gamified whether or not you go to jail for 10 years the idea here is if you collect more than 4 points in either section 2 or section 3 you have an illegal sbr so let's let's see what they what they said is worthy of points here accessory design not based on a known shoulder stock design zero points incorporate shoulder stock design features one point based on a known shoulder stock design two points already i'm a little scared about how subjective this is how close does it have to be to a known shoulder stock design before it is either incorporating features or is a copy of them it would be nice if they included some examples but they they didn't so that is up to your average field agent i suppose rear surface area device incorporates features to prevent use as a shouldering device zero points okay minimize rear surface lacking features to discourage shouldering one point rear surface useful for shouldering the firearm two points material added to increase rear surface for shouldering three points so if you had that last one you are three quarters of the way there to this being considered an spr just in that one category adjustability non-adjustable fixed stock design zero adjustable or telescoping attachment designed for shouldering two points so already if i'm understanding this correctly pretty much everything from the sb tactical lineup is already illegal which is ridiculous considering there's god knows how many millions of those in circulation in civilian hands in the u.s by now why were these ever allowed to be sold in the first place well because the atf said that they were until they decided they wanted to change their minds just a quick reminder no new laws have passed okay they're not changing these regulations because there's new laws that were introduced and passed they're just arbitrarily changing their [ __ ] mind there's a bunch more stuff here stabilizing support um you know whether it's fin fin style design with the strap without the strap whether you know it can fully wrap around the arm partially or doesn't wrap around uh and you can get a shitload more points here all in all it needs less than four in order to proceed to section three meaning i i think it might be if you have four you're out with that in mind i am actually struggling to think of a popular brace design on the market right now that doesn't hit four points i'm sure there probably is one but i can't think of one that actually meets the qualifications which means that already in section two you're banning the vast majority of arm braces on the market and i'm guessing they're not feeling like they want to grandfather anything in before we move on to section three if it feels a little ridiculous that there's a point system like this that's borderline arbitrary um don't worry it absolutely is but there's actually precedence where the atf has done [ __ ] like this in the past which is why i'm kind of concerned about this because this was researched they worked hard on this i'm not saying that makes it good it's kind of like a shitty macaroni sculpture that your kid makes but you still have to put it up on the fridge because they worked hard on it it's more like that except you love your kids probably but this is actually super reminiscent of the 922r stuff that came out in the 90s now if you're an aka guy you probably know what that means if you don't uh it's basically a uh a ban on uh a certain amount of imported parts on a firearm here in the u.s there's all sorts of ways to get around it but basically if you're building a parts kit here in the us as a manufacturer there has to be a certain number of american-made parts on that gun because foreign parts are scary it was completely [ __ ] pointless but that's why you're technically not compliant if you don't have a certain amount of american-made parts on an ak like barrel receiver trigger group counts as three parts there's actually a calculator that you can go to to find if your gun is 922r compliant by the amount of american parts versus foreign parts so knowing about that and then reading this has me kind of concerned that they're actually planning to push this pretty hard all right moving on to section three configuration of the weapon length of pull with accessory in the rear most lock position now if you're not familiar with what length the pull is it basically measures uh where the back of the gun which would normally be the stock uh is in relation to the the trigger it's the length of basically how far out you're holding the gun uh in order to you know get a good trigger pull on it less than ten and a half inches zero points ten and a half but under eleven and a half inches one point all the way down to thirteen and a half inches and over is four points now thirteen and a half inches is a standard length of pull for a firearm period obviously not handguns but literally everything else so if you have a normal length of pull you're automatically at four points and you have a felony that's with the accessory in the rear most locked position meaning if you have one of those adjustable braces and you're at a length of pull of over 13 inches you're already you've already got a felony it's automatic four points you cannot pass go do not collect two hundred dollars in fact pay two hundred dollars or waco attachment method uh pretty much anything except the ar style pistol buffer tube uh is is gonna give you points on here a folding adapter that gives you two points stabilizing brace modifications this is where [ __ ] gets a little wild a fin type design with a strap made out of elastic materials two points fin is uh lacking an arm strap is two points like the cac braces and such cuff type design with the strap removed just removing your strap from your pistol brace the the cuff style braces four points removing your strap which i know a lot of people who have done that just because they're dorky just removing that little nylon strap four points that's a felony modifying your brace for shouldering felony what does that mean i don't really know modified shoulder stock or originally a shoulder stock four points felony and for the icing on the [ __ ] cake peripheral accessories presence of a hand stop two points presence of a secondary grip indicating two-handed fire even like the angled four grips four points immediate felony if you have an angled foregrip on your braced pistol now doesn't matter if that brace complies with everything somehow uh it's still an sbr presence of a sight or a scope with eye relief incapable of one-handed fire i i don't know what that is even supposed to mean but that's four points if they just think that your scope or your uh your dot or whatever is in the wrong place that's a felony to top it all off weapon has configured way more than 120 ounces or about seven and a half pounds they specify wade with magazine unloaded it's worth pointing out standard air 15 is about six and a half pounds that's without anything on it sights scope back up irons whatever the hell you end up adding to your rifle sling laser tactical beam holder whatever the hell you want to put on that thing if your gun now gets your pistol now gets over seven and a half pounds you can go to jail not only can you go to jail you can go to jail and lose your gun rights for the rest of your life because you're now a felon and so that's what i think this all comes down to at the end of the day this was made on purpose to essentially ban the vast majority of braces on the market today and make it virtually impossible for people to comply with this law so they'll just stop using them or they won't be able to sell them it also means that the atf is changing definitions which they're not really allowed to do that that was written in the law that law was passed by congress and signed by the president of the united states when that law was passed so who the [ __ ] are you to come back and change the definitions without going through that same process again but you know who am i yeah clearly even though i don't think i even own any braces to be honest i've got an sot i just formed two sbrs machine guns whatever that's not the [ __ ] point it's a terrible precedence and it's pissing me off and it should piss you off too which is how we get around to what do we do about it i already told you since from the sponsored spot of this video i'm going to be financially supporting the firearm policy coalition as continuing to encourage you guys to do the same but you don't even have to spend any money because right now there is an open call for comment from the atf i'm going to use the link in the description and the pin comment uh you can go ahead and click through there please be respectful in your comments but tell them that you oppose this completely again be polite if you basically just say [ __ ] you fed boy re uh it's not gonna be taken seriously it's not gonna be considered for comment but if we get enough people we've we've succeeded on this in the past and like said even if it doesn't do anything it's still ammunition for groups like the fire and policy coalition to come back in court and say hey look at how many people disagreed with this and left us a public comment uh and you still did it anyway you're giving the pro-gun groups good ammunition in the fight later if nothing else anyway guys uh sorry this was a bit more of a serious video i just think this stuff is important to talk about when it comes around because you know gun meme review is fun all the ak-50 stuff i think it's super [ __ ] cool i love it i enjoy it i love doing range time none of that matters if we keep losing ground the way we are so um forgive me for the more serious videos but i do think it's important but anyways i appreciate your support i appreciate you staying to the end of the video and as always i will see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] it's going to be a crazy couple years guys so we kind of need to hunker down and really kind of rally together as a gun community and get behind groups like the firearm policy coalition which is why i'm putting my money where my mouth is and all of the sponsored spot money for this for [ __ ] me
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 622,116
Rating: 4.9745097 out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, Meme review, gun meme review, brace, arm brace, ATF, news, Nfa, SBR
Id: dFMJleLOzsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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