ATF Director Nominee David Chipman Ripped Apart by Pro Second Amendment Senators

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youtube comment summed it up pretty well:

Chipman: "I want to ban assault weapons."

Congressman: "What's an assault weapon?"

Chipman: "idk"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 147 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vandechoz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow I rarely find myself appreciating Sen Cruz, but I liked what he did there. I would have liked to have seen a follow up: "If congress passes a similar bill requiring registration, would the ATF under your leadership confiscate these firearms from individuals who have no criminal convictions?"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sephstorm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I still can't get over the Dr. Pepper Waco reference what a self righteous sadistic piece of shit. This man will destroy more innocent lives just because he can and because he enjoys it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/defundpolitics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know if he made any statements on WACO or Ruby Ridge?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sephstorm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why tf does ATF seemingly exist to harass law abiding American citizens who are exercising their 2A rights. Ffs do something useful by targeting actual criminals rather than manufacturing criminals... this clown will probably be confirmed won’t he

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/J_Gold22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Swalwell and Chipman are neck and neck for the coveted β€œMost Punchable Face” award.

  • They would both medal if MPF was an Olympic event.
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OFP1985 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pro 2A senators? You mean the ones that don’t do shit when they have the power?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/V8_Only πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If there was a God, I'm sure he wouldn't curse a man with upside down mouth like this mother fucker.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DMX-512 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Based David Chimpman wants to disarm the secret service. That’s the one thing I can get behind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThiccDave69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so recently the senate just had a confirmation hearing for dave chipman who is joe biden's nominee for director of atf this hearing lasted about three four hours maybe longer but during the hearing dave chipman was grilled by a number of senators about his stance on the second amendment i mean if you're going to be the lead of the atf we need to understand that we have somebody in there who is impartial and understands the importance of the second amendment well what ended up transpiring wasn't show and so what i did is i aggregated all of the questions asked to dave chipman with respect to his stance on the second amendment and brought them all together and condensed it down from three to four hours to 30 minutes just cut out all the fluff so here is the aggregation and collection and best of hits of the embarrassment that was dave chipman's senate hearing with respect to him being the nominee from joe biden to be ats new director mr chipman i wanted to ask you do you recognize the an individual right to keep and bear arms thank you for that question senator um the supreme court uh has recognized that right i'm a gun owner myself and the answer is yes and is a law-abiding gun owner a threat to public safety in your view um thank you for that question senator um if the term law-abiding means someone has lawfully possessed a gun there are often occasions that that person then goes on to commit a violent crime uh if you're just saying um characterize the majority of gun owners the majority of gun owners are live abiding what's the role of the atf or the federal government in restricting the right of law-abiding gun owners to keep and bear arms you said that some of them may go on to commit crimes but so far we uh we're not living uh with uh i guess the movie the minority report where we have the capacity or ability to investigate pre-crimes so what restrictions would you place on the right of a law-abiding citizen to keep and bear arms under the second amendment if i'm confirmed as atf director it's atf's responsibility to primarily enforce the national farms act the gun control act and our priority will be um you know focusing on people who break federal laws and attempt to um you know intervene before they kill someone so that is a balance that we need to strike but again the constitution is the guard rails to that activity mr chapman i i'd like to start with you i believe senator cornyn referred briefly to a statement that i i independently found concerning a statement that you had posted on reddit back in 2019 when you said quote while at atf i conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun many did this is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact close quote i find this statement very troubling especially troubling for someone who's been nominated to serve as the atf director uh because even setting aside from the second amendment even before you get to the second amendment this violates our most fundamental rules of due process talking about a desire to arrest people before committing crimes rather than after the fact it's not how our criminal justice system works and if that's how you view people that is concerning to me now this is compounded by other comments you've made that to me reflect a certain degree of disdain toward gun owners and in particular new gun owners on april 3rd of 2020 just over a year ago you gave an interview with cheddar news and you were talking about increases in gun sales especially first-time gun owners who had decided to purchase a gun for the first time during the pandemic in the interview you openly mocked first-time gun owners uh saying that they were quote more like tiger king and then advising them in a quite a a mockery to hide their gun quote behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky they have stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear close quote when first saw not director of the available would have such a a flippant and if i may say so utterly condescending attitude toward first-time gun owners in the in this country i say this is a former federal prosecutor one who worked with atf agents and agents from many other agencies this this is a troubling flippant attitude for somebody who's going to head this agency now you may find it interesting to learn that a survey of federal firearms licensees conducted by the national shooting sports foundation shows that retailers supported the highest average percent increase in sales to black americans during the first half of 2020 with large increases also to women and to hispanic americans and asian americans as well so why would you choose to insult so many of your fellow americans with a statement like this based on the fact that they purchased a gun senator uh thank you for allowing me the opportunity to uh address both of these comments that i believe were misunderstood and taken out of context i'll start with the first when i was talking about the prosecution of people who had lied and tried to buy a gun clearly those people who lie and try have committed a serious federal felony and what i suggested is if we did research we could determine which of those people were most likely to later commit some violent crime and i do believe it would be atf's mission that of prosecutors to prosecute those people who committed a serious federal felony before um you know striking again and killing someone with respect to the other quote i'll just say are you saying that you what you in fact meant was before committing other crimes and after committing a predicate crime is is that what you're telling me that you meant when you when you said this is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact is that what you meant senator um thank you for the question and thank you for the opportunity to clarify what i said was that i think that in certain circumstances it is absolutely the mission of atf to arrest people for lying on a federal firearms form a five-year felony right because that's a crime that is a crime and it's the one i was speaking about in the quote that you were saying sir okay but you said before committing crimes before committing an additional violent crime which is something i was seeing at atf that people would lie and try and then go through other means acquire a gun and hurt someone okay so that that statement was sort of in an invisible bracket is is that what you mean or is that just what you're saying that you meant at the time i did my best to communicate and clearly as exampled here i fell short i will try to do better okay how about the other statement uh with regards to the comments that i made on cheddar um that was a lengthy interview what i was trying to use is self-depreciating humor the person who had a gun storm behind his tuna and beef jerky was me and i was saying that all of us were acting in new ways as a response to covid and i thought that people should be very clear that when they bring a gun in their home they need to be properly trained so again um we have often times the ability to talk to the media sometimes that's taken out of context and i'm sorry for any confusion i made when i was trying to point out the fact that sometimes bringing a gun into your home if you're untrained is a particularly dangerous thing to do it does concern me that these these statements that you say are taken out of context or misunderstood are not themselves out of context when you view them in context against other statements you've made uh statements in including statements that you made while you were representing as a lobbyist americans for a responsible solution you were talking about uh about silencers about sound suppressors used on firearms you said you know what protects your hearing better than a silencer earplugs and he went on to say that that making it easier for people to purchase silencers would make it easier for active shooters to inflict serious harm on our communities without being protected by trained law enforcement professionals now the washington post hardly a bastion of conservative right wing nut case journalism uh i gave that three pinocchios you were even more acerbic you were even more aggressive and i i believe even more reckless when you gave a similar comment to the salt lake tribune my hometown paper in response to legislation i had filed dealing with with sound and suppressors for firearms recognizing that there are legitimate medical reasons why someone might want to protect their hearing using a combination of earplugs and sound suppressors you said quote the only people that benefit from this bill are gun lobbyists and criminals who want easier access to deadly weapons that's why this irresponsible legislation couldn't get passed when republicans have complete control of congress instead of making it easier for firearms that could be used in ambushes and other attacks to enter our streets congress should focus on making the job of police officers who are trained to serve and protect the communities and their families safer you're saying that the the only people who could benefit from them are gun lobbyists and criminals who want to kill people is that statement also taken out of context if so what was the additional context and how does this reflect the careful measured judgment of one who would be in charge of enforcing our nation's gun laws senator thank you for the question about silencers which have been regulated under the national firearms act since the 1930s the effort to take the silencer out of that regulatory regime that has prevented silencers by more frequently being used in criminals as an advocate um i thought that that was the wrong approach yes you made that quite clear but that's not what i'm complaining about what i'm complaining about is that you said the only people who could support this are gun lobbyists and people who want to engage in illegal shootings people who want to engage in mass shootings or something like that do you stand by that statement senator i was trying to contrast the fact that silencers are legal you notice them through the national firearms act the people who want them unregulated are those that want to have easier you're not going to spit down wind and then tell us it's just raining i i mean i'm sorry there is no reasonable reading of this statement that can be interpreted this way the only people that benefit from this bill are gun lobbyists and criminals who want easier access to deadly weapons is it not also true that some people might want to protect their hearing while shooting senator as i said before it's my belief that those who want to buy silencers to protect their hearing there's a method to do that there are many companies that sell national firearms act weapons and there's a process to do that what i was addressing was making it easier for criminals to use silencers a threat that our nation has really avoided because of a strong law passed in 1930 yep all right uh look i get it my my time's expired that's not what you said that's not what you said at all nor is that the impact that this bill would have the fact is that most people don't get sound suppressors because of their regulatory and expensive time-consuming burdensome process that is imposed by this law and i i i i think this is um very concerning for someone who's had a series of inflammatory statements it's very concerning we're considering confirming you to be our lead law enforcement officer for our gun laws thank you mr chairman mr chipman a minute ago senator whitehouse asked you if any of your views on guns are out of step with the majority of the american people um the art the ar-15 is one of if not the most popular rifle in america it's not a machine gun it's a rifle your public position is that you want to ban ar-15s is that correct senator uh thank you for the question and thank you for our visit yesterday and offering me a dr pepper it made me reminisce about my time in central texas but now to your uh question uh with respect to the ar-15 on i support a ban as as has been presented in a senate bill and supported by the president the ar-15 is a gun i was issued on atf's swat team and it's a particularly lethal weapon and regulating it as other particularly lethal weapons i have advocated for as atf director if i'm confirmed i would simply enforce the laws on the books and right now there is no such ban on those guns so you want to ban the most popular rifle in america uh a minute ago and you noted there is a senate bill senator feinstein had a bill to ban some 2000 specified rifles and other firearms in her bill in 2013 the democrats had a majority in the senate it was the harry reid senate and we voted on the senate floor on senator feinstein's so-called assault weapon ban do you know how many senators voted for it no i do not 40. 60 voted against it so in a democratic senate a super majority voted against a ban now part of the reason they voted against the ban as you're aware is during the clinton administration there was a ban in effect the department of justice studied the effect of that law and discovered that it had no measurable impact on violent crime is that right senator um i did enforce this law for 10 years as an atf agent i'm unfamiliar with the study that you you are pointing out and i apologize for that well when you and i met in my office last night and discussed it i asked if there are any data to suggest that the ban was effective and and what you said in the office is you you were not aware of any data that the data was i think mixed is the term you used yes senator um what i said to you uh yesterday you've accurately stated it um i i think it was mixed which um you know i stand by that remark and i think my recollection is that evidence was shown that the limitation on magazine size had an impact i also believe that later studies showed that the use of assault weapons in mass shootings had declined during that period but you know that that's how i would like to characterize my views on that so you also said when you and i talked yesterday in the office that senator feinstein's bill which a super majority of senators voted against in a democratic senate you said that bill didn't go far enough and you wanted an even broader ban to ban you you said it didn't go far enough is that right um senator thanks for that question the ability to to clarify what i did say is that senator feinstein's bill uh did not address those firearms um that are currently in the possession of americans and then i did share with you my view as an advocate which would be quite different than someone actually enforcing the law in the books that those firearms could be treated uh under the nfa and regulated that way which would deal with those currently in the possession of americans so when you say it didn't go far enough you mean that you don't just want to ban the manufacturer of those rifles you don't just want to make it illegal to sell those rifles but you want to actively have government go after the people who currently possess firearms and if they don't register and submit to all of the onerous restrictions of the national firearms act presumably confiscate their weapons senator um what i've said publicly is that as an advocate i prefer a system where the ar-15 and other assault weapons are regulated under the national farms act mr chipman if i could just start with you since leaving the atf you've served as a policy advisor or provided support for i think just about every national gun control group in the country or close to it the brady campaign to prevent gun violence the coalition to stop gun violence mayors against illegal guns and and most recently the giffords group my question is given your your pi policy bias you clearly have a very distinct policy point of view you alluded to this with senator cruz a moment ago how can america's hundreds of millions of law-abiding gun owners have confidence that you won't try to restrict their second amendment rights if you're confirmed as atf director i mean what assurances can you give them that you will limit your efforts to criminals who misuse weapons and leave law-abiding firearms owners to themselves senator thank you for this question because it's it's really important uh as i've said for 25 years i enforced the law in the books um every day me and other federal agents tried to catch the bad guys i mean that that's what the mission was it was trying to keep the public safe during those 25 years i saw gaps in the law that really prevented us um from doing the job i knew the american public wanted us to do um look at that 25 years i was not um going wayward with law abiding gun owners i never received a claim of that sort and i'm prepared to return to that job but my passion after leaving atf was to make atf and our enforcement of gun laws more effective to keep us all safe and i understand if i'm confirmed i will have to earn the confidence and your respect and trust to keep doing that let me ask you about some of your work for the giffords group in the landmark u.s supreme court case district of columbia versus heller which happened was handed down when i was actually working at the u.s supreme court the giffords law center that year if memory serves authored in amica sprue minkus brief arguing that there is no individual right to own a firearm under the second amendment the supreme court famously found otherwise do you share your employer's belief that the second amendment does not protect an individual right to keep and bear firearms thank you for your question senator i do not i'm a gun owner i respect that the supreme court has recognized this right and if atf director i will ensure to uphold that right very good so you think heller was rightly decided just to be clear about this senator i'm a cop not a not a lawyer what i know is the law is the law and the supreme court plays a role in recognizing what those rights are uh you know as an agent i felt like we were going down a highway our mission was to prevent crime and this the constitution were those guard rails to keep us in line um and at times when the road was uncertain uh we had signposts and those were attorneys who we asked advice and counsel uh and so if confirmed as atf director that's the balance that i would strike but the bottom line is is our job is to prevent crimes from apparently is ongoing right now that other members have suggested and that would be my sole duty well i just want to be clear on this because you said that you do think that the constitution supports uh protects the individual right to keep and bear arms that was the holding of heller you've been a policy advocate now for quite a number of years and i think that your views and you've discussed them today are fair game so i just want to be clear on this you think keller was rightly decided is that correct yes sir okay great thank you that's helpful um let me ask you about something you said in 2012 in an interview i think it was on msnbc you said that the secret service should not carry guns you said their whole rule is to cover and evacuate and you went on to say possibly we need to think of strategies like that in schools is that still your view senator i i trust that you have and your staff have actually picked something i've said i do not believe i ever said that i might have said this which is i was trained um to work with the secret service and i have observed that part of that training is that you have to get your body in between you and the person you're protecting and you often don't have the opportunity to even draw your gun that is something that i would say i have never advocated that the secret service should not carry guns ever do you mean to suggest then that schools should have unarmed guards that they shouldn't be able to protect students with firearms i mean i'm trying to understand the import of your comments um senator thank you for the question about schools i mean this is something that we've all debated um and tried to figure out a solution to the the mass violence we've seen in schools we know how to keep buildings safe i came in one today um i do not believe that the best approach is to arm people to win gun fights in schools so europe you're opposed then to having armed armed guards in schools you think that they shouldn't they shouldn't be armed as an advocate and as a farms expert i've rendered my opinion that i believe that there are better ways to secure schools if i'm confirmed as atf director largely this is not going to be the focus of atf our focus would be to prevent people who would do harm at schools from ever getting guns in the first place um so hopefully that addresses the question if you as you've asked wouldn't that wouldn't that just leave the the guards who are there the law enforcement are there to act as human shields i mean is that essentially your view senator no it's not and i'm sorry if i'm not explaining this correctly um we came into the building today secured so that guns would not be brought in i'm more a believer of hardening targets so that guns could never enter a school um so that armed people inside would not be faced with other armed people so um you know metal detectors is is something used in some schools and i've suggested uh that that's a possible um um you know view that states and localities they'll have to make for themselves i do have some additional questions for you which i'm happy to give to you for the record as well as we'll give to you for the record your comments in that 2012 interview that uh i referred to and give you a chance to follow up more fully on that mr chipman you testified to senator lee that it's a serious felony to lie on a background check application i agree uh the atf forum 4473 asks are you unlawful user of or addicted to any drug or uncontrolled substance if an applicant checks yes they cannot purchase a firearm on march 25th politico reported that hunter biden president biden's son applied for a handgun that was later thrown in the trash and had to be recovered by secret service agents in 2018. politico reported that hunter biden completed this background check and answered no to the question of whether he was an unlawful user of or addicted to any drug hunter biden has since published a book and gone on a nationwide book tour conducting numerous interviews stating that he was in fact very much addicted to drugs at the same time that he purchased this firearm this would mean that by his own admission hunter biden lied on that form and by your earlier testimony committed a serious felony should hunter biden be prosecuted for breaking this law senator uh thank you for your question um if i'm confirmed as atf director it will be my responsibility to enforce all federal laws without political favor i do not know any factors in this particular case but i am familiar what uh with the press account of it well my understanding is the statute of limitation is only five years and that this happened in 2018 mr biden is obligated to keep a record of that form for up to five years himself so this should be a fairly easy case to investigate can i get your commitment that if you are confirmed you will in fact look into this matter and refer it for prosecution if you find that hunter biden violated the law senator what i will assure you is that if atf director i will ensure that all violations of law are investigated and referred um i'm not sure that it has not been investigated well i hope it has and if the facts are as clear-cut as they appear to be based on mr biden's own admission i would expect to see criminal charges forthcoming um but i would say that when a case is as high profile as this if there is not an answer for the american people and public it severely undermines the confidence in our gun gun laws as well as the atf and the department of justice if there are not criminal consequences i want to turn to a second matter now mr chipman you have called for an assault weapons ban i have a simple question for you what is an assault weapon senator um an assault weapon would be in the context of the question you asked what congress defines it as so you're asking us to ban assault weapons we have to write legislation can you tell me what is an assault weapon how would you define it if you were the chair the head of the atf how have you defined it over the last several years is your role as a gun control advocate senator um if i'm confirmed as atf director um you know my recollection is the only um process but by which atf is weighed in is i know there's a demand letter three program which requires multiple reports multiple sale reports on the southwestern border an atf in that program has defined an assault rifle as any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine above the caliber of 22 which would include a 2-2-3 which is you know largely the ar-15 round so you believe that every weapon that takes a detachable magazine that can take a 22 round or 556 in the military parliament should be defined as an assault weapon um let me clarify uh what i believe i just said is any semi-automatic rifle um okay any semi-automatic rifle um what that's the definition a detachable magazine that takes a 556 or 22 round should be defined as an assault weapon senator um you asked me um if atf had used this term and i was sharing with you my knowledge of a program in which atf has defined this term and it is in the demand letter 3 program and that rifle is a semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine with a round greater than a 22 caliber and in those cases firearms dealers on the southwest border are required to make a multiple sale report to atf i i'm amazed that that might be the definition of assault weapon that would basically cover every single modern sporting rifle in america today um let me put it this way if i wanted to buy an assault weapon and i walked into walmart or cabela's or some other firearm dealers and i looked up on the wall where they were labeling their weapons would there be a label on the wall for assault weapon i don't believe senator and thank you for this question that the firearms industry has used the term assault rifle in their marketing since there was a ban on it it was after that that they changed their use of the term assault rifle to the modern sporting rifle well so i've been in walmart's and i've been in cabela's and i've seen that you can find sections for for pistols or handguns or for shotguns or for rifles because those are actual kinds of firearms i think our exchange here illustrates that there really is no such thing as an assault weapon that is a term that was manufactured by liberal lawyers and pollsters in washington to try to scare the american people into believing that the government should confiscate weapons that are wildly popular for millions of americans to defend themselves and their families and their homes you've been asked a number of questions about whether or not obviously you have been an advocate for sensible gun safety legislation but i just want to know for the record that of course you will be enforcing the law so you'll be following the law something that i wish some people in the previous administration also did so um when we look at the the issue of gun violence and and even as we speak there is a mass shooting apparently happening in california that there are those among us who think that the way to to deal with the scourge of gun violence in our country is to enable ever more guns in our country and mr chapman well i chipman while i don't expect you to weigh in on that point it is very clear is it not that that there's nothing in the constitution that prevents congress or the states from enacting gun ownership sensible gun ownership laws is there senator i i think that it is well within the powers of congress to balance the rights we have under the constitution and the responsibility as a nation to keep us safe well and while the supreme court did decide um in heller there are a lot of us who do not agree with that particular supreme court decision you don't believe in private ownership of handguns do you that's incorrect i own one myself do you um do you believe in in private ownership of assault weapons um what do you own by the way that's a pretty private question um i have the i'll share the the gun i'm proudest of it's a smith and wesh wesson treasury commemorative gun and the serial number is my birth date oh that's cool congratulations do you believe in banning assault weapons i do sir okay define assault weapons um assault weapons would be something that members of congress would define well how do you define it you're going to be running the agency senator i think this is a good question if i am um confirmed as atf director um i got 35 seconds left define it for me would you please sir um what's an assault weapon yeah senator um the bill uh to ban assault weapons what is your thousands of pages there's no way i could define an assault weapon you don't have any you're going to run in this agency and you don't have a definition of assault weapon but i would be enforcing the definition that membership i'm going to be issuing rules and regulations just give me your definition um i'll give you one definition that 18 give me your definitions one definition that atf current give me your definition i can give you one definition if you want to answer my question how can i vote for you i'm done mr chairman i don't think i'm gonna get an answer i hope you appreciate why people are very concerned about your stance on the second amendment and are very concerned that you would be going after law abiding gun owners so let me ask you this in the house judiciary committee hearing on 2019 you said and i'm quoting you simply restating reinstating the 90s era ban on assault weapons is not enough so i want you to tell me what is enough in relation to this statement thank you for the question in that hearing i was commenting on the fact that i had the opportunity to enforce the national firearms act for 24 years that was an act that balanced the right of individuals to possess those firearms but had a regulatory structure that i found kept them out of the hands of criminals which is the ultimate goal of all americans i thought and i expressed that belief at that time that the national firearms act would be a proper way to balance the rights and responses the national firearms act would be enough i believe that uh the national pharmacy let me let me ask you this because in the same hearing you continued and this gets to the question that senator kennedy had for you and i'm quoting you instead we should regulate a broader class of firearms including assault weapons manufactured before the law's enactment one option would be to require the registration of all existing assault weapons under the national firearms act while banning the future manufacturer and sell of these firearms so in these statements you're talking about expanding the national firearms act correct yes ma'am okay so that would not be enforcing it as it is written that would be a change of policy and then you would ban the future manufacturer that would be a change of policy banning the cell would be a change of policy and in these statements and going back to that hearing you were referring to common semi-automatic firearms when you speak of assault weapons correct senator in this hearing i was acting as an advocate and was asked to propose solutions to complex problems and referring to semi-automatic weapons correct yes senator but yes as director of the okay today there was another growing gun confiscation request in all 50 of our states requesting to confiscate our ar-15s we want the government to know what would happen if they tyrannically passed their so-called assault weapons ban i will not comply is a symbolization of defiance against politicians anti-gunners and any other tyrannical entity looking to deprive you or your second amendment right has put forth in the constitution of the united states i'm sure the youtube algorithm is going to do a phenomenal job of suppressing this message so please share this video with as many people as you can so we can beat the algorithm and get our two-way message out to the masses also don't forget to like this video and leave a comment and hit the bell and subscribe button let my voice be your voice and let them know you want to keep america tactical because the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed wasn't a suggestion it was a directive also if you're wondering where to purchase your ar-15s are essential i will not comply i am the militia i lost all my guns in a boating accident and your state-specific keep america tactical shirt click the link next to my head or the link in the description section or if you're watching this on a mobile device tap the small triangle on the lower right hand side of this video and click the link in the description
Channel: Colion Noir
Views: 674,783
Rating: 4.9680634 out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, MrColion Noir, Concealed Carry, 2nd amendment, second amendment, 2a advocate, the right to keep and bear arms
Id: 1v36Bo6yTQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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