The Ripoff World of Crash Bandicoot Merchandise - Caddicarus

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a real king it's not really my thing [Music] I like Crash Bandicoot and that's why every June I try to celebrate him I mean after all it's not only my birthday month but crash 3 was the first video game I ever played and if you don't like it you can chode off so let's take a look back at why I love crash so much I've never done that before have I Crash Bandicoot is a video game and that's where it should have ended but when something is good and it does well they make merchandise [Music] I don't even like Eminem's and our favorite cash banuka has had his fair share of merchandise for you to show off how much you love him you know you'll wake up one day get ready with your gray Crash Bandicoot hat and put on your Crash Bandicoot Christmas woolly jumper because of all the snow in June head downstairs to sit at your oh hang on you forgot your pants put on your akuaku lounge pants but don't worry about the matching pajama top because it doesn't fit you head downstairs to sit at your Crash Bandicoot breakfast table from get out your crash team racing coasters that fit together to make a complete car tire so you can put down your morning coffee and your Uka Uka mug and your Crash Bandicoot mug and your Crash Bandicoot box mug and your Crash Bandicoot box without your phone with its Crash Bandicoot 4 phone case on take a drink from your uku mug that's now a Crash Bandicoot pint glass and then see you can buy even more Crash Bandicoot stuff online so you go to get your Crash Bandicoot shoulder bag in order to dig in and find your Crash Bandicoot wallet oh what's that it's another Crash Bandicoot hat and then you order the Crash Bandicoot thing you wanted and then wait a week for it to arrive only to discover they sent you the wrong thing and now you have a Crash Bandicoot Pez dispenser oh hark what is that that's my ear are you thinking that I just blew my load all at once on all of the Crash Bandicoot merch I own for the sake of an intro joke you don't have a clue who I am and I wanted to make a whole video about all of the insane crash merch that I could reasonably get my hands on all the way from the mid 90s to the mid-2020s spending way too much in the process easily upwards of a few thousand I wish I was joking I am single-handedly keeping this franchise alive some of this stuff is fantastic and some of it is trash without a God but rest assured they are all official even including everything you saw in that intro gag with licensed packaging and everything even the costume and that's why I wanted to make this video it's so damn fascinating to me how far gone from planet Earth some of this is God damn why do I make bandico in June it's way too hot these camera lines are not helping me man I can't handle this oh insane Trilogy promo sweatband official before kicking off though I want to make one thing clear I will not be looking at any custom created unofficial things from Etsy and places like that because that rabbit hole is bottomless and all the rabbits are dead which does sadly mean I have to miss out on some great things like this custom crashing Coco plush that the lovely clocked are on Instagram made for me along with this amazing acrylic crash Merry-Go-Round she also made for me or this burrito cortex plus from the lovely Miss twyler on Instagram and these two handmade masks from the lovely I don't know because they were a birthday present and I'm not going to find out who made them I'm not an assassin not to mention if you go too far into the depths of etsy you end up finding oh oh woof you know what gave me the inspiration for this video though I love going into vintage clothes shops to find Bargains On extremely cool clothes that were all the rage when I was a kid does that sound like I'm trying to dress up like a child and the last time I was in one I was lucky enough to snag this genuine 1997 Tomb Raider 2 shirt with all the logos on it and everything idos there core designs there pretty sick but then after finding this it made something come out of my head that I had buried 20 years ago foreign I had Crash Bandicoot clothes I mean yeah I was like five years old and they were pajamas so trying to get into them nowadays would be like and after that memory was unlocked I then thought huh surely they didn't just make kids clothes to promote a kids game why would they do that and so I looked on eBay and managed to find three of them and let's just say thank God I found the Tomb Raider 2-1 in a thrift shop and that's because these kinds of shirts on eBay at least can go for extortionate prizes and these are no exception these two here are from 1999 and offer crash two and three the gray one still has its tag on it pretty cool and according to the back he's ready for action with that face I'd say he was more ready for a trumpet and you know what I don't blame him if he's ready for anything if I were being tickled like this I'd be ready to curb stomp you the blue shirt is really cool too because it has crash on it staring at you through an air conditioning vent the back though is where it really comes alive look at all this stuff going on crashes here crashes here crashes middle third is here but at least they zoomed in and focused on the most important parts of the image the bike's headlamp and the mud flap also these two being right next to each other really puts me off because the background is the same image split across two windows meaning that there's a small crash here and a big crash standing right next to him that also just so happens to be a mirrored version of the smaller one I'm gonna assume it's another Bandicoot and I'm gonna call him rash the seller said it was large the seller said it was La the best one I found though undoubtedly is this one a 1997 promo crash t-shirt for crash 2 logo on the front and crashes back on the back good thing that wasn't on the front look at crash go flying from his home country of Brazil and Breaking Free from the force field of national flags I love this image I swear to God this should be the new logo for World Peace Day luckily this shirt did end up fitting me which is great because it goes really well with this 2020s official Crash Bandicoot beanie from bioworld the old mix with the new but at least the beanie uses the original Crash Bandicoot logo so it doesn't look too out of place or you could always wear the much cheaper official Crash Bandicoot bandana so you can rep your Crash Bandicoot gang in England you skank ass but anyway after finding those shirts I then remembered about the time that Activision sent me this promotional crash for jigsaw puzzle to tease the game ages before it was officially announced sadly I can't find it anywhere in my house I think I've lost it but all of this got me thinking even more what other mental has crash stuck his face on what were the limits of his depravity how low did his morals go for selling out and so here we are with this video uh oh I said the secret word video and you know what that means it's time to have a look at I forgot the watch yeah check this out it's a crash team racing Nitro fueled watch perfect for those moments where you don't want to tell the time because it's broken but hey at least I can go about my day knowing that it's quarter past nose it has new batteries in it but it just doesn't move I don't get it how is it that something I ordered from my own country ends up breaking in transit but then this 23 year old crash team racing RC car from America doesn't yeah how fantastic is this it's a genuine CTR remote controlled car with no box sadly but I wasn't gonna display something as sick as this I'm gonna take it out and use it it wasn't cheap I'm gonna get my money's worth hello this is official as well yeah I couldn't believe it either but yeah there's the packaging licensed by Activision um it's horrible isn't it um and I also didn't realize that this was wired it's not a wireless RC car so I'm not expecting Miracles but let's get it into gear and go go let's crash team racing let's go okay he doesn't turn um that's kind of a problem but he does have a back button which turns him the wrong damn Direction his wheels also go over the wire when he's turning so um this isn't really working out how I there we go and that's kind of the extent of that I suppose that wasn't too impressive was it uh two button wired RC car that doesn't turn and doesn't go that quick I think it's a bit of a waste of money why do kids need all this plastic light up electric anyway can't they be happy with a ball from the insane Trilogy promo Lodge mad now and when I'm mad I slam my fist on the table it's a mug shaped like crash's hand this is not fake this is real look it says so right here on the box it's a Crash Bandicoot shaped mug even though I don't remember Crash Bandicoot being shaped like that look at this joke if a bomb dropped every time I said the word why about this design it wouldn't be too many bombs so I could live with it the gags just write themselves I mean I mean what do you expect me to do with it you're daring me not to do it it's even a cup for shit's sake it's made to keep liquid in oh God stop it and even if I were being sensible all I could think about while drinking from this is the sweat in between crashes Sandy fingers would you drink water from someone else's hand like that I wouldn't even do it with my own hand and I know where my hands have been hang on caddy what are you doing in space aha I knew you'd be talking about merchandise so I flew all the way to Japan and bought you back some things wow just for me I'm not thanking you oh no I'm overheating look at these how awesome are they Japanese Crash Bandicoot manga these are official too it's a shame I can't read them but they are class either way just looking at them is enough for me check out cortex here why does he look like a big fish I suppose I could always get the basics and use Google Translate but then we end up with Bandicoot sight and sponges is a big adventure bandic jansu is a big adventure in class and pandicta adventure with TM 900 000 big bandico tads I think it's a better idea for me to just start learning Japanese instead oh do bugs catch diseases wait a second if the paper from books can get sick then that means other things made of paper can get hello I'm spots look everyone spots is dying I can't keep going I like for the medical bills oh thank God no more sponsor interruptions so anyway I know I'm still doing them I've got one right now from the record blade point why you'll be dead soon what's the point I just can't afford the magical builds at the moment but after this I'll be fine yeah I can play bodies and melee combat Battle Royale gamer features extremely fast hand-to-hand combat quick Mobility with grappling and platforming and an endless collection of different weapons to mess around with it's really damn good and it should be obvious because moraka is an anagram of right wait that's not a good word is it right now the game is free to play so there's no better time to jump in on Steam and pick games Xbox series X Xbox One PS5 the deck of cards grandfather clock and policeman's app Mr sponsor somebody on the phone wants to wish you a swift recovery oh really who is it oh wow it's a 20 million people that are playing the record already and they're all enjoying the vast arsenal of melee weapons each with their own Dynamic moves leading to Limitless combat scenarios and possibilities to get the upper hand unlike some other no-brainer shootout games I definitely haven't done any sponsors with in the past naraka uses a counter system to allow you to predict the enemy's next attacks and then use the best actions to attack back it's not just about being quick and hitting triggers before everyone else everybody meets you on the same level and fights can go on as long as they need to with rock paper scissor star melee attacks that need to be reacted to in Split seconds in real time it sounds good doesn't it description right now to download the game and log in to get a load of free skins and chests please do it now I wanna see my family again why are you paying for your Healthcare the NHS doesn't cover kites oh they're racist okay let me know when you're dead while still on the topic of Japan here are a couple of little tiny crash figurines from there if I'm right in my research then specifically these are from the Universal Studios theme park in Japan possibly from gacha machines but I'm not sure these are notable for two reasons first of all because this is one of the only pieces of merge for Penta penguin I think I've ever seen very quaint and secondly because this is the best pose crash has ever been in there's also this itsy bitsy teeny weeny ickle pickle car pulley backpack and my personal favorite these backpack straps check it out it's a baby T figure that's adorable actually wait a second I was wrong these aren't backpack straps they're mobile phone charms oh boy who remembers that era of tech you'd have this tiny flat little phone the size of a debit card with a giant plaited sausage hanging off of it who did this to their poor phones make yourselves known I want to know who put these on their phone so I can send myself to you in a and have a talk with you another Japanese thing I got my hands on were these pretty rare key ring figures from 1998 surprisingly High detailed and even better they even move not very much but they still move look he's nearly 30 years old he has arthritis he's practically dead not to mention I don't think I've ever seen merchandise related to one of crash's death animations before this slightly translucent ghost crash is terrific I kinda want to use him but I don't want to ruin him either you know any more ruined than he already is because he's dead my favorite thing that I found from Japan specifically though oh this is a crash team racing toy made from rubber I you not this is a one inch tall crash team racing figure from Japan made entirely from Orange rubber why does this exist who bought this why did I spend possibly the highest amount of money per tenth of a pound of rubber in existence for it so that I could show you on camera in a video that there is a crash team racing figure from Japan made entirely from Orange rubber I don't know what to say what can I say it's one color it doesn't move when you throw it on the floor it doesn't bounce back to you flies outside and never comes back if you use it as an English rubber it's not very good and if you use it as an American rubber then you have a very strange knob but hey if you think that's a bad contraceptive then take a look at this on my shelf it's the complete opposite it's such a good contraceptive that it repels women before they even go near me this here is the insane Trilogy limited crash statue from first for figures released in 2017 number 969 out of 1450 and it is brilliant but with something like this I'm not getting any of that the level of detail is meticulous from the creases on trousers to the shading in his hair he's not too cute not too ugly not too manic not too sane and he even has a belly button reminding you that he had to have his cord cut it even comes with crash's social security card where he IDs himself as a painful vegan crap and so the circle of life Carries On from something very big to something very small these are yet again from Japan nanoblocks basically Lego but a thousand times smaller a thousand times harder and instead of hurting your feet the pieces vanish into your skin never to be seen again even though imported from Japan these little things in the UK at least are available in pretty much every major game shot at extremely cheap prices and so as a Lego fan I couldn't say no to them this is the complete set of Crash block sets and they are extremely neat but also a total joke at the expense of anyone that bought them oh my God if you have kids not only have you made a mistake but also don't get them nanoblocks they are the most awkward fiddly and delicate pieces of bastard I've ever seen building them requires an engineering degree and they fall apart if you so much as breathe on them I hate it whenever I need to move these little idiots around because there is a 98 chance my beloved engine will lose his legs and turn into Humpty Dumpty and then you have to spend four hours searching for his legs because of how tiny they are only for you to find them two days later living in your arm crease I love these things but don't buy them oof I need to calm down and what better way to calm down than with this good loot Crash Bandicoot 4 jigsaw puzzle no okay fine how about an easier puzzle and when I say easier I mean like ignoring your mother when she calls you kind of easy here is a cash banuka phone puzzle from the year 2000. I'd love to say this was cool and worth the price tag but this doesn't even look legit the artwork is so cheap his crash holding a cane while waving to the Royals oh hello King Charles how's your mum doing the logo is tacky the drawings are tacky it's way too easy hang on is this for babies do babies do jigsaw puzzles with foam why foam is it so that you can do it in the bath who wants to solve jigsaw puzzles with Johnson and Johnson in your eyes oh no you just got Crash Bandicoot PC Mouse matted from the year 2000 here's another thing that's foamy and way too easy as a jigsaw I did it the official Crash Bandicoot Mouse mad for all the times you needed a crash with no neck to keep you company while you spent more time on your computer which is not where any of his games were available to play this thing is ludicrous how are you supposed to use it it's comically small I can barely fit my mouse so in fact it's small enough to even be my mouse oh I'm thirsty don't forget to hydrate oh Jesus they didn't think too much about this design did they I forgot that I'm trying to find something to calm me down this is failing I need something else preferably something that isn't screaming at me oh I know this at first glance this thing is terrible it's a cool figure of crashing a card but the wheels don't spin the arms don't turn and the engine falls off well great how will I get to work now and that's because this is not just a figure it's a figure with a purpose for within the engine bay you can put an incense cone set it a light and then holy that is Ace yeah this is an official crash team racing incense burner and it's probably the only time in your life where willingly putting a fire in your car engine is a good idea I love stuff like this it's not only really cool just to look at on its own but also has a practical use and it just so happens that that practical use makes it look even cooler this is some sick merchandise wow hold up is that a fire that's good William the useless fireman well I suppose while everything's on fire we can at least make the smoke look cool with these Crash Bandicoot lights from paladone oh wait wait a second where's my crash one these kinds of merch honest to God confuse my little bum I am not against lights at all I love light but these miniature battery-powered ones just don't do anything for me they aren't that bright they slam batteries down like a drunk and they don't look particularly good either I mean just look at poor crash [Applause] he looks like he's being slowly killed from radiation the skin around his mouth crosses over the level of fleshy pink that I'm comfortable with his stubby hands don't have any fingers his arms look like they'd make wet slapping noises and smell of fish way too much time was put into the curvature of his cake and what the hell is going on down here he looks like a penguin in a G-string the company that made these lights is called paladone and in their defense there is one miniature battery powered light they make that I do like this TNT one not only because it's shaped like what it's supposed to be but because in game TNT glows after you jump on top of it which is exactly the same idea here it makes perfect sense if you're looking for an ideal quirky gift for a Crash Bandicoot fan the best thing about it though is that it doesn't only light up when you push it down but it even does the sound foreign also made this neat little thing a USB NightLight of Crash suffocating in a jar I don't get the theming but I won't complain it does look pretty cool it feels like I've captured an endangered forest nymph hey baby I noticed you look at me when I shouted at you to look at me why don't we cut the small talk and get down to business in my love nest [Music] okay I have to admit this isn't official it's a Chinese bootleg king size bed set but can you blame me for ignoring my own rules for just one damn second because this is the funniest I think I've ever seen can you imagine waking up in the middle of the night and that face is staring right into your eyes can you imagine looking down in the morning and seeing crash's greasy fingers resting on your chest can you imagine your children coming in to wake you up after a nightmare and then this rises from the dark to comfort them can you imagine being intimate with your partner but it isn't your partner it's Crash Bandicoot I can't think of a single reasonable justification for anybody wanting to buy this bootlegged or not so why is it available to buy who wants this I mean I know I bought it but shut up Polo what we're doing is completely natural stop screaming it's just that face man whether you're sleeping relaxing or mashing one out I can't tell if he's horrified or is waiting for his turn disgusting heinous criminal and for God's sake why are there three of them at once perhaps it's time for us to get out of bed then and slip on our officially licensed Kasper Nuka socks [Music] get downstairs while playing Crash Bandicoot by Tiger Electronics being extra careful not to fool oh I broke my ribs for this I'll break more if you don't shut up oh look everyone it's who is it I've got something for you in the kitchen wow for me follow me I wonder what kind of present he has for me in there I mean it could be anything it could be a plate or a a baguette man I just can't wait it's like Christmas came early but it isn't Christmas that's why it's early go go catch it you're metal now first of all this here is a giant crash plush from 2001 and I'm pretty sure it came from crane games or theme park Fairground attractions as a prize I don't know honestly sorry I gotta get into character and secondly these are vintage fridge magnets from 2001 still sealed and even though I would love to keep it that way I'm sorry these are dress-up pieces I'm opening this and and crash out as much as I can these were only available in the US back in the day and that sucks because kid me would have sat on the kitchen floor playing with these for hours yeah kids today have their smartphones and their fortnight I had magnets look everyone I did it the ultimate life form you know what else I had as a kid plastic toys that came for free in cereal boxes is that still the thing today if it isn't you kids are missing out the toy was the tastiest part of the box once again from 2001 which at this point might as well be the Crash Bandicoot merchandise Renaissance Nestle's cereals came with either a Spyro the Dragon toy a Tomb Raider toy or a cash banuka toy there were six in total two for each franchise and I have both of the crash ones right here they're pretty cute and I remember having my fun with them as a kid this one here is a weighted magic balancing crash thing with a little dent in his chin so you could stick him on a pencil and oh and then there's this one where crash looks exactly like a lamp at your Nan's house and all you do is press your fingers down here and then do what crash does best spin you know what these children's cereal toys that came for free are not very impressive [Music] I knew it [Music] foreign well so far we've seen a nice variety of stuff haven't we some practical some vintage some horrible but you know what we haven't done yet food and where I wish I could tell you that Wampa fruit was real I suppose this is the next best thing your eyes don't deceive you this is Crash Bandicoot GE fuel what does the G stand for Goose how did somebody say Goose I'm cooking one right now [Music] I'm not eating that bonjour everyone look it's my show and I am the sandwich and today we're going to be cooking one of my family favorite recipes no to start with you want to get yourself a frying pan stick it on high heat go and get your numbers and then take the crispy noodles out of the packer and then takes a flavor packet and put it in zabin hello it's me the bin garbage I love eating rubbish give it me um die then what you want to do is you want to get the dry noodles and stick them in Japan then make sure you get your Crash Bandicoot G fuel ready for the boil make sure you open the can with your official Crash Bandicoot bottle opener and then stir it in oh I spit expecting oh no it's very regularly until the nudes go all look soft and ropey and just when you're about to finish make sure to add your optional spiral sweat and Knuckles we this stuff stinks of Bo what is that and of voila Bon Appetit right so first impressions um it's from the smell it's it smells like something that my mum would have given me as a child when I had a runny nose it smells like some sort of child medicine um it's not the nicest smell but it's not the worst smell either it's very fruity I feel like I'm about to eat some like vegan Jackfruit burrito I guess there's no better way to figure out what it's like than to just oh no no no no no oh I'm connecting for it I promise we're gonna have to swallow this in one I can't do it every time I threw it a new sour fruit comes out I did it um I ate my first and only mouthful um I bought those three cans imported from the US because they don't sell them in the UK that was 18 pounds for the three of them that was the biggest waste of food I think I've ever done don't do that at home unless you have the YouTube no just don't know just don't do it okay this is an actual live first proper taste test you know what I don't I don't mind it it's really nice actually that's surprising oh okay I was gonna say it had a really nice soft floaty juicy refreshing taste the aftertaste just kicked in and now it's really bitter and it's now oh God that is traveling right back up okay I don't know if that's because my stomach is disagreeing with it or something but the aftertaste is the worst bit it all of a sudden goes from really tropical fruity and kind of mangoey kind of um pineappley and then it it just completely nosedives after you get that nice taste out like once it goes down your system it just becomes gamer grease and sadly the only other vaguely food related thing I was able to find were these adorable little cake toppers from France made entirely from China oh hey Coco why do you look like Prince these are especially cute and extremely delicate I love them to pieces and they were surprisingly valuable for how small they are but you can't eat them well you can but you might block the bit that makes you breathe so in that case while we're still on this weird figure High why don't we take a look at these action figures from Head Start these are pretty cool little things based on Casper Nuka 4 in a big tent meaning each figure doesn't only come with one of the new masks from the game but just like the game they also feature 11 points of articulation you know just like this bird that's not one of the points they also show off crash in a few of the costumes from the game including the biker jacket this figure alone was worth it for me it looks great I would have bought this with or without me making this video I'm a right cuck this Coco figure looks dead serious though what is with her face who pissed in her Corn Flakes why are you judging me for buying toys it says they're five plus that's me I'm five plus by 24 years shove off I'm allowed to be an adult liking this stuff say I have a Crash Bandicoot adult coloring book for adults that do coloring I mean I don't like I mean just look I got nothing I don't know man something looks a bit off with this cortex figure he looks about ready to do the bump what shade of lipstick is that Ned oh hello I noticed you from across the bar and I really dig your Vibe by the way I got all of these figures brand new from Amazon and whether it's from the supply chain or the delivery I'm not sure but where some of these figures are boxed and packaged perfectly other ones arrived like this and I have no idea why are they old returns sold to me as new this Injustice won't stand stop looking at me like that fruity cortex the thing is though so far at least these are the only available figures from this line of toys except for one a limited edition golden crash figure and how do you get that one by getting it in a pack with three other figures that you already have this is upside down isn't it the things I do hey and all just so that I can say look there he is it's Crash but one ugly color cortex I'm gonna skate off of your beard here's another one from Head Start it's yet another crash figurine but a little bit bigger and it comes with a free lick it's basically the same idea as the other ones but now you can swap out the hands with hands and swap out the mouth with oh oh dear that's horrific don't worry [Music] be happy [Music] you know what I feel like I unfairly skimmed over this thing a second ago yeah I couldn't believe that this was a real thing until I found it a cash banuka coloring book clearly not from the UK because you know it's spelled wrong look you speak English and we're from a country called England we are correct cope and C I'm not massively one for coloring but I still loved looking through the pictures here and seeing the possibilities oh crash speak to me what happened to you your eye left you why do you look like an old man you youngins on your Facebook and your electric lights I just wanna ride here is an image of Coco either running away from a boulder or wearing a massive hat oh Coco are you okay why do you have a chin from Dr Seuss are they are they human teeth oh my I'm so sorry if you're the creative type but not hugely sold on a book May I interest you in a crash four pre-order cardboard Cube construction kit for all the moments that you wish dingada looked like a 1950s TV cortex is a block of cheddar either way even though I do think that some of these books pictures are a little bit suspect I still think this thing is pretty neat yeah you would like that wouldn't you what is that supposed to mean you know I still haven't forgiven you for that come on man that was 15 years ago I know what you do with coloring pens nope not anymore I don't oh you can run you can run forever but you can't hide your past will always catch up to you and when it does I'll be there waiting [Music] right now let's take a look at something oh what was that here is an extremely rare japanese-only Santa Claus plush from the late 90s I'm not sure where it's from exactly but all I can say is that it's not for sale well then why did I buy it there this is completely adorable it's perfect no notes even with that colossal bowling ball nose I now have a new Christmas tree topper Angel Gabriel you mate Crash Bandicoot help the wise men find Jesus and you know what I wish I could find Jesus because after looking at these 2022 crash plushes from play-by-play I I need the help of the Lord there is no amount of squishing or yanking that you can possibly do to make these look appealing what child wants to snuggle this if one of my kids wanted one of these I'd swap the kid out for another one look at him grinning at you with his Chad arms why is he so top heavy he's built like a brick then there's this masked version of the plus which looks like Aku Aki was fused onto crash's face like an alien movie and then there's cortex yeah there he is what's your favorite part about him that he has broccoli hands or that he's shaped like a baseball bat foreign [Applause] play-by-play made crash plushes here's a vintage one from 2001 with a suction cup on it you know just in case he's finally had enough and wants to end it but that does mean you can put him anywhere to watch over you he can watch you in the living room he can watch you from the flowers he can watch you in the car he can watch you in the garden he can watch you in the fridge he can watch you in the shower he can watch you from the doorbell he can watch you under the table please wear trousers I prefer this design to the other play-by-play plushes but it's still not that great what is going on with that hairy worm on his face I'm pretty sure crash has two eyebrows right he looks like a Greek used car salesman and I guess business hasn't been doing too well between you and me he got caught for tax evasion and this wasn't the only time some mad man stuck a suction cup on crash's head here's another one from the year 2000. this is the most vile thing I've ever seen I'm getting rid of it right now here's another vintage plush easily my favorite one from 2001 once again from play-by-play this isn't the most vintage crash plush that I own but the anatomy is perfect the design is old school Crasher not Dwayne Johnson it's exactly how I remember crash looking in the face when I was a kid but in plush 4 no complaints this is bingo bingo nice boy and breaking news we even get the world's first official confirmation on my channel only that crash has an Audi it's quite big though crash we need you on chemo well at least this one is a lot better than this other one I found from 2001. as far as I'm aware this is the same plush from the same year but from Universal Studios Australia and I've got to say Australia this is one of the only video game mascots you have and you decided to put a dead skunk on his head this wasn't the only time either check out this Universal Studios Australia plus from 2005. you think the crash of the Titans design is bad we'll take a look at this Vermin his arms are lumpy how can his arms be lumpy and just look at his eyebrows how could they do actually you know what I take all of that back here is an American Universal Studios plus from 1998 and blow me what is this I didn't know they did a plush of Donald Trump his hair looks like it's about ready to take off oh look quick everyone there it goes then at the very end of the tunnel waiting to greet you as you cross over to the Pearly Gates is this one the same people that made those crash four figures that fell out of the box from earlier also made this that's not Crash Bandicoot that's Winnie the Pooh this one blows chunks and sucks them back in again there's nothing else to say about it it isn't cool it isn't cute it isn't even hot I didn't know crash's special power was keeping nuts in his mouth oh Father I'm Australian and then just when you thought that the plushies couldn't get any worse I am absolutely certain this is another bootleg I know I broke my own rules again but come on I couldn't not get this I don't even want to take him out of his airtight sack it's like I discovered a fossil I ate it I gotta be fair I suppose I should take him out and get a proper look well here we are his hair is a twig and what is going on with the rounded teeth he's not crashed he's Wallace you really ate all of these pies you fat bastard and I know what you're all probably thinking cads if you have taken a couple of Liberties for buying bootleg merch then did you find the original Japanese bootleg plush that would then be turned into fake crash in the official Canon you'll be amazed to hear no I scoured the internet from eBay international to websites where you could buy a wife and I couldn't find a single one and out of everything else I managed to find for this video that's saying a hell of a lot for how coveted or rare it must be either way that is it for bootlegs I promise because I could go on forever about them they seem to be endless and some of them are a little bit so let's carry on with some more official crash plushes like this one it's crashing scuba gear it's pretty cool this here is from Kelly toy in 2005 and yeah I'm not a massive fan of his floppy emo hair his Jay Leno chin his gangly horse riding legs and his slightly dirty stomach what does that belly button cheese smell like do I need to air it out with the officially licensed Crash Bandicoot air fresh despite all of this though I really don't care because it's a crash plush in another costume that's overall pretty great quality I love the see-through plasticky visor and the oxygen tube connected to the tanks on his back great little details it's just a shame that jar crash couldn't get some of the oxygen you know if I die in here my husband's with me so I I'd be and while we're on a different costumed crash binge who wants to see my absolute favorite plush that can never be topped no matter what anybody says [Music] okay here we have a 2001 casual Nuka biker plush but instead of his leather jacket they gave him a suit all that's missing for him is a load of red lights and a pole I love this he's literally glistening I never thought I'd see crashing skin type PVC before but I'm glad I have now honey do we have to look you know the rules when I'm in bed he stays foreign off oh my God it's my phone didn't expect that and it's telling me that there are some American exclusive Taco Bell Kids Meal toys made for Crash Bandicoot guess I'm going to America now but how will I get there I can't swim I get tired oh look everyone it's a Crash Bandicoot bonus platform and you know what that means yes it's time for another characterist Bounce Around [Music] beautiful actually you know what the toilet reminds me of Taco Bell yes everybody you didn't think I'd actually be crazy enough to do it did you but I did we are having Taco Bell in America you can tell it's America I am actually in America right now look that's a that's an American phone um that's that's not good enough there you go American plugs we are in America we are in an American Hotel I have got Taco Bell and hopefully um yeah don't worry about it hopefully we'll have some free Crash Bandicoot merchandise toys in the bag and oh God damn it but I've cleared up as much as I can be bothered so we're gonna be having a Taco Bell dinner and we whoa how lucky are we we've got four Taco Bell toys um if any of these aren't actually from Taco Bell um well I said that they are because they came from the Taco Bell bag so you can't argue with facts to start with we've got this cool little thing which is based on the original like early 90s model of Crash I don't know what it does it just stands there directed traffic and then we have this one as well which um he he's a little bit more interesting because he not only is in a strange provocative pose but he also can twist his arm which I would love to show you but I'm I can't do it with one hand look see he twists his arm so you can have him there or there and when he's like this he's perfect for the kids you know why that is because in their kids meal they have their food and then they get to take home a lovely little cigar holder they've got this cool little crash figure in a jeep he's pretty cool looking very very very gleamy about everything and the idea with him is he's got some heavy gear mechanisms in his wheels so you can basically just kind of set him off to go and then ah pretty cool I like it not as much as I like this though it's um I didn't really understand what it was at first it's it's actually a water gun it's a water squirt as you put the water in the little hatch there and then he squirts it out of his um definitely um a turret sub machine gun I don't know why he's holding this this water squirter in this specific manner it's it's kind of aggressive honestly and I don't know about the pose either is he is he is he proposing to me I do crash okay so I filled him up with water I've closed the hatch and um it doesn't um he just doesn't well he he doesn't he he doesn't which is a shame because I wanted to put my diet coke from Taco Bell in there and then kind of aim it into my mouth and drink it from the weird whole end but uh we're not going to be doing that funny for this video because the the toys a piece of that doesn't work although I suppose there's probably like 20 year old mold in here and I don't I don't want to get cholera so I love you taco foreign [Music] you know speaking of merchandise merchandise help help I'm stuck in the TV I'm still in PS1 land and there's a kite with a face that won't leave you alone are sick anymore because I'm Immortal don't you find it funny how Bandicoot month is June but yeah these videos are never out in damn June well you can show everybody how much you don't care about that and celebrate Bandicoot month every single month with the new official bandico's t-shirt on the official categories merchandise store in the description below and that's not all there's also a Casper Nuka shirt a new claymation logo shirt and a Crash Bandicoot Planet Relic tracking poster where you can now do exactly what caddy did in a video a few years ago and get every single Platinum Relic in every single crash game and check them off as you go on this poster that's designed after the London Underground map and you have to buy something because that's the only way you're getting me out of PS1 land and I want to get out of here right now because I can't make any money in here oh and the actual real life caddy is in here with me too yeah that one that you're watching on the video right now he's a replica he's fake he's right yeah get me out now and don't listen to whatever the other caddy is telling you he's a liar he's an imitation he's a skin walker get away from him now buy my merch right now to help me get out of here now I know I showed off the first for figures crash statue earlier on in this video mostly because they are the cream of the crop when it comes to video game based statues I mean Christ look at these I wish I had all of them but that doesn't mean there aren't other statuettes and other high detailed display figures that you can get like these ones here currently at least this is the complete set of Crash vinyl figures from u2s featuring four from it's about time and two random one-offs like this adorable ripperoo and crash going and while we're talking about vinyl figures there's always Funko Pops ha oh don't get upset with me I'm allowed to do that because believe it or not I used to have the entire set of Crash Bandicoot funkos I've earned the right to burn them I have no spine I didn't burn all of them though I got rid of them ages ago either to charity shops or to my kids all around the house but rest assured you can get these if you really really want to but if you really want to get them then I really want to not talk to you in funko's defense though they are capable of making some good especially when they aren't busy trying to replace everybody's eyes with black swollen lymph nodes they released six of these mini vinyl crash team racing figures in 2019 and they are some of my favorite crash related things that I own you'd never guess that these were from the pop vinyl people they have so much detail and personality the characters have their own carts all of their wheels are bent slightly differently they aren't copy paste of the same plastic mold oxide even has his own hovercraft how great is that and then you have this pretty well crafted and not too expensive crash 4 statue from numskull oh yes first time I get to mention these guys if you have ever owned anything remotely unique or quirky related to video games before chances are numbskull were the ones who made it that Christmas jumper those crash team racing coasters the glasses the weirdly shaped mugs the bottle opener even the incense burner all of these are numbskull products and this is another pretty cool one look crashes gen Z what kind of photos is he taking this is what he sees oh well you know what else numb skull are responsible for not these this is a crash for Coco Bandicoot statue from cable guys who specialize in making statues with a purpose that purpose being putting a controller or phone on it that's fun isn't it and the Box even has instructions for you in case you don't get it there's the statue and then you aim your object in a downwards motion towards the statue's arms with the aid of gravity to place it and then you win thank you round bold child I'm happy that you told me not to put my controller on your head now the thing is I think this is pretty sweet for what it is but I wanted to see what other ones I could get so I went back online and found myself a crash one but they didn't tell me it was the size of a car oh yeah it's holding a phone or a controller not exciting enough for you well how about a cable guy statue that can hold a steam deck this is absurd but also the most badass thing I've ever seen look at this Beefcake propping it up what Elders What knees and my favorite thing about these things is that in order for the stands themselves to actually function they had to do something to their arms they're looking a bit long today and I'm not sure those bends are normal but you know if that's what needs to be done for cash banuka to pick up a Nintendo switch I'm all for it you can make their arms look like a gangly spider I don't mind during the making of this video I was also thinking whether or not I should bother including the Skylanders figures as merchandise considering that they're an accessory that's needed to play a game but then I thought yeah why not I mean they're kind of like amiibos aren't they they're multi-purpose you can use them in the games if you want or you can display them or you could fight with them it's merchandise that also has a practical use and then you have Ducks these things are called tubs and they are ducks what do you want me to say do you want Crash Bandicoot as a duck do you want cortex as a duck do you want Coco as a duck do you want engine with a missile in his head as a duck do you want me as a duck and you know the best thing about these rubber duck bath toys that were invented specifically to play with in the bath they aren't bath toys why not what's the point of them being rubber ducks if you can't use them as rubber ducks what numbskulls came up with this idea there's only four of these so far and they each come in their own bio Dome sitting in a mini bathtub of their own which is kind of cute I guess but hang on a second what's that Mark there is that is that on the inside is that from his nose are they trying to break out am I safe I like these things but why can't you use them in the bath I mean look they even have the hole you know that bit the hole every water toy has a hole in the hole you know what you can't police me I'm gonna play with these as they should be played with because I'm based they flow that that they're bath toys what's the problem and then you have the pissiest shitty of them all this look it's our best friends at Funko again what is this they make soda now well okay I'm not against that idea if you can name a cereal Graham then you can name a soda after Funko Pops I suppose so let's open it up and dig in oh but that's not a drink well this was secondhand I suppose there wouldn't be any drink left with them please know the Funko vinyl soda is not a beverage and does not contain any liquid well then why there we go it's liquid now drink up kids so Funko I'm I'm on to you all right um this lovely fan here he brought me this right I've got one he's got one they had number one he also has number one I'm on to you they're not limited honestly there's only one single Funko Pop related thing that I am keeping and it is this tiny tiger figure gifted to me by a very generous fan of my channel a few years ago solely because it was signed by Brendan O'Brien the original first voice actor for crash Brio engine Komodo Mo tiny tiger pinstripe cortex and crash one most of the PS1 cast honestly sadly however during the making of this video he tragically passed away at 60 years old Mr O'Brien from the classic crash villain monologues to the original Undisputed woe thank you for what you gave to the series and I hope you rest in peace I will treasure this never thought I would ever treasure a Funko Pop but you know life is strange and honestly I don't know how to transition from that without it sounding too abrupt so do you want a Crash Bandicoot light up USB cable this is probably the most unnecessary thing I've ever seen it's a micro USB cable but lights up with Aku Aku on it I don't get it it also comes with some thumb grips to help you grab the cable but sadly they are not very effective they're too wide who the hell made this stupid thing oh wow I can't read well hey at least you can mix and match the cable with the cable guys to charge whatever it is Crash is holding hello I'm Crash Bandicoot and I have a neon Willy hey caddy how's it going whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't bring him in here why not you know why ah leave him alone he's not hurting anyone you crossed a line I can't believe it he's just invited my cousin the mug but he has something very important to tell you I promise you he doesn't all right what is it [Music] thank you Drake so you have these mugs here shaped like crash boxes and are a total pain in the dick to drink anything out of without getting it all down your chin but at least that's better than being a total pain in the chin to drink anything out of without getting it all down your dick these are the most impractical Cups ever created you had one job cup what are you supposed to do with these hook your lip over the ridge of the circle and lap it up like a dog surely we can get a cup that actually works as a cup it's round it's pourable it has crash on it you were so close look I get it you want to make a haha wacky mug but out of every possible shape or crash reference you could use as a handle you pick the thing that turns your fingers into a garden rake you nearly had it guys I'm so disappointed I've been disappointed by a cup but just when you thought it was impossible to make an Implement for pouring liquid into your mouth Here Comes This a mug but not just a mug a magic mug well from what we've seen so far magic could mean that it's just a completely normal mug but let's put some boiling water in it and see what happens [Music] oh my God my mug is ill hang in there damn it hang in there nurse give me a towel I can't it's laundry day for Christ's sakes man we're wasting time we need to act now he's dead oh no he's not okay everybody lunch right so we may be back on the completely impractical train heading straight for unusable station but for this one example from nunskull I don't actually care because it's bloody wonderful it's a two-parter a mug and a crash team racing trophy I mean I would never actually want to put any boiling water in here it's too shiny but either way how awesome is this it's the perfect place to keep your crash Nano blocking oh and now we have another problem foreign plastic and also I now have more mugs than coasters so what do I do now why get a load of lenticular 3d drink coasters of course these are pretty neat not much else to say about them they're drink coasters and I know it looks like it but trust me they aren't actually deep they're flat it's just a clever trick and while we're and while we're talking about 3D lenticular stuff have you guys ever seen these collectible trading cards before now these are pretty special these were made in 2000 and were free gifts in Old promotional packs of Italian snacks from a company called Mr day good day Mr day how does it feel to look like a hotel bed stain all I could gather from the promo is that you could find these cards inside specially marked packets of muffins and there were tons of them I only managed to find six myself but I'm happy with this especially since loads of these tiny little things on eBay can go for like eighty dollars each so I'm good with what I've got tell me Mr day is your first name wins so now we're out of pasta land and back in I honestly don't know are these American or English I have no idea it's like Christian Bale these are apparently stickers that came from vending machines whatever that means and they are probably even more rare than the 3D cards from Mr splooge especially if you manage to find them unused and still sticky I can't imagine they'd be too nice if they came with 25 year old hair what I find really cool about them is that they're all cut in different individual ways in a very Primary School noteboard kind of way and I know I should probably use them as stickers but to be honest I don't want to they were too much munty so I'm just gonna hang on to them safely and look at them like most of the other stuff I bought why do I do this and why did I buy this spray towel the absolute weirdest object I've ever laid eyes on and the single most expensive sticker I've ever bought too all the way from the land of cherry blossoms and Pepsi man here is a 2002 Crash Bandicoot Game Boy Advance control sheet sticker look I get the idea I admire the attempt well done Japan you tried but if you were gonna cover your Game Boy Advance in these stickers to help you remember how to play a side scroller that uses four buttons what about all the other games you have on your Game Boy once you've stuck these down you can't unstick them and swap them for another game's controls what happens if you want to bring them back you can't they're stickers you stick them on ones take them off and then they all magically grow hair and never stick again that's just how it works no I see what you're doing this sticker is a freeloading wife for your Game Boy Advance you have to commit to it yet it doesn't give you anything in return and just selfishly Hogs up all of the space not contributing anything to anything aside from itself that's what this is this sticker is a parasitic Glutton leeching on your GBA that demands you only pay attention to it and nothing else and the ultimate irony about it is that for Crash Bandicoot the huge Adventure which let's be real isn't even a 10 so why did you even married I've forgotten my point at least the stickers look pretty cool and I always love how the Japanese render their Western platforming characters they all look completely ridiculous hey how's it going I'm a tiger oh no my debit card is on fire I better find something cheap right now and luckily I found some figures here from tataku which despite the Coco and cortex ones being exclusive to GameStop in the US still didn't cost me that much including import fees I don't know why I think they're pretty cool little things they're like amiibos that are broken and have no use you would even think that this extra special limited edition golden crash figure would have been at least a little bit more because you know it's gold but the funny thing is my Coco figure costed more than that yeah a lesson there for you Funko and head star just because you spray a plastic mold gold and call it limited edition doesn't make it automatically worth anything no way dude you want to know the stuff that's really valuable gestures of kindness and generosity like with what other people do for you on your birthday and even though the 19th of June is my birthday I decided to get Ollie's some presents too happy happy birthday Oliver what so you know the you know the great thing about that card I'm gonna put a screenshot up is that the place I ordered it from that's the only one they had Oliver six years old that's the only one I've screenshot is on the screen like I couldn't customize it it was just Oliver six years old and I also got this okay I will admit this isn't official but I also got you a special present as well I got you this [Music] happy birthday thanks well I actually got you something for your birthday oh yeah what'd you get I don't want this but I know somebody who does was that my long Nation welcome to my channel and today we have some special limited edition Crash Bandicoot merchandise in these special Loot Crate let's see what we've got in the Box let's see what we've got in the Box let's see what we've got to start with we have [Music] a Crash Bandicoot wallet I've got one of these already oh no and for another thing I already have it is the Crash Bandicoot's shoulder bag which I also already have but for some things I don't have we've got a nice Crash Bandicoot hat let's put it on and see how it fits shall we just hold it up let's see if it fits my long head hooray we're now ready to hit the streets with my hat and my Crash Bandicoot lanyard for all of the times I go to the long convention it is a special Crash Bandicoot oh oh no this it is a TNT big mystery Loot Crate Box foreign the arch nemesis of the long family small pieces of tape now we can get rid of this boom hey Crash Bandicoot hot drink travel mug for all the times I go driving in my limousine when I sit in the very back of it yeah we have a nice little seat we have a crash crate stress ball that you can squeeze yes it helps me unwind when I have a new letter in the door from my long ex-wife when she wants me to pay long child maintenance angry it's another lanyard it's about apparently thank you assistant and then the final thing from this box is I think you put your key in it thank you for watching this new long unboxing make sure you go to forward slash long to get 25 off your order right then what are we looking at next I'll tell you free kids meal toys from Hardee's and Carl's Jr what Hardy's and Carl's Jr are American but I've been to America am I going back to America so the closest Hardee's to my hotel was an hour away I drove an hour away from my hotel to get to get some Hardies and get some free Crash Bandicoot Kids Meal toys from the early 2000s let's hope I'm lucky look guys I got chips everywhere but either way how lucky am I they managed to pack the entire crash kids meal set in here because look this is one in a bag for Hardee's and it's got three crash things on it a pullback a pullback and a Bend back I think they gave me a used cigarette we've got um a pullback and it's Crash riding his little um jet boardy thing you pull it back and he falls over oh wait crash apart crash it's supposed to have a box he can break Hardy's you forgot to pack the breakable Crash Bandicoot breakable box toy then we have this thing here we've got a little bendable crash and do you know what I thought it was going to be a piece of crap but it's actually all right he does Bend pretty much in every direction that you want I don't know why he looks like the color of Lucas aid but yeah he's good so now we get to open this and because this is still in the bag that means it has not been used once oh look at that oh it smells it smells of the year 2001 and here he is it's a crash riding a big metal egg and he has um some very very wide wide feet this front on profile is really really awful I hate it and this pointing at you while he looks at you like that is like he's trying to enter something in you and I am not okay with it what does it do is it just a pullback you can stay down there you know something I usually love destroying a Priceless gaming artifacts but I haven't felt with this video inclined to do that because this stuff was just so expensive so right now I am yearning to smash something if only there was a toy of Crash Bandicoot that told me I could smash it it's a Crash Bandicoot Smashbox surprise tear off the rapper Smashbox to reveal crash figure okay maybe not that hard you know what this is an idea I can get behind sort of I've never been a fan of this borderline gambling where kids spend their whole month's pocket money for a chance to get a new figurine that they don't already have but at least in this case the figures are pretty sweet you have a built-in display system after you get the figure out and it's true to what crash is best known for breaking boxes it's a clever real-life crossover not bad head start now all I'm confused about is why your thing that's supposed to be broken was packaged like a bomb shelter and yet your delicate Action Figures were broken before I even touched them oh actually speaking of figures I've got a few more to show you that I've acquired over the years like this one from NECA that my sister got for me for my birthday in 2019 and even though it looks beautiful it's so heavy that his ankles can't sustain his mask bad birthday present Rosie but don't worry I forgive you it doesn't matter anyway because later on that year I then found this extra large Deluxe crash figure from the same company with a jet board and man this is easily one of the best crash action figures I've ever seen the articulation the detail the weight balance the fact is belly button looks like a sphincter it's basically the first for figure statue if you were able to mess around with it I love this thing and you know what these two are pretty amazing too I got a bit of a thing for video game based Hot Wheels like all the Mario Kart ones and these two exclusive to America are no exception crash and Spyro as toy cars if I had these as a kid I would have screamed and then chewed off the paint and died I actually have no complaints if crash and Spyro looked like cars this is exactly how they would look and not like that demented Tommy Pickles one where the back end is a nappy filled with his own feces yeah it's a dump truck do you get it even the fact that Spyro has headlights that are supposed to be his smoking nostrils and crashes noses right up in akuaku's sweaty background rounds enough to Warrant a purchase for me these are great I'm not taking them out the packages though what you think I'm gonna use a toy what am I a Savage and then then then there's probably the cream of the crop for cash banuka action figures this crash 4 figure from the good smile company in Japan these are what they call nendoroids Little Chibi versions of Pop Culture icons and that would be fine enough but man they go all out with this look at what you've got to mess with here multiple swappable body parts facial features poses eyes you could make your own stop motion with this level of customization in your hands and it helps that the figure itself hasn't been overly stripped down or stylized for the sake of a corporate gimmick to make their brand of figures stand out it's just a small and adorable version of Crash I mean come on look at his feet his toes Bend don't you want to give this little bastard a hug no well how about these what you don't want to hug from them I don't know why these are from a company called Kid Robot and are much like the smash crate mystery figures from earlier in that you pay to hopefully get another figure that you don't already have except instead of you having a fun time breaking the thing open that you just bought these mystery figures just come from bags instead which is fine if you'd like a good bag but that's not the only disappointing thing about these I mean you can see what I can see right Coco looks like she just saw a dead sea girl crash looks like he's about to flash you and cortex cortex is just at least the Mars to look okay these are pretty good but then you get the crash variation figure with Aku Aku on him and once again it not only looks like he's been soldered onto crash's face but it also makes crash's face look like a giant slab of red Leicester and then there's the normal crash where wait I already have crash is this another one why do I have two hang on wait is that normal did they make two versions of crash with different eyes or was this one just printed wrong is he okay was he born incorrect does he have dark thoughts do I need to banish you I think I need to banish him foreign [Music] this wasn't the only thing Kid Robot made for crash though they also gave the plushy thing a shot and the result is a thumb I mean I guess I've seen worse but with cortex I kind of lose it when you turn him around and see the rest of his hair it looks like somebody pooed on an egg then they have their own bespoke crash plush and oh oh no the eyes are wonky it wasn't a mistake it's intentional cash I'm so sorry [Music] I also managed to grab a Coco one still wrapped in her own little cocoon and you know what I'm glad she's in it because I never want her out there's something about that face man she's got a very Renee Zellweger fish thing going on the best thing about these plushies undoubtedly though is that even though they were made by Kid Robot they are all named funny I love it I'll call this one thumby and you know what else you can do with your thumbs aside from putting them in someone's eyes yes that's right you can use them to push in enamel pins I write for a living you can find crash pins everywhere they're a nice epidemic so-called because they're everywhere but don't kill anybody but two pin sets in particular for me caught my eye just because they were in well sets and some very cool boxes to boot starting with the least cool one though is this one from numskull just a few basic as you'd expect pins and a crate-shaped box with a little window nice and neat but then numbskull had a meeting and they were told okay we have some crash team racing pins for Nitro field can you sell them together a numbskull Miss heard that information as create a replica magnetic toolbox honestly the pins are cool don't get me wrong but I wanted this purely for the Box alone it is the dogs nads you might be wondering where the other pins are hiding and well they are being proudly displayed on my pin backpack along with a couple of other random crash pins I've come across in my time inside the bag is also my Crash Bandicoot Journal just in case I need to write down the addresses of people that look at me funny or whenever I feel inspired to draw some fan art you didn't see that and all of this goes perfectly with my Crash Bandicoot pencil case wait why is it all nubby you can't fit a pencil in there what the oh son it's long it's not a shower it's a grower now I finally have a place to keep my Japanese crash team racing promotional ruler and eraser still sealed how sweet is this and also my other Crash Bandicoot ruler Crash Bandicoot eraser Crash Bandicoot pen Crash Bandicoot pencil that has no lead at the end oh don't worry I can sharpen it with my Crash Bandicoot sharp enough what a Nifty little thing this is although I must admit I am a bit 50 50 on it because on one hand it's very unique and can shrink to fit whatever bag you carry and on the other hand it's a foreskin I'm sorry I know that's vulgar but what else do you want me to say that is what it is and I love how it's torna that pops out from under the fold look at her face she knows what's happening she likes it she loves a rubber in the morning but no rubber at night well of course right away just found out it was American beans look everybody it's half past eyebrow and you know what that means it's nearly the end of June [Music] 2022 and I need to go to a convention to see if any kind fans will give me some Crash Bandicoot related merchandise I'm going to America again this time I'm not going to rush it we need to make sure we have everything so before you leave don't forget to pack your carry-on flight bag with another Crash Bandicoot pencil case to fit all of your charges in and more importantly your Crash Bandicoot A4 document wallet in order to keep your passport safe I've always wanted torna to look after my travel insurance and of course you're gonna need some portable games for the flight so make sure you stick your switch in your Crash Bandicoot switch case or your other Crash Bandicoot switch case depending on what mood you're in don't forget your big luggage for all of your modern license Crash Bandicoot clothes and to zip them all up with your mystery bag Crash Bandicoot luggage tags my crash can't smell anything but that's okay I already have another one and I already have another one then make sure you head downstairs and grab your car keys with your numbskull crash question mark box key ring on stick them in your pocket while they stab into your leg and stick out like a hernia get in the car and start to head off making sure that you've attached your crash team racing fuzzy orange dice for extra styling when you get to the airport and eventually on the plane you can always choose to wear your Crash Bandicoot triple filtration face mask that I wish would bootlegs but I promise you they really really were look you can see here they're made by the same people that made some of the mugs I can't believe it and yes you don't have to wear these but I don't want to give anyone my British disease symptoms include beer belly bad teeth and an urge to colonize an African country then when you get to your convention you might get lucky enough to be gifted all sorts of oddities like this incredible crash team racing electric pinball set yes this was actually gifted to me one time and it features all of the classic crash team racing sound effects we all know and love like and and and this is the best thing I've ever had thank you so much for the gift and you might end up getting extra lucky on top of that and receive this giant ass book made by Dark Horse the Crash Bandicoot files and even though it has a lot of really amazing historical crash artifacts like level plans concept art gameplay notes and all sorts dating back to the early mid 90s when crash was still known as Willy the wombat it's not actually that good because it doesn't fit in my numskull Crash Bandicoot gaming cabinet I mean come on what the hell if you're gonna give me a gift make it considerate all I can do with this thing is put headphones on it and a Crash Bandicoot switch controller and a Crash Bandicoot switch controller and a Crash Bandicoot switch control live at this convention this lovely dude here hello hello shown me that they at all and it's too late now so thanks for ruining my video anytime which then LED Google to recommend me the student planner from 2000 which I also couldn't find and then all of these Wampa fruit scented candles from nunskull that I couldn't find anywhere and then all of these snacks from 2001 that I also couldn't find anywhere but honestly that's actually a good thing because they're from Italy and they're over 20 years old so they probably taste like feet and then for a final present from a fan of your YouTube channel that you definitely have you might end up getting even luckier with this crash team racing Nitro fueled car dashboard hula dancer which you can also add to your car on the way home and look a right ball in G by the way while I was wearing it for a few minutes the crash mask on the plane attracted the attention of one of the airplane stuff yeah it is really it's horrible is that it are we done now I'm not sure what does my Crash Bandicoot for promotional sand timer say okay we've got a little bit of time left so I'm gonna end this video with the biggest bang that I can bang I know I'm not just saying that these final things I'm about to show you are some of the rarest pieces of Crash merchandise that you can find on this planet and I managed to find quite a lot of them at the expense of my mortgage but I got them and they're easily the most valuable and coolest pieces of Crash merch from my collection you'd think wouldn't you that some of the stuff we've shown off today like vintage plushes the pinball set the statue the RC car and Japanese exclusive limited edition things would be the pricier parts of this little collection I now have and yes you'd be right they were all pretty damn pricey and believe it or not one of the most expensive single items I ended up finding for this was a vintage crash one promo cat from 1997. yeah I was surprised it was expensive too and it was so much that I'm now never gonna wear it I could burn it though but if you're into Crash Bandicoot and you know anything about his merchandise then the word resource should send a shock to your system if you know you know and if you don't the Buckle the hell up resources were a company in the mid to late 90s that had the first original rights to Crash Bandicoot action figures and plushes in fact just to ease you in I'll show you something a little bit older and a little bit softer like a grandma I have two of the resora's crash plushes from very early 1998. some of the earliest crash plushes in existence and yeah they're pretty wicked but I really do appreciate the love for the Komodo Brothers in merchandise form this is something you do not see every day going back on track though like I said they also had rights to the original first line of Crash action figures between late 1998 and early 2001 there were plans to make 21 in total across three waves of figures but only two waves ever came out and in turn only 13 figures from the sets were ever created the rest of them existing as nothing but concept art leading to the remaining crash figures out in the wild to become extremely valuable collectors items and when I say extremely valuable I am not exaggerating for dramatic effect of an unremarkable story I I mean that people on eBay will sell unpackaged figures for tons with missing limbs in fact look at this dinga doll figure here depending on the condition on his body and if he has his accessories he can sell for 500 pounds on his own but he's still worth 150 pounds with no accessories and no jaw when I was a kid I used to have a lot of these figures complete with accessories and I love them but then I lost them they're gone and I'm pretty sure I chewed off both of crash's legs the only surviving things from us at this point are the dingadar body that my sister managed to salvage from our old house and I saved this Aku Aku from one of the sets which I know doesn't look or sound like much but this is how much it can go for online yeah but this tiny rubbery sandal for years and years it has been a bucketless dream of mine to try and recover these figures back to a complete set I didn't even care if they were boxed or not I just wanted the figures back and obviously as you can imagine the biggest thing slowed me down with that was the financial aspect of it as well as a lot of waiting around for good deals instead of me being impatient and blowing 5 000 pounds on a komodo Mo figure this listing has 12 watches there's a market for this and now you're about to see the fruits of my labor after years and I mean literally years of bargain hunting searching around picking up single parts of the collection whenever I could at good prices from conventions and online and waiting for the right moment to show off what I'd found here it is uh I've been collecting these figures secretly and individually for many years now and wanted to wait for the right moment to start showing them off I don't have all 13 but I have 10 of them all in varying conditions but all boxed and just looking at this lineup sets my Nostalgia off something fierce don't worry I wasn't stupid enough to spend thousands on each figure I've been a Savvy Bargain Hunter and I've been very patient hence I'm only just talking about this now but rest assured this whole collection is not cheap in the slightest you know how people invest their money into property stocks pensions I put it into Crash Bandicoot figures but I didn't do this for the monetary return in like 50 years I did it because I wanted them I did this for my childhood man and even though I don't have the complete set just yet I still find it tragic that we never got to see the rest of the figures come to life I know I was literally four to six years old when these were coming out and I probably would have chewed their faces off and chat all over them but still the idea that these never came to be is a little bit heartbreaking for me especially for how high quality and detailed these figures are and for how much I loved the other figures when I had them as a kid and then I just lost them yeah I really love them that much that they vanished and I didn't care and then I had to spend God knows how much of my own adult money to fill a void in my childhood heart which I didn't even know I had it almost makes you want to skin a Bandicoot and make it into a hat happy bandico here's my cash Paduka shrine [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] Stan [Music] baptisms are just waterboarding your child for God [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,245,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crash bandicoot, crash team rumble, crash team racing, crash bandicoot 4, crash bandicoot n sane trilogy, crash bandicoot bootleg, crash bandicoot review, playstation, crash bandicoot bootlegs, merch, merchandise, crash bandicoot merch, crash bandicoot merchandise, toys, crash bandicoot toys, action figures, completionist, caddicarus, chadtronic, toy, oney, oney plays, n sane trilogy, woah, crash bandicoot woah, crash bandicoot oneyplays, oney plays crash bandicoot, jontron, brock baker
Id: rjG_vErbAJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 33sec (5013 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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