[OLD] Caddicarus: The Complete SEASON 3

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greetings and salutations my beautiful people on kaduk Harrison oh and if you're watching this video you do and if your grandma is watching this video she's probably doing it out of obligation and if she is watching she should stop because I do say a lot of [ __ ] and come but anyway yeah I play a fair amount of video games and occasionally only rarely I will play a game which I will really really [ __ ] like and no one else does whatever the case may be friends hating and critics hating it fans of the franchise hating it forever reason I always feel like I'm the only one that likes a game and he rats out of them just so that we're clear here this is not a list of underrated games because in some cases of this list some of these games aren't actually that good and if ever I bring critic reviews into this I'm not defending critic reviews at all I'm just using them to back up my points so yeah I just think the highlight these games and I can't find anyone else that does so you know don't hate me I can't help I like also I'm gonna order this top 10 based on how controversial it may be in terms of the scale of oh my god would you like that be perfect but some people may say and obviously one game per franchise and okay number 10 may be considered pretty [ __ ] good actually it wasn't really that fair to start with this was it but like your lump it here's the thing Mel get solid portable ops is a PSP exclusive much like Peace Walker used to be before the HD remakes and it's a canonical game to the Metal Gear Solid saga taking place after mgs3 and before Peace Walker but despite tons of critical acclaim and pushing the PSP Hardware to its [ __ ] limits nobody that I know that are fans of Metal Gear Solid seem to even remember it where is it in HD remakes you've personally I love this game and in terms of it being portable Metal Gear Solid it blew my mind before I even played it and when I did play I loved the soundtrack the visuals the gameplay the story and this great new mechanic of kidnapping anyone and everyone to recruit them to big bosses newest scheme that grows into the events of peace Walker and beyond maybe I'm completely wrong and tons of you loved this game as much as I do but unfortunately let's face facts no one on any of my Metal Gear Solid videos even in Shenzhen why I don't know perhaps it faded into obscurity or perhaps people just didn't like it and I'm the only one that bloody does number nine is a weird one we're on the ps1 again and this is a movie licensed game anyway this is a bug's life the video game the ps1 version to be exact because I understand that all the ports of this game differ a lot and in my opinion this is the better port by a long way but regardless look at this look at these reviews look at them I don't understand that myself I personally found this game to be completely harmless it was bouncy vibrant with good level design for the most part decent control not great bosses to be fair but with a solid atmosphere and great visuals you really do feel like a stupid little ant embarking on a collectathon quest whilst battling those higher up the food chain maybe I'm blinded by my childhood here but seriously come on guys I thought this game wasn't that bad at all oh and easily without a doubt the soundtrack for this game is [ __ ] brilliant I use it a lot in my videos it's just great that's it thank you very much number eight was one that honestly confused me this was the first weekend that I ever played and not to mention the first Paper Mario game I ever played and after I sang this game's praises everywhere to everybody no one that I said it to seemed to agree with me I haven't played any of the others to be fair except from that [ __ ] sticky stix stick of the sticker but I do understand that this game was a bit of a departure from the original games instead focusing more on platforming puzzles in action with RPG elements and stats and upgrades kind of sprinkled in which I adore I love it I love all of it the humor the characters the control the platforming the great music the abilities and upgrades the areas you explore the puzzles and those visuals are masterful I had never played a game quite like this before until Super Paper Mario and I put so many hours into it it drove my stepdad crazy I love the flip abilities as well and I loved this game and so did many other critics but however so many people I've spoken to didn't like it at all because of maybe it's my obsession with Tom B StarD games and or maybe I'm just insane who knows who cares let's just have some good old innovative Nintendo fun I can imagine number seven may piss off a lot of people but honestly I really like spyro a hero's tale and after the complete misstep event at the dragonfly I figured that Spyro would only go right downhill granted I'm not a fan of any of their legends games and I wasn't the biggest fan of Skylanders I mean who wants a purple pug with wings and scales as their protagonist but in terms of the next generation of Spyro games not made by insomniac I'm really blooming well like this game granted I didn't love it I mean they completely [ __ ] over Sargent bird for definite but this game was a blast in my opinion what I really love is that it tried to escape from the typical Spyro hub worlds and level selection with portals and gems were now used as currency for items to further advance the story and discover secrets in the gorgeous and entirely open-world environments it took a very jak and daxter approach to the whole Spyro formula and I for one loved how they did it the controls and level design were also [ __ ] joyfully ace and I thought that it captured the purest essence of childlike wander and exploration that Spyro should have taken on his departure to the ps2 GameCube and Xbox generation he may have dive-bombed into the sea but then he shot up against a glory and then he kind of got confused and strapped into a tree number six who remembers this beauty I can't defend my liking for these games I really can't but I mean it's a generation before the Kinect and it's better there I said it the I toy games on ps2 specifically the original trilogy of stupid mini games are a guilty pleasure for me and in case you missed this ban why can they are all motion sensitive minigames to be precise sounds lame yeah I played these for hours as a kid and I have absolutely no idea why everything about these games in the iTalk device itself is so silly yet so [ __ ] clever it's hard to pinpoint really the games and minigames are primitively simple yet provide tons of really hilarious multiplayer the concepts are great enough for anyone at all to join in and I mean anyone it's literally a stand-in [ __ ] around and have fun series of games which requires no real mastery or even any serious learning and even the critics seem to agree on that front kind of you look like a dumbass doing it you appear on the TV screen within the game itself the games work around your body as if it is on screen and believe it or not it actually works and it still works perfectly today it's unbelievable and personally if you ask me this shit's all over the Kinect and it predated it by nearly seven years what's not to like over how lame it actually is and how everyone has told me that I shouldn't like them at all number five is windwaker I loved windwaker why didn't anybody else look at it it's adorable it's harmless it's adventurous and it's awesome lighten up people sailing is [ __ ] awesome treasure hunting is [ __ ] awesome the soundtrack is [ __ ] awesome it's [ __ ] Zelda guys on the water am I really alone with this one why am I even justify myself number four it's definitely one that I didn't see many people liking well most people didn't see liking and I can kind of see where they're coming from but god damn guys you play a big daddy with a dream is this too similar to Bioshock 1 yes is the plot a lot less philosophical and clever yes is it a lot of combat repetitive defense missions running around through linear goals and not much else yes but I liked it a [ __ ] fair bit I can honestly look past all of the things that people have criticized about it because as far as I was concerned by this point I was playing a first-person shooter as a big Daddy I knew that there'd be a lot of fighting and I knew that the plot would be a bit simpler I mean how exactly could you top the first one well by the third one to be fair but that was something that could have never have worked in rapture the first one had covered more or less everything to do with the universe of rapture so expecting something else bigger than one's twist to come out of the same scale in time in the same area would be far too risky and difficult and so 2k games didn't do that they didn't try to do that and it works all the better for the story and therefore the game itself and I have no problem with it at all and I really did still love playing through the game rapture was still as gorgeous and as twisted as ever the atmosphere was still oppressive and tense and not to mention the characters you meet and interact we've all had really interesting backstories and I will always love Sophia lamb because honestly I thought she was pretty [ __ ] creepy and the way that her side of the story brings into the politics of rapture and Andrew Ryan and the battles and it's I thought it was very [ __ ] interesting and for me the very very ending was just a little bit more satisfying overall and those big sisters can [ __ ] Fanny themselves for all I care but that's why I liked it because I do know that loads of people didn't and that's it I guess oh and critics loved it too but they write number three why won't I ever review this game because I like it and no one else I've ever spoken to does condemn me to hell wide-open wrath of cortex was the first ps2 game I ever played and I loved it well not loved her liked certainly it was exactly what I expected the ps2 crash games to be and even though naughty dog had graciously moved on I had no major problems at the wrath of cortex travelers tales have lovingly kept the same art style as the previous games crash and company still looks like their PSone counterparts the visuals were actually really damn great the soundtrack is bloody fantastic and it was more or less an updated and different version over my favorite crash installment crash 3 warped where people say this is too similar to that game yeah I get ya and for crash standards the boss battles are pretty lame and the difficulty spikes are pretty huge and everything but if you step back and see what it actually is it's good recognizable and familiar fun it played it safe and didn't make any major departures but again that can be seen negatively so I do get why I may be alone with this one but guys Mark Hamill and Ollie [ __ ] Omiya in this game oh and Thomas F Wilson come on magic oooh you've got some nerve setting foot into my domain without an invitation other than that it did what the other sequels did and kept the formulas similar but just added a little bit more vehicles challenges and power-ups and playing as Koko actually running around that was pretty cool it was everything that I expected and it did it a loopy [Music] number two I'm so sorry why do I even like this game well okay take yourself back seven years ago to the mind of a 12 year old child that me to be more exact I had heard about this hoverboard racing game starring Sonic the [ __ ] head shocked and I was really excited after seeing the possibilities with hoverboards and Airblade for the ps2 I was stoked I saved up all of my pocket money and then when he got to the last pound that I needed I was on holiday in Wales I think it was Wales anyway it was really sunny an awesome part of Wales anyway we went shopping one day and there it was sitting there looking awesome day of release I had the money and then I bought it and then for a week or two I was more or less stuck with it on holiday initially I hated it the controls were Bulls it made no sense the learning curve was too steep and there was nothing about it I liked in terms of racing games or Sonic games for that matter it was just a stressful and overly complicated waste of time and why would a super sonic hedgehog run at Lightspeed when he can just stand on a [ __ ] scamper but then I got better at the game I couldn't let this childish looking Sonic game defeat me so I pressed on eventually after intense and intensive practice I honed my skills and I kicked ass and from then on I grew attached and then and now I really [ __ ] liked this game after I got the learning curve down I just really [ __ ] enjoyed it look at the hours I put into it I love this game I like a son I then appreciated the Mario Kart esque level designs the character specific shortcuts the tenseness of keeping your board full of and everything else in between mastering this fine art of weird hoverboard racing controls was ungodly satisfying even more satisfying than the backwards and hilarious plot that modern sonic games are infamous for and let's not forget the tails babylon rants of 2006 babylon babylon babylon do I play it religiously today no but do I like it yes did anyone else like it no can I see why yes please don't kill me for this guys but you know what yes I liked Resident Evil 5 and you can all sharpen your pitchforks and storm the [ __ ] house down but here's the thing no one else in the world likes this game why I don't actually know well actually that's a big [ __ ] lie I know exactly why people didn't I may be biased because this was actually the first resi game I ever truly played and finished through and I was about 14 when I did but then after I got the balls to tackle resi won which was just on the shelf for years cuz I was too scared to go near it I then got my job two years later earned a little bit of money and then I sought after all the other ones resi to rise III code Veronica and then resi for yeah then all the hate became clear resi v is a watered down to [ __ ] resi for with a stupid AI companion that constantly wastes all of your and her supplies and gives you tons of game overs no sense of vulnerability and loneliness no tragedy outright copied segments from resi for and no majorly memorable moments and I'm not defending this game for a second or calling anyone a [ __ ] idiot for not liking it because I understand entirely why I'm just sharing my personal guilt as a huge fan of the proceeding resi games I should hate this but I don't I I personally loved the way it looked I loved the African Sahara setting in the disgusting atmosphere I loved the ridiculous plot like in the other games I loved seeing the steroid infused Chris Redfield returned I love seeing the all of a sudden British and positively evil Albert [ __ ] Wesker comeback granted at that time I hadn't played resi four and looking back I can see exactly why people were pissed off and to be honest I'm a little bit pissed off that Capcom did something like this after resi fall but honestly even with that being the case and even after me preferring the original trilogy on ps1 for Resident Evil I still like it the controls were the same classic resi the action in my opinion was great and it still had some teeny-tiny elements of survival horror even though nowhere near as unsettling or well-placed as rosy for where things truly [ __ ] up is resi 6 and that video I did of it is hideously outdated 3.5 five stars seven out of ten what was I thinking I was [ __ ] mad that game is worth a two point five stars or three stars at best oh and anyway you also get to play resi five multiplayer as well which is always a good laugh just ignore the Resident Evil tag and the weird direction that the series took and look at this objectively as a game I found it a blast regardless and that's kind of it really no one seems to agree with me Resident Evil 5 I know a slap in the face but for me a slap in the face with a bit of stake it hurts but now well brush it off and it tastes nice I guess my top 10 games that I liked but no one else did thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it all and I'm pretty sure that all of you guys have some games that you felt completely alone with liking so please leave a comment and share your personal pics and until next time if it's your birthday today or watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful [Music] [Music] I'm never shy away from the fact that I love point-and-click adventure games in the past I employment [Music] guru me look scoff Hulu my dear dear friend so I hear you like point-and-click adventure games this is correct [Applause] [Music] it [Music] forever ah [Music] [Music] oh wait a second he lives four hours away bollocks to that fareth are summer [Music] [Music] Kaddi did you just shout me yes you can hear me yeah I kinda can Wow brilliant this means I finally harnessed my telepathic abilities wait if your telepathic then why do you even bother trying to come over and if we're having this conversation right now does that mean I'm telepathic too you know what I don't [Music] um I know right who needs a logic anyway I don't mean either agreed well if well yeah we might as well play again a point-and-click hell yeah let's do it broken sword to Broken Sword to greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always have to do the dirty deed deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged ah hello there I'm skarphol ooh that's scarf plus will do in case you are wondering and yeah I do game video stuff too and today we're gonna try something a little bit different this time round because as it turns out scarf you and I both really really like point-and-click adventure games and after Broken Sword - made it onto my top 20 ps1 games countdown scout who didn't realize I like that game or any kind of poignant clicks and it did kind of surprise him so much up to the point where we wanted to do a cute little review of it so without any further ado it is broken song no no no nothing the ps1 but on the beastly PC because it'll be much better [ __ ] prick ah Broken Sword - perhaps one of my favorite adventure games of all time next two games such as Monkey Island this was actually one of the first adventure games I ever played to completion and boy was it a good one I will just say that I've never played any other broken sword game and I've only played the ps1 version of I'm sorry I'm sorry a hat box art still scares the bejesus out of me anyway yeah this is the only version that I ever played so this whole remastered PC malarkey will be very interesting for me on the other hand I first play this game with the original PC version so the remaster is new territory for me as well I'm just hoping they didn't tamper with the game too much but other than that we kick off straight into the game and I've got to say you know when a game means business when the first credit is written an unformatted Arial font and after a very pleasant series of animated events the game kicks you in the balls and throws you into the deep end because this [ __ ] key thing is charging towards you at top speed how do I go about but then once you come to your senses you can mess around with the clip mechanics which are as follows left clicking a highlighted object's character or scratch scratch scratch and scratch go stretch now our main character stow bars to interact with said thing right clicking however offers a description of said thing as well as a small analysis to hint you into a way it could be useful later on other than that you do what you usually do in these kinds of games let's read just click on everything click here click there click upside-down why not and then if you're lucky clicking somewhere with the correct thing of the correct time allows progression of the story just like here where in order to dispatch this eight-legged Menace we can tip the bookshelf over by kicking it supports the results of this are self-explanatory but oh it's certainly satisfying just towards that spider rust into goo and now we can free ourselves from tide ropes with this jagged metal part of the wall one mighty bow oh yeah he seems awfully happy with himself over there and then much like the clip mechanics they sort of work the same way around with the items that you pick up except you can left-click to drag items that you have into other objects in the game to see if they cooperate and right-click them while they're in your bag to get a brief description of the item and sometimes an examination of that item in order to find other items within that item for example things such as this the putt contained a key its smile isn't it well I thought so you dig and also later on in the game mixing items in your bag also becomes a necessity Bellary thinking on your toes lads but then this is where we get to talk about the few decisions over the remastered edition of this game that we both feel don't really benefit it and first of all before we mention anything else these stupid bloody things the comic book esque faces that feel they need to make an appearance every time a character opens their drooling mouth don't get me wrong I feel as though they had a little bit more variety in spice and animation to some of the slower scenes of the game but at the same time they could have been done much better look at his disgusted face do you see he is disgusted these certain terms of events have left him looking disgusted it's almost like you reading watership down and eating a picture of a dead bunny on every page because you know just the words are in no way satisfactory for conveying the message that mister Stobart is disgusted I mean look at some of these characters later on as a kid this guy used to terrify me but now look at him he looks like he could be an uncle I especially love it when his eyes open I'm certain my girlfriend was brought here when she was abducted what and even look in this bit their expressions aren't even remotely similar I think the most disturbing example of this is in the art gallery when talking to the two Japanese tourists by the way not only other face is weird too but look at this they couldn't even spell phone correctly without putting that stupid symbol there and [ __ ] it all up to high heavens and the kingdom of the pebbles I have to agree that this remaster is slightly disappointing to me not only was it kind of unnecessary but it twiddles with the game like George Lucas twiddles with the original Star Wars trilogy just leave it alone doesn't need this pointless fluff and it's creepy pointless fluff at bears and even though the voice acting has been beautifully remastered there are some areas of the game where the muffling from the original version shines through almost like they forgot to do certain bits I should have known you'd be trouble the moment I saw you but anyway enough focusing on the negatives and let's look at the positives because the rest of this is a beautiful within the game going back to item usage it's never too easy going on what you can and can't do I mean sure you can do things to progress the story but the fact that you can also undo them straight away again leaves you thinking if it is indeed the right thing to do or if it is the right time to do it like just here I can unlock the front door fine but then I can always lock it up again so who knows whether or not I should do it at this point it's a really smart mechanic and in this case it's also accompanied by a witty little remark from charge something possessed me to lock the door again yeah that's clever what isn't too clever though is this little problem that was also in the original and that was with the voice-over being [ __ ] buried in the other sounds there was no sign of love I decided to order a coffee and to be honest it isn't much of a problem with subtitles or these monstrosity ZUP here but at the same time it's a little bit annoying as far as sound issues go there's also a weeds stereo issue where the game thinked is tackling virtual surround sound but there's no gradual panning in between the left and right speakers so then the game ends up having certain noises and voices only coming out of one channel depending on where they are on the screen just stick some headphones on here and see what I mean I want the worthy successor and you're not it does ooh be a employer guy from Central America I also agree that this is a tad bothersome but again isn't too much of an issue it's just a vague annoyance and it also doesn't matter because the music where it needs using is superb it's full of atmosphere and threat right from the very GetGo and every little thing that you do wrong alright is either rewarded or punished by use of a great score it's only used in snippets all throughout the game and it works perfectly there was something short fleshy and gross on the carpet and also this voice acting is in my opinion marvelous it's full of cheese but at the same time it's bursting with character um oh yeah and all the voice actors do a great job of being the characters that they are is it perfect that's a relief I never feel comfortable with him about me neither these damn pants keep we're heading right up my butt hmm not in the slightest but are the actors suitable for the voices definitely and it makes the journey so much more fun and what that holy hell is going on with that daily and yet that oh what else is fun these puzzles and objectives many of them require a moment to stop and think others require lots of observational and memory skills and others require actual quick reactions and a mishmash of all the other skills combined like for example just here you need to upset this old guy by talking about his past meaning that his eyes get covered by his hands meaning that you can steal his flask or even here where you need to use dog biscuits to lure a dog onto a platform and then use a hook to dunk him into the dachshund and sometimes it's something as simple as calling a waiter before he walks off it's what do you say Rob you're awful something which I have noticed a lot in this game is that you're often a nuisance to other people hey get out of there you know wherever I go I hear those words Paris Syria Ireland or Spain makes no difference for example there's a part where you need to set a bush on fire to fill a treehouse up with smoke in order to get the attention of a priest that's not exactly a nice thing to do now is it and what else do I like about this the writing not only in the story but some of these lines are just [ __ ] brilliant the dry and grounded weight of nearly every single conversation is something absolutely glorious to witness I mean just check out some of these lines look at this a poisoned dart knocked my girlfriend out cold in a matter of seconds it sounds like a real close relationship you have going the stench of cheap cologne rolled over me like tear gas that dart was sharper than a mosquitoes business and one of the reasons I hate guns so much is the way they make people so damned impolite I glanced over the books vaguely hoping to find a copy of how to deal with poisonous spiders while tied to a chair I'm looking for an official guide to take me to the old pyramid for a lovely lady I would go to the ends of the earth for you I will go as far as the pyramid and back a stage name was Cal climax ha that's funny the talented writing also shines through in the story when you find out that the big bad Abbott are poor at Mak 9000 over here is mugging good game and everyone at home is asking the question why are you so interested in that stone it's just twist after twist after twist and as it is with point-and-click adventures the story is the driving force behind the whole game so it's great that the story and the writing is full of intrigue mystery darkness action and dry humor and it also benefits everything in the long run on every single character you bump into is quirky and interesting be them a bit George and a little bit mm-hmm and even sharks can be a little bit one thing I really love about this game is that certain items such as the dog biscuits and the thumb can be offered to people for some hilarious dialogue would you be interested in these panties they look about your size put them away before you get overexcited I have these very exotic panties would you like a dog biscuit Chico what do you think of these panties - I'm not stuffed your CH you buy those for your girl now a guy we know in Paris bottom floor you're a threesome they're the best part about these is that they are completely optional really you can go in being all no-nonsense mr. serious pants and to focus your efforts on actually beating the game or you can go around and offer weed items to people it does nothing for progression but it's just brilliant to see how each character responds oh and by the way did I mention the visuals hugged me sideways the visuals are gorgeous look at the detail here it evokes so much out of me that I can't even possibly describe it there isn't a single thing I can criticize about it I wouldn't add a single drop more it's just a beautiful walking around a dark and mature cartoon story has never felt quite as exciting for me than with this game and the visuals really drive everything along perfectly along with the characters and music the combination of visuals and music is some of the best I have ever seen in a game it makes it all the more immersive and it makes the whole experience just that much more complete complete with a little pink bow on top also some people may criticize point and clicks where the items are highlighted / look at these guys even with the blue rings over here [ __ ] like the hook down here is not easy to find and even the bottle down here yes amongst all this [ __ ] and check out these scratch marks even after you turn the lights on they're still close to impossible to see and when you eventually do find something as silly as this bottle for instance finding out what you do with them is another mystery but if you haven't got that much of an inquisitive mind the game has some hints built in and they're also in categories the more hints you want to use the more obvious they get it's very cute and it's very handy if you ever get stuck but rooms as lie I want to be the game myself but more to the point these puzzles are things that simply never aged no matter how many times I come back to this game I get stumped on so many bits they're just so devious and well constructed that they never age even after its release date of 1997 which not many games can hold proud today upon replaying there's the bit with smoking out the heart and the chimney with the bottle and AH it really detect me awhile to piece everything together going back to items again there are some very handy items that come in use throughout the whole game and then start items that appear to have infinite users can actually only be used at one point so don't get too cocky with assuming that items are usable everywhere one thing I'd like to say that I love how creative some of these puzzles are even if they are fairly straightforward one that really stands out to me is the way you get rid of the gun at the warehouse first of all you lean him outside and then you climb up to order some barrel dispenser majiggy and releasing one sets up the perfect position for you to experience how it must feel to be Donkey Kong this game is also great not only with the items and click interface but also the conversations and conversation trees you can produce making every playthrough different each and every time if you're talking about a certain subject you can instigate further or not it's completely up to you but just so you know vital hints from characters can be missed or completely forgotten by not exhuming the correct amount of aural sensitivity and in some points of the game the characters have different reactions around charge depending on what he talks about or even does around them first [Music] you could at least developed me before grabbing everything you could find and that dog that I dunked earlier he will be missed poor old 20 I wrote him a song a song of woe and a song of tribute to a true people's poet and all-round American ladies and gentlemen the song of the century [Music] oh and I can finally talk about the mother humping debts they're glorious yes if you want a quick click Oh real quick thinker or just have a knack for pissing everybody off ever then this will probably happen to you you need to stay on your toes with the whole story even for a point-and-click adventure game it's not as simple as making a wrong move or clicking on the wrong thing it's a case of not acting fast enough to stay safe and I love that way like I solo flash is also on par in this game where the potential of death is particularly unnerving so your playing is unique or at this point and you're at a port in London you need to gain access to this board but there's a guard patrolling and therefore you have to plan your movements and actions quickly before he sees you it's actually quite terrifying there hasn't been any other adventure game which makes my heart pound like this one did here but it doesn't end there once you're inside the board you can attack by the grumpy military dude oh my god this game can be so tense and finally despite never playing the first one the game story and characters are perfect for newcomers as allows you to enjoy the whole experience without any research sure it helps a little bit if you do research it but in terms of this game the backstories and events leading up to the start of the story are actually all discoverable through neat little comic book passages unlocked as you progress not only that but as you play the games chronicles all written by shark himself in his own journal so you can always have a quick catch-up at any point other than that you can dive into this game completely uneducated and service fruitful and wise why us loving every second of it that's what I did as this was my entry into the series as well and what a magnificent entry this installment gave it's simply an utterly fabulous or if you haven't played Broken Sword definitely do and if you want to play my favorite play the second one I would probably put Broken Sword 2 and a list of my favorite adventure games of all time it's just so quirky and fun not only that but the game was a commercial success - without 1 million copies sold and considering this game was released at a time when adventure games were starting to die off that is pretty damn impressive and might I say very well-deserved the mechanics are simple and fantastic all the characters are memorable it's chock full of brilliant puzzles the music cues are perfect it looks gorgeous and it's all woven around a great story the remastered version of this game for PC is out everywhere now and it's even available in disc formation with the other three broken sword titles and you know it's also as well so in no circumstances there's not a single shadow of a doubt in my mind shadow with the Templars that this game gets the salvage and you know what even the ps1 version of this game gets the salvage as well because even for the limitations of the ps1 it's still a brilliant game also now that I think about it I can use this telepathy for something a little more destructive wait I know it's customary for you to do all your special guests but you know you can never shoot me I live over four hours away just physically impossible what are you talking about [Music] if it's your birth Adele watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful hey is that a gap in the shelf over there what that shelf over there oh yeah that was a game I got it removed no don't tell me don't tell me it was so tell the videogame miss Rosie that was tours unleashed you play jaws Unleashed what happened the game slams 12 pounds out of my wallet chief I was coming back from the realms of amazon to ebay just ordered the game that beyond two souls game but I needed something else to review 1,100 men place bets the listing finished in 12 minutes I didn't see the first review from home and half an hour I'm negative 1/4 on its head you know how a game is bad chief we tell by looking at the reviews what I didn't know was that purchasing beyond 2 souls have been so distracted no distress signals were sent the reviews for jaws didn't even come into my mind very first light chief critic reviews started popping into my mind so I formed my body ready oh my god caddy that was just awe-inspiring man that was awesome Jerrod what the actual hell when how are you watching me and how can I hear you exactly okay so a few months back I was visiting your country then I'm hugging myself what would his rig all of caddies have four cameras just in case maybe one day he puts on an award-winning performance and the Academy Award winning performance and we've got it that was it that was it can we can we cut that was great we're done guys let's pack everything up and go you didn't answer my question caddy I'm sorry man we're done I dunno I need not more of your services on the glory that's a great movie glory lots ah miss Rosie a fair maiden who I have you sing well this definitely changes things you didn't get rid of the game then you wanna know why why I are saving it for you [Music] greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the cutting or a show laughs I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged hey everyone at home my name is Gerard drag runner Khalil most of you know me as the completionist on my channel that one video gamer and on my show we could play games 100% new reviews and now I'm creepily spying on caddy when they can and yes again I can't seem to rub these car labs off my back because now I have the completion it's helping the outward reviewing a singer of a game for the ps2 based off of one of the greatest movies ever made jaws but this game here it's something else so this is jaws Unleashed jaws is a [ __ ] amazing movie and if anyone says it's bad just because the shark looks fake doesn't deserve to breathe get out of our house snitches don't break this movie is great sorry so sorry and yeah jaws was insanely successful for its time in 1975 and even nowadays and that said success led to three other awful movies as well as this particular little gem ever wanted to play a game where you eat little children and rip them into pieces in a Nexus of their own blood then this game is for you I'm honestly not sure what to think about this I'm not sure if this is love or indigestion and not to mention critics all over the globe joined arm-in-arm to the United and collective decision that this game was new so I suppose it couldn't be too bad hey it's either gonna be amazing or it's gonna be a pile of wank I'm really not sure I want to do this but let's remember it's only Josh [Music] and this is where we discovered that the game was developed by our good friends Appaloosa responsible for not only Ecco the Dolphin but also the ps1 bought of South Park and wouldn't you know this was the last game they ever made before closing down [Music] Wow this is this is suddenly a weird remix of the jaws theme it sounds very fat and pompous it almost makes the experience sound a bit more like gums unleash doesn't it and if you leave the menu long enough you get played the original release trailer and with that let's enter my name rubber titi and then FMP intro starts and you know what it isn't bad at all it looks good and everything but at the same time it makes no sense this game appears to take place after the movie so why the hell do these people keep swarming to Amity Island in full awareness their man-eating sharks have regularly attacked the area it's almost like building a blooming skyscraper on top of a beehive I mean yes there's honey in there but there's also bees in there that people and talking about eating people that's exactly what this tutorial is going to teach us ok why does this even exist seriously Oh trivia from the jaws movies in the loading screens that's actually a very cool idea let's see huh the lifeguard saves his life by pushing I don't care but oh look at this I've got to say this actually kind of surprised me the whole visual aspect of the game has been nailed I think it looks great and the animation on gums is incredibly fluent when he swims around noise and right now what I want to do is really explore more of this lovely ocean floor but I can't go this way gives you courage to shrug so I swim in the opposite direction with the X button which is where I discovered the pressure sensitivity in the swimming now I really like that idea the harder you press the button the faster you swim it's almost like the shooting mechanics in Metal Gear Solid 2 yes I mean you'd think that everything was all in well birth and the biting happened oh my god I don't like it the control annoyingly kind of sucks I mean swimming around is absolutely fine but going into any where tight or confined or a for a target of the size of a chickpea is where everything becomes a nuisance fighting and eating these [ __ ] specks just won't happen it simply does not happen does not not does not happen you'll never time it right constantly miss and have to make a long-haul truck turn to get back on track the problem is it's just far too big and clumpy deal with indescribably small things flowingly and easily and it doesn't help when glitches happen either hey gums gums you right there a little bit stuck by the way whoever thought they'd feast their eyes on this centers in a video game press and hold the r-1 button to bite and hold a victim and then shake the analog stick to tear them apart this is more or less exactly like [ __ ] manhunt shacks and to be honest even if you wanted to rip a baby seal in half it's incredibly hard to do so because of again this dumb boat control scheme for being one of the games primary mechanics to stay alive they sure made eating near goddamn impossible to execute and then the other primary mechanic of the game surfaces all about destroying properties properties am I the only one that thinks that that choice of the word property sounds absolutely hilarious no I'm right there with you James the word property is pretty funny to me and I'm just a dumb sounding American I just have this image of jaws being a bloody black market demolition engineer who destroys real estate for a reasonable fee but anyway to destroy this property we need to use a new challenge ability to use our magnificent conker to knock people right next to the water yes certainly does fanny you know this is almost turning into pac-man sort of but with shag and then the game tries teaching you the tailwhip move which actually sucks like biting it's insanely difficult to time correctly but on top of that you obviously need to swim past your target and hit them with the back end of your body which is much harder than it sounds especially when you're a 40 foot great white shark that's too big to be accurate to such a small target so then hilariously found attempts of tail whipping is graciously followed by hilariously failed attempts to bite this do that broke out of the cage and seriously well in the Holy Mother like happen there I simply cannot do this and guns is now the laughingstock of the sea but if you even so much as nibble him he will like we mentioned briefly earlier the main way to remain alive is by doing just that eating prey your hunger meter will keep on decreasing and eventually take away your health unless you keep eating which I must say is kind of a cool mechanic it may be as hard as sin to eat a baby seal but still it's a neat idea also when you get attacked yourself eating quickly restores the health you lost so it's a hugely necessary thing to learn no matter how finicky it can be but I've got to say shark or not hungry or not keeping alive or not that right there is the saddest sight I think I've ever seen I can't actually believe that this game exists to bring pleasure to a specific target market that was begging for innocent legless men swimming away from a killer shark enemies they are the enemies I don't need be the dad enemy also we learned that throughout the game you can access a shark vision another mechanic allowing gums to lock onto other targets which makes the whole eating process much easier it also distinguishes the true targets from background nonsense which helps out a ton and also lovingly enough the game also gives you the courtesy of being able to pick which body part you want to snag off isn't that wonderful hmmm I think I'm gonna have a hand with that I just died [Music] that made no sense I ate the bastards leg and I was enjoying it why did I die I don't know sank dead hungry [ __ ] and unfortunately this is more or less how the entire game pans out eat to stay alive destroy property and landmarks occasionally terrorize people in places get points to upgrade repeat it's fun for a few goes but nothing massively new is added to the mix turning the whole thing into a bigger effort than dunking socks into a bowl of water rinsing them and then dunking them again just for the pleasure of rinsing them again are you really enjoying this really and it's a massive shame because seriously I think the game looks great look at the colors and the water effect it's actually so serene and very well made but I can't get ahead of myself too much because if you tried to do anything that requires precise movement or attack your blunder about like well a giant fish and when you believe that I'm nearly dead again I'm trying my hardest to catch and eat things and even with this guy I ate him and nothing happened an explanation would be most appreciated by the way gums has a sonar yeah where this is just it actually adds a lot more depth to the seemingly repetitive gameplay not only does it display enemy locations but also different points of interest like a sunken ship for instance this then gives some of the stages an actual free-roaming and explorative experience as an underwater predator which is actually a really neat idea almost like GTA though with sharks it also allows you to find license plates by the way pretty damn funny which will then allow you to unlock bonuses and it also directs you to your goal but when you arrive at your goal and you can't hit the [ __ ] diving cage you remember everything you didn't like to begin with and then when you do beat the goals you're awarded with the majesty of this well that was a reasonable reaction then there's more trivia that I can't read it then another pleasant goal is presented to me entitled swim by the beach to attack swimmers oh-ho and then the eating with a side order of wrecking [ __ ] returns in this segment where I need to sink this pair by destroying the support sounds fun well guess what is and I mean it is hilarious when the building plops into the depths of the ocean in one perfect piece but to get to that point is a tedious and horrible job when charging gums can't seem to be able to charge through any of the beams here I could knock them down very easily but I can't plow through them meaning wait for it and maybe gums gets better at this as the game progresses I don't know but to start you off by doing that one by one slowly and painfully is not a great way to introduce you to that style of gameplay it just wants to make me avoid ever doing it again but do you know what is kind of awesome well besides starting about the sea at full speed with your fin out of the water beating the stage and get this upgrading your super shark abilities with the points you pick up this is dumb but a little bit incredible at the same time now I can do that that I know it's pretty fun seeing what else you can power up and discover I must say by the way beating the level showed me this clip here okay I just love how no one even cared about going was just like wow that was undoubtedly the longest compulsory tutorial I've ever played you said a man what the hell's wrong with this this game is on the ps2 there's no need to assume that we're all dumb gamers and unfortunately it's more or less that throughout the whole game just in different areas with different things to kill and destroy by the way listen to this for the first time ever Kemeny has its own great white shark on display for the tourists this is going to be crowded in frankort numbers mayor our research tank can hold a shark but we are not prepared to display him in the showroom tank nonsense the word has already spread give the people what they want grody vickysd Basterds it's actually just made me think all the people on Amity Island have helped the economy thrive and bring back tourists and where this may be great for them they're building sea-bound workstations buildings and rigs was capturing innocent fish for the tourists to see in the aquariums you know this whole commercialized and capitalist standpoint is exactly what guns is fighting against when the game said earlier that they were enemies I think that they're actually correct my god guns is the hero he's the good guy mind [ __ ] blown I understand you captured a shark by the code let him my son was killed by a shark bit so now we've been captured contained and now we need to find an ID card wait don't hold on wait on gums the shark the shark needs to find an ID card I'm sorry what the beeping mouth of the oh and by the way the music is anything but special it's nicely orchestrated and themes nicely with whatever gums is doing to people on screen but at the same time it's too forgettable due to the fact that 80% of the music cues are simple variations or remix on the first original theme so all it does is demonstrate the lack of imagination and [ __ ] giving and much like the music score I don't give a [ __ ] either as it takes me about four hours to figure out that I need to pick up a scientist and drag him to the card reader obviously and of course I can't do that before glitching to hell are here and what the bloody who was that anyway the mechanics returned again here by destroying stuff and eating people this time the innocent screams which are underwater so that makes no sense but I won't question it of innocent little children can be extracted yes innocent little children how much [ __ ] darker could this possibly be no I'm going to hell aren't I so then I start the next level and then awaits I'm not very fond of this now and I really need to stop well that was certainly a game jazz Unleashed is one of those games that you would have probably appreciated how to come out at the time that the movie came out but it's been what 20 30 years since that movie came out why what's the point of playing this game it makes no sense as for me I'm pretty indifferent about this to be honest because this game it's not the worst that I've ever played but it's certainly nothing good due to all the flaws and problems with it as well as you know ripping limbs off of children but you know what it's kind of cool being the shark but does that make it worth the salvage I'm afraid not jaws deserves something better but is the game fun it is a little bit in points the gameplay cutscenes and just the whole idea of this game is just so hilarious and it does feel like one big playable b-movie almost like another long-lost awful sequel to the jaws franchise and it can be when you're in the right mood just big stupid fun be a little bit repetitive and I'm feeling awfully generous today jaws unleased gets the slavich I'm sick all night whoa you mean to tell me that you're not gonna slaughter this game caddy this game in this game you murder children you are a shark that murders children and people and what's wrong with you man why why are you sticking the brain like that generous you know what you may murder guests on your show but deep down inside you love this you love my beard you love my heart and I respect a living hell out of you so if you killed me I get it I get it Jerrod I am changed just go you know what I'm leaving I'm good and gone later if it's your birthday today while watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember stay beautiful oh and thanks for the indigestion Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] this arrow for the game was small and 20 compliant understood [Music] this is [ __ ] scary greetings and salutations my beautiful people I'm Kat Icarus and I love and what better way is there to do a Halloween special than in a place like this oh yeah when Halloween creeps up and out through the month of October one cannot help but just feel its presence knocking at the window it's called mystifying and it evokes century-old cries of horror in the days of ritualistic ceremonies of ancient oh and I for one can't seem to keep myself away from this beautiful little haunted cabin after my last Halloween special on Evil Dead hail to the king but this time this special won't be a review and there won't be any voiceover instead this feels like the perfect time to tackle my top 10 favorite scary tracks and video games horror game related or not obviously this list is going to be pretty [ __ ] difficult because sure there are theories to well-written songs and like well placed and well directed scares in movies and games but in terms of fear overall it's completely subjective some people are scared of spiders and some find them absolutely adorable it's just you know it's just one of those things so please keep that in mind when I say that these top 10 scary songs scare me personally me look at the title of the video my just for the record I don't own any of these songs and any of the games and any for cooking and I don't own any of it and I'm not putting any [ __ ] download links in the description because that's [ __ ] if you like what you hear buy the game because trust me in most of these cases you're not gonna regret it at all now the only real rules for this list are as follows one song per franchise and I'm not going to be putting any manipulated songs on this list so you know some of unhealing as scary as you are can you don't count them sorry I'm sorry it's nothing personal by the way heads up just for the best effect for the full effect for the full Kerry experience today please save this video for the dead of the night completely pitch black with the volume turned right up in a pair of headphones and without further ado please enjoy what was that I I stood on the stir on something oh well to start this list off I figured I'd begin a little bit tame this song is from the game eternal darkness sanity's Requiem and is also known as of the chosen now I'm actually going with the intro of this song over the rest of the song because it gets more relaxing as it goes on so you know this song isn't even scary in the traditional sense it's more creepy and hideously unnerving this song not only stirs up so many questions about the game itself but also the crying in question what's this person trapped was this person completely forgotten about or was this person banished for unleashing some unspeakable evil either way it's suitably creepy and eerie for everything that the game stands for and to be honest it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time I hear it [Applause] [Music] number nine goes to the point-and-click adventure horror classic known as block tower and personally I had only played the ps1 version of clock tower because as you know the Pierce Wan is my baby but this track in particular is called scissor man chase more specifically the theme of the main antagonist of the game scissor man sounds gruesome if you yeah it kind of is actually this song succeeds like no other song by being perfectly placed and integrated it into the game and it just cuts through and pulsates through all of the quaint an ample puzzle solving of the game it just it heightens up the tension unlike any song in any game I've ever played and trust me it's only heightened when you play it and if you haven't played it or you're not scared of the song on its own I urge you to play in because honestly you'll understand exactly what I'm talking about and it takes on so much more meaning trust me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] number eight much like the scissor man chase it's more about driving tension and this song is from a game that I'm not even a fan of left4dead why I'm not a fan of this game is another story entirely but regardless this great piece of orchestral terror is won by the name of a which the atonal scales in this song are very predominant here and it's also very reminiscent of The Twilight Zone theme combined with soprano choirs and heavy orchestral pounding and not to mention a fast paced triplet feel to accompany and intertwine with the common times for four bars [Music] what's really great about this song though is not just by the compositional elements and the use of arpeggios but also the way that the game progresses the song depending on where the player is on screen is pretty [ __ ] smart when the player is nearer which it's pretty chilling but then when the player is seen by rich that is when [ __ ] gets real [Music] [Applause] [Music] now when it comes to Pokemon I'm not the biggest fan I must admit and I've only played a few of the games but out of the few that I have played I can kind of understand why the typical choice for this list would be lavender town but for me I never really found it scary off-centered and off-putting from the rest of the game sure but creepy not for me but one particular track from pokemon ruby simply titled route takes the cake for me there's plenty of harsh and grating harmonic dissonance and it never amounts to anything it just loops and constantly loops getting gradually more uncomfortable as more layers and more disjointed notes and beats are thrown into the mix to create a truly stomach-churning piece of music [Music] aha now we're at number six now if you guys have seen my Rayman 3d tinker time then you will know that my opinions towards Rayman 2 is that it's an OK game it's really really easy to finish a hundred percent the combat is really laughably easy in places and it's far too forgiving on health and checkpoints but the presentation is fantastic the control is great and that soundtrack sublime but the track that I'm talking about today is a tomb of the ancients and this song is so out of place from the rest of the game that it makes it so much more shocking as a result I mean even the cave of bad dreams isn't as dark as this we have some strange instruments distortedly waving the piece along which are then accompanied by seemingly random and horrific jarring motifs from all sorts of instruments like string glissandos and crashing drums and even that evil [ __ ] piano it creates a perfect sense of atmospheric danger tenseness and uneasiness for the whole game and it's great [Music] [Music] [Music] sonic CD a great game a happy game unless of course you live in the USA in which case when you get to the boss battles you will regret everything you've ever done in your life in Europe and Japan the boss battle music is fast paced encouraging and grooving it really is driving behind you and it's cheering you on as you try your hardest to defeat the many machines of dr. Robotnik but in the USA it further cements the fact that you have no chance at all you will lose you will die this track is officially known as the sonic CD US boss battle music but I've decided to name it fun is infinite why search it up but regardless few words can describe this song other than completely and utterly hellish the chromatic scales and diatonic nonsense are made even more [ __ ] horrific than when you see the secret hidden message in the sound test menu I won't tell you how to get to it right now because there are plenty of other videos that cover that but regardless I'm now going to show you the song with the picture with the secret message good luck um but by the way yes it is the US version only [Music] [Music] now [ __ ] can really start getting real we're on one of my favorite ps1 games and horror games in general ever made Silent Hill now in terms of this list Silent Hill was very [ __ ] tricky because there are tons of scary tracks in every single Silent Hill game but one in particular really stood out to me called why heaven sounds peaceful and serene doesn't it it really isn't it's a juxtaposition to end or juxtapositions and to be honest it's just so distressing and so unpleasant that I couldn't not put it at number four and combining it with all of the devilish and horrible images in the game truly makes my blood curl it isn't even a song in the traditional sense and more just a series of menacing static noises and heavy forceful and highly percussive blows to the soul and the dynamics of the song truly claw and dig and drive at you and pushes the terror and helplessness further into you the louder it gets it matches the mood perfectly for one of the most forbidding games in history and it makes me [ __ ] shiver if this is their heaven I honestly don't want to know their help [Music] now we can really start hitting home here this next song is infamous not much needs to be said really it's like a beating and withering pulse that has tried to smother and kill all that have tried to face it for nearly 20 years it's haunted gamers everywhere not just because of the track but because of the imagery the symbolism and the entire games impact as a whole many people may be very pissed off I didn't put this at number one but yes it's the gigas battle theme from earthbound forward slash mother - ladies and gentlemen you can thank me for the nightmares later [Music] [Music] number two shocked me so much that I had to stick it on number two just because of how unexpected it was we're back on the happy little land of Nintendo where sometimes some truly petrifying things seem to fall through the cracks case in point River twigs bed from Super Paper Mario you thought my heaven wasn't even a song well I bid you welcome to this gorgeous little piece of insanity this is just a load of [ __ ] noise with a vague backing track and some slight distorted and reversed talking to accompany it there's no real Cadence's no melody no time signature no structure it's just an onslaught of unharmonious Christ it's just alarming it's disorganized it's chaotic and it's terrifying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and finally my all-time favorite scariest song in all video games may not even be considered as scary as the others preceding it and to you guys it might mean absolutely nothing but to me this song scarred me from the inside and affected my childhood so much that when I first heard it I threw down the controller and didn't play the game again for days I'm talking of course about the mansion basement theme from Resident Evil 1 not the jewel shock Director's Cut version no no no because that version is just hilarious no no no this theme is just [ __ ] horrible if the daunting strings and all of their slightly ascending grating and highly intimidating chord progressions were on their own that would be scary enough but then for most startling noise I've ever heard in my entire life decides to rear its ugly face I don't know what sound it is I don't know what instrument it I don't know what the [ __ ] effect is it's just baleful evil it adds so much more depth and threat to both the situation of the game and the area that you're standing in and nearly everyone I've witnessed who hears this song at this part of the game all of a sudden gets cold feet and it did that to me so much so that I didn't play it for a few days after I heard it again that was me as a kid but regardless it still resonates with me to this day it's ominous it's aggressive it's intimidating and it's only part of what made the original Resident Evil games that much more special and that much more horrifying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and there you have it my top 10 favorite scariest tracks in all video game them yeah however even though I adore music and I even studied it with full Hayes in college I feel like that we need a true musical maestro and complete genius to take the stage here and share his or her personal opinion daddy I can do it downtown yeah Wow I know I want to share sure go yeah get on with it okay I'll ride that awesome my entry comes from second sight another underrated game with a compelling narrative and a suspenseful soundtrack the song I picked is titled isolation and honestly I can't think of a better way to describe it it contains environmental ambiance as such as the trickling of water and something that sounds like heavy doors of a prison cell shutting a piano is performed to simulate dripping water potentially making the listener feel anxious there's also a common response between the melodic piano piece and the ear acquire all of these elements come together to generate an uneasy feeling that complements second sides narrative all too well [Music] [Music] well um thank you Luke but that was certainly uplifting and inevitably your scary songs are going to be so much more different from my scary songs so please in the comments share what songs scare you but until next time if it's your birthday today watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful and the goodness sake have an amazing Halloween you Gordon Bennett you know what those top ten scary songs were simply too spooky for me honestly I think the best thing to do at this point is just sleep on it and then before I know it Halloween will be over nightmares one end and then I can get on with one fine night and maybe just maybe make another video like last year around bonfire night which has nothing to do with bonfire night I loved on finite bonfire pretty explosions bonbons bond bonfire alright bonbons and south [Music] oh I need to play something happy I need to play something happy now [Music] [Music] [Music] greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show what I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserve to be slaughtered or salvaged so this is a game based on the Smurfs I never watched the Smurfs and as far as I understand there have been a lavish abundance of Smurfs games all the way back from the Atari and colecovision years up until today and this game here it's a perfect example of one of those games that was birthed from someone's wretched bowel of an imagination back in 2001 oh wait I did watch it I think no how about this does this count when I watch this i watch this definitely all those it was was was it this box and this game was just so good that it didn't even warrant its own Wikipedia page and it was also one of the only games in the world that official UK PlayStation Magazine gave a [ __ ] off and die of 10 so basically I'm keeping the Halloween tradition flowing a little bit longer into November because this is some terrifying [ __ ] right here to say that I'm excited to play this it's the understatement of the century right next to the Black Knight from Monty Python the Holy Grail please but a scratch anyway as we're getting into this it's worth saying in the UK in Europe this game Smurf race it was actually renamed to three to one derp and despite all the negative reception this game garnered I'm not too sure about it to be honest in the UK at least it was published by info grams under the same collection series that Bugs Bunny lost in time was under all your cartoon favorites and also in the title it's clear the game is stating that this is my first racing game and it's suitable for kids from 4 years old upwards I mean for a game that's base for kids that young why all the bashing I know I've done many a kids game in my time and shat all over them but this clearly states on the box that this is made for younger audiences I'm I'm nice the game opens to a very cute cartoon intro and then all of a sudden it just gives up it ends stops I love it and clearly I speak perfect English so let's go ahead and pick it English now the game just said [ __ ] it and it's now in a widescreen crop okay oh no no no that that's not fair you can't I don't want him to know and by the by just so you know fYI he narrates everything everything absolutely everything every time you move the cursor every time you highlight something every single time you do anything this obnoxious up his own ass voice feels like explaining every single solitary thing that you do and if you couldn't tell it gets annoying insanely fast I'm just gonna pick expert because I'm a boss and then there's a good variety of characters to pick from I know who any of our are but still good variety three-to-one derp my hat goes straight off to you and then it goes back on also it's surprisingly hilarious to bleep out all of the Smurfs in every sentence that brainy spurts out he's a superb driver and uses magic to his opponents very clever with his hands just see what he could together with a few nails he uses heavy artillery to his more reckless opponent to mate hope and I think I'm gonna pick harmony Smurf because I love music and I love the whole violin cart thing he's got going it's very cute no okay and before we kick off with our first ever race I think it's very important to know that you can actually get a first-person overview of the track that you want to race before starting I like that idea it's very adaptable and very comforting and it eases you in very well especially for kids stuff like this you know it just wrap up in and let's get ready for our first ever race everyone I'm pretty excited I have to say and we're off apparently so first off I think I'm gonna have to talk about the control which are the fundamentals to any kart racer and the control is really good actually believe it or not it's highly responsive extremely springy and bouncy and the turning is so tight and perfect zipping around the tracks is ungodly enjoyable slowly down to the control and it's accompanied also by the gameplay which is quaint it's pretty standard to be honest I mean everyone gets offensive and defensive weapons you get to pick up ammo on your offensive firework things and specialize dropping defenses are in limited barrels around the track to be used one at a time and I say specialized because whoever you picked at the start to race with gets a character specific dropping defense item so I get to use musical notes because however specialized is kind of a stretch mainly because there are no variables to this nothing is different or changed whoever you choose to race us there are no stats anywhere the performance handling everything it's all exactly the same essentially each Smurf is simply a different skin on exactly the same Kart and yes I know this game is for a stupid young kid but every single character in any kart racer needs to have differing stats and abilities or just have the car differ somehow if children are going into this they need to learn that they can't master every rudimentary thing about the game when every single character does exactly the same thing if Mario Kart can offer multiple car starts to see what works and adapts with different kids gaming styles I can't the Smurfs yeah I think I just answered my own question there I think the game got a little bit confused then oh and as it turns out not only are all the cars exactly the same but the weapons also do Farkle when you use them to anyone at any point literally nothing happens you get locked into a straight line when you get hit for sure but you don't even slow down what's the point you just keep on your jolly own merry way unless there's a wall dead in front of you which happens rarely when you get here and sometimes they don't even [ __ ] work at all look at this who even did this who even did this I suppose it can compensate that maybe by looking very pretty for the first stage yeah you heard me the first stage and the simplest stage mind you has the most detail most colors and the most amount of different little things going on in the background every other stage is a cookie-cutter borefest and there are no colors that stand out or contrast and there's no vibrance it's all just so lifeless and dull it's almost like they developed stage one and just thought a [ __ ] no one's actually gonna keep playing all right there's no character in any of the stages or even any of the characters actually they all have the same stock animations and none of them even talk to each other not to mention most of them just look completely out of it hey Smurfette hey you you're right my friend you you okay buddy you sure sure you Smurfette's you you know I wanna because you know what just hit me why the hell am i playing a Smurfs game anyway hey James Rice not you again ah don't be such a ninny what a playin it is none of your concern it's so totally is let's see Lord is that three to one so now of course it is and now go away you know you've known like no words now bollocks again what that wasn't very nice know that this is aimed specifically at children but for goodness sakes it doesn't actually teach anything deeper to kids about kart racing other than the track so you can go around it first then I mean the weapons do nothing the characters and tracks are more or less all identical even the boss battles have nothing special or worth unlocking and that's another keyword for this game worth reward and when everything is exactly the same and your games incentive ceases to be there then there's no point continuing it's not that engaged little kids is it like I said earlier that also isn't any competitive talking or actions from any of the characters and that's one of the main things in a kart racer that makes it stand out cartoony antics these are Smurfs and they have no cartoony antics in this game it's just simply wrong and you know what else is wrong the level design like I said every track feels exactly the same cuts out include [ __ ] everywhere there are no shortcuts anywhere for kids to find and there aren't even any distinctive features of any of the races to remember them by most of them are just completely lazy and soulless and sometimes they're even really confusing oh um where exactly do I go now and talking about being that's exactly what this musics like to be honest it isn't actually that bad maybe even the best thing in this game next to the controls but at the same time like the levels there's nothing memorable in them and there's no lifetime appeal it merely exists for the sake of existing so where we going out the haunted mansion sorry the way the haunted mansion the Haunted Mansion not to mention due to the blandness and unn replayability of every single stage this game is as short as all hell considering the lack of anything properly engaging especially for kids you kind of naturally breezed through every single stage like you were playing it in the womb I even recorded myself playing one stage and actually got so bored I completely switched off not even joking this was not meant to happen I had a bit of commentary thrown in there in everything but it just sucked all of the fun out of me like a [ __ ] sponge all one for kids games keep them engaging also on a side note if achill tea levels do nothing expert mode gives you a time limit to reach a checkpoint and easy doesn't in expert mode the game is just saying you better not crash into the walls or you won't make it in time which is really stupid because even if you do crashing easy you won't win the race anyway again it teaches kids nothing it adds nothing game elongation [Music] speaking of game elongation due to everything this game is lacking in even the additional two-player mode isn't any fun at all power-ups that don't work in a competitive multiplayer kart racer is just completely pointless and even saying that two power-ups is simply not enough and speaking of everything else why does this [ __ ] aspect ratio keep changing it's ready it's not [ __ ] IMAX it's just annoying max am i right okay well despite all of this [ __ ] on this game that is convinced through this entire video believe it or not this is not one of the worst games I've ever played in my life especially when compared to stuff like eating rascal razors in terms of car racing games you can do much worse than this and I really don't understand the 1 out of 10 rating that official UK PlayStation Magazine gave it especially for a game aimed solely at kids but if I have kids would I let them play it oh there are plenty of other good car racing games out there that each bucket loads more for kids and just look better sound better play better and I'll just generally better games and when you consider that this was made in 2001 yeah how many years after Diddy Kong Racing Mario Kart 64 and Crash Team Racing this just feels completely and utterly pointless and that is why this game gets the slot you know I'll [ __ ] it just just I've completely wasted my time haven't I what the bloody hell am i doing why am I even playing a kiddie [ __ ] Smurfs game anyway what am i what am i doing I mean nice to watch him one way what's the point you know I mean why what a waste of my life so sorry I know I never I never meant I never meant to waste your time okay I really did that's that's not I'm so sorry okay I thought that this would be a bit of fun I really did but now L want a pointless and snooze inducing squander of precious human hair greetings and salutations of a beautiful people I'm in love with this shirt I am now back from my break and if there's one thing that I've learned from my time away it's the no one making videos on their own channels are allowed little bits of Shinobi baja Kinte and that's not good is it but that doesn't matter because christmas is fast approaching and the more charitable and caring side of me is beginning to surface I don't know they do taste very good no I just said no Chris and so to act on this truly joyous and festive feeling I'm having right now I think it thought I'd take some time to share some truly unbelievable independently made levels in a game that's based entirely around imagination and creativity and that game is LittleBigPlanet to LittleBigPlanet is the tits no no no no those tits you know the ones yeah there you go anyway LittleBigPlanet was a breath of fresh air for ps3 users back in 2008 giving everyone great old-school platforming in creative puzzles with sweet gadgets and the chance for anyone and everyone to make their own entire levels from scratch with the thousands of tools and templates though unlocked throughout the story and then have everyone's disbelief the geniuses behind that game a Media Molecule then made us anyone would think that it would be a copy and paste' situation that would feel more like DLC than an entirely new game but [ __ ] lord you would be mistaken LittleBigPlanet to more than doubled everything that the first one offered literally look at how much more was added that's a lot it looks like another standard subpar platformer from first glance but strip away the child-friendly and sweetly innocent exterior and you have one of the most creative ambitious and complex games ever made with Stephen Fry [ __ ] teaching you how to write like in the first game you could still make your own levels except while the interface and the ideas and the tools remained more or less the same thousands of more options were added and much more complex levels could be produced by LittleBigPlanet - most of these levels can be a standard platforming charlie romp others can be an unprofessional and empty disappointment and others can push the [ __ ] boundaries of imagination and creativity and truly make even the most veteran creators scratch their heads incomplete or of what some people can accomplish completely on their own with no budget lots of time care and with a limited interface hell despite the fact that this is a puzzle platformer most of the custom levels that I picked twist and manipulate the platforming mechanics into unorthodox and complex systems such as navigatable menus savestates hu DS and real-time maps which can then be implemented into space shooters racing games RPG strategy simulators and that is what I call [ __ ] mind-blowing creativity and these more complex ideas are things that are only possible in this glorious sequel over the original I initially wanted to do my top 10 worst at LittleBigPlanet to a community levels but then I just felt like a [ __ ] jerk about it and I can't really judge on that at all because I did try my hand at some custom levels in LittleBigPlanet one when I was 15 they were [ __ ] [ __ ] so I can't comment on that at all and so instead of doing that I thought I'd promote creativity and I thought I would do my top 10 favorite community little bit on two levels [Music] and so after the hours of research hours of searching hours upon paying countless amounts and stupid amounts of these levels out of the 8 million of them I think I've narrowed it down to my good favorite 10 I think by the way one level per creator otherwise is gonna be too many levels by one guy if there were any levels made in the first LittleBigPlanet I'm gonna pick the most updated reincarnation of it in the big planet 2 or at least I'll try to anyway some of them don't but you know what they're on the big plan too so that's good so enjoy I think you know when something is just so bad it's brilliant pure genius movies like Dungeons & Dragons the room yellowbeard I'm not sure about Birdemic that's just [ __ ] [ __ ] but you know what I mean well this is one of those cases I'm not putting her at number 10 because she's my sister but I urge you look for Rosie the Smurfs and when you do witness the splendor of the my first friend series yes series she made more than one of them and if you want to see the inner workings of a thirteen-year-old rosie going on to her current age of 17 with appalling Grammer nonsensical events betrayal lust greed crime emptiness terribly made staircases and vics things stalking you then look no further I can't say much about my first friend other than daddy so do yourself a good favor and as actually so sorry this is [ __ ] never play these ever in fact in fact in fact burn your copy a little bit kinda too right now to stop anyone from other playing them he'll come for you he'll find you he always does he's so hungry he just won't stop if we'd have to incinerate every copy of this game between here and st. Mary's Church in the hollow of the white hazel near the rapid world Paul of lanta Sileo of the Cave that by God we shall never rest because they'll catch you yes always so in all seriousness why not just forget everything I just said and place sacro machines championship made by splat me do this user is amazing at making fun multiplayer kart races and still is making more tracks to this insanely fun series as much as he or she can it's very nostalgic it's very fast-paced it's very addicting very charmingly designed and great fun at number nine is a level known as wish made by Ricky this is the first more traditional LittleBigPlanet custom platformer that I'll be talking about today and much like my voice right now it's unbelievably relaxing it does a fantastic job of transporting you to an above the ground universe filled with tranquil colors flowing and descending heavenly waters imaginative platforming detail and mystical clouded pillars also the use of the cinematography tours are used simply but to brilliant effect reacting in real-time to whatever switches you pull and making you feel like you are making an impact on the world which in turn makes this level almost alive and breathing its short yes and not too hard at all but very sweet and when it gets to the underground sections the level certainly manifests itself into a wish come true number eight then throws all the pansy [ __ ] out of the window unless you pass and that level is known as maximum carnage by foo Falls well this one is a pretty self-explanatory twin stick shooter which means using the right stick to shoot and the left stick to using a manipulated top-down view and a vehicle manipulated with projectile firing and then mixing that in with Space Station esque settings allowing you to demolish absolutely everything attacking you means that this almost pans out like a top down in seven years plus version of a doom for the children and when you consider that this has a manoeuvring stats display specialized power-ups and hugely specific tightly tuned shooting throughout this lengthy an extremely fun stage you wonder just how someone came up with all this stuff from something that started with just running left to right pretty damn impressive number seven honestly made me double take this is galactic based offense made by a person called urban devil with two elves who is also responsible for the currently in progress epic looking LittleBigPlanet RPG known as Omicron neon city but since that isn't finished yet as [ __ ] impressive as it is I can't put it here once it's done consider that in the top three but until then marvel at this ingeniously made tower defense game that allows you to trade and earn your typical score bubble points for guns lasers flamethrowers and all sorts while you protect any given base from an onslaught of enemies this is nothing new and all over flash games on the internet yes but to accomplish this from LittleBigPlanet is incredible not to mention it works perfectly as hugely addicting and it's all-around just a greatly made custom level allowing you to spend too long on something that was simply meant as an experimental level creation technique relish in it yeah number six is back on traditional platforming lane for something pretty fresh and fantastically fun taking advantage of the tilting motion controls with the DualShock 3 and messing around with all the gadgets that we love so dearly this is full metal tilt by r2d2 this level is very much like the furnace from Metal Gear Solid so it's [ __ ] good star already I should say sci-fi thieves are a big seller for me anyway but the absolutely immaculate attention to detail here is what makes this level stand out not only other puzzles beautifully constructed themed and integrated into the Space Station theme but the environment is gorgeously detailed to every last degree stemming a lot into the vibrant lava colors to accompany the cold steel colors and that lighting is beautiful oh oh my goodness I think I peed a little but not only do the visuals and design take the cake here but also the actual gameplay within the level varied fun challenging and with the same quality that you'd initially expect from the guys who made the game themselves and that's why this kicks ass that's why these things exist right to surprise you I'm pretty surprised I must say so I guess I'm right number 5 is another mind-blowing thing known simply as contrast made by alastair 26 it has its own title sequence it has its own menu it has its own [ __ ] loading screen and it even allows you to save the game within the game how that alone is enough to grant it passage into my favorite top 5 but then we get to see what this is actually all about and this is based on those cool indie flash games from days gone by in which you have to solve puzzles push switches avoid obstacles and flip it between negative dimensions to continue like most of these levels yes it sounds like nothing too original but then you remember that for the LittleBigPlanet to creation tools this is unbelievably impressive and I have no [ __ ] idea at all how this could have even started to be executed let alone by just maybe the one person making it not to mention it gives you 30 levels of platformer puzzle greatness throwing in new mechanics to spice things up keeping it's irresistible LittleBigPlanet charm while simultaneously making you wonder how on earth this was pulled off in the first place [Music] number four is honestly one of the most [ __ ] amazing things I've ever seen in my life yes you are seeing this right now I'm not playing a hack or a hoax or a HD why screen-test 720 1080 version of zelda i'm playing an entirely remade - every last detail glorious LittleBigPlanet - tribute to the first dungeon of the original Zelda complete with the right music and all when what actually I know who blue ton berry classic Zelda 1:1 if you've never played Little Big Planet before you'll probably be wondering why I'm so excited over this but if you have played Little Big Planet before then you'll understand why this is one of the most impressive and creative things I've ever witnessed everything is right the attack controls enemies pause menu with equippable items external HUD game mechanics and real-time map mixed into the original game HUD the fact that you can fire your sword at full health the deep desires it's just by God when I search this up I did not see this coming and it actually shocked me how precise it was and that is why caddy decided to put a 1986 videogame repackage onto number four of his LittleBigPlanet - countdown thank you very much and [ __ ] off [Music] number three is another one of those there space shooting twin-stick a stubborn lock with dumb funds fell off and it's known as blast radius made by Johnny this here is another standard twin-stick shooter space and what makes it stand out apart from all the others it's just wow look at it it's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous yeah this Creator could have taken an easy backseat with this game and just made a load of white dots and a black background throw things at you with a still camera angle and call it a space shooter taking the action 52 rue a little bit but this here I can't even begin to describe so I won't as you can see it has its own menu awesome and this is highly detailed highly challenging highly animated in the foreground and background highly tuned to perfection in regards to control highly explosive and just all-around highly high amazing space shooting every nudge to your ship every shot and explosion you land it's all pushed right forward into your faces you experience slight motion blur shaky cam action flashing lights loud driving noises and this game really deserves to be his own thing why not I'd buy it it's as addicting and satisfying to play as it is beautiful and marvelous to and this user is a highly experienced LittleBigPlanet - crafter as it is anyway so someone signed this guy up for something if he can make a great space shooter with these limitations and manipulation to the platforming the level creator is made for then good god I'd love to see what else he could do so I beg off you if I woke up and vom bowl game developer management consider if this of man of for a future without hits - full of time job of ok lockstitch I don't know quite what it is that you did to me exactly for when you made your level known as vile Anchorage little did you know that you would have captivated and entranced me from start to finish why is this I'm honestly not that sure it's a standard traditional LittleBigPlanet platformer that could have been made in the first one I think actually was but it couldn't be made in the first one over the second one but good lord I can't even put my finger on it the atmosphere here is as thick as Heinz big soup with chicken and bacon and that's pretty [ __ ] thick and where the platforming and entire concept is brilliantly realized and executed the atmosphere alone just made me fall in love with this level it completely zoned me out into its only unique and beautiful surroundings and it grabbed me from the second that I started it I didn't want it to end almost like those great movies that just suck you out of reality an escapist fantasy if only for a limited time but still worth every second that you're engulfed by it yeah I found it that good for me it just ticked all the right boxes and sets the bar for any future classic custom LittleBigPlanet - community platformers you might not agree with me at all but via Anchorage I love you but I can't have any physical relationships with an in-game community level so I think I'm just gonna buy you a drink but before we go on it's been insanely difficult to narrow this down to just 10 so here are just a few not all of them but just a few good awesome honorable mentions [Music] and finally my number one favorite LittleBigPlanet to level is one quart the fists of Kraft Earth by governor 22 this level is so fresh so creative and so deviously perfect but I reckon it could have been its own [ __ ] standalone game on the Shelf when you play this level you completely forget you're playing it on big planet 2 instead you're taken into a badass top-down beat'em up universe with an unparallel [ __ ] voiceovers cutscenes and more depth in this one level than even some blockbuster games on the market today as far as LittleBigPlanet 2 goes anyway this genre that the user tackled is one that's so hard to get right and he or she got it bang-on in an optional custome made no budget interface manipulated unorthodox Lee created against platforming fan level it's mind-boggling how this experiment works so well but it seriously does this has combos it has special moves it has luscious visuals it has boss battles it has perfect control it has multiple paths and it's one thing that any budding creator should aspire to I don't want to know how complex and time-consuming this could have been for anyone involved and I won't say anything more about this level other than just play it right now right [ __ ] now trust me it's me and there you have it my top 10 favorite LittleBigPlanet 2 community levels I hope you really enjoyed this video as much as I did making it and as always thanks so much for watching even if you don't nothing about LittleBigPlanet if I have missed some truly great levels out there then please talk about them in the comments and if I haven't then don't if it's about that today we're watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful I just can't wait for Christmas [Music] last Christmas Kaddi played a delectable treat a game that made him shiver from his head to his feet the game was Santa Claus saves the earth a ps1 game he felt was of no worth this game was so wretched foul and diseased that the ps1 got infected and left caddy displeased a sad departure followed and then after a year he heard a sound call him and it was all too clear so off he sent to where the console was forsaken this journey is tiresome the fight for this bacon he found the loan system collected in the sand but where's the bullet hole asked candy I don't get it we're rhyming you twice oh oh I mean and I don't quite understand [ __ ] idiot when he returned to his home he then met with a surprise for another Christmas themed game was in front of his eyes well in light of the season I'm not gonna flinch so I'm just gonna stick by my guns and play through the Grinch I should write a [ __ ] book or something greetings and salutations my beautiful people the pair is the church and here is the steeple okay I can't rhyme everything in the world which blows a little bit but regardless that's not gonna stop us from having another festive Christmas with another obscure ps1 game is it I mean after all I do need a game to slaughter or salvage and after all yep it's that time of year again and if you live in Britain there's no [ __ ] snow anywhere so how do we make a good old-fashioned UK Christmas even more festive by obviously reviewing a dr. Seuss themed game entirely in rhyme I mean how else would you do the man justice some of you may say this kind of steals duck Walker's idea a little bit with his Grinch movie review but you know what [ __ ] it I think I should start this off by stating that this certain game received many a mixed rating when I bought it it wasn't common and not actually that cheap so I'll either come out satisfied or uncontrollably weep also this concept sounds really [ __ ] lame how exactly can you turn this into a game you'd think that the publishers were completely [ __ ] barmy but then you stop and realize it was published by Konami well I do have to say that's a little bit ruddy weird how can you go from mgs2 him with the green beard it was also developed by the company AMM who also made Bugs Bunny lost in time so I really [ __ ] love them everything seems promising and I'm fairly intrigued but let's just play the game because I'm getting fatigued at first it looks ok and appears pretty clean that is until snot and puke then smother the screen but then we get a cutscene and it's actually quite funny the visuals and sound are just as sweet as honey I have a great idea this year though whose will I must say that I love how the voices are this cheesy but the way that max just stares at you makes me feel rather queasy and didn't max have a voice I remember to an inch the last time he said the care and feeding of a Grinch so from this opening alone I'll say it's ok and pay attention folks cuz that's our keyword today then there's a tutorial and it teaches everything well and it reminds me of something but what I can't tell this game seems very basic and a little too soft but hey the Grinch does do a great Lara Croft and I hope you know the Grinch cuz this story's never explained by suppose you don't care you just want to be entertained you can explore the Grinch lair and well I never I think I just found the best damage sound ever okay now I'm bored so let's start the first level and straight away I'm attacked by something worse than the devil these kids will [ __ ] grab you and I kid you not this is something here that happens a lot what's worse is that you can't hurt them trust me I tried so you just have to take these little shits in your stride well anyway that was not a great start but I'll carry on cuz I have a lovely heart and just like me right now the narrator speaks in rhyme you know for a dr. Seuss game it's about [ __ ] time one important task is breaking holiday gifts just thinking of this deed the Grinch spirit lifts okay so going by that I figured out the aim this is basically how to be a dick the video game and for a Christmas themed game being an [ __ ] is bizarre where's the Susan tarantula [Music] as far as gameplay is concerned it's a standard action platformer but there's more than meets the eye here just like a transformer different goals need different things that are hidden in the stage and how you acquire these things can often induce rage you'll have to solve a puzzle pass a boss or do some jumps but occasionally these tasks give your skin some angry lumps then once you've solved all that you're ready to tackle a mission and there's even a little book to help you with your position and then on top of that there's the main plot finding tools the Grinch has lost them all around town what a [ __ ] fall and when the blueprints are complete the gadgets are quite fun and while this sounds fantastic I'm not quite done yes it's comprehensive lengthy and deep but through this the game's problems begin to peep sometimes these goals are too easy and tedious to play this mixes with the good stuff and leaves it being okay even though it can be fun and there is a lot to do there's no interesting twist and it can be boring too this is highlighted with the fact that eight times out of ten you'll be doing this two presents again and again and poor old Grinchy he never gets his kicks everyone hates him and the locals are pricks even though this hostility is quite a cool idea your health is as compact as [ __ ] diarrhea no matter how much you're hit you will never drop dead this takes away the challenge and makes it pointless instead now before I ramble on and lead you astray I have to say the visuals are again ok the models are great and the detail is nice and with the low-poly trick they took Spyros advice however this is good but there's one fact I missed and that is that this [ __ ] thing is should not exist also some areas look exactly the same and all that does is just add to the shame it blends with the gameplay and makes things slower chugging along like a battered lawnmower the gameplay isn't awful I can only just say that much like the rest it's you guessed it ok it can be fun and rewarding and the gadgets up the pace [Music] but now I just want to shoot myself in the face the level designs decent and not too risque but now we mentioned the puzzles which are ok some are easy some are hard but they're also [ __ ] long and here's the thing I think is majorly wrong to compensate the level count the missions are elongated and that's one of the things that I truly bloody hated also there's no feeling quite like this crap when I ended up [ __ ] stuck in a beginners trap but the puzzles themselves aren't bad they require lots of thought and the difficulty ranges from 10 to naught they just take so much time and believe it when I say the puzzles in this game are yes again ok the same can be said for the musical score which often swept me straight off of the floor it can be catchy and foreboding but at the same time it can also be forgettable and not so sublime so far all this combined is just so ok I can't say much more if any [ __ ] Rey Hey look the annoying enemy [ __ ] returns in level 2 and this certain damaged voice is enough to make me spew but hey here are some glitches that can lighten things but as funny as they are annoyance it also brings it makes some parts impossible despite the fun control it then takes the enjoyment and buries it in a hole but if the game wants to cheat well then so can i because Rosie then Clips this section to get by yes I gave up here it began to piss me off I'm not a strong man like David the Hoff other levels are similar just with tons more stuff some are more fun than others and the rest are pretty rough but this here scared me too much so I had to flick the switch I was pleasantly walking along here when there may be a good load of missions and many a lengthy area and with all the unlockables it doesn't quite cause hysteria let's not forget all the gadgets and a fair amount of care but if it wasn't so slow I'd have no [ __ ] reason to swear it looks ok and sounds ok and overall is alright but one or two things in this just do not feel tight no matter what it throws at you it almost feels tired and a little more variety is definitely required at least it's worth a go and the voice acting is [ __ ] hilarious they're great but the package as a whole just feels rather precarious this game may not be bad and it may not be great but there is one thing that we really have to get straight Santa Claus was so bad it destroyed the ps1 but this game was good enough to receive at the s1 that's terrible however that does not excuse the owner originality but at least there was effort and a small personality this game gets the slavich I've made up my mind and compared to this [ __ ] here this game really shined so in that sense it's a miracle that this game was ok there'll be no console shooting or dumping today I can't tell you how much this pleases me everyone comes out happy the Christmas spirit is strong today the opposite of crappy I never thought I'd leave today on a no quite this strong so you know what I think I think this calls for a song with a thankful heart with an endless joy so that was a game and this was a review and as for the ending it's right on cue so merry Christmas to all and it's no need to frown because I'll shout merry Christmas to the entire town Merry Christmas so anyway now I must bid you adieu if it's your birthday today happy freakin birthday to you I'll let you all get on now you're all busy and dutiful and please do remember to stay beautiful yes greetings and salutations my beautiful people I'm Cathy chorus and I stink of [ __ ] and I'm sure that you don't either but I was saying here the other day and I was thinking to myself you know whenever a video game video maker on YouTube covers a top 10 of some description it's usually when it comes to senses about the best looking or the best sounding of something but when it comes to touch taste and smell I suppose you know being real and physical senses I suppose we can't actually enforce any strong and concrete opinions against the matter because we're talking about a virtual universe I mean one day we may be able to breach the barrier between reality and fiction and truly physically feel so much more of the amazing gaming world but until then we can only assume right now and some games are just so damn great with all of their character and set designs visual sound design and game universe law that we can actually make very vivid connections with all of the characters and properly imagine them sitting in the same room as us and that's where the thought struck me which of these characters and video games stink like [ __ ] so one character for franchise areas and stages do not count like the great jabu jabu the great mighty poo does not count because he literally is a [ __ ] and that's not Murray that fair if I'm gonna put his [ __ ] in this list I'm gonna have to put Newcomb's shits the heat olds in Juke and forever in this shitty list because that's the same kind of [ __ ] I'm going to be sticking with people not animals that stink of [ __ ] no movie tie-in [ __ ] because the characters in those games were not originally video games [ __ ] stinkers and they have to really look like they properly stink of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] number 10 goes to Cole MacGrath from infamous not in famous like an like an idiot but infamous if you like this series a lot like myself then I know what you're probably thinking oh looks pretty damn Spanky licious right well no you're not right if you haven't played infamous before our main man Colton Griff here was acquainted with these lovely electric powers and that's all you need to know as to why I think he stinks like [ __ ] when I hear people talking about this game and how vibrant and clean looking this city is in most of the more populated and safer areas there's one thing they tend to forget if you have electricity literally leaping and bounding through your veins how in the blazes of devil's earth does everybody war I mean think about it you can't take a shower ever or a bath and considering how much running jumping and fighting Cole finds himself in I reckon he's a pretty stinky son of a mother humping [ __ ] as most of you probably know I have a very strong thing with mgs I mean I would have got mgs 5 gram zeroes and The Phantom Menace I mean the phantom pain on the ps3 but seriously one of the main reasons I got the ps4 was to be able to play them at their best possible quality most of my console purchasers have actually been devoted and due to Metal Gear Solid games being on them just like mgs4 on the ps3 who actually cares about that know him because I'm talking about [ __ ] aren't I and I reckon that Johnny Sasaki from most of the installments often finds himself really stinking of [ __ ] why do I say this because I swear to god he actually shits himself in every game he's in and [ __ ] up any and all missions he's assigned to whether it be illness or nerves he never fails to please I swear to Christ even if you search for Johnny Sasaki on Google Images the fifth image along is literally him with stomach cramps he has the runs but he doesn't have them all the time only on occasion and that's why he's so high on this list but when he does have a poo if you look at all the other characters and how they react he must really reek number eight is dedicated to one of my favorite horror games ever made Call of Cthulhu dark corners of the earth and like I seem to do a lot on these top 10 lists this entry is actually a dirty little cheat like all of my exes and there we go I'm gonna write some about that and send it to Adele because I'm she knows all too well what I'm talking about but this entry is a cheat because I picked not one not two not six but every single resident of the quaint fishing town of Innsmouth just look at these guys they live by the ocean it's a fishing town it's the early 20th century the entire town is rotting the air is thick murky and gassy and spoiler alert here the entire town or a satanic cult the worship of demonic fish God which then means that the townspeople themselves succumb to rituals and hideous transformations in order to become fish people this is making me feel sick so out of this I don't think I have to tell you why the entire population of Innsmouth probably stink like complete [ __ ] because I think they probably do and now this ball goes to a character from one of my favorite games ever made the original and if you ask me the best out of all of them Bioshock I suppose I could pull another Innsmouth and say that every single resident of the undersea city of Rapture stinks like [ __ ] by car keep as a recurring theme what I can say is that even though the psychopathic lunatics doped up on the genetically modifying addicting atom look like they could use a bath the cherry on the cake has to be dr. Steinman not only did this guy actually petrify me and his build up during the medical pavilion was just [ __ ] perfect but I also think he probably stinks like [ __ ] along with the over obsessive atom consumption dr. Steinman's plastic surgery is also largely responsible for the beautiful makeovers of all the addicts down in rapture being an atom addict himself he often saw visions of Aphrodite the Greek goddess of beauty who then basically told him to become the Picasso of Plastic Surgery yeah that is what happened ah so as you can imagine his hospital is gritty and sickening his medic coats are filthy and grimy he's plastered the entire Hospital in body parts and he often engages in brutal hands-on murdering of any patient until he's dripping in their blood he most probably [ __ ] stinks don't you think [Music] number six goes to face alright my also say gob from fallout 3 not only is he horrific aliy mutated from the atomic Wars but I mean look at him I can smell him from here not to mention bathing is out of the question is pretty much all the water is disgustingly polluted in high in radiation so he must have quite an icky stench on him I'm sure there are plenty of other people in the Fallout universe that stink worse like the Brotherhood of Steel fighting under all the heavy armor but that would be very hard for me because I can't help but think that God smells the most putrid I mean you can even [ __ ] see the inners of his body nearly must be pretty smelly he is however a really nice guy so in the end that's what being a good person is all about it makes it all better to an extent number five goes to Joel from the Last of Us I mean mutant viral apocalypse no decently safe access to essential supplies like water not even any time to watch because of these things everywhere it comes as no shock this guy must [ __ ] reek and thinks was so bad for him with a living a normal live washing cleaning and house maintenance until the infection actually started spreading but then once that happened he probably spent 20 [ __ ] years and the same clothes no washing constantly running and fighting actively moving about through buildings festering with fleshy growth Susan with disease and thick with viral spores and just generally being very mucky and I mean why do you think Joel became a recluse for 20 odd years because his daughter died and so questions the meaning of life and the point of his mere existence almost fighting for absolutely nothing just to fulfill his selfishness to survive and live forever truly alone almost to prove a point to himself feel like he fought and died for something rather than nothing and gripping on to not only the hope of planet Earth but the hope of his own heart [ __ ] no it's because he stinks of [ __ ] I've spoken about nightmare creatures enough on this channel you should all know that it's one of my favorite ps1 games and I think that the main bad guy Adam Crowley probably stinks like complete and utter [ __ ] it's 18th century London it's really [ __ ] dirty and foul on every street corner Ferry weren't exactly around at this point and just look at where he works look and if that wasn't enough what is his work exactly experimenting with rancid bodies covered in seeping boils grave digging and fooling around with the dead seaming and attaching bodies and parts of other creatures on to each other and generally being a very messy monkey watching this intro sequence as a kid as well as scare me a fair amount actually made me physically itch and barf in my mouth of it the smell of his underground lab literally used out of the TV and into the house and I swear to God you could actually smell the blood guts and [ __ ] slowly dropping off the walls in his lair gross but that's good character design for you just look at his hair as well I think if you actually find any picture of him and Stroke the hair a little bit you may actually be able to feel the thick grease in between every single strand look it's a true testament to the story when a game's main antagonist is so violent stenchy that you probably wouldn't even go near him to capture him which if you ask me is the true essence of a truly evil villain his clothes as well look pretty gruesome like a wearable petri dish number three I think needs absolutely no introduction or explanation Seth briars from Red Dead Redemption if you're living in the old Wild West you may be lucky enough to have a bath every so often not all the time but on a good occasion but when you're an older gentleman obsessed with wealth and riches so much that you've stopped eating cleaning teeth washing your plugs or body for that matter giving a [ __ ] about your own ideals and morals and decided to invest all of your time into digging up corpses to find treasure maps and other crazy things you kind of lost the plot a little bit and you are a very unhygenic man that probably stinks of complete [ __ ] I reckon he actually smells worse than the [ __ ] bodies he's digging up think about it instead of one repugnant corpse smell on him he has hundreds of them that have collectively tangled into the fabrics of his clothes and the paws of his damned skin stinky stinky sleazy man and if that didn't persuade you enough one of his greatest quotes is such an or inspiring piece of concrete proof as to how smelly he is that I actually should have even said anything I hate people well okay that doesn't really prove anything boom look at his face stinks of [ __ ] number two goes to that classic fan favorite and utterly lovable character from many editions of The Legend of Zelda all of you know who I'm talking about everybody knows him so there's no need to even say his name this spot well deservedly goes to question mark question mark question mark you know the hand in the toilet rank to say that this guy probably stinks like [ __ ] would be the understatement of the century he actually gets shat on and he enjoys it I mean does he wear it eat it build his house from it how what why because he's a creepy and disturbingly wretched little guy who obviously loves [ __ ] otherwise he wouldn't [ __ ] be there I assume he's a guy anyway guys like [ __ ] don't they don't kid boys like to play with Sharon and I would have put the speller at number one if it weren't for the fact that we actually never see him only his hand so all we can do is imagine what his body looks and smells like which is part of the fun I guess but I'm afraid it's nothing concrete which is not good enough for this list I mean he could actually look like a loom and down-arrow something we never know I reckon this person stinks like [ __ ] so much that you can actually smell her when you pick up the damn box which box is it that I'm picking up though the Resident Evil remake when it comes to remakes if you ask me this is how you [ __ ] do it and one particular bit that got to me was this added in sequence from the original to further throw me off unexpectedly disturb me and terrify me with the increasingly thick backstory of the Arklay mansion not to mention all the grotesquely awful things that happen there so you're lovingly exploring the lower sections of the very creepy mansion battling zombies and generally being a badass then all of a sudden you're knocked out by who I want Lisa Trevor this thing here was experimented on since she was 14 years old and if that fact alone doesn't make you sick then maybe the tragic backstory between her and her family on crimson head come forward / Lisa Trevor will make you sick as well as make you cry anyway Lisa isn't a very happy girl yes she has been basically experimented tortured and genetically [ __ ] and mutated with bio-weapon viruses her whole life she has a huge eye on her back has a mask of human flesh from past victims that she's angrily slaughtered sits in a pool of her own and other scientists aging blood has tatters and guts stained rags for clothes and has lived in the dingy ax stand dankest part of the mansion for years she must [ __ ] stink do I even need to actually explain why I think that she stinks so much that I can taste her the whole mansion is repulsive enough to give you a fantastic idea how appalling the stench could be so combines that with the bottom of the barrel part of the mansion and this lovely lady wandering the halls and you have in my opinion the greatest person in videogames that probably stinks like [ __ ] now wasn't that charming and now before I draw this video to a close I'm just gonna have a little bit of fun and count all the times that I said [ __ ] in this video so if you don't like hearing that word I would suggest not watching the end thank you very much enjoy [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shitty [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] in this video and as always if I've missed some truly stinky people in video games on this list then please leave your comments and tell me all about your stinky encounters because I will read all of them and until next time if it's your birthday today or watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you if you stick like [ __ ] probably have a watch right now and please remember to stay beautiful [Music] so after an excruciatingly long and busy January I can finally sit down and tinker about with all the games that I got for Christmas and considering all of my friends got me on blu-ray for Christmas such as a machete girl and hop and space buddies and nude nuns with big guns I cannot wait to cover all of the games that they got me for Christmas as well friends can be just so thoughtful sometimes you know don't [ __ ] don't you don't you touch my beautiful people Croesus of sanitation's my beautiful people and welcome to a Catholic or a show where I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged and today I'm gonna go a little bit mellow for you guys because I decided I'm gonna curb or whatever the [ __ ] games I got for Christmas yes I know I'm a little late for this by about two months yes I know nobody cares and yes I know I wasted a perfectly good opportunity that I could have used to great advantage during a time closer to the holidays and any charm a very shameless human being yeah all I do to deserve that [Music] whether like a sarong why won't she answer the door when I knock I know I'm not perfect I know I've made mistakes but I know that she sees me because when I knock on the door she runs deeper into the house and as it turns out I actually got two very very different games from the same person my very good friend Zahra so you know Thank You Sara hopefully I won't what a strangle you once I play through these beauties so yeah surprise double review everybody and first off I'm going to have to get through the first game out of the two spongebob squarepants and Friends unite also known as Nicktoons unite in the USA it's all right I guess and now on to the next game The Great Escape because it's the man village yeah of these two I couldn't give this one a fair review because I'm not familiar with everything in the Nicktoons universe so I feel as though something like this there's more accustomed to being reviewed by someone on YouTube like how many collodion fan for the win I mean bearing in mind how much he knows I'm sure he could give a much more fair review than myself [Music] hello don't do that ever again I'm sorry Jimmy I won't do it again anyway just like every single movie ever made and that's a fact there are video games that are made for them literally every single movie look it up I'm not even making out and the Great Escape was based on the 1963 cinematic classic World War two stealthy classy tense and horrific a entertaining movie of the same name starring and nothing else needs to be said about it it's an absolute classic and if you haven't seen it yet and so in 2003 the now closed down pivotal games took it upon themselves to make a game out of it wait wait wait wait wait seriously it took until 2003 business executives thought that ET moonwalk and Wayne's World could be hot selling video game masterpieces and yet no one exploited the great escape ever until 2003 I guess they just decide it away I mean this game could be like Splinter Cell meets Excitebike just needed to wait for the technology I get you no no no really I do so why am I even wasting my PC gaming fingers are a little bit rusty so let's just get on and weigh the game [Music] [Music] ah these games these games know what I mean those extremely okay movie licensed games that decently follow scenes from the movie try their hardest to recreate those classic moments get impressionist voice actors to try and reinvent those in the movie that passed away and then handed in with a few cool game mechanics you know a surprising amount of effort yet somehow no effort at all I mean before we begin even the menu here is pretty promising and even has the original title theme from the movie no [ __ ] remixes like in Jaws unleashed for copyright reasons I can't play you it just now but believe me when I say that it's brilliantly uplifting then when you hit a new game it opens you up to a lovely playing battle over Berlin and good Lord this is too [ __ ] sensitive so then after a bit of tweaking with the settings we start off with putting out fires and then a turret section isn't this [ __ ] it doesn't last too long even though it feels like a millennium and then we have to abandon the craft after substantial damage we parachute down and land on enemy lines and then get caught by those rowdy Germans who are happy to see us another cutscene later in the game begins with us talking to this fine fellow and we're playing as a character from the movie called McDonald who are oh my god what happened to his face he looks like Cole Phelps if he was made from ham we are then given an objective to talk to another guy and then we get out and about to test the core aspect of this game and this adds in some lovely things to the genre such as the stealth cam which when held down with the shift button allows you to look anywhere around you particularly around corners this is cool what isn't cool however is this camera angle itself I mean Jesus Christ you couldn't be any half closer could you it's so close to the back of your head it might as well be in first-person and honestly I couldn't find a way to change it anyway there are some other basic stealthy mechanics including picking up loud distraction objects such as bottles to throw or hit guards with it sounds basic enough however post [ __ ] always is in it and along with the handy stealth cam you can also use the shift key to look through the keyholes this is also very cool and all in all I can conclude that the shift key for stealth peeking in this game is just cool the end so we finish off the first goal and get awarded with this compelling cutscene they excuse me I'm looking for the big X well you've found him I'm George Alexander the big X here and Oleg look 10 I bet you're eager to escape yes I am what do we need to do it's great I know your character sound like this and your game so that you can thoroughly and grouse and captivate your audience with magical store with these cutscenes it always feels as though you're watching a badly done in pre-alpha black and white color Thunderbirds episode excuse me I'm looking for the big X well you found him I bet you're eager to escape yes I am what do we need to do so then we get another objective to go and get a German pass from the guard house and bring it back in order to copy the Eagle insignia no biggie on Kohan face spells nothing is too hard for me hmm whilst this the guard in the guard house is sleeping and we need to move stealthily okay gotcha stealthy ax is unfortunately I can't see the guard anywhere but okay there he is and yes he's certainly sleeping however after a quick look around the surrounding area in the guard house I must say that for 2003 this game doesn't look that bad actually the textures and shading are okay the lights and colors are good the animations are smooth and there's enough visual variety in the stages to make it very pleasant to look at sure it's a little dated and not amazing for the time especially when all your characters look like they've melted but it does the job it's just a shame I can't see anything around me for most of the time and now we have a new objective and a time limit to go with it you'll find that most of the game's objectives are actually timed and I like this due to the low enemy and guard tower count in most of the levels that's a better chance of getting stealthy missions done faster so instead of taking your sweet-ass time you can just quickly blast through all these time missions like a ninja while at the same time not getting ahead of yourself and slipping up to get caught you'd think it'd be too demanding in a stealth game but for this particular stealth game it's never a stressful mechanic to work around however because of this faster gameplay the game sacrifice is hiding spots enemies are very predictable short an exact patterns and they can't even read your footprints so instead of tricking your enemies and hiding away from them to advance you're instead just focusing simply on finding a path around their patterns and nothing else which in hindsight may not be great but the timed objectives and level design accommodates this pretty well and it makes you feel extremely ninja II now after that we need to return the past before the Germans find out it's missing I got it but before we can leave these barracks here we need to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay guys let's get real for a second I know this is a stealth game and we need to get around the enemies and take our time blablabla bla that nearly half of my time playing this game ended with me stood around like a ham face [ __ ] just waiting and here's the thing most of you know the MGS is one of my favorite franchises of all time and yes there's a fair amount of waiting in those games as well I understand this but in mgs you're constantly on guard constantly thinking ahead planning your next move scouting enemy locations dispatching some enemies setting up distractions and even if you are moving through enemy sites you are moving ever so slightly every second in a stealth game needs to be used effectively and mgs forces you to be patient and productive but hey there's no need to plan for any of this stuff I know that there's only one enemy I know where he's walking I know exactly where I'm going I have no weapons or distraction so I'm literally just waiting here but no [ __ ] reason other than wasting my time and this isn't just because this is stage one in every other stage I played that involved guards walking about this becomes a tiresome idea very quickly guys stealth is more than just an advanced red light green light and it'll be much better if I didn't feel as though I'm just waiting for a freight train to play some tracks in order for me to carry on but anyway enough ranting because once that is over I get another objective involving talking to another guy I'm starting to notice a pattern here then we do some more waiting before meeting another guy who asked us to get some other things and bring them back to him yeah more fetch quests and unfortunately yet again most of the game is like this talk to this guy talk to that guy grab this for this guy grab that for that guy rinse and repeat sure the stages can dot in some vehicles shooting and some decent strategic maneuvering puzzles every so often but it's mostly just talking waiting fetching waiting and repeating and waiting but I will say the while I was waiting I noticed that the sound design is actually pretty good with the voice placements and sound effects and the music isn't too bad either and once you break free from the curse of waiting around guards exploring the corners of the levels that you're on and searching for additional optional items ends up being pretty fun back to the mission though champs because now I must do yet another fetch quest fine I guess I'll just have to do a random search happens and then once the Alec Baldwin here checks you we can then move along with other stuff but then all of a sudden I get spotted and it's here that we get to witness this game's marvelous combat but unfortunately all is lost as my story ends dead who ever knew that the floor materializing into my face was the true threat here and just a test the games are spotted by the enemy mechanics I deliberately got caught multiple times in this bit to see if I could actually avoid it well I couldn't escape couldn't lower the alarms couldn't fight off the guards and overall this mechanic of the game is just [ __ ] broken there's nowhere to hide even if you do avoid them so you know what you might as well hit the restart button once you get spied because you can't do [ __ ] to get out of it and once you die you start right at the [ __ ] beginning again however it's honestly just worth it to punch your way through people because it does this to them [Music] and to be honest guys if you watch my show you would know that I am NOT one for cheating on any game at all but this time I feel as though I can make an exception because I want to use a level skip to see what else this game can throw at me so all we gotta do is go to the main menu hold shift and then key in caught again well there's a load of stages for one but after playing through all of these they're all the same story more or less one stage had some driving much smarter enemies with guns and some of this and then there was another snow stage where you're an enemy disguise so who nothing happens at all until you get to the shooting and hopefully [ __ ] this shooting is unplayable bad in third person look at this wibbly-wobbly mess I'm not even moving the mouse right now luckily though there's a first-person mode for the shooting which comes in great handy for sniping however I get myself a sniper rifle do this mission and get killed more or less instantly and die in a very unfortunate position then there was this nighttime stage after a tunneling sequence that was exactly the same as every other stage except I was stuck listening to this the entire time [Music] then I got spotted tried running and hiding to no avail knocked up two guys and then couldn't hear the other for some [ __ ] reason died and then I gave up but my favorite stage had to be this one here in a foggy airfield and this man here looked handy enough but I'm just going to slow you down find somewhere to hide me sure miserable [ __ ] and we've got as my witness I could not get past this pissing fence I used wire cutters and tried crouching under and literally tried for 30 minutes to get past this bit but nothing happened I don't know how do I even know this but despite all of these hardships I absolutely have to try the last level if you're familiar with the movie and you're familiar with the bike chase scene it's infinitely amazingly incredibly famous but you would have thought that the best part of the game could have been squeezed out and come out of that part so I hope that that level can shed some light onto this game on the last level so let's give it a go holy [ __ ] what the what a fish what am i doing what is going on okay I'm gonna be honest here this is the most glorious mess of a game ending I've ever seen in my life nothing works here it's just unfathomable there are no physics the controls are destroyed turning is too slow and too tight there are more glitches here than in game trees and people are flying [ __ ] everywhere doing Russian Kassite and dancing and I gotta be honest it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life [Music] this is [ __ ] fantastic how could you get the most iconic scene from the movie this wrong I mean what else can I even say I just can't do it I tried multiple times and kept dying constantly but [ __ ] it I can't stay mad at something Vic's tragically funny whoever thought that this was a good idea must have also thought that Whoopi Goldberg should marry Gerard Depardieu so that her name becomes Whoopi derpy do and trust me it may not look funny but for the love of God try playing it for yourself it's impossible you'll die both in game and in real life out of the lolz as the kids say so Zara where Sponge Bob may have just been okay and the Great Escape extremely bland you have undoubtedly given me the one of the biggest labs and one of the most largest complete epic flops of a game-ending of all time and that has made it all worth it sure you might have ruined that one scene and maybe the entire movie for me be no up who cares both of these games get the slavich as I was saying both of these games get the slot I got why do I even find that so funny why one of the most recognizable a cherished movie moments of all time reduced to a steaming pile of that's it I give up no ma I quit you hear me world I give up you win I need I never even liked Capra son Maya a fraud a charlatan fake you will never member no one will I promise I will make the people chose rise above saturate catch Wilson with this with spouses down and fight away to the end of days I swear we will win and we shall overcome the disgusting taste of frozen yogurt I don't I don't even I don't [ __ ] I think I just found myself my new favorite videogame company I'm so utterly but how hard greetings and salutations migrator perfectly I don't care anymore I don't I mean I mean just look at it I mean I mean I mean just look at it I mean I never thought in my entire life in my whole career anything that I would ever have to play or witness or see something just you know my life coming up to this watershed pinnacle moment of having to play and buy and play through and watch and play and buy something as abominable as this I mean where's donations one and turn I mean for [ __ ] sake every so often you come across something and you just think why and this game is already easing onto number one of my top 10 oh the complete and indescribable anguish list this game is a [ __ ] enigma you know it just raises one too many unsettling questions as you can see it's obviously based off of Disney's 101 Dalmatians franchise but it makes absolutely no sense is this the unofficial 101 Dalmatians 3 or the unofficial 102 Dalmatians 2 or is it the goddamn unofficial 103 Dalmatians 1 I mean Disney in recent years have been known to make some unspeakable garbage and luckily enough for their skinny little necks Disney's name isn't anywhere on this but then that just raises even more questions so then I decided to do some research into the company of whoever made this wretched piece of [ __ ] and on my travels I found some questionable things the company is known as Phoenix games and good luck if you can find any scrapping of information on the entire internet about them although I managed to do with Google image the company and then I found these who can forget those classic games on the ps2 next to Shadow of the Colossus and Sly Cooper - such as a white van racer no not ringing any bells okay well how about animal soccer world hmm still nothing well how about Snow White and the Seven clever boys I have nothing to say do you even know what to say because I sure don't okay well maybe you know this one it's an absolute classic Street worried wait mother and marries that lizard God I mean after the [ __ ] I played on this channel you guys probably think that telly games were the worst possible company to make games on any home-based disc video game system well I think that Phoenix games takes that blood-soaked cake by a thousand phone and it takes it to the deepest rivers of hell and back again for eternal damnation on the surface amongst us consumer mortals actually paid right off the bat this game confuses me I'm now in a menu I think I'm not sure what the [ __ ] I'm even looking at right now but I assume it's a language selector so I guess if I just hit select where I am right now everything will just sort itself out this is where we discover that unfortunately this isn't really a game so to speak and more just a shitty collection of shitty minigames that don't even need to be made for a [ __ ] ps2 disc and these include a functioning painting game that gives us rather horrifying results but it does look worse than Mario Paint and for the ps2 that's [ __ ] inexcusable then we have a puzzle game that has pieces that are exactly the same shape as one another the solution is right there for you to copy blatantly and every time you place a piece down you hear the sound of Satan throwing up and also it's a little bit bloody disorientating because of the fact that there's a constant background image underneath the picture that you're trying to [ __ ] solve then there's this game I don't even have a clue then there's this card matching game it's boring and pointless trust me and then finally there's a passion so the worst thing about this is and I'm not even joking here of these simple of [ __ ] minigames with no music and no animation and no graphics Fila so they need to spend up to a minute just loading yes and for me when it did decide to load a part of the disc it actually nearly made my ps2 bloom and explode what's that you don't believe me well watch this then okay there's the titles oh good [ __ ] God well not even there not even joking it's like look I know I mean how long we've been sitting it every time it loads every time it loads and how how many how long see look how long it takes to load the language selector and it's still making that noise come on pick it but I feel like it's gonna set fire to the whole house I'm so scared but this is not the main event that we're going to be seeing tonight for there is actually a bigger aspect to this game one which is the dominant segment that consists of most of this disk here and it's this bit of the game worth any sort of remote little look well grab some popcorn sit back and find out I'm serious grab some popcorn I'm not joking you're gonna need it begin where you going Missy don't you want to play I do but I'm hungry I'll be right back I mean where do I even start with this I have no idea that's all do you have an idea because I bloody don't I mean did you even [ __ ] hear this voice acting you can love Charlie or something nasty don't you want to check if it's really in at all there's no something not in order hi baby cry baby cry baby you sprinkle pepper on the cake do you know you nasty Tomcat you this is a new level of awful unserious how does no-one ever even talk about this game when it comes to awful video game voice acting I guess we'll never know that but what I do think that you'd like to know is instead the story these are dogs and this is a cat the cat plays pranks on dogs and then it runs away like this I'm not sure I can keep through with this this game is going to be the death of me and then all of a sudden there's a narrator to the story in the form of a crow I think and it basically just sums up everything that I just explained he belonged to Pinos Sasha's and Lucy's owners neighbor okay already I don't even give a [ __ ] the plot has failed to engage me and is a girl a guy I see no dick or tits and the voice is kind of indistinguishable so hard on our owners neighbor the neighbor and the old lady who owned them waves what am I going mad is it just me or was there pray tell a shot of a rabbit just then having a [ __ ] seizure making no noise for like a split second I'm even going on well plot wise as far as I can fathom at least the cats are bastard the dogs are fed up and so they want to play a trick on the cat to get the hem and the final straw that broke the camel's back with this was the day that the cat sprinkled pepper on a dog cake that he gave them hey an a.1 doggy um excuse me sir those are not a singular whole cake no they are I think you'll find in fact actually biscuits I'm now starting to wonder if English was this company's native language because they really ain't convincing me right now Mayo does the cat sound like a strange cross between the other westburn x20 from Stingray I got all depends what do you want from me out here's a rare sign it must be something very big so anyway the docks can come to plan and the prank goes ahead the next morning as they go off and tell the cat to look under a tree to catch a mouse I smell something very fishy going on here Jesus you're right that cat you know kind of stretched out a little bit no yeah you all right you good okay unless it turns out very much like this scene that we just witnessed here there are actually no sound effects and the voices are just not there all throughout this some sounds just ceased to exist they're missing everywhere I swear to God how could this have ever [ __ ] passed testing did anyone seriously look at this and think hey you know what this is perfect perfect proffered the masters wife submitted office I'm sure they'll be willing to pay money to see this printed printed now but anyway after this rolling there's a new plot point introduced the cat gets a gingerbread heart from his master and the dogs get a great idea our old lady has a birthday coming up a heart like this would be great as a present for her I also have a birthday coming up me too me too me too so do i me too however since this is real life the dogs actually need money for the gingerbread which is kind of understandable I suppose but that's pretty funny in itself because the Box actually told me that we were getting cookies so now the dogs want to swap this [ __ ] junk over here in order to trade for some gingerbread I'm sure this will go down just swell and then they set off to town because dogs do that and then we see some heavy metal pigs driving past before one of the dogs [ __ ] if I know it's name jumps up to grab some gingerbread and then the humans happen the dogs then try explaining to the humans that they weren't stealing the gingerbread which then lets us to discover the in this universe these different species can communicate to each other because why not but none of the humans actually care about what the talking dogs have to say so the police okay whisk the dogs away to be locked up are you bored yet no okay then the crew then chats up some more [ __ ] about everything we just saw and then okay honestly guys when I watch this travesty by this point I just figured this was an overly long cutscene that would end very soon so that the proper game could begin but no I couldn't be any more wrong it just kept going and going and going getting gradually worse every goddamn second I know none of the names of these animals random characters appear and vanish in and out of scenes and complete random none of the audio is even remotely synced to what you're seeing the voice acting sounds like it was performed by one [ __ ] [ __ ] they didn't even know what a dictionary was and the animation is well there is any when it comes to gaming everybody says that the Zelda CDI games were the worst for animating and voice acting but know this word needs to be spread loud and clear this is the ultimate of gaming Lowe's and I will have nobody tell me otherwise and yes okay I can envision all of you at home right now thinking about typing oh yes rich cavi you deliberately picked out a game that's clearly designed for children so while we've been complaining yes well do you know what that's no excuse at all there still needs to be some sort of quality control with these things I mean yes kids may be very easy to entertain but they are not stupid and this is just insulting there are some awesome kids games out there especially some of the ps1 Disney games and even all the stuff from humongous entertainment but for a company to slap together loads of shitty minigames with no music that could easily be done at home without any [ __ ] electricity and then add in the worst cartoon anyone has ever laid eyes on and then slap on Disney characters on the box to trick parents into buying it makes me think that this company is actually hell incarnate into the game company and that's for this cartoon take it guess how long it goes on for go on take a guess I'll wait oh come on keep on guessing I'm sure you can 45 minutes 45 and it just gets worse and worse just like leaving cheese on the kitchen side for a few days you just don't do it you know cuz he stinks and all in all this entire package as a whole literally makes me shiver with fear so anyway we get some more [ __ ] with 1994 laptop computers before heading briskly off to the pound to save those idiots from earlier and this is when we meet the main antagonist some random guard dog ones oh wow welcome to the dog pound tester on pallets and so this dog two dogs what introduce us to our new doggy friends in the pound what the [ __ ] but then it turns out that we actually recognize these dogs and then okay unfortunately though nothing interesting at all happens in this bit however well you know apart from more of the horrendous voices I heard [Music] and also there's a random sheep dog here that never appears in the story ever again he just sits there for one scene and he's kind of creeping me out are you avoiding ocean I'll add those nori special candies at the disco draw me like one of your french girls and it also seems like that those idiot dogs that got caught earlier are now undergoing slave labor I mean stick and stick and stick what about stick but yes but you're forgetting stick and I just gave up and then the crow returns again to explain even more [ __ ] level and propulsion would have to hurry if they wanted to help those two are you finished right and this is where I officially lost all [ __ ] caring I realized it wasn't going to end any time soon it's one of those rare instances in a game where the novelty of how awful everything is actually gets really tiresome and unfunny pretty shortly I mean how is this even made with a ps2 disc just just just just imagine how much free space there was on that disc when this was finished not only other minigames that make up every bit of the gameplay completely worthless even for mid nineties gaming standards but look at the movie itself it actually looks worse than pre ps1 FMV from systems like the Sega CD it just blows my mind all I wanted was for this to just end but instead I was stuck in here with all these stupid dogs they always talk about how they like to throw all that Pollock's I'm sorry excuse me throughout all that Pollux could you please say that again throughout all that Pollux you better watch your mouth young man this is a kids game it better look like it was licked clean your mother was very good at that okay thanks very much for watching guys I'll see you all next time okay fine [ __ ] going so our titular character gets oh so close to rescuing some of the idiot dogs when all of a sudden and then after some more series of nonsensical and unexplained events the cronies to steal a code for the security system installed in the pound yes you're right of course the code is just a simple mathematics how could someone actually allow this to be sold on machine and before anybody asks yes this is a Sony licensed product and may I remind you as well it was made for the PlayStation 2 look at this it was made for the ps2 in 2003 they allowed this to go through money went into this and you know what the books lied to me yet again where's this [ __ ] well this [ __ ] of this dog area well guess what all of these characters on the front of the [ __ ] box never appear ever anywhere on this disc why would you go through the effort of ripping off Disney specific characters from Disney specific movies and then somehow materialize are confusing [ __ ] tile that tries to tie itself into the franchise but instead makes no sense anywhere in any universe and then actually never have the game even vaguely relates to the cover I waited in vain for these [ __ ] books characters to show up and after the worst 45 minutes I've ever had to sit through nothing as saying that as well Dalmatians 3 why is he even called this there are three of them in the whole game three how did they think that they could get away with this Dalmatians three this should have called it's three donations although I can safely say that the cartoon does have some epic chasing music and trust me it becomes even more epic when you have this lovely image pushed into your face okay guys before I carry on I have to apologize I must apologize because for the next 20 odd [ __ ] minutes of this [ __ ] it's exactly the same stuff I can comment on absolutely nothing else it's all the same [ __ ] this game has officially sucked me dry and so after much deliberation I decided that from this bit onwards I was just going to play back to back all of my favourite quotes from this awful travesty piece of [ __ ] of a video game just so that you get a better idea on how hilariously awful it is yep I know they'll be out of context but even when they're in context they make equal [ __ ] sense so you know what I don't even get sit back please and enjoy the market to push an old tube fishin oh I think she's in trouble I'm sure she went to find Toby into me well would you believe it that was pretty fast where our butcher took version to get involved I was consistent but he disappeared weeks ago exactly I know I think I know something watch the step out what's going on here we'll come up with something I just have the heart just thought of something they aren't burglars let them go immediately or else to take a pee and I didn't quite make it to the quit yard that was close and do you want to know the ending line to this kids cartoon the closing sentence to this epic 45-minute movie the final words spoken by these utterly beloved characters ladies and gentlemen I present to you the contents of a liver sausage will always be a mystery this game gets slaughtered I mean Jesus Christ on a bicycle I could never even have imagined how bad this game would be I mean at the time Coronation Street in the mystery of the missing hot pot recipe was indeed the worst game I've ever played in my life but man down there it's not even in the same [ __ ] ballpark this is the worst thing I've ever ever ever ever even seen let alone played but honestly to critique this as a game it means that I actually have to talk about the gameplay segments and where all the minigame sections of this game are just terrible the cartoon segments of this disc is just so bad so atrocious so [ __ ] abysmal that it's just great for all of you say this out there that can sit through 45 minutes of one of the worst cartoons you've ever seen in your life and enjoy it with a couple of friends it's right up your street I would recommend this to hell and back seriously guys search this game up on YouTube or buy it for yourself it will be really cheap in some sort of dumpster somewhere and you will not regret any second of it please trust me and so to sum up this game is worse than Zelda CDI and Birdemic oh and after one plater of this game the disc got so hot that it wouldn't actually load again afterwards that's all yeah this is like that creepy posture about that fake game Killswitch you know the one that once you've beaten it once it just erases all traces of yourself so you can never play it again and that no one ever knows it even existed yeah that's this game but in real life I've got nothing else to say [ __ ] this game you know James has been nearly three weeks since my birthday night for one can't believe that you haven't reviewed one of my favorite games no he isn't oh you're making it up doctor he's out for the count no meetings we have literally killed him I'm not a doctor [Music] still not waking up oh well guess I can I'll play the ps1 but I've been kicking me out [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the jungle book room body James this isn't what it looks like I swear it's bad the jungle book groove party [Music] greetings and salutations by beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged let's get grooving DDR yeah I bet you didn't expect me to start my next sentence off with that DDR is everywhere DDR is anywhere DDI is even there DDR is about rhythm rhythm is the pulse of life so that means do you know DDR right dance dance revelution pick a song jump around like a toddler about to piss themselves hit the right direction with your feet to the beat and win points all of the points I must top my hats off to the guy who came up with this concept because from 1998 until even today yes that's 16 years this arcade cabinet and video game series has captivated anyone and everyone willing to show off and made tons of money leading to worldwide competitions and even other spin-off video games that copied their style and ideas and it just so happens the one day in 2000 someone randomly came out absolutely nowhere and said hey you know who would make DDR even better by playing as Baloo the [ __ ] bear and so it's a jungle book groove party was born also known as the jungle book rhythm and groove in the USA the idea behind this game is absolutely baffling and unknown to me but you know what who cares right I need some poking up after Dalmatians 3 so you know what this better be worth my bloody time I don't know about you guys but this game brings me tons of nostalgia it was the first game I'd ever play that involved using one of those hideously smelling plastic rugs that stuck to your feet and cats would piss and [ __ ] all over them and dogs would chew and throw up on them and they would never [ __ ] work after being rolled up like 2 [ __ ] times and sometimes they didn't even want to roll up at all which meant having out on the [ __ ] floor on the time on the floor constantly mocking you begging to dance yeah now that I think about it those things were actually [ __ ] awful but this here was the game that introduced my younger self to the world of DDR style video games a weird introduction I know but an introduction nonetheless and you know what I know the concept is weird the characters are weird the songs are weird it's a movie licensed game it's horrific the uninspired and King Louie looks like he wants to murder you but you know what this game is hella fun laughs um hella fun elephant elephant but yeah even though our dance mat that came with the game worked for like a month and honestly I think we lost it and even though I'm reviewing this game by playing with the controller I can still say hand on heart that this game is fun yeah did you expect me to say that well I hope not otherwise I'm never reviewing another game ever again ever I mean I mean if you thought otherwise you could just [ __ ] go and you just go right now just go just just just go because you know what contrary to what other people believe and what other people say I do read and listen to what all of you guys have to say all of you every single last one of you and yes I know I can put my hands up I've done nothing but shitty games on my review show recently so you know what maybe I could think oh I'll spice it up a little bit of throwing a half-decent game every so often to make things interesting but you know what if you guys were to assume that this was another shitty game that I was just gonna knock out and say that it's [ __ ] and make everybody laugh and make me go through modes of torture if I'm that predictable then you know what if you thought that that's what I was gonna say if you thought I was gonna say that this game was good then you know what you're just you're just so inconsiderate so inconsiderate you horrible my feelings you know I don't even have to make a [ __ ] video you know I just can't do anything right I can it's like first it's like whoo you need to do more good games and then it's oh you need to do more of the reviews show and then it's oh what are you gonna do spyro is like so the jungle but groove party is one of those games that actually exceeds the audience's expectations partly because the audience's expectations are lower than the alcohol percentage in non-alcoholic beer you expect it to be a terrible and broken mess of a movie tie-in DDR spin-off but instead actually does exactly what you'd like it to and it does it decently like surprisingly decently I know Disney have a knack to make some really good games every so often but as far as movie licensed games go altogether at least this is one that actually functions and it functions like butter in order to progress the game and unlock all the characters and songs for super happy fun times we need to play through the story mode the story consists of nine songs which is kinda sort of extremely lame and it also doesn't matter what difficulty you buy the story in you'll unlock every character and song either way by going through any difficulty from easy mode to expert mode unfortunately you'd think that being lazy and beating the entire game in easy mode to then unlock everything and then play to whatever your heart desires on any difficulty where you'd might think that would be a very quick simple and very easy process well simple and easy yes but quick well you can't win and that's because this if you couldn't figure out is a kids game so unless you crank up that difficulty to expert you weren't gonna be having any fun at all and you want to beat the story mode an expert anyway because then you unlock the coveted crazy mode this is where [ __ ] gets real dance mat or controller crazy mode is why I always used to play as a kid and even today Jesus Christ and I actually just say out loud but I still play this today I mean it isn't impossibly difficult but it just gives you enough challenge difficulty and fun addicting a beat pulsing freshness to keep you actually surprisingly engaged and the way that the game itself is built around the player using the dance mat means that are these two circles that you need to catch the descending arrows actually correspond to your left and right feet so whenever you see a particular arrow land in the left circle use your left foot and whenever an arrow is in the right circle use your right foot and vice versa but what's even better than that is that if you're cool like myself and use a controller to play you can use both the arrow buttons and the symbol buttons in the exact same way dedicating left circle beats to your left hand and right circle beats to your right hand simple yet [ __ ] effective game design people and you may be thinking oh caddy you know this is just a kid's DDR movie tie-in Disney game you know which maybe there's not much else to it and you just being far too nice with it well you know what maybe in terms of the content Department yeah the game's [ __ ] relaxed a lot but more about that later let's talk about the gameplay right as you're playing through this weedy amount of songs you'll notice a few cool things thrown into the stages to keep everything interesting most notably the powerup system now how this works is that during random points in the song a random powerup will appear at the top of the screen for about 10 seconds or so these can be anything from firewalls point doublers bonus challenges to unlock Easter eggs and even extra lives if you fail the song pretty miserably but how do you access these powers though oh do you access well my beautiful curious viewer through the actually harder than it sounds process I've been putting a specific button combination during a gap between two beef buns in the song and if that's done correctly hit the next beat button on the right time and boom power this becomes especially challenging when in crazy mode because of how quick the errors can be moving in the later stages and even more challenging in the two different boss battles when you have two input and grab the power up before your opponent does and if he does it before you and activates it on you three strikes and you're out my friend but during the two boss battles that's the only time in the game where you're actually under threat from your opponent when they can actually use their power-ups against you apart from that however the three strikes rule is the same in every single stage you start to fumble you go from green to amber you can't get out of amber well then you go to red can't get out of red not to mention in the stage is to grab a gold medal at the end of it in crazy mode which unfortunately adds to nothing you need to beat the stage without entering amber mode once and getting a certain amount of points yes like I said it Altima contributes to nothing apart from your points and being on the temple of fame but you know [ __ ] it I like a good challenge but there are some other cute gameplay features added in such as the karaoke bars just in case you want to sing along to these lovely songs as you're concentrating on this however I'm so pro at this game and obviously played it a bit too much that I can actually recite every lyric in every song by heart even after 13 odd years the only one I don't really get though is the preview for when you highlight random on the song selection [Music] [Applause] [Music] but yes this may sound great and all but seriously there's only nine [ __ ] songs and two of them yes two of them are from Disney's movie no trust in me no kernel hearties Marge knows that's what friends are for and no my own home I mean what's this [ __ ] bout you can license the characters and the images and two of the songs from the movie but not the entire soundtrack I mean isn't that why you make a [ __ ] Jungle Book DDR music based game in the first place to play through the music in the [ __ ] movie that this game is based on it absolutely makes no sense to me luckily enough though the original songs they add in I'm not actually too bad and some are even kind of catchy especially tracks like Shere Khan stage [Music] and actually if anything these newly added tracks actually benefit the strong rhythmic jungle drumbeats for the dancing and button pressing which makes the game fun and challenging in the first place but then oh joy the ps1 FMV makes a triumphant return into my life and it looks just marvelous although admittedly they don't actually look too bad at the time I mean sure the framerate is as consistent as spreading cold Nutella on thin bread Mowgli looks like a duck and shanty looks ill overall it's not too shabby I guess not to mention the in-game animations where they are a little bit choppy are pretty good not to mention the environments simple not distracting from the game and the arrows but still Pleasant with some real nice detail in places but the best thing about the cutscenes though is the way that they just skim over the disney story in mere [ __ ] seconds I mean they crammed absolutely nothing but X position in every quick spoken sentence and it's absolutely hilarious I stay in the jungle for sure listen Mowgli Shere Khan hates man and he is not going to allow you to grow up to become one now let's climb this tree man-cub it will be a safe place to spend the night it's like they just want the game to be over as quick as possible so they just read nothing but key lines it cracks me up my name is monkey so apart from unlocking all the characters and levels unlocking crazy mode and witnessing the awkwardness of shitty facial animations the story mode isn't too much to write home about but then look at me complaining about the story in a DDR game I don't even have to make a joke about that it just makes me look like a right old wanker however if you ask me talking about the power-ups again not only did these add a nice little addition to the story mode but they also come into play to make the best thing about this game with a multiplayer god damn this is fun I mean Dance Marathon making a buck itself in the face but this power a confrontation mode this [ __ ] is the bomb in this mode power-ups appear and vanish quicker than you can coughs and they now include offensive weapons against your opponents such as completely blocking their field of view scrambling as many arrows as possible turning some of the arrows invisible spinning the arrows in clockwise and anti-clockwise circles in time to the beat or even outright throwing a whole set of arrows to an entirely different beat to the song that you're hearing and if one person doesn't grab the powerup before the other one you both have to endure the punishment this does make for some intense DDR battles with a friend and it's easily the best thing about this game overall especially when playing on crazy after unlocking it through the story on expert mode but I've got to say picking your characters in versus mode is another [ __ ] story altogether and you know what even the team play mode on the story is great fun because you have to save your partner's mistakes which then makes your dance more difficult and oh god this is so much fun no but he's in the game there isn't come on he's the best thing in the game yes after beating the game you unlock the boring and slowest held bonus mission with no power-ups when you have to play as King Louie dancing to Lou Bega's academy-award-winning and emotionally-driven rendition of I wanna be like you I'm lying it's stupid but also pretty funny and when you do beat it which trust me isn't hard at all you get to watch the official music video I mean good lord this guy ever make a cover of this song I don't remember do you well he apparently did and also for some reason he chose to appear in this [ __ ] game because I guess people started to forget who he was and it wouldn't bother me so much if it weren't for the fact that but I think that what I love most about this game is the fact that the flash-based website the official flash-based website in this game still exists on the internet after 49 years seriously look it up so the true testament to this game's legacy is still strong today either that or than everyone forgot that the game existed and they just left the [ __ ] website there but I didn't hence why even though it's not perfect at all and still surprisingly fun the Jungle Book groove party gets the salvage and has it was Rosie's 18th birthday about three weeks ago and you've wanted me to cover this game for [ __ ] ages I hope you're happy but why this is one of your favorite games of all time I will never know so there you have it it's been a while but I've covered another game that I actually kind of like except theum the ps2 version that's that's a broken messy [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] if you can believe that yeah the next generation I don't know how so there we go we go we good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] Jesus Christ you know I just go out there to change my shirt and then I hear this almighty grumbling from my broom and everything starts shaking I mean what the hell is that okay no I'm not doing that okay wait why would there be a small-scale earthquake only in my room and why would I own a little girl's brats ps2 game I'm dreaming aren't I yeah of course I'm bloody dreaming okay okay let's clear this up I'm just gonna walk back into my room and see if everything is back to normal caddy you have to do it no it's your 200,000 subscribers special I don't give a [ __ ] come on you've got to if you're Kate walk you wanna do it you want to [ __ ] do it well no I'm just saying you know what why don't you just marry that game you love me so much eh what what are you you you you you you paraphilia Hey I'm sorry no [ __ ] you okay why would I want to do brats I'm not doing brats 200k special or not why would I want to do brats you know you come come here come come come here caddy yeah I guess I have no choice really I've put this off long enough the remnants of my sanity must be laid to rest the bastard child of my ps2 collection must be covered I mean he'll Dalmatians 3 is the bastard child of my ps2 collection hell it's the worst game that I own but this this was the original worst ps2 game i ever owned before that monstrosity showed up I've been dreading this day for far too long but now at 200,000 subscribers and there's no better time that I can do this are you ready to do this then Oh Olly sorry about earlier what don't worry it's okay no no it isn't I'm sorry seriously it's fine no no it isn't I overreacted I called you some names I said I did some things that I'm not proud of so I'm just telling you that I'm sorry caddy I'm not joking it's completely fine oh my god I'm so sorry I don't know why I did that you know what no forget it [ __ ] you you don't know brats consider yourself lucky I mean literally brats by name brats by nature and it has a Z in it because it schools think barbie and times it by four and then suck out all of that pesky leg fat that barbie clearly needs to sort out and you have brats and that's it that is it the capacity of everything you need to know about this particular line of dolls ends there do you think there's any more to it because they're right also they made baby Bratz it's a baby in a [ __ ] two-piece swimsuit and the picture makes it like she's [ __ ] pregnant and then they made videogames and then they made videogames and then they made video and when you're focusing on a toy line that calls each individual doll something that rhymes with shat and when you're focusing on something that focuses on the three core values of life stated by Carter himself friendship hair play and a passion for fashion you know that you're going to be playing at [ __ ] masterpiece happy [ __ ] 200,000 subscribers everybody come on give me your worst well look who's here the fashion of four weeks yeah [Music] okay I'm ready now so basically this nameless brat and nope I'm not insulting her that's what they're cool it's going for an editor assistant job at a high-end magazine publisher mean-girl Alerts those two things are called kirstee and kaycee but everyone at stiles high calls them the Tweedles okay okay wait a second why do these guys get an intro I don't even know the names of our heroines yet but these guys get a [ __ ] in-depth character study an x-ray introduction in the first two minutes and who is this girl talking to exactly is she the newly appointed narrator to this train wreck her she's just talking to her friends about them even though they already know who they are looking for the Falls and the plot holes and everything it's Bratz it's gonna be [ __ ] Jets let's [ __ ] move on and it will be over faster so yeah these girls aren't the enemy I suppose and the Bratz make their opinions towards them very clear and then after that we find Jade I think partaking in her job that she mentioned earlier but before she can get to work she must meet her boss who is wearing a tiara so as you can tell we're going to get along just swell I was thinking that maybe we could do a column on street trends see what's taking off at clubs do a quiz best don't you just love it in cut scenes with none of the voices remotely sync up to the mouths of the main characters I love it and I also love the fat on this games released in 2005 I would have had to have paid thirty pounds for the privilege of watching the majesty and mystery of the Phantom I'm serious the [ __ ] thing just goes to this way through last [ __ ] this is scary but that is nothing compared to the boss's reaction to Jade I think getting lunch for her God what are you trying to do kill me make me fat I don't need grease so as it turns out Jade I think actually ends up getting fired because she wasn't actually told what the boss likes to eat for lunch I do logic every not at all but she doesn't just get fired and she doesn't just get seriously disciplined and she doesn't just get majorly embarrassed no she gets in fact even your children and your grandchildren are it's those lightening bolt of things good go of that perfect every time I just want to tell you I am so psyched to be working here with you and your thing I've got a ton of ideas for the magazine my life is so over and so we finally begin the game and before I talk about anything else I should just say yes I am aware that this game is aimed at young girls but that's no excuse to make probably the laziest most forced and most hilariously patronizing tutorial I have ever seen in my life I suppose I should press the triangle button to get that I suppose I should select that text from Chloe and press the X button to read it I feel so down I can barely even bring myself to follow the arrow that's pointing towards the smoothie bar I mean when games like this tried to break the fourth wall this pathetically I find it utterly joyous imagine if any other of your favorite games that that when you want to use the codec push the select button but kernel all that since it's really cold down here don't be surprised if I can't hit the select button to call you on the codec the button could easily get stuck in the low temperatures after all oh and Colonel I'm so cold that I can barely use the arrow buttons to run around and warm myself up BRB oh and by the way this game is fantastic and teaching valuable life lessons such as this lesson and then after that we finally get our first taste of proper gameplay I mean it looks basic enough but then believe it or not these controls are [ __ ] yes even though running around is all you can do out here and even though that's the only thing that these guys had all the time and resources to program perfectly its [ __ ] broken they are extremely slippy and it feels like you're constantly running on top of a giant puddle of gravy on a kitchen floor not to mention this is the worst camera I have ever seen it's far too quick and get stuck extremely easily and due to the sloppy controls whenever you turn it yours your brain goes apeshit can't decide where she's actually walking anymore this is a terrible start well you know just in case this wasn't a bad enough start for you sorry and Opie NOP not a problem so we complete the first ever goal of walking and a new plot thread is introduced Jade I think is bummed about being and wants to go home so the other brats organize a surprise party to cheer her up sorry everyone I'm not in the mood to hang already that's a shame I have the noose ready oh here's another life lesson laugh lesson number two you can't cheer someone up without something styling to wear and oh god these cutscenes again they aren't made for me I know but Jesus Christ there are audio gaps everywhere glitching hairs completely lifeless and boring dialog and absolutely no music at all through any of them and there's seven minutes of it before we actually get to the core gameplay huh but anyway as you can see the gameplay is presented on an open plane so it's just like GTA and basically you spend the whole thing running into shops and buying [ __ ] that's it the whole game in its entirety every goal is centered around makeup and clothes but obviously you need to make money to buy this stuff and this is where the random coins pop it do you see those randomly materializing things that are popping up every second that you walk past them yeah as it turns out you need them you buy things with them and they always appear behind you meaning a complete and utter hack job of slippery turning circles and impossible targeting to get the points that you need to buy the things which the gold state you need to buy in a game about fashion and makeup but besides that point for this goal that I'm doing right now I need some clothes but here's the funny thing and by funny I mean not haha funny but [ __ ] you funny no matter what you want to pick everybody you bump into hates everything that you wear it doesn't even matter if you get matching outfits they all hate it hi Jade is that what's fashionable these days hey Yasmin that's some kind of statement you're making right is it Halloween already what are you wearing christ almighty I'm playing a video game to escape from reality not to mirror my life and have it insult me by reminding me that every time I go out I look stupid in public feel free to try on anything you like oh you creepy bast oh and by the way when you're in the shops you hear music how often you in the shops not too much when you're outdoors you hear no music at all how often are you outdoors every five minutes I mean you have no idea this is one of the emptiest / worlds if you can call it that of any game I've ever played in my life there is absolutely nothing going on nothing moves there's barely any people around the shop windows all look identical there's no life in anything around you it's just an empty barren wasteland and get used to it because you'll be out here for more than half of your play time and I guess I can't really comment as such but I think I'm in some sort of position to say that if I were a little girl this would be nowhere near as glamorous or exciting as I would like it to be I'd find it more interesting staring at cans of as debrand beans Oh God not you why none of your beeswax is what all right all right says the parrot that shocked me in my fate to black review well that's because you kicked me that's because you broke in and that was because I was dying of thirst but why did you come to me because I love you you are is that Bratz rock Angelz [Music] wait you you like brats who doesn't like a skinny [ __ ] okay I don't ever want to see you again if that's okay why you're kicking me out again just because I love brats I'm kicking you out because you're coming on to me you discriminatory wanker boys cannot girl things - you just told me you loved me get out buh-buh-buh-buh price is the best thing ever oh I swear you are not here the end of this I will buy you a doll I'll buy you the outfits I'll dress you up in the party costumes I will bet you over and call you my [ __ ] I will spank you with the flash if a fashion accessories until you'd let me just this is at the end caddy this isn't the end and did I mention the navigating look at this look at the lack of variation look at the blandness look at the supreme lack of individuality there are so many damn shops here that all sell different things and yet they never thought to give a description to every shop actually sells and from the inside and outside they all actually look exactly the same there's no variation or any visual indication to our each shop actually sells confused much and so that means that walking around the already awful overwhelm is accompanied by constant stopping and loading to browse through shops in which you don't know what they sell honestly I can't see the patience of young girls lasting too long with this or you can tell you that for free although when you're actually given a set goal to complete you're completely restricted you are told exactly where to go and exactly what to buy you know none of that fun freedom [ __ ] that kids like so much so then any attempt of exploring is not rewarded at all and hell it isn't actually even allowed that's tempting but I need the treasures compact and talking about the lack of freedom the same can be said in the tutorials which are still going by the way but they aren't just still going yeah that won't be bad enough they are forcefully making me listen to every single boring word each brat has to say no skipping and no movement allowed press the X button on the little picture under our current I mean Jesus Christ on a bicycle if this game is just holding the hands of less experienced gamers you know that's fine but please don't hold me back it's pretty damn obvious what everything does it's right there in front of me you've already explained the basics to this so let me figure some stuff out please we are playing an interactive and fun electronic video game not sitting through math and then every time you aren't restricted in a tutorial segment you'll slip be sliding your way through the town looking like a haystack with legs but I suppose it is kind of worth waiting through the tutorials just for the glory of being free with makeup application she is my canvas I am Picasso you know what I'm thinking I think it's time for an obligatory montage [Music] Oh lovely I am diseased ultimately though as fun as that is and as beautiful as it is of course you're reduced to more walking in the worst overworld ever I mean I wouldn't mind so much if it was smaller but it just takes seven centuries to actually get anywhere well I don't quite mean seven centuries literally because you know that that's impossible but it feels like it is what I mean that's a joke everybody okay now I have to switch to another brand let's see here the holy [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen we officially decked her in the face we have a catfight right now oh and then we get another tutorial repeat which was the exact same tutorial from the very beginning of the game no skipping no moving ah did I even mention these loading screens I swear whenever you go into any shop do anything walk anywhere select anything a loading screen feels like it needs to appear I mean come on game you aren't exactly loading saddle dress I'm glad you came cool cat you look a little better well I can't say the same for you oh and as it turns out we can actually choose our background song for when we're indoors well let's see what's going on here what do we have whoa it's a green day I lie it's just a shitty compilation of shitty acts that were up and Dead rejects of the early 2000s well actually that's a bit too harsh there are one or two really catchy songs in this soundtrack own only one or two though I hate to admit I would play you some of the more awful ones but you know copyright is a meanie and I would interpret more of the awful ones in my own style that broomis already did that joke so let's move on oh and I lied earlier there is actually another random gameplay element posing yeah and it makes you more money what is it that you actually do in posing bits though it one button wait hit the other button wait hit another button win I'm already confused about the inclusion of a time limit for something like this what I can do is hit one button and wait I mean I can't get much faster than that can I and then some more plot happens the brats decide to get back at the magazine company that fired Jayde I think so that they contact V and to do that they buy their own office block to work in get ready to feast your eyes on the most totally slam and we laughed in our downtown well if it's not slam imminent then I'm not interested in it but unfortunately it isn't actually that nice in there which causes great disdain amongst the brats but then all of a sudden the place is miraculously fixed without any of my involvement so what was the point of any of that I dunno who gives a [ __ ] don't forget we've laid down some serious blinks to get this magazine up and running no sweat bunny boo now that's just racist by the way what is actually going on right now like seriously this is called Bratz rock Angelz where are the bands the rock music the instruments anything to do with what I'm saying on the cover right now this isn't rock Angelz it's magazine maggots oh yeah screw this I'm looking it up okay so as it turns out the PC version of Bratz rock Angelz follows the rock Angelz story every other version does not the ps2 version of Bratz rock Angelz doesn't follow the rock Angelz story the ps2 version of Bratz rock Angelz doesn't follow the rock a more boring tasks more walking more nothing at all whoop-dee-doo de Pepe du de puta - Pepe Dee do you know we've had lots of great life lessons for the young ladies in this game but they've messed up the most important one for the I can't live with our fossil boy that forever only belongs in the early 2000s lesson I mean I keep on texting Cameron but he never gets back to me ever well don't worry Cameron I'm no quitter because I mean damn I even got myself some 60 roller blades to make you like me and still he says nothing to me and guess what these blades suck combined the slippery control to the white turning circle and little to no agility and you have the blades and hey you can design t-shirts guess what it sucks you have barely any choices for anything and the cursor moves at a snail's pace you know where all of these mechanics and goals may appeal to girls this game is basically just a more restrictive cheaper less fun and choppy a version of real life why would someone waste their time on something as broken as this for the sake of doing something that would be more fun in real life and seriously that's all that this game is there is nothing more do it you get different environments occasionally but every goal every fourth tutorial every broken control scheme it just does not change ever I even got myself a camera and even that sucks hmm perhaps I can get my revenge on Cameron for ignoring me by becoming a creepy stalker not going to pay attention to me Cameron very zen I'll stalk your unsettling noseless face forever until I can show afrikaans the best pictures I can grab of you [ __ ] face no I can't even video with his bollocks anymore I've had a [ __ ] enough of it I just I can't do it brats more like max am i right yeah brat you suck you're gross and nobody likes you and you're annoying like Nance yeah yeah perfect analogy if you ask me yeah brat the splatty rats that are not covered in shat you know I could just slaughter this game but honestly that's too [ __ ] easy I mean that's the coward's way out I mean let's it was obvious that this game was gonna be slaughter the second I mentioned it in my last categories episodes you know what that'd be too quick too easy and too painless you know what no I can't do that no I can't do that I can't do that it's two hundred thousand subscribers special I owe the beautiful people something much better than this I mean seriously there must be something anything the tongue is a miniscule thing there must be something worth playing in this there must be something come on I know all of you guys much better than this much better than just a simple shooting this game and then call it a day no there must be something I'm gonna [ __ ] find something okay I'm gonna find something I owe you all much better than this come on let's go well it's about time someone pushed the limits of bad taste hate the cold it's a cold it's a cone it's a cold its opponents opponents have no time for you right now no girls I don't want this anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen the whole do they touch it no they don't greetings and salutations my beautiful people ii-i've got a good a spot and a couple of months back I did a top-10 which was entitled my top ten games that I like but no one else does and that kind of demonstrated how much of an idiot I am and sometimes you know we can all have those games in the world that are critically really bad and technically really bad or for whatever reason but we just like them so you know what I thought I should do I should do a follow-up video to that and make a complete copy of myself and make the top ten games that I don't like but everyone else does because you know that first video just needed a sequel that was dedicated to the opposite concept and so the title of this video is being aptly renamed to caddies depth centers Royal Wedding 20 Ireland because then that will give me a few more views on it this is not I shall repeat not an overrated games list because it isn't an overrated games list and I'm not gonna be spending this video slacking off other people and calling everyone an idiot because they have a differing opinion to me because you know what that's just [ __ ] absurd when all fun and joking is aside but when people start getting unnecessarily nasty and mean spirited about something as silly as what we do and don't like that is childish stupid just outright dumb very hypocritical extremely hypocritical and simply devoid of what makes gaming culture so interesting fun and diverse unless of course you like Dalmatians three or rascal races because they're both [ __ ] terrible and everybody can see that so yeah in this video I'm gonna try explaining to my best capacity why I personally don't like these games and you know what if you like them this [ __ ] great good on you thousands if not millions of other people from all the games in this following list will agree with you on that and there's nothing wrong with that at all at all I can see why people would love these games but I don't and that's it nothing more than that like I said there's nobody out there that likes every single game ever made in the universe so we all have these certain opinions on certain games where we can't see why everyone absolutely adores them it's all just opinions at the end of the day I thought it'd be pretty fun to share some of these following games and my opinions towards them so that's it that's just [ __ ] shut up and get on with it number 10 goes to the Call of Duty series why number 10 because obvious choice is obviously obvious now not gonna be one of those people that just call the games [ __ ] because they are because technically as games they work the shootings great the weapons are very tight controls they all look good it ticks all the right boxes for fast-paced Saturday night entertainment and you know what I actually really [ __ ] loved the earlier Cod games especially finest hour but you know what as well as that after God knows how many pointless iterations constant sequels that are basically the same game every year with different settings and maps and utterly ridiculous plots given no thought or caring to them at all I need a little bit more from an FPS than what they deliver by just changing the jacket that they wear every year yes they technically work and everything's okay and I know I'm not alone on this opinion but please call of duty some kind of originality would be fantastic [Music] Oh God this list is gonna end up being a list of videogames syriza's isn't it this is the serious desist I never hear the end of people that hate me for having this opinion never hear the end and you know what I still stand by what I think no matter how many times I replay the earlier games why the Assassin's Creed games are so high up on this list there was because my girlfriend actually convinced me to get Black Flag on ps4 and you know what after much skepticism I [ __ ] love it that game is awesome and then after playing through Black Flag with a brand new fresh mind on Assassin's Creed I tried one two and three again to see if I was just being a stubborn [ __ ] and they came out and you know what I'm sorry but I still do not like them personally I found them to be repetitive boring with terrible characters and I could not control the games at all meaning I always used to get caught by guards and then once I tried evading them I'd climb up the walls and immediately bounce off of them and fly all over the [ __ ] place like a [ __ ] bouncy ball in between five million table legs and oh god I don't like these games so yes Black Flag for me fixed everything I didn't like about the earlier Assassin's Creed's but as far as calling to the best one of the series I'm afraid I can't agree with that no and then a star right I mean number eight goes through a pretty obscure horror game and not actually one of the most popular out there siren blood curse on ps3 I've never spoken to anyone who's heard of this game but if you have then good for you that means you must have done what I did and spend a [ __ ] ungodly amount of money either finding an expensive pre-owned physical copy or buying each expensive episodic part on the PS Store or maybe even just reading about it I wish that's all I did read about it because playing it's a [ __ ] nightmare okay this may not be as popular as your silent Hills or resi evils but hey the critical acclaim for this game was out of control for me though this game was the biggest waste of potential for anything I've ever seen ever creepiest [ __ ] ideas run and hide gameplay style horrific ly unsettling Japanese horror elements and visuals and an awesome game mechanic called site jacking allowing you to enter the site of your zombie enemies and see how they behave and react to what's around them this sounded [ __ ] terrifying that's for me the game was far too dark and black and open-ended making it very easy to get lost and frustrated the camera was a [ __ ] joke the puzzles were ridiculous and stressful and the controls oh Lord the controls clunky confusing and overall I did not like them at all instead of being challenging and scary it was just unfair and really frustrating most of the time I swear controlling my cuddly toy parrot with my mind is more functional than this damn game I swear [Applause] Angry Birds is a little bit fun for a few minutes and for me that's it it's an okay time waster and an okay puzzle action physics game thing but hey let's just step the [ __ ] back for a second when was the last time you saw a kid wearing an Angry Birds t-shirt or when was the last time you saw an Angry Birds plush toy nor Angry Birds posters or Angry Birds action figures or random Star Wars Angry Birds merchandise or Angry Birds pom poms basically it's not to mention even an Angry Birds trilogy and Star Wars game on ps3 and ps4 which overall actually cost more than double what the same exact games cost on the Android and Apple app stores how could you even make this suppose a TV series and rumored movie about slingshotting pissed-off birds at pigs how I know I said the getting pissy and kiddie about this kind of stuff is wrong with gaming but I'm actually only annoyed I have a complete lack of understanding you could even say it makes me angry yeah I don't get it the games are okay but I have no [ __ ] idea what makes them that good someone in the comments please explain this showing all of you're working a notional grade you at the end of the day class dismissed [Music] number 6 is the story of how I played probably the most requested game I ever had and next aspire of the Dragon haha and that game is known as heart of darkness on the playstation el nombre one [Music] I heard about how legendary and incredible this game is to no end at all day in day out all over the place in my facebook messages and all of my app tags on Twitter and then by complete coincidence it turned out that my good friend the completionist mentioned that he'd be reviewing this particular game in his collaboration month and he asked me to guest star luckily my friend does gave me his copy so I could give her go and sorry guys I just didn't like it I mean I love cinematic platformer is all you gotta do is watch my odd word retrospective to figure it out but for something you know cinematic I thought that the FMV was ugly as [ __ ] the plot was terrible the controls were very slippy and the design of each stage just made absolutely no sense for me everything that you interact with in the environments you know to progress the story are equally as pre-rendered into the background as the plants and the rocks and it's never actually made clear what you do with what forcing you to just fire everything and jump around over gaps blindly hoping that you won't bump into a random obstruction or an enemy that you've never encountered before to come out of nowhere with no telegraphed attacks and kill you in one here now this wouldn't be too much of a problem that this was a fast paced quick responding checkpoint platformer but that's not what this game is it's a slow drawn-out cinematic experience atmospheric platformer but hey that's just my stupid opinion right I hear people telling me all the time that the only reason I rate this game so low is because I'm completely [ __ ] at it and the game isn't actually that hard because they beat it as kids very easily but here's the thing the design of this game hasn't changed since then so when we're all kids playing all of these different games we have all the time in the world to learn what the [ __ ] is going on and then no matter how many times you revisit it in the future your mind remembers these things it burns itself into your subconscious I however our first time playing adult with a lot going on in my life right now don't have the time to learn everything and after a week's worth of trying to play and beat this game for Gerard's review I just couldn't do it so sorry I guess [Music] number-5 may surprise a ton of people it'll be so much of a surprise considering how much I love this franchise that I decided to narrate over no gameplay footage or music at all so that nobody could guess why I'm talking about until I say it okay here goes Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes or more specifically the GameCube remake of Metal Gear Solid 1 yes I should love this game shouldn't I shouldn't I dirty little beasts but I don't that's all don't get me wrong the effort behind this game is insane there are brand-new cutscenes for the story the entire script was reese pokken by the voice actors the entirety of Metal Gear Solid twos game engines were implemented into the original game design degree figs are so good and that's exactly what I don't like about this game all of those [ __ ] things personally I thought that the new cutscenes were pointless and unbelievably cheesy to a point of sucking out this serious nuclear world detonation story the redone voices are in my opinion bad and nowhere near as gritty serious and believable than in mgs one not to mention extremely overdramatic to a point of 80s rock ballad fists clenching this is snake Colonel can you hear me loud and clear what's the situation snake this is snake Colonel can you hear me loud and clear what's the situation snake and where the graphics are great for the time taking the game mechanics and engines from NGS to and implementing them into the claustrophobic and industrial office like level designs of mgs one just in my opinion do not work there was nothing wrong with what NGS one did and if you want to add new things into a remake make them fun and necessary to accommodate the original game design not just add in first-person views and context-sensitive shooting points with ultra clever enemy AI with backup calling abilities into something as crowded an extremely corridor esque as mgs1 Twin Snakes great idea but in my opinion sloppy execution and hey Otacon looks like [ __ ] Skeletor alright yeah Solid Snake number four is left 4 dead 2 left 3 4 1 4 2 6 9 dead 2 their dates and I played left 4 dead 1 ages ago when I was younger and I didn't think it was that great but after all of my friends recently told me how much fun and great left 4 dead 2 was online I gave in and bought it after all I don't want to be left out left for that out and after god knows how many hours trying to find what was so great about this I just couldn't sorry guys I didn't like the lack of weight or impact that the guns had how paper-thin the zombies were how boring the map designs were and yeah when that is all that your game is and that's kind of it with what I don't like about them then the whole series just doesn't really appeal to me whatsoever not to mention that I couldn't actually see much of a huge difference between 1 and 2 so I don't know you guys can have fun online with your own selves but I'll be forever non-understanding with all of it my apologies [Music] number 3 goes to a game I just never saw the hype with Halo when it came out I didn't like it and today I don't like it when I was a kid on this game's release I didn't like this game because I just didn't know explanation may just didn't interest me it didn't excite me didn't scare me it didn't suck me in so basically I just gave up but even today going back onto it after liking the look of all the other games like I still don't like it but there was a reason this time round because of one simple thing not because of the environments or the shooting or any of that stuff because of Master Chief or John wherever his [ __ ] name is I just didn't find him very interesting at all and in fact any of the characters and considering the epic scenes in serious badass moments that this game impressively shows off especially for the time the lack of caring about my main character along with everybody else is a huge problem for me in a law such as this I can actually completely relate this with the same story I experienced with Dead Space 2 Isaac Clarke was such a cool guy in Dead Space 1 but then take his helmet off and open his mouth and the entire story felt dampened by a boring slate of a main character at least in my opinion anyway so guys you got to let me know if halo 1 can be skipped without actually losing the plot and if Master Chief actually turns out to be an interesting character in the later games I will give this series another go for sure but as it stands right now you're at least for me and it's a number 3 because I feel very alone on that front [Music] yes I don't like Sonic Adventure to shoot me I don't like Sonic Adventure one as well but when everyone talks about the best Sonic games oh hell the best games ever made Sonic Adventure 2 always creeps its way into people's thoughts on a scarily common basis and I mostly feel completely alone with not liking it I mean I'm not the biggest Sonic fan as it stands anyway but I just don't understand what the appeal of this game is whatsoever a few years ago I borrowed the Gamecube poll which was the battle version or something and then even in the first few seconds of gameplay if you moved the analog stick so slightly off to the left or the right sonic flies up to [ __ ] mercury I don't know if anyone guess what I mean but I just found this game to be so damn jittery for what it was trying to do speed here for me was just unfair and unmanageable it works great on a 2d plane and hell it even works really well on Sonic Generations for 3d but here for the whole game I personally spent it like this run fast hit a wall run fast hit an enemy run fast try to turn left alright fly off the [ __ ] map and then when other characters started getting involved and you slow down the game with the platforming bits and the treasure hunting digging [ __ ] and oh Lord I shiver to think about them yes I stick my hands up I'm probably really [ __ ] at this game but hey if I were any better at it it still doesn't mean I'd like it anymore it just doesn't rub me the right way you know and also I thought that those cutscenes were unbearable I know it's Sonic so cheesiness is a given but awful voice acting outright awful jokes and choppy animations just don't appeal to me I don't find them charming I don't find them really that long-lasting I just find them bad I guess am I the only one that thinks this no I hope not because I'm starting to really feel alone now and I think everyone hates me the chances are none of you are going to understand my number one pick I mean I grew up with the ps1 that was my childhood console I never grew up with a Nintendo console only the PlayStation and I cover ps1 games nearly all the time on my review show so theoretically being so in love with that console I should love this game but I don't my number one pick goes to Final Fantasy 7 yeah string me up hang me shoot me burn me alive she have a pitchfork up my ass I feel so completely goddamn utterly secluded and I'll learn more so than any other game on this list for not like in Final Fantasy 7 I mean from the get-go the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of static turn-based combat is a big problem anyway at least with no skillful reaction mechanics spiced into make actually interactive with the player but when I heard from everybody about the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy 7 and after everybody says oh but you do ps1 games why don't you talk about Final Fantasy and the fact that ff7 is supposed to be the best game on the ps1 you know I had to try it out it was so much hype built up with this game I then got three hours into the game three hours and I didn't like it I tried my hardest to like it believe me I didn't want to be a huge PlayStation fan that didn't like ff7 so I really stuck with it as hard as I could and after every 30 minutes of play I just waited for something worthwhile or interesting to happen and then once I got three hours in and found myself getting really bored I just couldn't continue where I loved the intro loved the story build-up loved the music and loved the visual style especially the FMB I didn't like the combat I didn't like the random encounters I didn't like navigating and exploring and I couldn't care less about my characters I couldn't stand any of them and at the end of the day no matter how much I love the cinematic appealed to this game that's what this is a game and I did not like the game or the way it played and I did not care an ounce enough for what was going on after three hours of my time to carry on with it I know people are probably gonna say oh you should have put more time into it or three hours everything gets going or blah blah blah but three hours is a long time for anything especially a ps1 game to try and engross the audience so sorry guys I'm so sorry I gave it my best shot but no I'm a [ __ ] idiot so there you have it my top 10 games that I don't like but everyone else does not the most overrated at all but just the games I don't like thanks so much for watching guys and as always leave all of your [ __ ] comments in the comment section because I am so interested to see what all of you guys have well think about what I think and what games that you just don't like and and you can't understand why people like it just share share away I'm very interested to know because you know what we all have those games all of us oh and until next time if it's your birthday today or watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful I'm gonna die on I'm I just [ __ ] get it over with
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 974,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, yungtown, spacehamstergames, jimmy, whetzel, completionist, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, the complete season 3, complete, entire, season 3, top 10, broken sword 2, scarfulhu, jaws unleashed, gums unleashed, scary, scariest, songs, music, 3 2 1 smurf, littlebigplanet2, the grinch, community levels, stink, the great escape, dalmatians 3, worst game ever, jungle book groove party, bratz, rock angelz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 49sec (13609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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