Can you beat FNAF Security Breach with no head movement? (Neckless%)

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security breach is quite a buggy game since it being this way gives players a lot of let's say flexibility creators have been challenging themselves to beat the game under increasingly outrageous restrictions ever since the game came out so this got me thinking rather than not using a mechanic or an item while beating the game what if I just never used an entire body part would getting the true ending of the game be possible if Gregory couldn't move his head this is by far the most complicated challenge run I have ever attempted having to use every piece of obscure knowledge every bit of expert advice and every glitch I could squeeze out of the game to make it work good gods this is Five Nights at Freddy's security breach with no neck [Music] okay let's get going [Music] let me explain what we are doing when I hit new game we are completing Five Nights at Freddy's security breach without moving the camera at all we are not going to touch the mouse we are not going to touch the right analog stick however if the game moves our camera that's fair game there you are for example Freddy plopped us out and talked to us right now scan and complete this leaves us looking up at like a 45 degree angle in a very awkward way indeed so now we're basically stuck like this we cannot move our camera from this position the game has decided that this is our camera angle while that is the long and short of it before the Run gets properly started here's a more detailed look at the rules if you're curious feel free to pause and read the nitty-gritty details but the general idea is pretty intuitive we cannot move the camera ourselves on any character we control and if the game moves our camera for us we just have to live with that and continue to play the game at that angle instead so that does sound awkward and a bit annoying sure but how difficult is it really there is an issue with this camera angle very first objective in the game is to look out the window the window is behind us it's almost like they're trying to teach you how to move the camera or something except looking out the window also I guess means just touching the window if you brush the back of your head on the window the game goes yeah close enough and lets you move on so now you can see the issue with the no head movement challenge there are many parts of security breach where the game expects you to run between many different levers many different buttons many different generators which are all at different angles and they can only be interacted with at certain camera angles and inevitably we're gonna need to pick something up off the ground and we're kind of investigating the ceiling unfortunately for us that moment was rapidly approaching if I jumped in the vent I landed in Rockstar row and then I walked over to where I get the pass to let Freddy out of his room ass is in a gift box on the floor crouching will ever let us open that gift box it is impossible to progress with this camera angle however there is a way now we've saved at this save station if we quit and reload our save the vertical angle is reset so now we're looking down enough that we can open that gift box I am very glad that it does that my thumb is so far away from the right stick on this controller I'm so scared of accidentally nudging the stick now a lot of people are asking how I'm going to deal with various things and I've got some big exciting answers for you and that is that I don't know we're gonna have to figure this out together now we get a little bit of a preview of the most powerful tool in the necklace run and that is our boy Fredo when we move he turns to look at us and then when we get inside him our camera angle changes to his camera angle so we can use Freddy as a on-the-spot camera adjustment is Freddie allowed to move his neck no if we're controlling him Freddie can also not move his neck what about his butt the butt is fair game this cutscene moves the camera for us so that's a freebie it's going to leave us looking right at first aid which is perfect because we need to go into first aid and when we get into first aid it rotates us so that we're looking exactly where we need to go again there's a lot of luck early on where things rotate us in just the perfect way so that we're looking where we need to go it's at this point that the tutorial decides to revoke our Freddie privileges says he's low on power and kicks us out so from now until after the first boss Freddy will be chilling in this recharging station and unavailable to us I'll miss you buddy and now we're at the Monty chica chase the Monty chica Chase is difficult there's a few ways to do this I will show you a few ways and we're going to fail a lot Monty will force us to look behind us but then very politely put the camera back the other way but chica is very not polite chica doesn't let you face the right way again so we have to run away from chica backwards and we're dead thanks to chica's unusually high aggression this is the first real roadblock in the Run the random placement of physics objects can delay her two great comic effects but no matter how many boxes get in her way and no matter how efficient my racing lines up the stairs are she always catches up so with playing Fair won't cut it I needed to find some way to break the game and give myself a bit of an advantage but with such a small amount of real estate to work with and without being able to move our camera remember would it even be possible to break it I mean obviously this is security breach we're talking about jumping backwards onto these boxes causes chica to lose track of Gregory which activates some sort of Fail-Safe and resets her back to the very start of the chase and just like that we can complete the Monty and Chica Chase necklace and unhard so that is how you complete that chase without moving your head there we go we have done it we are almost out but before the game releases us into the main game proper we are locked in the security office with one last problem to solve what's next you ask well we need to press a button and there's an issue with this button it's directly behind us brainstorming time if you have any ideas at all feel free to let me know can you move your head up or down you cannot it's too stiffness is there a way to glitch through the desk good idea Daisy Rays I have tried to duck under the desk and hope that I can press the button but it doesn't work can you call Freddy I cannot there's no calling Freddy in this section maybe there are some objects in here that can spin me round maybe I could get Monty to jump scare me and twist me round and somehow I don't die maybe I can glitch out of bound to get out of this office they're all good maybes but I don't actually know if any of them will work but the problem was too big it was too insurmountable and neither myself nor chat could crack it but one Twitter DM later and maybe there was a chance exceptionally tough problems require exceptionally powerful tools to fix and what tool is more powerful in this run than Freddie what we're going to do is we are going to perform a jailbreak we are going to break Freddy out of the tutorial and then use that to circumvent this button how are we gonna do that it is a multi-step process and it was actually discovered by someone on Twitter called Mickey 2000 IQ Mickey to keep Freddy we need to prevent the cutscene where he kicks us out and recharges from ever happening however since we're on Rails and locked inside Freddy at that point our controls are extremely limited and funny business is pretty much out of the question but what if we weren't locked inside Freddy at that point well then business could get very funny indeed there used to be a trick in older patches where it would give you the ability to get out of Freddy early they patched that however the glitch is kind of still in the game it just requires a lot more work while I'm not entirely sure the key to glitching Freddy seems to be performing a deload for our purposes the best place to do this is by Standing On Top of the main underground hallway which is actually surprisingly easy to do the handrail on these stairs in first aid has a wonky hitbox allowing you to jump high enough to walk around on top of the wall and with some careful platforming the entire area it really is quite simple if you can move your head that is it's fair to say Greg's lack of vertebrae makes this slightly trickier so what I've got to do is I've got to walk diagonally down this wall careful not to fall out of bounds or not to fall in bounds again but be very careful I should be able to just do a horizontal jump and land on the ceiling okay we're up we are now on the ceiling of first aid a goal in this section is to basically walk along this pipe and if we walk on the middle pipes which are more like cables there's so many holes in the Collision you will fall through the only issue is we can't see our feet so we don't know when we're walking on the pipe just gotta keep going diagonally and right okay I think we're fine so now we are at the main hallway all we need to do now is jump backwards we've got to take a leap of faith we are jumping over a section of out of bounds so wish me luck chat okay we did it we're back in bounds everything has deloaded now when I get into Freddy I should have the ability to get out of Freddy again oh yes the trick is successful we can now get in and out of Freddy early so now anytime we want to adjust our camera angle we can just rotate Freddy like this get in Freddy and now we'll be looking the way we want this is a huge win this is part two of the trick the trick is an OV heads if we were inside Freddy right now we would walk to about here Freddie would get into this recharging station and we would lose him until after daycare so our goal now is to get Freddy across this cutscene trigger without activating the cutscene this kind of Railing at the top of the stairs has a very special property and that special property is that if you jump on top of it it deloads the entire game this is current patch remember and what it turns out deloading the game does is it also deloads all the cutscene triggers so the goal is to deload the game get back inside Freddy and very quickly walk across where the cutscene trigger would be so that it doesn't start there we go now Freddy is free so now we can just walk Freddy out of the tutorial with Fredo by our side everything that caused us so much trouble before is suddenly comically simple and yes that even includes the button so this is the poi poor run died seps now NAD Freddy it's as simple as getting in and getting out of Freddy and there's the button problem solved Danny TD asks will Freddy's battery ever run out no because we never ended the tutorial the game will just leave us with infinite power however it does say low power which is pretty annoying as we see the exit slam shut in front of us let me explain a little bit more about the game for those not in the know we play as a lost boy called Gregory who gets locked inside Fazbear entertainment's Mega Pizza Plex overnight the exit closing marks midnight and doing various plot related activities can advance the time of day all the way to 6am at this point the player can get several different endings but we're aiming for the true ending which requires defeating a secret final boss we also want to do it specifically at 6am and while that may seem obvious right now trust me there is a reason why I specify that to the game and still at midnight Gregory is finally out of the tutorial and just needs to collect a few items before gaining access to daycare and along with it the first boss incredible okay this part of the Run seems fine we finally made it chat we made it to daycare now with daycare there's a lot to explain if we go anywhere near this door while inside Freddy the cutscene will play that happens when you complete daycare now that cutscene has some good elements and it has some bad elements and there's another thing that I'm Gonna Keep a mystery for now which this cutscene trigger also does that we also want to save so with a nasty cutscene trigger keeping Freddy out just how difficult is daycare let's slide into fun oh navigating this maze without our head is gonna be so bad [Music] unlike the button which caught me by surprise daycare was the first section I was actively dreading daycare is home to the game's first boss and is not only a maze it's a 3D maze by picking up the security pass on the desk all the lights in daycare turn off this angers the otherwise friendly Sun character who transforms into a much more lethal Moon variant unlucky for us the only way to turn the lights back on and end the fight is to activate several generators all located deep within that 3D maze but it turns out that even getting to the fight might prove tricky for our rigidly spined lad leave me alone please thank you for turning us to a better angle actually we get the flashlight right but then don't we need to press a button on the desk oh no is it gonna be another button wait I've got an idea I can just get sun to turn me again right he does yeah this angle should be fine yeah there it is take security badge done [Music] done now in the boss fight I was surprised to learn that navigating the maze really wasn't that bad the actual issue were the generators themselves uh oh you cannot turn this oh no this one is even more difficult to press does that trick still work where you touch the button and it just ends the entire sequence I think they patched the daycare skip yeah that's what I'm scared of so with daycare being a dead end for now I decided it was time to activate big brain mode we're just gonna stay away from daycare we're just gonna save the game and we're gonna do something else but that raises an issue daycare gives us a level one security pass now we are basically locked in all the rooms you've seen so far because everything Beyond this point requires security level one and we have security level zero so we need to figure out a way to get a level one security pass without using daycare gamers we're doing a heist we're gonna steal a security pass from somewhere else we're going to break in get back and no one's gonna be any the wiser this door was meant to go to the atrium which is a very big area that is right next to us so when you walk here the game attempts to load the atrium however my theory is that the atrium is such a big place that the game needs to deload other things so if we touch this door and then if we just go over here and walk back into the lobby it will deload the lobby so now we are just free walking through the pizza Plex out of bounds and we are heading straight to phasablast because unlike most places which have their security passes under tight lockdown azerblast is really lacks on security as a blast leaves their security pass just out in the open you can literally just walk in and grab it so that is exactly what we're going to do and we are now in fazablast and now we can leave [Music] oh no chat the police they figured out what we were doing okay I'm gonna have to sneak past them one second they can't know we did it but I've got some terrible news if we took this lift to The Atrium they've got the exits sealed off they would want a party pass from us so we would be stuck in fazablast but all hope is not lost chat if we could somehow deload out of phasoblast then we'd be able to escape but unfortunately the game is so well made that there isn't a way to do that so we'll need to think of something else one second I'm thinking I don't know how that happened chat Got Away unscathed we are free and Freddy oh no we managed to escape but Freddy got caught in their clutches we've got to get him out okay let's pause the action for a second and let's explain what just happened since we fell into the void while fazablast was deloaded the game respawned us all the way at the last save point that we loaded from in our case daycare this is great for us when it doesn't Crush the game that is but Freddy didn't exactly follow suit in fact he's still waiting patiently for us in the phasablast elevator like the good dog he is usually this would be a non-issue since we can just use the cool Freddy ability and instantly warp him to our location but since that's an ability you unlock after completing daycare and we skipped daycare we'll need a different plan if we want our boy back so now that we've got a level one security pass we can actually get to the atrium as the game intended so chat Freddy has been captured I did negotiate with him that there is an Escape Route via vent ready did you take the vent you know what it smells of Freddy I can smell wet bare hair maybe Freddie did come through here after all oh my God Freddy you made it so yes going into that vent gives you Freddie and the reason why is hilarious there's a section coming up where the game removes Freddy from you it takes Freddie away but obviously if you decide actually I don't want to do this section they don't want to just delete Freddy the game will add Freddy back into your inventory basically even if you don't have Freddy when you go in if you enter and exit the game will just give you Freddie with everything unlocked now I can call my boy whenever I want but we have basically circumvented daycare entirely we have one security pass and we have Freddy and we have the ability to call Freddy so we've basically done everything that the game would have given us in daycare however things were about to get immediately tricky once again while we could take our stolen security pass and return back to the intended progression the very next plot Point ends with us being captured and once again separated from Freddy however unlike in the tutorial this absence lasts far longer and would leave us scared and alone through some of the most camera oriented sections in the entire game and most worryingly the Endo section a red light green light inspired Zone filled with enemies whose entire mechanic is freezing them in place by turning to look at them if one little button could halt the run for months then these sections alone would kill it forever but I mean we've already circumvented daycare by getting an extra security pass what if there was a way for a necklace boy and his bear to get two more security passes and just skip all of this that sure would be nice foreign stop this is the fast police you're under arrest for stealing oh you just wait trashy Panda we're gonna steal so much more but first let's deload the lobby again good stuff so just like we broke into phasablast and stole their security pass we're now going to do the exact same thing to Monty jolt more heists so far so good and then I will just keep going in roughly the same direction there it is okay the fuzz apparently know we're here but that doesn't matter we've got to be quick in and out we have the camera weapon not to be confused with the camera that I'm not using so now we just gotta leave oh no chat it's just like what I feared the police they've got the exits locked down again however I discovered a little bit of a trick so have you ever pressed the button to call Freddy and he suddenly appears A Million Miles Away or have you ever pressed the button to call Freddy and he appears on the opposite side of the gate well if you get inside Freddy and call him at the same time he will do exactly that but he will take you with him we basically got inside Freddy and we teleported past the barrier so that is called Freddy warps and it is immensely powerful in fact Freddie warps are so overpowered that we could teleport our way to the true ending right now if we wanted but there is a reason why I wanted to complete the Run specifically at 6am and it's to stop us doing exactly that so we're not gonna just finish the game right now we are gonna do our third and final heist no I'm a big liar it isn't even our final heist we've got more heists to come so yes the bathrooms do not exist we want to fall out of bounds please thank you and eventually we will fall through the floor and we will land in chica's basement please okay we did it we did it we did it we did it it's time for crime [Music] here's a thing about this section that I need to explain once we pick up the security pass we get locked in a room all the save points deactivate chica will be banging on this door and we need to make pizza to escape but guess what the pizza mini game is impossible without moving the camera the very first place you need to go to you cannot interact with without moving the camera so this would be a security pass that we could never do except we have a very powerful weapon on our side don't we so we can just leave we do not need to engage with that at all this is the most broken run I've ever done and we are on the Run brimlock says it's going to get harder the more you play like this you're not wrong and by the time we get to the end of the game things do get strange as an example of how upset the game gets the Chica section breaks all the saves because it's like a danger time so all the saves turn off because we didn't complete that section all the save points are broken [Music] which means that we're gonna need to do this next part in one go the final heist is daycare he long-awaited daycare Heist unlike the first time we attempted daycare we now have the ability to call Freddy which allows us to sneak our boy inside and get up to all sorts of mischief first things first we need to get Freddy behind the security desk because once we take the security pass invisible walls will appear so we really need Freddy to be inside this area the game doesn't let you exit Freddy in this area so that is a problem however they missed a spot right here there's a spot where you can get outside of Freddy so now we have Freddy where we need him let's take the security badge and start the count scene this is the most high-stakes Freddie warp yet because the saves are broken and if we fail this there's no way to get Freddy back in here so let's hope I don't mess up this Freddy warp wish me luck oh thank God we did it we're out okay and guess what when we go up here we're going to start the daycare escape sequence which means that now when we activate this cutscene we finally don't have low power do I still have infinite power I do there is just now no low power battery on my screen another thing that I was keeping a secret from you the save points work again that is the main reason why I saved daycare until the very end because I know that chica breaks the save points and I know that daycare reactivates the safe points so I saved daycare to the very end so that I can turn the save points back on at the last minute [Music] how long did it take you to plan this run literal months it literally took me months to plan this route [Music] we've done it we've got to 1am finally this is now a race to get to 6am so we can finish the game but hold on there past back seat that seems a little bit ambitious if we've only just passed 1am surely 6 a.m is still ages away well in the pizza plex time isn't exactly what you would call linear sometimes the only trigger for advancing to a specific time is something like picking up a story item so with all those security passes we've been stealing there's really nothing to stop us wandering into a late game area activating some kind of trigger and flinging ourselves forwards or backwards in time so what are the triggers for hitting 6 AM and how do we get them without moving our head so to get 6 AM you have to install Roxy's eyes to install Roxy's eyes you need to do the Roxy getting hit by a go-kart cutscene or just get down into that area and take the eyes but there's one vent at the end of The Roxy sequence that you need to unscrew with the screwdriver which is why we just did everything we did because the door to the screwdriver is a level 4 security door oh and if you're wondering why I didn't just do a Freddie walk to get past this door that's because almost this entire room is one huge cutscene trigger that would time travel us to 2 am remove Freddy from our possession and plonk us right in that horrible story section thankfully the screwdriver is right next to the level four door meaning with enough passes we can peek our head inside and open the gift box without starting the cutscene but with a Freddy walk things would be a bit Messier there we go the final crime with the first part of our plan complete and the screwdriver firmly in our possession it was finally time to pay a visit to our favorite dog in Roxy Raceway when I originally did the path for this route I thought you know what would be good is if we did the DJ music man section without moving your head because there's a lot of hiding spots so I bet I can very easily use hiding spots to navigate around without moving my head and I wasn't wrong however because of how much we've broken the game so far DJ music man doesn't work no matter what you do when you get there at least one of the levers will be broken it will have no interact prompt you can't do it so no DJ music man we're just going to activate Roxy early and the way we do that is with some very precise platforming to get onto the track during this next cut scene something unusual might happen and I want you all to tell me what it is [Music] Gregory get off the road that's a hazard so everything seems to be going fantastically the dog is dead and we're making great progress towards 6am [Music] however it was at this exact point that our constant sequence breaking started to have some unintended effects on the game [Music] are you ready free that's never happened before every other time I've done this it didn't take me down here I had to platform my way through the hole in the floor and get down here myself thank you for the eyes beautiful we are about to face off against Isla Roxy the thing is about eyeless Roxy is you have to contest with her in a very small environment unless we forget we cannot move the camera here we go [Music] what is happening okay the game is super broken normally it spins you around so that it shows you Roxy has gotten back up so now two things in a row have happened that have never happened before I'm a little bit scared jump at me there we go come on this way nice oh my God she's already here okay that's also something I've never had before I've never had her do so many of those in a row for me oh God okay now we've got to open this and get inside very quick open get inside okay I think we escaped with the Roxy sequence completed we've now leapt forward in time from 1am all the way to 5 40. however all this progress comes with one side effect there it is ready no longer has Infinite Battery ready is now a normal Freddy so now the Run has a little bit more tension okay I'm actually gonna do this section without Freddy because I don't want to waste his battery [Music] God that was close I could Open this gate if I had Monty's claws ready where are you come here I could open the skate if I had Monty's claws yeah I'm sure I'm sure you could Freddie [Music] 's class how are we going to get to parts and services that is a very good question parts and service is an important location where in a normal playthrough you can upgrade Freddy with the body parts of his Fallen comrades right now we want to install the eyes we looted from Roxy since that sets our time of day to 550 and starts the events that lead to 6 a.m however for our bonally challenged Gregory actually getting there is a bit of an issue because parts and service is located deep below the pizza Plex and we may or may not have skipped the entire section that would usually give us access to the elevator down there so the main way to get down there is currently deactivated but there is one more way to get there the dressing rooms right at the beginning of the game yes literally where we started each have an elevator that leads down to parts and service so in summary to get there we need to find a way back to the beginning of the game in Rockstar row and well there is one way back to the beginning of the game that works for sure we're just going to go through the tutorial backwards chica leave me alone please and believe it or not Monty is still banging on this door this does mean however that our path back is blocked so to get further back we need to do a Freddie warp to get to the other side is chica here okay I'm gonna need to leave chica oh no oh God the battery I forgot okay we gotta be quick oh we gotta die aren't we oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no we've got to do the best Freddie warp I've ever done in my life oh my God we did it we did it we did it we did it wow he's really unhappy with chica huh good God it must have been a second away from killing me let's get going am I winning I actually am [Music] oh yeah this door requires Freddy we're gonna have to be very quick chat please please please oh okay we did it we did it we did it thank you God ah down we go okay let's put those eyes in the boy so speeding through this fairly lengthy installation game real quick Roxanne's eyes have finally found their forever home in Freddy skull and the time of day is set to 5 50 A.M nailed it we are done [Music] all that stands between Gregory and 6am now is the final escape sequence where we must run from here all the way to the main entrance all while being pursued by Moon of daycare Fame luckily the trip is fairly straightforward both figuratively and literally so the risk of death in this section is thankfully very much on the low end we actually have up until 5 555 before moon will actually spawn so we don't need to worry about Moon killing us until 5 55. [Music] wait what is this wait a minute this worked before no this worked when I did practice this worked I cannot believe it actually happened I was so worried that something would break oh my God okay we're going the long way we've really got to move our bottom but just how long is the long way well this is our path if we take the intended Escape Route and this is our backup pad oh dear we're so doomed when I did practice that button worked okay chat the race is on am I gonna have to go through the tutorial area again I need the backstage pass I can try and Freddie warp but I don't know where it's gonna take me please please please okay let's move it let's move it God I wish this part wasn't a zigzag and I wasn't facing the entirely wrong direction okay come on please please please don't go back in we made it where am I I don't know this place I thought I was in The Atrium where is this I went back in oh no oh my God it's gonna be fine chat [Music] okay we're making a run for a chat oh God damn it oh my God I got scared the life Adam okay I'm just gonna check this button why are you now pressable okay button I'm gonna trust that you're gonna work next time okay so back we go to playing Simon Says yet again and praying that this time the button would actually work okay button I'm counting on you thank God okay we actually don't need Freddy right now we're just gonna make a run for the exit without Freddy pretty easy Gregory you have a choice to make okay we want to stay we're staying I am glad here I am ready what is going on with your textures you know when they say the color drained from someone's face well the textures drain from Freddy's face so remember I said that the game gets increasingly broken in like weird ways The Afton fight doesn't work like it does normally when you do it at this point [Music] I could Open this gate if I had Monty's claws ready if you if you pause I swear to God you are a broken record my man so the final boss is located at the bottom of Roxy Raceway but the game wants to know you have all of the boss items so there is a gate that needs Monty's claws but you will never guess how we get past them Monty's class okay there we go that's the last thing that we ever need with Monty's claws so hopefully he will never say that again I could Open this gate if I had a Freddy Warp here we go final stretch and all the things that make the Run difficult all in one place we have generators and we have endos but it may shock you to know chat we don't need to actually do any of this we could just run past it all and Freddie walk [Music] we're also going to do a little bit of a trick and just jump down the entire hole and here we go it is time for Atherton the final boss formerly known as Afton is a timed Gauntlet where you need to fend off the game's cast of animatronics all while waiting for opportunities to press some buttons and burn the bunny while you'd think the final boss would be some kind of ultimate Challenge this is actually perfectly designed for our necklace child since everything important is on one side of the room admittedly we don't have one very important upgrade that we need to defend ourselves but who needs that when you've got Freddy so the fight is perfectly set up for our spine free Scamp and it's easily cheesed should be pretty easy right wrong all of the things we've broken to get here all of the Void outs and all of the sequence breaks have finally reached a critical point there's really no easy way to say this but our Freddy has contracted the 6am sickness symptoms include refusing to turn to look at you a complete disregard for privacy by charging with the door open running out of battery after less than one second of use I definitely was not a fan of that one using up the entire game's neck movement in one go and swearing quite a lot being able to just open the pizza place door in advance somehow and most importantly for our sake becoming uncharacteristically chivalrous and refusing to block the doorway for Roxy seriously he sidesteps the animatronics so consistently in this section that I thought the cheese had been patched but there is one way to still get him to block the doorways if you call Freddie in place he will stay put however this technique is so much slower than the other one which causes its own issues because Freddie's freder's work in a strange way you need to put Freddie in the correct door ahead of time we basically have to roll a 50 50 chance that uh Roxy will appear in the correct hallway it's Roxy oh God I lost I lost the 50 50 chance okay this is going to be spicy chat Freddy over here Freddy if you could lend me a hand buddy got a lure around Freddy you are the worst oh my God have I done the impossible no cannot believe I cannot believe those Scooby-Doo shenanigans by the way another symptom of the 6am sickness is that sometimes entire rooms don't load the game is unhappy [Music] hey chat spicy time we may have done it where is she going Roxy let's just hope she comes back because wasting time with her is an important tactic no no Roxanne Roxanne don't leave oh God that is scary because that means that other animatronics might come [Music] let's do it again okay let's hope for a better Roxanne this time it's Roxy [Music] so far so good she is interested hello there it's backseat from the edit here one last time while we're jangling the keys of a boneless banquet in front of Roxanne stay interested there we go I just wanted to remind you that you can watch every stream of this run from failed experiments to the final result on my twitch page here God's damn it and if you enjoyed this video I'd also suggest you subscribe to me here on YouTube there will be a ruin video coming out at some point so if you enjoyed this that's probably up your alley too now I haven't been looking has often done anything I don't think so Gamers that is the true ending of security breach without moving my camera ever no camera movement security breach complete foreign
Channel: Backseat Streams
Views: 1,554,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Security Breach, FNAF Security Breach, Security Breach challenge run, neckless%, security breach no neck, security breach with no neck, fnaf challenge run, Security breach neckless%, fnaf ruin, security breach ruin
Id: qOPeL0ji6Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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