This Game Theory Fangame Is Full Of LORE! | TheoristS (Mr. TomatoS Fangame)

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okay oh we're so close no yes there's eight bit minigames in this [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to GT not live we're Santi hasn't timed out the intro yet and so continues the conversation into the opening of the show I'll get better is this it's your first GT live yeah no I'm excited but yes I I'm getting the hang of everything yeah yeah oh so wait what were you so I sorry let us complete our our conversation here you can be privy to this basically I'm like oh it's the intro Here Comes Stephanie's part that's kind of like Santi and I'm like oh Santini I was trying to come with up with a portmanteau of the two names right and I was saying that it just sounds like when I was like bullied in the second and third grade great so you're bringing back a lot of those traumas but I it in actuality it was actually a lot of San Diego's so Santi is joining me on the couch uh because you're in town filming a bunch of food theories with me we're doing a test on onions yes how to cut onions without crying yeah we're also doing a test on like energy snacks yes and then hopefully we're doing a test on on gamer drinks yeah I'm very excited about that yes right oh yeah I'm very excited about gamer drinks too so today uh follow the train of logic with me on this one Santi is creative director of food Theory and we're like okay well what food related games can we have Santi play and we're like well there's not a whole like there's like your classic like overcooked I guess or you're cooking Mamas and who knows maybe I've never played a Cooking Mama game so that seems like it'd be fun so like that seems on theme but what are things that are kind of like relevant and popular with our fan base that we could do that's food related and came up with a big old bump kiss but we're like hey there's that game Mr tomatoes and Ms lemons which is this you know for those who don't know it's actually one of the coolest things I think to have released in the in the last year where it is games that like read all the code behind you it's kind of like a you get one pass and then the game shuts down you have to reset everything it's it's a very difficult game during that I asked the community to make a version of that for us I'm like oh my gosh wouldn't it be so cool if we did our version of this and we created a game theory about it the cold open was this and and someone out in the community actually did make the full game Ash who is that person it's Ace milk Ace milk there you'll see it and so not only is the food like it's a game that is one layer removed from the food but the name is also it has milk in there I mean we're all about Connections here I like it exactly so we're playing a game that was once inspired by food but it's no longer it's now just a fan game inspired by a game about food right and now it's just your face it is it is now just I'm tired of it yeah you know I my face and voice because I don't get sick of seeing and hearing myself in all our videos that we do uh but before we happen uh one quick thing is evolving as we speak this is uh our heat activated merch we are launching a lot more Theory merch starting tomorrow it's happening tomorrow um our our merch stuff has been on Hiatus for for a while because we've been kind of revamping it we've been looking at ways to do new products how to kind of like make it more less of a merch like Oh I'm a fan of theorists and more of just a general like clothing brand which I've been really excited about for a while we have style Theory now so we've been trying to like one up the game around kind of the clothing that we offer which is already really solid but we're like Hey how do we make it like even cooler and so we've got a lot of really cool stuff so now we've got nice fashionable button Downs that are like gaming but not like whoa black and green in your face all the time yeah we also have a series of things that were inspired by like the back rooms and like radioactive stuff uh cool sciency stuff like this is like an infrared jacket that I really like yeah I wish it I wish I could wear it I wish it fit me but I I kind of want to I wish I could have worn it well maybe you can borrow it you're slightly larger than me but this actually works for my ready for my right where are you doing what is that like blue steel yeah it looks good that was impressive anyway uh new merch is available either today or tomorrow um and it's it's a lot of new stuff we've got towels we've got button Downs short sleeves we've got button-down long sleeves that are like nice white shirts that have like subtle like theorist stuff in it it's really cool and then you have like really unusual things like this which I was really stoked about because we're like hey if we're doing all this science stuff can we do something that is actually thermal reactive and so this starts off as an all black pattern but as it heats up because I'm getting warmer in here because I've been wearing it for a while you see that it transitions to green and then it cools off again it's very very cool um and very very hot nailed it oh you should go check it out there's a lot of really cool stuff we've been working really hard on it for the last year and really really proud of some of the stuff that we have coming up so um go give it a look also the website is really fun have some fun Easter eggs hidden in it so even if you are not interested in buying our clothing at all go check out the website and have fun with it because it's like designed like an old school like character select screen and stuff it's it's pretty wacky we went all out so without any further Ado enough Shilling enough introduction we're 10 minutes in people are gonna be like oh my gosh the witty banter so long over to me take it away Matt Pat matpat over the matpat uh immediately I I've been staring at this for a while so this isn't new to me but I do appreciate the fact that they've used Sans as the cursor which already tells me where we're headed with this game I feel like that that accomplishes a lot in my life I'm nervous do you think it looks like me it does here's the thing the hands the like the hands and everything the the eyes yeah the hands look like my hands yep yep Brown I just realized that you do yeah wow I've been looking at your face for so long and I never noticed that I have brown eyes I'm not the Muslim service stare deeply into my eyes yeah I mean you have a little bit of yeah yeah very you know what we're not We're not gonna go no no you can tell talk about how interesting my eyes are yeah very interesting eyes because they're like you have a light ring around the brown I know so it's very I mean they're very they're very Dynamic and hypnotizing yeah thank you yeah no Stephanie's eyes are like pure brown like a solid clear Brown the entire way which I've always like oh that's cool and she's like oh you have like yeah the golden brown and then there's also like a blue ring to them and stuff yeah it's deep deep lore deep lore about my eyes but back to this yeah back to this the neck is what just kills me I can't I don't you don't think there it is can you imagine if this is just how we did the video right like this the whole time this is it perfect um so we roughly know how to play this game simply click and hold left Mouse buttons to grab objects and drop it back into place you got that uh you'll earn points for correct answers you can use those points for different items like Diet Coke but this is great I love it and our and our lava lamp a previous quality merch offering that we've offered uh points you can earn even more points if you do everything correctly you can always uh use the use the E key to use our items change them by pressing right and left arrows some items will be used automatically the remaining number of items will not be displayed during the game so remember their number so this is exactly like Mr tomatoes and Miss lemons hopefully it is not as difficult because try as we might we failed that game hard oh God uh we we had to do a lot of that work off camera because it's it's it's a good game it's very challenging though so it's very unforgiving so without any further ado oh so we got key two small disposable tees that can open padlocks okay Game Theory lava lamp it can slightly light up the room for a small amount of time [Music] foreign illusion disc a device that can help understanding distorted speech oh man that's not canon no one likes that part of the Canon diet cola Canada delicious Coda they can cheer up a theorist oh that would cheer me up and then question mark is it like a real pad it looks like a secret script oh yeah right we'll find out okay let's do this [Music] agreeing to help me give me games because I need to theorize I would like some EarthBound [Laughter] it's great are these actual voice slips of me or is this an AI generated talking because either way I'm pretty impressed with it no I am I I wish I could have heard it a little bit better because it sounded like you it did no it did sound like yeah right like it's it's pretty legit voice clip I love I love it when I pick one up my waiting mouth please feed me please feed me okay I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's awesome fantastic this is top tier right here I would like to Mario oh some Mario easy every time I would like the Legend of Zelda okay nice I would like some doors [Laughter] love it I would like a Mr Tomatoes oh there we go that seems reasonable and edible at all renders are great with like a portal a portal all right some Companion Cube very nice I would like some Mario see this is true you gotta know you got to know what games these come from yeah I would like some Earthbound uh sorry I'm not seeing Sam's anymore I would like a Sonic I can't give you something I can give you a shoe though I would like a Mr Tomatoes okay Mr Tomatoes technically lemons is connected I would like some Mario well you just really like mine I'm really hungry for that matter of like a Pokemon any Pokemon will do it's fine I would like a Mr Tomatoes wow tomato and Mario yeah I would like a portal nice all right easy see look okay I am full for now visit me when I will want to theorize again see you later I like how angry I was I am full for now you sounded like a like a deity that's just angry at its followers you know is that that far from real it's a trophy to start [Music] oh oh that's funny that's cute I didn't notice this before it stands and then it becomes Nest smart say this that's the thing that we did that time see how it all comes together I love it oh boy we got four stars to accomplish nothing I don't know if we can do this oh no this is welcome back are we hard to theorize I would like some Among Us some I would like a poppy play time give him a Huggy changing it up yep I would like some Among Us oh some mugas nice I would like the Legend of Zelda but launch it I would like a Kirby oh no oh that's why because we oh we should have gotten some keys they're in the Snap Four box no less oh man oh what do you think we got 50 50 shot here yeah uh what's the the three-door probably change it change the answer really yes are you are you are you using the Monty Hall yes even though you can't apply here it doesn't apply at all in this circumstance trust me okay I didn't ask for this I would like some bendy and the ink machine I didn't ask for this all right Monty Hall that's for this either I would like a fortnight see look at that I know what I want I know my demand I can say I feel I feel here I would like a portal look I know what I want I'm a man who knows I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's [Music] I was gonna say the middle one too so you have to do the opposite of whatever my God tells me you were talking I didn't hear him sorry what did he say Ash what did the man say I'm sorry oh Santi go with your gut I didn't think I said I think I said Resident Evil no I don't think I said Legend of I think I said Animal Crossing no I would like it's a Mario see I know I know I know what I know what I like I would like the Legend of Zelda great I would like some Amanda the adventurer oh what's up Amanda the adventure this is great I love this I would like a hello neighbor no I wouldn't that is not something I would ever say I would like some cooking companions that's the most emotion that was then I would like a Pokemon I mean technically technically wooly could really pass as a Pokemon I would like a Doki Doki literature Club a Doki Doki literature Club it's incredible The Voice selections it's great okay alsanti which one would you pick okay my gut is telling me the far left great I would like a Friday night funkin oh Friday night Funk and that's clear of this one I would like Animal Crossing uh well I feel like I have a double layer of like a Friday night funkin hey there we go okay I am full for now visit me when I will want to theorize again see you later oh I'm starting to get like a double voice yeah in there right yeah you you start to see the seams here this is amazing here let's buy some cheese yeah I think we could use some keys here just drop Sans in the trophy to start just crop Sans in the trophy to start I love it this is amazing oh I love this so much I want to theorize I would like a Pokemon okay I would like a Pokemon I would like Animal Crossing okay people Animal Crossings I would like some doors some doors I would like some inscription oh inscription nice I would like a Mrs lemons like how tiny she is relative to everything else I would like some Amanda the adventurer all right that's fair I I could always use more I would like a portal oh a portal that would be this one right here I would like a Pokemon oh right in the middle easy peasy I would like some Among Us I will say your hand is right there you can just reach out I would like some doors you're lazy uh clearly I just need I was like a Sonic it's a bit like it's a bit like Ollie Ollie will need I would like a Kirby he's he's like if I can get other people to feed me why would I feed my I would like a Friday night funkin ooh Friday night funkin I knew it was gonna be the far one I would like some Delta Rune darn should have gotten a lava lamp I thought we would be able to see it a fortnight I didn't realize how angry your eyes got oh yeah I would like a Mr Tomatoes I I know what I like and I'm very demanding about it zombie I would like some cooking companions some cooking companions very excited about I would like some Among Us Among Us is gonna be clearly this one I would like some bendy and the ink machine bendy is gonna be clearly this one again oh I didn't ask would you know I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's Can't Get Enough five minutes I was like a portal portal I would like a poppy play time I'm learning a lot about your diet I are tomatoes full of fiber you have had a lot of you're right I would like The Binding of Isaac pull The Binding of Isaac I didn't ask for this okay I am full for now visit me when I will want to theorize again later is the bottom like the low voice getting louder it is yeah I think I think I'm becoming more and more possessed by it around okay I'm gonna get five keys just drop Sands in the trophies I think we're gonna need the the can we get the a knife no certainly that's that's oh that's live okay yeah yeah we got close to it probably should have saved my monies by that so I could stab myself that's what I think we're getting there yeah unfortunately a sound illusion disc huh do it [Music] well we're spending all our points we're being smart but are we I've never I've never found a good strategy I want to theorize I would like a Doki Doki literature Club no that would have been distorted voice so the fact that we had it ready we were good yeah literature Club I would like The Binding of Isaac Binding of Isaac nice I would like some Earthbound Earthbound here we go I would like some bendy and the ink machine I would like a fortnight I think it's gonna be to the right oh I knew it I called it wasted a key I would like some doors did we truly waste the key though if we were right at the end it was a smart usage I would like a hello neighbor hello neighbor Zeus and box stacking classic I was like a Friday night funkin whatever happened to Friday night funkin have you ever played Friday night fun I haven't oh I think you would enjoy it really oh yeah it's great oh no I haven't yeah I've got some good beats some some quality Precision gaming what sort of gaming do you like Santi oof uh I like competit I like being competitive I either like being hyper competitive yeah or like the exact opposite like I will waste I'm the I'm that kid like middle competitive no no there is no middle ground like I'm that kid in RuneScape that like when I was playing that I just mine all day and be happy with it and do nothing else okay so that's that's kind of what I like I didn't RuneScape yeah you know not the new ruins Cape I'm talking like classic 2004 you know when it yeah okay or something like that anything more recent oh yeah I know I I mean no it's like it doesn't have to be like I love classic games as much I I like playing like it's I mean I keep going back to Spider-Man I love The Witcher games like things like that Skyrim oh my God the amount of time I put into Skyrim yeah yeah I just keep going back to it it's one like my favorite system ever so does Bethesda what oh no sorry no no that's that yeah oh I was just saying because they re-released it a lot I know I know but every time it gets better and I'm a Diablo person but okay you know blizzard oh wow so okay so you're really some like hardcore games too I have my hard work I mean come on yeah seriously wow competitive Esports guy over here oh yeah I actually played like in in tournaments no yeah for Heroes of the Storm the like MOBA for Wizard I was the North American champion for for a league are you kidding me no no me and my team we're a champion yeah yeah we were the North American Champions I mean granted there were like maybe 100 people playing at the time but still we won and you were number one for a period of time yeah just like this channel used to be the number one live streaming Channel on YouTube for a period of time really about two years now oh wow oh okay yeah I was number one for like five minutes no no you you rocked it out hey we are number one hey yeah I would like some Among Us yeah that's a busy town reference for all of you out there he wanted some Among Us right that's what he said yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I would like some Amanda the adventurer Amanda the adventurer being Missy more I would like some Earthbound yeah thank you right classic I would like a Mrs lemons sure you would sure you would I would like a fortnight haul great give me that lore every time I would like some Amanda the adventurer okay okay so we're all out of the the sound illusion discs I would like a portal okay what do you think it is Santi I'm gonna say the left I'm gonna say the left as well we were both wrong good I would like a Kirby I yeah yeah I can agree with that I would like a Mrs lemons I could use a little more Kirby I love Kirby games I would like a portal right they're really good and they're also they also get really hard like oh yeah sonic some Sonic and male foot broken leg Mrs lemons middle she's always in the middle always right I would like a beauty portal I would like a portal I do think I think that's a good guess I don't think it's worth wasting it because here's the thing even if we knew what it was or like even if we unlocked the things we still don't know what it is so I think portal is our best bet yeah I would like a Mrs lemons yeah yeah I got him there we go there it is I would like the Legend of Zelda so would I admittal nice he tends to be in the middle I would like some bendy in the ink machine great wanna get the knife I would like some inscription ooh Some inscription okay oh we're so close now visit me when I will want to theorize oh no yes there's eight-man mini games in this are you kidding me oh my God a n s I a n s i s is it Sam's Nest it's saying Santa's s isn't it yes oh my God this is awesome oh oh this oh this has made my life oh Sans is this oh this is see this is what this is what Five Nights at Freddy's is missing these days this is like a ruin great it was all fine but like if there isn't creepy voices happening over a 8-bit minigame and get get the heck out of here I know that there's an exit over there but I'm just curious what's there's a dot in this corner that I'm curious about yeah but it apparently was nothing look at my nice is that my nice teeth oh awesome god dude that was unexpected I should I should probably have gone to the other room rather than letting it play out but I am happy that I got to explore so cool so cool this this is like wow this is so well done honestly this makes me so happy I love it so much I'm happy that word because like this was clear that a lot of time went into this yes like the trophy this is gonna be a multi-part series Ash where there are four stars and hidden lore and hidden mini games yes please sign me up oh man make this the new indie hit of the Year we're so close to buying that knife there's four endings good enough all right we're gonna buy a bunch of sound illusion discs punch Keys yeah [Music] I think we should have a cola because we are racking up the anger points oh okay have a cola sure 100 points there Santi I we've been getting more and more no no I I would actually beg to argue the the last time I thought our purchasing strategy was right on point because you notice that we didn't have a whole lot of extra anger that time we nailed you're right you're right we only got a couple okay all right so here's the question are we better off buying a single soda or like say one or two sound illusion discs or a handful of keys I think we only need one more of each uh actually we might need another lava lamp hmm I also want to save up for the the Saucy knife you just want to stab me I just you know I I see what's going on here I'm the food guy you never know we might have to use a knife or something all right dude yeah sure the Saucy knife is definitely being used for culinary things like carving up my face I know what's going on here I see what welcome back okay I want to theorize I was like a portal okay I would like a portal yeah there it is there's the coil I would like a poppy play time Play Time gotcha I would like some Earthbound ask and thou shalt receive matpat I would like a portal okay maybe we should have gotten a couple more levels yeah we have burned through them fairly quickly I would like an undertale okay oh we oh we have none left undertale has been either on the left or the right rarely is it in the middle and now that you say that it'll be in the middle oh I didn't ask for this clearly not I would like some cooking companions oh get out of here cooking companions have been in the middle of a bunch I didn't ask for this I would like the Legend of Zelda okay I can provide you that I would like a Mrs lemons what are you doing man okay she's always in the middle she's always in the middle oh shoot right middle always I did not betrayed me I would like some Earthbound here we're gonna drink a cola you're welcome though yeah fine fine Mr world champion of Heroes of the Storm Mr National recognized ranking I overcooked king of the world the gaming Master let's go do we say Among Us or Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound right yeah I would like the Legend of Zelda who knew that there would be so many blackouts that's how they got you that is I didn't ask for that clearly I would like some Amanda the adventurer that should be on the left no middle oh they're throwing us off I would like a Pokemon oh great thank goodness please give me some easy ones please I would like a Kirby see this is what happens in this game I would like an undertale great yeah we needed some pity runs right I would like a portal portal there we go I would like some bendy and the ink machine bendy I would like a Doki Doki literature Club a Doki Doki literature Club just Monica I would like a Minecraft oh a Minecraft that's a new one that's gonna be the left clearly I didn't ask for this I would like what's up Amanda the adventurer fine I would like a Kirby come on ten more I would like a Mr Tomatoes 10 more I would like some Sims oh some Sims okay I was gonna be wrong I would like a Doki Doki literature Club Mid it's not what we're expecting anymore it's like the game's playing with like some Five Nights at Freddy's five nights Five Nights at Freddy's I would like no we do I didn't have it highlighted oh oh that was clearly not really no it was like it was a little too it was yeah it was clearly whatever this middle thing is I didn't ask for this I would like the Legend of Zelda great we were on a good story I would like some cooking companions cooking companions I would like a Minecraft great I have that for you I would like a Pokemon Pokemon I would like a Resident Evil wow there we go deep cut that was rough I am full for now visit me when I will watch a theorize oh wait yeah are we getting another one oh yeah yes give me more infant minigames maybe yes all about okay let's actually move out of this room this time yeah let's make progress the GT live room with the Imposter awesome awesome oh hello hello secret lore oh man ripped up pages is this like old fan art destroyed fan art what does it mean is that upside down yeah oh there's a there's a thing on top too oh there's an exit to the top oh wow look at our cool Studio space here yeah we got quite the quite the big operation going on there's like doors to the outside facility I think this is yeah maybe I don't want to run out of lore no oh no did that jump scare a little bit they saw the jump it was startling at a certain point you just become desensitized to it oh no honestly thank God I don't like have headphones on and lore and Lord morning it has jump scares and lore oh the other colored letters in there in the original game it's spelled suffering or like and pain or something like that and so this one says and lore which this is this is wonderful amazing this has made my life this is a crowning achievement um poof okay we know we we're gonna need we are one away from dying at this point we don't have a whole lot of points to happen how much are the colors 100 okay you can buy two colas which will knock us down six because each one's three right I think we only get the one Cola I agree and then I think we're gonna need lava lamps we need I mean clearly we need a lot a lot we need a lot of stuff yeah last time yeah it was pricey okay one Cola one lava lamp and then we could either get another audio [Music] or like three keys or even a lamp let me need a lamp yeah and a key there we go sorry we're not getting the we're not getting the knife here's here's the ending we're getting the loser the spoiler alert sorry Santi just when I'm starting to get competitive world champion in Mr theorists is not a thing that we can achieve at this point you don't know like faith I want to theorize I would like a Kirby okay he wants Kirby I would like a Minecraft oh I should probably drink this Cola yeah just to knock it down okay I would like a Minecraft and I want to be on this so that way it uses it automatically I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's he would I would like Mr Tomatoes Channel could use a booster I'd like some more Five Nights at Freddy's please I would like a Kirby oh man Kirby lore Mr Tomatoes oh Mr potatoes there you go nice I would like a Sonic the song I would like a hello neighbor hello neighbor I bet he'll enjoy analyzing this frame by frame if I know anything about that guy on screen right now he'll enjoy analyzing this one frame by frame I would like a poppy playtime a play time I would like some Delta Rune oh Some Devil to root so Delta they are considering deltarune and uh undertale different it's good to know I would like an undertale an undertale I don't see Ness anywhere so I would like some bendy in the ink machine bendy that's me I would like some Among Us okay middle no oh yeah I would like a Minecraft like Minecraft hey not too bad not bad I would like a portal hey portal yes keep it going racking it up I would like some cooking companions two cooking companions very excited I would like to Mario yes there we go yes keep going I would like some cooking companions cooking companions I would like some Among Us the sound illusion discs that might be terrible for the lore but they're excellent for our gameplay right now I would like a Mr Tomatoes oh yeah yes come on baby I would like a Pokemon crazy good I would like a fortnight fortnight I would like a hello neighbor hello neighbor I would like some bendy and the ink machine bendy I would like some doors doors I would like a Mr Tomatoes Mr tomatoes I would like an undertale undertale we're out of decoder I would like it's a Mario Mario two more I would like some deltarune Delta run that's the one in the middle not to be I mean Sans technically crossed I would like The Binding of Isaac Binding of Isaac there we go congratulations you almost finished the game yes good job thank you not good enough oh don't worry your fan theories will be completely enough for me to ignore your mistakes and now give me your luxuries oh oh laughs yeah I'm scared of 2023. eat your heart out for now ruin Matt bat purple guy jumpscare why oh that was wonderful I loved every moment oh my God no it's too early for this oh my god oh that was incredible you almost have to bleep that out for me I swear yeah I guess in I guess in a RuneScape there's not a whole lot of jump scares no Diablo you know the demons are just kind of sitting there they're not like why I don't do this sensitive heart oh no oh hey that seems like we got an ending huh we got the hey you got to the end in a mediocre Way ending the loser ending you called it no there's I'm sure there's there's an ending where you actually lose lose though oh it's fair enough oh laughs it's me yeah it's Oak [Laughter] I feel like it's one of those things if you stare in the eyes long enough and then close your eyes you just see you you see it still there yeah it just persists do I have to brighten this image is this an image to brighten here let's see image adjustments brightness and contrast see there you go new sleep paralysis demon all I needed oh I love it so much is there hidden lore here any Hidden Lore here it doesn't look like him I'm just gonna Crank It Up just so we are sure oh look at that look at that sexy man right there what a what a peak of humanity this purple outfit speaking of purple we got a purple jacket going back to the merch stuff I got it it's got an purple jacket just the perfect shade of purple for all your herbal needs yes did we get a start welcome to my game buddy yes purple and it's a purple star purple star so now we're back to the beginning yeah [Music] okay we'll work on getting you the knife we'll get work and get you the knife okay we're gonna we're gonna speedrun the knife yeah because I I you came all the way out here California you're sitting down on the couch it's early in the morning you're getting jump scared this man wants one thing and one thing only a knife he wants a we're getting this man especially after that jumpscare thank you for agreeing to help me give me games because I need to theorize yes I would like The Binding of Isaac yeah look at how normal I am I would like a Pokemon Pokemon gotta do fast I would like some doors doors I would like a Sonic song I would like some inscription oh sure absolutely I would like the Legend of Zelda indeed link is dead I would like a Kirby Kirby is in the god that's kind of like some Five Nights at Freddy's uh there's no I would like a portal uh The Companion Cube is people I would like a fortnight Fortnight is still there's so much lore we can't keep I would like some earthbounds it goes too fast for us actually that's the problem a Doki Doki literature Club it is literally a full-time job keeping up I would like a Mr Tomatoes Tomatoes small indie game I would like a Resident Evil right do people even play that game I would like a Mrs lemons lemons got him okay I am full for now visit me for your eyes again see you later welcome I don't think we need to buy any I think like we just a couple of keys because the first few rounds that we did were easy say that all right I'm getting three keys just so we have them okay okay welcome back I want to theorize I would like a Kirby one's Kirby I would like some doors doors I would like to Mario yeah I would like some inscription inscription I would like the Legend of Zelda sure you would I would like a portal yeah Munch that I would like a fortnight see fortnite okay fair enough I would like Animal Crossing oh Matthew Chris Kirk Pat from Amanda the adventurer I would like some bendy in the ink machine yeah he would I would like a Mr Tomatoes I'm more than happy to provide I would like some Five Nights at Freddy ah too much of that I would like The Binding of eyes a little bit overstuffed on the Five Nights at Freddy's I would like some Sims I would like some Earthbound oh so would I I'd love more Earthbound I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's yeah you know I would like The Binding of Isaac oh the old binding I would like a Kirby sure I would like some Earthbound Earthbound paper came of all time I would like a poppy play time yes easy okay I am full for now visit me when I will want to theorize again great awesome my game buddy this is like this is my game buddy uh we used four three keys last time I'm gonna have five just drop Sands in the trophy to start two all right that's my strategy four and two okay we're gonna get you this knife let's go let's get this man a knife I want to theorize I would like some Delta rune fail to rune I would like a Kirby jerk Kirby I would like some Among Us Among Us I would like a Pokemon Pokemon I would like some cooking companions oh my gosh you are burning through my items buddy I would like some inscription no no I didn't ask for this I would like a Mrs lemons great I can do that one thank you I would like a Kirby Kirby I would like some Delta rune mmm Delta root is clearly gonna be on the left you think so I think so I don't know why I'm trusting you but you're looking for it I would like a Minecraft yeah way to redeem yourself Santi there we go I would like a Resident Evil Resident Evil to Win It I would like some inscription subscription I would like the Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda I would like some cooking companions so would I I would like to Mario some Mario I would like some doors doors excellent I would like a Mrs lemons uh-huh we're getting there we're getting there I would like a Resident Evil Resident Evil something left I would like a Minecraft Minecraft eat up buddy I would like a fortnight Fortnight munch munch I would like some inscription subscription over to the right I would like some Sims Sims I would like some deltarune Delta Rune over left I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's yeah you would get those views and undertale undertale that's that's this one not to be confused okay I am full for now and I will want to theorize again all right see you later buddy it's my game buddy yes that's nice I think so and then try stabbing you thanks just drop Sans in the trophy here we go let's stab myself welcome back I want to theorize I would like The Binding of Isaac I would like no oh this is what I wanted how about that was unexpected a surprise but not unwelcome by any means oh wow I just I just got stabby stabbed I love it well wait oh oh hello velocity equals gravity times R times density minus oh it's a video code here uh who can write something down Ash got it osm oh really really the whole time the whole time we've been trolled okay [Applause] now Shia LaBeouf was Santi is displaced oh god oh that's incredible funny wow there it is there is something Saucier for it you asked for the sussy knife I did and you got the Saucy knife okay oh that was incredible absolutely incredible well done well played I feel like we need to leave a comment that says brought here by the mat Pat the matpat fan game Mr theorists OS oh that's so great also can I just say the completely unrelated to any of this the uh Kirkland brand Kung Fu Panda that's being served up by YouTube over here for free oh my God the adventures of panda Warrior it is a family movie that is available for free on it came out in 2016. YouTube's like we can't afford Kung Fu Panda but you know what we can't afford the adventures of panda Warrior and see that guy I have to I'm gonna go home and watch that I need to I want to see how Jank it is you know I mean look at look at that title screen right there here here I'll pull up just out of curiosity Adventures of panda we'll look up a quick screenshot since I don't want to play it and then we're going to get like caught in copyright land oh oh buddy oh this is make it stop oh there's lore here can we make a film theory about this game can we make a filter look at this look what is this pig is this a pig what is this what that doesn't no what is this I don't like that that is concerning in so many ways oh look at this maybe the villain here what is that thing supposed to be that's not a creature that should exist what are you oh man it's got Rob Schneider in it and Norm Macdonald oh wow a new hero is born for much cheaper than DreamWorks would allow I really want to watch like the trailer just to hear like this summer Rob Schneider is Rob Schneider is a panda a panda Warrior here trailer oh wait I tend to listen to the video about these These are bad according to Ted good to know good to know Ted I was you know what I was not under any impression that they were good to be honest so I don't know Masterpiece here we go for centuries there have been many legendary Kung Fu Warriors pandas that you might be familiar with pandas that go by the name of Poe we ignore him [Music] he even eats a bunch like Paul oh come on man oh my God he's surrounded by a bunch of like helper ninja oh man by a helper Kung Fu Warriors just like wow they didn't even get an original story for this what is the pig what is the pig exactly maybe a panda but you're certainly no Warrior [Music] look at this lineup of characters off-brand Groot Pig I'm done welcome welcome to your first ever GT live oh wow oh my God where am I you were in Maryland he's so thrilled about that too yeah no you're in Maryland I thought Maryland was supposed to place of peace and Harmony wow look at look at how well the words that sink up to the lips right really we you know we have this film Theory coming up about how Disney needs to be scared of all the animation work that's been happening right now I mean this right here Point case in point honestly right why spend hundreds of millions when you could spend a hundred you know what you know we'll pay for it you know you know who didn't pay for this literally everyone else you know who did pay for exclusive streaming rights to air it for free on their platform right here look at the little finger on the ear I am proud that our content can can live us alongside such classic cinematic masterpieces honestly what are those eyes look at the eyes they've seen some why do people look at YouTube like a lesser entertainment platform I don't understand it honestly was Maryland is under control of the evil you took princess and Jimmy but Fairyland is under the control of the evil master I love that they couldn't even come up with like a name for it but so here's the thing everyone's talking about Ai and like ah AI this this came out 11 years ago there's no way that it was AI if you told me it was I would believe you a human wrote this I right AI could have done better honestly it would have not used the generic the evil Master it might have though I mean yeah it depends on if you're playing pain for the premium subscription train me to defeat him you think you have the courage to become a warrior I got this oh he got shocked hello you're pretty gullible I will train you Pat is it getting bit by the Flop what yeah it looks oh it's a CL oh wow it's classic uh crotch bit by flower uh gag you know that that Old Chestnut but I love that it very clearly is like not it's not there oh God I'm dying so much in every second of this get ready oh wow look at look at that fight choreography right there wow Kung Fu Panda eat your heart you wish they're even using the same font man [Applause] no no [Laughter] that is a thumbnail face right there I think all of our thumbnails from henceforward should just be this face like like use the sniper wolf format like in the corner off-brand Panda reacts to I'm gonna can I just be real for a second yeah so so for the first like seven years of my professional career yeah I worked in television development yes and film development and I I I slaved I worked so hard I busted my butt to get projects that I was passionate about made and some of them didn't because that's just how development goes and then I see this this got made it by why we got or get distributed by Lions game something yep well I mean maybe some of your passion projects should be about inspirational pandas that are hungry and I want to be Kung Fu Master give me the knife princess Angelica pigs really can fly she is a pig pig confirmed Pig I don't know where they're pulling I don't know what pigs they got in Fairyland mutated I don't know I don't know what they got that's the Snyder Haley Duff he is the panda Warrior Norm Macdonald I like that all the other ones prove that the voice is the person who's doing the voice yeah Tom excuse me what [Music] Donald [Music] no further comment necessary there Whoever has faith and sometimes sometimes you just need a paycheck sometimes you just need a couple extra spending dollars for Christmas a true Panda Warrior of Legends hey you're the second Panda Warrior of Legend not not the one that first comes to mind a thousand teeth just one chance to give yourself I'm warming up oh that was another good react face right there that's another good react face right there warming up there it is that's a win that's a thumbnail face if I've ever seen one device one for the sake of all you got to wrong panda oh we certainly do have the wrong panel we most certainly do have the wrong pandemic that was fantastic available for free right now oh my God streaming full on for the next hour and 18 minutes oh my God no you can't see it because they've got the copyright stuff in here I don't like that there you go this is the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life it's almost as good as morbius you can't see the comments because they're blocking the screen because they know we're streaming so I have to imagine Norm immediately gambled all the money from this movie awesome God this was this was great this was a great experience I think um I feel really good about this when did the original Kung Fu Panda come out because I like uh I can spell real estate 2008 four years before that trailer came out yeah I mean it took him a long time to really dial it in for that one you know you know you're right you're right that was that was that was a big commitment I'm not appreciating it no no I mean quality animation like that takes time yeah no like five minutes so we discovered remember that time we were playing theorists that's right it was a good time it was a good time there uh let's see this is gonna give us that wait but what were we supposed to do with the that information I think here I I think it was just to appreciate it for its meme qualities I think I think this is a good place to wrap it for today so we've gotten two endings yeah whoa I don't know if that oh that definitely counted as an ending that definitely until I see the star well you're not gonna see the star because we watched Legends of panda Warrior YouTube said heck no and now we have to reset everything yeah fair enough so instead of us resetting everything you could just trust me that there are probably two endings the second stars in here it's it's the friends we made along the way but and as we made yeah and the pandas we watched It's the friends we made of the pandas we watched but uh what we can do is we can come back later this week since you're here for the whole week and we can play more of this and we can find the last two endings love it great yes perfect I look great I like it this was wonderful this was a journey that was unexpected much like the Journey of panda undergoes when becoming a Kung Fu Warrior but you know I feel enriched and better as a result of it uh fan game absolutely fantastic fantastic I cannot wait to play more of this thing I cannot wait to find all the endings it is so fun so enjoyable I love the references the fact that there are 8-bit minigames hidden in here just brilliant and jump scares which I uh so we will be back with more of of uh theorist theorist OS I guess it's not really it's theorists um we'll be back with more next time but uh in the meantime I'll go play this game for yourself go show it some love the link is down in the description below it is unreal let's let's blow this puppy up you know Indie gaming scene's been kind of quiet lately this could be it I I think so I think it's a win solve our lore and do it without any keys or anything let's see I I that I want to do it hard mode say that I'm gonna regret it here I have a game for you it's called Miss lemons you'll have a great time with that one bring me on the couch thanks for having me jump scared with me uh apologies to the entire uh continent of Europe and as always remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,641,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr tomatoS, mr tomato, TheoristS, theoristS fan game, matpat fangame, game theory fangame, ms lemonS, ms. LemonS, mr. Tomato, Ms. Lemon, theoristS game, theorists fan game, matpat fan game, game theory fan game, fangame, theoristS endings, theoristS secrets, indie game, indie, scary game, secrets, lore, mr tomatos all endings, mr tomatos game, ms lemons all endings, ms lemons game, mr tomato lore, ms lemons lore, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive fangames, gtlive fan game
Id: x3XlP3fZjIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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