The Useless World of PS1 Accessories - Caddicarus

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[Music] where are you no i didn't say go to new zealand i said go and get me new zealand hello i'm cat icarus and you're not you want to know something that everybody loves video game accessories you know when you take something like a controller that works and then you make it stop working tony hawk is great fun but you know what i hate doing this we need to make that more fun real life skateboard not only even more fun than that but also works much better thank god we don't need to worry about hitting that one button ever again i didn't even do that now i'm not just an old forgotten hag i do think that accessories and video games have their place and playstation in particular have been ahead of the curve with tons of useful ones or ones that just provide good clean fan that's a dirty fan like the guitar hero controller the ps3 memory card adapter the ps2 dvd remote the playstation vr and even the ps3 six axis motion controller which went down extremely well in the intel market thanks david cage but for every motion activated bra removal tutorial there's a tv signal aerial for the psp or a ps vita only memory card or a ps3 book or a dragon quest slime controller because this is comfortable he's looking at it i'm okay with this or even playstation move boxing gloves yes these are real it's just a regular boxing glove with an elastic strap for the controller it does absolutely nothing you still have to hold the controller what else am i supposed to do with this punch someone and then immediately celebrate and this is just me talking about nowadays did you know that sony were the kings of useless plastic [ __ ] even back in the day when they were making prototype controllers and then leaving them at the bus station for people to take and then sell for 9 000 pounds and even though you got the occasional useful or cool thing like the vibrating double analog stick dual shock controller or interchangeable memory card or unofficial cheat discs to break your games in half the ps1 had even more absolute garbage tier accessories than people realize so welcome one and all to my bleh so welcome one and all to my journey looking through as many ps1 accessories that i could find on ebay or afford because holy [ __ ] second mortgage but i don't want to start off negatively i'm someone who likes to look for the good in everything so before we jump into the skid marks let's take a look at the nice clean pants such as with this thing here the ps1 multitap aha good day mates core blimey the ps1 multitap or if you'd prefer the multi branch mount was one of the first accessories released for the ps1 and it's a nifty little device to allow you to play four player local multiplayer and that's it but i always thought this thing looked pretty cool it could even help you out with your math but whatever you do do not directly touch the metal part or i'll have to get a restraining order other than that though there's not much to say it's four controller slots that plugs into one controller slot if you drop it on the floor it'll come back to you and after the nintendo 64 came out with four controller ports already installed sony executives then realized they shut it all up and went oh and while we're on the topic of sony messing things up let's talk about this thing now i know what you're gonna say but caddy that isn't an accessory it's a rope well no this is an optional thing that you used to be able to buy for your playstation and it was for this exact purpose if you happen to have two giant crt tvs which are just like regular tvs nowadays but with diabetes two ps1 controllers two copies of a certain game and then put all of them together in the same room you could play two-player multiplayer yes i'm not joking only about five ps1 games in total were compatible with foreplay with this thing so mostly you were doing this for the sake of two players probably because they knew that you wouldn't be able to fit four people in a room where you set it all up when the ps1 first launched in 1995 many of its multiplayer games were not compatible with two controllers out of the box even though there's two slots for two controllers on it out of the box so that meant if you were a kid in the mid 90s you needed to go through all of this effort just to play wipeout 2097 with little johnny toe rag sony justified this baffling thing by arguing it was like an arcade experience at home but you weren't in an arcade you were in mummy study oh no what else is in there this thing is an umbilical cord of hate it's useless i never knew anybody that owned one and if you're upset with me saying this about your beloved rubbery intestine please ring up and send in all of your complaints to oh 800 303 30083 [Music] bow what's that smell dad it's a rat it's a rat killing kill it this is the ps1 mouse a walmart special for 1496 including tax and honestly i think that's a bargain it even comes with a free piece of gum from 1995. yes my friends if you lived in the 90s and were too cheap for then this was the best compromise you could deal with to get a pc experience on your tv check it out you even got a really sweet mouse map isn't it supposed to be white now i actually think this is one of the coolest additions to the ps1 at this point i'd usually make some comment about p but this thing works perfectly for the few point-and-click games available on the ps1 and it gives you smoother mouse movement than will smooth yes very smoothly it even allows you to aim and shoot in a few first person shooters well that's very good the best thing about it though undoubtedly is that it can be used to play irritating stick this is what made the ps1 mouse fly off the shelves the chance to turn irritating stick into reasonable stick come on come on come on come on no here's another thing you could choke on the pocket station the first ever portable sony console yeah you thought the psp was the first you're thick and here it is isn't it precious no it isn't a gravestone for moths it's a japanese-only ultra-tiny game console that triples as a ps1 save game manager and an alarm clock the most important things you need in your pocket you can use it as a standard memory card and then look through the save data later on with tiny bit crushed animated save game icons yeah you wink at me coco don't worry i know i know i'm hot you can change the volume yes that's a separate feature but the best thing is when it works with certain ps1 games for extra features and to download mini games directly onto it to play portably like block qt which sounds like a minecraft babe but is actually a breakout clone that triples the length of the stage and makes the ball the size of measles there's also a pocket moo moo a space shooter with absolutely no cows and tales of eternia a rhythm game mixed with tamagotchi but with a real woman and just like in real life i can never seem to make her happy some of these save icons though look like phlegm believe it or not this is solid snake more like deflated hippo although to be fair this rupture farms icon from odd world looks pretty damn great oh sorry it's not oddworld in japan it's ava gogo why is he coming out of his own honestly this version of the game is worth owning alone just for the japanese abe voice listen to how cute it is it's like if abe was voiced by michael jackson oh hello dude and as far as the slig voices go i think he's having a hernia but abe is just too damn cute hey guys come down and see this oh wait she took the kids like i said this thing was sadly japanese only and never made it out of its home country but sony did at one point have bigger plans for it since a few western games do work with it like ridge racer type 4 and even final fantasy 8 but it really is only a few you'll find that 98 of all compatible games have to be the japanese copies so make sure you dig up your japanese metal gear solid from konami the best yeah they sure are and get ready to learn a brand new language from space otherwise you're better off just oh no scratch that you don't need to learn japanese the crash 3 manual is english i mean don't you remember his famous ringo bazooka i like children and now we move on to one of the coolest things i own yes if you didn't think your ps1 already looked enough like a toilet well [ __ ] then feast your eyes on this bastard eat your heart out steam deck steam deck what is that a cruise ship nintendo switch what's that i thought i already had one of them if you wanted to play 3d games on the go in the late 90s and early 2000s you got this thing the ps1 lcd screen the ps1 little crinkly dentist i have wanted this thing desperately ever since i was a kid when i first saw an ad for it in the front cover inlay for stuart little two sometimes the best things come in little packages the ps1 lcd screen for men below the national average oh lovely now i'm thinking about stuart little's little steward the screen itself comes with built-in speakers brightness buttons and even a headphone jack all you need is a power supply wall socket near you and you're ready to go i've always wanted to play goofy's fun house in mcdonald's as long as you can plug it in and have a ps1 disc and controller you can use it you can even play it on the train if you want yes i beat psychomantis i cannot deny that this is probably my favorite ps1 accessory of all time even for as toilety as it looks you see this is where the brown goes and this this is the secret bit do you think they animated it under his trousers oh i completely forgot to tell all of you recently i noticed that fuel prices were going up so i did the sensible thing and i got me one of them new hybrid cars kill me but this next thing i'm going to show you way cooler than that and it cost me more money i'm broke now the lcd screen may be my favorite ps1 accessory but this this is without a doubt the crown jewel of my ps1 collection so far see this box it isn't any ordinary ps1 console box because inside it is a neteros a development kit ps1 which is not only able to play any playstation game from any region but is also in matte black [Music] it's an american plug so i can't use it this thing looks so good man look at it oh it's pretty oh be my wife i'm not even kidding it's making me hyperventilate for those who don't know all the way back in the late 90s this system was available for sale bundled with a development kit to connect to your computer allowing the public to create their own ps1 games from scratch just for fun after which these nut cases would then give their games away for free via playstation demo discs in magazines the ultimate form of unpaid labor take notes ea the console i personally own does have the original system and box it came in but none of the software disks manuals or coding books so me making my own game is not going to happen today or probably ever but at the very least i can finally say that i own the piece of hardware that birthed the greatest death sound of all time that was done with this surprisingly though there's tons of rules for it just look at this don't use a mining drill on it don't set it on fire and while you're at it don't touch it but that's not all don't plug it in don't feed it don't paint it don't plug it in don't put games in it don't boil a kettle on it don't slap it while a window's open don't use it in an earthquake don't sleep on it don't use it as a shoe and whatever you do don't listen to music just in general you'll die in fact the only rule here that doesn't have a giant no next to it is a picture of a baby reaching for it so make sure you teach your kids to climb up and grab it okay we've made a pretty good start into this video i'd say and for the most part we've seen some pretty nifty ps1 gadgets some pretty useful some pretty cool it's been all right so far but not anymore it's time to turn up the vomit volume because from now on until the end of this video we are scraping the bottom of the crusty barrel oh you want to know what i think we really need for the ps1 oh no bill what what do we need well john i'll tell you what we need i don't know we need a mobile phone adapter no i'm not joking this is a device to connect a 90s cell phone to your ps1 with a software disk hello is that playstation the best way i can describe this ridiculous thing is that if you owned a japanese cell phone that was compatible with docomo's eye mode you could wire your brick into your ps1 and basically unlock it as a retro smartphone think of it like an external display you could do all of your contact and office organizing transfer data and games to your phone and even use your phone's network provider to browse the internet on your tv hello the baby didn't make it you heard it right here folks one second you could be on your ps1 playing sesame street sport and then the next you could plug in your phone and mash one out have a look at this mayan artifact motorola graphite they aren't even pretending it doesn't look like a slab of concrete you know what though i do miss the days when bad phone signal meant grow more phone and this thing this thing is so old the battery turned into sawdust [Music] have i sinned this man [Music] no i haven't ding dong ding there's someone at the ding i wonder who that yes hello caddy oh cripes it's my evil twin brother baddie yes so what do you want is that is that a ps1 train controller what you're looking at here is the go 2 premium pack a japanese only ps1 bundle pack with two things a train simulator game and a train deck controller that was made only for this single game and nothing else choo-choo thomas this thing is absolutely adorable i can't hate it it's like a real tiny train for real tiny tom cruises it even has a tiny drink holder for your tiny mountain dew [Music] well this is the single most seductive train simulator i've ever played look at the high energy the passion the craft of the editing it's bordering on 18 plus oh watch out it's an anime girl on the train okay these are the goals so here we are at the main menu now the menu is navigated by you pushing and pulling this little mushroom while the horn buttons confirm and go back and to be honest i'm terrified by whatever the material hall of train is so let's keep things simple in arcade mode that one yeah he's got a friendly face okay so now we have our objective drive a train thanks for the hints i can't read them and with that we unlock the brakes with this thing here pull this thing back to give it gas and oh my god we're a train and you know the best thing that's all you need to know it's really that simple you move this to the right whenever you want to tighten the brakes and pull this back whenever you want to so even though i don't know what this is or what that is it doesn't matter because i know the speed limit i know how much time i have left and i know how far away i am from my next checkpoint oh no i'm running out of time oh god come on come on come on i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it come on let me get the bank i'm oh damn it i failed fine i'll continue huh game over i lost the whole game because i wanted to keep going oh what's that i got a high score that's nice of you what's my name soil and this is all very well and good but can you play crash bash with it we boot up the game and unfortunately we can't move the cursor but i can select whatever option is already highlighted meaning i can actually boot up single player no problem and this was all gearing up to be a massive disappointment until we got to the warp room at which point all hell broke loose your eyes don't deceive you i am perpetually running in place without actually moving anywhere as a monkey with a crocodile tail and a blowhole for a face in fact i can't do anything other than run left run right and run towards the camera i can't go forward at all and because i can't go forward i can't pick any levels but at least i can do a damn good running man yeah boy work it sink to lips okay so maybe this controller only works with left and right movement so why don't we try a racing game like roll cage well for some reason whenever the game starts up with the train controller plugged in it boots up in french it must be because it reminds me of the eurostar as you can see it is absolutely unplayable chaos which is a massive shame because now i have to quit a la course when i really want to continue air the french but now we have to ask a real question can you drive legacy of kane soul reaver with a train here is the game as you can see we we've left the station and the weird thing is that every single position on the train does something slightly different i don't think i can get out of this oh oh oh i don't want to get out of this room anymore this is a great time yeah go on fit off well i mean you've got more movement than crash bash and much like roll cage every single notch on both sticks does a completely different combination of things do you want to move forward while keeping the camera rotating do you want to crawl while shifting back and forth do you want to jump around in a stupid circle like some sort of maytime fertility ritual then there's a gear stick position for you if you ever wanted to feel like a tiny man trying to pilot somebody's brain while they have a blood clot then this is the game for you but what about a 2d platformer like the original gex sadly that doesn't work whatsoever but do you know what does rival schools [Music] apparently i'm picking them well these kids must love school so much they can't stop themselves jumping 30 feet in the air every two seconds oh slow down old horse and aside from the non-stop jumping i could only figure out how to move left and right with one end of the controller and grab or kick with the other end amazingly though i'm somehow winning oh yeah i'm drop kicking kids in the face with a train break and that was the train controller what you don't think it can get any worse oh trust me it gets weirder than that from here on out let me tell you that that is far from the end of the treasure trove i mean take a look at this thing even yeah it's a resident evil gamepad made specifically and only for resident evil games the run button is right next to the ready weapon button firing your weapon is a separate trigger on the back with that half of the controller being shaped like a handgun your map and inventory have separate buttons each and even has a turbo mode in case you want to do this [Music] yeah what's coming up next gets even more demented than that even in the world of something as simple and innocuous as the ps1 memory card yeah even these tiny little things can be screwed up that memory card looks like it's about to sell me something hello i'm spons and today i'm here to talk to you about nordvpn the number one rated vpn from nord nordvpn is a service that gives your devices their own private encrypted network when connected to the internet to stop prying eyes getting your good stuff look at him he thinks your credit card looks hot and who can blame him that jawline could cut a salmon well don't worry because with nordvpn you can remove him with their new threat protection feature keeping you extra safe from trackers nasty ads and harmful websites or files especially on public wi-fi and i should know because i've been making parts of this video away from home using nordvpn on public wi-fi while keeping completely secure but you still need to keep your door secure hello there are thousands of servers around the world so wherever you are you can remain private safe and with the fastest possible speed not to mention if you can't access a website in your country just change your virtual location and get in there unblock region locked games find discounts from other countries avoid ddos attacks block malware ridden websites if all of this sounds good to you then head to the description right now to forward slash and use the promo code catacarous c-a-d-d-i-c-a-r can we get an easier code and you'll get an exclusive offer of a two-year plan with the first month entirely free not to mention if you don't like this service there's a 30-day money-back guarantee for you and me so get naught vpn today [Music] oh my god once again the web address and promo code forward slash catacarous now if you don't mind i'm going to bed are you making me save south park chefs love shaq these were some of the best things about the ps1 you saved your game to these and not the physical games themselves like with most of the nintendo library if you needed to replace your game disk for whatever reason the memory card was always going to be there to catch you [Music] you've got your basic grey official ones but for a lot of people they were a little too expensive wednesday so instead you've got yourself a third-party one usually from a video game store with its branding spat all over it but sometimes with cool little extra benefits like digital displays to let you know how many memory blocks you had left on that card or extra info printed on the bag like how many megabytes it is which doesn't help you in any single way even slightly and then you have the ones where you're sitting there and you say to yourself oh boy i really like this plastic shell that saves my games but i really wish it had more driver on it and then boom well there you go wish granted check out this disgraceful turd this was officially licensed by the makers of the game by the way it's one thing adding a monocle on top of the thing that does absolutely nothing but they went the extra step to assure that the bloody logo is upside down whenever you use it gee thanks mum i always wanted to play that game well thankfully if you don't like driver 1 or you don't want your memory card looking like an egyptian hieroglyphic slab you can have a driver 2 memory card instead much better simple sophisticated the right way up and surprisingly curvy why does this memory card have child bearing hips and then all the way in murica a hot shot business ceo heard someone say this and got an idea jerry we need to make our memory cards hot no sir stop it isn't this enough it needs kids jerry and so we ended up with this the tomb raider 3 character memory card that is literally just the top half of lara croft surgically fused onto a bit of plastic the attention to detail of which is so accurate they made extra sure to put holes where they would be in real life although there are three here so i guess she had a bad tear special serial numbered collectors edition wow sounds rare i'd better make sure to be extra careful when i remove it oops [Music] i heard you liked lara's bat i mean if you want to talk about unnecessary this is probably where the definition of the word came from sure it's a functional ps1 memory card but that's all there is to it you can't use it as an action figure she's upside down while you're using it her waistline doesn't fit on the plastic her entire back half doesn't exist i mean i've definitely heard of being flat-chested but how about being flat-backed and i'm sorry but i still can't get over the fact that my memory card has a rack i suppose you could argue at least they focused on the right end but just let that sink in for a second this is the only thing in the world that saves your ps1 games and has breets and then your dad would come in and then he'd say to you oh my son i'm sorry i was gone for a while say that's a nice play tenno you've got there can i use my floppy disks from my computer on that and then you turn around and say no dad and then he'd turn back to you and say you lie you lie he's a child no i am not making this up this is a ps1 computer floppy disk adapter for your memory card slot perfect for storing your school bag in this is an exceedingly rare piece of tech from the 90s and at the time i'm sure it was useful since floppy disks were so much cheaper than memory cards but nowadays because it's so rare i forked out 450 for it hundred and fifty dollars so that you can save your copy of anna kournikova's smash court tennis on your dad's old naked picture drive so yeah if you want to play your old ps1 games and save your data do not get these they're too rare too expensive no one even uses floppy disks anymore and to sum it up in one word screw off here's a relatable situa when you're playing your ps1 do you ever find that you're struggling so much on chicken run that you get so mad and it's enough for you to do this yeah well then get therapy and then buy yourself the namco nejcon yes it's called the nedge con neg con negcon i don't know i don't care i'm calling it the nedcon and if you don't like that and try to correct me then i know you're somebody i don't want to hang out with check this out yes the nedcon allows you to twist your controller my favorite pastime next to beat the dog up and to give credit it does feel surprisingly natural but these buttons here do not these top buttons here are just regular controller buttons but these ones here are like eight times the height of those buttons and whenever you want them to work you've got to push them all the way in like your gut after a roast it really does feel horrible and i mean just no r2 no l2 no select button this thing is a freak of nature like a really ugly baby and just like any good ugly baby i don't want to kill it until i've pretended to drive it around like a racing car and i'm glad i did because i have to be honest the original ridge racer on this thing is actually my preferred way to play that game it feels really good to steer twisting the controller and it even steers by the exact amount of pressure you apply to each rotation but let's get creative here this thing is a namco controller so why don't we try out another namco game on it like soul blade well this is why because all the twisting the controller does is block which actually makes you look like you're blocking yourself from voldo's scary colander knob and if you try the negecon with pacman world you'll find that you can actually customize the controls in the options to whatever buttons you'd like meaning that oh yeah i could shoot by twisting left and jump and butt bounce by twisting right this makes the game an instant 10 out of 10. every jump in every game should be mapped to a twisting controller it looks like you've got problems and you're mapping your own buttons on pac-man world so you probably do but imagine how great real life would be if jumping worked like ah and you know what's great namco didn't even stop there those mental cases made another lovely souffle with gone off eggs the namco jog con the only product in the world with jog in the title that requires you sit down to use it get this you've got a regular ps1 controller right but with a wheel stapled in between its legs and the wheel doesn't ever centralize when you spin it meaning that one single turn of it makes you oh yeah it's basically a miniature record player frankenstein on top of a controller and it's even loud enough to sound like you're scratching records as well but to be fair it does sound much better when you put it on a real record player that's with the controller itself it does feel great to hold if you enjoy having your knuckle skin scraped off and when you play a racing game like disney world magical racing tour even though you have a wheel right here to use as a wheel you can't turn any of the cars even though this is one of the only single instances where a wheel glued onto your controller would sound like a reasonable thing to do welcome to wealth disney world unless you're gay then get out it doesn't stop there either if you try playing spider-man the controller works perfectly fine as a standard controller whenever the wheel mode is turned off but doesn't work whatsoever when the wheel mode is turned on and i know what you're thinking well little jimmy [ __ ] pants just make sure you never turn on the wheel mode and the problem is solved except it isn't because whenever you do turn wheel mode off the game itself automatically turns it back on and stops itself from being able to be played have you ever seen a game actively spit out the controller you're trying to use with it even though it does have a mode that works has spider-man on the ps1 learned to hate is it racist you know what other game discriminates against this controller barbie explorer should be a match made in heaven right namco jog con barbie jogs yeah that's it but no the controller does not work she's clearly far too airy and for this why do these games allow the controller to work and then override it immediately i would love to use the jog con to unlock the secret of the mystic mirror with barbitum but she just won't let me what the hell else can we try then break out to move the paddle surely no it works i mean don't get me wrong the edges of the wheel are horribly jagged and this little round dip is just sharp enough around its edges to eventually blister your thumb but amazingly this controller works with the atari 3d remake of breakout with the story mode about a rectangle with a face that gets thrown in prison and puts up a swimsuit picture of his rectangle girlfriend because that makes his rectangle feel like a rectangle and i know what's probably on your mind well this is a namco controller so the wheel bit here is probably only compatible fully with namco games and if you were gonna say ridge racer type 4 you'd be correct yeah and that's thick that's the only namco game i could get working with it in fact out of my entire ps1 collection do you want to know what i managed to get working with this wheel ridge racer type 4 breakout and v-rally two that was it so if you want a controller for the worst possible way to play these three games and nothing else then i highly recommend it chances are if you were a kid in the 90s and owned a ps1 you really wanted to shoot someone with a gun unluckily when namco weren't making controllers compatible with as many games as hair on a teenage lip they were the front runners of the ps1 gun accessory with their classic g-con 45 featuring a big old bee sting personally i have two ps1 g-con gun game bundle packs the original time crisis one and the original point blank one and both of these games are the true definition of classic these are a special kind of cardboard box you know the really old ones stored in someone's loft for decades so they have that distinctive musk that makes you motion controls and gyro controls are all right for gun games nowadays but nothing quite matches the same raw satisfaction as aiming and aiming an actual gun at your tv looking down the sights and then letting them have your barrel [ __ ] the biggest disappointment with this technology nowadays though is that it doesn't work on any modern day tvs 4k hd it doesn't matter if it's lcd and has a flat screen this isn't going to work if you want to get this working you need to get yourself an old boxy crt tv [Music] so i decided to get myself one and now i feel like a kid again point blank time crisis lethal enforcers die hard trilogy it's all just as great as i remembered but if this isn't your kind of thing or you were a bit worried that you didn't look enough like a specky ned you can always use a star trek phaser instead that's why this gun deserves the salvage this phaser gun in particular is from a company i'm sure you've all heard of before mad cats the number one controller brand for unloved brothers and sisters but the advantage of it not being made for playstation is that it's saturn compatible too and that's pretty neat but none of this matters because at the end of the day none of the guns work on modern flat screen tvs so what you need to do is get yourself a cinden light gun oh yeah this here is a usb camera based gun controller that you can use on most pc console emulators that have light gun shooters and it works scarily well for whenever you want to point your blanks on a big telly hey everybody um it's caddy um um i just wanted to uh stop this video briefly for a sec because um it'll be public information soon anyway so i figured i might as well burst the bubble myself before you hear it from second hand from someone else but i didn't have enough time to set up the cinderlight gun and record footage of me using it on an emulator uh i can't i can't apologize enough and if that still isn't enough for you you can always pick up this this this is a handgun there's no two ways about it this is a glock this is a bloody gun it looks exactly like a goddamn handgun it's a gun oh yeah we're stepping out of the boyzone adding to the man zone they couldn't make this thing look any more like a gun if they tried we're going straight up coolio's greatest hits over here no orange tip no weird shape i actually had this idea to go to the city and point this at random people for a joke and then show them haha look it's a toy gun but the more i look at it the more it looks like i actually want to kill them and i don't think the balaclava was a good idea either i mean did you want to look even more badass when playing resident evil survivor because with this thing now you can it even has vibration feedback so that you can and i quote feel every shot it's not bad enough being detective john mcclane shooting an innocent woman at the airport you need to feel like you've done it and make sure you do it with the built-in machine gun mode playstation teaching children police brutality is okay since 1995. the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long [Music] cause someone cut the brakes oh no it's jim do you mind i was just about to tuck into some pepsi maximilian i'm so so sorry but i've got a big circle for you that's nice but who made it meow oh well now we know it's gonna be good remind me to stop kissing you the steering wheel the quintessential console peripheral basically every console has their own version of the wheel even today it's like the cenozoic era this wheel is probably what madcatz is best known for and for good reason it's a wheel that steers cars on playstation and doesn't break i mean take it from the racing legend mario andretti himself it's the number one steering wheel for the playstation yeah he really said that right before he took his lovely tanned skin and dyed half of it bright pink team mad cat oh jesus look at these guys they look like they run around supermarkets and unpeel bananas the madcatz ps1 wheel does everything it says on the tin it steers accelerates brakes and the vibration feedback on the wheel itself is a fantastic touch it even uses race proven foot pedals which means that they use them in actual racing cars like this guys but you know what i wanna know can you drive silent hill and the answer is yes after harry mason crashes his car he then becomes the car traffic is great in silent hill i highly recommend it as a cutthroat you want to hear the best thing though for some reason the acceleration pedal is the run button you hit the gas to make harry sprint it's almost like mad cats knew we would try this and i love them for it thanks mario here we go it's me mario come on children but i hear you not everybody in the world has quite the same amount of space in their home for something as thick as this no thigh gap so perhaps you'd like to try out the ps1 ultra racer controller much slimmer fits in one hand the healthy option like wholemeal bread i mean it has to be good it has analog u steering and a non-volatile memory i wish i did honey you forgot to take the bins out god damn you [ __ ] so let's give this bad boy a wash i'm gonna test it with three two one smurf the main cutscene starts up i'm able to skip it and then absolutely nothing i'm playing a driving game with a driving controller and i can't drive it just doesn't work i don't have anything else to say i mean it does do a lot of little beeps but that's not enough come on you old rotary dial telephone i want to play three two one smith what do you want me to do instead twiddle it actually that's all i want to do with it who needs a girlfriend when you have this okay fine three two one smurf is a baby's cart racing game probably not made with wheel controllers in mind so how about we try something a little bit fairer like v-rally one and before we get into the actual test i can't imagine when the hell i'll ever talk about this game again so i just have to mention the music for a second this tune that plays during the level select screen is absolutely hilarious it's the funkiest thing ever written but also sounds like the band drop all of their instruments on the floor every few seconds [Music] as for the game itself with the controller yep it works it's a wheel it steers it moves the car with the same level of sensitivity you put on the wheel it's a wheel i've got another wheel ps1 top drive reactor it's shaped like a toy car remote control and it uses the latest active jogging technology hey hey get back here this thing is an absolute disgrace it's not a game controller it's an assault rifle l2 l3 r2 r3 and select is down here there's multiple switches here a d-pad in the middle of the action buttons like a dvd remote a start button up here two separate triggers right on top of each other l1 and r1 here minus two minus one zero plus one plus two did the zodiac killer make this converts dual shot games into active feedback what the hell are you talking about am i having a stroke logic three more like unlogic four okay well to give this thing a little bit of credit to start with the wheel didn't centralize just like the one on the jog con but then immediately after plugging it into the console the wheel springs magically into position that's pretty high-tech and it definitely works for sure but if you're trying to play slippery old toy store eraser with it you're going to want to exit your own life very quick and painlessly you will just oversteer all the time and flip your [ __ ] around constantly so next i thought i'd try micro machines v3 only one problem though you can't go for this game you have to use your thumb on the x button no switches here made a difference so then i jumped back into gran turismo to see if it was just incompatible but nope exactly the same story i couldn't accelerate with this thing no matter how much i tried so i guess it's just luck that decides whenever it wants to work and that's exactly what i want with my game controllers that i needed to control the game luck not that i care anyway because you can't imagine how uncomfortable this thing is steering while holding x like a chimpanzee is one thing but in general it's too bulky too heavy and it only works a toy story racer so and i would just throw this thing in the skip but there's one very important question i need to answer with it can you drive the grinch yes you can very gradually the d-pad here does not work but all the other buttons do so you're basically just stuck nudging him left and right with the steering wheel over and over again to make him step forward grinch turismo hey have you got anything else other than wheels oh dawg what a guitar controller for the ps1 that's strange isn't it back in 1999 it was actually konami that came up with the idea for an arcade-based rhythm game featuring a guitar controller which would then go on to inspire the much more well-known guitar hero and rock band years later it was called guitar freaks just like this guy the cabinets later got some ports onto the ps1 with the guitar peripheral in japan only again and you know what aside from the two missing fret buttons this thing is practically indistinguishable from guitar hero it even has a built-in motion activated command to go into extra scoring mode but the game calls it whaling play the guitar freaks games are basically just guitar hero but simpler and on the ps1 there's not much to say so how about we try to guitar dino crisis i'm not doing anything okay so the strumming bar does absolutely nothing at all and all you can do with the three fret buttons is open your menu or waddle forward like santa in a buffet you do not stop turning left no matter how much you shout at the game so the only way to move forward is to wait for the lady to orbit around to the correct direction move forward for a little bit stop and repeat it's not so much like you're playing dino crisis and more like you're making your way back to your bed in the middle of the night cosplaying as the moon so why don't we try out pandemonium instead whoa jesus h christ in slippers calm down woman stop it slow down oh oh nothing is that it you're not going to stop don't play pandemonium with a ps1 guitar more at 11. okay last test driver two a driving game might actually work with this thing now this is one of my favorite combinations guitar and driver two and i'll show you why well first of all strum bar doesn't do anything that kind of sucks but luckily we've got some other buttons red button does that not very useful um blue button breaks which is useless right now because we're not moving green button goes forward so we can't steer but my favorite part of all of this is that tilting does this oh hello i noticed you there say do you like my new gaming peripheral it's a wrist strap finger piano [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is that another pissing wheel it's the ps1 mega racer controller yes just when you thought we were done it's the sequel to oh oh no is this thing a controller or a [ __ ] banana the d-pad feels horrible it's really stiff like an old sponge is stuck underneath it but the strange thing is that the wheel itself works absolutely fine i'd say it was better than the namco one and this was made by who cares limited i'm getting so sick of racing games though can we please plea holy [ __ ] you can yes lads this actually works if you ever wanted to steer yoshimitsu into a little japanese nature activist then pick up this controller right now and relish in the fact that you can't jump duck or do any moves that involve pressing up or down while wondering where all of the grease on the rubber came from finally now i can sit down and enjoy my maximum pep excuse me it's another wheel i think the formula racer wheel by gamestop we must be in safe hands this is the biggest piss of the lot look at this madman contraption what do you do with it play games or do garden landscaping here's a good quote for an incredible racing experience said no one this is a contagious mass that doesn't know if it's a game controller or a wheel so it ends up looking like it wants to kill itself i can practically hear it crying at me to end it it's only one quarter of a wheel and the rest is a big red roof tile plus all of the r triggers and buttons are sprinkled randomly all over the back and extremely hard to press making it look like you're tickling a giant clam and the worst thing about it is that it works but at what cost because i can't figure out if i should hold it like this or this all this let's try playing tombi on it i'm very happy i did because i actually prefer using this controller for side scrollers instead of racers it works surprisingly brilliantly and even has vibration support what the hell am i doing with my life i'm driving a caveman with pink hair into a farting bum tree and the best feature of the whole controller is plastered right on the box it turns yep it's a wheel i'd like to think it does okay i swear to god that's it no more wheels i promise there's way too many other stupid controllers to look at so i'm done with all of the wheels that reminds me i haven't looked over at this end of the room for a while here we go oh hello i'm long dennis how fun [Music] yeah i want to play a game with you in one hand i'll have another accessory and in the other hand i'll have the wicked x uh that one oh no get ready for the wicked itch the other one yeah gee thank you so much long dennis i can't wait to play with the gamester motion controller all along control is thing control games with the slightest movement that sounds utterly miserable this is the gamester evolution motion sensitive control system an entirely motion based playstation supermarket barcode scanner with a wrist attachment that looks like it could send drones to a small village the strap smells like weed when you use it you hold on to one end while strapping the other on for the motion stuff but while using that end you need to be certain that you're dead central on all axes the entire time which means holding your arm out like this looking like if c-3po was made of ham the idea with this half of the thing is that you can program any ps1 button you want onto each tilted direction combined with the physical buttons here so if you want to play muppet race mania and make accelerate shutting the trapdoor and slowing down oh steady on boy then you can do that but what you can't do is turn off any of the tilted inputs you have to assign a command to every direction and it's so easy to accidentally activate all of them at once that in a racing game you might as well make left and right tilting the steering meaning that kermit just goes off on one wherever the hell he feels like leaving you over correcting your own twisted arm as if you're puppeteering an actual muppet that kidnapped your family you can get creative with this thing though no doubt like if you play moto racer 2 and set accelerate to tilting your arm back like a real bicycle or tomb raider where you can twist left to get your guns out and then lift your arm back to fire them like a real woman but overall it's absolutely horrendous which makes this half of the controller even funnier all of the buttons are right here to press and work so why don't we just use them but i can't let this thing beat me give me a game to beat with it any game at all i'm cad the chad i can handle it where's my reptile puzzle oh christ we're all dead this is going great i can't even get out of the playpen look at this look at this i love it i love it so much oh no oh dear i'm on the table tommy get off of the sofa you're gonna hurt yourself you can't handle anymore you've already given yourself brain damage as it is it doesn't matter what mode you're in or which way you twist the ant coffin this lousy great dollop just doesn't work but surely it must it has audio sounds well i suppose if you want to play rugrats and actually feel like an infant that can't walk then this is the way you want to do it how about we try a rhythm game like um jamalammy [Music] you know this controller is supposed to make you feel like [Music] but in reality you look like this not to mention it absolutely kills your arm am i jim caddick or bloody geppetto but hey you know what else this thing can do it can be used to map analog stick directions so you know what that means ape escape baby only problem is you can only do one of two things one program this thing to read only one analog stick meaning you can only run or use gadgets or two program two directions to use gadgets while the other two directions move you around that's what i did look at me go all i can do is move left and right and even then i can't really move left or right go on spike you can do it ignore the chaffing well at the very least i can do this [Music] yes finally my lifelong dream realized i can cast a monkey net like a camp whipping boy i'm absolutely stunned that this doesn't work but how can that be it incorporates dual force and technology come on i can catch a monkey at least one monkey before i quit come on come on come on oh this is pointless i can't catch anything with this it's easier catching head lice [Music] nah man i'll show you the real way to use this bad boy boot up tekken 2 program left fist attacks to tilting forward input the first person mode wireframe cheat and immediately you are part of the game even i have to admit the coolest thing i've ever done the gamester evolution made for men with cardboard beards oh god finally you know what though sometimes you don't want gimmicks you don't want wheels you don't want motion you don't want guitars you don't even want trains sometimes you only want a controller that isn't made by the people who make the console and that's where third-party controllers come in like with this titan concept controller i've got here for use with playstation or the p zone made in china by paul a lot of these kinds of controllers are the same thing they function identically to sony's controllers but break within one day they can sometimes come with extra benefits though like the pre-mentioned turbo button on the resident evil pad that automatically presses a single button for you over and over again faster than you can think [Music] but what got me interested in this controller in particular was this little feature here a slow mode i have never heard of this before while i'm already here let's try it out on papi rappy huh okay how about shadow man right so slow-mo doesn't do anything here either which sucks because shadow man could really do with running slower turbo mode works absolutely fine though meaning i can do this this begs the question though what does slow mode do well believe it or not it took me multiple tries in multiple games before i landed on one that made me figure it out santa claus saves the earth so get this when you aren't using the turbo button to make santa have a sugar-induced heart attack the slow mode actually does this yes it pauses and unpauses the game as quick as the game you're playing allows and that's it this is apparently what the controller calls slow and i can see why because it's stupid metal gear solid it did exactly the same thing mr domino a game that could really benefit from a slow mode did exactly the same thing the only and i repeat only time this slow mode would actually help you is if the game you're playing has a pause screen that is instant and doesn't flip between two totally different screens all the time so you're left going all over the floor rayman 1 is one of those games and sure it's tolerable but if you'd rather play the game like this i'd have to interview your parents to find out where they went wrong with you crash one is another one that works and it's probably my favorite because the music and sound effects don't pause along with the game meaning that if you die you get treated to an extra long game over screen just as painful as actual death [Music] oh god now who's at the door hello again oh great it's my evil twit okay so this controller by titan concept yeah it wasn't the only third-party controller for the ps1 and if you thought there were only a few third-party manufacturers out there you couldn't be more wrong they were everywhere there were hundreds of them in the news today i found this giant box of them on ebay and there are some right sorry cases let me tell you what's this wild things what do you think i am a grizzly bear what's this eb yeah you know what i thought was missing from the ps1 controller the l2 and r2 buttons being on the top the l1 and r1 buttons being on the front and every single other button being in completely the wrong place what realm of chaotic evil did this thing come from electronics boutique what are you a hairdresser what's this oh okay another gamester that's good sensitivity low medium or high what do you not like being bullied and why are the grips on a right angle is this a video game controller or a shelf what's this four gamers this isn't four gamers it's four fruitcakes who in the [ __ ] out there wanted their controller to look like the letter h oh atomic thank you for putting an udder on my controller oh what's this the airpad why is it called that is it is it oh god it's another motion controller heads up dude [Music] feast your eyes on this godforsaken sack what do i even say about it it's like i'm playing a game with a dinner plate but without a tasty pickle on it basically how it works is that you turn the tilt mode on and through the power of air it acts as a d-pad except it doesn't it says right here that it's registering movement but it won't actually move anything until you've poured your gravy and potatoes all over the floor and that makes racing games an absolute joy you need to practically turn it upside down to get it to register anything and no you don't hold it like a steering wheel and turn it for racing games you hold it flat out in front of you like a begging victorian orphan and it's even better when you play a driving game with slippery steering and car crash physics like destruction derby 2. oh well [ __ ] there goes my hood oh and don't even bother trying to type your name with it unless you're called poor snot hang on a second if you turn it upside down it becomes an alien spacecraft but does it work with anything else like cash banuka two yes it does surprisingly well in fact but it's terrible it is so unbelievably delayed but every single other button is fine including the d-pad you've got all the buttons you need right here so why would you need to turn the tilt on i mean sure it does emulate analog stick sensitivity so if you ever wanted to make crash walk like a dying elvis while you give your controller a long sniff then this is the thing for you well while we're on a two binge let's check out medieval two because you can't have enough twos unless you have a doria i do luckily it works but man is it awkward if you want dan to run anywhere you need to beg until your arms fall off and the gangly [ __ ] movement he has makes something as simple as walking into a sword to pick it up practically impossible overall if you want to play any ps1 game at all but make everything about it worse pick up the airpad somebody should do 100 challenge runs with this thing don't look at me i choose life and speaking of life here's a thing that looks like it could resuscitate it back to you the ps1 programmable joystick from the game machine input device series and i picked this up with my arms from the body skeleton limb series in all fairness though this is a really neat piece of tech that works like any other third-party joystick except that you're able to assign any action to any button and it even comes with a sticker sheet for your ultimate pro gammon setup and some of these stickers do make perfect sense while others make me question what kind of games people are picking up there's a button to make your car go and another to make your car crash there's a button to release a nuclear bomb there's a button to make you fart there's a button to make you fart on a ball there's a button to make your friends never talk to you again and when you're finally sick of all the ways you can give off eggy gasses there's even a button to make you give up and cry moving on here's a special little gadget i got from germany this time which is pretty cool because the package it arrived in came with a free page of german newspaper for all the latest special offers just in case you were looking for a western linomatic or a globus vena version the accessory itself is actually a one-handed controller for the ps1 and that's honestly a great idea i've always wanted to play lego island 2 while eating my doritos and leaving my fingers crumbly and greasy after all you can't just assume that everyone that likes games can use both their arms or even has both of their arms and after using this controller maybe that's for the best take a peek at this thing i want to play video games with it not eat cereal i get it accessibility is very important but you know what else is using action buttons at the same time is moving which you can't do here you try playing doom with one hand you bloody try strafing and weapon switching is over here shooting is over here while moving is over here sprinting is over here it's a total mess but screw doom how about we play something manly like clonoa which is a little better because whichever direction you move the same action buttons are right by your thumb but the trade-off for that is the skin on the end of your thumb honestly the games that this works the most reliably with are the simplest ones like tweenies game time or teletubbies you know something not taxing whatsoever so that you can play it while looking at the newspaper and ordering some chili hiddlebearing well maybe you could play qurushi with it as well and you could even look up the solutions to the puzzle while you play and i suppose you could always use it with a mouse for quake 2 or final doom but now we're getting way too specific basically if you can play the game with your eyes shut you can play it with the one-handed controller anything else is not worth it which is a huge shame because it would be great to have a controller that you can use while itching your legs jeez it's getting cold in here just gonna zip this up quickly hello oh my god it's world famous singer-songwriter nicole shirt zipper i'm managing a hot new rap band and they want me to give you their new merchandise oh cool what is it nicole you guys remember thrill kill ultra violent ultra naughty boring and badly controlling ps1 cage fighter that was banned for being too full of fishnets well the game may have been scrapped but the code itself never was long story short it was repurposed into another ps1 game starring the rap group wu tang clan and some copies came with this controller this is exactly what you think it is it's a ps1 controller shaped like the logo of the wu tang clan meaning you can finally play parappa the rapper the way it was meant to be played it is without a doubt the single most uncomfortable thing i've ever held and i've held my own children every single button does not line up there's absolutely no grip for your palms here but a giant claw for your knuckles there the triggers jut out and are also not aligned and the worst thing about it is that this was easily the most expensive controller i got for this video including import fees this moronic object set me back 400 this is a collector's item and by that i mean i now use it to collect nuts anyway what the hell is the game itself like not sure when i'll ever talk about it again so let's take a quick look why not are you for real a parental lock i had to be 18 to buy the game to begin with and now you think i'm six what you don't think kids can look in the manual and read shapes i want to see dismemberment oh i'd like to see that as well and hey the parental lock maybe was a good idea after all because i am inconceivably offended by all of this which is more offensive to you the quality of the fmv or that everybody in the intro looks like a balloon i'm gonna pick um old dirty bastards also known as dirt mcgurt he is my kind of guy somewhere in china present day a load of monks are preparing for a wu tang clan concert when old man haggis gets way too close to the camera and says he wants to go to america and force the band to teach him their own martial arts so that they can work together to take over the world what am i playing and what am i playing it with the game is everything i was expecting it's thrill kill in every awful way no control over whereabouts you attack no focus no strategy but now i'm playing it with a worse controller dirty has three chambers oh no such like all the cleaners look at this why does he run even when not moving anywhere all of this is disgusting i don't even know if i should be playing the game with this thing or holding up a bank the d-pad is so spongy and stiff you end up pressing multiple directions accidentally all the time and it's not just in wu-tang playing anything on this thing is agonizing from something as hard as rayman won to as easy as tigger's honey hun make it a vicious act i mean if anything playing this game with this controller has really connected me with gangsta rap culture in fact i think i could do a great rap right now hello boys i'm number one playing on my ps1 i like eggs i eat em controller shaped like a wha pull my hair i don't care grab my hair i'll care a lot play the game it's so hot i smoke pop in a pot with a pot stop don't stop i like to pack he led the way his name is very nearly toupee in conclusion this controller may be the worst thing that i own but at least it's not a bp controller in fact next time you want a band logo to be used as a video game controller make sure it's from my favorite metal band i think i need to wash my mouth out after that so how about instead we take a look at the coolest box for a thing that i own oh yeah this is a ps1 tekken 3 arcade stick very very cool looking thing indeed i mean if you ever wanted to give nina williams uh four jugs then this box is all you're gonna need once you get the old bad boy out it quickly becomes nowhere near as cool as what it's kept in the sticker here looks embarrassingly cheap and it's an extremely basic joystick without any shoulder button inputs but still i can't deny it's cool as hell as a complete package just remember that if your child has an upside down head they can't play it and i know you really want to but you're not allowed to set your child on fire my favorite thing though was that inside the box were these crappy little trading cards with the most unimpressed and uninterested lei wu long i have ever seen in my life whoa don't get too excited lay you'll give yourself piles so ultimately even though i do love the box the contents inside is a little bit disappointing but at least it isn't a giant grey dump like this hey kids that's a neat console you've got there do you want to play it with another console this is the ps1 ascii wear joystick and even though it gives you every button that was missing from the tekken 3 pad they're all bundled together in illogical places and by the way it's bigger than the damn console you plug it into at least it has a turbo function and even an auto turbo function so you don't even need to hold down the button you want to rapid fire making backwards dash running in castlevania absolutely no issue at all making you an indestructible god in street fighter or making tetris absolutely goddamn impossible 36 punches a second blimey that's a lot isn't it i don't know maybe i'm being too harsh on it i mean after all it is called what's that what's that on the horizon oh my god it's so beautiful it's on the horizon like the like the sea well my son it's one of the rarest ps1 accessories out there the boil controller seriously though the ascii sphere means business look at this box the fake steel crate holes the mention of six axis even though i thought that was a ps3 thing but no here it is it even has a training disk it's a controller so advanced it requires a degree to use it i have never heard of a situation where if you're playing a difficult game you start looking up how to beat it and then look up how to beat the controller so you admire the box for a second and then open it up or you could enter your hand through the perfectly cut standing knife slot from when you accidentally slice into it from taking out the boxes shipped in and here it is the lovely little cancerous lump it looks like if you left it on the floor it would leave a sticky trail behind it but before i write it off entirely let's check out this training desk you want me to learn how to use this thing right right so the basic training is pretty straightforward the magical testy up here is designed to be physically pushed in all sorts of directions and the game tells you to be gentle with your pushes and pulls because every subtle movement you make against the ball here does something different pushing it away from you pulling it up pushing it down twisting it also that you can steer this little spaceship around the map it's ambitious i'll give it that but you know who else was ambitious stalin once you're left alone in the void of space freely controlling yourself it falls apart the game wants you to do things like push forward gently to move forward but then push hard forward to dip downwards or push left gently to strafe left but push hard left to bank left it's so damn unnatural when you're doing it one move at a time it's absolutely fine but strangely flying through space at 500 miles a second doesn't mix well with you remembering every single angle this sack wants to be tickled on and you end up not being able to control anything so why don't we try out the obvious test choice cooler world i mean i already have his mother's head on a pike yeah as i suspected the second we take the ulcer out of the mouth it doesn't work the controller worked fine with the spaceship test disc but look at this the ball doesn't know if it's rolling or turning or looking or boinging or splatting or blinking or blocking thanks for responding perfectly to all my pushes and pulls and squeezes and twists it's like if jigsaw created boppit how about we try out shrek treasure hunt well to start with the menus were absolutely fine that's that's okay but the game itself i mean it kind of speaks for itself right the controller is all about finesse i mean fair enough i know shrek isn't exactly a swan lake ballerina but however gently i touch the ball he absolutely freaks out why does this thing exist who asked for it who was sitting at home playing metal gear solid and said to themselves oh boy i really wish this was rubber gear squishy this thing is an abomination and i'm putting it down because i'm absolutely certain this is malignant and you know what else nobody likes and wishes they could put down toddlers but that's not legal so instead what we do is push them aside and leave them entertained with baby controllers for the playstation oh yeah these are also real it's a controller for the ps1 for a dumb stupid smelly baby you can give it to a toddler to chew on and beat croc at the same time without the ability to attack no less this is a very clever baby this controller in particular was japanese only and came bundled with a game called guru guru torn this is perhaps the most unassuming box for a game i've ever seen there is absolutely zero information on it not even the back of it can help you out if you play around please clean up sound advice the game starts up and please get out of my personal space okay so i'm on this screen and nothing is working i'm not sure what i'm supposed to oh hang on this is a microphone sweet i wasn't expecting that just gotta say hello to the cute little dog and away we go did you know they eat you in korea okay cool now i've gotta put my name in and what is that is that a naked toad ah well at least they can't reproduce okay cool i guess i've gotta pick where i wanna go now so i'm feeling a little bit drawn to the top one and then um uh yeah feeling drawn to the top one again i think what we've got to do here is shout into the microphone when it's safe to cross the road but maybe i need to know the japanese word for go because i can't get them to move go go go go ah i changed my mind back back yay i finally did it right i wish i didn't do it right let's try another game then how about this one by the kidney house here we have to pick the oven that we want to jump inside and then we i honestly have no idea but i'm going to go and eat this cookie here and yeah i'm getting way too ahead of myself i'm going to quit before i mess it up oh no i won okay well uh what do i do now i don't know but anywhere is better than here and good timing too because the poor dog clearly wet itself oh okay we've got some hide and seek now haha you can't get away that easy i see where you went oh my mistake i thought i saw you go in there but you clearly didn't because instead i found a little old man then this duck arrives for the fun and why does everyone in this game sound like they're being sick the controller itself is kind of neat though it's cute it has all the buttons it needs it stands up on its own so it can be doubled as a toy but using it for anything else other than the game it was made for is a death sentence there's only two buttons and a d-pad in between them for christ's sake uh-oh i'm dead look at the way this smug [ __ ] winks at you he knows you can't do anything with him and he thinks it's hilarious or he wants you to press that button down there well if i can give it any credit whatsoever the d-pad x circle it's the perfect control of a pepsi man and this wasn't the only time japan did this they had exactly the same design used for michael rat and even more confusingly winnie the pooh in a combo pack you get a controller and a game two poos for the price of one and i'm personally very excited because according to google translate when you talk mr wah will answer oh and check this out you can even wipe the trumpet and you can also lottery gambling and kids go hand in hand well this kid likes gambling anyway hello everybody my name is markiplier plus if you really want to you can always use the wu tan clan controller with the game so winnie ends up in the pu tang clan please forget i ever said that don't hurt me [Music] okay good who is dead right so here's the main menu and all you can do here is waddle poo around like he's in a game of monopoly this animation this animation kills me the first thing i ran into was a dandelion blowing mini game where you need to blow into the microphone to get it working and that's kind of cool except the microphone responds to any noises not just blowing so you don't need to blow at all and you can just go or you can blow over and over again into the mic to make poo sound like he's sucking a golf ball through a hose oh check it out i found eel's casino no i'm not joking you take your lottery tickets put them in a hole in a tree shove pooh in the hull watch him inflate wait for him to and then win a spider which makes pugo you want to know the best thing though the microphone itself is actually mapped to the ps1 controller's shoulder buttons meaning that you can shout at croc to make him shimmy left and right and you can play tenchu hiding in the dark and stealthily slicing up your enemies with i'm right here surprise and you can make crash bandicoot slide with whoa whoa it works with basically any game you can think of but don't try out tomb raider 2 unless you really really love rolling around on the floor now i wonder what happens when you press mickey's button down here don't even think about it well you know what mickey that's too small for me anyway i prefer my buttons nice and big this is the once again japanese only kid station controller warning if your kid is crying this controller will kill them look at the size of this beast if this controller had an exercise bike it would be dusty it was made for a series of games in japan that branded the kid station logo on the cover if the game had that logo you could use this controller and yes this finally means i can play my copy of thomas the tankin danking the way it was meant to be played hey there fat controller do you want to see my fat controller logically tiny buttons should be great for tiny fingers but if you're three years old those fingers spend more time in your mouth or going and that's why this controller exists no mistakes will be made with this no sir just make sure that the game you play doesn't involve moving anywhere because yeah what you can do though is use it with the mouse which is great because i've always wanted to play terry pratchett's disc world with a bongo i like this controller dad what the hell is this thing and if this is what your kids look like when they see the controller just wait until you see what happens when they play with it this pleases me you know what i've always wanted to know what english words are young japanese boys wearing on their pajamas let's have a quick look um high super point mile cham picnic field summit actually scratch that pick yourself up the ps1 fishing rod the only controller that allows you to get a rod and go fishing the fish ain't biting today i only have one game that this thing is 100 compatible with real fishing too because real fishing one didn't have enough real fishing in it and the game is [Music] yep this is real fishing all right it's real fishing because nothing happens look it's really cute that you can throw the rod to cast the line with motion controls and the reel itself works well too but whatever bait i use wherever i cast how fast i reel it doesn't make a single difference i'm glad the controller works but the game just doesn't care oh my god i can't fish reel it in reel it in boy read it oh bye then why do people like fishing oh my god i gotta i got another fish reel it in slower really in slower reel it in slower slowly does it oh bye then ah balls to this let's try playing the game that the fishing rod was really made for nightmare creatures oh my god it's working it works i can't believe it and the casting motion control for some alien reason is mapped to the staff attacks yes i'm slicing zombies in half with a fishing pole this makes me feel so powerful but the jump scares are still very you know i you know you know at this point i started to think a little out of the box maybe this real thing here works as a paddle of some sort so i tried out buster move too to see if i could move the cannon with it and nope it didn't work i could not then i thought hey wait a second this here is a left analog stick so maybe this acts as a right one meaning that i tried out ape escape and sadly it didn't even pass the menu screen then i tried rc stunt copter and the exact same thing happened so what about racing games then like colin mcrae rally no gran turismo no so then i tried a load of other random games like spider-man 2 no mortal kombat no spongebob no why pal no and none of these did anything and then i tried gex 3d for some completely unfathomable reason against all human decency when i played the game with a normal controller everything works absolutely fine but the second i put the fishing rod in the noises began what in god's ripe greeny pastures is going on here what's happened to the music the sound effects and why does the fishing rod of all things cause it to happen oh my god what's it what's that boy you have a bite oh well hot jiminy let's crank it up then [Music] i wound in the lead winder i know what you're thinking this is the worst thing i've ever seen in my life what is it well ladies and gents this thing this inside out rubber johnny is apparently a controller lead winder and it's as useful as a carpet shop in a hospital it calls itself a lead winder but in reality it does absolutely nothing it's just a loose and floppy pair of old lips that gets in the way of your cables and adds a million steps to something that's supposed to be one you fold the end of the controller extension lead through here unravel it slowly as it chews on its own cable fold it back through the same hole to keep it in place and when you leave it on the floor it looks like a chewed up foreskin in fact the more i look at it it's not even a lead winder for your own controller it's a lead winder for the extension lead that's compatible with the winder so all you're doing here is winding up the extra controller length on top of the standard length who designed this oh of course it's mad cats who else would it be you know what i'm going to make this process 10 times easier and fold you inside out to be used as an ornamental vase look at my poor little controller it looks like it needs circumcising and while we're talking about cutting off the end of your gentleman's whistle here's the ps1 cockpit released by optek an anagram for pc tow this is the ps1 cockpit and holy [ __ ] is it ugly it feels like you're holding a knife and fork that you can't separate the best thing about flying a plane with a cockpit controller in a video game is flying a plane with a cockpit controller in a video game and this thing does not let you fly a plane with a cockpit controller in a video game at least not on ace combat 3. no matter what settings i use the steering outright doesn't work but everything else seems to work fine including pushing and pulling back on the deck to change my height which is completely awful because this is what happens every time you do that does it work on independence day no duke nukem no driver no point blank no simpson's wrestling no stuart little two yes the ps1 cockpit controller works with stuart little two and nothing else that i tried out of all of the flight games i own i honestly couldn't believe it why does this work you can even turn left and right to move the sewage hamster and the accelerator pedal is your jump so instead of stepping on a mouse we're shooting it off to space [Music] this is the ps1 flight deck simulator controller for use specifically with this game here jet day go in fact this is from the same exact company behind the train simulator from earlier these guys love themselves in public transport where's their bus controller featuring old solid chewing gum my favorite thing about the controller i have to say is the back of it why is it shaped like this if it were any bigger you could go and watch an opera in it i have two oh jesus here we go again with the over stimulating intro cut scene these people really like their public transport this time even has a love letter at the start do i have to sit you on my knee and explain how a relationship with a plane isn't gonna work lesson i don't need to learn let's go right into flight mode gonna give myself some power for the takeoff whoa it vibrates oh my god it actually makes you feel like the wheels are running along the grooves of the track this feels pretty realistic and then when you eventually take off the vibration stops gradually as more weight is taken off of the wheels this feels weirdly authentic i way prefer this over the train game [Music] i'm sure that's fine see look at that i was a success i even learned to land the plane too there's a button for wheel deploying and another button for braking while the steering wheel shakes around as you slow down i am unironically loving this say hello to captain bermuda triangle ah i mean i can't tell you what is going on or what anybody is saying but i must be doing good because i got awarded some more x-rated plane footage with a guitar solo [Music] i think the fbi will be after me soon so does it work with wipeout three short answer yes it does but to accelerate you have to put your thumb over here like some sort of angry lobster because this here doesn't do anything i then tried mortal kombat and sadly i couldn't even get past the menus but then i got into spyro 2 and where the menus were a little bit glitchy i actually managed to get the game fully working you're seeing this right i am steering spyro not only on the ground but in the air as he glides like a plane just like our lord jesus intended if though for whatever reason you decide to stop steering spyro he won't stop so just get ready to play a version of spyro 2 where he's trying to hold it in and you'll be right as reign what if there was another yep believe it or not there is indeed another ps1 flight stick apparently this one claims to be able to work with any flight games and the seller i got it from even mentioned that each of the sticks here acted as analog sticks on a dualshock controller so you bet your juicy ass i went straight into rc stuntcopter to try it out my name is enneh well blow me down and call me blow this is actually amazing it works really well with each analog stick getting its own dedicated joystick i breezed through the stunt copter training within a few minutes and yes it still sounds like you're trying to get the instructor off hold it good easy hold that position good now hold it okay almost done oh my god oh i can't believe it you've done this before haven't you and unfortunately it also looks like it but he has two no don't use your left thumb and don't use it to write with or open doors i made off g police you know who works there the g policeman holy mother this font what does any of this even say new mittens onions johnny i mean the controller works with the game no doubt about that game's [ __ ] though in it and by the way your hardcore scary police squad is an acronym for guinea pig next i thought i'd give forsaken a shot it's an underrated ps1 first person shooter in a little flying craft and yep it works wonderfully with this controller as well but the one i was really hoping to get working was ape escape i mean think about it dual analog sticks dual grabby sticks it's perfect right well no i tried it it didn't work and that makes me a sadie caddy and you know the best thing to do when you're sad you dance for me dance dance my little puppet oh yeah how many of you had one of these bastards in the ps1 days the dance man just about as nostalgic as you can get if you owned a dance match this one in particular is a special one-off map that came as part of a bundle pack with the ps1 version of jungle book groove party and this box this this box should be studied in box class for how not to make a box just look at this dreadful heap the 2d car the snake right above the ugly 3d ps1 renders the vultures that are the size of peas the game box window that doesn't keep the game as displaying inside the window mowgli's teeth how could you not grab this off the shelves and buy it immediately one of the biggest selling points on the box is that lou baker has a music video in it no well how about the fact that the dance mat is called the thrust master join the ranks and walk in line and the best thing about dance mats is that you don't only have to use them with dancing games like jungle book or ddr all the controller buttons you need are on the mat so you can play anything from spyro 3 to tony hawk hey look it's like i'm actually using a real skateboard i hope they make that a reality in the future oh wait a minute i seriously don't recommend that you play overboard with it though i feel like i'm playing twister while being shot at but i seriously do recommend taping the dance mat onto a wall and playing the first stage in parappa the rapper for the next best thing to parappa the rapper vr as you can get and then that crazy country over there you know japan they saw that dance mats were selling like hot cakes on the ps1 so you know what they decided to make they decided to make a dance mat for people with hand fits this is the ps1 poppin controller for a series of games labelled poppin music from konami again the sad thing though is that it's only for japan so please don't tell anyone or else the police this was made by b manny because we don't want you to be womany and it was ported to the home console market after a very successful japanese arcade cabinet of the same name personally i have six games in the pop and music collection as you follow the adventures of grandma's kitchen tile hair girl that's party pop and music push pop and music is kind of like ddr mixed with rock band drums it's pretty straightforward you see a bop you bop it you see a fly you swat it you see a spot you pop it but surely there's got to be more to it than that how to play good glad we got that cleared up honestly there's not much to say but what you hear is this i have always wanted to play along to my favorite disco hits while smashing a jackhammer on the table won't you take me to funky town and the most adorable feature it even has pocket station compatibility i like this thing a lot i'm going to ring them up and tell them how much i like it [Music] i think i called the yakuza but i know what you're thinking does it work with other rhythm games like viv ribbon well you'll be pleased to know it sure does and half of the fun is trying to figure out which button does what yes yes no all right then how about if we tried the best rhythm game of all time tarzan does anybody want to wipe amazingly everything works except for the fact that i can't run backwards so if you're a tarzan ps1 speedrunner that doesn't ever need to run backwards this is the controller for you personally i always wanted to smack a bit of plastic to call for a gorilla hint so i'm very happy the buttons themselves are really sensitive though so if you do so much just breathe too heavily on it you might no go away leave me alone turkish delight stupid traffic light pop-off controller i'm gonna run away to crash team racing now everything here in the menu works wonderfully and i was getting really excited to play the game but then the character select screen happens and i officially turned the game into a roundabout i have absolutely no idea why it's doing this i'm not touching anything you spin me right round baby right round like a casper crash team racing more like crash team wretching then i tried out bugs bunny and taz time busters and i have the same issue i can only move in one direction forever but at least now i'm in a 3d space which means i can also jump kick change characters and move a total of 15 degrees to the right i'm pretty sure that's a feature on the back of the box then i got a hold of taz threw him into the lake and watched him struggle as he slowly drowned because i couldn't get him back up what is it that the kids say in twitch chat nowadays poppers so yeah konami were the kings of ps1 musical instruments weren't they they basically did guitar hero ddr and rock band drums before anyone else on the ps1 and they also did this what in the [ __ ] bonjour everyone it's the hardest working chef who keeps cooking for his customers even though he has covered some witch cover your mouth when you cough and today we're going to be frying sausages with my new gadget a hob with an organ right i feel like i'm going insane okay so along with everything else konami did for musical instrument rhythm games on the playstation they also did this beat mania and where i was initially expecting it to make me feel like [Music] i later discovered it's basically a primitive version of dj hero with a keyboard so instead i felt like it works yeah it's pretty fun there's not much to say about it it's just your typical rhythm game but with the wiki wiki dj but what i really want to know is can you play lego racers on it well you tell me even though a few buttons on the controller are mapped to the keyboard end of the deck the disc scratching bit is only mapped to up and down so you can't turn and the same rules apply to alien trilogy which even though is very depressing that i can only move forward and back and strafe makes it all worth it when i can say out loud look mom i shot an alien with a piano well i guess it works perfectly with pong playing pong with a gas hob now i've seen everything oh my man this has been absolutely exhausting i'm starting to flag a bit now but trust me don't go away yet because i think i've saved the best for last do you remember a few years back i made a video all about retro playstation 1 magazines in some of those issues were picture adverts for upcoming gaming controllers and peripherals including a ps1 controller cup holder a g-con light gun bazooka a ps1 controller with the england flag on it and a ps1 controller that is also a shoe and you are all going to be so sad to hear that no matter how many google searches i did and no matter how many ebay searches i did i couldn't find these things anywhere and even worse i couldn't find even a mention of them on the internet outside of those magazines so i think they were jokes ha ha ha you got me but there was one thing i managed to uncover from those magazines one single thing and i'm so happy i did because hey kids meet your new step dad hello there little scabs i did it i found it the ps1 glove you thought that the nintendo power glove was the only one no serene no williams here is the officially licensed video game control glove for the playstation the only controller to get you in the game might want to plug in the console first though what are the features of this ungodly instrument compatibility with all playstation games approved official playstation peripheral fits comfortably onto the forearm and hand and you become part of the game holy [ __ ] what a feature i have been desperate for years to jump into my ps1 and have an affair with bob the builder's wife you take it out of the box strap it down to your arm and there you go here it is this wretched junk this parasite feels horrible it follows every single finger and wrist movement you make like a conjoined twin that never made it to make things move on screen you have to bend your arm around like betty's spaghetti to make this lever system work and it takes a surprising amount of muscle to do it plus the buttons are all smushed together it has the worst thumb button placement i've ever seen on anything and i don't know if i should be playing a video game or studying black holes talking like a robot and i know it's predictable but i've gotta try glover on it haven't i [Music] no jumping flash [Music] dave mirra freestyle bmx [Music] do i even dare [Music] not upon a time the end after all of that i could really do with a massage anybody got anything to help me out [Music] is is that is that a ps2 vibrator oh there you are [Music] [Music] stan my rabbit likes to [ __ ] on my sofa
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 3,399,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation, ps1, playstation 1, playstation accessories, accessories, ps1 accessories, playstation 1 accessories, retro gaming, retrogaming, gamecube, playstation 2, PS2, memory cards, scott the woz, sony, playstation controller, playstation adapter, caddicarus, gameshark, pocketstation, pocketstation games, sony pocketstation, resident evil gamepad, playstation gamepads, gamepad, madcatz, arcade stick, dance mat, power glove, video game glove, dykgaming, jontron, the completionist, avgn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 56sec (5756 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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