The Rings Of Power Pitch Meeting

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so you have a new show for me yes sir I do I was thinking we make a Lord of the Rings show that's a recognizable name it sure is Sir so all we have to do is spend a bunch of money on the rights and it's a guaranteed hit and also make a good show that people will like presumably I mean yeah no yeah no we'll see how it goes amazing so what happens in this thing well it's gonna take place like thousands of years before the Lord of the Rings trilogy right and we're gonna follow caladriel and how people are gonna pronounce things the whole time it's pretty distracting oh please stop please stop that sorry so anyway galadriel's brother was killed by Sauron back in the day so she's been trying to hunt him down okay nobody really believes her but she's still like pushing on the search through the snow risking people's lives being real mean to everyone and they're gonna get attacked by an ice troll oh no yeah this thing's super strong it's taken out else but then Galadriel is so strong she takes this thing out with no problem at all she's so good it's not even a danger for her she was never in danger at all kind of so the main character is never in any danger never because she's so good not super exciting actually not a danger on her Horizon nothing's a threat for her all right anyway so the other elves are like okay we'll stop putting us in danger and they put her on a ship to valinor at a little to stop and so they're basically sending her there to get rid of her oh so what did she do well just as they're getting there she decides to jump off the ship into the water what is she planning to swim back to Middle Earth yeah that's the plan oh my God you're serious she's Galadriel she can do anything right right okay and then as she's swimming back she's gonna come across some shipwreck people including this one guy Hal brand and what's his deal oh well he and Galadriel are gonna kind of team up throughout the season but then at the end of the season there's going to be this big reveal that he's actually Sauron so while swimming across an ocean Galadriel just happened to run into the evil being she's been looking for yes that works oh thank God So eventually they end up at this place called new manure and what happens there well she tries to convince the queen region to give her a ship to go back to Middle Earth oh she's got to do some diplomatic relations huh how does she handle that with massive disrespect Ill see sir this is in the Galadriel we know from The Lord of the Rings movie she's still young and immature right okay she's only a couple thousand years old at this point anyway also during this season we're gonna follow these little creatures called the harfoots and they're gonna find this really tall magical man who fell from the sky a tall magical man huh and he's got a beard and long hair and a long robe so he's Gandalf no that's definitely Gandalf though right okay well sir it's going to be kind of a big reveal later uh obviously being Gandalf is tight it's gonna be a big mystery sir no it's not okay so anyway the harfoots that are taking care of this tall magic man they're very loving and wholesome oh that's nice unless you become a minor inconvenience to them in which case they will leave you to die oh my god oh and also at the beginning of the Season these Orcs are going to be digging tunnels like for fun no they're up to something oh and they're going to end up attacking this freaking Village in the Southlands are the villagers gonna fight a lot of them are yeah cause two or three times per episode somebody stands up and gives an inspirational speech kind of a lot of speeches it is a lot of speeches but what are we supposed to just stand around and not listen to a bunch of speeches no today is when we take our stand what are you even talking about I don't even know I've written so many of those my brain is basically mush at this point anyway this Village is gonna get massacred by Orcs geez yeah but luckily Galadriel spent three episodes begging the queen for an army so they sweep in and save the day they know where and when to show up hey shut up so then Galadriel is going to present that Hall brand guy to the villagers and be like by the way this is the king of the Southlands so they're all like oh my God we have a king that's great they're all just super happy they don't have any questions about that that's right why did she say this guy's King anyway because he had this little Royal emblem thing on him but he says he got it off a dead guy that's pretty suspicious no it's not so everyone's on board with him being King all right anyway then this bad villager dude is gonna shove this magical sword into a giant Rube Goldberg machine that breaks a dam that fills up the orc tunnels with water which makes a big volcano go off what yeah that just happened why is that a thing and then freaking volcanic ash just swoops down and covers up the village and Galadriel just stands there and it's gonna be tough for people to survive that actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah all the important characters just kind of survive they do get covered in Ash let me tell you very dirty very dirty people got a lot of cleanup they gotta do pyroclastic flows almost 2 000 degrees Fahrenheit right yeah I know right that's pretty hot I should mention that Queen lady does go blind oh I guess her eyes were open I guess so so she's like I don't want people to know that I'm blind so she puts a big red cloth over her eyes Smooth Move yeah that'll do it anyway so then it turns out that that was the birth of Mordor oh how are we going to show that the on-screen title is going to change to Mordor that works oh and another thing that's going on throughout the season is that elrond he's from The Matrix movies that's kind of correct sir anyway he's trying to get some info out of his dwarf friend this guy Prince Duran and what's he trying to get well he's trying to find out what the dwarves are mining and it turns out it's this stuff called me thrill okay but Duren makes elront take an oath that he's not going to tell anyone about this yeah sounds pretty serious yeah very serious but then elrond's boss is gonna be like hey are they mining that stuff and he's gonna be like I can't tell you I took a note I mean that pretty much confirms it doesn't it oh 100 yeah it does anyway the elves need this stuff or they're gonna die why because they'll die if they don't get it oh all right so then they get a little piece of it and they want to make it into some rings oh boy very important little circles and how Brand's gonna suggest to sell a brimbor one of the best Craftsmen in the world that he could combine some metals together to make the stuff stronger he's the best in the world and he hadn't thought of that that's what we're going with well okay then well then they make the rings of power oh wow wow wow wow and then galadriel's gonna figure out that that guy is Sauron and confront him oh so he kills her he kind of yells and takes off to Mordor actually why for season two I guess I don't know got it oh and those little hard foots are finally going to get confirmation that the tall stranger is good how do they find that out he's gonna be like I am good that'll do it and so yeah that's about it what do you think well I have to say it's a very recognizable brand name sure is Sir so let's just make sure we make it in a way everybody's Gonna Love absolutely sir or we just throw a bunch of money at it and hope it works out oh that sounds easier let's do that [Music] hi everybody it's Ryan George here thanks for watching that pitch meeting I hope you liked it don't forget to subscribe to the channel and email this video to your grandparents you might want to call them on the phone to make sure that they received some older people have trouble with technology it's not really their fault just get call them if you can all right I'll see you uh next time
Channel: Pitch Meeting
Views: 2,755,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rings of power, amazon, amazon studios, galadriel, gandalf, hobbits, ice troll, middle earth, pitch meeting, ring, ryan george, sauron, screen rant, super easy barely an inconvenience, the lord of the rings, the stranger, tolkien
Id: zhsGVs6auq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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