The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Pitch Meeting

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About time Ryan did the hobbit lol, should be a great pitch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bastardofwinterhill πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow wow wow... Wow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigmoviegeek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t wait for the pitch meetings for the sequels!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AKenjiB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so you have a movie for me yes sir i do i was checking the calendar of when it's okay to start making money off popular franchises again and guess what's coming up soon oh is it spider-man well obviously spider-man's gonna get squeezed that's like a two-year waiting period no i'm actually talking about lord of the rings oh yeah the studio is getting tired of not making money off that franchise so what are we thinking like a reboot maybe zac efron as aragorn although that is a horrifying idea that we'll probably do someday i was actually thinking we could do the hobbit wasn't that one book though so we're just gonna do one movie no i feel like we could get three out of that bad boy how are we gonna do that by patting the hell out of it and throwing a bunch of stuff in there that's just you know completely unnecessary sounds good to me so what happens in this first movie well we're gonna have bilbo writing and talking about some of his adventures that we haven't you know cashed in on yet very exciting and while he's writing you know who's gonna pass by who freaking frodo baggins from the lord of the rings movies he's from the lord of the rings movie he is and so he's gonna walk by wow so what's he gonna do i just told you oh okay so then we're gonna flash back to a younger bilbo and have him meet gandalf and how does that go well turns out gandalf chosen for an adventure but he's not into it what's the adventure well see there are these dwarves right and they used to live in this place called the lonely mountain okay and they had a bunch of gold there and this thing called the arkenstone but then a dragon showed up and just completely ruined everything right but now they think that maybe the dragon is gone so they're gonna go back so why would bilbo be needed for that well because maybe they're gonna need a burglar is bilbo a burglar he's not no so i don't i don't i don't get listen sir i'd appreciate if you got all the way off my back about why bilbo's needed okay oh okay let me get off of that thing so anyway gandalf invites all these dwarves over to bilbo's house without asking and they start eating all his food and who are these dwarves what are their names oh there's a bunch of them there's oin gloin keeley feely probably bailey dwaylen balin possibly sarah palin i don't really remember that's okay are they gonna have fun personality so we can tell them apart honestly they're all going to kind of blend together there are a ton of them it feels like it's going to be tough to connect with them emotionally oh most definitely but there is going to be one named thorin oakenshield and he's like the leader and what's his deal well he's tiny aragorn oh people like aragorn they do so anyway these dwarves are gonna be eating bilbo's food and he's gonna be like hey now hey stop it please hey hey everybody hey no very funny yeah yeah yeah for like 40 minutes or something oh my god yeah and he's really not into the idea of going on this adventure with them but then he wakes up the next day and he's like really into the idea of going on this adventure with them so what changed well the movie has to happen sir oh okay gotcha so anyway they head out and then they get captured by these big dumb trolls that want to eat them off to a very bad start definitely but then bilbo stalls the trolls for like 30 seconds which gives gandalf the time to pop out and shine sunlight on them so they turn to stone wow i guess maybe someone was brave in that situation maybe so what else happens we're also going to have this other wizard ratagast who has a bunch of screen time and also some bird poop on his face and what's his role in the movie well he's going to kind of tease that something evil is on its way and that the lord of the rings movies are going to happen how kind of tease the movies that people have already seen okay yeah sure maybe that's a thing he's also going to lead some orcs away from the dwarves at a certain point but then just kind of circle back so an action scene can happen i guess that's helpful and are we doing like cool practical makeup like in the original trilogy no there's just going to be a ton of cgi going on oh is that going to look better oh yeah no god no but it means we could still work on designs even after we've shot the movie pretty good trade-off yeah so then they're gonna go to rivendell and gandalf is gonna have a conversation about how the lord of the rings movies are gonna happen one day good to let the audience know that i guess it's definitely gonna fill some screen time fantastic and also the dwarves have this map that can only be read at the exact time of year as it was written under the exact same moon oh man so how long do they have to wait not at all it turns out those exact conditions are happening at the time that they're in rivendell so they're able to read it no problem oh so why even mention that i don't know fair enough oh also we're going to have this scene where they're all on the legs of these giant rock monsters that are like punching each other oh rock'em sock and robots are tight and they're also going to get captured by some goblins made with cgi oh offensively so wow wow wow and bilbo's gonna manage to slip away but everybody else they're gonna get brought in front of the scrotum king what sorry the goblin king oh okay what's his deal well he knows that this orc azog has beef with little aragorn so he wants to give the dwarves to him what's the beef well azzad killed his grandfather and he chopped off as augs aren't okay yeah so they probably don't like each other and bilbo's gonna end up finding the ring and then having a big interaction with gollum remember him from the other movies i remember him from the other movies and so gollum wants to eat bilbo but instead they have this riddle battle and how does that go well bilbo's gonna win by accidentally asking what do i have in my pocket which isn't a riddle but somehow that's still the winning point well and so how does everybody escape well freaking gandalf pops out and helps rescue them again oh that guy's always doing that it is his thing yeah for sure amazing so they kill the scrotum king and then they survive deadly falls without so much as a scratch that's lord of the rings tradition at this point it is yeah well great but then they're gonna get chased by azog in his orcs and they're gonna get trapped in a tree uh-oh but little aragorn he's so mad that he attacks and he just gets his butt kicked not good at all but then bilbo jumps in to help and all the other dwarves they jump in to help too but it's still not going too great sounds like it's going to be tough for them to get out of there alive actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah gandalf has a bunch of eagles picked them up so you know that's that well great yeah so the eagles dropped them off super far from their destination at the top of this super dangerous rock that's super high up yeah that's almost the opposite of helpful yeah so then the movie's done it's over oh my god yeah we get out of there it's done i feel like not even one thing had a resolution that is accurate yeah for sure so what do you think well i mean it's lord of the rings right so i feel like people are gonna like it no matter what oh yeah absolutely [Music] hello it's ryan here thanks for watching that video hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit the like button and the subscribe button and the button button and the whatever other buttons not the dislike that's a bad button you could also leave me a comment telling me what other movies you want to see pitches for as always check back soon for a new one see you guys on the next video bye-bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 1,086,800
Rating: 4.95784 out of 5
Keywords: The hobbit, pitch meeting, an unexpected journey, bilbo, baggins, frodo, the shire, gandalf, ian mckellen, dwarves, smaug, martin freeman, gollum, andy serkis, sauron, the lord of the rings, aragorn, thorin, azog, orcs, dragon, gold, wizard, goblin king, eagles, trolls, middle earth, jrr tolkien, plot holes, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: wkUDe7VgGrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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