Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Pitch Meeting

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I was hoping he'd mention something like this:

"Wouldn't the hidden underwater society guard the one entrance to their city that's accessible from land?"

"Hey shut up so Nakia ends up killing two guards so she can help Shuri and Riri escape!"

"She kills two guards despite an entire action sequence earlier in the movie establishing that the Dora Milaje use non-lethal weapons?"


"Oh ok."

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MikeArrow 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2022 🗫︎ replies

Recovering from being impaled is TIGHT

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pallyboy94 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's a sequel to a super popular movie and it's gonna have blue people underwater but Avatar 2. Marvel doesn't make those you silly goose no actually I'm talking about Black Panther 2. oh okay yeah no that series is in our web Patois that's not how that's pronounced so anyway obviously we're gonna start the movie with a nice tribute to Chadwick Boseman you know the Marvel logo is just gonna be him of course and in the movie t'challa is gonna pass away from an illness and sure he's gonna be trying to save him by making that heart-shaped herb synthetically but she's not gonna manage wow yeah so throughout the movie shuri and the wakandans are kind of dealing with the passing of t'challa while also dealing with this new threat that emerges oh what's the threat oh it's freaking Neymar Namor no more how do you pronounce that you know everybody in the movie is going to say it differently I guess there's no wrong way to say it no I'm gonna pronounce it yeah more okay no maybe there is a wrong way like a hungry little kid asking for seconds of his favorite dessert yeah more is that cool yeah no that's absolutely not cool well okay then so I'm does this guy want to fight wakanda oh it's a long story but see this guy is the leader of a secret underwater Nation called talocan and they also have vibranium right now that's the stuff that makes all the cool things do all the cool things and since wakanda told the whole world about vibranium the CIA started looking for some with a vibranium detecting machine what does that machine do it detects vibranium that's probably why they called it that that's absolutely why it's called that sir and since the CIA found some vibranium underwater Namor is like hey wakanda this is your fault what the heck so he's like no you gotta go get me the scientist that made the machine I mean if the machine was purchased by the CIA they probably already looked into how to make more what's the point of getting the scientist girl so we can introduce Riri Williams to the MCU before her show premieres on Disney plus oh okay yeah that is urgent get her in here real quick so Namor just kind of shows up in wakanda and says all this to shory and the queen do they not have security for the waterways headed into wakanda I mean they must but Neymar's so good he bypasses them how does he manage that with his you know water skills I guess it's off screen so he just comes and goes as he pleases oh coming and going as he pleases Ty sure sure so now shuri and akoye have to go get Riri or wakanda's going to be attacked I know they said more backup with them unclear but so then shuri and Riri get taken to talocan underwater uh-oh tough to breathe underwater and so no more shows shuri how beautiful his nation is and tells her his origin story and why he hates everybody understandable I don't even tell you why he hates everybody I know I just I get it okay that's alarming so anyway he's like hey we should team up and burn the world down and if you refuse I'm gonna destroy wakanda first they're gonna wage war with the entire planet yeah yeah how do they plan on taking on landlocked countries with beluga whales and hot air balloons well I wouldn't laugh so you know what they say about beluga whales you never know when they're gonna strike that's not true it might be so anyway eventually Nakia comes and rescues them and they head back to wakanda nice but then Neymar and his people are gonna attack and they've got water they've got fish they've got really good singers that'll make you kill yourself and the more has tiny little wings on his feet oh and then he drowns the queen oh my God yeah and then he tells shuri all right I'm gonna give you guys some time to regroup okay does a week sound good I'm gonna head out for a week or so why would he do that so they have time to prepare for the final battle of the movie okay so then Siri freaking figures out how to synthesize that flower and she becomes the Black Panther oh wow wow wow wow and she gives a koye a weird Power Ranger suit and they make riria suits is everybody just kind of getting Suits now that's right sir several people are kind of Iron Man now wow and how did they get all that done in such a short amount of time Montage gotcha so now it's time for the big final battle and they've figured out their plan of attack what's their plan they're gonna head out to the ocean and fight the ocean guy and his people there isn't that the enemy's home turf yes isn't that where the enemy will have the biggest Advantage oh absolutely that doesn't seem like the best plan well that's the one they're going with also they realize if they dry Namor they can weaken him a bit but what are they gonna attack him with a blow dryer no no no no that'd be ridiculous all right it's more of like a space heater type thing oh okay so the wakandan said to the ocean for this fight and you know really get their butts kicked yeah because that's where the enemies at their strongest for sure for sure but sure he's gonna manage to dry Neymar off a little bit and get him on land so they're gonna fight while these weekends oh great but then she gets badly impaled you know right through her oh my god well it's gonna be impossible for her to beat this guy with that kind of injury actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah cause he checked this out what she does is she's fine immediately oh yeah all good right away so what about the severe impaling wounds hey shut up so then she's about to kill this guy but then she's like hey what about an alliance and he's like oh yeah okay sure an alliance and she trusts the word of this guy who just killed her mom and made that promise under the threat of death I yes well great and so yeah then we find out that the Black Panther had a kitten and we're done what so what do you think well it sounds like a great movie and a nice tribute to Chadwick Boseman thank you yeah this is going to fit right in with all the other fantastic movies we'll be releasing in 2022. oh yeah people are gonna love them all sir [Music] hi everybody it's Ryan George here thanks for watching that pitch meeting I hope you enjoyed it if you want to see more of these videos I don't know how to help you I don't know how you could possibly find more and if you have any suggestions for movies or TV shows you'd like to see me do pitch meetings for I don't know what you could do about that I there's no way to do anything at all so sorry
Channel: Pitch Meeting
Views: 1,876,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black panther, wakanda forever, pitch meeting, marvel, mcu, t’challa, chadwick boseman, shuri, okoye, ryan coogler, namor, letitia wright, angela bassett, m’baku, superhero, phase 4, ryan george, screen rant, super easy barely an inconvenience
Id: 7HCqMLEJ4yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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