The Right Arm Secret Nobody Tells You About!

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Ben Hogan's Five Lessons is one of the most influential golf instruction books of the last 50 years in it he talks about some key fundamentals that he believes are important in the swing in one of the lessons he discusses the role of the trail elbow and how important that is and while I agree with him Hogan left a significantly important piece of information out of that lesson that missing piece is the reason that despite trying to emulate that desirable Trail elbow and Trail arm position in the downswing you've been unable to do it no matter how hard you try you can't keep the lag you're losing power and hitting the ball all over the golf course this missing piece I share with you in today's video you will not have heard before but I guarantee you it will transform your understanding of how the trail arm works in the swing and unlock a completely new level of golf those of you with a Keen Eye might be able to look at this picture of Hogan demonstrating the trail elbow work and notice the problem with this image in fact this problem is staring in the face if you know where to look the missing lesson is hidden in plain sight as Hogan demonstrates the mechanics of moving the trail elbow in front of his body and keeping it bent this nice feeling of having the elbow tucked which is often a description I hear from students I'm supposed to tuck my trail arm in just as Hogan is demonstrating as you look at the image you may notice the problem the problem is in the club face the club face as he does this is wide open so it's easy to demonstrate the tucked Trail elbow and the tucked arm without the need to hit a ball because this club face can point wherever it wants to it's also the reason that you can make a practice swing and as you make that practice swing deliver lots and lots of desirable lag in the swing you can make your down swing look like a professionals and then the minute the ball's in play you stand up to that same ball and you see the arm and the elbow get disconnected you have this really wide casting downswing you're flipping at impact and you've lost all of those good alignments well the reason is because the club face is in the wrong place and in order to truly understand the mechanics of the right arm and understand what you're supposed to do the missing lesson lies in understanding how this Trail arm works and in order to do that I'm going to need to share with you some basic anatomy of the trail arm how it works and how it functions if you can stand up and do this with me it will really help so stand up and hold out your Trail arm which for a right-handed golfer is your right arm in front of you and place it in a position whereby the pit of the elbow is facing forwards towards the front camera here it's almost like a give blood type of position and that would be described in an anatomical terms as external rotation of the trail shoulder pushing the arm or the elbow in towards me as I say with the pit of the elbow facing forward stack and tilt codes this as position three of the elbow position number three and this would be desirable this is the position if you like the movement that Hogan's demonstrating in his book The Elbow being in front the elbow being tucked in is position number three but you could also have your elbow in two other broad positions one would be position two where the arms turned in some 45° and then position number one would be internal rotation full internal rotation where the pit of the elbow is now facing towards the target for most of you that's your understanding of the trail arm whether it's tucked in or whether it's away from you is the extent to which this lesson has typically been taught up to this point what you also have to understand is that the elbow and the shoulder can move independently of the forearm the trail forearm can rotate independently around the elbow position most of you who tried to do position number three which is desirable having the elbow tucked and forwards do so with a forearm that's supern it's up the palm of my hand is also pointing up so we said we want the pit of the elbow pointing up but we don't want the hand pointing up at the same time we want the pit of the El elbow up with the hand or the forearm turned that has the effect of taking an open Club face despite me having a good elbow position here I can take this open Club face and I can rotate it with the forearm into a functional position that allows me to maintain all these desirable alignments into impact I don't care how hard you try to keep the elbow in front of you if you're doing it with an open Club face and coming down towards the ball like this there's no way you're going to come into the ball with any sort of desirable alignments your brain is going to override the fact the elbow's going to come out the casting and the flipping is going to start and your strikes going to get completely out of place and that's what you're going to look like at impact so if you've been trying to get this forward elbow position you've been trying to maintain and sustain some more lag into the swing to add potential power to your stroke but you've been unable to do so the like answer lies in the trail arm and the trail wrist so one more time in terms of where this arm needs to be at setup you're going to have the elbow in position three which is the give blood position the pit of the arm facing forward and if you were giving blood you'd rest your forearm on the table and your palm would also be facing up your forearm would be up that's not what we want for golf as I've already said this is very often the mistake that most people make when they try to get the elbow tucked so we go position three with the elbow position three with the hand is incorrect we need position two and one we go all the way to position one with the hand so now the hand's facing the target but the elbow pit is still facing up that's the three and the one that's the combination and the lesson that was missing from Hogan's lesson and this is the reason most of you are struggling with your right arm mechanics so once you've got those two pieces in there it's set up you've got the three and the one turned onto the grip you're in a great place to be able to move this club around you and I would say that that sensation of keeping the three and the one the feeling of the elbow and the wrist can be a feeling that you try to transport around you throughout the swing I have a sensation there of maintaining the three keeping the elbow externally rotated very much a feeling as I go back of pushing this elbow in front of me and I'd liken it to a arm wrestle if you can consider the idea that you're losing an arm wrestle in the back swing that you're moving in the correct way for golf so many of you in the back swing would win the arm wrestle start to move the shoulder into internal rotation or set another way position one now that elbow pit is pointing back down towards the ball down towards the target line it's not forward and facing the camera so as you swing back and win the arm wrestle you're really moving that elbow in the incorrect way you're moving it to position one that steepens the shaft either at the top or for many of you on the way down so the trick is to put the three and the one in there at setup and then transport that three in one feeling around you this is perfect arm structure and wrist angles I haven't changed the alignment of my rest of my of my trail arm at all that I've still got it in the three against the one this would be three and three I've got three and one the wrist and the forearm are turned down I can keep transporting that alignment all the way through my back swing down swing and even after I've hit the ball that's the simplest way to describe it if you go ahead and hit balls setting up with this three in one alignment maintaining it in the back swing and the follow through just go ahead and do that and watch how much your ball striking improves it really is so easy and effortless once you know what to feel and what to look for if you've never been able to draw the ball this will unlock a whole new world of balls that draw and go so much further than your standard shot so you're going to put the arm position setup and try and keep it there throughout the entire swing a nice little drill that you can do to help you keep the external rotation piece as best as you can is to place an object I've got a golf glove here underneath my trail arm between my arm and my rib cage and as I set up I'm going to push the upper arm uh this tricep bicep area just in front of my chest a little bit again once again into this give blood kind of position externally rotating the shoulder so I'm in this position here with some pressure holding the glove against my chest now as I go down to the ball I need to turn the hand into the one position and again so many of you get this wrong you keep the hand in the three and you end up with a grip that looks something like this completely nonfunctional for the rest of the Swing so I've got the arm in the right place here they got the elbow in the right place turn the forearm pronate the forearm so the hands now facing the target position one place it on the grip that's what we're looking for now with the pressure here between the arm and the chest keeping that number three feeling with my elbow and my shoulder I can go ahead and hit balls if I keep this pressure similar I'm likely to be doing a good job of keeping the number three if I was to start losing that elbow the two and the one you see how I drop the glove and that might happen for you in the back swing well you may find that you can keep the glove and the pressure in the back swing but then you start to lose it in the down swing because once again the elbows moving into the wrong position it'll be doing that as a reaction to a poor Club face so you have to find the root cause first and as I say for most of you that missing lesson is understanding how to put the forearm and the wrist on the club correctly so take the glove place it under your Trail arm three of the elbow the one of the wrist transport that around you in the back swing and the downswing and hit the best shots of your life [Music] feels so easy effortless even it's another really well struck it's a seven iron feel like I've hardly hit that it's got 181 yards effortless would be the way I would describe that and I think that's how a lot of Pros swings look they look effortless but they're just efficient because things are in the right place the club can move quickly and they can deliver maximum power transfer into the ball as opposed to what you're probably experiencing which is something that feels very awkward and rushed and doesn't produce particularly good shots enough of the time and you're losing that distance that you so desire getting the arm and the forearm into the right place will allow your swing to become more efficient if you're looking for an insane upgrade on your ball striking and your golf this really is the missing lesson the lesson that Hogan didn't quite give to everybody and whilst it's incomplete it doesn't allow you to benefit fully from the trail arm being tight and close to you which is a good thing with a club face that's open get yourself to the range give this a try and let me know how you get on for those of you that do struggle with this part of the swing I hope that the information I shared with you today allowed me to complete that lesson in full the thorough description of the elbow and the arm should be the recipe that you need to go out there and hit the ball better than ever before if you enjoyed the video today please let me know by hitting the like button subscribing to the channel and getting down into the comments if this was an educational video for you tell me what you learned I love to read them I'll respond to as many as possible I truly believe this video has the potential to be one of the most important YouTube videos you can watch on the trail arm if you think so too hit like hit subscribe let me know and why don't you go and share this video with one of your golfing friends anyone looking to learn more about stack and till or take online lessons with me directly can go and look in the description I'm going to put all of the information in there for you to check out and if you're ready to watch another video on how to improve your ball striking I've got one right here which goes into a little bit more detail about the position one of the four arm and the wrist how to create the desirable right wrist Bend in order to truly compress the ball like the pros
Channel: Rob Cheney Golf
Views: 11,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt, gridlife, ben hogan, stackapore, the golfing machine, morad, skillest, tee claw, skytrak, right arm, trail arm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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