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today's video is going to talk about the next two words in the stack and tilt 10-word template and those two words are hands in hands in really speaks to the need to swing this golf club around us in the back swing and the follow through as we play golf on a tilted angle and with the help of the stack and tilt grid on the ground and some basic concepts and explanations we'll have you swinging this club better than you ever have before so hands in what does that really mean well hands in describes the inward or around nature that the hands and by definition the club move throughout the swing and they do that because we play golf on a tilted angle bent forward with the ball on the ground and we play with clubs that are on an angle these clubs all have an angle to them they're not vertical and because of that that requires by very simple definition that is the fundamental or movement of the club has to be around us to an extent we play golf on a tilted angle these lines or sticks on the ground here are some basic representation of an arc for the club head in the red and an arc for the hands in the yellow both on the back swing the down swing and then into the follow through it really defines a straight golf swing a swing that's pointing at the Target but doing so it's painting it on the ground as an arc or a curve and that's sometimes quite difficult for golfers to get their head around I know a lot of people are trying to hit the golf ball straight by swinging straight moving this club back in a straight line moving the hands back in a straight line and giving the swing far too much of a vertical element to it and that's not only wrong in terms of Direction because that's not a straight swing at all it's also robbing you of power because a huge amount of the power that's produced in the golf swing happens because we swing on this plane we use the angular momentum that we create by moving this club and hands around us in an arc to produce power that's why the shortest shots you hit in golf the putting or chipping you stand the closest to and the swing happens to be the straightest and then the driver of course which is the longest shaft we stand the furthest from the ball we're able to create a wider a deeper Arc which ultimately has more angular momentum and more power more potential power so learning to move the club and the hands around you in the back swing and again in the follow through is really the secret to hitting the straightest longest shots that you can it's a lovely little push draw it's going to finish more or less on the target swing Direction was 1° 1.7 de meaning the direction of the Swing was pretty straight and that's ultimately what you want if you want to try and control your ball flight and hit those straighter shots so some checkpoints to use here if you're going to film yourself and make sure you're doing the hands in component of the stack and Tilt swing sufficiently Place some sticks on the ground or golf clubs if you don't have sticks and put them at this 20 de angle more or less so that they're just slightly inwards from a straight line and then at P2 where the Sha's parallel to the ground one of the checkpoints you'd want to see here is that the club head the Sha and the hands line up and then at P3 which is a great alignment here to check when the left arm is parallel to the ground in the back swing I want the left arm to be that little bit inwards and across my chest more or less matching this yellow hand path on the ground so back to P3 I'm going to keep my weight forward I'm going to move my shoulder down which is the tilting I'm going to move my hands in and when I get to P3 you can see how my arm is moved around me or inwards the hands have moved around me and inwards and I'm in a good position to deliver this club on the correct path equally on the follow through another good checkpoint as we swing through on the front side the trail arm this time time would not be out here in space that would be a swing that was moving too much to the right instead the trail arm the right arm has swung around my body the hands and the club have orbited around my body and the trail arm matches the yellow stick now on the front side so I've got the hands slightly in on the back swing down to the ball and then the hands again moving inwards and around in the follow through those are good checkpoints for you to look for place ing the clubs or the sticks on the ground's good visual to help you see this and how much to do and then of course when you're filming your swing as you practice which you should be you'll be able to use these checkpoints and freeze frame and slow the swing down and double check that you're doing this correctly and I can hear you through the screen saying hey but Rob not everybody does it like that you've got golfers who take the club back lift their arms and have this really high back swing I would tend to agree that undoubtedly that does happen there are some expert players who move the club back off this grid and they lift their arms and they have quite a high position at the top but everybody and anybody who's any good gets this hands and club and sweet spot back into this position and into this slot in the down swing so you can choose to do it differently on the back swing should you wish but if you want to be successful you have to have some depth to the swing the club around you sufficiently to be able to control the swing Direction create sufficent power to hit the ball far enough and have that consistency to your swing that you so desire one of my favorite drills to train the hands in element of the Swing on the backside and also on the front side and reduce the lifting the unnecessary undesirable lifting of the arms throughout the swing for most of you is to take two tegs and place them under my arms so put them in the armpits my shirt it creates a sensation for me of keeping my arms connected to my body there as I say very limited amount of lifting that's that's able to happen if you watch the shoulder Down video in the 10-word template series you'll know that I like to practice this half swing from P3 where the left arms parallel to the ground to p8 where the right arms parallel to the ground in the follow through and same thing here you're going to control the arms you're not going to let them lift you're going to swing on both sides maintaining the weight forward shoulder down and now we've got the hands in that was a really nice strike for me that's uh feels quite a low swing this is an element of the swing and an area of the swing that I struggle with myself this is a great exercise Ides to do even with what feels like a very short quite low swing on both sides I was able to generate 95% of my full power there it reminds me how beneficial this exercise is and it also reminds me how so much of the power of the Swing comes from getting the hands around and the depth to the golf swing moving the hands in the club around sufficiently as opposed to just swinging further or longer which has the sense of being more powerful but in reality doesn't deliver that extra power and contributes often times to a lot of loss of directional control and even contact quality so keeping the arms down trains The Arc of the Swing to be much closer to what it should be and put that together with the other four words that we've learned so far the quality of and consistency of this contact is getting better and better each time so there's the importance of hands in and how it relates to a good gol swing all good golfers have the hands and The Sweet Spot of the club moving around them on the Ark on the Tilted angle if you like or the plane of the Swing if you've got any questions about hands in and how it affects ball fly and potentially your own problems that you're seeing in your swing get down in the comments and ask me some questions be doing future videos on the grid and explaining that in more detail but if you have any specific questions about the grid and how to set it up and what you should be looking for once again go ahead and ask those question questions in the comments I'll get back to every single one of you if you enjoyed today's video and indeed the series so far please make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel it really helps to grow the community and trying to share good information to help everyone out there play better golf this puts us more than halfway through the stack and tilt 10-word template six words down four to go the next two probably my favorite arms straight if you're ready to check out that video which I think is probably the biggest defic in amateur golfers that I see on a daily basis you can go ahead and click here and watch that video right now
Channel: Rob Cheney Golf
Views: 16,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt, gridlife, stackapore, andy plummer, hands in, nick taylor
Id: xNg7m-2R2i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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