SLOWER is FASTER! Incredible Discovery Leads to Crazy Clubhead Speeds!

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hey I know for a lot of shorter hitters out there it just feels like this incredible mystery how people on TV or in Long Drive they're able to get so much Club head speed while looking so effortless I mean look at guys like Fred Couples Payne Stewart over the years now the modern day version you could say is maybe Jake nap just so much speed but how do they get it looking so slow right after this let's talk about how slow can sometimes equal very fast stay tuned hey this is Steve with hit it longer. comom I continue my journey to hit the ball longer and straighter from te to Green than I ever have before I hope to show you how too so you're probably saying Steve you're nuts how it can slow equal fast well let me explain explain how this works if you take one of the fastest golf swingers in the world K Kyle Burkshire is probably the best in long drive right now and he's achieving speeds of over 160 m an hour now it's absolutely insane when the average speed of a golfer on TV is maybe 115 or 16 now and that's going that's being raised because of people like Bryson and everybody really is speed training but Kyle berer is up here at 160 however I want you to try to guess I'm going to ask you a question I want you to put your guest down in the comments you'll pause the video make your best guess how fast is this end of the stick moving at its fastest during the downswing if this end of the stick is going 160 right here how fast is this end going not here but at its fastest anytime during the swing put your answer down the below pause the video for a second I'll wait all right so the answer is the fastest this part of the club will move is right about here it's about an hour before last parallel and right before the handle gets to the hip right about in here the handle of his Club is only moving around 24 mil an hour it's not very fast is it so it really throws out the concept that he's trying to muscle it or pull the club down but there's something else in action here so he's getting a a massive multiplier five six times multiplier of the club head flying around five to six times faster so the best analogy that will show you how people and you eventually will be able to get massive amount of Club head speed is if you were to crack a towel so here's my towel the magic of editing suddenly have a towel now I'll bet at some point many of you short hitters maybe going back to uh Middle School in the in the locker room and gym you learned how to kind of do this and you you'd crack your friend with it or crack somebody right when they least expected it maybe maybe your sister cracker with the towel so again you hold the corners opposite Corners do a little rolling up and crack that thing just like that now similar to a bull whip if you were to wet one end that would be the worst pain weigh it down a little bit you could actually get the tip of that thing there's a good crack you can actually get the tip of this thing moving I don't know many hundreds of miles per hour perhaps so similar to a bull whip is breaking the sound barrier which is several hundred mph uh when it reaches its crack point so this is a similar concept but if you look at that back in slow motion again you can see something very interesting about this motion that you might have just learned very early on you've already got this skill set you've just never applied it to your golf swing before let's take a look at this clip from Mythbusters hopefully I don't get any kind of copyright strike we're looking at a super slow mo towel whipping action and what I want you to see is how the hand his hand actually moves backwards towards him or a negative Direction which causes the club the the other tip of the towel to to pass the hand at a very rapidly almost a multiplying rate to reach a very high speed so the tip of the towel is going very fast maybe 100 miles an hour 200 miles an I don't know well the hand is actually going negative miles per hour that's kind of the way it works with any whipping action so why aren't you using something like this in your golf swing so if the fast this golfer he's going 24 here but he's actually going to be going much slower this end of the stick has gone from a max speed of 24 but that speed is diminished greatly by the time he reaches the ball the club Head handle is traveling much less than 24 it's actually decelerated coming into the ball and that is giving this kick action look at that it's like acting as a pivot point so if you could actually do it like the towel crack or a bull whip and you could actually make the tip this tip end the nearo tip end actually go backwards you could really get a kick out of this now many of you will have already seen this drill this is what I think the best drill there is in golf for getting power and speed it's my wrap around the pole exercise but I want to show you how you can use this to practice slowing down the handle watch what happens if I have to throw this around without touching my elbow to the Noodle the handle of the club is going to reach Max Speed back here and then it has to abruptly stop so that stopping action will cause the club head to really fly around and pick up speed will also help you cure your slice by the way too if you're a slicer this will help that club face square up now watch I'm going to go one further as a feel exercise and I'm actually going to make the handle back up so watch this so I'm going to get my elbow right to the Noodle but look where I'm finishing [Applause] [Music] finishing way back here off the noodle so coming into the noodle and finishing off I'm making the handle and my hands actually back up the circle like that now you can see that that would actually cause just like the towel crack that the nearest end of the towel is actually got a negative velocity or almost a negative acceleration same thing here however because the body is going to keep rotating yes the rotation is slowing down from its peak as well and that is also what helps the handle slow down but this is going to keep the handle moving in a forward Direction so that negative action is going to be subtracted from your positive and you're going to end up with something that Peaks here but but then starts to slow down as it comes into impact and that's really going to give you this maximum kick of the head around the hands so it is a whipping action making this slow down that makes the club head move fast it's less effort than you think it's more of a Supple quick move than a rigid pulling or a rigid hitting Sensation that a lot of people who are seeking distance are actually doing so let's do one here I'm now going to take this drill the feels that I took from this drill and I'm going to see if I can make the handle of the club behave more like what I just felt and that's a really really big Drive given the speed I was using 100 m an hour to go 284 yard so for just a easy smooth swing I'm getting a ton of speed and efficient distance out of that because I'm feeling that action or the handle having an overall slowing down effect from here to here so this is what I mean by slower is faster get this end to slow down from here to here and this end will speed up I encourage you to do that with my wraparound the pole exercise use a pole or a tree first just practice making the handle come to a stop see that the handle is stopping abruptly picking up speed and then putting on the brakes causes the club head to kick through then embellish it by backing the handle up look I'm actually hitting the noodle and then look where I'm finishing back here that concept that feel is what people like a John Daly or a Fred Couples have used Maybe unknowingly but they realize that it is a bull whipping action where we're just trying to get the tip of the whip fast but the rest of the body and the hands and the arms they don't need to be that fast as you can see so give this concept A Try use it with a radar or something see if you can't break your Club head speed at least with some dry swings first pick up some speed and distance really quick hey for more like this head over to my website hit it longer. comom sign up for my courses sign up for a video swing analysis that I personally do there's lots of good information over there for free that you can just use to help you make yourself a better golfer I'm Steve thanks so much for watching if I don't see you in the next video I hope to see you longer and straighter down the Fairway Everybody Take Good Care a
Channel: Steve Pratt Golf
Views: 50,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Austin, Mike Austin golf swing, Steve Pratt, clubhead speed, driver distance, golf distance, golf drill, golf driver, golf speed, golf swing, golf tip, hititlonger
Id: LHAi1m0OdcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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