Effortless Distance Explained! 3 Ways To Add 50+ Yards!

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I think it's probably fair to say that quite high on the wish list of most golfers would be more distance and how you achieve that can often be closely related to how fast you swing but actually it's the ability to transfer your Club head speed into the ball that really matters the quality and the efficiency of that transfer comes down to where you strike the ball on the club face and today I'll show you how different strike locations on the club face dramatically affect your distance in fact depending on your Club head speed you could be leading in 50 60 even 70 yards on the table just because of poor ball striking the metric that most of these launch monitors use in terms of measuring this efficiency is either a metric that's called smash factor or in some of these machines they call it efficiency it's the calculation of the ball speed divided by the club speed and to keep the maths nice and simple if you had 150 mph of bll speed and 100 m an hour of Club speed that would produce a smash factor of 1.5 and 1.5 would be considered extremely efficient that would be about the top end of the metric so the better the quality of the ball striking the higher the smash factor and as I hit some more balls here using different parts of the club face intentionally striking towards the toe and towards the heel you'll see how that smash factor or that efficiency changes even with the same Club head speed my typical driver shape looks somewhat like that it's like push I'll draw it back towards the Target and sometimes I'll draw it too much and it will finish to the left my club head speed hovers around 104 106 an average of sort of 105 in terms of my on course Club speed so we'll be looking at that today that last ball there I felt like I struck it very close to the center and the feeling and the feedback I got was very solid you'll see that on the camera here that you'll see the strip of the golf ball was very close to the center of the face and that's the way that we can start to maximize the efficiency the transfer of that 106 mph of clubhead speed into the ball we managed to get 156 mil of ball speed which is pretty decent transfer and a smash factor or an efficiency of 1.48 that's a solid one so if I can keep that same Club speed hovering around the 105 mark But now intentionally strike the ball off center let's see what that does to the bull speed and ultimately to the distance that last one flew 258 through the air 278 total so 258 yards of carry 278 yards total I say that's pretty standard for my for my driver now if I go ahead and try and keep the same swing speed so similar swing I'm going to hit this one out of the toe and we'll see what happens very strong toe strike and the gear effect that you get off the face will induce much more curve that you'll see on the screen there I managed to get the club speed at 103 so I dropped slightly the distance there dropped significantly the carry was only 221 yards that's nearly 40 yard difference in terms of carry from almost the same swing speed because of the offc center hit I lost a tremendous amount of the energy transfer the smash Factor there dropped to 1.41 so even though I had a similar amount of Club head speed my ball speed dropped from 156 to 145 that's a huge drop and that shot on the golf course could be the difference between carrying the hazard and getting the ball over the bunker or over the water or being in it and this time I'll do one where I strike the heel intentionally and we'll see what happens to the distance of the drive that was so far off the heel I almost missed it you'll see that on the screen on the camera the ball speed dropped tremendously there the distance and carry was only 183 yards that's a massive drop from the original swing the club speed did drop quite a lot as well 98 mph so I wasn't able to keep my swing speed quite where I needed to but the smash Factor on that dropped to 1.38 that's incredibly inefficient the ball speeds nearly 20 20 mph lower than that original swing so that illustrates the importance of striking on the center of the club face for many of you watching this is the lowest hanging fruit because let's be realistic how much Club speed could you really add to your golf swing maybe 5 mph if you tried and worked very hard at it but it's difficult to make a significant change to the speed in which you swing however hitting the center of the club face could be the low hanging fruit that you need to add this 20 30 maybe 50 yards back to your driver I wanted to hit one there where I swung closer to my normal speed but still hit the heel which I've managed to do the carry there still dropped from its optimal number it's 227 the smash Factor still down at 1.43 ball speed down but the club speed that time I managed to maintain at 103 that was a slightly sort of more accurate version of keeping the club head speed the same but seeing the effect of the heel strike that should show you how important centered contact is now let's talk about ways in which you can improve it I'm about to share with you three ways in which you can improve the quality and the location of the strike on the club face if you stick around to the end of the video I'll also share with you three ways in which you can increase your Club head speed if you're enjoying the video to this point please make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you're new I've got a head cover in my hand I've actually got a really cool head cover I should put this a bit closer to the camera everyone like my Liv golf head cover which I'm very proud of the Singapore Sling this head cover is going to serve a purpose whereby if you have a strong tendency in terms of strike on the club face you can place an obstacle on the ground to help you move that strike to a different point on the club face so if I use this example of somebody who hits consistently towards the heel of the club striking closer to the shaft here than to the center I could take a head cover or similar soft object and place it down on the ground just outside of the golf ball like so so I'm placing this head cover and this obstacle in a very specific place in a way where I set up with the club the head cover is placed 1 to 2 cm away from the edge of the golf club that's creating an obstacle there for me to have to move this club head and control the club head travel back to the ball where I hit towards the center or maybe even start to strike slightly towards the toe if you're a heel Striker if you struggle with hitting the heel more often than the center then placing an obstacle outside the ball like this could really help you that made such a difference to me there that I hit very strongly towards the toe but again if that's your problem your issue is hitting towards the heel practicing and hitting closer to the toe could be a good thing for you you can move this head cover around depending on your problem if you're someone who struggles with the toe strike more so than the heel strike you could move this head cover and bring it onto the inside of the golf ball here now in order for me to miss the head cover I need to keep the club head and The Sweet Spot a little bit further from me and this could help if you're someone who suffers with a consistent tow strike pattern hit that one pretty solid it's a nice straight ball felt slightly different I had to change my swing a little bit there from a Norm just to avoid the head cover so it's a good exercise it's a very simple exercise but it's a very beneficial one if you're trying to improve the location of strike with your driver the second thing you can do to improve strike location on your Club face is to try and strike different parts of the club face intentionally this suggestion when I give it to players is often met with some resistance they don't understand why you'd want to practice hitting the heel or even the toe on purpose but if you think about it controlling where this club head is in space throughout the entirety of the Swing is really the skill that more experienced and established players learn so if you can stand and set up to the golf ball swing and intentionally strike towards the to toe or the heel on purpose you're really learning to move this club head around in space and so if you get out on the golf course and you find you're hitting towards the heel on any given day you've got the ability and the skill to start moving that strike around give it a try don't dismiss it until you've tried it set up to the ball in the middle of the club face and then try to intentionally swing down strike towards the toe strike towards the heel or try to find the center and the final thing you can do to improve the location of the strike on your Club face is to consider getting a driver fitting the number one thing I see in golfers is they're using drivers that are too long for them manufacturers over the recent years have kept making drivers longer and longer and longer in the Quest for more distance to try and sell you more yards and while the truth is the longer the shaft is the more potential power you have because you can swing a longer CL faster than you can a shorter one the problem is the club gets so long that the very topic we're discussing today is something that a golfer no longer can do they can't hit the center of the club face you didn't you go to a shorter driver yeah so I went to a shorter shaft at the start of last year okay yeah so um just a little more control I probably headed out of the middle of the face a little bit more as well and smash Factor went up but you still hit the ball same distance with a shorter driver more control yeah more control yeah yeah so they've got this driver that's too long for them swinging around in space and coming down and Mish hitting it consistently tremendously dropping the ball speed so having a longer driver just because it means you could swing faster as I've already said today doesn't mean you're going to hit it further I have seen dramatic results positive results by golfers cutting 1 to 2 Ines off of their driver reducing the length of the shaft so that the centered contact is more likely more predictable centered contact more consistently equals better smash Factor faster ball speed and ultimately more distance and this wouldn't be much of a driver distance video if we didn't touch on the subject of Club head speed and how you could increase it I know this is a subject very close to many of your hearts and lots of comments I get asking on how to increase your Club head speed so here are three ideas that you can do to start swinging this club that little bit faster the first idea might seem so obvious but so few people really try it you must try to swing faster I see people asking me how to swing faster and the first response is well have you tried what would it feel like for you to take your regular swing move this club around you and actually try to move it quicker move it faster how fast could you swing if you really tried to and there's a trade-off here sometimes between swinging faster and losing control and as we know from previous videos where we discussed the three fundamentals distance is that second fundamental but it needs to be taken into consideration with controlling the shot Direction now when you train when you try to swing faster on the driving range or when you're practicing in your sim you can take heed of just more speed at this point without quite so much consideration for the direction just for a few balls how fast could you swing this club if you really tried I took some of my own advice there I felt like I swung faster I actually managed to also hit pretty close to the center of the club face and hit that nice little push draw my club speed there went to 108 108 108 mph it averaged 103 up to that point so I could add 5 mph of Club head speed just through trying to swing faster however that felt a little uncontrolled for me I'd need to train that to point where I'm comfortable with it maybe to take it to the course but I know it's in the locker I can try to swing faster and I can add speed if you want to swing faster start by trying to the second thing you can be doing to try and increase your Club speed is to make sure that when you set up to the ball you are moving your feet and waggling the club and getting some movement in your body before you pull the trigger it's been proven and shown that this dynamic foot movement Club waggle with some briskness to it helps to increase Club head speed as opposed to starting from a very still static setup it's much harder to create the speed that you want through your muscles if you start from a very static position so begin by just bouncing backwards and forwards on your feet just use the waggle of the club to create some momentum feel like this is brisk and happening quickly that will start to transfer into the overall Tempo and speed of your swing it's even been proven that the faster your back swing is the faster your down swing can be as well and that flies in the face of what a lot of you may believe and and may have experienced in the sense that you think this has to be very slow and rhythmical now of course there's a trade-off once again here in terms of tempo and finding something that works for you but it's true that if you swing faster on the way back the club's going to come down faster towards the ball so the tip in terms of increasing Club head speed let's get some briskness some Dynamic movement here at setup the club's moving my feet are moving and when I pull the trigger I'm going to move this club in the back swing a little bit faster than normal I tried to keep the speed up there I lost the strike and that can happen when you start to swing faster than you're normally comfortable with bit of a heel strike turn that into a slight light cut that I wouldn't typically like to see but my speed there was 109 so I went from 108 now 109 I am adding speed to my swing it's just right now it feels it comes at the expense of the control so first thing you're going to do if you want to increase your Club head speed try to swing faster second thing move briskly let's not stand still at the ball let's keep the waggle and the dynamic Mo movement and motion of your body in play the third thing is going to be how you use your hands from the top of the back swing the point in the swing where the hands are moving the fastest is this top portion of the Swing between the start of your down swing and where the hands get more or less parallel to the ground the peak hand path the peak hand path speed where the hands are moving at their fastest is in this area right here where I'm demonstrating right now so one of the best things you can do to maximize that feeling of peak hand path speed would be to get to the top and just try to pull your hands down towards the back of the mat here as quickly and and as violently as possible pull the club down pull the club down there's some great video of the top players demonstrating this long drive Champions certainly utilize this feeling there's a great video of Bryson Des Shambo demonstrating on the driving range how he has this feeling of the pull down of his arms so what are you doing what are you firing in your body physically to make that happen OB done all this work but where does it come from here here here it comes from the lats so a lot you can see when I'm pulling down so I'm pulling the club as hard down as I possibly can so I pull up and I pull down so it's it's a lot of doing the same thing but just feeling like like I pull it harder it's like I I pull it harder yeah so I move it faster back and I pull it down harder he gets to the top keeps his chest back towards the camera like I am and pulls his arms down fast this movement of pulling the arms and the hands down and getting the peak hand speed in this top part here can mean that by the time you reach the ball you've been able to increase the potential speed of the club head so the final drill to increase your Club speed get to the top keep your chest facing back towards the camera shoulder turn feels like it stays closed and fire the arms and the hands down towards the back of the mat here that I'm standing on okay I'm using the hands to isolate that speed coming down when I step into the ball I'm going to try and use that same sensation going to try to get to the top nice and quickly and then I'm really going to emphasize that the early part of my downswing is going to start with a conscious pulling of the [Music] hands felt like the speed was okay it was very much a tow strike push draw not going to be quite as good in terms of Smash factor I nearly got all the way out there to 300 yards though smash Factor dropped Club speed 107 so I managed to keep my club head speed at four 5 milph faster than my typical average Club head speed but those last two shots I certainly felt like I had a bit less control so when you're trying to add speed to your swing you may feel like you lose a little bit of control I'd encourage you to play around with adding speed going faster at the expense of a little bit of control for a few swings and then by the end of your practice session and be going back to something that feels more playable that you take to the course you can experiment between the two in fact you have to if you really want to increase your speed you have to train swinging faster if you can add four or 5 miles hour on the driving range you might be able to transfer 2 or 3 mph of that onto the golf course so it's a constant progression you're working through of swinging as fast as you can on the Range and seeing some of that extra speed transfer to the course so there's some very practical advice that you can take to the driving range and use whether that's in terms of trying to improve the efficiency of your strike and increase the bull speed with your current Club head speed or if you're going to try and actually increase your Club head speed and if you do that while maintaining centered strike you'll certainly going to see an increase in your distance thanks for sticking around today if you made it to the end of the video I'd love to hear your comments comments on what you've used to help you increase ball speed Club speed and overall distance if you've used anything in today's video and you've had success with it let me and the other viewers know I'd love to see those comments and if you've used something else if you found another tool or another way to increase your speed and add distance to your drives certainly I would and I'm sure others would love to hear from you another technique that the best players utilize in order to maximize their distance is to use the potential angle of momentum that's built into this club from being on a tilt on an angle if you like I made this video right here about Rory Mary's secret driver move if you want to understand how to move your hands and Club throughout the entire swing to add that distance into your drives then you should check out this video right now
Channel: Rob Cheney Golf
Views: 10,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt, gridlife, stackapore, long drive, tiger woods, rory mcilroy, bryson dechambeau, skytrak
Id: MSVpao0Urcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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