Why You Can't Hit Driver Straight - STOP Doing This!

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so take a look at this drive at the 18th at  Canterbury Golf Club what do you think Super   narrow isn't it you need to know how to hit driver  straight so many golfers here are slicing the ball   hooking the golf ball they don't know how to  hit driver straight they don't know how to   hit driver consistently in this video I'm going  to show you how you can learn how to hit driver   straight I'm actually going to give you five  simple golf tips you will not need them all maybe   one or two or combination of one or two will have  you hitting the ball so much better absolutely   promise you so before I get into your golf lesson  if you're new to the channel your first lessons   of mine please consider subscribing I release  videos like this every single week to try and   help you improve your golf game plus you never  have to remember a thing I'll always put a free   downloadable practice guide in the description  box below so Golf tip number one and before we   work on your direction I want to make sure that  you can strike driver properly I say this because   Greg a recent student of mine couldn't stop  slicing driver but the problem was he also   had poor contact sometimes he would hit it low on  the ground some golf shots would Sky up in the air   and then occasionally he would hit that beautiful  drive straight down the middle but it was really   inconsistent what we did to change this was first  of all improve his driver setup it's very simple   now with driver you want to hit the golf ball on  the way up the easiest way to achieve this is to   do two things let's get your ball position in the  right place to do this put your feet together so   the ball's right in the middle of your stance  take a little step towards the Target and a   big one away from the target this sets the ball  position just inside the lead heel Greg wasn't   doing this in fact the reason why his strike was  so bad and I see this with so many golfers is that   his Club was coming down quite steeply into  the golf ball like this now look at this if   he strikes the ball there's no Loft on the club  the ball goes low if he strikes it and the ball   comes off the top of the club he strikes it  and the ball goes super super high every so   often he saves it and he hits it okay all I  did to completely eradicate that was change   his setup I want you to do the same to check yours  take a club put it right down the middle of your   sternum here now Greg was set up like this with  the shaft completely with driver almost pointing   at the middle of your stance where you probably  have an iron but I want you to point this club   towards the golf ball what this does is it  angles your shoulders a little bit more this   way and provides a better way to strike the ball  at the bottom of the arc or even slightly up on   that golf ball this is hugely beneficial the other  thing you can do which could be even simpler when   you're playing is I've got one of the true track  balls from Callaway here and when I look above   that ball I can see the two dots on the ball but  when I go like this I can now see the track or the   Little Dot on the underside of the golf ball this  proves now that I've got some form of tilt in my   shoulders and I'm now positioned to strike the  ball on the way up with my driver swing so set   up correctly first it will make hitting driver  straight so much easier so now we've helped Greg   with his strike we still needed to help  him hit driver straighter Greg was still   slicing the golf ball because he didn't understand  what causes the ball to curve I asked Greg Greg   you're still slicing it just out of interest  what part of the golf ball here from the back   this side here or this side here are you hitting  do you think when you slice it oh definitely I'm   hitting too much here face is open and I'm hitting  it there that's why it's curving over there and   I said no actually every time you are slicing a  golf ball you are hitting the outside of the golf   ball and her says really yeah your ball sets off  to the left and curves to the right he says well   what causes the curve he says well if your Club  face is square to the path you will hit driver   straight left but if I open the club face you will  start to slice the driver look this spin this spin   is what curves the ball over to the right hand  side this is why you're slicing it and it say   wow really so I said yeah so what we want  to do is is you've now got yourself set up   in position I want you to start to make some  swings now where you're actually striking it   look on this side of the golf ball so suddenly  now what do you think he did he started to make   better movements rather than trying to stop his  slice swinging this way to try and stop it going   over there he started now to make much much better  swings because he start to visualize a completely   different movement if this was you know football  or soccer you call it in the in the US if I want   a ball to curve this way I'm hitting look this  side of the golf ball with my foot angled to   create spin yeah this is ultimately how you get  rid of any form of slice that's all we did that   simple golf tip and new understanding completely  changed the whole approach to his game so that   is golf tip number two you get yourself set here  take your posture start to visualize that club   attacking on a swing Circle that hits the  inside of that golf ball and you're going   won't just start hitting driver straighter  you may even start to hit a draw with driver just like that beauty let's move on to simple  golf tip number three so golf tip three You   Now understand that curvature on a golf ball  is created by two things the path the club   is traveling so the path strikes the ball on the  outside here with an open face you produce slice   spin that curves it over to the right hand side  and if you path the club too far to the right with   a close face you create hook spin that spins the  ball to the left it is as simple as that now Tom   a recent student of mine he came with a slice now  we got him set up as we've talked about earlier   got him set up correctly then I he just wanted  something simple to take to the golf course so   I said to him look get a mark and put it on an  inside quadrant the great thing about hitting   a driver is you get to place the ball on the  tee this allows you to put a mark on the inside   quadrant of this golf ball here this is the part  you want to strike because you're striking the   outside quadrant when you slice a golf ball I want  to really exaggerate the feeling the chances of   you hitting there are really slim but this is your  focus point it did two things it got him clearly   into a better setup the other thing you got him  doing here look is this most people who slice like   I say are coming this way suddenly now he started  to create a swing Circle that came look down the   correct line to strike this inside quadrant here  versus look this would strike the outside quadrant   so just putting a Mark gave him a real simple  Focus point but we couldn't stop there because   remember this is Step number four if you've got  an inside path but the face is aiming over there   as you do it where's the ball going to go probably  into those trees right so I needed him to kind of   fix the second thing which is Club face now all I  did with him is look look at your Club face now as   you swinging the club away right what you're doing  is you're throwing the club away as you throw it   away like this you've lost complete control over  it that face is opening up like this so when you   come back down the face is wide open you might  hit this quadrant but it's going to go over to the   right so I did just one thing with him once he's  got that kind of visual all I did was say look you   see all the best players doing this concentrate  on looking after that club face in the first part   of your swing keep it nice and calm because if you  keep the whole thing calm when you get to the top   you're in a better place to come straight back  down the line but if you throw it away the face   is lost so focus on the inside quadrant then  as you look down the Fairway take a movement   do a few swings just like the best players  do controlling that face look here backwards   and forwards take do a few little rehearsals  and when you're ready just pull the trigger that's an absolutely beautiful high draw why  because I'm focusing on the inside quadrant   I've looked after my club face and that is going  to help me create that draw now clearly Tom didn't   do this in one ball like I've just done there  he started off in step by step he had to get   the feeling and the visual of striking this inside  quadrant he then needed to kind of take his time   even when I said take it calmly on the way back  he still swung it back too fast taking it calm he   felt really slow motion on the way back here but  that is what really helped him control the club   face let's just focus on one final thing for the  last student of mine so before we move on to step   number five which I think is probably the most  important because it helps you with your ions   too remember you don't need all of these you know  just a combination even the understanding could   really help you start to hit those Fairways more  consistently with your driver okay but this final   bit is super super important see your ability  to control this club face and the orientation is   huge so many people who are slicing or hooking the  golf ball do not have any idea where that face is   that club is traveling 100 miles an hour here's  the thing though I know where that faces I can   feel it I've developed that skill I want you to do  the same and the simplest way to do this is this   all I want you to do is this I want you to close  your eyes for a second put your hand out here now   I know that my palm is facing this way yeah with  my eyes closed I know my palm is facing this way   why because I can feel this but here's the other  thing and you I want you to do this test now grab   an iron or a driver look at this I'm going  to keep my eyes closed I'm going to spin this   club around like this so I don't know where it is  but I'm going to find where square is right there   makes sense look at that completely Square why is  that useful because knowing and being able to feel   where square is I'm able to control that club all  the way back and all the way through it's it's a   skill that most of the people I coach initially  do not have and they can create beautiful swings   but they do not ride that club back to square you  can do this in the comfort of your own home spin a   few clubs around keep your eyes closed and start  to play around what you'll feel is the weight of   the club it will slightly different but that level  of feel and awareness you then start applying you   can start to bring that awareness into that swing  I now can feel when I open my face at speed I can   feel when the club's starting to close down it's  what gives me the skill to hit the ball straight I   want you to develop that skill it will take time  so be patient but it is absolutely huge okay so   spend time now working on one or a combination  of one or two of these things and I promise you   you will learn how to hit straight driver just  like Tom and Greg did I hope you enjoy the video   if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it if  one of your friends and if you feel like you enjoy   this video and you maybe want to look at something  on your irons check this one out right here free   practice uh guide in the description box below  but until next week have a wonderful golfing week
Channel: Danny Maude
Views: 5,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf swing, how to hit driver straight, golf instruction, golf tips, golf downswing, beginner golf tips, Danny Maude golf, how to hit your driver straight, how to hit your driver, hit a driver, hit a driver for beginners, golf driver drills, golf driver tips, hit a driver consistently, golf slice fix, hit a driver further, how to play better golf, hit a driver straight every time, golf swing slow motion, tips, strike irons, ball turf, downswing, golf swing basics, maude
Id: JX1OVcUlmqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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