It's actually pretty easy to putt better than 99% of Golfers

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[Music] you know if you know the right techniques and what to work on and a few little tricks it's really not hard to put better than 99% of the other golfers out there it really is and it's actually pretty easy and in this video I'm going to share with you exactly what those techniques are and tricks are that you need do to putt better than 99% of other golfers that'll help you win more bats save the frustration and embarrassment of three putting and have a lot more fun when you're out on the golf course let's dive [Music] in all right if you want a putt better than 99% of other golfers there're really only three things that you've got to do all three three of these are somewhat interrelated I'm going to give them to you in the order that you need to work on them on but to really make this work you need to follow all three of these so be sure and watch all the way to the end of the video the first one is if you want to put better than most other golfers you absolutely have to learn how to roll the ball straight up your target line you've got to roll the ball straight every putt that you're ever going to have the rest of your life is a straight putt this tool is not designed to hit curve balls or to grip the ball on the surface there's nothing magic in any grooves I don't care what they advertise that make the ball gear effect or spin this way or that way that's just outside the laws of physics it's not possible so what you do is you learn to roll th to take this tool and roll a golf ball straight up a line and then gravity and physics the laws of the universe take over pull the ball left or right and into the hole well the question becomes how do you roll the ball straight up the line well I'm going to give you some help and some things that you can do to work on and all of these things are related to number one keeping the putter face Square to your target line at impact and number two making sure that you don't over rotate the putter face the average tour pro has about 4 to 6° of face rotation the average average amateur has about 20 degrees of face rotation this what I'm going to show you right now will help you cut that face rotation down which will make you better than 90% of other golfers here's what you can do and I'm going to show you multiple ways to work on this you can take a set of alignment sticks drop them down on the green parallel to each other like I've done here and you drop a ball down and you practice keeping your putter head Square between those parallel lines and as you get better you can put the sticks closer and closer together and make it tighter and you work on rolling the ball straight up that line when I do this a lot of times I try to roll one ball where it actually hits the first ball that I rolled and hit it at a very gentle speed where they just barely kiss each other this teaches you you're working on while you're practicing this speed control and rolling the ball Square on the line Second tool that you can use and I really like this it's one of my favorite golf training AIDS Brian Tennyson developed a product called the true stroke putting track and that track grooves your stroke where to work in that track you have to keep the putter face Square it's impossible to over rotate the putter face which means guess what you're rolling it straight up a line but now let me show you my favorite aid for Rolling the ball straight up a line and it's something that I invented myself about seven years ago I call this the one putt ruler it's 14 in long so you can also go by a wooden yard stick and cut it off at 14 inches use that yourself or you can buy a metal yard stick and the good news is in the video description I put a a link to one that's only 16 in long and you can live with 16 instead of 14 here's the critical thing you take whatever you decide to use in one of those it's a straight edge it's flat and at the front you put a little dot or a mark which is your target out in front of the ball measure Back 9 in from that put a line across the ball goes on that line then straight back from that line draw another line right down the middle of your ruler your yard stick whatever you're using some yard sticks already have a ruler absolutely perfect and you go back to the 14 in the 14 in the end part now here's why 14 in 9 in and 5 in are critically important and if you practice with this or something like this that you can make it home you will learn to roll the ball absolutely straight up your target line every time here's the thing 5 in research has proven document it's a fact that if you can keep the putter face Square in the first five Ines going back behind the ball and the fir the last five Ines coming through to impact that will have your putter head Square to the ball at impact and you'll start the ball on your target line and here's what happens we set up and anybody can take it back straight for five Ines just back and through that 5 Ines now after that 5 Ines your body can naturally you know your stroke can naturally Arc we don't care we don't think about that back this 5 in and then through the 9 in is important because again research has proven that for any putt 3 fet or longer if you if you're hitting it 3 fet or longer you've got to hit it firm enough that no matter what the slope unless it's a ridiculous slope that you would not or should not at least find on a golf green the ball's going to roll straight for 9 in before gravity kicks in and starts to pull it left or right so you take something like this and you practice rolling the ball that 9 in 5 in back 5 in to impact and then roll it 9 in up that line if your stroke your back stroke goes longer than 9 in we don't care what the putter face does after that Square from here to here you'll roll the ball straight so that's the first thing use some kind of a tool or device or Aid learn to roll the ball straight up a Target line you're not going to accomplish anything in terms of being better than 99% of other putters if you can't roll the ball straight up your line so that's number one now number two and number three are alignment and aiming and they are interrelated and very similar so you want to watch both of these and make sure you get the whole concept first let's talk about alignment do you ever have the experience where you got a putt and you stand back here and you line it up and I see yeah my target line is right there and then you step up to the ball and you get over the ball and you're looking at that Target line where you you want to start the ball and you go that doesn't look that doesn't feel right that's because every one of us has an eye problem related to putting and here's what that eye problem is we look at the Putt and we line up the putt with binocular vision we're looking up a line that way and then we get over the ball and now we're not using binocular vision our head is down and we're rotating our head this way I made the analogy a lot of time that putting is like driving a car down the road and I'm going that way but the steering wheel is in the passenger seat and I'm looking this way and driving that way and it's it's just awkward it's off so what you got to do here if you want to be better than 99% of other golfers is learn to get aligned and then train your eyes to trust that alignment that you read there's several things that will help you with that first if you use the line on the ball that's great but here's what I want you to do no matter what pick a Target at your hole let's say this putt is three Ines outside the hole on the right so you pick a Target and you've got that in your mind's eye and then you line up from your ball and I want you to pick an intermediate Target out in front of your ball guess how far about 9 to 12 in it's okay if it's 15 18 in but no further than that that intermediate Target out in front of your ball can be as simple as a tiny blade of grass a grain of sand uh the edge of an old ball Mark or a spike Mark or whatever and you use that intermediate Target and sometimes it doesn't line up where you can go right over it you need to be this far outside of it or that far inside of it or right on the edge of it that's fine but you pick an intermediate Target that lines up with your start line back and you trace that line back to your intermediate Target and then to your ball and you make a decision that says I'm going to roll my ball over that intermediate Target and then you step up to the ball and you go oh this intermediate Target right there that little different colored blade of grass that really doesn't look right but it is right and you know it's right and you learn to trust it even more so than that if you use the line on the ball then you line up the line on your ball to go over that intermediate Target I did a review a while back on the channel on a little product called the alignment ball Mark it's a great product highly recommend it if you use the line on the ball this is a killer Aid it's just amazing what you do into the alignment ball Mark has an adjustable line you use it to mark your ball put it down on the green back up read your Putt and then you can use your putter so you're back behind the ball you have some visual perspective to be lined up pointed at your target line then you put your ball down where the line on your ball matches that line and you stand over the Putt and you get to see and know that you're pointed at the right line you're training your eyes to see the line I do the same thing an awful lot with my one putt ruler train my eyes to see the line I point this at the Target the dot out in the front and then I line up put my ball on there this is what it looks like when what I see from behind the ball and how I see it over the ball it's how they're different this is what looks right so you've got rolling the ball straight up a line you've got alignment so that you know what it looks like you've trained your eyes to see what it looks like what it feels like when you're set up and properly aligned to the putt now that's blend that together with aim I see people do this an awful lot they'll look at a putt on the golf course and they'll say okay this is about 6 in outside the right and then they go and set up to the ball and I'm going to try to line up like I see a lot of people do 6 in out to the right but I'm not aimed 6 Ines out to the right I'm aimed straight at the camera or people say 6 in out to the right and they set up and they're aimed a foot out to the right folks having the right line means you can blend your aim and your green read together and that is critically important where you're lining up and going to the wrong line and what happens and I see this a lot out of people is they develop an Aiming and Alignment bias and and so they know it's 6 in out to the right but they're set up wrong and there's some dissonance that goes on in their brain and their body they're uncomfortable over the Putt and so what happens is they develop a stroke that pushes it out there that 6 in instead of setting up and rolling it on that line they develop kind of a inside on the takeaway and then a push out stroke and they'll actually make some putts that way and think they're doing okay but you give that golfer same distance of putt that breaks the other way and they miss it big time it breaks further and further away from the hole and so you've got to learn to line up and aim where you think you're aiming and that's where I use my one putt ruler a whole lot I go out on the practice screen and I read a putt and I say okay this one is so many inches right left I'm going to put my ruler down and point my target dot on the front of that ruler at that spot that many inches let's say I've got a spot this is 6 in right of the pin or 3 and 1/2 in outside the hole 3 and 3/4 in outside the hole I want to know did I point the dot at that then I go up to the hole and I actually measure to that exact spot I use the T read green reading method and it gives me a calculation for exact number of inches no matter what green reading method you use you still want to work on this so I want to start the ball this far outside the hole and you set up and line with the line on your ball or with an aid like this yeah I'm pointed at that Target and then you take a t and you go to the hole and you put the tea down at that exact spot where you think the ball should start and then you back up behind your ball or behind the one putt ruler is what I use a whole lot for that is that pointing at my target out there in the future and you will be amazed 90% of golfers miss this they say oh it's a cup outside the right and they line up and they're faced two cups outside the right or a/ inch outside the right instead of a cup and it's not matching your green read to your actual aim you got to practice that and that'll make you better than 90% of all other golfers so if you'll do these three things you'll make a lot more putts you'll three putt less and that alone will make you better than 99 9% of other guys who are on the putting green and if you like being better than other golfers and making more putts then you know the drill for that like subscribe comment and share and until next time here's to you making more pipes [Music]
Channel: Mister One Putt
Views: 192,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to improve putting, golf putting tips, improve putting accuracy, putting stroke tips, best putting drills, putt better than 99% of golfers, golf putting alignment tips, how to read greens in golf, putting practice routine, putt straight, putting tips for amateurs, golf putting consistency, master putting, putt like a pro, golf putting secrets, golf putting hacks, putting improvement, putt better, easy putting tips, putting alignment drills, putting accuracy tips
Id: WU_9f13Bw6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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