Stack & Tilt - "Does It Work For The Driver?"

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it's fair to say that the most commonly asked question on this channel is does it work with the driver and in most cases the it that people are referring to is the weight forward concept of stack and tilt it's a little known fact that stack and tilt was actually designed for the driver so with that in mind I'm not only going to show you that you can keep your weight forward and be a good driver of the ball but that you absolutely should be seeking out this movement to make you a better driver of the golf ball so if you're someone who does think you can have your weight forward and be a good driver of the golf ball then you need to watch this video if you're someone who thinks you need to shift behind the ball to be a good driver of the golf ball then you need to watch this video and if you want to know why moving the ball position further forward with your driver is the number one reason why you're slicing every single ball then you need to watch this video in fact if you're sitting there right now and want to be a better driver of the golf ball this video is going to provide you with a more mechanically sound way to set up and swing to produce a more powerful pivot and a more predictable shot pattern that's right longer drives and straighter Drives together and if you think it's too good to be true I'm going to be offering one of you right there watching this video right now the opportunity to take an online lesson with me which I will shoot produce and put on the channel for everyone's education I will take someone who is a poor driver of the golf ball and turn you into a fantastic flusher off the tea and if you'd like to learn more about that opportunity stick around till the end of today's video in order to understand why you would want to have your weight forward more with the driver than any other club let's first Define weight forward then we'll talk a bit about the geometry of the swing that I've got mapped out here using the grid built using the tclaw once you understand these things and you understand that the ball position being more forward with the driver is really the root cause of your biggest problems then we can really start to get into the fixes that we need to discuss so weight forward is really hips forward or pelvis forward it's the lower body moving laterally or sliding towards the Target in the down swing and the follow through that's demonstrated by the better players a lot of people get the weight forward piece of stack and tilt wrong they think that the weight forward is everything forward and if you set up or try to swing with the driver in this fashion it's no wonder you're having problems once you start to understand that weight forward means this lower body moving towards the target which helps to create the necessary shoulder tilt through the ball then you can start to understand why weight forward isn't only possible it's necessary a huge reason why you need to have the weight more forward with the driver is because of the location of the ball we move the ball position further forward and I would concur with that recommendation I think you should have the ball more forward for the driver but we end up putting it excessively forward in many cases the grid diagram here could help you to see some of that geometry the straight line here that I have on the ground really represents the lead shoulder the lead arm and the club which is effectively the center of the swing and underneath this point would be the bottom of the Swing Arc so if we said we were going to hit the driver while the ball was positioned under our lead shoulder that would give us an angle of attack that would be more or less level to the ground we're setting up we're not setting up to hit down on the golf ball and at the same time we're not setting up to hit excessively up on the golf ball and yet so many of you are trying to do that you're under the impression that you either a need to hit up excessively on your driver that's not true or B that you have to position yourself so far behind the ball with your upper body get this shoulder tilt in it set up so that you can hit up that it's causing all sorts of problems regarding the geometry of the Swing let me set up the grid differently so that you can see that more clearly so rather than change the position of the grid I've just added a couple of additional T's On The Ground here to place them on different parts of the arc relative to this lead shoulder so if I took this straight line on the ground here placed my lead heel more or less up against it which ultimately gets my lead shoulder on top of that line I'm setting up as I mentioned already with this golf ball in a position whereby it's more more or less at the bottom of the Ark I'm going to hit this ball more or less at the bottom of the Swing Arc that would produce an angle of attack that's pretty close to zero but many of you as I mentioned are making the mistake of having the golf ball more forwards you are told to tee the ball up farther forwards you're also told to lean further back now if I do that and keep this lead shoulder on top of this part of the grid the golf ball now relative to my lead shoulder and relative to this front camera the golf Ball's now further forwards than my lead shoulder and while that might encourage a more upward angle of attack which you may think you need from this down the line view because the grid and the plane that we swing on is an arc the ball is now so far forward that I'm building in a leftward swing Direction I'm building in an out to in swing path I'm building in the very thing into my setup that makes me a slicer it makes me a poor driver of the golf ball and hits the ball a shorter distance than I should this is happening to so many of you whether that's at setup having the ball too far forward or during the swing moving the weight further back and staying back because you think that's what you need to do to hit driver it's actually the thing that makes you a terrible driver of the golf ball the further back you move this grid the more problems you're going to encounter and that actually opens up the the opportunity to talk about putting the ball slightly back in your stance for the driver slightly behind the lead shoulder and I am only talking slightly but if I was to do that I'd still be able to hit the golf ball while the club's traveling on this into to out Arc that would make me more likely to draw the golf ball if I wanted to do that but ultimately my prescription would be to get the golf ball for driver as close as possible to being under the lead shoulder that's going to set up for success and then if you can return it back to the same place with the lead shoulder in the right position at impact that's certainly going to help you become a better driver of the golf ball so hopefully that brief discussion regarding the geometry of the setup with the ball position relative to the lead shoulder helps you to understand how to set up properly for the driver and then answers two further questions the first one it answers is that in order to reach that further forward ball position I've got to move my weight more forward with a driver than I do with an iron the golf Ball's further forward so in order to get there and be able to continue swinging on this Arc and conforming to the geometry I need to keep moving my weight more forwards than I do with an iron and the second question it should start to answer is the reason for that hip sway is it starts to create the necessary shoulder tilt that we want at impact to help us launch the driver high and far the driver is the club you actually launch higher than the loft of the club unlike all the other clubs in your bag which launch lower than their actual Loft so to create that strike and those impact conditions where we can hit this driver high and far we need to be tilting our spine that is very much a product of the hips moving forward that is not under any circumstances a product of the weight staying back so now we've started to tackle those key myths and misconceptions we've identified the problems that so many of you are having with the driver let's talk about how to do this properly and I'm going to give you a drill today that I think could change your driver forever the concept of the wrench and the wrench drill used in stack and tilt teachings has already been shared on my channel before and primarily people think this is appropriate just for irons but it really works for the driver as well if you followed along so far with the conversation regarding the lead shoulder and the importance of having the weight forward you'll know that a swing that shifts the weight around isn't really something that I would prescribe I don't think it's necessary and beyond that I think it's detrimental to your success so what we do with the wrench is we actually preset the pelvis and move it forward into the position that we want it to be at impact we're really presetting the hip Sway and the side tilt the shoulder tilt here that I have I'm doing that by taking my pelvis from this neutral condition where my hips are more or less above my ankles and I'm moving 60 70 80% of my weight to the lead side just by pushing my hips forward and now that I've set that position I've got the weight forward the wrench concept would be to take that pivot point being the left hip and turn my hips in the back swing and then in the down swing and the follow through turn around that forward point so I'm already building in most of the hip sway or most of the side Bend and side tilt that I want not everybody sets up like this some of the best players in the world do not set up with 70 or 80% of their weight on their front foot however if you wanted a mechanically more sound and simple way to do the swing it would be perfectly viable for you to do this now Troy uh you played one of the first things we practiced with you was putting your weight was how your weight affected the curve right and when you uh played at uh the fries tournament in October of last season we what was your weight distribution on your feet in your mind with the driver at the setup in my mind it was probably I felt like I'm going to say 65 35 but it probably wasn't that far forward okay because I had to make that adjustment were you do an 8020 for us of course I don't think it's going to cut at the end of Troy's driver hitting I ask him to hit a driver with 80% of the weight on the left and to keep it there which he did in one Try by putting his lower Center more forward at the setup a couple of things happened when he did this first he recorded the highest Club head speed of the day for himself or any of the other players second he hit the ball farther of any of his balls or any of the other players both in terms of carry and in terms of total yards third he did so with a swing path that was at the Target not way to the right and with a slightly descending blow that produced a spin rate that was less than the PGA Tour average fourth he did it in one try did not have to do it over and over again and finally he hit a push draw that landed three yard from the center line This is relevant because what Troy did did putting his weight forward and turning around that point he created a simple model that allowed him to swing faster while still swinging at the Target a major problem with gofam in hitting the driver is they do not swing the club fast enough and under that pretense they are told to shift the weight back and forth this is greatly complicated the equation for solid contact plus it puts a restriction on how much the golfer can turn placing a barrier on how fast they can swing the club so again here's a demonstration of a golfer achieving His Highest Club head speed by extending tilting and turning with the weight on the left one who finished in the top 10 on the PGA tour in driving distance for the first time in his career those who set up more 5050 which would look more typical or traditional still manag in the downswing to create this hips way you'll see this in the driver swings of the absolute best players in the world so it's up to you you can either put it in at up and keep it there or you can try to incorporate the hip Sway and the hip slide into the down swing the only challenge with the driver is because it's the longest club and the fastest swing we need the most amount of hip s in the shortest amount of time and some sometimes that can be a a challenge for you so if you struggle with driver take your setup put all of your weight as much as you can up to 80% of your weight on the front foot and then keep it there I pretty much guarantee that 100% of the balls are going to draw just like that one did 250 yards down the center of the Fairway that would be acceptable for most of you I would imagine and that was easy it didn't require the complicated timing of Shifting back and through it didn't incorporate as much of the Mish hits on the face that you'd get if you're moving around excessively so as I say a mechanically simple concept something as simple as a pencil and a pin and a compass drawing a circle you're putting the pin into the paper using the left hip that's your pivot point and then I'm using the club head if you like to trace and draw this circle with the trail hip my hip's got the most range of motion changing my knee Flex turning my hips that helps me to get my hands more in which we know is another Foundation of stack and tilt two of the 10 words hands in utilizing the angular momentum that's built into the fact that this driver is on an angle we stand to the side of the ball pulling this hip back more which is easier to do with the wrench concept where the weight is stuck on the front and we're pivoting around the front foot hands in becomes easier so we're actually getting more turn it's a more effortless and less impactful swing on the body just using the joints as they would designed it's easier to get my hands and Club more around me which means I'm potentially using more of the angular momentum built into the club that's why not only is this more advantageous from a directional point of view because you're conforming more to the grid and the geometry that I spoke about it's more advantageous from a distance point of view because you're getting more turn more potential power for free you start hitting those drivers out the center of the club face you'll see the ball flying straighter and further than ever [Music] before I'm not sure why more people don't incorporate this probably because there's so much misinformation out there about shifting a weight and hitting up on the driver it's simply not necessary good golf is about predictability predictable contact predictable shot pattern that one tight little push draw 267 yards I didn't shift my weight at all if anything I felt like I had more weight on my front foot there than in the previous swing if you're tired of watching those drives slice off wickedly into the trees and lacking distance then this approach could certainly help you there's no need to slice the ball perpetually the reason you are a slicer is connected to the way you're moving your weight in the golf swing having your weight forward for the driver is not a bad thing at all I'd encourage it as long as you understand how the weight forward piece works it's the hips forward it's the lower body moving forward more with the driver than it does with the iron and a great way to feel that movement and to train it would be to take an alignment stick a very simple training aid that most of you will have if you don't have you should get one stand up to the ball and take your setup so obviously the alignment sticks longer than a driver and that's going to help you in this instance I want you to take this alignment stick and place it on the back of the mat in this example if you're not hitting from a mat then you can just angle the stick behind you and with this significant angle here built in to the setup and the stick being behind me your job your job here is to drag the stick along the ground without flexing your arms or your wrists so you're not allowed to pick the club up and start moving it keep your arms together keep the stick dragging along the ground and make it drag along the ground draw the line around and along the grid for as long as possible if you notice the travel of the end of that stick it starts to match quite nicely The Arc of the swing and the Arc of the grid and in order for me to keep that spot at the end of the stick there working out towards the ball for long enough I need to put all of my weight with my hips forward I need to create this side Bend that I was talking about earlier and that you see all the great drivers of the golf ball demonstrating it impact this huge amount of side Bend allows me to create these alignments where I can launch the driver high but I can still swing and hit the ball on the back side of the geometry meaning I have an into toout swing path and I can draw the ball contrast that with the golf who tries to do this exercise and doesn't move their weight forward if anything their hips start to move backwards this would be very common in PA drivers of the ball the shoulder and the hips the Turning of the hips and the the pelvis outrace the slide there's too much rotation look at the travel of the end of this alignment stick look at the direction it's going when my hips move backwards my pelvis and my weight move backwards my swing direction is more across the ball once again there's the evidence as to why you are a Perpetual slicer and that you hit the driver worse than any other club in your bag and once you've rehearsed that drag drill sufficiently and got the feeling of this large hip Sway and slide that's necessary with the driver it's also the thing that helps you to keep the arms straight in the follow-through if you notice your wrists and arms breaking down in this huge chicken wing picture from either the front camera or down the line that's a consequence of the weight moving incorrectly side bending tilting and sliding correctly extending the spine backwards in the follow through are the pieces that are going to help you to keep swinging out at the ball long enough meaning you can swing into out and draw the ball launch the ball high enough and do so with the arms intact throughout the follow-through maintain the structure and the geometry that's better contact it's better direction as we've already talked about and those two things usually equal better distance as well so set the wrench weight forward turn around that forward point all of the weight I feel like I've got like 80 maybe even 90% of my weight on my front leg here I'm going to turn around that point very easy to turn if you try this you'll find it's you'll get more rotation than you've ever been able to do before keep the weight forward let's see how we do again it felt pretty good there's the drawer coming back to the center of the Fairway predictable very much so powerful certainly powerful enough and if you've struggled with driver this would be a great place to start does does everybody do it this way absolutely not I'm not suggesting for a second that this is how everybody sets up and swings the driver but if you're struggling with some mobility issues you want to increase your range of motion and you want a simpler more mechanically sound way to swing the driver then the wrench drill is a really really good place for you to start I hope today's video was able to provide you with some information and education on the weight forward concept with the driver not only is it possible it's really necessary if you want to be a great driver of the golf ball the movements you need to make with the driver are similar to that of an iron but they're just greater you need more of them so increase the weight forward increase the hip slide with the driver and hit the ball off the tea better than ever before some of the clips you saw in today's video were from the stack and tilt 2. o video series which you can purchase on the stack and tilt website I'll put the information down in the description these videos are truly the gold standard in golf instruction despite being over a decade old now the information contained in there will transform your golf and if you haven't had a chance to check those out I'd highly encourage you to do so and if there's any fellow grid Builders out there using the teclaw to build the grid onto your practice station I'll put a discount code down in the description as well we kind enough to be offered a specific stack and tilt grid building discount so if you want to buy yourself some teac claw check out the link below final thing from me today is to offer one of you the chance to have a driver lesson with me online lesson using your driver if you're struggling with this club and you have questions that you don't have answers for I need you to get down into the comments right now and let me know what those questions are why do you deserve this lesson if you're lucky enough to get picked you'll need to submit your swings to me and I will Pro provide a full analysis and detailed practice instruction that I'll record and upload to this Channel at a later date for everyone's education so if you're not prepared to have your swings go public please don't enter this competition however if you like the idea of me helping you with your driver swing get down into the comments right now let me know why you need this lesson I'll be choosing someone at random and I'll be posting the video on the channel in the coming weeks and while we're on the subject of driver videos if you want to continue to maximize the output from this club then I'd recommend you go and watch this video next I made this one recently about how to add distance to your driver three ways you can go about adding up to 50 yards with this club
Channel: Rob Cheney Golf
Views: 9,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt, gridlife, the wrench, weight forward, stackapore, driver, rory mcilroy, scottie scheffler, tee claw, skillest
Id: UBdOvAzk3DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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