Start With Your Right Arm Like This Feels Like Cheating

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ooh start with your right arm like this if you start the GOL swing with your right arm like this it's going to be power it's going to be a great way in keeping your swing on Plain so today it feels like we're cheating we are not cheating we might be cheating if you start with your right arm like this it's going to improve your golf it's going to give you the best chance to hit drives as far as you possibly can nice and high okay it's a little bit snowy today but that's you know we've all played in worse conditions than this surely so the right arm in the golf swing it's a it's a Hot Topic it has been for years and it will continue to be a hot to Hot Topic for years to come so the right arm in the golf swing as we know is a power accumulator it bends it straightens that's power and it's when the right arm straightens that's where the power is so we accumulate the power and then we give the power out but that's not what we're talking about today the right arm has to start in a position that's functional to make sure at impact we get this nice position of square Club face every time from the right arm straight line down the back of the forearm down the shaft to The Sweet Spot boom every time so you have to start with your right arm in the impact position to begin with I know what you're thinking just tuck that elbow in there it's not just tuck the elbow in there I wish it was just tuck the elbow in there so start with your right arm like this take your address position so many golfers I see so many starting with the right shoulder high so immediately in this position here lifting the back of the club off the ground and of course look my shoulders now point to the left so they're open I'm going to come down here on that path there's a chance that my club face is going to be open because of this I'm going to have to try and manipulate and square the up so starting with your right arm high forget that start with your right arm this section of your arm pointing towards the golf ball or away from yourself away from the player if I put my arm by my side and open the Palm face out the center of my elbow there that has to point upwards and outwards away from the player away from me so a dress position there pointing away from me that's where I want to be now how do I get the golf club into my hand there well we have to be functional think about what we're doing here I have taken a Sweat Band to highlight this today pop this band over my arm take a tea poke it through there I'm set to go that t now points towards camera points away from the player so the T might be quite hard to see but you get it's a good visual for me as the player when I Tak a dress position there like normal that t is now pointing over in this direction so my Standard address position or high right shoulder if you like the t is now pointing over in this direction it has to be here at both address and impact more so impact but if we set it at address we're going to be on plane we're going to get that right forearm on plane and not high down through the shot how do I do it well I take my address position like so I then take my right hand off the golf club and I rotate my elbow in towards me and watch what it does to my right shoulder this is for driver my right shoulder goes lower than my left and my pal points to the sky the T now points towards the camera and from there all I have to do is keep the te to the camera but roll my wrist there we go now I'm in the perfect position to come back into impact like so with the T Point upwards and I'm going to get maximum launch I'm going to keep that right forearm on plane so I am here in look at that bright there there back to same position with t Point outwards that's fantastic the rolling or the external rotation of the shoulder lowers the right shoulder gets the lead shoulder higher than the trail shoulder there turn the hand back in and I'm there I'm good now there I'm good now just to turn body and get back onto a good arm plane through impact that club is going to delivered the same time after time after time Snow's lovely Time After Time After Time let's do one so this is driver swing only we're going to do irons very shortly a dress position great take my arm off open the shoulder extend rotate the shoulder tail shoulder goes down bring the hand back there look at that so now I'm structured there there there every shot's going to there that lovely High draw set myself opened up closed the hand back over only the hand back over there set myself close the hand look what happened to the lead shoulder there's there's there's the old position there Standard address position ex stly rotate Trail shoulder goes down put the hand back on there look at impact there the lead shoulder is higher than the trail shoulder and of course the T points the sky and then able from there to deliver a face that's Square to a target for longer there there there's no way this toes overtaking the heel I'm there there there that CL that forearms on plane there I'm going to deliver that same time and time again just going to interrupt this video for a quick second next year probably end of April early May time I'm plan on doing uh Steve Johnson golf school here at cadrona golf and country club if you want to be a part of that so it's obviously in the UK doesn't mean you can't travel from abroad of course you can you're all welcome I'm looking for 12 golfers to be a part of this um if you just email email me on the email address that's on the screen right now just in the subject line just take the word or type the word interested just type the word interested and you'll get an invite and we'll go from there let's get back to the video okay and what do we do with irons well it's slightly different so iron now of course the balls on the ground we do not want that trail shoulder to be high okay or sorry low we don't want the trail shoulder lower than the right because we're not trying to get this positive angle of attack to sweep driver off the te because the ball's already on the ground so there's a slight difference here with driver we externally rotated Trail shoulder to there which brought the lead shoulder up boom put the hand back with the iron we don't want that so with the iron take your dress position like so and then from there we're with we're pulling the trail arm in so there's connection between the upper arm and the peck so I'm pulling this in here I can feel I've trapped my hand in there so I'm here turned out so the T points up way I've pulled my arm in to trap that hand this lead hand in and then turn and that way it's easier to keep that t pointing upwards if I didn't have the connection between this hand underneath it would be too easy to move the whole te over so structure it te to the sky pull in hand back and then from there I can bring the hand out good and of course the te stays on top shoulders much more level shoulders much more level very very important for iron play we need to hit down we don't want to hit up so dress position great from there turn myself so extend so rotate the forearm round so the T points the sky pull it in and then from there just move the hand back and then of course I can just take my grip and then release from there and of course that's be back in great position but it's not allowed my trail shoulder to go too low so I'm already in a good position to go I can go ball Turf strike you can see and of course I had a great swing plane I was able to deliver there there there and not get high and have to manipulate going to be 100% honest that wasn't my best strike let's try again this weather in Scotland is just just is what it is it's swear away almost the start of December could be a lot worse I guess iron swing dress position Pull It in good so I feel the connection in there superb roll the hand back grip my club and then I can release fantastic then from there I'm coming back down at impact there the T points to the sky or points away from myself there there there and I can step on the ball repeat that same motion fantastic there's no way there's no way I'm going to overactive with that right hand there's no way the right shoulder's going to get overactive the right elbow getting overactive there's no way that's going to happen and have to open the face I'm going to be simply swinging on that same plane every time to release the Target because I've focused on where the section of the right elbow is Trail elbow poin out away from me so if you startop with your right arm like that it's going to give you the best chance for the forearm right forearm to be on plane all the way down it's amazing there's a forearm plane there's a shoulder plane there's a shaft plane there's there's an airplane thanks for watching thanks for subscribing smash that like button of course and I'll see you in my next video if I don't see at Eureka golf I'll see you in my next video bye-bye
Channel: Steve Johnston Golf
Views: 27,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, eureka golf swing, steve johnston golf, golf swing, golf swing tips, golf tips, golf trail arm, right arm golf, golf arms, arms in golf, golf cheat
Id: FKxsYkVKulw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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