Discover the True Simplicity of the Golf Swing - It's Amazingly Amazing

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hey everybody how's it going good I hope my name's R so how are we being Bamboozled I'm going to show you how literally 95% of the golf swing has nothing to do with the game of golf besides this tool that we use everything else I mean everything else is something we've all been doing since we were little kids stick with me to the end I promise you will agree all right so I set up a lesson with an instructor told him I've never golfed before let's head over to the swamp and see how this goes so here we are at the swamp I call it that because 5et behind the net it's a swamp plenty of Gators and cotton mouths I'll take you back there sometime and show you so I'm just waiting on the instructor warming up with my throwing motion don't worry this isn't a throw your Club kind of video that's stupid and it doesn't work anyways but I have a reason for this oh here he comes oh he's got all these alignment rods through his belt loops some weird Contraption on his wrist oh this is going to be fun okay let's get started where's your Club I don't need no stinking Club sure you do look who's paying for this lesson you are well then we do things my way got it oh come on now I'm just teasing but but you can tell the way I feel about these guys oh yeah I just need you to confirm that everything I'm doing with my lower body and right arm is correct you can see my lower body I'm pivoting on this hip weight shifted over here weights get shifted back to here pivot towards a Target and face a Target and the sequencing is perfect because it's natural it's what I've been doing my whole life it's what we've all been doing our whole lives and how about the right arm well see you got your 90° here full wrist coming through and most importantly leading with that right elbow how many videos have you seen trying to teach you to lead with that right elbow we all do that every time we throw every caveman throwing a spear at a dinosaur every aborig throwing a boomerang at a kangaroo that's what we all do it's ingrained in us since childhood it's natural but you got to be bent over okay so what kind of throwing involves bending down we can bend down and throw whatever we want doesn't matter but there's one kind of throw where you bend down the same amount every time that's skipping Stones watch this bend down here because you know you got to release it down here to skip on the water and if you notice the seening is all still there leading with the right elbow it's all still there boy this is starting to look a little bit like like golf swing isn't it whatever but you still don't have a club okay so I have a number eight Club here remember I told him I've never goed before that's called an eight iron let me show you how to grip it well I'm thinking I'm just going to hold it like I hold my stone I don't think so well let's see let's get a closeup of this okay here's how I hold my stone take the stone out there's how I hold my club fits in there pretty good let's see hold it like that there's my stone take the stone out fit the club back in there yeah I think I'll hold it like I hold my stone turns out not even the grip is unique to the game of golf okay so I finally got a club but I'm still just skipping Stones took me about a minute to switch from the stone to the club making sure I'm in the same positions as when I'm skipping Stones then I went and filmed it and lo and behold I had this position here Club parallel to the ground coming into the barall with a square Club face hands ahead of the ball forward shaing and then full extension right here then the club just does what it want once you know how many years I tried to put those positions into my bad swing that's when I realized it doesn't work like that you can't put good positions into a bad swing it already has bad positions built into it you have to find and switch to the swing that has the good positions and this is it dang you learned that really fast what are you talking about you haven't taught me a thing okay you taught me it's called an eight iron and not a number eight Club but besides that everything else I brought with me I'm just skipping Stones over here you didn't teach me to do that whatever but you're still only using one hint you know what I think I've had about enough of you you're fired hey somebody had to do it boy he got me so uptight my ass almost fell off my cigarette okay obviously the whole lesson thing was just a joke but you get my point and he was right I do need to put my left arm into this so I'm thinking since I have all the positions I already want with just my right arm how do I involve my left arm without affecting those good positions Well that took me about 10 minutes to figure that out and then you learn how to use the left time for more power and speed behind it and you've got your own built-in model if anything goes wrong you just go back to your model and make sure you're mimicking all those moves now you tell me does this look any different than this or this it's all the same I'm still just skipping Stones okay that's the 95% of the swing that we all have naturally ingrained in us since we were little kids the other 5% H where do I put the ball because it'll probably have a new low spot how far do I bend over to make it consist and all the time and making sure your Club face comes in square it's not rocket science even though that's what they want us to think okay another thing I noticed with this skipp and stone swing did you ever notice how Pros always seem to be sideways by the time they're coming into the ball I tried for years to get that into my old bad swing never helped but it's built into this skipping Stone swing because every time we throw we we kind of turn sideways before we throw is that coincidence I don't think so you take a computer and any pro swing remove his left arm and club and he's going to look just like he's skipping Stones I guarantee it okay so I've thrown things hundreds of thousands of times it's not millions of times in my life and never one once did I get stuck back here or never once did I early release could you imagine skipping stones and throwing it in the dirt and missing the lake or never once did my sequencing not work because all that's the ingrained part that happens without you even thinking I remember an instructor asking Rory maroy what he does with his hips and Rory says I don't know I never thought about it the instructor's mad cuz he wanted to talk about what you have to do with your hips in the swing and I was like why would Rory think about that that's that 95% that's already ingrained in all of us he's thinking about that 5% that really matters I mean when you throw something do you think about what your hips are doing or chop wood do you think about what your hips are doing or throwing a bucket of water on a fire and they all do the right thing you've got to learn to take advantage of that put it into your golf swing so you only have to think about that 5% that really matters okay so I'll go into this in a lot more detail in other videos for right now I hope you see how we're being Bamboozled I mean they took a fairly simple task turned it into the most mindboggling complicated thing you could possibly imagine they have us so mixed up we don't know what we're doing I mean just because you put on a pair of golf shoes doesn't mean you have to totally relearn the walk again just because it's golf it's really no different than any other physical activity we've all been doing our entire lives now I'm 71 I've been golfing for 40 years probably had the same swing for the last 20 years and it took me 11 minutes to learn this new swing and it gets easier all the time what it boils down to is if what you're doing is not natural if you're trying to force or even thinking about anything else is probably not going to work and the skipping stones swing is about as natural as it gets and it works by the way this goodlook guy over here with the Spanish moss wig is Paul he played the part of the instructor okay that's about it first I want to thank everybody who stayed to the end of this video hopefully you like what I had to say if you have any comments answer questions please go to the comment section and I truly would appreciate it if you would subscribe and like so until next time see you at the swamp
Channel: The Smoking Golfer
Views: 76,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, simple golf swing, how to play better golf, golf, golf tips, pga tour, the art of simple golf, simple golf, golf advice, putting, become a better golfer, effortless golf swing
Id: RqZhOLutg8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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