The Richard Pryor Show - To Kill A Mockingbird

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Holy Shit, Robin Williams!

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Jimmerism 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

The sketch as a whole was meh, but damn if I didn't laugh heartedly when the blind black guy realizes he's on the wrong side

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/whoareyouguys 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Featuring; Robin Williams and John Witherspoon.

Great find!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/TrademarkedLobster 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/yee562 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

was that robin williams?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/IGotSkills 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is that Sandra Fucking Bernhard? Yes it, mother-fucking, is. Still alive and kickin'.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nudestudy 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

8.39 girl was hot

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OriginalWillingness 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
good afternoon this is pres Peterson the voice of NBC radio reporting to you live from the courthouse in boville Mississippi the atmosphere is intense says Wilfred Smith a colored man is on trial for his life Smith attacked a young white woman one orally Duprey the weather is sweltering on this July 15th in the year of our Lord 1926 here in boville and as I gaze out over this courtroom I can see that even some of the coloreds I sweat exhaustion week so complimented a meanwhile down here in Mississippi what big ant god that one mean why main yeah you know what he called his brother with a code girl one time and trying to prosecute his own brother seven two day evaders brother come up dead you got way yeah to fly for the hey yeah well that depends on whether they're taking pictures like the last time I always wear pink when there's photograph where so mother's line if he'd really attacked her she'd have come into suicide ain't about to touch my daughter ain't gonna have to have no jury I seen your daughter and you ain't got nothing to worry bad this triangle battle of legal giants the defense by John Brownstein and for the prosecution Mississippi's own Big Ed Garvey together severing the courtroom now so I'm late your honor but my wife has the gout and the kid or sticking pins in a feet big eight Garvey one of the meanest Mike prosecutors the South has ever seen but I see the judge is about to begin his final summation and the fate of this young colored a strapping field hand hangs in the balance before we move on to the summations does the defendant have anything to say taking the fifth amendment huh boy hey smart move will relieve defense attorney get on with in summation we don't have an eternity to wait thank you your honor ladies and gentlemen of the antebellum South is indeed a sorry day for the white race and the colored species as well with a man of my stature must come all the way down from the civilize north just to defend this Negro Negro what a wonderful word drive from the Latin Negro meaning to tote now say it with me hmm how soon we forget the Negro has done for you who picked your cup who tied their hair up and Lidl bandanas and sang softly as they wet nursed your little miserable children who taught you the meaning of doo-dah here how soon we forget but I'm not gonna let you forget we prayed at witness after witness before you attesting to the fine character of this young man this young man who gave his weekly check to his mother now can you honestly believe that this young man would attack a hunk of steaming white trash like this your answer is no um I'm not gonna beg I'm not gonna plead I have one last piece of evidence for you I want to bring to it right now because on the night of the alleged attack my client was in jail and you can't be in two places at once now members of the jury I want you to look inside your rational minds right now and I know for some of you that's gonna be an impossible task don't you look inside there and bring back a verdict of not guilty if not you have proved to me that Darwin was wrong I say to you you can't find this man not guilty then let him hang I now call on the great ed Garvey for the prosecution's summation y'all live gentlemen all the jor donate must please local Abbas hey he's a good boy I swayed LeAnn Tashi that ain't your son no I believe it's the heat it gets to him you know what's just it's sweltering in here must be 115 in the shade and not a piece of shade anyone oh you know a lot has been saying about this case and I want to talk to the shop well shop let's say that this young man was not at the place where the rape took place with that how you doing yes good mr. gray they say that he wasn't was in your Jail that's wrong yeah well he's been booked and incarcerated but the attack was at night you know how slippery they are slipper is the key one your honor slip I'll read a book about Houdini in herself it's obvious he learned a little trick riff and reading that book and let herself out of jail and for farm rip and then let herself back in Slippery I have the sworn statement here concerning the defendant your honor this was taken from Jeb keytars which says on the night of June 15th he sold it defendant in caution swells feel laying on an anthill nude and the ass was taking little bites on him and everything he went over to help him and he said no thank you I'm having a good time just pour honey on try speaking I'm speak detestable if you get my meaning cousin we running shot oh honey that's flames the Hunnish on it and if that ain't enough when you hear out of the mouth of this dear sweet angel of Massa this wonderful fly this innocent pecan running in life when you excuse me would you tell the court in your own words what happened to you on the night of the 23rd and if this don't break your heart your honor nothing on God's earth will go away it was a beautiful evening oh the moon was full the frogs was croaking on the lake control the chairs man was in full bloom whoa you couldn't have picked a more perfect night sheep for a quiet walk there it was I was out on the road all alone just me and toto we had just eaten party house and we was walking down the road when there's here rabbit and a chi shock it jumped out of a tree a red Cheshire Cat Humpty Dumpty Your Honor this man is obviously a master of disguise Your Honor the only thing that's obvious is that this woman is ridiculous you see they are a man or stranger from the north comes and calls our Bell of the soft ridiculous now I beg you to bring in a verdict of guilty there's no other buddy but guilty guilty guilty I can't stand it anymore I can't let an innocent man go to the gallows I'm the man who did it I was with her on a night of August 23rd it was me well now I was with her team all about in the night did you what in the hell was you doing with water sobs with Castle mass hypnosis why the mere thought of him wanting this woman distressed faster the whole community like of violence well the next thing you know I'll be saying I was wit along about 11:00 11:30 why this is allowed to continue and this Negro is free why nothing will stop the pace of time why the next thing you know they'll be wanting Appeals that's like fair trial whatnot that's right then they'll be willing to vote and if that ain't enough some day they'll be wanting to play baseball great great down will majora said about its deliberations Your Honor we're done reached a verdict no deluxe ridiculous haven't even voted yet no need to it's unanimous we find the defendant not guilty however Your Honor we find this carpetbaggin communist pincode lawyer guilty of getting him off this lawyer you
Channel: SoftLipps
Views: 2,721,926
Rating: 4.7713199 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, funny, Richard, yourself, lose, joke, laughs, humor, television show, live music, politics, presenter, Pryor
Id: bE1f4awlxVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2011
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