Richard Pryor Carson Tonight Show 1980

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hey Doc we're back yes the next gentlemen you all know it's hard to first of all we're all extremely glad that he is here tonight he is an extremely talented man and one thing you can say about Richard Pryor he is a survivor and when he is when he is on I don't think there's anybody who was funnier or more inventive and Richard Pryor and we're just delighted he is here tonight would you welcome I mean it you Oh goodbye come back here and also I probably should mention the first black Admiral in the United States Navy welcome back to the world my friends thank you they all mean it you know it that I don't know where to start I don't know how you feel it don't do that to me well well you you put when you walk in I wanted to go over I really want to put my arms back in as soon as I did it I said my god he could be in terrible pain and he won't say anything people I went I went out to a nightclub here in LA one time and people beat me to death right I mean see you back you don't need that huh oh oh oh are we happy to have you here yeah how long how long ago was it I mean I'm trying to get the date 17 years since you were 50 accident it must seem like 17 years sometimes a long time you know I was surprised that actually it was very very touch-and-go there's no secret about it that when the reports came out in the paper they were very apprehensive with you were gonna you're gonna make it I watched myself on TV they said I was gonna die that was happened I had a TV in my room and I hit the button and I turn it on and they said Richard Pryor is dying that is the happy news is it you want to hear oh my god I hope I die before 11 o'clock it doesn't need that he cannot oh there was something I was in the in the hospital it was funny when I got to the hospital I damn near ran to the hospital yeah I don't know I know that seriously I have Olympic records coming I forgot what I was I was running so fast Johnny I ended up running with myself I was actually running beside myself to my pace pace Devils trying to get help yeah and I got to the hospital and I was just a sterically you know you get what they call shock yeah and I was in shock and the doctor Grammies do you know who I am no I'm dr. Grossman I'm the best don't worry and steam was coming off my body it all over Eddie he's giving you credit I said don't worry yes it's fine just please and I couldn't take nothing for the pain you know for about five weeks I was in the hospital and finally one day a nurse said to me why don't you ask for something for the pain I said what she said all you have to do is ask I said wait a minute man I've been here five weeks stomach flu and I and all I had to do was ask they said yeah I'm not had them shoot me up for six movies and I want to say something you know people say a lot of things about life like life is important because when that fire jumped on mine oh all I could think about was life if I did I scream for ice cream for God son of God mother of God and everything I was from all religious symbols I could think of I was trying to call she told me I didn't call the Bank of America once um was happy to be here oh man really really really I'm happy to be here with you especially family when and yeah I know you do how you doing here right thank you I caught a couple of times over there see I you yeah man I was Leslie I live little messages you know in France yeah you would talk to me on the phone yeah and I said thank you for the nice things you said about me Johnny's that didn't mean a word they were sent to the the telegram because when you were in there they had to fight the Duran oh yeah I time and know Marlon Brando was kind enough to send over um I guess a closed-circuit thing so yeah it was the flight over so I sent him a message I said you couldn't come to the phone and I says tell Ritchie that the only reason Brando sent over the TV was at Marlon thinks you're an Indian no didn't get that one huh you know what I saw that fight was wonderful yeah see I'm on money on that fight I'm won about I want about a dollar and fifty cent yeah yeah because I knew Duran is da man just nasty yeah yes did you ever see did you see Tommy hurry fight no I missed that fight man whoa God the man is nesting the man is a welterweight I don't see nobody can whooping except maybe Larry Holmes yeah you don't wanna hit those judge they get they get angry no this man has just murdered Pino quavers quavers after the first round paper said okay I might beat this level go back up get another round and get some old woman that's not a good not a good profession no let me ask you this now I know I want to be a downer was there time when you were going through all this that you almost want to say ah to hell with it never never got that down where you said neutral gyro says I don't know I guess when real does be hanging around your bed you don't want to say never see people always trying to transfer their own feelings I've heard people say with you I would want to be in that condition I'd like to really go I was man you can't say that it wasn't it let them hurt me until the last week yeah they did a grant and took some skin off my leg and that's the only pain God let me feel what's that in it right well sure I mean I was going oh my leg and the nurses why man you was burnt up why don't you talk about it that didn't hurt this is hurting yeah no I didn't know man I never thought about going away from you do you must have heard from the thousands and thousands of letters and a lot of people people didn't even know probably that you knew you yeah send me letters and Bibles and and everything and I appreciate it I really thank you all very much yeah and I'm answering all the letters I got a a thing I wrote some letters yeah and I had them you know what you call it like photographed write a bunch of about 15,000 of them so far I just I just got 15,000 I'm standing back so far but I'm gonna answer everybody and so I want you to know that that's incredible right back you're Ricky every day you we're back talking with Richie Pryor you feel good to be back in front of an audience because you're an entertainer I was really nervous man I've been nervous about coming out here you know and I've just said oh my god I don't know my mind might go blank or what what happened no way but it's really nice thank you it doesn't make me feel really you know I can't tell you just yeah I just want thing on the National Enquirer you laughter without getting into a whys and wherefores and however the accident happened it's not really too important because when somebody hurts they hurt no matter how it happened but the National Enquirer had is the story about you the other day yes sir something will what was that now something by oh you're back on drugs back on drugs I read it you know it bothered me I didn't know people took it I didn't know you'd take it for a joke if I thought people believed that kind of stuff you know yeah and it bothered me it really hurt me and I said well why would somebody who in the world print and I'm I couldn't understand it so I called the people at the National Enquirer write some English guy owns it I guess he's editor I talked to him I said that's not true those are lies and he said why are we talked to several people and I said but I don't care they lied on me you know it's not true your information is really wrong I'm not about that anymore right and so they sent a lady over today I talked to us she was real nice yeah you know but I don't know how people can just write up a lie they just take it and they make it up yourself if you don't get my interview when they want wanted to say they'll make a story well how was you jack check this out you we're gonna lay this on you yeah oh yeah I just want people to know that I ain't about that good without saying a whole lot of other things I just ain't about that great is this sure you're gonna change your lifestyle a little bit do you think I know you're moving Hawaii yes I'll build a home my first home I built home in Hana Oh nice to see you back to your old form again yeah I'm build at home and I fly yes you know I bought plane and I'm I did yeah I don't know I started flying really fine than their last year cuz I've always been afraid the plane did you take less without here no not here I've never take a lesson in LA jack no whoo no good they run into each other on the runway but I got a plane over I got a grumman yeah and I got a single-engine oh we got your license yet yeah I got a student pilot's license going back and finish and get my pilot's license yes then I'm going to Africa you know I'm on the plane no not on the plane I'm I have the plane shift left good those are the small little tiny ones yeah but when I get to Africa I'll be able to fly around be a doctor sell medicine take a medicine you know a food or whatever you know but I'm just going over some albums or stuff sure you know did you take a Mel but no but I just I just having a new adventure would define gosh it's fun I get Monday I always thought I was dumb you know I'm screwed I told me you dumb dummy you want to fly shut up let's go when I first flew man by myself I always thought I was something it's not a great thrill the first time you'd look over an instructor is not sitting there you glide yeah oh man yeah that's the first time you take off the ground and you look over and the instructor is not there yes right and you got to bring that thing back that's the point where you say I got to land you're taking off wasn't so bad but you say oh I got to remember all that stuff you taught me grab his landing I'll land it like this the first time yeah but I landed I got done we all did the same thing yeah what open door why is fun cause you can just crash in the water why did you decide to move to white well it's paradise the place or not I mean it's just I've never seen no place like it and the people are warm and they're brown yeah I mean I was either there Mississippi are you gonna either get back to performing I hope so I hope so but I'm going to take off for like at least a week I'm gonna take off a little while you know and enjoy myself yeah but I I think I know you kind of and I don't think you'd be happy sitting around for six seven eight mantri you know I think you've gotta get out all right I can't sit that long I just really can't I just it turns in on me I have to get out and do something but this is exciting for me just to know that hey man yes it's possible anything is possible if you want to do something yeah I know that cuz I know I was laying there and I had to find something in myself to make me live and all I thought about was get well yeah and you can do anything people can do anything they want yeah yeah one promise me you won't give up performing because if there's anything that we need in it mixed up a nutty world is a lot of laughter and it will sit to lose somebody like you and not perform would be wrong okay meanwhile deny I got a movie coming out in in December it's funny to Sydney poor dear director this mr. crazy stirring his neighbor I have to film ready like to take a look at this I'm looking forward that night and another move with Cicely Tyson it's really nice and I hope that like those are true you've made already met or the second huh that's great so I'm just gonna be off a while enjoying myself are you gonna be on our yeah starting September the 16th Oh Oh weak from this we're gonna do Oh what people won't do with that extra half hour your turn yeah nice yeah well what we're gonna do we're going to come back and I'm gonna be doing four shows a week red can I've been working the three I would rather come back and do Tuesday through Friday and do the our show because then I could make a little faster yes and home quicker yeah nice man fly down thank you and why you why not we could fly together sure are the new flight coming the bozo brother trans debris yeah something like that pick up these thing lots of luck Airlines we'll take a break we'll be right back Oh Oh
Channel: Archy L
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Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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