The Revelation Of Supernatural Dreams!

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okay just waiting for this thing to come up here alright hello guys how are you this is yours truly Minister Kevin Laue coming to you as promised but another teaching on dreams and me just show off a little bit you'll see that background in the back there right it's that nice camera right you'll really go and see that let me just make sure all of my other just give me a second I just want to share this with my other pages and then we would be ready to go and I just need to ensure that you guys can hear me clearly and loving this cameraman I'm really loving this camera showing off with my mic my camera don't you play with me I I strongly suggest that you guys share the video also let me try to share these in my groups right now my words of wisdom and so on so just give me a second let me just share this stuff and we will be up and running got a very informative teaching tonight on dreams and I show it's dreams that you would have had before of course this is going to bring some insight to you also okay let me just share this over here to my words of wisdom here we go so guys while I'm sharing you could be sharing also just give me a second here and I will be with you shortly what I wasn't supposed to happen okay all right so let me do this large [ __ ] and that would be it for me to my page this thing's taking forever I also want to give a shout out while I'm at this while I'm sharing to cable Bahamas came Obama's has been very good to me as you can see that give me some solid internet I want to thank them for their superb job and just you know I did follow up with them at one point but of course they came back and showed me what time it is so I have quality internet service I should have no interruptions with my video neither should I have any interruptions with my audio everything should be going fine okay good so I did all of the sharing and so we're gonna get right into it tonight tonight I want to speak to you about dreams and I want to speak to you specifically about dreams as it relates to supernatural events supernatural events and let me explain it to you I'm not talking about you know strange stuff in the skies or nothing of that nature when I speak about supernatural events I'm talking about dreams which you that you would have that stuff happen in that dream that in reality it could not happen so what I'm going to show you tonight is how in certain dreams and I'm sure a lot of you gonna be able to relate to this tonight how the Lord will do something for you or you will see a strange event in a dream but the reality is it's just a symbol that the person who's having the dream if the dream is about them or if they're having it about someone else or is in reference to someone else sorry they're not mean the events that are going to take place the root of those events or what's manufacturing those events is not gonna be by human hands it's gonna be done from a spiritual perspective so that's what I want to teach you I want to show you tonight I'm gonna use an example of of myself and I'm gonna also use example of other people whom I've been given the permission to share their testimony as long as I keep their names out of it so that's a few things I want to say before I get started number one I've been getting a lot of feedback from you guys about me deleting you from my facebook pages I said this before I have nothing to do with that someway somehow once you would have arrived at the five thousand limit on your Facebook personal pages they do the elimination I don't even know that I see five thousand one day then next a cornea is 4,998 4,997 so I don't know if any of you've experienced that before but and they're certain of my friends and I had to resend an invitation because they probably thought I was the one that deleted them but I don't delete people I block him okay so that was in me I was in the one the leading anyone so you might see where you and I are not friends anymore and I had nothing to do with me there are absolutely nothing to do with me in fact I have time to be dealing with those things so somehow someway Facebook is doing the elimination I don't know how they do it I don't know why they do it but next thing I know I'm just requesting those friends to - to come back all right so I just want to make that clear because I don't have any be for anybody and I don't want anything what I do believe that Kevin got some private problem with them or what have you I want to start off tonight by telling you just do a little recap as it relates to the basis of dreams and you know in all of my teachings I make it clear that there are three types of dreams okay they're dreams that initiate from God they're dreams in which the enemy comes and try to pollute or destiny through your dreams and then there would be called self manufactured dreams self manufactured dreams okay so I'm just gonna go through rows three scriptural references before we get into the core of what we're gonna talk about tonight and for those of you who are interested in my dream teachings yes I have a myriad of them on YouTube but I also have a lot of written articles on my dream teachings and for that you can go to my blog site which is Kevin Laue dot blog summary public opponent in the comment section for those who didn't hear me well I have difficulty with my accent so that would be Kevin ATS kvi m.l.a aww-ing Kevin Ellie Ewing dot blog alright so once you go to that particular site I have all of my articles on the left hand side in alphabetical order spiritual warfare witchcraft dreams and so on and I have over 140 articles written alone or just trips so I strongly suggest you go there particularly before writing me before writing me and asking me to interpret a dream for you I would really appreciate if you would go and read those things because I get tons I get tons of people are saying that I'm very low but I don't I think there's something wrong on your end because everything is fine on my end I'm looking at my dashboard everything is perfect and many other people are hearing me clearly so I think you didn't need to turn up your volume or sign out and sign back in but I'm not gonna allow anybody to blame my cable Bahamas internet providers because I love them in spite of customer doubt a day but that's water under the bridge but if you're experiencing sound problems it's not coming from you I have a super mic here they are cell 600 I have a state-of-the-art camera and as you can see the video is clear the sound is clear so if you kyani and you can't see me you need to go toss that $2 camera you got going on there because it's not coming from this end okay it's not coming from this end just trying to turn this thing off okay all right here we go okay so our net stop said volume is good here in Fort Lauderdale thank you thank you very much added Stubbs yeah I know it's good because hey everything is fine on this anyway let's get into this thing so I want us to go to job 33 job chapter 33 and I want to look at verses 14 to verse 16 job 33 let me have a look at verses 14 to verse 16 all right I hope you've got your Bibles cause you know I'm the Bible guy I hope you got your Bibles because we're gonna go into the Bible you know I'm not gonna say anything to you unless we're getting it from Scripture shaquita dancing the volume is perfect yes that's what I figured deandre stopped volume is loud beautiful great so in job chapter 33 beginning at verse 14 and what this scripture is gonna prove to us these dreams that are initiated or comes from God okay so says he and job 33 verse 14 it says for God speak once yes even twice yet man perceive or understands it not so what this scripture is saying to us is that God however he choose to communicate us in that particular sentence there where it's us listening to a preacher preach we were sitting in an audience whether we own our vehicles driving and listening to someone Minister the Word of God or whether it's a praise and worship song that's ministering to us God is trying to communicate to us so the scripture is saying here to us in job 33 verse 14 that God is exhausting multiple ways in trying to communicate our instructions our directions or the way forward of course when that has been exhausted or we ignoring it or just not aware of what he's trying to do verse 15 of job 33 says he now comes to us this is key now in a dream or in a vision of the night when deep sleep fallen upon men in slumbering upon the bed in that term but at first slumbering upon the bed literally means to when you doze enough to go to sleep like when you between sleep and wake so the scriptures are very clear here in that God does communicate to us in dreams and I'm making this clear in fact this was never part of my teaching tonight I'm only bringing this up because I had a consoling session with someone you know yesterday or Monday I believe yesterday and they were telling me that their pastor told them that dreams are not for today and of course you know your homeboy run all right because I'm just tired of these people just misleading the people of God so he told her that dreams are not for today and that she ought to pay no attention to them and she's an avid dreamer and she's a very Anki dream also so here it is now after God would have tried to communicate to us in the myriad of ways that he would attempt to do that and we don't get it according to job 33 verse 14 and verse 15 it says that he now comes at us in a dream meaning when we are dressed when we're not moving about men we are not conscious to the physical things that's going on in this world while we addressed now what is interesting here is that even though our physical bodies our address or they're asleep and this is where it becomes so beautiful our spirit man spirit and soul the real us that is a weekend not only is it awake but it's actually interacting in the spiritual realm which would be a dream so your dream is really you engaging in the unseen world now the thing about that for the most part most of the things that we see during our dreams symbolic or this they're they're presented in a in a symbolic way with signs and so on and it as a matter of us for the most part interpreting those signs to get the revelation or the message that's being delivered to us the primary reason for a dream the primary reason for a dream like I would have said in just about all of my teachings on this is to forge covenants with the dreamer and that's the principle that's the principle in which spirit beings from the spiritual world via your dream is seeking to establish a covenant with the dreamer now what is interesting is that for the most part they're not gonna come and say to you hey I want to establish a covenant well especially from the kingdom of darkness so for the most part and from a demonic perspective I'm talking about now and will they will come in a sucky way and there's certain things that they will have you engage you know you would engage in in the dream thinking nothing of it because of your ignorance to the spiritual rules that will cause them to enable a covenant with you so no matter how to dream presents itself primarily the spirit world is seeking to establish a covenant with you whydo to facilitate their will in your life because outside of that they do not have that authority they do not have that right no matter how powerful no matter how great they are okay so in this scripture in verse 50 and it says that God now makes the attempt in a dream and any vision of the night this has been deep sleep fallen upon man and slumbering upon bed but listen to verse 16 he says then he opened the ears of men and sealed their instructions now clearly he is an or description isn't referring or referencing this person or the dreamers physical air no how could you open the physical somebody it's already open so he's talking about his spiritual capacity to hear spiritual things or in other words that phrase means to open up his understanding what he couldn't understand before it's now being revealed to him through the dream as it relates to the things that's going on in his or her personal life or even in the lives of others so this is gonna be key here so the Bible saying that God as you can so whoever that past is and I hope you listen to me tonight tell him explain description and if dreams aren't real if they don't exist and this is why you got to be so careful who you listening to but the only way you could be careful you have to know the word and you should and I keep telling you this keep challenging them with the word if if your Bible says different from what they say then they're the liars because God cannot lie so if they tell you prophecy is not for today dreams are not for today they are liars okay or at least they're misguided it's the liars though because it is for today all right so in this scripture is revealing to us clearly that God speaks to us in dreams all right now I'm going to take you to another scripture where the enemy is going to show a principle even though it's gonna be talking about something else what we're looking forward here is a principle a lot of times when people use Scripture to illustrate their teaching people like to say oh you can't use that scripture because the Bible says all Scripture is profitable for doctrine for teaching and so on okay and I'm telling you guys is because you cannot allow these people to come and change your narrative all right this will be clear so let's go let's go here to to Matthew chapter 13 let's go to Matthew chapter 13 I'm gonna look at verse 25 alright now even though this is a parable about the soul and so on remember now what the Bible is I gotta explained as if I give it a scripture the Bible is a book of principles the Bible is a book of laws the Bible is a book of rules and ordinances precepts commands what are these rules and ordinance precepts commands are all about well it literally governs the same and the unseen world that's what it does so the scriptures are like mysteries that we need revelation in order to unfold that mystery there's a scripture you could write this down I love it in Deuteronomy 29 verse 29 and it says that the secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things that I reveal or whenever he choose to reveal to us he says belongs to us unnatural or not a word revealed that means revelation so what have you choose to reveal to us or the revelation that he gives us belongs to us and our children forever he said but then he said made a very powerful statement afterwards he says so that we may be able to do the law or to do his will so there are certain things that God requires of us that we will not be able to perform or do if we do not have the revelation of it and the revelation simply means to unlock or to reveal the mystery of what he's talking about that's all it is so they're there those who like myself who will teach our dreams or deliverance of so on but then you have the naysayers who will come and say although you cannot use this or you can't say that or whatever because they lack revelation they're basing their objection on their limited intellect there there would they've been trained and conditioned to look at things in one way I'm not allowing the Holy Spirit to give them the revelation to unlock the mystery of what is being said here all right so in in Matthew 13 was 25 it is now going to give us the principle via this Jesus relaying of this parable of how Satan can into our dreams just like God and now begin to manipulate or change the course of our destiny alright so in Matthew 13 verse 25 it says but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way I remember would be looking for him we're looking for the principal yet the principal is that the enemy takes advantage of the victim while they're asleep while they're physically unconscious to this world he now Kleiza spirit remember so when you go into your sleep and you begin to go into your dreams you know you're in the realm of the Spirit you're engaging in the spiritual realm so the enemy now is going to take this opportunity and manipulate you in the dream so it says wild man's asleep his enemy came and sowed tares or plant evil which will be sexual dreams or dreams where something somebody's taking something from you or someone is giving you money or you see these dogs coming at you or or alligators in the dream or you see you're constantly having dreams or your car is gone missing stuff like that what is this this is the enemy okay who's taking advantage while you're unconscious sleeping that is but he's manipulating your spirit mind your soul in the dream see because remember who the real you really is it is not your flesh and I always tell you this the evidence of what I'm saying to you is that the day of your death the day of your death simply is an extraction of your spirit mind your soul from this physical body so this physical body is just the uniform to house your spirit and soul and to make you legal upon this earth which is why demons always want to possess the physical body they are anxious to get in there because it's illegal for them to operate in the earth outside of that unless they forge a covenant with the dream or whomever the case may be okay I want to go too fast let me take my time because I get pretty excited sometimes so the scripture here in Matthew 13 verse 25 is giving us a principle in which the enemy operates on and again there will be those who say Oh Lord I can't be no read the rest of the scripture no no no no no no you're not listening to you we're giving you the principle because in knowing the principle now now you know how to fight now you know how to be proactive not reactive to be proactive this is why we say cancel it this is why we save you send in your dream which the truth is you send in the realm of the Spirit which is equally it was just equal to sinning in real life you must repent but Kevin I just had a dream about having sex with somebody other than my life I didn't do nothing wrong a man that was in the real physical me well there's a principle that Jesus said that now that if a man looks upon a woman and lust after her in his heart he has committed adultery already now according to what Jesus said you didn't touch her right huh you didn't you didn't do nothing to her right but Jesus made you equally as guilty via your lust in the same category with the guy who's physically engaging and committing adultery with her again if we don't get the revelation and the understanding of the Scriptures we could be setting up ourselves for disaster and notice what we're trying to avoid it now let's get the mist what is the revelation to unlock the mystery of what is being said here so the Bible says wild men slept his enemy came and sowed he planted stuff he's polluting the destiny because as far as this person is concerned they on the right track they're on the right track they're living for God they're doing the right thing they're issuing even and so on so at least I can't get them during the day because they also look for God so let me come and the unconscious state when they're asleep when they would not know the rules of a dream and they would think this is just a dream okay and let me do stuff in there seeking a covenant with them that they're not aware of but if they go along with this and they don't challenge me during the time of the engaging in the spiritual realm or even after they were awakened from the dream then the Covenant has now been established and from that day forward this person will begin to see a lot of negative things power in their life but if they would mark that day they would also realize that everything started from that dream this is powerful this is powerful I'm loving this I'm loving this so so far we see where God comes to us and dreams we see where the principle of viddy enemy can come to us in a dream and now the last one is where they're what I call self manufactured dreams self manufactured dreams and these are most interesting and you'll find that in Ecclesiastes five and verse three of course we all know it it says through a multitude of business and there come in a dream and what that basically mean is that a lot of us can become so consumed by everyday events especially a lot of us who've been put out of a job due to covert 19 you're trying to figure what are you going to take care of your family and so on tell you literally dream about it this is what I call self manufactured dream but even in these dreams the enemy will take advantage of you because through such dreams can enter the spirit of depression the spirit of worry the sort of anxiety so you still have to rebuke these dream you still have to challenge them because you are now coming in agreement with these thoughts and ideas and so on and so forth so as you would see so far those three scriptures but if clearly showed you where the three sources in which dreams can be manufactured the two first ones which is the ones from Gordon and Satan it's all about seeking a covenant and to establish those covenants to facilitate those spirits will in the lives of the individual with that said I want us to go into today's two dykes teaching all right supernatural dreams now supernatural dreams are very very powerful I'm sure just about all of you guys at some point he either had them but didn't realize them I've had many of them I've seen many of them come to pass I didn't know at that time that they were supernatural indicating sorry supernatural dreams but of course God gave me the revelation hence I want to teach it to you tonight so I want to sue let me give you a biblical example of it and then I'm gonna give you some personal examples so the first scripture on this particular topic let's go to Genesis 37 and we're gonna read from verse five to verse eight Genesis 37 then we're gonna read from verse five to verse eight I'm loving this I'm loving this so much I love this Genesis 37 verse five to verse eight and I want you guys to listen very carefully listen very carefully cuz we about to unveil some serious revelation alright you ready for this now right cuz I'm ready I'm so ready for the date alright and listen to this now Genesis 37 beginning at verse 5 and Joseph dreamed a dream okay and he told it to his brothers and they hated him even more this powerful this is so powerful this is powerful you hate me because I told you a dream my lord well like imagine if I came to reality you probably kill me you see destiny is so powerful I tell you when the enemy comes out is coming to shut down your destiny and he will use all resources made available to him particularly those who related to you those who close to you if they are they are open to his employment or he will employ him immediately so the Bible says that Joseph dreamed the dream and he told it to his brothers and they hated him even more verse 6 of Genesis 37 says it says and he said unto them who's he Joseph and he said unto them which is his brothers he says here I pray you the dream which I have dreamt now you know they don't like you did you ride you're talking fool did you had a dream now let me just preamp this a little bit he didn't know the dream it when I say didn't know he didn't understand the dream all he's doing is relating or reiterating the dream that he had that's it so he's now about to tell them about the dream so in verse 7 of Genesis 37 it says he says for behold we were binding sheaves we were binding sheaves in the field and no my sheaf arose oh boy that's what I will get to there if you have your Bibles open please please for the love of God high like that because that's the core of what we're going to talk about tonight I like that I like that right now if you have electronic device like me go into highlight and highlight that phrase right there the phrase we said where they were binding sheaves in the field and no my chief or his she a rose so let's imagine this now his eleven brothers and himself which would have made twelve they gathering their wheat they're working and then they bind them and tie it and then they lay it down so that's what they all doing but he said yes it is carefully now for seven for behold we were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheaf Roe arose and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made oh oh babe oh oh by since I think I was or by sense to me or to my sheaf now you know this but I'm looking for trouble now remember now this is just a dream and that word or by sense or bias whoever it be what it means as to not just to give honor this is what you call differential honor where you don't only give honor you drop on your knees and you bow to the person you're giving honor to so this isn't your regular honor so what he's telling them he says not only that my sheaf arise oh no no no no no no it went deeper than that y'all y'all y'all y'all she is bound to mind and give superior honor to me remember though this is a dream and Joseph has zero idea of the interpretation of this dream now we're about to see something here but I always mention this when I teach the subject we're about to see where a person or persons can hate or dislike someone who has gifts or who seemingly seem to be ahead of them they're so jealous they're so have so much bitterness and hate for this person that they overlook the gifts that they have so this man their brother Joseph told them the dream that he has zero knowledge of so listen to what they said in verse eight because their response is the actual interpretation of the dream so in verse 8 of 37 it says and his brothers said to him shall Dow indeed reign over us so they understood that or buy-ins obeisance whenever that were it is how it was pronounced re it didn't mean that you were just gonna be in charge of us to rain means to have authority superiority over us to the extent that we're gonna serve you that you you you can be above everybody but he didn't notice but the dream though I never got I love this so much the dream is revealing the future the dream is showing us that whatever we experience and knife it is the after effect it already took place in the realm of the Spirit so God is revealing to Joseph and his family the same Joseph we all jealous of the same Joseph who you'll have a problem in your gum bow to this brother one day now this is awesome because the dream and I want you to write this down the dream aside from its seeking covenant at science from but giving revelation the reality is the dream is showing you the end from the beginning oh and love that the dream is revealing to you what will happen and that's why I say to people all the time to my teachings the spiritual realm is where things has already taken place it is a place it's a manufacturing plant it is a myth it is where conception has already been conceived whatever happens in the physical world is the birth of what was established or manifested in the unseen world only here in me only series tonight I get let me take my time because I tried my best to calm down and just be a teacher my wife's take care of I love it when you teach no scream of those people yes mom I agree so so the dream the dream is revealing the coming events the dream is showing you and you are being escorted or the conveyor belt of time to interact with what I'm showing you right now oh I love it you only listening to me my lord that's why I tell you man whoever listen lady if you listen to me that tonight and your pastor tell you that dreams are not for today put your heart on that matter rebuked that devil order him right now cuz he tryin to keep you from information that God is trying to release to you why is he doing it because he don't want you to be engaged in the law of destruction what is the law of destruction mr. Ewing Hosea 4:6 my people perish why because they lack this type of information radio many people are dreams before disaster or promotion or certain things happen in their life and would have been after they got whatever then the dream come back oh my lord I remember dreaming this I remember so you're not engaging with the manifestation of what was already conceived and manufactured in the spiritual world so his brother said in verse 8 and his brother said shall thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed have dominion over us now in my device here it shows a question mark after these statements so they're literally asking him what what you asking me this for I just had a dream brother I don't know what this dream mean I just telling you what I dream what you upset about what you angry about but you see the gift of interpretation that they had was making it clear to them this boy is gonna be something great he is gonna be powerful he's gonna be magnificent but even though he couldn't see it in the future through the dream they still wanna hold on to the idea that you are nothing but a sheep herder you are nothing but a weed binder they couldn't conceive what the dream was showing them in the spiritual realm who Joseph was about to become so now you understand why they hate you so much now you understand why the haters are relentless they are relentless because I wrote an article on this that your haters see in you which you cannot see in yourself that's why they upset doesn't it make sense they're in a better position than you they have more money than you they probably mired when a husband wife and children why you hating on me and I'm single and I try to get married why you ain't no I mean you making more money than me on this job you know why because they see a new which you can't see in yourself they see success they know of Dave for one minute take their foot off your neck you will fly like nobody's business they see that and that's when they coming after that's what he trying to shut down but the devil is a liar and you gonna see it in this story right here that no matter what they tried to do they had no idea that God was allowing this boy to have this dream and to release the dream to his brothers because his brothers would have start a series of events that would have been the boot camp that was been trained and Joseph away he was going to be oh I love it I love it I love this Kevin please calm down calm down Kevin please I can try it's right I can try so it says they asked the question what do you mean you Lorraine over us what do you mean you're gonna have Dominions dominion over us and it goes on to say in verse 8 it says and they hated him yet the more but listen white hated him for his dream not for who he was he was just a sheep herder he was just a farmer he was equal to them so they didn't have no reason to hate him but what did they hate they hate that this dream is revealing to us that you are going to advance us you are going to go ahead of us you were going to be promoted and we're gonna be right here regular people don't know as long as you was broke with us it was okay as long as you was broke busted disgusted and cannot be trusted and we had that in common it was fine but you go a mess run and having these dreams where you exceed nuts o Lord brother we can shut you and your dream down today and I sound familiar now you see why they coming at you on the job now you see what a neat day I can so silly in church and trying to oh she will do foolishness and the family see because spiritually they would never admit it see they sense they realize there's something something about this Kevin - what why is everybody attracted to him why everybody following him he don't have no church while you hate him you have the church okay you got the titles you got the doctor behind him I don't know doctor behind my name I don't have no big building I don't have no Bentleys and Rolls Royces I ain't collecting a bunch of thousand dollars offering every day you have that so why are you preaching against Kevin why you ignore Kevin you hatin on Kevin because the Spirit doesn't show you this man is gonna be great God is advancing this man there's nothing natural about what's going on this man life everything that's happening to him God is the one catapult in it and you're angry because you said yourself why is God doing it for Kevin and he ain't doing it for me say I didn't come to talk but it's your company come begging for these next day digging for this do what God has called you to do and you will advance like everybody else who God is advancing stop hating on your brothers and sisters uplift them promote them advance them share with them assist them so try to heart everything for yourself and trying to be in control everybody in life the minute you release people you release yourself the minute you let people be who they are called to be the more God will advance you who we is called you to be that's how would this work that's just our this work they don't cover no cover and talking foolishness around here so the Bible says that his brothers hated him the more okay now I want us to go back to verse 7 because I want us to look at what I told you to highlight because it's about what we're discussing tonight now listen to this verse 7 and this is Joseph speaking she also said because remembered verse 6 he said he had a dream he's about to reiterate the dream for behold he says we all of us himself on his brothers were binding or tying up sheaves of wheat in the field I know my sheaf on my batch of weak this is Joseph speaking he said my batch of wheat that I had already bind up or bound up somehow it arose I didn't see any hands that took it up in the sky I didn't see no tractor so anything pull it up so this part I want you to focus on because that is what this teaching us about this teaching is showing you that when you see things happening in a dream where no hands or machinery is moving in then whomever the dream is about is revealing that let's say in this case like here it speaks about promotion but what that's that's simple is showing where he didn't see any hands that rose his Shiva it meaning that the promotion that's going to come it's gonna happen supernaturally what does that mean that means that God is going to be the one orchestrating all of this you will not have the degree you will not have the five years experience they require on that job for a promotion you may not have the the masters you you know you don't have that but you had a dream and in the dream you saw where you were among your colleagues who all outnumber you with degrees in fact you don't have no degree and you saw where the manager of the company just pointed at you and you supernaturally rose from the ground and you came to the front of Hampton line and the dream over it's the exact same thing what you're seeing here so what this room is revealing to us just like I was revealing to the brothers yes he's going to be great but he isn't going to become great off of his own straight there's a supernatural power and it's the power of God that's gonna cause him to rise to Authority to rise to dominate and to have dominion well beyond good day any one of them could have ever imagined hope you listening to me there's a teaching tonight a teaching tonight I would a role tonight let me talk to myself right here you're taking too long no but seriously speaking so when you see that let's read it again that's let's read again listen carefully not only explain it to you it'll make more sense now verse 7 of 37 says he says for behold this is Joseph speaking to his brothers he's revealing the dream that he had he says for behold all of us were binding all of our league individually but for some reason strangely enough the wheat that I have bound and tired of my weak it just supernaturally arose and stood a wreck I didn't do it I didn't even see who did it there were no hands there there was nothing visible there was no machinery there was nothing there but listen would even ought to say for beyond we were binding sheaves in the field and no my sheaf arose and also stood upright and behold your sheaves stood round about and made who Mitch forgive respect and authority see so your Chiefs came around my own that was suspended in the air and your were paying respect to me and God was revealing through the dream see they had the dream right but the details of the dream was God was the one behind all of this God was the one I was gonna push a neck sent him to me he needed to be but they did see was correct they said what do you mean you're gonna reign over us what do you mean you're gonna have dominion over us and they were correct but and they interpret it precisely as it was later but the only thing they miss I guess because they were so hot and they feel that God should have been doing nothing for him they missed that God was the one that was gonna be doing all of this this had nothing to do with Joseph no this is what they was seeing or what what what was being revealed by in a dream was what was already done in the realm of the Spirit in the spiritual world in the unseen world that same world that Paul said in second Corinthians 4:18 he said set not your eyes on the things that are seen for their temporal don't let these things fool you he says instead focus or put your direction or your focus on the unseen world for those things over there they are eternal the manufacturing of the things to manifest here in this physical realm so that's why I tell people I hear all the time they say God getting ready I keep telling you God ain't getting ready to do nothing that he'd already do time time is getting ready to manifest what God had done listen when he did it now before the foundation of the world what he had to do with Joseph what he had to do with you what he had to do Abraham what every the first of all let me prove this to you the book of Revelation is empirical evidence of what I'm talking about it gives to a whole slate of what the end time is going to be like and that was written eons ago so what I'm saying to you it's like the spiritual Ram is lined off but what will ever happen during life cycle and in dispensation in time is when these things are manifested just like in the book of Genesis 15 when God made a covenant with Abraham and the Bible says he went into a deep sleep after Eden did the altar and whatever and God begin to tell him future events he said listen boy you're going to be the father of many nations okay in fact so much Hebrew people are gonna come from you that are gonna be like the stars of heaven in the sign of the sea but they're gonna go into captivity for 400 years but after the four hundred years are completed he says I was set in a delivery to deliver him but not just delivered him they will leave Egyptian if they will leave the bondage that they were in but a mighty hand did not all of that come to pass huh even though Abraham was there and off the scene but we didn't need him no more because the Covenant was already created and the Covenant will now speak to the destiny of the future generation so we don't need the the ones who established the Covenant we don't need the ones who initially brought about the Covenant the only thing we needed was the covenant to be established now everything will be predicated on what was covenant or what was agreed upon with that or in that covenant so the spiritual realm and this is why anyone serious about God anyone who really want to get into the things of God they will really focus their eyes on the unseen world and the spiritual which is what my ministry is all about you're focusing on spiritual things that is how you going to understand your way forward that's key and no more of money and no money spin around can do that for you you in or poor once attitude second Corinthians 4 and 18 he says do not focus on the physical things do not become caught up on what you see in fact focus on what you don't see ask for - Lord open up my dark understanding give me spiritual knowledge give me spiritual insight so that I will be able to decipher and to navigate my way forward via Holy Spirit that's what you need so coming back here now it says that his weed rose up supernaturally rose up no strings no hands no machinery it rose up and their sheaves gathered around him and begin to bow and gave all Mitch and his brother says yeah yeah you you you can see what time it is today today we can show you you can be of us we can show you what time it is so you see in this room in this teaching here in this particular text I'm showing you if you had a dream and in the dream something supernaturally happened like that let me give an example I remember someone shared a dream with me where this person had owned this complex building complex and in the dream they saw the person who had the dream it wasn't their complex it was somebody else's complex they saw in the dream like where the complex was was completely gone like nothing ever existed there no foundation nothing just grass and they woke up a little dream and they couldn't understand it why is this happening or why did that happen but the same person but I have other dreams and all of the dreams about same place would be evil dreams so I said to them I said guess what that dream right there that person is gonna lose that place but the way that they're gonna lose it isn't gonna be natural they're evil hands on that place they're losing it supernaturally which graph someone is working sorcery that's gonna manipulate that in their spiritual realm and they ain't even know how they lose it the true the form is exactly how I stated it is exactly what happened is that when I tell you they loss it they can't figure out today how do cuz the dream is showing you what would the events behind this is not natural the events behind is that you've got to lose this altogether but as you can see no bulldozers will push it down no fire was set to it no bombs were shooting it up and none of that you had the dream and the building was gone so me the person is going to lose it and all of those evil dreams you were having was showing you the source behind what was promoting the loss of that meaning that watches they had lost it spiritually the building that was before I lost it physically when they lost it physically that was just a manifestation of what was conceived or manufactured in the spiritual but this is what the lack of knowledge do see had you known that it did see you would be proactive father God put a hedge around my property father what I plead the blood of Jesus father every devil every Christ every hex every altar working against my property working against my mind working against my life I see you got to be pro active because the dreams are coming to give you the revelation of what is being concocted against you in the realm of the Spirit see but you are trying to be reactive you are trying that when you when you already lose the place Oh Lord let's pray for miracle Jesus or let's get in prayer for sister Susie the bank that take through our properties and she file in chapter 13 bankruptcy law now let's go join hands now let's go call go down by the water in Israel and write some more piece of paper and push it to the cracks now let's go no no that didn't finish in five didn't cellular please see this is the information your dreams are coming to bring revelation your dreams are showing you things and you would never know in this physical realm it is showing you the conception it is showing you it's being conceived so if any preacher or anyone is telling you that dreams are not of today and you should dismiss dreams then you dismiss them because what they're basically saying to you is you need to remain stupid you need to remain ignorant and just be blindsided by everything the enemy throws at you know so as you can see here supernaturally if you follow the events of his life God rules this boy to power and let me tell you how you will know it was God and not only that I began to realize why God even allowed a dream to be released because he knew the hate and his brothers heart would cause them to take a route and that was the road that God wanted him to go on so that he can be conditioned for where he was going and that's why a lot of you a lot of you God revealed to you in dreams or have someone prophesy to you and say you're gonna be a manager you're gonna be a preacher you're gonna be this but you don't see that but all you catching as hell you're being conditioned for the position that's all that means and I speaking from experience I used to get prophecy after prophecy after prophecy or you're gonna be wealthy you're gonna preach all over the world I used to have dream after dream of preaching on pulpits all over the world I tell you these stories over I mean the dream just to come to me they were tormenting why am I dreaming I'm preaching in Africa or Asia I had a dream where I was so de merica Y and in every instance I'm preaching every instant someone is fighting me always scoring me up on a pole but all of this way way back two thousand four two thousand three two thousand even when I just got saved in 1998 these rapid dreams coming why cuz God is showing Kevin the end from the beginning but it's the bad I won't get to just like he did with Joseph being a show you the middle if he show you the middle you know you can say no God keep that I want not if I gotta go to all these haters no no you keep that no anger show you that and that's what you have to trust him because they look like what do you show you and what you dealing with now I interpret this dream wrong know you ain't interpreted wrong you didn't interpret that Monroe this apart it's not just a combo package you gotta go to this you gotta take these licks but you see this is boot camp because when you arrive when you arrive listen I want you to hear me ain't no devil in hell could stop you when you once you get to where you're supposed to be after all or that boot camp I don't care how much haters you meet on the next side those haters got about oh [ __ ] God will move them out of the way because he will not allow his investment to be polluted by these jokers and I live in that right now nothing they could do they complain and Rob but nothing they could do sit back and watch Kevin perform cuz you don't know what Kevin do to get this you don't know what you haven't been through for this and that's where many of you are right now I've given you home tonight don't give up because this is a part of your calling this is your training no you didn't go to college no you didn't go to to Harvard and Yale and berry and all these other places no your college is real life your college is that job where they hate you so much your colleges you've been the black sheep of the family your college is where everybody in the church looking down on you and dismissing you don't worry but that you just think you're next because the day is going to come when your Shiva rise and they will bow before you I love it oh my god is scared not tonight there's getting on let me take my time yeah I supposed to make this show up tonight but no no no no no no but yeah so when you see those things happen in the dream all the dream is saying somebody Wireless look impossible look at the source as to who's gonna make it possible meaning this have nothing to do with your strength this have nothing to do with your education this have nothing to do with your connections this have nothing to do with your power God says I'm gonna take you to place of honour I am going to be the source behind you I am going to be the fuel the places where they have all of these protocols and all of these standards you should meet well the rest will have to meet up but not you because I called you to be there and you will be there you will be there and I've seen it happen I tell you before I got the promotion on my job I in 2011 I got a promotion the early that year and the year before the dreams were coming over and over and over I was getting so forced rid of my job I wanted to leave I wanted to make some more money all these other stuff and I keep having these dreams where I'm still on the job but I'm dressed in nice suits shirt and tie and I'm talking but with businessmen and CEOs and it didn't make any sense to me I didn't understand that how could this be already it can't be a manager we already have a manager there but I said that probably mean the manager will probably be fired and then I will take the place but the events in the dream didn't see him like a managerial stuff and I would have this dream over and over where I will always be in a nice suit a nice tie I would see myself to a dance I would see computers laptop and like um these one dream I remember I had I was actually in my old position I didn't get promoted as yet I was stationed at the airport and I literally worked in a warehouse as a customs agent I was responsible for clearing all of the goods and stuff that came in through FedEx through customs for our customers so I was in charge of the area so I'm what to doing my thing out there but in the dream I'm out there but I'm sitting behind this huge mahogany desk and I'm gonna suit but I'm not dealing with my everyday events these two white gentlemen in front of me and it's like we're discussing business as it relates to the job and understand is a few months later a friend of Mines a good friend of Mines called me and she said to me because she's extremely good a dream she said Kevin listen I dream but you are last night I said really which one she said I dreamt you were still employed at FedEx but you weren't in your uniform you were wearing suits and she said the dream is very brief there are other friend of Mines prophet guy one day he called me and just come home from work wasn't promoted yet and he says he says man of God where you are and I said just put my key in the door I just opened my daughter come inside he said listen to me carefully and I'm speaking as an Oracle of God he said I see you in a lot of soups I see you in a lot of suits I see you dress I see you with tie I see you traveling a lot and this guy is always on point so I say my brother I said maybe would come from somebody else had a reject this but I know you I'd know the quality of your prophecy I received that now at this point my job at put up no postings for no promotion none of that I didn't see any of that so to me even though I believe the dream I believe what the guy said but I'm still fighting in my mind because I'm like yeah I believe these people I believe the dream and I I committed to this but there's absolutely no physical evidence of when this would happen so couple months later couple months later what I didn't know was that they were really circulating a job opening that they had opened in my in the silent here for the core executive and I was told I tell you I was told about a week before they closed the position what happened is they had to position out but it was never made visible for me to see so the people who supposed to put on new label have gotten in trouble so he brought it on a couple days before he closed it so when I saw it I said when I apply I read all of the qualifications you need five years sales experience you need you know bachelors here all this stuff but I didn't care about any of that because I knew when I saw in my dream I knew what was spoken over my life so I applied for it I applied for it and they came down and they had an interview with me and I was very very nervous very nervous and in the post part of the interview I had to literally sell them FedEx I had to act as if I'm the account executive and they are someone who looking to ship how would I sell FedEx products to them well honestly I didn't know how to do it but here's what I did I said Kevin you're a preacher and what you do is you preach the Word of God to convince people to surrender their lives to God to convince people there's more to this world than just when they physically see so and not only could have been the Holy Spirit so I used that technique to sell to them anyway I did that and they there was my then boss and the other guy and they hit me with ten questions each and listen after the interview they refused to see anybody else they refused whatever I did there was so impressive with them that they refused to see anybody else I got a call couple weeks later you got the job the job is yours and everything that between those dreams and the prophecy and everything came to the tea to them in fact when I got the position it was just open for just the free port where I live and they expanded the position outside of my country so I had other areas to to to uh to cover so what I'm saying to you the dream revealed it did so if someone say to you dreams are not real stop listening to that fool stop listen to that ignorant person and I called him a fool and I call him ignorant because anyone who go against the written word of God is saying fool to me and that's clear so the dream was revealing and many of you in my position right now you have had the dreams some of them you dismiss because you you're comparing what you saw to what you're living and it isn't adding up and that's how it was with me but I believe what I believe I new not that I just see the dream once they were repetitive I remember the first day when I came to my job in my suit I was out of the FedEx uniform I remember my boss called me and confirmed the meet and he said to me Kevin and this would have been he said September 5th 2011 would be the last day you ever wear the FedEx uniform he said you would have to be wearing a suit and tie and so on and whatever whatever and I remember when I step into that office and I had on my suit huh she played me so I'm showing you the spiritual world oh I love this man I hope you'll get the scenario the spiritual world isn't getting ready to do nothing according to the Word of God God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places so if he has already done it he can't be getting ready to do it no no time is getting ready to reveal what God has already done but God ain't getting ready to do nothing make that let me be clear here God is not getting ready to do anything God has already done what he was supposed to do go on don't do what he had to do and time time is now as time is like a it's like an escalator and it's just it's taking its time and just escorting us to our destiny escorting us to that next period of our life the next level of our life the only problem here is you need to get lined up you need to be in tune with the things of God so that you will be on the right path as the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit began to navigate you to life so that's why we say to you now when I got to where I was supposed to be what I was being conditioned for no devil in hell could have stopped me nothing they tried couldn't topple me God gave me favor with my boss who was the best boss I've ever had I always talked about him mr. Malcolm Spicer he was a awesome mentor to me he he he was awesome I always use him in my reference because he made an indelible mark on my life going forward in life how to treat people how to handle things under pressure how to to organize he made a major impact before I left that company which now plays or in my my ministry even when I was promoted in my ministry and God say listen once you go through the bootcamp and God place you where you supposed to be I want Charlie here Aston idea no devil in hell could move you know [ __ ] why because you're of God's investment he he invested so much in you before he brought you to that point so you think you can allow any Joker to come to talk with you over no no only that I Joker than trouble you over if you come in agreement with that Joker if you submitted a Joker but not Kevin Ewing no way so the most they could be able to do is talk about you and try to find Crocs in your statements and try to disparage you see don't worry but that you keep going forward and nothing is gonna eat them up more than to see you come into the glory that God has already set aside for you and that's the same thing with Joseph's brother when they had a just a sniff just a hint that this brother is going to become great oh no we gotta shut that that but like Joseph said at the end of all of that he says let me tell you something I couldn't hate y'all even if I wanted to you know why because what y'all meant for my bad God had already orchestrated for my good he needed you haters that's why I keep telling you don't hate your haters your haters are prophetic prophetic in the sense that they tell you you think you better than us know you think that who you think you I know you think all that I never thought about what me if I used to thinking less than what I think of myself but you come ready and prophesied and ya mind saying who Kevin think he is he's exactly who you think he is know your haters other ones that are gonna bump you into your destiny stop praying a gangster that's my god say pray for them don't forget them you need haters and I tell you all the time I give no credit to no pasta and it's no disrespect to them yes they played their role in my life yes they told me about certain things but the truth was it was my haters that kept me on my knees it was my haters that brought me to tears it is my haters that made me see things differently there was them that forced me in the Word of God it was them that cost me on those fast no they didn't know that but the things that they did that hurt so bad and the people that were closest to me that did the worst things to me I couldn't hate them in there and I came up in fact I pray the best for them because I understand the life of Joseph and that's why I chose af-- after his father died and his brother said okay he can get us now you can kill us now and he told him this is listen you're selling original he said what y'all did y'all was supposed to do y'all was supposed to do that he said what y'all meant for bad God had already orchestrated for my good way before y'all even thought of the bad to do to me he used y'all to get me to where I was supposed to be to help you know so you can't hate them I have no hate against no one who did nothing and this is why I preached this to you all the time stop sending prayers Baptist and stop praying against your enemies do what the Bible say bless those that curse you pray for those who despitefully use you and say all manner of things against you why Kevin because the scriptures are clear Romans 8 and 28 and we know who's we we the believers who are being oppressed by our enemies and we know that God had this thing set up that all things are working for our good for those who love God and those who are called according to his will and his purpose for so 2nd Thessalonians 5:18 says what it says that we must give thanks and not some things all things the good and the bad the enemies under friends why because this is the will of God concerning us in Christ Jesus so when we talk about the plan of God don't fool yourself and believe that it's gonna be a bed of roses or red carpet no no on that plan of God is littered with troubles let it would hate us littered with people who are close to you're not gonna disappoint you they're gonna do things that not even your enemy would do to you but don't get mad at them yes it is normal to be mad but don't stay mad look at God's plan or all of this what is God saying in all of this keep moving forward Kevin keep you almost there Kevin just keep going keep going don't hate them Kevin when you hate them you now begin that's when you stop in the realm of the Spirit okay do not hate them pray for them like I've told you bless them Kevin now keep trucking keep going keep going you're almost to the finish line and when you get there Kevin trust me they can see a whole new different Kevin I talking to somebody I talking to somebody tonight so all y'all who fight me and tell me foolishness but all God was working with you and you say send my prayers the same no keep going in there keep doing it and Christ won't come and go and you still in that position you still complaining about trust me yeah it's a mystery it sounds foolish but it's a mystery bless those that curse you pray for those that despitefully use you and say all manner of things against you God is on your side God is the one that's gonna elevate you okay the things that my job required for me to have that precision I should have never had the position but the dreams were already showing me who and boy is coming to dude you God is putting you here for a purpose and from here you're gonna move from here to go on your own and it happened then it happened let's go to our last scripture judges chapter 7 judges chapter 7 then we're gonna read from verse 9 to verse 15 and we're gonna see a similar story to will be read in Genesis 37 and remember we hung on the fact that in verse 7 of Genesis 30 37 where he said and his veto a sheaf rose nothing pulled it up he didn't raise it up the supernaturally spiritually happened so that means God was the one of us raising him up to power and authority this had nothing he didn't have no dream but he was reading a bunch of books and even to school he saw where his she rose up so the dream that is symbolic of this is God raising you up and those he doesn't run you will have to bow to you they will have to submit to you they will have to wait for you they don't have to lean on you but don't get mixed up this is got nothing don't in your brain get you here I don't think your degree got you here don't think because your father's his friends with the prime minister or a pope whoever know the dream they already show you the end from the beginning when you get there don't get stupid it was God who put you in the same boy who put you they will take it out of the act for so in judges chapter 7 beginning at verse night okay and it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto Him thou who was him this is Gideon and remember the children of Israel are in the promised land me just give you a little backdrop here before we conclude this the children of Israel they are in the promised land but they're not receiving of the promises that God told him the promised land would have given it and you go back to verse 1 the reason why wasn't happening was because sauce he was being working the camp just kind of shootin to rest a little bit judges chapter 6 verse 1 says that and the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord whatever you see that term using the especially Old Testament it means that they were now serving other gods there was a servant of God of Abraham they were serving Astra and more lacking and I go on and all of these demonic gods and making evil sacrifices so whenever you see that term they did even in the sign of the Lord they abandoned God and they now turn on to these things now as you read judges 6 the truth was the vast majority of Israel wasn't serving another God come to find out in verse 25 of Judges 6 when the angel instructed Gideon to go to his father's house to see the source of why the promised land and the promised Schiller was suffering so much affliction was because his father had raised an evil altar and it was Semin his friends were saving his altar and so the angel told him he says to kick down this altar and I set up an altar under God well let me go over to verse 7 because at this point they were still being oppressed by the Midianites but of course God told him to get an army they started off with 30,000 and God reduced it to 300 okay so coming here now to judges chapter 7 we're now about to read where Gideon who's the leader now to take the charge here and to gather the people to do this fight description makes it clear that he was still nervous he still wasn't sure so the Lord is now instructing him to go down into the camp of the Midianites and to eavesdrop on a dream that he's about to hear one of these guys I had so in verse 9 of Judges chapter 7 says and it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto Him which was Gideon he said arise get thee down unto the house meaning down to the enemies for I have delivered it into thine hand so this is another case here then we'll go here this is another case here we have God is telling Gideon Gideon listen to me carefully I'm sending you down here to eavesdrop on what they're about to say but let me make this clear to you right now as far as i concerned from where I sit in the heavens I have already delivered them you said upward edie past tense you have already the children of Israel in the spiritual realm according to God has already defeated the Midianites and that's what I keep telling you God ain't getting ready to do not unless we clear if God is getting ready to do something then Ephesians 1 verses 3 & 4 should be erased out of the Bible because the Bible is very clear he has already blessed us past tense and when did he do it well according to verse 4 before the foundation of the world so God is another low pressure and haven't got a sitting down because everything according to earth is on a schedule good bad and indifferent so when this period came around for Gillian and God was telling him look just trust me I'm telling you I know the plan I had already notice good I know so I'm telling you see much is still faithful go around and listen but before you go around here I'm telling you now I have already delivered them they throw the voice sword yet they throw the voice rocket but the God is the eternal God and until we start to see him as that here's the oil sovereign God he answers to no one he will not be God if he did not know the end from the beginning so he is not getting ready to do it thing and whatever you hear that statement and I understand where people coming from when they say that but the truth is that shouldn't be said because to say is getting ready to do something will make him human it will make him not just reactive but he would be he's improvising as he goes along he's trying to figure his way out like us know to be God meaning that you've already addressed everything and now you came back to the beginning and you're telling them okay now you go forward and just trust me whatever I tell you do you do because I've already created the way for you that's what he's saying and that's how he wants to look at it don't don't bring God on your level when you get in front what Jesus would next nor like what we can do Jesus will be well we can do we mean what we can do I don't do what I had to do if you were just begin to trust me and to trust I've already done it for you and speak in those terms then you would see the manifestation of what I already done and that's what God is saying to us so in verse nine he says and it came to pass first night of judges seven and it came to pass the same night that the Lord said unto Him which is gideon arise get thee down unto the house for I have delivered Edie past it's delivered it into thine hand even though they haven't fought as yet I love this first and says but if they're fair to go down and you scared to go by yourself he says then goes out with Fura thy servant down to the house and the house would be the enemies so they're gone in his little valley where the enemies were sitting to come to and they'd get in them verse 11 says and thou shalt hear what they say and afterwards shall thine hands be strengthened meaning that the dream he is about to hear these two fellow soldiers who were Gideon's those enemies say the dream is going to encourage him so force 11 says and thou shalt hear what they say and afterward shall dine hands be strengthened to go down unto the house then went to him then went he down with furor his servant unto the side of the armed men that were in the house okay listen to verse 12 verse 12 says and the Midianites and the Amalekites these were the enemies of Israel and all the children of the east if you go back into judges 6 they describe them as a multitude and as far as the eye could see so Israel were a speck compared to the hosts of these nations that were coming against them so the scripture says here in verse 12 and their mana the Midianites and the Amalekites and the children of the east lay alone in the valley like grasshoppers what should at Syria for multitudes and their camels were without number as the sand by the sea side for multitudes so I see why Gideon would have been afraid he was afraid because there was first of all he only got 300 men and based on what is being described as it relates to his enemies there is absolutely no human way possible that that that Israel could the 300 man but Gideon could overcome men but the dream is gonna reveal how it's gonna happen very similar to the one we read earlier so verse 13 of Judges 7 says and when Gideon was come behold there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow servant and his fellow mates re and said behold I dreamed a dream and know a cake of barley a cake of barley bread tumbled into the midst of Midian and came unto a tent and spot it and it fell and overturned it that they that the tent lay along now I want you to highlight something you like I told you in the previous Genesis 37 and here's I want you to highlight in verse 13 of Judges 7 I want you to highlight he says I dreamed a dream this is what I want you to highlight and no a cake of bar bread tumble into the house of median high like that because remember this is a dream and we have to take everything in the dream serious because every piece of symbol is speaking to a greater spiritual reality the first question you should ask okay if you saw this cake of Bali tumbled into the house who threw the cake what caused it to begin to how did it get there see because it's now showing you supernatural power see it is the source behind the power that's gonna bring revelation to the entirety of the dream so remember now God is allowing gideon to be privy to wood these guys are saying only to confirm to him what God was telling him all along I got this Gideon I am good even though my telling you get these guys even though I tell you to prepare the truth is I am going to be the one that's gonna shut these doors out you ain't got to do nothing here what is it showing you it's showing you like I've been telling you if you're having dreams where you see things happening where no human hands are moving in you see things moving with no machinery it is speaking of a supernatural power now depending on the context of the dream it could be things from a negative or demonic side what could be things from the things of God so the entire layer of the dream will determine that but the source of what's happening there the source of it is via spiritual power no human strain is evolving so he says in verse 13 and when Gideon was come come near behold there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow and said behold I dreamed a dream and lo a cake of barley bread tumble into the house of Midian and came unto a tent and spotted that it fell and overturned it that the tent lay alone now listen to verse 14 and his fellow servant now who's his fellow servant this is the one who is telling the dream - now the other guy had the dream but you're gonna see now even your enemies not only have dreams but your enemies also have the gift of interpretation which also shows you again proof that your gifts are without repentance you don't have to be a child of God to operate in the gifts that God has given you before the foundation of the world let's be clear because you're about to read it right now listen to this verse 14 says and his fellow servants said this is nothing else save or accept the sword of Gideon the son of joash a man of Israel for into his hand had God delivered median and the house so does dude who didn't serve the god of Gideon who didn't serve the God of Abraham but he understood the dream that not only will Gideon and his crew come to shut them down but the source behind Gideon would have been the power of the Living God oh I love it I love it I love it I love it see because now you begin to understand your dreams are not just dreams they are just dreams when you are ignorant to the spiritual rules when you are ignorant to the reality of the spiritual world but this guy who is not a believer who was not baptized or circumcised he ain't following none of their rituals the Midianites the Amalekites served altars serve evil and made evil sacrifices to Dagon - Astrid to Molech these are all evil demonic deities they were highly verse in esoterics they were highly versed in in the demonic supernatural but he understood the dream he after more boy with the gift of having the dreams than relay his dream that daughter brought us a buddy I can tell you what is this right now even though we outnumber these fellows a thousand to one but guess what that dream simply mean that that does seem Gideon fella up there he can crush her seek egan he could mash us down and not just mash us down but the God who'd a servant is gonna be the source behind the victory I hope you are listening to me I hope you are listen to me tonight I hope listen I hope your list this description I given you is not my opinion this is not how I feel I didn't write this Scripture I didn't fought I didn't I didn't I didn't erase the original contents of this and then my feeling this is what the scripture is saying this is what the scripture is revealing to us and just like my topic you know supernatural dreams is revealing to you why is this dream so strange what was it that wrote how come this rock came up how I'll give you a personal dream that I had years ago yes ago I was being challenged by this this couple right and they had this intense heat from able to go to all of the details but again I would dream about them consistently and in what of the dreams that I had I dreamt how the lady was trying to call me to where she was in the dream and the lady was are they on a highway but it was like a faraway crossing and she was standing on one side of the four-way crossing and she was dressed in like a a pink lingerie she had on a pink lingerie you know but the stockings pull up and you just clip it and so on and she was trying to call me this very seductive verse voice but I reality I know she hate me no she can't stand me and I know she had a opportunity to kill me she would do it so while she was trying to call me I was looking to see where was the nearest exit I remember this is a faraway crossing I'm on the other side she's over there but for some reason where she was it was like she was limited to a very small circumference of space she couldn't go beyond that so she's calling me I Kevin come here come help me all you're not being really really nice so I just look at I am you so I just started to run so my eyes I'm running but I'm looking back and I watch them begin to move her head like an animal and I saw this big vein came in her neck and a rock right near her with these huge boulders of rock and before she left them she started to curse me man but not me she was cursing a relative and she was using I mean obscenity in the dream and when she did her neck and the big vein came and she grabbed these huge boulders and all I saw she threw him up in the sky and man I'm running running running running running running and and in my mind I know that this thing is gonna not on me because as I'm running on the ground I could see the shadow of the rock coming from the sky and the darkness of that shadow was where I was so I knew I was gonna be crushed so I'm still running though I'm still running so I turn to brace I mean it's like my hand would have stopped the impact but I guess I was just a reflex and when I turn I heard us by a young guy and what it was it was it was an invisible sphere around me and everything that she was throwing at me was hitting this big invisible sphere but I was going back to her what is the dream showing me exactly what I'm showing you right now the Lord will show me Kevin just stay away from those people you keep going in direction and I've called you to be keep on in there and what every sin that you given I am going to protect you no I didn't see it I didn't see even though I could hear the stones hitting this thing I could not see it even in a glass form I just know there was something there a hedge of protection and every time she would throw it but bunker a bhakta every time a bunker a bhakta now I couldn't see what it was doing to her what's that God back there but I knew was keep bouncing back from her but going back to the initial part of the dream where I tell you she's at a four-way crossing now that may seem insignificant to you but all of these things have meaning the four-way crossing represents a ritual that they practice in sorcery where there are certain items that they would give you the drink or certain things they ask you to do so you have to go to an intersection which is also known as a four-way crossing and at a certain hour you'd have to do the particular ritual that they asked you to do against somebody or whatever this is what the deity of that particular altar would require you to do in order for them to be in order for them to for their will to be facilitated or evil you're projecting on this person so the dream is showing me that what they were sending what really curses at me and these things I was gonna crush me was to crush my life not just my physical life but my finances my everything was supposed to be crushed but God showed me in the dream no II didn't see God no I didn't see the invisible sphere around me I didn't need to see it what I did see though was the effects of it and every time it hit that thing it went way back family friends I am saying to you your dreams are real your dreams God is trying to communicate or to at least reveal to you what's pending against your life what's for your life evil spirits or whatever trying to forge covenants to really oppress you most of the oppression that's gonna come after you is going to come in the natural people who are into sorcery and stuff they're not gonna come and cuss you're physically then I'm gonna come and shoot you they're lost and lock them up but you cannot take sorcery to card you cannot take voodoo witchcraft accord so God is allowing you to see in the dream a look see see does you see what I tell you to stay on your knees you see what I'm telling you to fight and that's another thing too during that time and it's the first thing every other week every other we got have been on a two day for us especially those drive fast I mean I was just on there my crazy so the Lord was showing me through the dreams cavinti look look what your father is doing same thing with Daniel and Daniel chapter 10 when he fasted for 21 days and thought that is fast meant nothing not realizing the damage that his father was doing in the realm of the Spirit where you want principalities and Michael the Archangel and Gabriel and the Prince of Persia that keep all of this big war going on in the heavens all initiated by the fasts of Daniel and this is why I promote fasting so much so I'm saying to you tonight those these supernatural dreams have to do with the Lord showing you supernatural things happening in your life meaning that there's no human power behind it yes human power we initiated it where the sorcery or prayers or whatever but the power behind it just like in the case of Gideon where the Midianites soldier minion he says listen this dream mean that not only as Gideon gonna shut us down but the power behind gideon is the power of the god that they saw in the dream with what's his name now joseph when his she froze up he didn't see what was that uh guru raise it up but it was God that did it and God was the one that was supervising or one of the events in his life my life your life the life of Joshua and everybody else who would submit themselves under the authority not of no man not of no apostle not of no preacher you submit to Jesus Christ through them if they speak for Jesus Christ then you bound to what they speak to as it relates to the scriptures but when everybody when people change those scriptures or inside their own laws or believe that they are God in and of themselves get away from them get away from them because you will not experience the things that God has set in your life or set in your destiny as well as imperative to find yourself under people who truly are going to preach the scriptures who's not going to come with these these are our against and and pompous nests and all this foolishness we need people that are filled with humility people who have a heart for other people people want to see you excel not keep you down not tie you down not tell you you have to be under their covering not tell them you have to be under their pastoral garbage there's no scripture that says that that is a demonic false gospel and everyone was underneath it watch how limited they are I would have never been I am today if I subscribe to that garbage God has called you to preach teach his gospel God has called you to do great miracles in your life God want to escalate you and catapult you but it will never happen when you submit to a man and not submit to him to the rules the laws and the principles and ordinance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every message I ever preached I will continue promote that anti message of covering because it is not of God and whoever preaches it is full of the devil and that's what Kevin say and I will continue to say it because my life is a grand example of when you relish in your Liberty in Christ Jesus the sky is the limit the sky is the limit and I'm speaking to somebody if you stay under that church if you stay under that arrogant pasta if you stay under them that save you leave and you will be Kaizen you will prosper they are into sorcery whether they believe it or not because how could you Christ the Bride of Christ how could you tell Christ's bride if they do not come under your covering then they're gonna go to hell or even never prosper can you can you imagine that so there's nothing godly about that I know I've got a sidetrack in but there's so much I hate to see people in bondage I can leave you this you will never be which you were called to be if you're letting a a psychopath that's who they are if you're learning a psychopath who have insecurities dictate to your life Jesus Christ died for you to have liberty in Christ Jesus but I don't mean you could do what you want to do that'll mean you could disrespect pastors and disrespect church leaders that's not what I'm saying what I am saying is that you follow those who are pointing you to Jesus Christ you follow those whose mouths are filled with the Word of God who is consistently pointing you to the scriptures not the opinion not teaching you how to get rich quick not giving you different schemes only scheme I wear here its descriptions that's only that one here that's what I come here for I'd only get but not nuts give me the scriptures when they can't do that it's time for you to go it's time for you to leave an oxcart father lead me to a place that's gonna teach you unadulterated would lead me to a place that's gonna give me wisdom knowledge and understanding don't take me to I know you ain't to do it I just said don't take me no place where the pastor feel that if I don't come there all of a sudden I condemned to eternal fire he needs to get delivered he needs to get saved he needs to be set free so I'm finished for the night because I just wanted to share it with you and if you are having those dreams if you are having those dreams no matter which side of the fence is on the dream is showing that the sauce behind it is supernatural and I can give you examples off the examples where many people have started with many instances in my life where I saw things happen in the dream it was a natural it couldn't have happened with human power and the revelation God gave me is what I gave you tonight it is revealing the spiritual sauce that's going to elevate you but that's going to rob you okay so when you see things just for example let me give another example before I let you go many of you many of you have had dreams where your car went missing in the dream and it has become a recurring dream you either drove the car to a store to your home you went in a little house or you went sublation you came back out and the car wasn't there anymore I didn't see any hands move it I didn't see anybody jump in the car and reverse it and carry on I didn't see any of that what is happening well number one if your car's going missing I mean you're being robbed but it's showing you that the sauce behind it it's not good though the sauce is an evil sauce so what it means from the one someone who's trying to send you out of your mind that's number one that's one of the meanings of the dream because when you lose something just imagine it in your mind you're all over the place imagine if you lose your keys and you got an appointment you up and down you move the pillow you put all this stuff order to change you like a madman so the dream is symbolic and somebody's trying to send you over here but the dream is revealing is being done from a spiritual perspective they're sending cry sister to bring you to confusion because outside of the dream think about your everyday life you're forgetful you're always anxious never you starting before having this happening now and now it's happening even while I'm having this dream all of it coming together now secondly to lose something car cars very valuable so you're being robbed he's trying to send a spirit or rob you spiritually of very valuable things in your life but again the source behind it you don't see nobody move the car you didn't see nobody jump in the car and reverse no way or drive off nowhere all you saw and every dream you had the car at one point but the cars going missing you need to pray against a man [ __ ] you especially if they recurring dream you need to go on a fast even if it's a one-day fast asking what to cancel the plans of the enemy and if you came and agreement with anything in the realm of the Spirit buyer your dream buddy or wherever I'm not asking God to disassociate you and divorce you from those alters and to break those evil covenants to overthrow every demonic voice speaking against your destiny this is how you need to pray to shut those things out anything in the dream I'm making this clear tonight anything in the dream where is move it disappears whatever it is you don't see human hands you don't see human apparatus or machinery moving it all is saying is that the source behind us is spiritual didn't the only thing you need to know after that is when it's coming from the kingdom of light or it's coming from the kingdom of darkness it is simple it's not somebody Android here tonight because I don't want to be too long Heavenly Father I thank you once again for your wisdom for your knowledge for your understanding I thank you Father God that you've given me a heart to freely share with your people the information that they need to know you said that too much is given much is required and I want to that and it is my desire father got to give to your people freely to empower them to place them in a position father God that they would not be like Paul said ignorant to the devices of the evil one I pray father God Isaiah 11 and 2 over them right now we're through yes spirit he will download the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding and console and might I pray also I fish it's more than 17 I think it is but you give them a spirit of Revelation just like I you've given me so much revelation of your word so much insight father I beg you I beseech you to give them double of what you gave me no matter where they are in this world no matter where they're watching me from Lord let them become that beacon of light in India and Australia and Singapore in Africa wherever they are father I'm asking you to endowed them spiritually but a double portion of what you've given me just like when Elijah access servant to give him double or vice whatever given double of what he had on him I'm asking you Lord to to give them double so there would be a force to be reckoned with in the realm of the spirit as well as in this natural realm I pray father God that you'll also endowed him with a spirit of humility but they do not become again that they do not believe they own your people and they could bully and dictate to people and become psychotic because of the gift but let them be humble let them be giving let them be people that want to see the well-being of other people not to control them not to DOM and make no one Lord above everything else I pray for every day even before the wisdom the knowledge and understanding give them a spirit of humility a spirit of grace a spirit of kindness a spirit of respect towards other people and not to believe that they are superior because of a title because of whatever their organization represent father I pray that you would infuse us all with a spirit of humility a spirit of humility that is something that is so needed a spirit of humility and your people did is so desperately needed because so many people who are walking in a gift believe that their gods they believed that their prophecy or their deliverance or whatever over there and ability to do interpretation that they believe that they are above people but those who I pray for tonight lord I pray that you give them a spirit of humility like I cannot ask this enough that they would never become so caught up with themselves and dismiss the gift give up I pray Lord that they would they would give all glory to you your word is clear and it says that we must let our light shine so that men will see our good works but glorify you which is in heaven again father god I pray I pray for a spirit of humility the leadership of the body of Christ today are so arrogant so so self aggrandize so pompous father God please I know I'm repeating myself but I pray for a spirit of humility we need that we need people who would literally do what you have called him to do that is to be a servant to the people father don't ever let me supersede the humility that you sorry become so full of myself that I supersede the humility that you've given me I pray to always be humble always to be giving always to be assisting and serving you said your leaders the greatest among the body of Christ which are your leaders we are to serve the people not to rape them financially not to abuse them not to beat them that is not what you call us to do we are to serve them lord I pray for a servant attitude I pray that you'd give them a sport of humility and a servant attitude that they would not think that they were above your sheep above your bride you have called us to groom your bride you have called us to teach your bride you have called us to empower your bride not to rape your bride not to abuse your bride not to financially drain your bride this was never your intent we will never suppose the thing that we were above your bride you made it clear he that is greatest among you must be a servant I pray for that servant spirit upon myself upon those who I'm speaking and praying for right now I pray for the spirit of revelation the spirit of wisdom and console and might I pray for the ability to discern I pray for the ability to - to see things from a spiritual perspective and that they would make righteous judgments in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth father I bless you for this teaching tonight I pray that I know that people are being being affected in a positive way through these messages i thank you for social media i thank you to sit right here in my home and to minister your word to your people I thank you for the many testimonies that has encouraged me to continue to do what I do and to know that the more of life so people that I would never meet him as lifetime but the impact of the word that you've placed in me to freely give to them Lord Father what I pray that I don't ever get caught up and and raping people financially for your word and charging them for your word and telling them they have to so in order for you to do something this is never your gospel this was never your word so I pray those who you are raising up now those who are the Joseph's father were those who are the Gideon's right now they may not see it now but I pray that they would maintain a spirit of you melody I tweeted it went in with a spirit of compassion that they would have a spirit where they are about literally tending to the Bride of Christ not trying to build brands and emphasis and live the worldly lifestyle but a live a humble life always giving that which was freely given to them Lord I believe those who walk in that path will be blessed just like your blessing me I pray I know they wouldn't have to beg for money they wouldn't have to ask for no see they would have to they would have to sell no shofar and sell no nothing because once you do they do what you have called him to do you will bless people to bless them you would send people to bless them again father God release a spirit of humility release a servant spirit remove pride remove self remove those things that has polluted so many leaders father we bless you Father the only father we praise you then we ask these things in Jesus mighty name amen and amen well folks that is it for me tonight I enjoy tonight I just want to give another shout out to cable Bahamas my internet provider they have really really hooked me up they have heard my cries and as you can see I was able to to use my state of art camera you have why I love this camera and my state of the art Mikey I don't you played me yeah I see that nice lighting in the background and stuff I got a lot more stuff to show off it but I can't do it now because I set it up piece by piece but I got a superbug broad a backdrop that I'm gonna be rolling out and they're not too distant future I supposed to be starting my radio show hopefully this weekend or next weekend they'd lift the curfews on the weekend so I'll be back to my radio show again and with my internet being so super I now can do what I originally planned to do which was after I would have retired to do a 30-minute show if not every day every other day to something I always wanted to do and simultaneously I can also simultaneously broadcast to my different News Now so all of those things all of those things I want the menu I just needed a solid Internet I got that now so you guys continue to pray for me go over the video again and let the Lord continue to bless you thank you and you have a good night
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 52,561
Rating: 4.9123545 out of 5
Id: bt4blf4Tjh4
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Length: 109min 24sec (6564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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