Dreaming about babies

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goodnight Facebook having some technical difficulties buddy nevertheless let's get on with the show now posted earlier that tonight we're going to be doing a brief teaching on dreaming about babies dreaming about babies very common inbox that I get and especially more recently NASA honest reason why I decided to do the teaching because of the many emails that I get on this same topic particularly actually beginning from last month coming into this month but a lot of people that I wanted to have interpretations on those dreams that dealt with babies in the dream now before I get into that tonight I want to make clear what make very clear and more so than ever it is mandatory and I cannot put enough emphasis on it you have to you have to take your dream seriously you have to now begin to to document your dreams I strongly advise that most people don't like to write because I guess it takes a lot to write it in detail what I would recommend and what I used to do I have got the little arm record all that was way back then but now you can even use your cell phone as soon as you get up you just put your cell phone on record and begins speaking into the cell phone the actual dream that you would have experience and that would be the best time actually to record the dream because more than likely the dream is fresh and you'll be better able to really reiterate sorry the entire story - whatever recording device that you would have use but your dreams are very important it's it's literally showing you things to come it is revealing to you the root causes of many things that's going on in here and God is doing his best he's doing his best so that you would not be ignorant that you would not be caught in the traps or the nets or the snares of those who are deceitfully working against you God also wants you to see that in the midst of your circumstances in the midst of what may seem challenging for you the dream of now come about and I'll show you that at the end of this trial at the end of this difficulty that there is indeed a reward for you so your dreams are very important one of the most noted ones I can record from the Bible is the story about Joseph I think that's in Genesis 37 and it spoke about the children that he had and Joseph having zero idea that he would have gone through so much hell and not with strangers but what is going to family his own family his brothers in particular were jealous of him and they were jealous because a the father favored him more over them but primarily after reiterating his dreams of him the scripture says that his brothers hated him even the more when he began to reiterate his dreams to his brothers it was so amazing because these brothers who obviously had the gift of interpretation began to tell him you know what do you think you are how you forgive what a lot of us how do you forgive in a rule of us and Joseph being entirely ignorant to his Rhian something no idea what their met while he would have been a dreamer his brothers really had the gift of interpretation so here you have this gifted family but because of the spirit of jealousy here the guys have got the different interpretation they're not even recognized money I can actually interpret this they're so busy projecting the hate towards their brother that they actually overlooking the gift that God has even given that isn't that interesting so in his dream Joseph's dream God revealed to him what is future would have been late okay one day this guy is going to be not only ruler but he's going to be a ruler in a nation that actually hated the Hebrew people which would have been Egypt nevertheless the dreams which are always paring into the unseen world because you might always tell you that the unseen world or the spiritual grammar the spiritual world that we want to call it that is where everything happens that is where everything takes place primarily initially things a manufacturer conceived there to be projected or to be or pending for our natural world so God took Joseph in his dream and allow him to see excerpts through signs and symbols and certain actions in his dream that was playing to a greater reality of what he would become in the future what I like most about that story also is that God never gave him the details of what he would have went through particularly receiving heat from his own family nevertheless those things were building him to accommodate where God was going to take him eventually a lot of you're going through and right now you're going through hell and your marriage hell on the job the kids giving you hell but if you look at it as God training you or conditioning you for something greater I think it would appreciate what you're going through more I supposed to complaining to everybody about it and whenever you do speak about it you have something negative to say but anyway I want to go into one of that so let's just get rid into it tonight we're talking about dreaming about babies dreaming about babies and got a minimum just last week alone about 15 to 20 people call me or send me some email on you know dreaming about babies and so I wanted because during this time this is what makes it so special during this time with the dream of a babies man listen there's so much revelation that you're gonna find in bed rate right and God is directly speaking to you especially butyl ones with the baby not from a natural perspective when we look at a baby several things come to mind we think about a new human being that has entered the human race so from that perspective when we think about a baby we think about something new a new idea when you begin to interpret it from a natural perspective we think about a new opportunity a new beginning or the new start so you're dreaming about babies and especially if I see a common dream then the mere fact that the dream is repeating itself or every sort in the dream is beginning to show up it speaks of confirmation meaning that whatever the entirety of that dream is revealing that is gonna come to pass you know it's definitely going to come to pass so excuse me when you're dreaming about a baby for example I say you got a dream and in this dream let's say it's less is a female in this case and you dreamt you were pregnant in the dream but you saw yourself on the operating table or whatever but you could not give birth or the dream ended before you gave birth to the baby now depending on the other details of the dream the dream would more than likely be pointing to ideas and dreams that you have but you're unable to give birth to it so this would mean this of course stems from being on the table to give work and you're pushing and you do wanna stuff with this baby income it all the dream ended prior to giving birth so again that dream would referee and you your silver talent you are filled with dreams and aspiration and all this stuff but but the dream is showing you that is difficult it's difficult for you to bring those things for the reason why you need to notice is because now remember because this is spiritual and you're being given an excerpt from the spiritual realm what is hindering you in the natural realm so immediately you get out of the dream not only do you begin to rebuke what's blocking your ideas or the resources for your ideas you'll begin to pray father God I thank you for the revelation that you've given me in my dream you're showing me that I do have ambition I do have ideas I do have visions and grunts but Lord whatever it is that's preventing me from giving birth to what you have placed with me I curse it I rebuke it so you go into those things you challenge it because the dream now of God has shown you through the dream which is also a spiritual realm how to attack the root cause of what is causing you not to go forward and that's that's important so in such a dream like that there you try to give birth in the dream which you're not giving birth or a dream or you woke up before you gave birth they need to come against and mainly hear the spirit of anti-progress okay anti-progress means these are demonic forces and spirits that are blocking all the spiritual corridors of your life from causing the things and God has already blessed you with to comfort okay now also in a negative dream where let's say let's use a guy and let's say this guy in a dream he's holding this baby and let's say it is his baby energy right he has this baby in the dream and the dream now began to show him in a place that is not familiar with well when we begin to put it together being in a place but you're not familiar with speaks of confusion I mean you just imagine right now you vacation you know family and you're an americorps your prayer books and your GPS went bad okay the GPS isn't working at all okay and you're depending on the scheduler model other we had to navigate so immediately you find your place you find yourself in a place where you don't know so that's automatic confusion okay you you you you you don't you don't recognize this place and you don't know how to navigate from you so if in a dream you're in a place that you're not familiar with always remembers its peaks of confusion however in this dream you have a baby so you know that meant because based on the symbols in this dream a baby in this case will now mean you're a novice or or a maturity undeveloped you not fully prepare or or you're not fully and knowledgeable about some venture or some idea or something you're getting into that's what the damage will be into you so that mean babies in a dream can also mean in maturity because remember babies are undeveloped they're not adults so speaks of immaturity it speaks of not being fully developed it also speaks like I say on being a novice okay you knew at something so so so once you nail down would the baby mean you take all of the other contents of the dream to bring the message together so that means that is baby could even represent immaturity it can represent a new opportunity it can represent a new idea it can also mean something you're not prepared for something that is undeveloped you need more development in it prior to getting into many of you got business ideas or your making preparations to start a new business or even go into a business venture with someone but all of a sudden you saw in a dream where your partner had a baby and the partner look I said he or she didn't know what to do with this baby so the dream is not given a heads up oh hold on this partner isn't ready to deal with this co-operation in the business so the dream is not revealing to you what is now what you will never know under normal circumstances again everything has its origin in the realm of the spirit and the unseen world all things all things from the beginning way back in Genesis chapter 1 verse what all things has their origin in the realm of the Spirit so the dream is showing you you're blind to these things naturally you don't know what's going to make people here you don't know what they're thinking you don't know their backgrounds you you you only know what they present to you you only know what they want you to know but God is going to come now and take you take your spirit while you sleep somewhere physically take your spirit in the realm of the Spirit and now begin to reveal stuff to you through small excerpts small windows small monitors in the spiritual realm to show you what spending to show you what's being lined up and looking for your approval to manifest itself in the natural world then there are people who are what I call straight dreamers and we discussed this before one of my teaching straight dreamers are people who there are no codes there are symbols exactly how it's revealed in the dream is exactly how one panel I moved to be a strictly man some every sort of table a dream will come straight to me I know of people who said to me Kevin I dreamt my cousin was pregnant and guess what a few days later somebody called me and turned me so so frightening see that's a strange rumor just our God showed to them is exactly how it's going to be revealed in the dream now that does not mean you should nail that down as a law because there are times when you can you could spring straight in there times where the dream can be symbolic so you have to be open and you have to ask your father but give me the revelation as to what exactly is this you're showing me industry but is this exactly how you're revealing it to me or am I supposed to read through the symbols designs the actions and so on in the dream because you do not want to misinterpret and miss the true message that's being revealed their new ideas new ideas new ideas new ministries you will normally have dreams with babies you will see that a lot especially if you have a dream and you're in church and you're given birth to babies let's go out showing you mind you you sort of you in ministry you sort of your own congregation you sooner have get one setting so the dream that was coming not for you to jump up in the past complacency lucky I got along here because I gave the my own thing no no no no the dream is saying now this is going to be the end result now start preparing well it's resume you gotta start with man because all hell is going to break loose after the dream and really what's happening is God is training you in that environment Trude difficulty into challenges a lot of us missing Clifford these things and be become angry with the past time so that making nasty remarks and it's become this you see I say nonsense Milano whenever you have the assurance trust me you are being prepared where God is just like with Joseph Joseph had the dream about him one day his brothers and mothers and all of those his mother and so on bowing to him meaning to serve and he's going to be a leader one day but he didn't just got slingshot into that position as you know his brothers became jealous of him trying to kill him next thing he was sold to the Midianites they sold them into Egypt he became the butler of the house of Potiphar from the excuse of rape and then he went to prison he became in charge I don't understand that but if you look at the trend of his life after these dreams every situation he found himself that he was a little he was a leading party for some scripture says that the only thing part of the new Anna sauce was the food of this table Joseph took care of everything he was in charge of the servants male and female he was the one that supervised everything even after Potiphar's wife falsely accused him of rape and he was sent to jail he was a Hebrew these would be killed but this was the saber on this man life and God God had an obligation of protecting him because there was an investment going on in him that he gave them a preview of suda2 to dreams so when he went into prisons they made him in charge of the prisoner so in both cases he was in a charge to say hey I'm in charge of the bully no he was in charge because he's being grown hello he's being conditioned you know for what God showed him in the dream you're going to become a leader one day so now you got to go through difficulties you got to go through haters and jealous people and and and then place at the back of the line and having a pay cut and getting fired and being accused falsely but that's if you look at it from a building perspective then you're welcome okay this of course and I think help me give me the patience to go through my next level give me the mindset to not take this poison on but to see that the enemy is now coming at me to discourage me from fulfilling appointments and that's how you have to look at it so if you're having babies in the workplace if you're having babies in your ministry in your churches and again these are dreams then you are being prepared to eventually move on into your own ministry and now begin to spiritually give birth to your own congregation to your own people but again that the men you must lay on your laurels and say hey look I can just run the show later no you need to prepare how to treat people and speak to people Church administration see all of this stuff you need to know prior to getting into that particular trades now not to begin that part of it I had a person called me it was sometimes nasty because I'm not like I said I've had several folks call me on email me about drinks but this two particular dreams that I want to share with you to make that I really think would be in blessing to you and now I want to go on to the spiritual part the gluco perspective what does a baby mean entry okay no that's an economy they were telling me about the dream that they had and how I think it was themselves and another person some other folks that I were pregnant and apparently the other ladies that were there even though this person was pregnant originally the other ladies were giving birth then the one was telling it into me they were giving the other lease or giving birth and this person couldn't bring forth their kid excuse me eventually this person did have the baby in the dream but amazingly the baby began to rapidly grow from from a baby toward to a toddler all the way up to an adult before this person's eye and the person was confused about this then add another person who called me and she was telling me about this dream and she said she was having this dream for years over and over that she decided to give me a call and ask me a bottle but in every time she had the dream she's holding a baby and the baby is either sickly or the baby is weak or the baby isn't fully developed however in this last ring that she had she dreamt out again the baby was sickly but she was feeding the baby and the baby began to gain strength gain strength gain strength and tell me baby become really active and robust right two powerful dreams that carry it a major spiritual implication for both of these people's lives so I want us to look at a scripture to bring more like this what if the look at sons 127 we going to look at verse 3 remember tonight the talk about babies I'm gonna make this brief as possible sounds 127 and +3 and listen to what it says some stirring so it comes one sound verse three sounds 127 says low children are a heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as we did again that as we will make sense no or look children are a heritage of the war and the fruit of the womb is his ring I'm going to take description and this scripture is going to become the spiritual principle of us going at a higher level as it relates to dreaming about babies okay now the scripture says to us that no children are heritage that word heritage really needs inheritance right now check this out the Hebrew the original Hebrew word for that word heritage is neck hollow and it means a possession it means to like a family heirloom or a family inheritance of something that was passed on to you so the scripture says that children are here is but watch another meaning that it has there's an opening in the next meaning of that word Nacala in Hebrew means gift and this is very important because we're going to use those two dreams that I give you as reference to expanding more on this so let's remove the word heritage and let's replace it with the next Hebrew meaning gift so the scripture saying you now and sounds 127 verse 3 it says lo children's our children are a gift from the Lord okay so let's put a pin right there what that mean now is that those who dreams and many of you having symptoms of the babies when you're dreaming or more babies especially you people who are ministry especially you people who don't know what your gifts are your talents our babies in a dream for you is speaking about the spiritual gifts that God has given you so if you are have a dream and you're dreaming about a baby and that baby is malnourished and that baby that mean that you are sitting on your gift you're not nourishing you'll give you're not out there doing what you're supposed to do with the gift of singing the gift of teaching the gift of healing so the gift itself is now beginning to wither away now you may say Kevin no no no I'm gonna give it away okay when you're wrong and some of you are just saying Oh what do I got some need for me and God don't take much no gift from nobody now I don't know what you hear that from last other nonsense and anyone who come with me that month so guys check them right away that is absolute foolishness because there's no in the Bible you read that you can give me no scripture for I can give you I can give you scriptures where God has given or can give you a gift if you don't use it'll take it from you Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 25 you all know the story about the three servants the Bible says master came he gave one five talents remember that one two talents and we give the next one one talent right the master Wesley and eventually after many days or months or years he came back to reconcile with his servants whom he gave talents to and he noted two initial stories the one with the five talent he was all excited master gave me five talents I went out there and I went among the exchanges and the bank and I invested whatever and now I have five more in addition to the fact that you gave me the master said you couldn't think for servant you have been faithful the little eyes will make you ruler over much go into your rest blah blah blah wonder why the two talent the same story he was faithful he multiplied what he had and the same thing went for him now the one with the one talent that this is interesting the one who had the one talent the scripture says that he buried it he buried the talent so when we bury something we're burying and I did a teaching on this also dreaming or bearing stuff you're bearing the death to me you're bearing the purpose you're concealing and caging and imprisoning and imprison that which is supposed to be a blessing to others that which is supposed to advance others that was supposed to elevate and care upon honest probably into their own gift their own ministry their own businesses but you're sitting on the component that they need from you that God is invested in and is causing them not a wall around in circles in life so the guy with the one talent buried it when the master came to him the first thing came out of his body said I was afraid he's I was afraid because I know he said I know that you you you you reap from from wherever you you you saw it and I buried my talent but listen with the master said to him because this but I read this story about a million times because when the revelation hit me it was beyond belief the master said to him you wicked and slothful servant now that's interesting because when I think of the word wicked I think of an adulterer I think about someone who do x-rated videos a murderer I think of someone vicious I knew who practiced the occulting and hint that's when I hear a word wicked this is the category of the type of people that I just previously call but when I went back in the scripture I saw no record on no account of this guy being a rapist a pedophile a tax cheat I would never however the evidence I presented itself had said that he did not use the gift or the talent that his master gave him and he Sony but the story did mendel the story now goes on a little recess next it says that the master ugh punish him how he took the one talent that he had not a few people abusing court etiquette alum Africa he took them one talent that he had watch me does next and he gave it to the one who has the ten because obviously the one who's that who has the ten know how to multiply talents how to multiply to give heart of gold and make it work there so dreaming about babies and these babies are my lurch or these baby seems sickly they're not growing it means that you you need to you need to go before God God clearly at this dream is showing me I'm not using the gifts that you've given me and and clearly either I'm not using it I'm not nurturing it obviously whatever it is that I'm doing it is not good but remember the lady she said after she started feeding the baby the baby began to grow and grow a good become strong what does that mean it means dreaming from now number one that she will begin to move for them a gift but what the dream was also showing me that I explained to her I said I said listen you should have been much further than you are right now you should have been you should have been in ministry years ago that's why you keep having the dream the dream of saying why are you still sitting here why wherever you were being on a job or whatever you were doing wherever your attention span was so focus on you were on a road that you are a junuh you were going contrary to where the gift was supposed to be taking you to advancing the lives of others and opening doors for you all of the things and that you were waiting on all of the things that you want expecting from God it was wrapped up in your gifts and when you begin to move in the gift multiplication is the inevitable you don't believe me look at the guy who started four five talents look at the guys starting off for two talents when they begin to go out there and use the gift multiplication increase fruitfulness is the inevitable but if most of you just like the guy the one talent fair fair became the uncle fair caused them to to not use the gift that God has given but as I'm talking because see you're not using the gift doesn't end there you will have to give in confidence you will have to stop just like these guys you would have to stand before what an expand to him Mary Mary I gave you the gift of sinning I gave you the gift of healing I can't Kevin I gave you the gift of teaching but you never used it now Kevin because that meant nothing to you on earth but look over here look at the many souls and when contrarily waiting on your gift I have called you to be in Egypt I've called you to be in the Bahamas I've called you to be in Turks and Caicos according to be in Canada for a specific group of people to release your gift to but you never showed up because you were too busy doing something else as a result of that these people became wandering aimlessly in life waiting for the connect from you so you see when you're having these dreams of a baby you really need to consider these dreams because as speaking a lot about you the other dream my friend is telling me about where even though she gave birth last in the group of women that were there the reality was her baby was just spinning for so what was the Los Angeles lady the Lord is saying not listen she's going to just go forth in her gifts she is gonna and even with speaking when I'm listening that she's probably watching me right now I could just hear the excitement she's extremely gifted in a prophetic I spell about almost four hours speaking tonight I wish I could even speak to some more because listening to the many things that was happening with a gift I mean it just encouraged me and I want to speak to people like that I want to speak to people who just excited who number one who know what the gifts are and excited she told me about different things I got show on a dream and reveals are better than additional exam and just how he reveals it to her it's exactly how it happened she will actually go and tell the people listen you need to do XYZ get this all wrong because God showed it to me and you know what to with that God has given an anointing of respect that she could even go to a string and say listen I bought a dream about you and will command the attention of that person to listen to her and this is why it is important is important times getting short time is moving quickly you don't have the time to say you know what I can get saved later or I can deal with this but you need to deal with that now because people are waiting on you they're not aware of you you're not aware of them but God will lead you into places and demonstrate that yes be in the prophetic be a dream interpretation or whatever and to use myself as an example you know there are many places that I travel and do my teaching I do a lot of reading on Facebook and do an auto riding above all hours of the night posting posting posting posting writing and posting God have given me the gift of wisdom the gift of knowledge to give of understanding but not only that he's also giving me the gift to articulate the revelations that he gave me so much so that I can explain it that even a child would understand it God has given me the understanding of knowing the spiritual realm the knowing the rules how our offer rates of how its manifested in this room so now when I go and share this with other people and then taper dared read something like Jesus Boyd that this makes so much sense to me all my life what happened is dream or or something you wrote that a day whether it was in the newspaper wherever something I watched on television where I was a recording leader at the studio and it just got so much revelation to me about my marriage about my children about my job I did a video so I think it was late December Nasia on witchcraft in the workplace and that thing went viral you know other people email me as far as Singapore as far as our relation what it is it me I'm just a vessel who decide to use this gift okay who decide to use this gift now what's the reward of when you use the gift let's go back to the same scripture Psalms 127 verse 3 no children are a heritage or local are a gift from the Lord what is now and the fruit of the womb is his reward so what is that saying that's saying that the yes here we give you the children it almost is a gift from God as God's gift you the gift singing the gift of healing whatever Danny says he speaks of a fruit and the fruit like a mango food or an apple whatever the fruit is the result of something then another word is use your reward I can speak personally about this I am rewarded we have I have a bit I'm rewarded just doing this video right now how is it by the time I end this video and my my email I probably going to leave some emails to comedy the other English was coming it well because the reward is once forgive me release someone somewhere in the world watching this I will watch it later it's gonna become the revelation to a mystery in their life someone watching me right now say my god I need to watch this I've been having these baby dreams over and over and over and over again and this man comes right here how even knowing someone just share this video and say go watch this rather and this fellow is now giving me the key which is the revelation to the mysteries I've been having about these baby dreams so you see why it's makin another haters I have plenty here they cannot hit me goodnight come on Bernard many people try to describe something happen because I know I know God has placed me in this time to feed his people to educate his people to give them knowledge the Bible says that his people are perishing because of a lack of knowledge I'm just so fortunate to be one of those people who me as gifted back with knowledge to give to you I don't charge you I do because I love sharing knowledge the knowledge that God has given me has released me from so much bondages in my life before I used to think I was abolished because I was broke I don't have no money or bad relationships no no no no no no no they were the end result of a lack of knowledge after God began to deal with me and study and so on and give me the spiritual implications which were pulling the strings to my life and I was able to sever them this is when God introduced me to my my favorite Scripture probably shuffling a chapter 11 verse 9 B that says that through knowledge shows that just be delivered so no no anointing oil delivered me and set me free no miracle oil no Jesus juice no seed offering no no what I did is I began to read it I began to study and then my maximum after receiving the revelation of the word is to begin making it practical then I made it practical then the change then the shackles the end the ferrous and all of those places that I was anchored to and cause I mean not to go forward was all clipped and severed spiritually thus enabling me to go forward physically and that's what happens you read on God is releasing his knowledge to his people he's doing it through dreams he's doing it through visions he's doing it to the prophetic many of you God is speaking to you in your dreams which is discarding it you're pushing it aside but here's what you're pushing aside to revelation to unlock the mystery of your life you see your dreams your dreams are the keys are the revelation to unlock why is it you're 40 45 when you're not married is here why is it you've been on a job for 20 years and never promoted why is it that everybody and your family is getting ahead in life and you were the black sheep why is this I'm sure the dreams were coming coming coming but you keep dismissing it because you don't understand the spiritual application of the revelation in that dream so I'm here to assist and you getting that revelation knowledge so you're dreaming about babies many of you you want a season we're about to be moved to the next level and God Himself in chapter 3 verse 7 makes it clear he said which is caught this is me that he will do or he will not allow anything to happen on this planet in this earth unless he reveal his secrets to his servants that when we call them the profits in their particular words so when God is about to do something someone some profit he is going to get front-row seats in the spiritual realm that see what's gonna happen prior to happening here many of you God has been speaking to you over and over but other people revealing them to you in dreams let me give you an example of it two nights ago I had this dream and this personal I dreamt about I mean my mind was lonely up on them in fact I've been under major spiritual attack you have recent and I know why and I mean I'm talking the dreams of becoming a currency cat dog you name it and I didn't have all him in the tree good evening I had this feel about this lead I know a very well and in this dream we were going towards her apartment and we're her friend Global supposed to be there was a low daughter but there was this red canvas and had like these sex cords to each end to to the top to the bottom to in the middle and they were tied at the edge of the door same of dropping the door so lot of us to get inside she has to pull the canvas first the good side but all throughout this room she's not speaking to me she's not talking to me now she's not being rude but it's like something but in the day again there was nothing on her mount to prevent her from speaking but she could not speak any I'm following her squeezing myself inside right behind him and we get into off apartment very small but very filthy dirty apartment very very dirty every day in fact it was almost as if she was a hoarder because she had a bunch really can't stack up now even though was dirty this was interesting even though was a dirty place the the objects and stuff that she had that they were neatly stacked so not in the living room area I mean dirty I mean this place wasn't clean for like years so he now takes me because there's this corridor that leads straight to the to the woman about to take a one-bedroom so when we got in the back the place is even more filthy and I'm looking around in this place I'm saying to myself how does this lady live in this place and she's just left all around and she cannot speak so she's pointing she's giving gestures and just doing like this in the room and then she can do this and this sad face and I'm looking around like what is this so I've been looking around I noticed in the center of what's supposed to be the bedroom part of this place there is this chair and the chair is like when you sit on it like you can't see a show miss but the cheetah was extremely during the chair was originally white and color but this chair was almost as if mechanics who were working just fine and that she ever sold LT but sitting in the chair was a demon and the demon I don't know if you guys ever saw the M&M commercials right where they have the M&M well this is exactly how the demon look but it's just she which this big belly and it was the color of this demon was a kinnor tea green like like vomit and he had this abnormally long arm that was getting small and big small and big and it was all over the chair like this and drinking and just throwing stuff all over the place but she couldn't see this demon only me I could see everything about it now she couldn't see the demon and the demon couldn't see me however in the dream the demon had full control why like whenever the demon movements had whatever gesture does it brought on another sadness another life like every more she made spiritually like I knew would the movement where it was depression sadness or the inability to go forward so she's looking at it like me and dream like this and it's like she's looking at me and her facial expressions are being translated to me how I don't know so she's like I can't go on over I feel tied down I'm so depressed all the time mind you she's not communicating this verbally but as she's looking at me making these gestures it's being interpreted to me in the dream so I look at the demon and the demon is sitting down big and sloppy the belly just jiggling all over the place and filthy when I said filthy penalty but whenever there's is haraam overturn there's another form of sadness depression and blocking her from doing the things that she's going to own another thing about the dream so like everything in the dream like I said she has caught up immediately Karen's name or to me it was like the dream was revealing to me she was very frugal very cheap but this wasn't happening because she wanted to be this way this spirit that she could not see was governing her life haven't liked I'd wake up they eventually came back outside and she began to show me around this place and even though was an apartment complex she was the only one that lived in the place was the entire property was just you know it was it was like a xxx apartment complex in the middle of a desert but this place had like a wall all the way around a high wall and on top of the wall they were like Bob wires in case some were try them you know cut you up she couldn't get up I woke up with a dream and when I woke up that morning immediately I went to pray for because I know God was showing me to pray and break this evil spirit that has a hole on this needle anyway there's a friend of Mines of mutual friend that me and this lady [ __ ] and the lady lives not too far from them so I call them I talk about did you in and I told it in detail so my father's like Kevin listen to me carefully everything you are telling me in terms of the expression all that stuff she said this only the Lord could have revealed this to you because I know you don't come here and I know you don't go out on that level but everything that God revealed to me in the dream was speaking about this meeting now why am I telling you this I'm telling you this is why you have to take your dreams so seriously here it is clearly there is no one where that lady is to pray to intercede for her so God will reach to one of the servants and begin to reveal someone's life being the history being what they're going through and reveal and prove that whole file on that person not for you to go to I had a dream about you last night I see with you and bondage you need to get seven to never know for you to learn to see it so immediately I began to pray for I said God I break every demonic hole every spirit of bewitchment everything that's on this lady that the Spirit is controlling I Christ that sprit and commanded to catch and I just begin to of going and every day every day now I included in my product and I and I am an expectation that things are going to change the whole because God says I will not allow anything to take place in this earth until I reveal my secrets to my prophets first so prophets calling showing you to show you gonna show me to go spirit if you would business core nation it would tell everybody what you saw he's showing you you need to pray you need to pray for that person because God is revealing it to you so I am an expectation and I'm praying for even now that God will set us free from the shackles invisible shackles but also with the dream are you showing me which I always make mention of in my teaching that the spiritual world is the controlling arena of everything and there many of you are not progressing a life there's many you are not going spiritually you've been saved or you've been a Christian for any number of years you're delighted to tell me you're your devout Catholic or you're committed jehovah sorry you're committed seven day Adventists or whatever your denomination is and that means absolutely nothing yet denomination means zero what what have you achieved since becoming a Christian since becoming a child of God because he's gonna judge you he's he he he is gonna pull your side he is going to say I've sent you to earth to do XYZ but I'm looking at your file I'm looking at your performance review and you did absolutely nothing the many souls are died and went to hell because you never showed up you never witness you never say you never say that that ephemeral I was supposed to bring those young people to conviction you didn't do it you didn't notice also to to Minister my work in fact you have more bad strikes on your record mr. Krishnan then good so I'm saying to someone tonight you need to get serious about the gift that God has given you and one of the best ways of getting serious is to clip away the idea of your gift making money free instead using your gift free like I do free I let God bring the increase to you and that's why many of you expected that he was stumped because you you're a great singer but you think about that record label you think about that run in it you will never get it you will never and if you do get it you will be used and the person who's producing fear whatever they will make the lion's share because that is not that God wants you to be so I'm saying to you if you are having these dreams about babies over and over go to speaking to you directly about your ministry he time is short you need to get in motion you need to stop making excuses you need to submit all this job all these children all my husband stop it because whatever is important for you you would make room for it you will make time for it get up and move in your gift you know most of you know what God is calling for wherever your passion is look at it some of you love helping other people some of you love to give some of you love to encourage others do it do it every night whenever I do have the chance about you my emails and I'm read that saying you post today you have no idea what I was going through and I was asking what to speak to me and I flip on Facebook in here as you're talking about doing this and doing that you're talking about rise up and you had no idea I was trying to make a decision you want no added up saying God give me God I don't know how to make the decision but speak to me and all of a sudden you pop on Kevin Laue on Facebook and there's a message there for you this is why I will never stop and then many of you have written me talking nonsense and mayor's web to be posted on Facebook I'll get your for Facebook if you don't like it get our Facebook and let the people stay on the aisle who need to hear something from God simple is that easy I don't know I have people to learn this get on this was 2 minutes if I'm on someone's page and their things on day that I don't like you know I care enough then I come off the page I love to call them in October and make my remarks no you go to the next page if you're not contented or supply with the page that you want whether one is their page it is their opinion and if you don't like it they leave them or delete yourself or me suppose that but anyway you have to begin using your gift God is giving you those dreams about babies because he's he want a bird something new and you there's a new beginning there's a new start he trying to initiate something but for the most part or one of this is all of the framework for your ministry I didn't get here overnight any of you who know me and know my story you know the hell I went through you know the attacks you know the law you know me and you know when you see me it only could be the grace of God that has brought me here but I didn't jump here I didn't become wise overnight a lot of it came through the personal experiences that were of the core of my life but I didn't know that but it was groaning me a conditioning me yet for now and not as where you are right now so you need to ask our Father God okay again tonight obviously you're talking about my gift for you talking about a new beginning or a new promotion or whatever it is or much fully developing a scenario as it relates to these dreams oh I'm dreaming about babies so asking right now father when I saw random mice up to You Father the plants and I had a book called would make this record deal the plans that I had on goals of builders website trying the cells of jewelry and yes Father God erased my plan right now you were declared that there's a way unto us that may seem or pair to be right problem 16 and 25 but you guarantee if at the end of our way is destruction is hardship is backwardness you don't want that right so let's go to the next scripture is going to give you something positive proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 says that there are many devices or ideas and a marker many dreams many aspirations that we have but little bit the scripture says it says but only the console of God shall prevail for a person's life forever erase every idea every dream that I have every aspiration that is contrary to your will that is contrary to your way and let only prevail in my life your console for my life because according to your word programs 19 and 21 it is only your question that would reveal so let your clock remove that that sudden idea of getting rich quick or whatever that I feel this gift supposed to do for me now but instead father God your word declares that a man's gift shall make room for him father this nice dissonant some of you should be premiering our father' this night allow me to expunge my planks and allow your plants to run its course now Lord like you promised let or allow the gift that you've given me to make room for me for those of you who don't know your gift will ask our Father your word declares that you have blessed us with all spiritual blessings hello before the foundation of the world according to Ephesians one chapter in chapter one verses 3 and 4 it says that you are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places verse 4 says and you have chosen us in you before the foundation of the world father released me tonight we're in a dream be it in a vision or through some profit however you choose to do it reveal to me what my gifts are what is it God I'm confused I don't know I'm a Christian I'm not a Christian tell me just like how you would reveal it to Kevin Justin are you reveal it to Mary or Peter I am sincerely asking you I'm tired of being on this treadmill going nowhere I'm trading 25 I'm 30 I want to live right I want to be a Christian I want to do the right thing Lord but there's so many obstacles in my way I am asking you Lord to remove those obstacles from its origin which is the spiritual realm remove every devil every demon every spiritual stumbling block every spiritual petition that's preventing me for going to the next level erased out of my way Lord and catapult me to where I should have been at this point in my life let those opportunities that you have made specifically for my gift that has passed me by Lord let them revisit me in the name of Jesus Christ not slingshot me to the person who you've spoken to about this gift to elevate me further God there are people around this world who don't know me you have given me favor with them Lord by your spirit by your power cause that divine connection between me and their every connection that is contrary to yoga for my life father I rejected I refuse to come honorable everyone in my every dream that I've had their evil hands had given me a baby which is a gift from the devil I renounce that I reject it every dream that I've had I've seen babies Lord in black clothing or babies under water somewhere or babies in a toilet these are dreams from Satan child I didn't know about them but I know now so the man of God I reject I renounce I Christ all dreams from wherever when they have started more wrong over those dreams that I did not reject will by default have any more say in my life this way those chords are routed the enemy husk has hijacked my gift and replace it with evil gifts father God this night the exchange has been me and now power is about to change hime Lord I open my life to receive of what you have already given me and according to your law in probably six verses 32 31 it says if the thief be followed and tonight we'll discover him by the evil implementations that the enemy has placed in my dreams and as a result of hijack my original gift not a command the devil a command his spirits as well as I command his human agents in the realm of the Spirit to release my gifts to release my talents to release my opportunities and according to proverbs 6 verses 30 to 31 and to return it unto me Sevenfold according to your law father I stand on your word tonight and your word according to prophet 6 verses 3 to 31 says of the three be found he must return unto the owner there of seven four of what he had originally taken from me those of your Dale your 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 years old the enemy has hijacked your gifts and some of you have lived decades and never participated in the gifts that God has given you that was supposed to open doors for you and you should not be living the way that you live in right now with the gift that God has given you the enemy as I got your gift but tonight he's gotta give it up father I curse every devil I curse every warlock I curse every rich every alter speaking against the destiny of these people that has been cause that is cause their gift to be tied and caged I command the fire of God like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah to target the padlock on the padlock on that spiritual cage and break the cage open and release these people's gift release their opportunities release their wisdom release their knowledge release the understanding release their connections that were supposed to elevate them everything that has been planted in your life that was not of God I speak the Word of God against it the Word of God God says he will pluck up what he did not put in your life so I send a fire of God to the root of every evil seed every evil sacrifice every evil spell every incantation whatever is over you right now that is causing you to walk around life and circle to walk or move around the same mountain year after year of the year of the year no more just like God said to Moses today you go easily or northward today you got to break the cycles to make the cycle of defeat the cycle of non success the cycle of anti-progress the cycle of just go and run the same mountain over and over will come to an end tonight by the blood of Jesus Christ by the power of the Living God by the sword of the Spirit that clearly dictates absolutely no weapon none there's been form against you shall prosper any longer so I ask the Father in the name of his son Jesus if you come an agreement and like that dis night the shackles of them broken and as a result of the shackles being broken in the realm of the Spirit I pray to God like God father God just like Ali Elijah prayed for his servant and he prayed he says Lord opened his eyes father my threatened life for those that are listening to me for those that are watching me even now and in the future open their spiritual eyes open their spiritual ears open their spiritual understanding and cause them to see the root cause of what has held them back of what has hindered them of what has delayed them I would have said their back because from the very root the spirit of delay the spirit of said back the spirit of non progress I've been sitting in those pills for years assuring beating the tambourine running boat and flippin doing full-on kind of nonsense you flipping all over the place here you're running around free any under the power of God and you cannot exude no power this night the spell has been broken this night the victory Nabi power is about to change hands tonight tonight the power go originally give you that has been hijack through demonic dreams and evil spells and evil words and evil tongue spoken over your life father let the words of the practitioners of witchcraft let the words of that warlock let the words of that witch that has placed these people's life and spiritual bondage in the name of Jesus let those words fall to the ground in Jesus name David said in his prayer to God David says Lord let the word of my enemies become foolishness every word they spoke of you every negative cuts they say you will never prosper when they made their agreements to the satanic altars they said left him or Hart not possible let him or have a spirit of rejection so that people who are supposed to want favor them and reject them tonight the tables of turn tonight power has changed I'm not I speak to the spirit of rejection over these people's live especially you are there who have failed to be married who cannot sustain a relationship because the spirit of rejection was rejecting your prospects but tonight I command o spirits a to become blind to to become bound 3 to be tormented before their time and 4 to the chasms of your best according to the Word of God this takes this very moment in the realm of the Spirit the Lord God Almighty has severed the chains have severed those strings that the spirit of rejection has been playing with your life no longer will you be projected anymore from this night forward father God let those who once rejected them let those who once hated them let those who once couldn't stir them give them favor I speak I decree I declare the Word of God will be your life and sounds 5 verse 12 where God says he will bless the righteous and with favor shelley and compass you were both as with a shield i prophesied that word over your life I speak the laws of God over your life I take a common agreement with that scripture for you that saver would be a portion no longer with the word know being the vocabulary of others then it's time to promote you no longer than the word maybe the apology vocabulary when it's time to slingshot you - with no longer the promotion exercises come around and you got to go to the back of that no no no no no no no no no I pray even now in the name of Jesus Christ that you will be promoted when promotion exercise isn't even do I pray God right now that the money that has been kept from you over the years of you not being promoted I stand on the Word of God for you tonight according to Joel chapter 2 verse 25 that says God says I will restore unto you the years that the cankerworm the caterpillar the locusts and the primer worm is eaten away I summons those forces to regurgitate your destiny to regurgitate your prosperity to regurgitate your opportunities to regurgitate everyone let's go let's put in please to advance you this mech you will be advanced this light you will go forward this night you will possible this night the spirit of rejection has been arrested and sentenced in the name of Jesus to the abyss to be tormented before its time I speak it i decree it I declare it the word the clans have we decree of thing if we verbally say it God promised that it shall be set up it should be establish believe God tonight believe it Lord I had to listen to this man tonight were you saying from your word is what I needed to hear this was the missing piece to the complicated puzzle of my life now that I've enjoyed it in the piece that was missing I expect for everything to come together for me by the blood of Jesus Christ by the Spirit of the Living God by the power of the Living God God has already furnished your life but the enemy like Eve suddenly came in there and hijack her destiny when your destiny is hijacked you gotta wake honor your boycott and bring in little frustration and rejection become the order of the day feel all of these are signs that you are out of position difficulty after difficulty welcome every season is difficulty how come every season is disappointment how come every season as a lack that's that sound like a child of God to you that sound like the the fruit and the reward of the room according to Psalms 127 verse 3 no no it was a demonic destiny that was hijacked from you unknowingly but tonight we have identified a thief and according to the Word of God proverbs 6 32 31 he said of the thief be found or if you have discovered him then the scripture says the law says see this is a little pinning needle this is the law of God the law of God and I want you to read that scripture no in fact let's turn that's turning let's turn to so proverbs chapter 6 I want us to read it if I end up in an r/a have done probably shaft is 6 and you're going to read from verse 32 31 because they say law as it relates to making the enemy return to us but what the enemy is returning isn't physical you know no he's returning the spiritual seeds that was supposed to bring forward the physical things in our lives so then probably up to six quickly read this publish up to six versus 32 31 listen it says in verse 30 says of proverbs chapter 6 okay says men province chapter 6 verse 30 says men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his soul ok ok I got you this when he is hungry verse 31 but I like that feature here but this is proverbs chapter 6 verse 31 but if he who's he the thief if the thief be firm Oh what's gonna this is the law now if he which is the thief be found she was the he the feast shall I like the word chocolate shall not might because my would make it conditional oh the word shell makes it more this will happen if the thief be found he which is the thief shall shall restore not one not two not three not even four not even six shall restore seven for he shall give not just a seven for now this is a sigh from the seventh Lord he shall give all the substance of this relative with the baby dancing with the nephew we didn't mean the scripture says that if this feast be fun we found them tonight because you haven't been progressing and the dreams have been surely with remember babies and haven't shown you opportunities have been showing you the new beginnings but ain't none of that has been happening for you in fact even seeing the opposite so that mean the Cephas obviously come in be a hijack you stuff and replace it with with anti-progress backwardness suitably and so on this scripture says that we would have discovered with a better name it says he which is the seas shall not make shall return unto you Sevenfold that's just the initial stages then description goes on Masseria it says and he shall give all the substance of us all so let me tell you that me there are people who are laying off where were you living right now in cemeteries who died who never participated in the things that God has given them wife because the enemy stole it from them and they never had someone like me or others to teach them these things so they can go and retrieve it so the enemy they are dead now and the enemy has their goods in his storehouse God is saying in this structure I love this praise you Jesus he says not only mustard seeds returned unto you seven for but free-up offer word Joanne had trip over with Marriott free up of what would Suzie even though they are dead and gone but their goods are still in the enemy's camp their goods are still in the enemy stores so you have all right through the laws of God after making freedom give me get bring my stuff into me Prester s father God in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you said to remind you of your word not that you forgot your word but you said that that your word has been placed above your name and your word cannot return unto you void and you said let every man be a liar but let you O Lord be true this night we stand on description restart on provid six and 31 and the enemy and we know the enemy could hear us enemies tonight you have been you have been called on you have been singular all our lives you have robbed this before we were born after we were born we went into adults you place the wrong people in our lives for Mary we divorce we move on to George we go press and hell back we warm up family members all because you have changed the course you devil but tonight you have been discovered and we stand on the laws of God tonight and command you the Bible said not make devil when you shall restore us you shall get seven phone and everything else you got open account bring it tonight we demócrata the law is speaking against you Satan the law is speaking against you warlock the law is speaking against you you witchcraft wake up everyone who is speaking against our destiny everyone was hijack our destiny through evil hands evil powers evil altars we speak that also and we command the fire of God of Giggs it because the laws of God says in Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 5 Jesus God said to Moses is a tell the children of Israel when you go into the promised land which is Kenan which of this overridden by oh be avoidable Falls going he says burn their altars so father God the actual by your spirit your Lord are a consuming fire burn every evil alter that has been arrested against our destiny every evil also that are speaking against our destiny every evil sacrifice every evil ritual that they have performed to sekonic li tie up our future to anchor us to a place of north progress send your fire to the root of these things and cause it to come up with our lives in the name of jesus we speak to be decreed we declare it we believe it we start on the word of God we believe the word of God tonight father we praise you for revelation knowledge we thank you for the people that you sit on our lines to give us the listen piece of the puzzle and put it all together now and realize father God we were fighting wrong all along you said in your word over and repeatedly our fight is not against flesh and blood it was never mr. warlock itself it was never gangster which it was never against that evil boss it was never given I messed up family members and co-workers it was the spirits behind them that was using them to attack us but no longer would we pray against the boss the sister to brother no we now identified the skirt that was controlling it so that Jezebel spirit that lying spirit that deceiving and manipulative spirit that spirit of poverty that spirit of oppression that spirit of setback that spirit of delay that spirit of going around and cycle aimlessly with no form of progress year after year it is that we speak to tonight it is that we send the fire of God against it is that the Christ in the realm of the Spirit and this month of their evil trap snares and ploys that we just volunteer into before because of our ignorance it will declare signs are called the law of bondage the law of bondage states clearly in Isaiah chapter 5 verse 13 and it says that my people are going into captivity or my people are going into bondage because they lack this information this knowledge Hosea 4:6 as my people are going into so my people are perishing on one translation since when people are being destroyed why are they being destroyed because they are broken oh I didn't mean destroyed because they fornicate low I didn't being destroyed because they hate God no they are being destroyed because they lack information they lack the laws the rules of God that was implemented in a coupon freedom is a must freedom is mandatory freedom from the spiritual chains and shackles must present itself must release us from the captivity so I'm saying to you tonight this night no more playin games God has called you to do a work it may not be a preacher you probably will never stand in front of a puppet but the mayor act of showing kindness is someone else showing in the life of somebody else giving and encouraging that's why I don't stop doing what I'm doing I'm not doing it for likes I'm not doing it for him cause he's a great teacher or you always got a long time wait no no no no no no no no Damon benefits that come with the reason why I do it is because I'm using my gift I'm allowing the Lord to speak through me as I am his word to his people as I teach his word as I video this word I say whatever you see me do it is the Lord working through me what is the results Kevin what is the results he says your gifts not you Kevin not you not you you were just a vessel the gift that I put in you is to automatically open doors filled but because you weren't using your gift because you were locking your hand I want my own in business I will do my own little thing over here no I can put you back in life God what is the gift because according to your word life success the doors are supposed to be open for me is embedded in the gift and when I begin to use the gift and be led by you because there's a social group there disciple people whom you're going to place me where the gift is supposed to furnish where the gift is supposed to facilitate them father right now in the name of Jesus Christ nor again erase my thoughts in terms of what I want to do and overwhelm me with what you want me to do and cause me to your spirit Lord to line up with the things that you want through the gift open those doors and give me the bonus give me the mic and give me the courage to go to the to the place as you call me to and release this gift that's how you got to be you got to because you gonna have to give an account just like the guys with the talent the guy who did not use the one talent went to hell he went to hell I know you can be same a little Kevin you wanna note now you are no devil was they putting people in Hell ago that's why we have to put them in I don't have an elder brother member I go a three years let me tell you why the Bible starts often that scripture in Matthew 25 I think it was nineteen beginning for me and I'm going to get down to the guy with though the one time I remember we first said he said I was afraid he was fearful okay that's why I didn't use the gift they really go down to Revelation I think 22 or 23 verse 8 listen what it says it starts off by saying the fearful the whoremonger the sorcerer and the adulterer will all have their place in the link that when it would fire now you see why I conclude that in elrina so there listen listen listen I say the fairphone Orion is in Revelation Georgie 2:22 overs to it in chapter 22 or chapter 23 verse 8 111 it starts off there's a law called the law of voice matches just our dimension place it goes on and on it little start off my sander adulterer it doesn't sound of my saying the fornicator it didn't start off my same the sorcerer who worked witchcraft and hinder and no it starts off by saying the fearful go and really someone composed the scripture I'm sure it's in Revelations 22 or 23 I know it's worse 8 it started by saying that fearful with the adulterer with the fornicator with the murderess and with this look at the category the faithful is it so the fellow here who's working sorcery the fellow there who's doing wicked stuff and murdering people the guy who was several is placed in the same category as lamb why no because I couldn't understand that for years here is life you see just like the guy with the one talent his fear of going with the dog or ask him to do i suspended delayed and messed up the lives of others because it was his gift that was supposed to bring impartation so they can be careful forward or to be saved or to know Christ so the Bible speaks about the blood of other people being on your hand that was as a result of you not doing what you supposed to do so they died in their sins because you never mowed that portrait in Peru in London in the Turks and Caicos in the Bombers you never mount that pulpit that God has called you to mode because he through his infinite wisdom know that there were three people that night who was not going to live past that night but needed your gift to hear the gospel so that they could repent and even though they would have died they would have been spending repenting nobody it couldn't happen because he was in place this is why the fairphone is a category with the adulterer the fornicator the murderer the saucer the whoremongers this is why he's in the lake of fire with them because I know you're saying why would a poison whose affair whose fearful being that same position I just explained to you so I'm finished but I'm sure this teaching tonight was very helpful to you and you have to pay attention to your dreams you have to God speaking to you and listen I'm not just talking to Christian Simmons I like the only people I sit with daily I mean who don't know God who have no relationship with God and their dreams are on point Abimelech in Genesis 20 he was a little man of God and God come and talk to him never you kanessa sighs other gods and God spoke to this man in his dreams so dreams and watching the things of the future is not limited to the believer not limited to the callin core apostles and prophets know that poison our gift and according to the scriptures it says that your gift does not require repent you don't have to say Lord forgive me of my sins I surrender my life to you now bring on the gift now you have to give now you have the gift even before you say God I surrender you have it I know plenty people who operate on a guest right now but they usually for the devil purposes but it was a gift that God gave them to advance his kingdom you look at all of those styles or deal with me you sin in Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson the God give them that gift to glorify Him to to encourages people to sing praise and worship to advise you but they decide to use it otherwise and they're gonna have to give an account just like me you so even if they said Father forgive me for my sins and they go off into eternity they still they say they still question that's what I'm changed nothing they'll go to have it but the Bible speaks about different crowns that different people will get and those crowns will be based on how you utilize the gifts of God that will give it to you someone listen to me I am Telling You you you are broke right now you are living from paycheck to paycheck some of you another job it is because they sexually because they have witchcraft one with every customer like you is because you're failing to use your gift this in your gift is your wealth you know the charge nobody for this people were given to your bosom you know I didn't want to bring this up with that at times I'm just talking to a person and they will give me a couple I said you know I'm get off the painfulness no no no I want to bless you see this is what the gift see you don't have to come on a form and say I want to prophesy to take people and send this no no read Psalms 127 verse 3 children are heritage of the Lord or children I give from the Lord and they are fruit a little and the reward there's a reward that God has embedded see it's just like it's just like your job you don't have good jobs where they don't they really they promote you they encourage - these are incentives so you could be encouraged to keep doing it you want to get even better God is the same way cause this plan you you you don't you singing you you you praising me you worshiping me okay let me send someone to bless you if you in praying for a car and you don't know even to get it because you do in my work I'm gonna see that you get the car I'm gonna see that you get that home and I'm gonna do you know put a downpayment on him and be tied to some institution for the next 25 no he says the more you do my words don't wanna get people to not only bless you but make a final thing look at the globe and in on more so a lot of you are broke frustrated because you refused you sit on your behind and don't you sit back and you criticize people like me if you promise you you dog me up Kevin white you every 100 me - why are you sitting at Brookdale Darnay not not with you because you are set on some panel and protect me while I don't love masters well and now if I was you if you only kind of sense you say you know what you know what let me do what I supposed to do and let God that's what you should be doing so finish tonight and I just want to encourage you with that rivet above baby's thing just like to do some Nilla inside there but for those of you who don't know already I will tell you before you go to bed at night you make your regular printer but you always cover yourself and your family with the whole Lamb of God the scripture says that it is this I'm going to cause you to stand against the wiles of the devil Ephesians 6 verse 11 if we should 6 verse 13 says that is also this armor will cause you to stir in the evil day when you go to sleep tonight you are immediately and dreaming warfare so you don't have a choice in the matter but you do not go to any war you don't go to no war where no time top of blue jeans and this particular spiritual war dream warfare you know to outfit yourself with the spiritual armor you put it on you gamble of salvation price credit righteousness sheila fake your sword which is the Living Word of God your belt of truth and your shoes shut with the preparation of the Peace of the gospel you will remember all of that so you don't just say father what I prayed arm on me anchor you I'm over my husband my wife my children protect them in the spiritual realm a staple of industry tonight when you wake up in the morning when you remember the dream alone whether you understand the dream of our Father I know I had a dream last fall but I don't remember it or I don't understand the dream that I had but father god I pray that if that dream is of you then I come in agreement but you're confident your will for my life if that dream is not of units from the kingdom of darkness then I destroy all evil covenants that would have been subtly forged in my dream I renounce I reject every form of agreement let them subtly overtly whatever so that the enemy would have no legal right to my life to implement his evil I cursed demon and all their if the devil is demonic spirits and is human agents and that only the things that you have purpose for me I counted remove it and that you will catapult me into my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen you guys like good night amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 465,886
Rating: 4.7794008 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Dreaming about babies, Bad dreams, Good dreams, Spiritual warfare, Spiritual warfare in your sleep, Dream warfare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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