Dreams That Reveal Soul-Ties Pt.1

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okay good morning friends and family as usual it's a pleasure to be with you once again and to fulfill my promise that I made last night in terms of this teaching on dreams that reveal soul ties so I'm just waiting to for some folks to get on board I was supposed to be on from 9:30 but I had some little issues they had to work hard with my connection there's nothing major just some connections I had kind of cross Wyatt excuse me nevertheless we're up and running and today we got to do a brief teaching now seriously this is gonna be brief this is gonna be brief and this teaching is on soul ties but it's dreams that will indicate that their soul ties or there's a spirit in your life that's perpetuating this evil of not being able to get over someone now there are different types the different types of soul ties and this is something that we really need to make clear because I'm gonna be speaking specifically to to one type this morning their soul ties in business their soul ties and relationships and you name it but the one that I'm going to talk about this morning as it relates to dream is dealing with soul ties that deal with sexual or intimacy with another person how is it I know many of you a lot of you have had that experience where you when a person would have ended a relationship but it seems as if you you cannot get rid of them mentally you cannot get rid of them no matter what you do even if you decide to date someone else you still have this issue with them being on your mind that could be an ex-husband an ex-wife a former boyfriend girlfriend what have you so this teaching today is to show you the spiritual components involved the spiritual components involved but like with all my teachings though we're gonna give the scriptural foundation the root cause of why this is happening to you and we're gonna end on how you're able to break it how you can bring this all to an end so that you can now move on with your life and many people are in this position right now where they're stuck there probably even married to people they don't want to be with but I only did it just so in an attempt to get rid of the other party that they quote unquote so attached to the Bible refers to that we're gonna speak a lot about in us in ordinate affection in order to affection and we're gonna get really really into that and I really need to get started because I have an appointment we're gonna deal with that all right so our topic today is dealing with dreams that reveal soul ties and we're specifically talking about the soul ties that are created as they're as a result of intimacy or sexual relations all right so a salt I have my little thing you know right to stuff a soul tie is a spiritual connection let's be clear here now I remember you talking about sexual so dice a soul tie is a spiritual connection that is forged or form through sexual relationships mm-hmm it has formed true sexual relationships now there's a word I'm going to use here and it's known as covenant I always talk about it so when you have sex with someone when you engage sexually with them you are in fact forging a covenant with them so let's go to a particular scripture that I want to I want to read here that is going to be found in Deuteronomy go to Deuteronomy chapter 7 all right I read this to you before Deuteronomy chapter 7 and let's go to that's not at verse 1 Deuteronomy chapter 7 we're gonna start at verse 1 and it says when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land where thou goest to possess this is Moses speaking to the children of Israel all right this is to possess it and had cast out many nations before thee and these are the nations that he would have cast out the Hittites the girgashites the Amur Ickes the Canaanites the parasites the Hittites the Jebusites these seven nations greater and mightier than you so he says on your journey to the promised land God the the spirit the invisible being will go ahead of you and he's going to be the one responsible for eliminating your enemies or removing them out of the promised land so that you the children of Israel will now be the not only inheritance for the inhabitants of the promised land but in the next scripture that says he in verse two and when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee thou shalt smite them so when God has delivered them unto you you Israel must smite you must kill them and utterly destroy them now this is amazing because what he's going to say next have so much to do but we're gonna talk about today with soul ties so he says Moses tell the children of Israel I already told you I've given him the land even though the land is currently occupied by the Canaanites which in combination is seven nation nations and he says tell them I'm gonna go ahead of them and I'm gonna disable them spiritually so that Israel will have an advantage over them physically so I'm basically empowering Israel to over come the canaanites now watch the first set of instructions that he's going to give them he says thou shalt make no covenants as it is carefully now with them do not make no agreements and that is in every aspect of the world do not make no covenant with them in business do not join them and Marge's do not join them sexually you know do any of that because as we're about to get into here you're going to see soul ties a lot of people when they speak about it they just look at the the sexual aspect of it and not getting over the person but I take it from me and you're gonna see that this morning soil ties run so deep because it's on a spiritual level so you could try distancing yourself from that points to only one you could marry somebody else and think you're gonna get over them you can probably go live on the other side of the world the spiritual connection that was established through the intercourse that was the covenant that was made that gave that spirit the right to connect to keep you two together or to keep one party more interested in the other body we're gonna see that okay so he says to them you shall make no covenant with them this is verse two of Deuteronomy 7 you should make no covenants with them nor show mercy unto them don't be no friends with them shut them down immediately verse 3 of Deuteronomy 7 says neither shalt thou make marriages so he's getting specific nigh said make no covenants he's being general now he's about to get into the specifics do not tie yourself to these people I don't care of you today I don't care education the call these people Eva because they serve other gods so in verse 2 of the errata me seven he says and when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them thou shall make no covenants with them no show mercy unto them neither shall die verse three neither shalt thou make marriages with them now he's gonna become even more specific in case she's a little confused you didn't know what a marriage is between a man and a woman he's going to make it clear he says neither shalt thou make Marge's with them he says thy door turn thou shalt not give unto their son nor their daughter shalt thou take unto your sons then he tells them why in verse four of Deuteronomy 7 he says for they will turn away thy sons from following me that they may serve other gods moji so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy the suddenly now this is interesting here now because what I love about the Bible is and that's why I kind of picked description many others that will correlate with this is that the Bible whether you have observed it or not is always addressing things from a spiritual level and that's what every Church of Jesus Christ should be about yes I hear what you're telling me I'm listening to your story I see the fussing between husband and wife I see the divorce over here I hear what you're trying to get into college but you don't have the funds I hear all of that as a preacher as a minister of the gospel but as an enforcer of the constitution of God which is two scriptures while you're telling me that I am conditioned as a representative of the kingdom to look at the spiritual legal aspect of what you're telling me meaning that while you're telling me the physical parts of it and this is how a real Bible students should see things what what are the components behind this see that's a person who really I mean I've upgraded their walk with God they're not saying to you if you came to them and say oh my husband hit me no go get a divorce see immediately jump in the flesh or no make sure everything is in your name no tell me some more about what's happening here because a true counselor who's I mean really basing everything on the scriptures and in the view basing it on that you must be taking it from a spiritual aspect so rather than saying oh go get a divorce tell me more about his family in fact tell me more about your family but sir I'm here to talk about this man did something bad to me and and I need to go and should I get a lawyer or law fall off another second just tell me see because why we want to notice because we want to get on the spiritual level or as to what is really behind what's being manifested and this is why I love the scripture so much because like in this teaching it's going to reveal the core of what a soul time really is and the truth is I'm gonna jump over to myself maybe it's a spirit and that spirit has knitted the two spirits together in this case sexually is how it initially entered and from that day forward the spirit now is now levying inordinate affection levying loss letting abnormal desires obsessive desires for the other body are we gonna get a daughter so so here we see now God is saying that I'm listen he didn't say go in and take their gold take their money he didn't give them that as first instruction says no the first thing you need to deal dealing with is to protect the spiritual nature and culture of Israel by not allowing the Canaanites who do not serve the God that you serve to pollute which you believe in the God that you serve that's the first thing and that's one of the things that we need to look at - especially those of you who are planning to get married you know you gotta look beyond the job status you gotta look beyond the tall dark and handsome you've got to look beyond the breasts the hips the small waist all that is superficial in fact all of that is just reeling you in put a hook in your jaw and then you find out how did I get in this and I was a spirit manipulating that situation from day one and the minute sexual intercourse was introduced to that relationship then that soul tie began to run its course from that point forward there's gonna be powerful 911s already and Levin is ready so I've just shown you that in the book of Deuteronomy and I want you to go to first Corinthians chapter 6 because we're gonna put some more meat on this before we really get into it first Corinthians chapter 6 I'm gonna read from verse 13 to verse 20 first Corinthians chapter 6 we're gonna read from verse 13 to verse verses 20 I take my time today first Corinthians chapter 6 beginning at verse 13 it says well actually start from verse 15 verse 15 of 1st Corinthians chapter 6 says no you not or know ye not that your bodies stop with the physical body the members of Christ shall then shall I then take members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot you know the holidays right prostitute okay the watch this now watch this now make them the members of the harlot in any says God forbid verse 16 of 1st Corinthians 6 what know ye not he says what sorry know ye not that he which is joined this this is keya he which is joined to a harlot or he that have sexual relationship with a prostitute now even though he's using the word prostitute here the truth is this is a principle this is a spiritual principle and it's in a building on my point that he whomever you join in terms of having sexual relationships with now you enter to get pleasure whatever the case may be right but more is being created in that Union on a spiritual plane than what you know oh yeah so he says here very very clearly he says in verse 16 what know ye not that which is joined to a harlot is one body the two said he shall become one flesh let us break this baby down just a little bit honest let's try to put some sense in this just before everybody has had sex outside of March so don't please say if like you say forever yeah okay now you don't recall when you had relations with that person your flesh and their flesh absorbed in teacher and your become one person that didn't happen right so so clearly we couldn't mean that because we did not see that happen now if you take it to a spiritual level and he's saying here that the two shall become one he's speaking about covenant see this is what you don't know he's saying when you when you when you agree to have intercourse with this person whatever they dealing with whatever you dealing with spiritually that is now gonna become one so the agreement that's what it's looking for because especially in a New Testament it you're gonna see overall abstain from fornication I've a certain Timothy was said in Corinthians they were saying Thessalonians why they constantly telling us extend from abstain from fornication I'm gonna tell you right now you see the same reason why God told a pieman Moses tell the children of Israel do not marry those people do not have no relations with them particularly on a sexual level don't do it because you about to pick up some spirits here buddy that's gonna now they take the course of this relationship and all that you know about your God that is gonna seduce you - now go over there on that side so go who knew in an in advance to the end from the beginning now begin to put these rules in place to protect Israel and what they believe us as it relates to the God of Abraham so he goes on to say here and for 79 he says but he that is joined unto the Lord is of one spirit so let's take the same rule now let's go back to Deuteronomy as long as you all stay with God y'all good as long as you cuz you're in covenant with him cuz that's what all of this means covenant but when you walk out of this covenant and now you went over here and you went a new hot sexual relationship with somebody who probably into sorcery you probably into whatever else or you married them you now polluted the covenant with God and like I keep saying to you you cannot serve two masters it cannot happen it cannot happen alright so he says here verse 17 but he that is joined unto the Lord is of one spirit verse 18 listen carefully flee who would it be safely flee lying I didn't read that that you didn't read that right flee what deceitfulness I didn't read that either we don't know verse 18 of 1st Corinthians 6 makes it clear now let's look at the context before we even read it what is he talking about what is he saying to you he's starting on with this principle he says listen hear carefully now see having sexual relationship with somebody and you achieving an orgasm whatever to you you had a good time and as far as you're concerned that's the end of it with you but the principle the spiritual principle of the Scriptures is revealing something else something far deeper than what you thought you only achieve on a physical level that's why so ties are so serious way soul ties are very very very serious so from verse 15 he's telling us about covenants in how they happen he using the analogy of a harlot okay he's saying if you join with a harlot you become one solid literally literally but symbolically represents something foreign something you shouldn't have any dealing with in fact when you read the Bible when you hear the word I adultery and harlotry in whoredom while in its natural state it talks about a processes and so on but truly is symbolic of serving another God so when the Bible says that Israel committed hard um it doesn't necessarily mean that everybody and just slept with all of the other nations no it meant that they serve the god of the other nations they commit harlotry but the god of other nations they became one with their gods so description is showing us now is showing us the the genesis of so ties that when you decide to sleep with this person over here and sleep with that you'll becoming one with wood they're dealing with on the spiritual level and as the scripture said in Deuteronomy says now what I was going to do is pull you away from your God in so much words when you interpret that it means now that you've joined yourself with a spirit now you're gonna become something that you never were before you're gonna behave differently talk differently totally contrary for the most part to what you originally believe as it relates to the God of Abraham so this is why you could wear all the condoms you want you could be all the protection you want that don't stop the spiritual aspect of what is being forged when you have sexual relationships with these people all right so verse 17 says so 18 says after you're ready tell them be one with God do not have sex with other people verse 17 says verse 18 sorry of 1st Corinthians 6 he says flee fornication he didn't say flee lying no he didn't say flee talking Babaji neighbor why is he saying flee fornication he's saying flee fornication because this is how it starts this is the protocol hello for the soul tie to take up residence he didn't say stop lying no he was very specific he was extremely specific flee fornication very clear crystal clay because fornication having sex outside of marriage or even adultery any relationships outside of one holy matrimony between god mac eating on saturday i say stay from it because you're about to bring on some devils in your life buddy that you're gonna regret he says here flee fornication then he now makes some more principles here he said every sin that a man do it is put out the body but he'd that committed for not lying I would are you reading this he didn't say listen what he said carefully I get so excited me calm myself stop he say flee fornication every sin that a man do it is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body hmm why doe why is he sitting against his body why if I tell align and sin against my body I deceive someone I didn't sin against my body but he's about to explain it in the next verse why see sexual relations becomes the portal okay for that spirit to come and forge the soul tie between you and that person you're engaging in intercourse with so verse 19 says what question know you not that the body is the temple of who of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and ye are not of your own for here born a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods glorify God in your body physically and also in your Watts spirit why I see making these mentions because when I disobey is amiss carefully now when I disobey and I say forget God let me go fornicate he's you're violating the temple but listen he says next your spirit so I don't giving our says two invisible entities that did not have access to my life before when I violate the rules as it relates to fornication taking my time here this morning they gotta hurry up I say that an appointment but I didn't see a part two one this cuz I couldn't see me rapping order this up here this is too heavy oh yeah so salt iced is initiated through covenant in this case here is a sexual covenant what your having said you don't think about no covenant you don't see this as a covenant you're here to please yourself you're here to get sexual gratification but no one has taught you the spiritual part of this which is the most important part okay so once the spirits now become a part of your life now see this is where the dreams come in now you now begin to have these dreams which is only proof that you have a soul time there's a soul time between you and the person now so what's gonna happen now you find yourself dreaming about this lover what is poison over and over and over and over again now here is how you know here's how you know you to love this person you have no real love for this person but the thought of this person this is how you know the spirit behind us the very essence the very the very aroma of this poison a particular perform wears if you you could be in China and you walking in a mall with 3,000 people and you smell that a rumor do you think your man is gonna go when that so tire is now embedded in that poisons life and I'm telling you these are all spirits orchestrating this and let me let me prove it to you how many times you've been in a relationship and this is spiritual even know the spirit knowingness the minute you meet that person because the spirit is organizing one it is it won't saccharina so time laughs come on you can now put your attention towards this person but there will always be the song that will remind you when you initially met this person why why is that though cuz you think it's sawdust normal Kevin look making a big deal you everything you gotta make spiritually really okay then let's see let's see that let's see the Spirit is fully aware because the Spirit is not a foolish being it's a highly intelligent being it's securing the song in this relationship for either one of the parties or even both wine because this bird know that the day is gonna come that they're gonna have buck heads they notice this bird knows this so the spirits of cure this song that even when you buck here so I'm going to always keep you're coming back to each other because I'm gonna ensure that you're exposed to the song again and it's going to make you remember when you first met and you don't know when you're picking up the phone again listen listen baby I don't know what I was thinking today but I miss you I really need to see you but the truth is that isn't really how you feel why you don't feel away because even when you go then you have sexual relations you sing yourself why am I even here I don't love this poison that's how you know as a spirit controller no situation you're grabbing your pillow and you're smelling it justice this man scent right here I when you find yourself obsessively into someone like that but you know there's no true love you notice no none of that you have a soul tie in your life you're dreaming about them every second even though you separate it even though you're married to somebody else now you know how you let it bad I mean I mean you know you got it bad and you really need deliverance but I don't know if you would tell me this but I can tell you because you can see you need help if you're married right now okay I'm going to talk to the man first if you're married to someone and every time you guys have sexual relations and the only way that you can orgasm sir is by thinking about this other party in order to achieve an orgasm on your wife whom boy you are tired you unlock and let me tell you what I saw six because at any moment if that person gets you in a compromising position or all all there's nothing stopping you because there there is a spirit that has knitted in your souls together there is a spirit that's keeping you focused on this person ladies your husband is a good man he takes care of you he's a great lover to you but even though he's a great lover while he's having intercourse with you for you to achieve for the ultimate orgasm you think about all of the positions in there the crazy sex stuff you did with that person who you have no feeling for but for some reason you cannot keep them out of your mind see that was established a long time ago that was established a long time ago when when you thought it was just sex when you thought it was no big deal all this time that spirit was knitting but the spirit needed your cooperation the spirit at every in place all of a sudden this love at first sight garbage this is setup you don't want to nothing about their family don't know nothing about them I'm in love and I'm gonna pursue it I love no no no no no no when you see yourself like that in a spinet because it mean you're not coming forward you're stuck with why you stopped why am i obsessed about this person that I have no feeling for I love my husband I love my wife we have a good relationship why am I thinking about this man why am I thinking about this woman why am i dreaming about them because this is all time and I'm about to you in this if you don't bring that thing by the power of God human problems even problems god forbid you worked a company and you're not some overseas something you have to go to and some are you back into them as much as you love your husband as much as you love yeah why we didn't happen yeah yeah you can try to fight it off you can trying to resist it but the spirits that's controlling it it's now gonna upgrade the lusts and the evil of faction towards that person it's gonna flood your mind but all of the sexual acts you did before when you did it in the car when you did it in the office in your almost almost caught all of these things that to lure you in to achieve not your objective but the objective of the Spirit that's making you believe that these are your thoughts you're talking to somebody today now you can play all holy on this line today and act like you never had these things that's all on you buddy okay that I want you but I telling you right now I this here is real okay now let's go to Colossians being a little deeper now let's go to Colossians let me get my little notes here because I can go a little deeper okay now over you know children here and if y'all got yellow channel and send them to preschool setting them some never be able to gain a deep here I think before I know regular preacher so no expecting regular for me Colossians let's go to Colossians chapter 3 why are you always having dreams about your ex novel why are you you your husband right next to you why you in the morning time sitting at the table having a cup of coffee and you're in a daze while your husband is making you breakfast okay you already three years in this marriage and your mind is on a journey with your ex-lover why is it that you're in the living room watching a particular movie and guess what happens the song that your former Louisville the faultless ominous your Marilyn that's playing so you're rating your husband have zero idea that you're just relishing in this thought of when you first met this person and the more you entertain that spirit the more that spirit is kind of that mean literally flood you with in autumn and affection okay now Colossians chapter 3 Rogers chapter 3 and let's look at verse 5 Colossians chapter 3 verse 5 this is the Paul the Apostle speaking to the Church of Colossians what I want to make clay here before we read it he's talking to a group of believers he's talking to people who've already converted to Jesus Christ so he's not talking to people who don't know God who don't know Jesus these are people ready accepted Christ now watch what he says here Colossians 3 verse 5 says mortify the word means to change that word means to upgrade that word means to tweak or to make different he says mortify therefore your members he's talking about your physical body now you're on your il with all that other stuff what if I therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication we see this word again unclean lists in circles word in oralin affection oh yeah now I wrote the meaning of that man in order and affection speaks of evil desire and lusts to be obsessed with somebody or something but in this place we talk about a person so he's telling you to modify so he's telling these believers so it's I love this I love this I love this I love this because he is talking to believers and this is gonna resonate with a lot of you right now Kevin I hear a new man and it's making so much sense because I'm a Christian Kevin I've been a Christian for the fast five four three years two months six months and Kevin this sexual desire on me like nobody business but they tell him you you know have a curse on you they telling you ever since you accepted Jesus you don't listen to care when you free of the curse yeah well not any what I read in here what Paul telling a building of believers he says listen believers you need to start making some changes now yes you accepted Jesus Christ you did that you did that now you've got to put in the work yeah Christ made it accessible for you to use his name to break those crises but don't believe that because you accepted Christ you are automatically expunged from there because you know no ever telling you that need whom here say if they need go back to Bible School and it will read their Bibles because Paul is talking to a church who know Jesus and he's telling them is you need to modify you need to change you can't be doing things the way you used to do under the banner of Jesus Christ and he says now you need to stop fornicate I told you my story before I tell you what I got say if I had a major problem but fornication but I had a problem before fornication and after I got save it got even worse you know you're guilty you repent you're back at listen you repent you know tomorrow you can do it again you notice you don't plan this the more ten o'clock will be addressing yet I'm making light of it but it can be very discouraging very frustrating because you have so many people who live a form of godliness or no you cannot be you fornicated oh my god you sure you say if you sure you know Jesus because it sounds as if you need to get safe no Prada I'm safe you mean I need to be delivered doesn't you mean how did you mean so you don't mix up savored being delivered I am safe I do I have accepted Jesus Christ I did that but I got a problem in this area radio I got a lust thing going on I got a generational curse of this on my life and the only could tell me is I need to get safe again and I think about it model like hey they got the same problem you know so I don't listen at my so tango and I come from that fake foolishness I thank you Jesus right oh god I thank you was delivered that's why the Bible says to us my favorite scripture proverbs 11 verse 9 B what is the sake through knowledge shall do whoo-hoo that just be delivered that just be you us the righteous so that scripture saying to you forensically that even the righteous to save one Scottish shoes but the Bible is saying like what Kevin is doing right now he's giving you the knowledge to be delivered from it but you're not automatically delivered when you accept Jesus Christ no Jesus Christ put the things in place for it to happen but now you need to do the work come by that nonsense talking foolishness so he said to modify modify your members listeners carefully now modify verse five of Colossians 3 therefore your members which are upon the stop fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil 9 I wrote this word that evil concupiscence called Q Khan q poor since concupiscence that's it well last night I was practicing Asian I like anime gotalk is evil today I need to know this word can't be no teaching a pronounce these words thank ya concupiscence concupiscence what does that mean strong sexual desires but he prefix that word with evil let me break this baby down for you see if I have if I have concupiscence towards my wife there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong we have been strong sexual desires towards T dream but he prefix the word evil there meaning that you're having this desire outside of a holy matrimony you just obsessing all of this you now points to salt ice you just got to have sex and you looking at this person you don't care they have HIV you don't care and then all you think about I got to get the whole does the whole and [ __ ] your bet spirit is just putting those flashcards and view different sexual acts in you orgasm and you're doing it over here and you do it we almost caught all of this just like a person with the pornography or one of this just just riling you up so what is it doing now remember the other night I spoke about the spirit that influences or coerce you to do things that's what they do they persuade you so that's what's happening here right now the spirit is persuading on car it cannot make you it cannot fight just like how God will not violate your will evil spirits can not violate your will so what they do they persuade they encourage they inspire they co hearse so you're in the office working with this guy you're mad woman oh you man you're an office working with this lady and you just have this sexual desire what so now you don't know how meaning you've never dated before none of that but you never challenge the thought remember the scripture says to us I think it's first Corinthians 10 and verse 5 I believe it is it says cast are all imagination and anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and all not simply mean is that anything that that scripture is telling you not to do or do then you need to be in compliance with it if you do what it tells you not to do which is the knowledge of God then whatever is sexual desires toward someone you're exalting that now above God God I hear you say no fornicate but guess what seeing a good God you won't see the say this in this devil just working you 24/7 so now you subdue the things of God in the order in which God wants you to operate in and now the sexual desire wants to see not fighting it anymore so the spirit understands the rules very legalistic we got Kevon now now what we can do is make her tomorrow and she come to work and let something like leave a child out or you know that something tight and you know so in your mind you said I'm gonna buddy see me looking this out even this thing is I don't want to buddy see me looking because you I'm a preacher I'm a teacher ma I'm the quiet one here but the truth is even though my physical eyes and I'm not looking at Hall I'm seeing her in my mind even though I'm looking over here I talking to somebody I try to help you I try to help you I try to help you you see gone are the days you try to act like these things so they exist and this is the reason why I've been beating you down all these years and this is the reason why you couldn't overcome it all these years and I got like I have an appointment at 11:30 so I will definitely do a part two to this today doe when I finish it out apartment I'm gonna finish this up because this you've got to hear this you gotta hear this so so you're looking you're not looking physically but you already see the the guy the tall guy handsome and you're not you don't want to be obvious and watching him all the time on the job but the truth is you don't have to see him physically no more because this spirit is now putting images in your mind see all of this is the making of the soil time all the spirit wants to do to put the icing on the cake is for you to have sexual relations this is why the scripture says flee run go in the opposite direction as it relates to fornication get out of it because the day you do that that day you do that you've just now allowed a spur to tie a knot between you and this person so you give them one day you decide to have intercourse with this person you're married you feel bad how could I do this but I'm gonna end there and you know this world you go home you're guilty you feel out of it you cannot tell your partner right now because this could probably ruin your marriage so did so all kind of stuff going on with you now all kind of stuff going on now so you notice but it's gonna tell you now because remember the spirit pulling the strings here you gave up your right to this when you decide to have intercourse so as time go on this is where it becomes interesting again the dreams are going to come and the dreams are going to become relent less you going to have sexual dreams like no body business you are going to dream the most vile the most wicked sexual acts ever and don't necessarily mean it's gotta be with the same person you probably we see with different people but the truth is what you're seeing here is the spirit that's controlling what's going on between you and this voice it so the spirits now putting more stuff into in the mix here yeah so you become obsessed with this person this person could curse you won't treat you like a dog tell you what kind of stuff you as a married woman you're no good this sketcher you know what blah blah blah and you you crawl up with your hair down but you can't get them out your mind no matter how bad they treat you the mid 'epic up their phone listen I will see you oh but I would my husband and through a clock XYZ Bobo hang up the phone spirit in the show and him you know he ain't no no no show you know you think he's running the show but here in a no show see the Spirit has already prepped the whole thing even before you guys had intercourse it placed everything there spiritually and mentally so that even when you try to pull away even when you see that man with another woman and you're married you you infuriate it so what happens now it's pretty scan take it to another level and what is the next level mr. Ewing you begin to lose desire for your true partner or okay like you know they talking about yeah so your husband comes home you're washing the dishes he comes behind you put his arms around you and kiss you on the cheek and you like why are you behaving like this I just don't feel like being bothered nothing like being bothered you don't even realize what you're doing you don't even realize the fact that this thing is causing in your home why why cuz that spirit at have you two guys knitted together is running the show here but you don't notice if you don't know it from a spiritual level you will never notice how are you gonna know how you begin to lose your desire for your partner your husband your wife you're not interested in doing and the more you see this person who you find this little fling or whatever with other people and moving on but you have you envy that because you want to be that person on their arm you want to be that person on your motorcycle you want to be that person on a convertible car which is you you want to be that person you know this is wrong you can see but you cross the line now so now you go to bed you don't want to have sex with your husband your wife and if you do in order for you to achieve sexual pleasure you might have to go on to poison X over here so that's why he said flee fornication do not Forge covenant with them do not let your sons marry their daughters do not let their daughters marry your son don't no form of agreement and he's not just talking about the physical marriage he's talking about the spiritual components that will now be forged when you do covenant with them hope you listen to me I hope you listen to me I hope you listening to me let's go back here Paul said to the Christians in the Church of Colossians he said y'all put a cap on the fornication put a cap on the inordinate affection put a cap on these strong sexual desires that you had deal with it through the blood of Jesus Christ knock these things down if not they're gonna knock you down deal with it oh that's a good deal with you let's be real let's be real he says here mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication this is Colossians 3 verse 5 he says fornication remember I talked about the law of force mention the way others mentioned first in the Bible as the or a protocol in which you follow so the first thing he mentions here because what are you saying is this is the gateway this is the portal this is the Avenue where everything is going to become legal at first they just could suggest they suggest sleep with this person have sex with them lusts after them look at pornography they only could suggest you they cannot make you do it well when you engage in fornication it's shutting everything down quickly you lock up your now subject to the spirit this has already put his hooks its tentacles in you not a spirit it's gonna now call the shots by talking to somebody today y'all can play save all y'all want I talking to somebody because I been this road in terms of rain when I first got when I became a Christian in 1996 may 17 I didn't have no idea a road ahead and I told in one video and he see for me I'm transparent - ik ated more as a Christian that's how bad it was then as a believer but then there was a generational curse of this from my father a sign from everything else but nobody was teaching me there's nobody telling me this always saying do you stay save and add the padlock holy forget my bone on an inside oh no you can't do that man you can you cannot you cannot run from the reality of that yes you want to live right yes you want to live for God and God and you on your knees some of you just last night fornicated and you love Jesus more than hog love slop right you you pine and Jesus please take this from me but the reality is you know in the weekend you can be or lock up in this door arms you know in the weekend you can be lock up in this woman arms you you don't notice now you thinking you food and God see reality can kick in one day oh yeah reality is gonna kick in one day but I'm teaching you how to recognize and and understand these things mm-hmm so he says here let's go back here now he talked about in Oran an affection it's an evil desire in order infection is an unhealthy and obsessive attachment to a person or thing that manifests through uncomfortable love you calling this love I tell me I just could listen I know I know I might but I just couldn't wait to be with Yuma you know you don't care about your husband you don't care but your wife you don't care but not that the Bible says that obsessive desire to to be with someone to to become caught up in him sexually provides this not the Bible is the definitions or it gives us on an uncomfortable love meaning that it is in love it's eros love the Greek love means sexual love meaning that I I'm saying love where the truth is I love the sex we have in here I love these different position I love how queer interviewer I love how you rough me up I love that but the truth is I wouldn't marry I mean even if I did this is in the last because once the sexual part would have worn off I just see us to regular poison that I always saw you us so what does that mean it's a spirit involve here but it's downloading all of this evil information into your mind sexual information is about this poison to why you should be here but the truth is you truly love your husband you know but you have no desire for him right now you truly love your wife but you have no desire some of the most common cases of this is you will find a man this is how you could recognize the soul time this particular example I'm about to show you my time here and that is where a man would have left his wife right doing very well he have a child with his wife he has a good job chance of the job never good hope they do it very well found himself in this adulterous relationship but the lady who is having this a relationship worth with is far she's nowhere a fraction as beautiful as his wife she doesn't work so he has to pay up you have to take care of these these are five peas here children she got here with five different daddies he's here he don't like being there with her he's uncomfortable all of these kids making noise it's draining his pocket but for some reason he cannot leave now his wife honey listen the water bill is due is $30 put you live in a for huh have to pay everything nobody but you pay in hello so ty see the so the spirit that's created that so tight between him and that woman who he's not supposed to be with it's making him focus now true is he's miserable there let me take this a little deep I got a few minutes here before I wrap up man cuz I gotta finish this up today let me take this a little deeper let me take this one deeper all right I think he told you the story before I truly remember the book I read it off I can't remember the book I have the book here but I can't remember probably I do that part - today I'll bring the book anyway I think I told you about the story before this African pastor was was telling this story about this guy who just went totally berserk one day cousin Karen with his wife in fact the neighbors had to call the police cause he's about to kill the wife they brought in the police right and a guy is just totally crazy saying he doesn't know this woman meaning the wife what she's doing in his home so they think and I he's going crazy why is this guy behaving this way right but she knew I anyway when it was all said and done she confess that 25 years prior to all of that they met and she loved him but of course he didn't feel the same way about her but she really really she became obsessed with this guy so she decided to go to the witch doctor right so they did a whatever they did a sacrifice or never the case may be and the deal was every year she was supposed to come back to redo this thing 25 years later cuz every day he would call up I say hey don't you forget that I come to this thing and then bring that little thing don't bring a little money when you come no forget that either anyway after 25 years she figured you know what we have two or three children now they're grown there's no need for me to do this no more so the guy called how he's Taylor sent and me carefully you better come here now she didn't go so because she didn't go to to renew the spell that was on him the spirits I was a sign as a result of that spell had to leave him so now his true spiritual eyes open he could see clearly so in his mind now what's going on here and fake desires that he had that were perpetrated by the spirit I was giving him that feeling in that desire award so that all gone not because all of that was perpetrated by the spiritual components involved so the guy going totally crazy custom and carrying on and of course they got a divorce in the end so you see those things don't last but but when I do reason why I told you that the reason why I told you has to show you the spiritual components behind these things and your guys this to me right now if you obsess with a person if you if you were in a relationship where that relationship is is totally unbalanced you're doing more you're paying more and the person is nonchalant they don't care they don't have a problem you have a problem and there's a spirit as a force behind you that's that's making you take into account components that is superficial to this relationship you couldn't imagine somebody else having sex with them the thought that will drive you crazy okay you so obsessed with them you circle around their house 3 4 o'clock in the morning you ride around like you some kind of bring security huh when you find yourself doing those things there is a spirit in volved I hate to break that spirit you need to shut that down you need to shut that down because it's gonna eventually shut you down when you lose all shame and desire when it comes to expressing how you feel about this poison even though you with somebody else even though you in a committed relationship you've got a so tie on you sweetie when you could smell the the scent of this person they could be in Timbuktu that's spiritual center warfarin run your nostrils and you go into lala land again like you just had a hit up cocaine so time go up there when you laid out and you sleep in you just dreaming about this person over and over and your husband right next to you don't know what's going on in your head over there you got a soul tie my fur in ordinate affection according to Colossians 3 and 7 the the aggressive desire to be with someone who you have no true feelings for but all of the feelings here perpetrated by foul wicked evil spirits but gain access when you decide to fornicate with that closest person only on me I hope you all listen to me and again this is an elimination of witchcraft no it's a spirit you could be in the food store you could be doing yeah your daily stuff so see the thing is when that spirit come you don't see it you don't audibly hear a voice why because the Spirit is speaking to you swear it yeah just like how you say the Spirit of the Lord spoke to you you didn't you got physically no your name audibly but it's something within your spirit that lines of what the Scriptures this evening indominus signa tell me go and bless sister Mary over here I know nothing was going on a Mary's life go bless sister Mary worth $1,500 and when I finally go do it come to find out Mary didn't have no food in the cupboard for the children and I but yet I didn't hear an audible voice she spit of the Lord speaking to my spirit it is no different the same rules apply on the demonic side so what happened now that evil spirit the spirit of suggestion Isha's see how good she look an aisle you knew the food store now you're married man huh same as she look watch out she picking up their cabbage now you know your wife don't pick up cabbage in a direction I'm making light of this but I'm telling you this is how this evil force work and when you entertain this when you entertain this point nothing good will come out of that nothing but you've got to challenge you you have two challenges let's look at that's the corral let's look at her they get a few moments just look I really want to end this but I promise this person have to speaking in 1st Thessalonians 4 and 5 I have a lot to cover here and I'm gonna I promise you I'm gonna come back to notice today I promise you because I cannot let this 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 5 says what does it say and used that same word again concupiscence concupiscence and that means strong sexual desire right so it says not in the lust of concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God I talked to concupiscence means strong sexual desires but the Bible refers to it like it said in Colossians evil so if it were first for as evil concupiscence they've a prefix of evil in this there's good but the good is only so in a legitimate holy matrimony so there's nothing wrong with having strong sexual desires for your wife now I'll put a little check on that I'll put a little check or not and here's how I'm gonna do that looking at this time is 1124 can I wrap this up right here I know you don't want me to I have to I have to I have to I have to I have to a person I leave this nugget a person who is addicted to pornography but they are married and this is where you have the object of the exception when I said to you concubine concupiscence whatever a strong sexual desires it's nothing when we are in holy matrimony except for this a person who was addicted to pornography and they're so obsessed that everything they see on those pornography films they want to force their partner to engage but the truth is there's a spirit behind them and if the partner doesn't comply they become angry and they masturbate or worst case scenario they go seek sexual pleasures or someone to fulfill these evil desires that has been inculcated into their understanding they try going side for this now so evil concupiscence can be achieved even in a marriage under those circumstances don't listen to me I'll be honest enemy so when sex is such a major tool sex is so powerful and this is why you see so much sexual scandals in the church sexual scandals and politics sexual scandals in families because see that's the gateway that's the portal that is where a spirit say woof I've arrived and I'm a joshiya now I run the show here now so you you you've got to know you got to understand what you're dealing with so if you don't know that you're gonna have a major problem so watch this now watch this I want to show you I have four minutes my lord assess this is evil man this wicked I go four minutes and uh I gotta be amount of my work I got out like I got a head right here I have to enter it yeah but folks I hate doing this but we're gonna do I'm gonna do when I'm done because this is the only appointment at half for the day when I'm done with this call I'm gonna be back here to do part two cuz I have a lot to cover a lot of scriptures here in fact we haven't even scratched the surface of this year I just messin around with the cosmetic part of it but I'm gonna come back I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna do Part two so I'm gonna change the heading on this to part one so when we come back to part two and we're gonna get really really deep into this because I really want you guys to walk away with a major understanding and you're not alone and that's what this devil is trying to do or you you're masturbating or you're committing adultery or fornication and nobody knows in the church so you figure as long as they see you and the holy stuff or the holy part don't let church people send you the hell yeah if you're doing food then all up to the fool you're doing to God because he saw was watching you 24/7 okay and that's why I share my personal stories with you to show you that I am no different from anybody else when I had my time of that I've been delivered from that I'm showing you how to be delivered the the most successful way that a spirit will have at the upon you is to place you in a corner to isolate you and to make you believe that it's only happening to you you would be amazed know how many of your peers how many of your church members how many of your family members how many of your colleagues are going through the exact same thing what you free to tell them you scared it'll let me know why you scattered Ella because you further they look at holy all the time or let me sprays in Jesus and do lot of those Cabbage Patch in the church everything how dare I go and tell them that and for the most part I don't blame you for not telling them because a lot of them will condemn you even though they're doing it because in their mind if you're the one you a see me doing it so I can condemn you I got a right to do that but I'm gonna end right here I'm gonna end right here and I'm gonna come back probably the next two or two hours or three hours I don't know depend on the call and and we gonna take this to the next level man I love you guys and getting almost 2,000 people then watching here so be back with me in the next two hours - now far let's say three hours cuz I remember this call is gonna go and you take it from there god bless you and we'll be back with part two
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 81,052
Rating: 4.9089937 out of 5
Id: tWS6XbJK9nQ
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Length: 66min 46sec (4006 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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