Witchcraft Manipulation In Our Dreams

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hi guys i trust you guys can hear me well let me just put my screen here just a little bit okay there we go there we go all right ronda brathwaite simone lee eat it prior okay beautiful let me make sure everybody's coming in here and i trust you guys can hear me uh clearly i'm just waiting for a few more people to come on and i'm actually streaming to five destination one of them being my uh youtube followers my personal facebook page and my other facebook pages such as words of wisdom and so on and so forth and today we're going to do a teaching as you can see this week i come out of the woodwork going back to dreams and the reason why i'm doing it because i'm getting too many emails again asking me the same thing that i've taught before but of course we have to reiterate it so that those who are just coming on board can hear me clearly so i'm gonna make sure you guys see me clearly let me put my mic up here return my little screen over here there we go all right uh thank you guys for coming on board i would strongly suggest uh if you would please indulge me to share this uh video and the title of this is witchcraft manipulation in our dreams which everybody everybody experiences and it doesn't necessarily mean that okay it doesn't necessarily mean that someone is working with graph on you as i would have explained to you in many of my teaching that witchcraft is just the process of destabilizing someone's destiny or robbing them of their destiny or ensuring that they don't ever advance or even journey in the original destiny that god had put in place uh for them all right so this teaching uh to today this afternoon actually is to reveal to you how this happens how to overcome it and how to always challenge it whenever it raises ugly uh head at you all right so we got quite a number of people on board right now all right so i think i would go forward with this all right now i'm sure many of you have had dreams where you've had lengthy dreams i mean really really detailed dreams and by the time you got up you could you couldn't remember nothing of what you dreamt in fact the more you try to recall the dream the more the dream uh dissipates the more it scatters the more it becomes difficult to retrieve particularly in the context in which it was displayed in the dream and i know all too well how frustrating that is because you know the dream carried some meaning or it even left you with a strange feeling or what have you i mean basically indicating to you that hey look here there's something about this dream why can't i remember it to bring evidence to you uh that it's witchcraft manipulated strangely throughout the day as you i guess do your chores as you go about your work there's certain things that would trigger the dream for example you might buck into someone on your daily route and as soon as you saw that person hey i dream about this person last night yeah and then you try to recall the parts in which this person played in the dream to in your attempt to recall the dream but of course even if you were to recall anything it would just be a small portion but the more you try to recall the dream the more difficult it become it become to recall all right all of this here is going to be signs of of dream manipulation then there are some of you out there who believe that you don't ever dream i've had people tell me that kevin i don't dread i can be real with you i do not dream i've never had a dream before uh in my life and that's what they believe but again they're being manipulated and the manipulation is done via the process of witchcraft and again witchcraft is to uh destabilize or to misplace someone's destiny or their reason why they were sent here on the earth so we want to make this clear we're not saying that people are going around casting spells on you to stop you from dreaming that that happens but that's not the only way witchcraft manipulating dreams come about it also comes but as the natural process of sorcery which are the spirits of sorcery to disable the dreaming part of that person now why why is this before we get into this why is all of this happening well this is happening because your dreams would be the spiritual intelligence branch of your entire being i made this reference to you before every army whether it's in asia uh canada the bahamas united states they have a branch in that army or that service force or their defense force known as the intelligence branch now interestingly enough this branch do not fight they do not go there and throw missiles fly planes and shoot down other planes they they don't do that in fact their job in my opinion is far more important than those who actually do does the shooting and that is they're responsible for retrieving information as it relates to their opponent so that when they do decide to launch their attack they're not throwing bombs and missiles uh arbitrarily in fact due to the uh reconnaissance mission that's the word reconnaissance missions literally means to to go and retrieve so due to their reconnaissance going into the enemy's camp uh incognito or as a spy we would say they're going as a spy pretending to be something they're not but the sole effort in retrieving information so our dream which is our spiritual which is our spiritual intelligent branch of our entire being is allowing us to have a peep peek or excerpts of what's going on in the spiritual realm and we're being afforded information from a spiritual perspective for the most part of things that are pending either for our lives personally for someone else's life or even in the everyday living of wherever you're located or even in some other part of the world so this where people have visions and dreams it's just not visions and dreams it's actually information that's being afforded to you to give you an upper hand or to give you an advantage as to the coming events how do you prepare how do you structure your attack or whatever the case may be so the intelligence branch is our dream part of our lives and this is why it should never be taken lightly it should never be taken where we just dismissed the dream now i'm going to walk you through a few scriptures that's going to set the basic foundation of what i'm talking about right now before we really get into it because as usual i don't want to say anything to you unless i'm giving you the scriptures to support what i'm saying okay now there are cases where i've in fact somebody uh wrote on my i think my youtube wall on a teaching that i did recently on dreams and they were saying to me well i noticed that you use the bible a lot for your references but where in the bible could i find if you eat in the dream that's witchcraft or whatever other symbols you you might put in there and my answer to them actually i spoke with them privately was you're still missing the point of these teachings what do i always say to you the bible is a what a book of laws a book of principles a book of rules a book of precepts commands ordinances once you get a hold of the principle of something then it is the principle that you're operating on no you will not find in the bible well actually you would in the bible where if you eat something that means witchcraft or whatever well the bible does say in the book of proverbs i think it's i could be mistaken i i know let's see the verse chapter 27 24 anyway i'll just kind of paraphrase it and you'll know where to look for it and whoever does you can just post it on here and it says solomon says to be careful of the dainty meats when you set to eat with a king for his meats are deceitful meaning that they're not what they appear to be he says even though he says come and eat with me his heart is far from thee and it goes on to other stuff so what we're looking at here is once we read the scriptures we see uh where the three avenues in which dreams come from what is the purpose of a dream the purpose of it is to establish government to give a spiritual intelligence to show us things in advance before they happen with spending once we know these principles then now we could decipher the symbols of the dream so while the bible may not say uh dirty what in the dream means with craft when we go by the principles of the scriptures then we get a better understanding of what the dream is trying to reveal to so that is what i'm teaching you i'm not teaching you to create your own gospel i'm teaching you to go on the principles of the gospel to bring about a concise and precise understanding of what god is allowing you to be privy to as it relates to the things uh of the spiritual world okay excuse me so it's very important that we uh again stick with the principles i cannot state this enough stick with the principles don't if someone is going to throw something at you and if you say okay that's not in the bible okay fine well then it may not be there but now show me the principle and what you're using or stating this particular uh scripture on this is very clear so i want us to go now to amos amos chapter three in this chapter three and verse uh seven image chapter three and verse 7. amos chapter 3 and verse 7. amos chapter 3 verse 7 what it is what does it say it says surely the lord god will do nothing i'm going to take my time here because you need to get this surely the lord god will do nothing or allow nothing to enter this earth or to go down on this planet all right but he reveals his secrets unto his servants and who are his servants as it relates to the scripture well the servants are his his prophets that's what the bible is saying the servants asked for now i want us to really dissect this scripture because it's really going to give some powerful revelation as it relates to your dream and then you're gonna see why you're being fought in terms of the memory of your dream being subdued or the dream just being erased from your spiritual clipboard i like that spiritual clipboard take that anyway so so so the bible is saying here god will not allow the inhabitants of the earth to be surprised by the uh things that's coming to the earth whether it's good or bad but he's specific he's clearly clearly specific that what is going to be revealed or whom he's going to reveal the pending events to is not your average person not anybody but he said that he's going to reveal it to his servants and then he specifically said who those servants were he didn't say those servants uh would have been anybody he said those servants that he's gonna give this spiritual intelligence to would be his prophets now this all should make a lot of sense to you uh as it relates to those of you that follow me and the reason for that is because i told you i said to you on many occasions i have taught this over and over and over and over and over again that everything that is revealed or manifested here on this physical plane which is our natural world is the result of it being conceived originally in the spiritual world so the spiritual world is a done deal and any changes you want to make from this natural plane in terms of that change being permanent or whatever then the change must be addressed or tweaked in the unseen world this is why many of you that wrote to me many of you have spoken to many of you have helped to address what's your problems what do i say you need to go on a fast you need to do a day or a two day three day one week whatever the holy spirit lead you on and why am i telling you this i'm telling you this because see the fast is like an atom bomb it's the power park bomb that'll obliterate any form of demonic horn on your life sickness disease um whatever but you're knocking it from its root you're digging it up in the spiritual world and therefore you're stopping all you're stopping all of what was what it was allowed to do physically in your life or even the lives of others so going back to him is three and seven it says god is not going to leave the inhabitants of the earth on their own he's not going to leave us here aimlessly looking about wondering what could happen he's not going to do that just like the animals you would see the animals before the weather change there's certain animals that will do certain things or strange things outside of their natural habitat they would do things that they wouldn't normally do on a regular basis because they sent some way somehow they have some kind of intelligence that's telling them winter is coming that's telling them summer is coming for us god has aided us with prophets okay and prophets will only be those would be those meaning who speak on the behalf of god and i know people like to get all educated in detail oh you know well it's the office of the prophet and like i say he could have an office or he could have a shock no matter what we're looking at here skip all of that stuff we're looking at the information that we need as it relates to the way forward how do we be proactive how do we prepare ourselves how how do we do this this this is what i'm talking about all right so says here god will not reveal anything so a lot of you have written to me and you said kev listen i have had a dream i saw a flood camp i've had a dream where like i saw like like these these are beings coming from the sky and so on and so forth and that's great that's great what you should do is lord what is it that you're revealing to me what is it that that amos three and seven is now literally literally coming to pass in my life you're revealing it to me your prophet you want me to be your mouthpiece in the earth to reveal to the inhabitants hey look look earthlings this is what god is saying now we need to prepare because he already promised us that listen he isn't going to leave us ignorant he's going to leave us in a state where we don't understand no no no no no no he is going to reveal to us in advance before it happened so that we can be proactive this is what he wants to do all right now let's go to uh let's go to numbers chapter 12 and we're going to read from verse 12 to verse sorry number chapter 12 we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 6. very powerful powerful scripture about moses his brother aaron and his sister miriam and even though they're addressing a personal problem is being addressed here as it relates to uh moses's new spouse because his wife uh sarah sarah had died and he excuse me had married a new lady being in the person of this i think she was a shy she was a black lady right so numbers chapter 12 verse 1 says and miriam and aaron which is moses brother and sister aaron was the priest and miriam and aaron spake against moses because of the ethiopian ethiopian woman whom he had married for he had married an ethiopian woman they had a problem with that verse 2 of numbers 12. it says and they said have the lord indeed spoken only by moses now isn't that interesting all of a sudden you were listening to moses all of a sudden he was the man of god all of a sudden he was the anointed one now he's doing something you don't like okay he's doing something you don't like now something you don't approve of and he's the devil now okay he he he's the devil you never did believe in him before and that is so typical of church people or they would love you as long as you could interpret their dreams and prophesy to them and bless them you are the best thing since sliced bread the minute you do something they don't like you are the biggest devil on this side of the planet but nevertheless they had a problem with her and now they begin to question because they don't like the fact that moses married a black woman they don't like the fact that she he married us so therefore god only speak to him anymore all of a sudden god changed his mind and whom we speak to because i have a personal issue with my brother over here i'm not going to hear from my brother anymore even though everything he said to me before was correct even though everything he said to me before was on point but he's doing something that i don't like so i shut down god mode peace over here that's something you really need to think about because a lot of us are like that rastu says and they said have the lord indeed spoken only by moses had not had had he not spoken also by us and the lord heard it you know they say now listen to verse three now the man moses was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth and the lord spoke suddenly unto moses and unto aaron and unto miriam and he says come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation and they three came out verse five and the lord came down in the pillow of the cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle and called aaron and miriam and they both came forward i want us to focus i want us to uh focus on verse six because this is very very powerful verse six says and he said let's be clear now who is this he well this he is god god is still the one speaking to these three people moses miriam and aaron god says or he said hear now my words if there be a prophet among you how are we going to know well he's going to explain it i the lord will make myself known unto him who's to him the hymn is the prophet how are you going to know there's a prophet among you god says this is this is your litmus test this is the exam that you're going to introduce to the situation to determine whether or not this is a prophet and really when i say prophet a mouthpiece of god one who's speaking on the behalf of god as it relates to future events all right and he said here now my words if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision what does that mean that mean just like myself right now i'm fully conscious and all of a sudden i see in the background of group of angels or i see like though my ceiling open up and i can actually see the sky and a whole display of angelic beings and so on so i'm not asleep i'm fully awake observing all of this that is a vision so the difference between a vision and a dream is that one requires me to be unconscious which is the dream i'm unconscious i'm not conscious of the physical world i'm asleep while the vision requires me to be fully awake so god says how are you going to know this is my man or woman servant speaking on behalf of me you say well i will reveal myself unto him in a vision and then i will speak unto him in a dream now isn't that interesting he said the person who's always having these dreams because i can say something radiate right now which can shock a lot of you because a lot of you on this live right now are prophets and prophetess and don't even know it and the reason why you don't know it is because they told you a bunch of garbage you need to be in the office of a profit you need to be to the desk of a profit you need to be the supervisor of a profit or you need to be crowned by the master profit square root seven multiplied by eight and if you don't meet the uh formula uh newton's law ohms stop it quit it all right stop making what god made very simple difficult stop it quit it he said very clearly i could read and i'm sure you could read if there be a prophet among you if there be someone that i'm gonna speak through to get the attention of others as to what's coming he said one of those two of those ways is i'm gonna i'm gonna reveal myself in visions and i'm gonna speak to them in dreams so you profit so that you dreamers even though you don't understand your dream even though it doesn't make sense to you those of you i was uh on uh got an email from a young man last night uh was telling me that he literally see visions he literally see evil spirits angels and he in fact he put something in that email that gutted my attention immediately where he had a situation with this evil spirit and he is awake fully awake fully awake fully conscious this evil gross spirit coming after him and within an instant an angel came there are two angels because this thing is very gross and powerful looking whatever the case may be these two angels grab this and shoot this thing up out of the roof of the sky bedroom where he was that's a vision everybody isn't exposed to that i've had visions like that before i told you a story before i was on a three-day drive fast and coming down towards the final but not even the final hours the last hour of that fast because i normally conclude my fast at 12 midnight there's nothing special about that that's just how i do it okay at 12 midnight and i was sitting in the same culture that you seen up in the rev me i was sitting there very weak but very conscious and the television was on but i had it on mute my wife was in the room and coming out of the hallway here to mf i saw this lady but she was built like an amazon lady like a real muscular she had to be like about at least about seven and a half to eight feet tall and she was regaled like in a the roman soldier's uh uniform the metal uniform it depletes all over it but she had on the skirt and it was all metal and the skirt was just above her knee but very muscular and the vest that she was wearing was the same texture and everything of the script all metal and i'm watching her literally floating on the air towards me just like this and i saw when she pulled her sword this long shiny sword and just and i'm watching this i'm literally sitting in this culture in the rear of me and i'm looking at this my television is on i'm conscious of everything and i don't remember what i said i know i made a noise and it just disappeared so didri say what happened because she forgot i was trying to call or make some silly noise so of course i told her later what happened but that wasn't the first time i've had an experience like that so god's god is showing me see these are the things you don't see that is that is happening consistently the spiritual realm if the lord can reveal to you what he's protecting you from on a daily basis you may not be a prayer you may not even be into god but somebody is praying for you and their prayers are subduing the wiles of the devil that you have no idea of and this is why i say to people all the time always don't just make your prayers reserved to you and your family pray for other people because for the most part that may be the only prayers that they will ever receive so i've had that on many occasions where i saw it and i tell you man this lady she was built like a man but she had on all of the metal everything was metal and you could literally hear the cling cling and she's coming with i mean pure hate towards me but this is the part i want you to get what was causing this to be revealed the fast this is why i promote fasting so much because listen i've seen the benefits of fast i've i've listened to hundreds of testimonies that followed the fast that i told them to follow according to the scriptures and the breakthroughs as you can see on my facebook wall my personal wall i've been getting a lot of testimonies i've been encouraging people to send me them and asking their permission to post it so that people could see this is real the unseen world is where everything is happening the unseen world is determining whether he will go for it or whether he will stay back or whether he will stay stagnant and that is all based on principles rules and ordinance that either one is using either you or your opponents against you so it will be in your best interest to garner the spiritual intelligence that god is revealing through the vision revealing through the dream so that you can be proactive as it relates to to to the way forward okay so i encourage you do not dismiss your dreams do not dismiss your visions so again when i when i had that that vision that was i'm gonna be honest with you i was a little scary there because it was so real i mean she just appeared out of nowhere she appeared out of nowhere and i tell you all i could see her coming almost like in slow motion and when she grew up she reached here to her side and she pulled that long sorrow and as she was about to come at me and like i said i don't remember what i said i know i said something was very loud and uh she was gone what that kind of reminds me of later on i said to myself i said boy kev you know what that's probably some people who they send an evil spirit behind or a spirit of death and and send them that spirit dealt with them spiritually but of course the doctors will categorize it as they had a heart attack they lose consciousness behind the wheel and they don't know the spiritual implications behind these things and i thank god for my experiences and the things that he's made privy to me that i'm now able to understand these things and just not you know follow you know the traditions and the ideologies of what is put but sticking with the scripture so god says you're going back in otto verse 6 he says if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make excuse myself known until him who's him the prophet i will make myself known unto the prophet in a vision and will speak to him in a dream so that's powerful so god is trying to reveal to you via your dreams spiritual intelligence he's trying to show you now when i say god is trying to reveal to you it doesn't mean that the dream is all the dreams are coming from god no but god is allowing you through the ability to see in the spiritual realm via your dream to hold back the forces of evil that's trying to prevent you from having a peek of what they're doing so god is allowing you to see this is no different than the reality of when gideon was instructed by god in a in joshua judges sorry judges chapter 7 when he was still on the fence as to how are they going to win against the media knights and the other nations who had a multitude of soldiers with only 300 men so god says i'm going to deliver them into your hand he said now go down into the valley and eavesdrop on what the soldiers are about to say and he took furor or purel with him and he was made privy to a conversation that the soldiers didn't know that they were in the bush or the forest whenever listening and one of the soldiers was telling the other soldier hey i had this dream last night and in this dream i saw like this barley of bread coming out of nowhere rolling down the camp of the midianites and literally crush us tear everything apart so the other soldier who clearly had the gift of interpretation remember they serve other gods but it had nothing to do with god's gift to them now what they choose to do who they say was on them but they had the gift so the guy who told the dreamer the gift of dreaming that a guy had the gift of interpretation and the guy with the interpretation said hey this is nothing more than gideon will come and destroy us and he's going to be back by his god which is the god of abraham so what's happening here they have been it's been revealed to them even though they they were the opponents of israel god let them see they are cut hip like we say in the bahamas they'll be down in advance take a peek at this in the spiritual realm because you can get this in the natural so that's why for me i love this i i love i thank god for this divine understanding that he gave me years ago as it relates to the things of the spiritual world and interpreting them to the point where it now makes so much sense that even though there's no physical evidence you know to suggest what i see i can't see this danger coming when everything seems so peaceful right now everything seems like everything is going so well again it's no different from the dream than genesis when pharaoh had called our brother joseph to explain the two separate dreams that he had the first dream that he had he said i had this dream where i saw the the skinny cows consuming the big cows of of of egypt then the following night had another dream but in this dream the small itty bitty corn was consuming the big healthy corn what could this dream mean joseph straight number readable first of all buddy it is god that gives the interpretation it is god that's going to give me the wisdom to put the symbols together for this particular event to reveal to you the coming events and he said to him he said behold even though you had two separate dreams the two dreams are really one and it's only confirming what god will do meaning that in the spiritual realm this has already happened but time is advancing everybody on the planet to meet these events that you saw in the dream but so he said to him now he's now going to become a financial advisor to him as it relates based on the things he told him about the dream so he says the dream means that you're going to have seven years of plenty of prosperity which are going to be followed by another seven years of famine and he says that the famine is going to be so grievous that you're not even going to remember the days of plenty so he says here's what you do he said during the time of plenty each year you're going to take 20 of everything 20 of the gross of everything you would have produced and he says now build a warehouse in every province of egypt and store the wheat and the grain and whatever is stored in those places so now when the time of farm income you would have reserves to feed your people not only that during the time of famine because they followed this economic advice of joseph they were able when the other parts of egypt has had nothing else to sustain them so they now had to to do the battering system okay listen we want some of your weed there they said no we had a problem with that but we want all our sheep you gotta wear you all those gold we have all the stuff and the bible said when they ran out of all of that stuff they had nothing else to negotiate or bargain with anymore so egypt said okay that's not a problem we want your land that's what we want read the scripture it says we want your life so we will continue to give you weed and whatever supplies you need but we just need you to sign this document right here to sign this land over to us so watch how powerful based on the dream the scriptures are clear it says that egypt became more wealthy or they were they were wealthier sorry they were wealthier in the time of famine this is powerful they were wealthy in the time of farming because of them adhering to the financial advice that uh joseph gave them they were more wealthy they were wealthier sorry in the time of famine than in the time of money so they gain more based on the resources that they have and i hope you're getting this you know i hope you're all getting this i hope you're getting this they became more wealthy in that they became wealthier sorry in a time of famine than in the time of many all because uh they took the advice of joseph and while they were making the money while they were doing well they they took care of what they needed but they also put some stuff in reserve but again that's what i want you to look at it's all becoming it all came about as a result of the dream the dream was the one that showed them the future the spiritual intelligence was downloaded to an evil king that's why you cannot discount the dreams and where it's coming from or who it's coming from because god could use anybody to bring about uh what's the future events he did the exact same thing in the life of nebuchadnezzar in the book of daniel daniel nebuchadnezzar was an evil heathen king but god then [ __ ] the bible will record events of this guy and his dreams and what the spiritual implications of those dreams were so you see here it is very important that your dreams are that is something you need to hold on to that is something that you really need to beg god for revelation for lord what does this mean what are you saying to me why are you showing me this dream about my son every time i dream about my son or my daughter i'm gonna jump ahead of myself my son and my daughter you you you i'm always seeing them even though they're adults they're in their 30s and 40s why am i always seeing them as little children why am i always seeing them as little babies that doesn't make any sense no it doesn't make any sense to you when you don't understand the spiritual rules but the spiritual rules of you to tell me that dream i mean right away i know what it means to see yourself or to see a child or to see your adult child sorry as a child it speaks of the spirit of backwardness on them a spirit of stagnation because the reality is they have they are beyond childhood so why the dream is taking you back to when they're a baby why is the dream taking you back when you were a little girl eight years old and you're now 50 60 odd years old because it is just symbols symbols what what does a child mean it speaks of immaturity it speaks of something or someone that's not prepared to handle adult situation so why would that be giving me that symbol if i'm an adult now because there's a spirit on you or there's a spirit that's attacking you or pending to attack you to to literally bring your life backward let me stop hope you're getting this i hope you're getting this i hope you're getting this so that's why it's important to recall your dreams it's important to understand what this dream is saying to me what does it mean because i'm telling you the spiritual implication of the dream is far more reaching than would than what you're just saying will end of yourself what does this mean what what is this about to do in my life that's key all right now based on the example that i just gave you becoming off of the heels of numbers 12 1-6 and remember god says that he will reveal himself in visions and speak to his prophets and dreams amos 3 and 7 says that he will allow nothing to take place in the earth until he can find somebody to reveal it to and the person don't have to be a believer of jesus christ as you would have seen with their king nebuchadnezzar as well as uh this other guy here uh the other king who didn't know but god it doesn't matter god says i make you a promise right so you shouldn't be concerned who the dream coming through all the information coming through what you should be concerned about is the promise that i made you that i will not allow nothing to happen unless i reveal it i can reveal it to someone so now if you are crazy and say well oh brother john over here don't know jesus i don't listen to people who don't know jesus well you go about smartly and see how far uh that's how far that's going to get you all right so what i want us to look at now is simply this we're going to see we're going to go into a story which is going to prove to you and this is i'm just going to do this last scripture here well actually two more scriptures one one more after this i'm going to show you these last two then i'm going to take you into different examples so it'll be much more clearer to you but this next step that i'm showing you because remember this is the third step now the first one is god will not do nothing in there unless he revealed it to his servants first then we came to uh the story about uh moses aaron and miriam where god says who he's revealing again only confirming uh how he speaks to people of true dreams and visions and so on this next uh chapter which is first kings 22 i'm going to show you i've given you this chapter before i've used this in many of my teachings before and it's just to prove this point and that point is what is being revealed in that dream whether it's animals whether it's a particular action or whatever the case may be the reality is it's spirits that's being revealed to you okay i've had a couple emails where people said to me kevin i'm constantly having dreams about celebrities i dreamt about rihanna i dreamt about president trump you know and in their mind they figure that mean they're going to be superstars so they're going to be the president or whatever the case may be well not necessarily because when you know the principle of the dream when you know the principle and you're going based on the principle when you do that for the most part you're not going to immediately take the dream literal unless you're a straight dreamer and a straight dream would be one exactly how they saw it in the dreamers exactly our pants on their life which is also you'll find this the backing of this in scripture in numbers same number chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 where god says unlike my servant moses i wouldn't speak to him true visions and dream i would speak to him face to face just like how i say it to him or reveal it to him is exactly there's going to be no no dark signs and oneness none of that i'm going to give it to him straight moses you because of your relationship with me johnny's going to get shoot next week so i take you for the rituals that's exactly what's going to happen i'll go deal with it all right so going back to the dream itself and i remember i told you about the the the the person who had a dream about their adult child must be totally 40 something but in the dream they had two dreams back to back where the child was an infant or a child who was 80 years old what does that mean like i said to you the whole action of the dream the whole setup is revealing assuming you the spiritual implication is revealing a spirit of stagnation on the child and if she if they were to pick up the phone and call that child right now and say baby i had a dream about you i just said man what's going on you're okay i mean you feel like you can't get ahead my mommy i surprised daddy i'm surprised you would even say that to me because that's how i feel right now like everything i put my hand to it's like something's going on like i can i always messing up on the job so the dream show that showed mommy that there's a spirit of stagnation so rather than coming out of the dream and say boy i just had this dream but you look so cute when you were eight years old oh my god i know god sent me that dream to make me feel good about you no god sent you that dream to be proactive god is allowing the spiritual intelligence via the dream for you to go specifically after the spirit of stagnation specifically after that spirit of backwardness that spirit that slowed full spirit because i can assure you that child is experiencing bulks with procrastination laziness their lackadaisical they they lose the ability to meet deadlines but it isn't the child the dream through the symbol is revealing the spirit involved that's coercing that's persuading the child and that's what the dreams are all about making causing that child or sorry the spirit trying to establish covenants with the child that probably in this case has already happened but the lord is allowing the parent to see even though the covenant has been established that hey look at this is the real deal so go after this in prayer so let's go now to uh first kings 22 i gave you that day so you this the scripture would make more sense to you first kings chapter 22 and we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 9. first kings chapter 22 and we're going to read through verse 1 to verse 9. i hope you guys are getting it if you're not getting it then please let me know so i can pray for you because just there's no reason why you shouldn't be getting this because if you follow me i'm only repeating what i say all the time but i'm just giving more details to it that's all i'm doing all right but i just want you to be equipped man i don't want you to be ignorant i don't want you to sit back and defeat anymore this is why i do what i do this is why i charge you no fees i ask you to send me no nothing to get no revelation i know the importance of having this information because i didn't have it in the past which has cost me tremendously but i thank god i don't regret it because had those things not happened i would not be here speaking to you today so i paid the price so that you would have this free information i could have put it in a book form and of course i will do that one day but for right now i just see the importance that you need to have this information i'm also saying this because there are many of you that are constantly writing me asking me about dreams and i've taught on these things a million and one times and i say to you all the time you know go to the youtube and go through the videos so go through to my blog site kevinelliewing.blogspot.com go to my app uh my android app uh i have numerous resources free free free free free free i'm not charging you anything i'm not asking you to see it i'm not asking you to bless this ministry if you choose to do that on you but my mandate which god has given me is to get the information out there to his people i cannot speak to all of you some of you have written me some really nasty letters as if you own me i pray for you because clearly the devil has used you you know that i'm trying to avoid you i'm ignoring your messages well i guess i'm ignoring everybody messages because the only thousands of them that's coming to me daily so you you if you're serious about your deliverance if you're serious about a change in your life then you need to break that mindset that you receive from the church that you go to where you have to go through the pastor for everything you don't have to come to me for nothing all of the stuff is there the scripture is there everything i'm guiding you and walking you through everything again for free not asking you for anything go i'll invest my own resources and as others bless me i'll continue to do this but i want you to get up off of your heart stop being lazy and go search the scriptures go get the free material and put it to use all right so in first kings chapter 22 verse 1 says and they continue three years without war between syria and israel verse two of first kings 22 and it came to pass in the third year that jehoshaphat the king of judah came down to the king of israel and the king of israel said unto his servants know ye that remoth and gilead is ours and we be still and take it not out of the hand of the king of syria now who was the king of israel well the king of israel at this time was king ahab and as you would know ahab had dismissed god and his rules and ordinance that he had in place for israel and he was coerced and influenced ahab that is to follow the gods of his wife which was jezebel who i was a descendant of the uh gibeonites which god told them from day one that they were to marry no one outside of israel especially the kings and then he told them why he said because they will pull you or lead you away from your god which in ahab's case was empirical evidence of that so now they want to go make war with syria and i'm just gonna kind of summarize it so ahab who was the king of israel and jehoshaphat who was the king of uh judah uh which was the sudden part of the deity of israel and the reason why the two kings and one promised land all began from solomon who disobeyed god and served other gods as a result of that god tore the kingdom from his descendants which is why you have israel and then you have judah so at this point this was the the separation as a result of something like i said and so ahab the king of israel is asking jehoshaphat listen we're getting ready to go wage war with uh syria and i want to know if you would come with us so jehoshaphat who is a man of god and you will see this many in many of the accounts as it relates to him in the bible where any time he was going to do something especially his major as engaging in a war he would always request okay i wouldn't i don't have a problem going you know you are my brothers we are all one in god but is there a man of god is there a man of god here who could advise the way forward meaning that whether we should go fight this war or should we not go and fight this war so uh ahab said well there is a guy here there's a guy here you know but this guy really never tells me what i want to hear so uh joseph says well don't don't say that king you know if he's a man of god then bring him out here and unless here what do you have to say so let's pick it up from verse 13. so from verse 13 of first kings 22 it says and the messenger that was gone to call makaya that was the name of the prophet now prior to this ahab had 400 prophets that said to him you are going to win the war with syria they start to have all of the dance the cabbage patch they probably remember the property they didn't do all the pro everything they wanted to do because as far as they're concerned the 400 prophets are on one accord so this got to be real but jehoshaphat a man who have a discerning spirit and say boy i i i ain't really feeling these 400 over here but the fellow you say don't listen to you or who do i ever tell you nothing please go go get him and let's see what he got to say so in verse 13 he says and the messenger that was gone or sent to call makaya spoke unto him or said unto michael behold now the words of the prophets declared good unto the king with one mouth meaning that all of the prophets the former prophets were on one accord when they told king ahab that they were going to win he says then let thy words i pray thee be like the word but be like the word of one of them and speak that which is good so what he's basically telling him is i can tell you what to prophesy today and that is you be in line with what the other four hundred prophets have said verse 14 says of first kings 22 it says and makaiah said well as the lord liveth what the lord say unto me that will i speak so he came to the king which was makaya and the king said unto him makaya shall we go against remote gilead to battle or shall we forebear or not go and he which is makaya answered him which is ahab he says go and prosper for the lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king so he's actually following the advice of the servant telling him what he want to hear but the story is kind of interesting because in the next verse in the next verse king ahab is going to make a complaint but interestingly enough the complaint is what he's telling me is not true this is interesting because you agreed with the 400 said and this guy is saying the same thing but you're you're complaining that what he's saying is not true unless this can make sense now watch this so where are we now um okay look at verse 16 and the king said unto him how many times shall i adjure or command thee the tao tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the lord but i told you exactly what the 400 prophet said you were going to win but ahab saying that is not true ahab you you want something here you you smoking something because if that's the case then were you going wait why you then all of them lying but i'm going to show you he's under a spell he's under an influence and i'm taking you this route because i'm revealing to you that the actions and the animals and the different symbols you see in the dream for the most part they're depicting spirits but specific spirits that the dream is trying to get you to zoom in on so when you start warfare prayers you don't just throw your words as weapons out there randomly or haphazardly or arbitrarily but based on the intelligence you've got in the dream you're coming specifically after the spirit of jealousy specifically after the spirit of discord specifically after the spirit of division exactly what's been revealed to the dream because the dream remembers spiritual intelligence and is showing you now how to deal with these matters okay so in verse 17 it says and he said i saw the prophet is now telling the truth now in verse 17 of first kings 22 and he said which is makaya he said i saw all israel scattered upon the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the lord said these have no masters let them return every man to his house in peace so he's telling him the truth now he says i saw israel scattered and the shepherd which is you mr ahab you wasn't there no more meaning that you're gonna die in this now you asked for the truth right now i given you the truth because i told you what the rest was saying and you still tell me i generalize so that means they're lying also verse 18 and the king of israel said which is ahab unto jehoshaphat did i not tell you did i not tell thee that he would prophesy no good concerning me but evil now hold on brother you kind of mix up here i said exactly what the other 400 said you say i talk in foolishness i telling you the truth now what the lord said you said you now you're saying i'm telling you nothing to appease you and i've met a lot of people like that you give them a prophecy and that prophecy isn't lining up with what they want you're a false prophet you don't know what you're talking about they have all these nasty things to say about you so you see these things are are nothing new they happen all over the world many people are going through this but you just have to be in tune but with the scripture say not necessarily how they feel or what they dealing with but what god has been revealing to you now watch this verse 90 says and he said hear thou therefore the word of the lord i saw the lord he's in a vision now this is makaya and makaya in verse 19 of first kings 22 is reveal god this is the vision god has shown him these are the things that is going on in the spiritual world which has an aerial view of this planet looking at the inhabitants of this planet what is literally pulling the strings as to what's happening in everyday life watch this verse 19 and he said which is makaya hear the out there for the word of the lord i saw the lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left verse 20 and the lord said who shall persuade now let's hold on right now let's hold on right now we don't want go ahead now we do not want to go ahead now why don't we want to just jump ahead of this because in order to understand the scripture remember the scenario he said i saw the lord sitting on his throne and i saw the hosts of heaven okay the host of heaven will now be the kingdom of god and no flesh dwell there no no no no that's only spirits so he said he saw the host of heaven on his left and on his right and he says who will go who's who is he talking to humans no no he's not he is talking to spirits and we can sit here right now and i pause right here because see i don't want us to continue with the reading but cemented in the understanding he's referring to human beings no no no let's go over this again verse 19 and the lord said who shall pro let's go back to verse 19 and he said mackay that is hear thou therefore the word of the lord i saw the lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing by him on his right and on his left no humans there is no humans in the heavens only spiritual beings and makaya saying i see the entire house standing to the left and to the right of the lord verse 20 of first kings 22 and the lord said who shall persuade but who is he talking to he's talking to spirits so what do spirits do what is the initial purpose of all spirits to persuade to coerce to influence who human beings see i'm trying to take my time at this because i'm trying to give you the purpose of the dream why you're having the dream why is this person dressed and mimicking your deceased parents why is this dream showing you your ex-husband who you divorced years ago having sex with you in the dream what is this spirit masquerading as my former partner trying to influence coerce persuade encourage me to be a part of so i gotta break it down now i gotta break it down now see we got to break it down because we need to make sense of what the dream is all about we just can't rush through the scriptures we need to just weave our way through the scriptures and pick out those nuggets of gold those find my new nuggets of gold so then we bring them all together and meld them down we got a big chunk of gold here so he says which of you spirits and the scriptures also showing the sovereignty of god again he's demonstrating in the scripture exactly the first scripture i said to you when i started this teaching amos three and seven he says i will do nothing i will allow nothing to happen on this planet unless i reveal it to my servant first which was makaya in this case come here makaya bring your humble self here i'm gonna give you this vision look at this and i want you to see what's happening in the spiritual world what's happening in the heavens we're just being orchestrated even you don't even know you'll hear anything physically even though you don't see anything that does not mean nothing is happening just like when daniel had a dream in daniel chapter 10 it's fast while it appeared to him that after 21 day of fasting i didn't hear from god no big super duper nothing happened what was going on here where's god god where are you where am i i was always here in fact i answered you from day one from the first day you started so watch this now watch this verse 20 and the lord said who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall before ramos getting who which one of you spirits will go and coerce him to go before raymond gilead which he will lose his life because according to the heavens according to god's schedule this is his time to leave planet earth and the lord said who shall persuade ahab that he may go up and fall at remote gilead and one said who's the one one spirit and one spirit said to the other spirit will you go oh my god will you go out but none of the spirits are being named here none of them are being named i'm going to tell you why i'm telling you this it says and once said to this manner and another said to this manner one spirit saying to the next will you go but i'm going to be i know you are not me i'm going to influence them verse 21 says and there came for a spirit like i've been telling you all along and stood before the lord and said i will press i cannot force him because god has not given me the power to influence any human being sorry to impose my will on any human being this is powerful this is powerful because no evil spirit or no spirit from god have the right to impose their will on you what do they do instead they try to convince you entice you persuade you encourage you inspire you but they cannot take your risk twist it and make you do it no no they can't and that's why people who you hear say they hear voices or that they're in the state of depression and they feel so down even though the whole world is having a party around them it's a spirit influencing their human spirit persuading the human spirit and convince them convincing them that there's no hope nobody loves you nobody cares about you but it's a spirit doing that there's a spirit that's doing that so that's what he says here verse 21 and there came for a spirit and stood before the lord and said i will persuade him now the spirit is going to identify himself excuse me so verse 21 says verse 22 says and the lord said unto him two revelations here the lord said i don't the spirit but it's referring to the spirit as a male gender unto him and the lord said unto him wherewith or how shall you do this and he said who is he was it god no follow the context the spirit and he said or the spirit said i will go forth and i will be watch this now a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets you all hear this you all hearing this makaya is being made privy to spiritual events or spiritual intelligence a war is about to take place and they're thinking that this war is their doings they're thinking that hey you know what i feel like i can go i will take down syria today because i beat them down in three years let me go beat them down so uh uh ahab said to jehoshaphat jesus watch you with us on this he said yeah i want you on this but uh bring me bring me a man of god i need to hear from god somewhere somehow i need to know what with the dealers excuse me you need to know what the deal none of them know that the strings are being pulled from the spiritual realm like i've been telling you in my teachings and continually giving you scriptural support to support what i'm telling you this is not my opinion this is not what i think this is not my hypothesis this is not my theology this is a scripture i'm giving you the scripture is clearly saying god isn't going to never impose his will he said but which one of you spirits so that means the lying spirit spirit of fornication in the spirit of love the spirit of jealousy the spirit of kindness all of them is subject are subject to god this reveals the sovereignty of god that none of them could do what they want to do on this planet unless it is approved by our lord and savior jesus christ god almighty so they got to come before god and the will of god got to be carried out so if this is in timing or in lining with the will of god okay well then you can go there so the scripture is showing is showing the origin of what happened on the earth remember the 400 prophets are already told uh ahab that you are going to win but now mackay is saying from the spiritual realm would really happen and what really happened was that a lying spirit had descended upon the 400 prophets and they were convinced by the invisible and silent persuasion of this lying spirit to tell jehovah so to tell ahab you're going to win the war but clearly ahab even in his full regalia of wickedness he wasn't certain to call witness to prove it when makaya came and said hey you know what they say they're going to win yeah you go in that he said you see you always talking nonsense what you mean i talking nonsense and i told you what they said so see when is your time to die nothing could stop it if god anger stopped if god isn't the one behind stopping it because even though he told him yeah you know your argument he didn't believe it but then he told him what the lord say and now he had a problem his next critique to makaya's prophecy was you never tell me nothing positive but maybe i wasn't telling you nothing positive because you never do nothing positive you're always doing wickedness you're vic itself so the bible is clear listen i don't know about you guys but i i am when i tell you i'm in love with the bible i am my passion for the word of god is just unbelievable just just reading these things it's like that put me on a high man i just love to read these stories because for years we read over these things in church read over these things in bible study and nobody never really stop pause who's this person speaking what are they talking about how could this this don't make no sense nobody never i've never sat on the teacher that did that and so for me now to just find these nuggets is trust me man it is it is phenomenal and i thank god i thank god for it so the bible says here in verse 20 he says and the lord said who shall persuade ahab that they may go up and fall at remote gilead and one spirit said that the next i will do it blah blah blah then of course the spirit cannot be saw judy said will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all of the prophets in verse 22. it says and he said listen now and he said who is he now who's he and he said remember the spirit says he says i will be the one god says okay how you are going to to persuade them he says the spirit says i will be a lying spirit revelation a person who is a liar the person itself isn't a liar per se but they are possessed or oppressed by a lying spirit that's persuading influencing or inspiring them to always lie and that's why i say to you don't fuss the person go after the spirit the minute you disable the spirit the person will be delivered from the spirit of lying all right so verse 22 says and the lord said unto him how will you do it he said i will go forth and i will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets and he said who is he god because for him to do it now god have to give the approval this this speaks of the sovereignty of god he says and he said thou shalt persuade god says okay go thou shall persuade him and prevail also go forth meaning that go forth you lying spirit this is god saying this lying spirit go forth and to deceive them now you may say kevin now boy kevin you're messing me right up man kevin you messing married up and the reason why you messing me up kev is because god is a good god what are you doing messing around with lying spirits and sending them forward and all those other foolish kevin see that's the reason why the message all christians you all all mix up see you mix up when you don't know the rules now why would god send a lie in there it look like he working with the devil no no let's look at the law let's look at the law let's look at the law now let's look at the law see before you make a foolish judge look at the law the law says in proverbs 26 and 2 i think it is a curse cannot descend upon anybody without a cause that was permissible by god because they didn't serve god they were all into wickedness so when the evil spirit asks permission from the creator because it's god who created that evil spirit it may not have been evil in his original state but nevertheless it's wicked now it says i will go and persuade him god isn't going to send a lying spirit among people serving him no but there's a cause for it here according to the scripture and the cause is they serve baal so god says go and deceive them seeing that they like foolishness go down in and do what you got to do so again before we make judgments oh my god how could god allow these people to suffer how could he allow this pregnant woman to be shot in her head oh my god she didn't even give birth yeah and the human sympathetic side will lead you quickly there but let's go back to the lord book and let's look at the history of the bloodline let's look at when god said eons ago that of your ancestors involved in in iniquity god says in your law repent he says i will visit the iniquity on the third and fourth generation so the woman was shot in her head guess what she's a fourth generation of these wicked people in the past but nobody paid attention to god's law they dismiss his law all of a sudden this law don't mean nothing i don't even need to know that so this is why i say to you your ignorance is no excuse to the law so now you see events unfold in reality and you're perplexed because if god is always with us if god is all-knowing why didn't he reveal this to me why didn't he help me why didn't he do this why didn't he do that why didn't he do this go read your bible go study the law go study righteous judgment you got to know the law that's why i don't pay no attention to these these so-called intellectual preachers you speak from an intellectual make me feel good for five minutes assignments no give me a history of the rules so that now i can make a wise judgment on what's happening now even though it doesn't make natural sense should we try that so the bible says that the spirit was given permission by god and to tell all of those evil wicked prophets that serve baal and their leader ahab that we are going to you all are going to win the war the long story short exactly what mikaya saw is what took place so i took you through that long and long journey to reveal to you that what you're seeing in your dreams based on the spiritual intelligence that you're getting via the dream is don't just jump into it too to look at the dream literally because for the most part if you're not a straight dreamer you're going to come up with an erroneous interpretation but we're looking at actions we're looking at these animals we're looking at this why why am i walking backward in this dream and is everyone walking ahead of me why that doesn't make sense what spirit is the action revealing a spirit of backwardness a spirit of digression huh why it seems like in this dream like i would say this one spot and i couldn't move everybody else was moving the spirit of stagnation how come i keep having these dreams and in the dreams i'm looking at these turtles or these slow-moving creatures what is to show you a spirit of laziness a spirit of procrasti see the action is revealing the spirit god says i will send a lying spirit well he didn't say that but the lying spirit said ask permission of god i will be the one to persuade him and god reveal it to makaya in a vision makai you see look at this this is the true blueprint as to what's really happening they think they wanted to go fight israel i mean go fight syria off their own they didn't know they were being influenced by spirit and the same spirits lie to the prophets which in turn lie to ahab that he was going to win the war but like i told you i will do nothing in the earth unless i reveal my secrets to my servants and those servants are my prophets which will be mr mikaya because i also said in numbers 12 and 6 if there be a prophet among you i will reveal myself in visions like i did to mr makaya or i would speak to them in dreams so anyone tell you prophet or whoever your leaders that dreams and visions are not of today they are sick in their mind they're crazy because of the knot of the day immediately when we go into the new testament in matthew it spoke about how our angel and also the lord visited the wise men as well as joseph in a dream and warned the wise man not to go back to herod and want joseph to grab the child and the mother and head into egypt so tell your pastor explain that tell him explain that how why why why we see dreams showing up again in the new testament he could he could say you know what when i well yeah it was in the old testament but come on now what about the new testament i just gave you the new testament once so don't you try that so again the scriptures are showing us now all of that i said to you all that i said to you because i want to show you how witchcraft manipulation takes place in the dream and one of the most common ways in which that happen is you're not able to recall your dream and this happens to a lot of people it happens to me every every now and again in fact and and for the most part when that happens there's something right on the brink something major on the brink whether it's a promotion whether it's trouble will matter whatever whatever it is but those the the retrieving or the holding back of the spiritual intelligence that's been revealed to you are never happening by chance or by accident it's happening it's happening because these evil foul spirits are trying to manipulate the dreamer by withholding or erasing the information so the dreamer will wake up from a lengthy dream they remembered everything in the dream but the minute they woke up they cannot remember anything as witchcraft manipulation their dream and again all witchcraft manipulation means is because obviously the information that's in the dream it's a part of god's will for your life so witchcraft in and of itself means to suspend to stall or to dismiss entirely the destiny of a person in order to fulfill your destiny then you need to know the will of god for you at that particular time or even in the in the future the way forward because that's going to be key and to ensure that you're on the right path that you're connected with the right people and that you're doing the right thing that is that is key all right so a person will always forget their dream secondly they will feel as if they're not dreaming at all the truth is they're they're dreaming now in the first one that i told you in all of these cases it means that the person is under severe spiritual attack there's no doubt about it and whether that person is a christian or not because god is in reserving information based on your status in him no the bible says that he shines on the just and the unjust he reigns on the the sinner and the the saved man so god will do everything with his power to ensure that you get in line that you be on board his train if you choose not to do that on you but you could never say that the information wasn't provided or the revelation wasn't provided okay so and the second one which is not dreaming at all is you really under severe spiritual warfare severe spiritual attack surveil and and normally when it gets this severe the dream has it doesn't necessarily mean it has something to do with you but it really means that whatever it is that is being held from you it is to affect a a if not a large amount of people is to affect future generation so the enemy needs to keep this information from you because clearly you're the one who god is releasing it too to become the mouthpiece for him for to release this information into the earth so this is why it's being stripped from you now none of what's happening here is by chance because the enemy is very he listen it was anyone who understands the rules the laws the principles of god and his ordin ordinance it's the enemy now the enemy realized that if if if i am successful in keeping this information from kevin then kevin cannot do what god wanted to do and the events which kevin's supposed to initiate through what god is revealing to him that even though the people may be in place for it well they could be in place all they want but if they don't get the release from kevin in terms of what he's supposed to speak then none of who is in line will be able to benefit from this so the enemy now implements the law of destruction how does he do that by keeping information from you kevin i don't make sense well let's look at the law again the law says regniston isaiah 4 6 what does isaiah 4 and 6 say it says my people perish some translation says they are destroyed but why are they destroyed are they destroyed because they don't have the resources as in money and material goods no are they destroyed because they didn't have a college degree no he said they are destroyed why because they lack knowledge um they lack knowledge what you mean they lack the spiritual intelligence that was being revealed in the dream so therefore even if they get to their destination they lack the information that is needed for them to sustain their tenure at the destination for them to perform at peak at their destination are you listening to me somebody said that the comments on the screen of the distraction distracting you you are allowing the devil to distract you my friend listen to what is being said stop complaining stop complaining and listen to what's being said that's what you're interested in you don't care what's on the screen i have nothing to do with you that i've learned to do with me whatever's on the screen got them just just listen to what's being said don't let the enemy come the spirit of destruction is working right now don't let him distract you nothing personal my friend but focus on what's being said that's all you need to do so spiritual intelligence is vital because without it it now begins the process of destruction the process of us perishing in isaiah 5 verse 13 it says that my people are gone into captivity captivity means to be bound to be incarcerated but he's talking spiritually though they have gone into captivity why why because of a lack of knowledge so the law of captivity is the same as the law of destruction isaiah 5 verse 13 joseph 4 6 okay in both cases we're going to secure some form of stagnation for the one who was supposed to receive the information so you see in the dream the enemy is because the dream has placed you in the spiritual realm yes you're physically at rest uh-huh you're physically at rest on your bed you're physically asleep on the couch you're physically asleep wherever now while your physical body is unconscious the real you your spirit minded soul is interrupting in the spiritual realm so whatever you take receive whatever you sign whatever you engage with you're engaging with spirits now what you need to know are these spirits of god or are these spirits of the kingdom of darkness because each one of them has an agenda for your life each one of them are trying to persuade you to do their will to fulfill their purpose so that's what's what's clear so i'm saying to you guys you have to understand now a part of the the manipulation in the dreams and we spoke about this before you would have cases like masquerading spirits i spoke about this i did a series on this just recently where masquerading spirit which is the same as familiar spirits same thing same thing and these are evil spirits again they take on the form of someone you're familiar with someone who's deceased or even a stranger but the idea is which is the purpose of this teaching it is to manipulate the dreamer or whatever the message is for for somebody else out of the tools that they need or the information as it relates to their destiny so this is with a manipulation coming many of you have written to me you said kevin i keep having this dream about babies and some of you have said kev i've had this dream where ladies that is and i'm breastfeeding this baby but i don't have any kids or i have kids my kids are grown up i'm already past child bearing age i'm not interested in no children but the child was so cute now watch the deception watch the manipulation again so this baby which is an evil spirit and remember the baby is not sucking on the breast of your fleshly body your fleshly body is asleep so this is your spirit representing you in the spiritual realm the real you but it's sucking your virtue sucking home or what you're supposed to become in the future see this is what you don't know all you see is this cute baby someone handed to you and it's sucking on your your breasts it's taking from you and it's taken from your spirit man you've got to rebuke that in fact you need to want to fast a one-day fast and begin to condemn that dream and command that spirit according to uh uh proverbs 6 30 to 31 where it says when the thief is found you must demand of that thief to return unto you sevenfold of what he or what he has taken from you say no joke this real stuff happening this is real stuff happening and you need to understand the rules you walk in your room and there's this child laying in your bed for what now does that mean that dreams of uh babies are all bad dreams no no in fact dream and on the good side of it dreaming of babies mean a new beginning a new idea or it means something uh it could also mean something that is immature something that is uh in its initial stages but it all will depend on the context of the dream but in most most dreams are negative and the truth is it's a negative because i say that negative remember i tell you the dream in and of itself is revealing the spiritual clutter of your life so if you're always having negative dreams which most of us do it's it's it's speaking about your true environment not your beautiful room with your nice air conditioner all of that is a facade that that means nothing the real life in which you're living is in the spiritual world because that's what's pulling the strings to this physical world and if you don't if you don't understand that you will forever be lost you will forever be trying to figure out why these things happening to me this doesn't make uh any sense at all now i said to you that aside from the dream uh [Music] bringing spiritual intelligence meaning showing you things to come it is your uh what we call and from the from from an army or military perspective it's called a reconnaissance mission where they go to retrieve information so they will fly a drone excuse me thousands of feet in the sky over the enemy's camp and with these super zooming lands and literally taking pictures taking pictures of the enemy's camp taking pictures of where they store their fuel taking pictures of where the human assets reside on the campus taking pictures of where the aircrafts are located so now when they go back to their base with this information now the heads and the generals could now strategize a plan and when we first launched what we're going to do is knock out their fuel supply then we're going to knock out all of their vehicles then we're going to knock it out of the aircraft so we're going to disable them all together from any mobile movement in terms of machinery so you see the importance now of the spiritual or the recognizance mission that even though they're not fighting they're retrieving the information so that those who will fight will be more not only accurate in their fight but successful in their fight overall it is no different from the dream so the dream is now showing us why is it that you're constantly seeing your husband with another woman why why is it that you're constantly seeing your your husband not only with another woman but he's that you're always in the bedroom you're always in the bedroom but sorry he's always in the bedroom but there's a lady in the bed but it's never you why well the dream is showing you see these are the events that the spirit world the demonic side is setting these relations up for divorce it's giving the symbols of you already being off the scene and another person is there but again you're looking at life as it is now oh no i couldn't see my husband cheating on me no way that man loved me too much uh uh that could never happen the devil is a liar you don't pray against it you don't fast you don't cover your husband you don't cover yourself you don't pray a hedge you do none of that so three years later you're a divorce court finalizing your divorce and the dream come back to you my lord i saw this three years ago i can't believe this exactly what i saw three years ago so you cannot say you didn't you didn't get no spiritual intelligence you cannot say the the the the dream didn't reveal the the reconnaissance information that you needed to get oh no you got all of that but you decided to dismiss it based on how you were living at that point see all of this is to manipulate you even right now lord pray lord i pray right now that as good as life is for me right now as much as i love my partner as much as things seems to be going great father send the information give me that reconnaissance information that i need right now so i'll be prepared for the future so i can address what's going to happen in the future now why because you said in amos 3 and 7 that you will allow nothing to take place unless it's revealed to your servants the prophets the scripture i'm making this stuff up this is scripture this is what the word of god is saying it is scripture so what i'm saying to you is that you need to be equipped you need to understand you need to understand what's happening in in the spiritual world so aside from bringing the information the dream when it all boils down it's establishing covenants that's key why because no matter how much they plan in the spiritual rep the spiritual beings none of it could happen unless there's a covenant forge but the the human agents they have to be and that covenant could come in many ways many forms one might even say well kevin there wasn't no covenant form with uh this the 400 prophets for that lion spirit which means not coming in this form how do you figure that you forget what they say when they serve or not whatever god you serve you form a covenant with that god and whatever that god was about could facilitate the evil or the good in your life either the spirit of god almighty or these small g gods these demonic gods so the covenant was already the raw material was already in place for any evil to happen to them so the dream is seeking to establish a covenant reinstate a covenant or strengthen the existing covenant and strengthening the existing covenant will always be where there's sorcery in the family somewhere in the bloodline and the curse have a right to everybody but it doesn't necessarily mean it will get ahold of everybody so for those who decide to give the heart to the lord or live a right life or not participate in those things that the covenant the family was uh spiritually tied to demonically that is so that person that's going to be gonna begin to have dreams that's trying to initiate them to the existing covenants with the bloodline how was this well that person will now begin to have dreams where they always had a banquet and they would see family members or friends or even strangers or they would always be at some uh festival dancing or at a table eating raw meat or always eating meats or or or some kind of food being fed to them so eating in a dream represents covenant what is in this food what is in this this manipulation that appear to be steak that appear to be but it's been manipulated to look that way so when i consume it excuse me my physical body is asleep so that's not consuming it what's really consuming it the real me the spiritual me so they're sending spiritual sickness via the dream but they need you to covenant with that spirit of sickness which is in this and it always can be some food that you really love so in the dream you read this thing i listen in the game when you're talking foolishness with this bunch of uh superstition garbage but eating in the dream i got time for him i eat all of this talking fool that was good you know the dream buddy not on you a couple months later parts of your body begin to swell pains in your body you passing on blood but not only that now that you've consumed it in the dream watch the intensity of your dreams now and i can say something right now a lot of you could be able to relate to me a lot of you that have had that guess what the next move was you're now having dreams about yourself but in the dream parts of your body look like a snake like you will be in your bed cover up but when you move the cover from your torso or from your waist up it's you human but from your waist down it's a snake body or some animal why because you have covenant with a spirit that came through the likeness of food in the dream when you eat it and now whatever was a part of their plan could run its course in your life legally now because you became a part of the because you were ignorant to the rules that's not happening see you could dismiss it all you want you could say boy i believe him you don't have to believe me i'm not i don't believe i try to beg someone to believe me you don't have to believe me you could dismiss this you could turn off this live you could go watch scooby doo that one you oh listen all i'm doing is my part because when i stand before god i want god to say kevin you've done well you carried out my instructions now go have a party in my kingdom that's what i'm looking for i like i keep telling you i i could there's so many i could become a millionaire doing what i do right now but that's not my desire that's not what's not what it's called you know i was called to administer the revelations of god many would have problem with that as well as some may not but i got time for none of them i cannot my parents deal now whether you believe it or not that on you that's totally up to you so they're looking to establish covenants no spirit including the spirit of god could facilitate what he wanted in your life outside of the covenant you don't have to believe this all up in the scriptures it is a covenant that they seeking so kevin how do we deal with this what about us who already ate in the dream and had sex in the dream or all these things that you say was wrong what do we do now fasting fasting i'm about to release a nugget to you oh lord i'm about to release this to you right now right and i'm even on releasing this right now i'm going to do an entire teaching a three-part teaching on this because when you do the fasting remember now you go on the fast to break the agreement between you and the spirit that have you hindered or have you sick or whatever all right so this is why i say to people all the time you you you say kevin man i did what you did which you said i was i come against the altars and i said no no no i didn't say that only remember the altar is only the place where the covenant is established you praying against the authors and you change nothing because that's like we made a covenant on this table already when i am now but the table break up that don't change the covenant you you're coming against the altars yes but you're coming against the orders and asking god that every covenant that was established will not alter may it be dissolved by the blood of jesus christ father god you say that you've become christ for us your word declares that because of your crucifixion you've brought out the ordinance or the laws that was against us as a result of the covenant that we knowingly or unknowingly became a part of so here's the nugget you all ready for this but you're about to be ready for this every time i'm going to do a teaching on this i have to because it's a lot more what i'm about to tell you every time you go on a fast take this from me every time and you're going to see immediate results every time you go on a fast but of course you know you know what my prerequisites are what god prerequisites you have to have a clean heart you cannot have unforgiveness and pride in your life anything filthy in your heart you have to get it out or else you're fasting as a waste of time you have to clear you even if it takes you going to apologize to someone who did you wrong but if god sent you go deal with it because this is going to become the prerequisite for your deliverance but if you have achieved that and your slate is clean before you go on the fast and you've watched all my fast videos i told you while you're fasting you have to give to other people you have to help other people you have to assist other people that's a part of a genuine fast but before you go take this from me and give you more on it later do a communion now listen to me are you listening to me go on a communion when before you go on the fast you get whatever it is to represent the body of christ you get a biscuit of bread whatever and get your little cup or grape juice or whatever and you do your little communion right there and father god i'm participating in this event that you said we must do frequently but make sure your life clean make sure you have no we all but listen to me you know because if you're not listening to me in this area you can bring more harm on yourself than good make sure your heart clean so if you're not speaking to your mother your brother your boss whoever asks god to forgive you and give you the strength to forgive them but you need to forgive them first before god forgive you let's be clear here so you've got to go on a communion because the communion that's why he said do this in remembrance of me the communion was the ultimate sacrifice that christ did to reconcile us back to god so you're going to start off with the communion then you're going to do your regular fast like i've been telling you and then you're going to end with a communion you don't need nobody to administer you you could do this right in your own home all right you could do this in your own home start with the communion before the fast do you fast then you end with a communion and i can explain that in my teaching how powerful and i if you hear nothing else i tell you today follow that simple instruction if you are going on a fast if you had planned to go on a fast even before i started this teaching today listen to me listen to me earlier start get yourself a small cracker or a small bread and use and you you go to the scripture you go to the scripture and you begin to read what the scripture says exactly what it says and i think it's corinthians uh you must do this in remembrance of me blah blah blah then there's some who did this unworthily and they died and all that read all of that and say father god i am taking this as a as a symbol of what you did on that cross i'm now consuming this cracker or this piece of bread in remembrance that this is your flesh i'm eating of i'm drinking this whatever in remembrance of your blood as i'm about to go on this fast now you already see with the symbols spending the facts in the in the dream you're coming against the spirit of premature death anxiety depression whatever it is you would have rewritten that out you've already written out your scriptures okay you've already had the spirit lead you that okay you're gonna bless this person with this couple of dollars during the fast or you're gonna help this over their rent or this one over here who had some children in school and trying to pull over here where they can get the money from then you go make a sacrifice go on your account and just bless them with the money tell them you don't want the money back from them god bless you move on with your life follow the rules of the genuine fast because what you're trying to do shut this relentless evil down in your life once you would have done all of that as you pray write your scriptures not like i told you there's no law that you have to pray with your eyes closed so while you say lord i come before you once again according to your law you said that you will do exceedingly you may not remember it so you write it down you will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that's what your word say your word says the righteous shall be recompensed in the word earth father i'm coming in agreement with this word every word that i'm reciting to you i'm coming in agreement with your word now once you don't do your two day three days seven day or whatever how much day you don't do how are you going to end this fast you got two two more minutes before this fast end boom two more minutes come now father god you already got your little set up you grab your little cookie or whatever that cookie a little biscuit or whatever and you put it on fat in remembrance of you this is your flesh you drink your stuff this is your blood and i believe by faith right now that everything that i've asked you for and this fast it is done in the name of jesus and the story now let me put you on god right now okay you are going to be writing me i'm not asking you to do it but you're going to do it because because of the results that you're going to see so quickly you're going to write me and say brother kevin you you you ain't gonna believe i said no no you ain't believe because i told you what's gonna happen you're going to see you are going to see the manifested power of god because i'm going to show you the power of sacrifice in my teaching and that that little gem i just gave you just now is the core of what i'm about to to talk about okay so basically i'm finished this was supposed to be a one-hour message but it's one hour and 43 minutes but i'm sure you enjoyed it right i'm sure you enjoyed it so i just want you to go over this i was able to simultaneously uh broadcast to youtube my facebook pages and so on with uh the odd stream and it was work very well i just decided to get the upgrade and it worked well i think i'm gonna use this more often but uh i just want to thank all of you that came online please share the video and please follow the instructions but please please ask god to forgive you of any sin that you would have committed anything that you would have done that is contrary to the will of god against his rules especially against your fellow human being god will not hear you you hear me he will not hear you if you ever forgive those who you see every day those who you interact with every day forgive them whatever they did i don't care what they did you know you might say well kevin you don't know what they did to me i don't need to know what they did to you because i can't train and teach you to go above what's written the law is clear forgive them so that god will forgive you heavenly father i thank you for this wonderful group of people that you've inspired to come on to hear not me but to hear your word hear your revelation hear your insight i pray right now father god that this word was not only a blessing to them but it gave them many answers to many dreams or many situations that was going on in their lives i pray now that they would make it practical that the more that they uh delve into the things of you the more the more the more the spiritual realm will open up to them but from a godly perspective i pray that you would continually equip them with spiritual intelligence through their dreams as it relates to pending situation i pray father god that you give them the spirit of interpretation okay just like you gave to daniel just like you gave to joseph just like you've given to me whereby you're not really following a particular set of symbols but you're following a principle that when god begin to bring the revelation it's gonna be based on the principles of the scriptures which is gonna make the dream so much more accurate i pray right now father lord that you give them an insatiable desire for your word an insatiable desire for your scriptures that they would have a hunger for the things of you lord that they'll be able to put aside all of these things that that's wasting their time and distracting them and focus on the lord not on the co-worker not on the supervisor who's trying to do them in and make life hard for them they are all distractions but cause them to zoom in on the spirits that's persuading these people to come up against the god that's in them not not necessarily them your word says in the parable that jesus gave he said that every time that the enemy came and people he came after the war there was the word in them that's going to make the difference the people he wasn't worried about he distracted them while he meticulously mitigated the word out of them so i prayed now that they would see the importance of the word of god and how to to feed themselves consistently which will now fortify and empower and give them the spirit of wisdom and knowledge and understanding counsel and might lord i always pray this prayer i will continue to pray i am asking you lord to which you've rest upon me give them double wherever they are in the world give them double wisdom double knowledge double understanding double revelation double in sight double spirit of discernment and i asked lord because i pray that they will fulfill their journey i pray that they will advance like never before i pray that you will do to them the same thing you did to me when i was at the back of the line when they when my colleagues and friends were lapping me had me in the back only for you to sling forward me slingshot me to the front do the same thing for them lord but lord the same thing you did for me remove the spirit of pride remove the spirit of self and overwhelm them with the spirit of humility because having such gift they could think it's all about them that ain't difficult for the devil to manipulate them for that to happen so father open the spiritual eyes now to let them see that this is about you and not them and they're just the vessel or the conduit carrying your word to give it to a people that you've assigned for them to give your word to father we love you we adore you we praise you in fact i cover them all with the peace of god i cover them all with the with the compassion of god to become passionate towards their fellow sisters and brothers father i pray right now that you would advance them like never before i pray for those who are suffering with the spirit of barrenness the spirit of backwardness the spirit of depression every spirit that is opposing them that is persuading them through the human spirit father i pray that you would shut off their spiritual airs as it relates to demonic forces shut off their spiritual eyes as it relates to demonic forces and cause those eyes to be reopened to what you have already put in place for them and that they would be participants of the blessings that you've put in place for them before the foundation of the world according to ephesians 1 verses 3 2 4. now lord let your peace have passed us all understanding let it be their portion in the name of jesus your word declares that great peace our veda of have they that love thy law and absolutely nothing shall offend them your word declares that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their mind is stayed upon thee i pray right now lord that you you you are raising up an army of people through these teachings and many other of your servants all through the length and breath of this world that is preaching the revelations of our lord and savior jesus christ empowering and inspiring people to get up off their death and now begin to go forward and do what you have called them to do let your peace dominate them let your wisdom dominate them download everything that they need to be successful in all of their life endeavors in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen so folks i thank you once again for joining me uh i might come back on tomorrow because i am really impressed with what's happening here with this uh this new camera i have here as well as my uh super my super mic here so i'm supposed to be doing a teaching on the economy of god i'm gonna start off with that teaching i'm not sure i'm gonna do it tomorrow but i'm going to start with our teaching because that's now going to take us into the series after that which is the teaching that i've been bombarded with to teach which is the the understanding the true understanding of tithe and offering but we're going to start out with the the economy of god how god wants us to do it in this day and age and then we're going to go straight from there into the tide and offering there's some people who believe that you should be paying tithe and there's some who believe that you don't and of course we're gonna we're gonna look at the scriptural understanding of the those who believe that because they haven't created time that they are cursed and bound for hellfire well i'm just going to give you a little hint right here i haven't paid tithe since 2012 2012 when i left the building i've never paid a tight however i've given way beyond the tiding since 2012 but i've invested in the lives of the poor the needy whomever god sent me to including some churches caught up would have had me and my wife uh donate large sums of money to those places as he lead but what i have discovered is that in my time of not paying the tithe but following the new testament rule of giving as my heart desire or as it said in my heart and the governing principles of how it's going to receive based on how i give that is what i've followed and as a result of that i have seen more happen in my life not just only financially but expeditiously more in that way than when i was commanded to to give the ten percent and limited two to ten percent and all that other stuff okay so you want to join me in that teaching but it would have been after the teaching on the economy of god and you're going to see the revelation and i'm going to give you many examples like i normally do not only of myself but of other people who would have taken on that that journey and if churches would come to that understanding they will get more than the type because the members are going to be so blessed based on the rules that they're going to exceed when they were giving us a ten percent but people that stay within the ten percent range are people that uh i guess playing it cautiously but anyway we're going to get into all that you guys have a blessed day and i thank you for joining me share the video god bless you amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 108,639
Rating: 4.9017286 out of 5
Keywords: Witchcraft, manipulation, Dreams, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, familiar spirits the unseen enemies, unseen world, occult, divination, deception, covenant, bad dreams, bible study, interpretation of dreams, spiritual insight, kevin l a ewing, demons, revelation, deliverance, spiritual, spirituality, witches, evil dreams, divine revelation, enlightenment, familiar spirits, christianity, bible, spiritual warfare, jesus christ, spiritual growth, the word of god, masquerading spirits, jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 4sec (6784 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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