Easy Beef Stroganoff Recipe

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looking to take the chill off on a cold day hey we have got you fixed up with a one-pot meal you won't dirty up no more what is it beef stroganoff it's not Hamburger Helper we're fixing it from scratch come on I'll keep the room till you get here [Music] hey welcome into camp on a cold February day it is a good day to have a jacket on it is and I'll be wanting to cook me up something that's warm cozy comfort food warm your heart and soul plumb down to the last drop what are we talking about beef stroganoff yeah that's a pretty fancy word right down there at the end but folks this is an old classic that is graced my table many at times it's a value sort of a meal because we're using a chuck roast and we're gonna simmer that thing down to where it is so tender that it'll melt in your mouth but you blend it with the good flavors that we have mixed in there you go and I love it it is well let's talk a little bit about the history of this dish now it comes over from way over yonder that's East it's coming from way over there like Russia it claims like even 1891 in st. Petersburg there was this Russian cook who was cooking for this count his name was great big long but it ended with stroganoff Baku classic over there and they really enjoyed it now the Americans have been doing it for years and everybody sort of has their spin on it our twist on it is to how you simmer that beef to get it so tender but hold all them flavors in there a little white wine to deglaze that skillet and good eating as always folks a little printable recipe will be down there in the link below you can find it and also what got on some fine goods I do the good folks at Ariat have sponsored our clothing in our videos and you can wear what I wear they've created you a little early for you to jump across they're all my favorites on their page good to go we are and it'll make you look good well remember I was talking about telling you we're gonna use this chuck roast mmm now I have seen people do it with sirloin anything that might be a little thinner or might even be a little cheaper but I like to use a chuck roast now this is about 2 and 1/2 pounds and you can see I just separated that one muscle out of it already but I want you to go back in here remember the beef bourguignon recipe under that one to where I told you there was a roadmap on how you separate these individual muscles so we don't get that piece of fat in there it's always there on the chuck roast and some of you be asking is that a dull knife you're right it is so let's give it a little sharpen right quick come back here and trim that fat off and you can ask your butcher to do this if you don't want to do it just tell him say I'm fixing to fix me up some beef stroganoff and I'd like for you to cut it for me out of a chuck roast in some little inch and a half long strips about a half inch why could you do that for me that's his job folks he'll take care of you so I'm gonna go ahead and cut this I guess I should get it where y'all could see it right here turn this around get this fat going off there now don't worry about this it is not going to waste the good puppies we'll have some of it I promise you but you'll be wondering where their ass we're in a new location you can see we down here to River and Duke is laying in the back of the pickup the big is in the front seat taking a nap you can see but I'll tell you one other reason folks we are plagued down here on this old river with a grass burg and man they will eat a dog's paws plumb up so I'll make sure they get their treat well we got her trimmed up we did and you can see right here the grain of that meat is running east to west now if y'all looking at the TV in your living room and it's pointing north it's still east and west okay I don't want to lose you none there you remember that okay so always cut against the grain and that's about the thickness I would like and about the length I would like now when we slice this when we get over here to this bigger muscle you can see now sure y'all could get that all in your mouth at one time if you had to I like to come back in here let's keep all of them uniform it's gonna help keep our cooking time the same all cut up and ready to go now all it needs is some seasoning y'all know what I'm gonna use our original so you can use a wooden spoon to toss that around but hey just get your hands in it I just want to make sure that it is all seasoned well so you can do this in the house all you got to do is remember either have a really honking big skillet to hold all this or you can do it in a Dutch oven just lap that burner in the house set it right there you'll be good to go so butter is melted we ain't gonna over crowd this meet folks because I just want it to brown really good on both sides or what you would call all four of them so I'm just gonna put about half of them in there at a time we'll let them brown up flip them over usually takes about three minutes aside and we'll turn them over and go again well you can see folks as when you're cooking this meat like that too it's going to read remove some of that juice from that meat and it's gonna go ahead and make you some more liquid in there that is what we call simran already made beef bro but we've been on long enough here let's turn over and see you can see that we have browned up just what I'd call just right just turn them over any way you can if you're tough just reach in there and turn them over with your fingers well real folks will we put this in there I remember me telling you we're gonna cook at about three minutes each side we're not cooking it plumb through we just wanted to give it a good sear a good browning to get that color because we gonna simmer it for a while to make it tender well that there is ready to come out of the Dutch oven we still got meat in the pot we can't just hold it in there so I learnt this trick some time back you'd be having a lid to that Dutch oven don't you turn it upside down it will make a reservoir in which we can hold this meat till we get all of it done and get finished with it now I've Shannon zoom in here where you can see we got some that good beef broth left right down in there we do but folks I need one more tablespoon of butter so here we go rest up and going in well our other half of that beef is ready to come out of there folks so get him over here with the rest of it let him join the herd now we got that in there and you can see there is some good stuff going on I'm gonna slow it down from that fire just a little because we need one more tablespoon of butter in there so that is about that much if you pinch it off right and to that one tablespoon of butter we don't cut us up on Lawrence onion we have diced it up it goes in there right now with that butter to get some of that love and we're gonna cook that about three minutes till them onion get good and tender well them onions been on about three and I have done got me some thickly sliced mushrooms about 1 pound of oh my god these are what you call a baby portabella they didn't get full grown up I guess so all they'd go right in there with them onions and that butter and as Justin Wilson tell you I got to you that's gonna be good right there we're gonna let that cook just a minute and then we're gonna add us what 6 cloves of garlic yep not three not four six because it is good for you and it will add some flavor so look at him all right they're all pretty go ahead and let's pick them in there get the stir in this and you want to stir this pretty well constantly until the mushrooms are brown and tender well they're mushrooms have got tender mmm onions is short tender you give her one more stir and guess what was in my pocket what some white wine yeah good cooking wine it is was a very good year I think it was like last week so we're gonna put like 1/2 a cup in there which is about that much to deglaze some of that goodness off the bottom of there and we're gonna scrape it around really good let it come back to a simmer and we're gonna add some goodness to it now y'all seen me I was mixing up what cup and a half of beef broth and about a tablespoon and a half of wushi Shire sauce is that stuff I can't say and 1/4 of a cup of flour for a thickening agent so let's be pouring it in there you can see already how that flour has started thickening some of this up there's some good flavor coming out of there now our chuck roast that we got browned up is just sitting over here wanting to play a part in this so we're gonna put him back in there give it a good stir and we're just gonna let it simmer if yours in the house put it over some pretty low heat and we want it to simmer about 40 to 45 minutes till it gets fork tender that is a very important part well while that beef is going down the trail the simmering trail that is to get tinder I think we ought to share with you some big news what is it hey remember that new cookbook that's coming out well we got all the dates for all the cities that we're gonna do on this book tour they will be flashing upper so you can see on this Andy Scrolls down through there and let you know but be sure and check them all so you can check our events page if you miss some of that it'll have them on there when we're gonna be closest to your city but me and Shan need you all to turnout because I want to sign my name in your book well we've been on about 20 we have so let's take a look the point in there that is a pretty sight it is now folks this depends on how you like to serve your stroganoff as do you like it really thick or you like it a little more like a gravy to where it's got to be a little bit thinner there me I like for mine to be a little thinner so I'm probably going to add about another half a cup of broth which is about that much so we got our extra in there let's give it another stir you can see how that thinned it down it's gonna come out about right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it is a done deal now you've seen me over there as this was simmering along it took me one of them big package your egg noodles now I'd really like to get them flat ones but our little local grocery store they got all twisted up they never was flat so oh they hold more flavor I think that away cuz the sauce don't run off of them so after he got them cooked up in there a little al dente add you about two tablespoons of butter and there stir it up to where that butter can love on all of it then you see me right there at the last of this I took a cup of sour cream now crema is what everybody wants to put in it but I can't be making them that down here today so I like to use sour cream it's a little quicker but folks you don't want that stuff to cook long you're just incorporating that flavor in there pretty quick continually stirring so none of it wants to clabber up there and what you got smooth extra goodness you do so hey I have served this over cornbread I have served it over mashed potatoes I have served it over rice like I say today we're gonna serve it over some of these what you call noodles just dump me some out there on that plate I would call that a healthy right there for me I would I like to scatter them around just to tie it and look here only spoon I got today got a hole in it but don't you worry we'll get some of that goodness on there I promise you always like to give mine a little - a salt and pepper because what that pasta didn't have known it when it got to going so I'm gonna give it just a tad in Italian I got me some mushroom I got me some egg noodle and I got me some stroganoff [Music] folks if I can do a Russian dance on that stuff you can cook this it is so good the flavors that you get out of there the beef so tender but folks what it is is that simmering up the wine the mushroom the onions that brings it all together and then you go back with what some Worcestershire and some beef broth it is goodness all rolled up in there it is and hey you see me one with Bowl in that pasta ain't gonna boil that pasta in no cast-iron you know why because it will loosen the seasoning boiling water in there and then return your pasta black well folks I hope you enjoyed this because I sure did this brings back a lot of classic comfort food memories that I had when I was growing up as a child who it's so easy to make so easy to put together you can make this as a one pot meal because we didn't dirty up no more dishes and I just want to thank you again for watching and as always I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who have taped that old flag a flying over camp no matter where we at we salute you and we give you a lot of credit we do god bless y'all now I've got two little shoutouts I want to shout out this week and one is Nancy Rimland for always sharing that video on Facebook she tells me every time in them comments how you can't I didn't shared it over to Facebook trying to get you some more subscribers and the next one is Alex Marshall now this fellow been watching our video so long he went all the way back and he started when we first got to putting videos out when we didn't have but maybe 40 50 subscribers so I thank you my friend for following us down the trail it is a good thing and folks me Shanna beagle and the Duke we need your help to get to a million subscribers by the time the book come out March 17th who is gonna be a big party so stay in store for that be sure to check all the events coming up so you know where we are on our book term god bless you each and every one see you down the stroganoff [Music] then you can do this in the burner right there on the house that was on in the burner on the house so we'll back up it eat - it went plumb down into which color [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 354,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef stroganoff, beef stroganoff recipes, best beef stroganoff, stroganoff, stroganoff sauce, how to make beef stroganoff, cooking beef stroganoff, cooking beef, best stroganoff, kent rollins beef, cowboy recipes, cast iron cooking, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes, dutch oven beef, strogenoff, beef strogenoff, easy beef stroganoff, how to cook beef stroganoff, hamburger helper, homemade hamburger, hamburger helper stroganoff, beef recipes, easy beef recipes, beef
Id: U8g07Eq01bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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