The r/AskWomen Subreddit | PKA

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and we're live is there a male birth control pill i don't think so otherwise we'd know and i still probably wouldn't take it if there is i want it why don't you just get a vasectomy you never want kids because i feel like it's painful what there's a chance it can't hurt there's a male birth control pill shot in gel yeah is this like a test thing or is this out there i just searched um male birth control options a condoms outer course withdrawal the pull out method male birth control pill oh availabilities in development i'm sorry now that i go into the article same with the shot in development well the pull-out method has been in development and in use for thousands of years and we're and look how many of us are here well they weren't good what is a non-surgical vasectomy oh no you just try not to come right it's a big rubber band right like they do a sheep or something like it that's castration [Laughter] yeah that's how uh my my dad i've seen them castrate bulls before and they have this it looks like a big set of pliers and when you squeeze it um there are like four prongs that begin really close to one another but when you squeeze it the four prongs kind of go out and away from each other in every direction and you loop a really tiny rubber band around those four prongs when they're together in the relaxed position so when you squeeze obviously the rubber band is expanded and you put that over the the bulls testicles and then you release and they don't care for it they hate it and but but the thing is like over the course of you know the next couple days obviously the blood supply has now been cut off from the testicles i guess they go numb pretty quickly and then they just fall off non-surgical vasectomy it's basically a normal vasectomy with a better surgical method they um they use what's like a thick needle and operate laparoscopic yes is it lipo endo i don't know my words that well i thought it was laparoscopic you're probably just going through like one little hole and do all the yeah so this article calls that non-surgical but obviously it's just better surgical better um should i do it you know there's another option when chael sonnen wanted to have a kid he had to get off the steroids so rock that that'll do it if you do get it if you do get it don't bring it up ever women don't like it apparently they they it's some weird lizard brain [ __ ] really just lie well that's yeah just what i've heard i mean i don't know do you think i care what women think do men like it blame jesus they're already tied up hey what do you think i got a vasectomy yeah that's what they all say i'm excited about it too i want to ask women about that is there an ask women's subreddit it's probably gotta be an ass women's subreddit i i would almost guarantee more would not like it than do from what i've researched i've talked to girls um you know about the birth control thing who didn't want to use the pill and they were like why don't you just get the vasectomy you don't want kids anywhere and my answer is because it hurt it'll hurt yeah i don't want i don't want them to cut my balls because i think it'll hurt you don't want to risk the giant needled injection right into the middle of your scrotum jesus you're going to have like a dimple there forever another one yeah a second scrotal dimp to be a third i have matching squirtle jumps well then it's going to throw your whole feng shui if you're nuts [ __ ] women hate it women hate those scrotal demps yeah i'd like to see on the ask women's subreddit what they think about a man who has a vasectomy yeah let's go ask men pertaining to be women what they think oh man i need advice i'm going to go to can you imagine yeah imagine that i think it's where woody and and and i go when we need like i don't know advice in a very specific way like woodworking i get i bet you go on there and some guy's like yep um they just call me the carpenter i've been a member of this community for 12 years and what you're gonna need are xyz or xyz123 you're going to automotive stuff like if you've got like there are very specific automotive subreddits like if you if the abs light comes on on you know your 2012 durango there's a bunch of durango dudes over there on the on on our durango's dude yo you're abs too bro oh no problem well then probably the more specific the form gets the better it is than answering but like i think i'm biased against it because of all the relationship advice stuff we've read on this show where it's clearly just not true or made up it's like [ __ ] yeah do verified women listen to this show yeah wordpress verified you could ask them yeah like a pk female very few like three my in my circle of friends there is my girlfriend yeah that sounds terrible i posted to the ask webbing subreddit and instantly i was like this subreddit is [ __ ] they have to approve it first and you can't just post there mod has to like your post all right exactly my submission's been removed graceless generalizations are not permitted this is what i wrote [Laughter] describe women's thoughts on vasectomies i was talking to a couple of friends one of them clearly never wants children another mentioned if you get a vasectomy don't mention it to potential girlfriends he says there's a lizard brain part of them that doesn't like vasectomies do you agree to women dislike vasectomies i expected to get some different opinions on the topic people are not a hive mind only speak for yourself generous do not generalize across all people of a gender do not ask for mind reading do not ask jesus turns out it's all women on the ask for women's subreddit it's like ask a [ __ ] and and then if you ask any questions they don't answer all right boys you know what to do go over there and control the [ __ ] out of those [ __ ] over ask women because that's absurd we literally had a question that we wanted to ask women there were four men here wanting to be informed and educated by a woman's opinion that's true on a genuine issue that's important to us and potentially our half million listeners out there right like i genuinely want to know well when blame troops said that i was like huh i bet there are women who would kind of be turned off like oh you're not fertile a like maybe that's a thing i'd like to know from women that i don't even want to ask women how you could be mad at the phrasing of that question that was totally reasonable i put the question on the screen if all of our listeners went to ask women and reposted the same question maybe one gets through the filter hypothetically i don't know or just call them well since they didn't take our question i'm going to assume that all women don't like vasectomies now that's on them yep they answered a stereotype because of their we're just going to have to handle this the rsk way that's all there is to it i'm a little upset that that happened because like i can't think of a there's never been a more genuinely like we weren't trying to troll we were trying to be dicks i'm like oh yeah that's the place to go we're going to ask women where like some some women will will tell us what there's one point a million subscribers we would get maybe a couple hundred replies if it was successful and and get a i don't know a range of opinions i genuinely want to know because i'm considering a vasectomy i don't want children i i'm 100 don't i don't i really don't i'm not gonna change my mind about that i i would get the vasectomy that the two things that hold me back are one the discomfort i'm a little worried there might be some sort of complication maybe something goes wrong and my balls get infected like what if something crazy happened and i like i don't know lose my balls i don't know i know it's i know that's not going to happen i know i know but look we're taking some risk i think at some risk as they perform an operation on my testicles um but then you know risks though is like that sometimes they couldn't reverse it and so like the warning was like no for you that wouldn't apply like they were telling like let's say that you're like you know what i'm not 100 sold maybe i do want kids in the future the warning sign they'd give you would be hey you know what usually we can reverse this sometimes we can't you know but that doesn't enter into the equation for you at all if you got fake balls i mean you could get upgrades yes you could get neutrals right i've seen i don't want to what about my balls now but they are merely stock there have to be aftermarket balls out there that but there aren't oh there are they're uh they're they're squishy like like they're neutrals that they make for dogs no you would get horse nuts if you had my great danes balls you'd be an impressive specimen yeah i think i'm more of a labrador i think i'm more of a labrador kind of guy i mean currently maybe but think about the possibilities upgrades what if i got like like like schnauzer balls like like super tiny ones just for the lols or if i got three if i got three just because i thought it looked better right go total recall on it no it's actually cheaper to just use ping if you if you could just like you could make youtube videos for the rest of your life just going to the park and [ __ ] squeaking your balls at dogs walking by like freaking the [ __ ] out so here's a question here's maybe this is an ask man i bet hey look if you feel like if you feel up to it i know it's a little bit of a hassle i bet if you post that same question over on ask men it gets right [ __ ] through and we get some like like informed answers let's do a little experiment a little social experiment here i love social experiments there's no parameters the parameters are simple you copy and pasted the same thing over on ask men and ask women over on ask women you got some like woman splaining done to you and over on ask man i bet we get oh yeah yeah i had that with my ex-wife blah blah blah blah yes my friend billy did the same thing his his girlfriend was totally turned off weird huh because she didn't want kids either we'll get a whole thing or they might tell us ask women yeah they might which yeah a bunch of i bet a bunch of men will tell us to go ask a bunch of women what what they think that is going to happen oh damn that's a pretty good point yeah yeah we will probably get a friendly response on the ask men one i can't believe that they shut that down and people said nasty things very nice way in a very nice way they didn't even just shut them down they shut them down and then gave them like all these [ __ ] words yeah they must have done something wrong you have been banned from reddit ask men already moderated my post through an automated thing what they have some sort of dark alliance i think they do this post has been removed by the moderators of our ask men moderators have removed posts from feeds for a variety of reasons including keeping communities safe civil and true to their purpose all right we're making a new reddit called ask men who aren't losers this is why like reddit is slowly becoming just a just a real [ __ ] slowly but yeah i don't get it like like we we literally want information this this would be like you go on the durango dudes and you ask about rack and pinion steering and nobody's gonna auto moderate your [ __ ] they're just gonna send you to [ __ ] pet boys and straighten you right out yeah well i'm for one and blown away at their lack of respect for our good and honest question trying to expand our minds yeah what is that read it for if not what we did right asking actually pandering like we didn't start with like sup horse you know like it we were nice well i guess it is probably for pandering that's how our first person have been why are women so great top 100 things about women top least favorite things about men i went to ask women i'm like what is this [ __ ] subreddit about if it's not about like what women think about vasectomies and like one of the tough ones right now is what is your favorite podcast what podcast do you listen to i said painkiller already it's super funny i love these guys and i link my own goddamn channel [Laughter] i wish i could timestamp this podcast [Laughter] i mean now your account's going to get banned you could have oh no gone from ask women forever god i hate them i couldn't care less about access to ask women to be worthless nature's metal and nature is [ __ ] lit i'm good mm-hmm my reddit use yeah i like those a lot i don't know sometimes it's like a [ __ ] lion pulling a fetus out of a gazelle though and i don't need to see that it's not water buffalo it's pretty cool i don't need to see fetuses being pulled out of animals other animals i i don't need that in my life you don't like any of it you don't think the like two adult animals one running one being like attacking and catching it like no that's cool like i like you know it'll be like a picture of two rams like like like hitting heads like super hard or you know a crocodile and a lion facing off or something i saw that the other day that was [ __ ] cool like the croc the the lion is like growling at a crocodile on the crocodiles like growling back and the croc bat finally backs off it's cool i just don't like it when it's just like like the animals getting its [ __ ] eating while it's alive and it's just laying there like ah and the lion is just like i love eating [ __ ] i'm with you i like to see a good fight you know give me a chimp versus a brown different a brown bear maybe you know give me a tiger versus a polar bear um give me a nice giraffe versus a cheetah like you know like you don't know who's going to win maybe that one i know he's going to win i don't know really i picked cheese because they weigh like 70 pounds now giraffes like like swing those heads and they've got those prongs and then they get a lot of like bat swing on that long head talking about animal clips carefully enough you both picked giraffe oh yeah yeah yeah i might pick people i would pick i probably picked the cheetah because these are very fragile really right yeah that's like a fiberglass sports car you can see a clip of a giraffe [ __ ] up lionesses and it's probably on one of those subreddits where the giraffe is running and the lioness is trying to jump up onto like the front haunch or the four front right leg or whatever can't quite get a latch on and so like the giraffe as the lion's now falling down lifts its foot up and like with its pointy giraffe foot stabs down and like jumps off of the lion and lion's like borderline dead uh what was it gonna say oh i think i like it when the aggress when the aggressor loses almost anything right if a crocodile's going after a chimp and the chimp somehow wins i like that but then there's other times where it's like oh i'm glad the buffalo made it safe but then you see like it looks like the hyena the hyena pups will be having no dinner tonight like and then it's like oh well [ __ ] like now other little kids aren't getting it those hyena pups were just gonna grow into hyena [ __ ] yeah but you're gonna have too many gazelles then why we need hunters out there no such thing as too many gazelles they're lovely now they're gonna well you know what i don't know what the consequence of too many gazelles it seems like there's really good nature shots of them jumping [Laughter] that's that's what you actually get cheetahs that aren't that good at hunting but that's what like mountain lions out in the woods are thinking they're like god damn it everything we could eat get shot yeah yeah yeah i'm just looking for giraffes versus cheetahs right now traverse lions is out there i've never seen giraffes cheetah yeah there's one here where the there's a newly born giraffe and the cheetahs are trying to get it but the mom is fighting them off but it's nothing fun to watch all right go on ask women and ask giraffe versus cheetah that's not bad actually as if they would know just no context just go giraffe or cheetah no you would get auto banned you have to you have to have a who whom why describe in the in the question oh my god is the goal to make it so boring to read the rules oh you're going to it he's doing i'm going to go too now let's try and spell it right ask women you're trying to spell that right i accidentally tapped an extra a i was like was it ask or women that was the sticking point what do you recommend all couples do before getting married [ __ ] yeah you know what we did that was really cool it was called uh engagement encounter i just realized no one else is married on this i can't exchange stories but it was neat it was a church thing and i'm not a church guy but we wanted to get married in the church it was mandatory so we're like all right and we spent a weekend living at this church separately and uh i guess the boys lived with the boys and the girls live with the girls and then the priest was like guiding the couples through these discussions and jackie and i had had a lot of them before we were already on the same page with like money and kids and this and that but there was some other one like argument resolutions and it was a really i don't know they just made us better at living with people engagement encounter if you get forced to do it it's not terrible yeah that sounds uh positive actually yeah it was a pretty good thing there were some things i didn't like like uh they all got together and decided that god will take care of your finances for you someone had an example where they were down to their last dollar someone broke their window and they found money in a coat proof that god and i'm like your finances are [ __ ] if you like if a broken window is laying you out then you know you're maybe you should not let god handle your finances anymore maybe you should be in a spot where you can fix a window all the time if it needs be um you know they were also bigger than the pull-out method i pulled over one time to take a piss and i found five dollars so there might be some there might be something to that theory i don't know dude go to church every weekend like you think it's a pain in the ass but they hand you this big plate of money midway through [Laughter] thank you all [Laughter] some of your [ __ ] checks in this all right i'll figure out how to cast i'll go back to church it's dope coming back every week i'm gonna quit my job and just that's why you guys work here all right al you were right about how silly the questions on this forum are where i just went to like top what is it this month or something and it was like pandering the way i almost assumed you were saying or someone posting what are some signs that you're burnt out what are some signs you burn out and every comment is like they googled burnt out and they just say it and then everyone says oh i am feeling that like here's the comments like don't really care apathetic all of those mean the same thing uh tired all the time irritable foggy headed this so much also getting mad time ha just like me next comment irritable apathy lack of interest it's the same it's just every answer is apparently menstruating is a sign of burning out all these women are yeah that's me that's me that's me dude and this is you can tell that last one wasn't actually a woman trans it still identifies oh okay low sense of personal accomplishment oh lord i have every warning sign uh come on like people get tired yeah people get burnt out in general feeling overwhelmed damn that's definitely unique you know it's it's sort of like facebook uh i see all these memes all the time it's just like a gorilla in a dress and some girls like me and i'm like okay um what makes it relatable is they're wearing a dress like you know what i mean i don't understand it it's like anything minorly relatable gets [ __ ] like oh my god it's so it's so true you know yeah [Music] [Music] and
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 48,225
Rating: 4.9085364 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, pka podcast highlights, pka plays, pka highlight, pka moments, PKA 515 w BlameTruth - r/AskWomen, Forced Monkey Labor, Kyle's Vasectomy, askwomen, r/askwomen, reddit, subreddit, ask reddit
Id: K-S4ljRO-ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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