The Purge: Anarchy (2014) KILL COUNT

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movie footage used in the kill count is owned entirely by the copyright holders deadmeat makes no claim of ownership and simply uses the footage for purposes of education commentary and criticism under fair use please support filmmakers and the art of filmmaking by watching the purge anarchy in its entirety on home media or streaming services where available welcome to the kill count where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies i'm james agenese and today we're looking at the purge anarchy anarchy how you say how you owe anarchy released in 2014 just one year after the original purge movie while the first purge film followed a single well-off family bunkered down inside their house anarchy pulls back to show us a much bigger picture overall following various characters of more meager means and moving all throughout the city of los angeles on purge night the result is a much more kinetic and interesting film buttressed by a solid cast that even includes michael k williams of the wire fame but as far as the kills go it's just like the first one in that it's a whole bunch of people getting shot here i'll show you [Music] the movie begins by reminding us of how life under purge is and it jumps around to introduce the characters we'll be following first sergeant leo barnes who's gearing up to go on a personal mission against the man who killed his son in an accident but walked free because of a prosecution error sounds like a real slow-ass motherfucking jeff situation we got going on here then there's liz and shane a couple played by real life spouses keeley sanchez and zack gilford liz and shane have recently decided to separate although shane is having second thoughts about it finally there's waitress ava who has a shitty job alongside her friend tanya that they don't get out of until there's only two hours left before the purge begins ava walks home where she gets harassed by her nasty landlord diego take her up there with you tonight get a little protection you know what i'm saying come on now waiting for her in her apartment is her father rico who's sick and needs medicine they can barely afford and her daughter callie who's a big fan of this anti-purge activist carmelo that she watches online carmelo argues that the purge isn't an outlet for rage it's a way to kill poor people as population control he also says it's time to stop that shit this year we will fight back papa rico tells his girls that he's checking in early for the night but after telling them he loves them dearly he dofs a fancy cap and sneaks outside where he gets into a limousine waiting for him hey buddy if you can't afford your medicine what are you doing taking a limo around town huh after picking up some groceries liz and shane get harassed in the parking lot by some cottonmouth kings just waiting for purge time to start the gang's leader is this friendly fella named young ghoulface can't wait for his new album to drop the couple has a well-framed argument that accents their impending separation and then their car messes up causing them to pull over they get out to find the root of their mechanical issues and listen all of y'all it was sabotage and the sabatools were young ghoulface and his ice cream truck gang with purge time drawing nigh shane and liz take off on foot the same emergency broadcast from the first film plays as eva and cali watch at home leo listens to the same broadcast on the radio while he drives around in this pretty cool budget batmobile liz and shane however are stuck on the streets downtown as those loud purge sirens begin blaring would not want to be them because we see all the various ways people are going to be spending the night sniping from rooftops walking around in gangs driving around in murder buses this kind of shit is what the first film was missing there are even murder semi trucks and the first kills of the film happen when one of them pulls alongside a pair of pedestrians and this dude big daddy who will be the movie's big baddie opens fire on them with a machine gun leave it to a dude dressed like a patriotic butcher to really streamline the killing process during the purge leo drives by some scenes of carnage including a dude getting beaten to death on the side of the road who i will go ahead and add onto the list i'll also add this dude who lives in shane's seat get dropped from an upper floor of a building because he's screaming as he falls and then his scream stops sounds like a dead man to me i'll also count this body they run into while trying to hide in a dumpster since it looks pretty immobile and bloody although it could just be a sleepy homeless man who just got done drinking bottomless bloody mary somewhere ava and callie get ready for a purge night dinner but when kelly goes to get her grandpapa she finds a letter that he left them saying he doesn't want to burden them anymore with his expensive medical problems so he's agreed to be a martyr for a wealthy family he'll transfer a hundred grand to ava's account in exchange for getting to kill rico and release the beast from the safety of their home the kill ultimately happens off-screen but it'll still go on the list you don't hang that many tarps up and not kill a dude you know callie's understandably upset and wants to go save her grandpa but ava knows that it's too late and that this is the way this world works oh hold on the movie cuts back to leo driving around and we see a body in the street that i have to add to the cow man while all these people are dealing with their lives there are dead bodies everywhere ave and kelly get their grieving interrupted by the sound of a mack truck pulling up outside and from their window they see a ton of armored soldier looking dudes approaching their building that's about to be an issue for sure but there's also a more immediate threat breaking into their apartment it's fucking diego that asshole from downstairs who is of course threatening these women with rape tonight i'm gonna release the beast it's my right okay dude but maybe clear your throat first so it doesn't hurt to hear you speak it's my night it's a motherfucking perch or not that's cool too luckily the only thing this gross motherfucker is able to do is lick ava's face before he hears someone else entering the apartment and gets shot to pieces that trademark cgi purge blood spurting out of all his bullet wounds hasta luego diego the assailants are of course the armored men they saw outside and these guys grabbed the ladies and radioed a big daddy downstairs that they found exactly what he was looking for as they drag the ladies from their homes we see a number of bodies along the way and see the kidnappers shooting at someone off screen who i'm certain they didn't miss all in all another five kills are added to the cow the one person shot off screen and four visible bodies big daddy's children pull the ladies out into the street right as leo barnes happens to roll up onto the scene after seeing them toss callie to the ground he begins to have a debate with himself over whether or not he should do something but his conscience gets the better of him and he steps outside the safety of his armored car to go make some skull and crossbones as leo makes his way to the ladies in distress liz and shane happen to come across his empty car seeking safety they hop inside the back seat right as the semi truck opens for the big daddy bounty before they can make the handoff though leo comes from behind and starts gunning these dudes down two are killed right off the bat by his rifle while he kills a third with a bunch of shots from his handgun he uses the truck for cover to shoot a fourth dude and finish him off with a headshot big daddy comes by to see what's up and gets shot as well but as we'll see soon he was not killed still the area is pretty damn secure now and leo reluctantly motions for ava and cali to come with him if they want to live when they get back to the car they find liz and shane in the backseat but despite a bunch of hollering and gun wave and leo lets them stay when they realize big daddy is back up and pretty damn big maddie leo drives away right as big daddy opens fire hitting the car a whole bunch but thankfully nobody inside as they drive past carrie white standing on the side of the street leo asks ava why armored dudes were at her building and liz why the fuck she and rodrigo santoro were in those couple episodes of lost but when kelly asks him why he was out on the streets in the first place he hushes up and refuses to say then the car breaks down from big daddy's armor-piercing bullets so leo has to pull off into an alley he tries to separate himself from these less capable citizens so he can go take care of his business but ava says that she can get him a car to use as long as he can safely deliver them to her friend tanya's place he reluctantly agrees to the arrangement that was a real dick move you know walking away and then coming back leo leads his new squadron out and the first thing they run into is a woman on a roof with a megaphone and a rifle looks like she's already claimed at least two victims since we see a couple of bodies lying dead in the street they avoid the roof ladies rage and then hear a bom bomb coming down the street where they see young ghoul face and his ice cream truck gang abduct a dude and drive off with him and i don't think it's so he can enjoy a blue raspberry screwball shane steps off the curb right into a trap that drags him down the street a little ways this alerts a bunch of attackers but leo is able to keep everyone safe after shooting and killing two of the vultures who come out for the easy prey shane shoots the trap to free himself and the group is able to escape down another alley before more purgers show up the four protagonists who aren't proficient in firearms make proper introductions to each other and express some concern about the man who's protecting them but maybe they should do it a little quieter he's out of here armed teeth on purge night voluntarily that means he's trying to do something nasty i can hear you sorry callie tries to break through leo's top shell and honestly the relationship between these two is probably the best part of this movie i'm guessing you're either a cop or a criminal huh and i'm guessing you're either a pain in my ass or a pain in my ass she surmises that he's out and about to get his purge on but he shuts down the combo before it can go anywhere i missed stop talking because you're being an asshole okay not because you told me this shit as they continue on they pass by the body of a stockbroker named david who was killed and strung up in front of a bank the note around his neck blaming him for lost pensions the purge movies love to make socio-economic commentary even though they never really mastered the art of subtlety the group rounds another corner to find nine more bodies to add to our list there are seven on the ground outside that big mac daddy semi-truck one more body barely visible inside and a ninth guy who jumped scares the group before falling to the ground and whispering that they were just doing their duty as he died these are the same peeps who invaded ava's apartment building and their high-tech monitors inside the truck include live feeds of the city's traffic cams even though as liz points out traffic cams are controlled by the government cali says this truck must be the new founding fathers themselves a theory further supported by carmelo's logo painted on the wall indicating that his group was behind the attack on this big rig another semi-truck rounds the corner and the group hightails it out of there down yet another alleyway at the end of this one they find a couple of burning vehicles and three more dead bodies to add to the kill cow don't know what happened to the two in the back but the foreground bodies getting shanked like a motherfucker leo sees a subway entrance he'd like to get to but before they can stabby mcstaverson finds them behind the wall luckily leo is able to subdue the guy in a stranglehold and eventually kills him by choking him to death hey look a death that's not from a gunshot the purge anarchy is a whole new world with a fantastic point of view they wind up down in the subway and after cali tells leo that purging is wrong no matter what and that killing won't help him with his issues they find a group of vagrants hiding out from all the violence too bad this place is about to get mad maxian up in this bitch with these crazy death dune buggies riding up the flame-throwing psychopaths at the helm chased down our heroes and the homeless alike but i only see three deaths that happen for sure first is a vagrant who's mercilessly gunned down and then as if that wasn't enough run over with the dune buggy god damn another vagrant is shot to death in the background the third for sure death is one last homeless dude who gets torched with the flamethrower cause let's be real if you show someone with a flamethrower there's gotta be a kill with a flamethrower it's pretty much the law shane and liz take a stand and shoot at the death buggies as they approach but shane takes a shot through the shoulder that puts him down temporarily the couple manages to rally like a frat boy after day drinking with shane shooting the driver and crashing the buggy into the side of the tunnel then liz lands a shot on the flamethrower gas tank and blows the whole thing up i'll say it killed the three occupants of that first dune buggy as well as the driver of the one behind them who flies through the flames with four and a half hours to go the group makes a desperate run to get to tonya's house giving us some cool shots in the process some traffic cameras also get a cool shot of the crew and reports to a pair of semis one of which veers off to go after them the group gets to tanya's house and is led into her apartment where shane is stitched up and everyone gets some food can't wind and die in leo though he's only interested in getting that car so he can enact his legalized revenge but ava is still super against it and breaks some bad news to him there is no car damn you'd think a guy named leo would be better attuned to lion tanya's father and brother-in-law get back from checking the building and things get a little weird with tanya's sister lorraine being pretty mean to her husband and tanya telling her to chill they watched purge night on the news where we add two more people to the kill count when they're shot to death during a pittsburgh feed must have been a couple of flyers fans at least all this drama brings liz and shane closer together with her retracting those plans to get separated when tanya tries to lighten the mood by playing some music and grabbing her brother-in-law's dick the only thing she manages to do is piss her sister lorraine off enough to freaking murder her apparently lorraine's husband had been cheating on her with tanya and lorraine decided to put a permanent end to it on purge night a little shootout occurs but sergeant leo barnes is a pro and ushers his group of charges out the door to safety leo checks outside the building and finds big daddy in the middle of a team huddle with his employees telling them to kill the fuck out of leo and save him the women the group rushes outside and hops over a fence to get away only to find that the young ghoul face gang is there waiting for him they knock out leo and he awakens to his entire group being held in the back of that ice cream truck young ghoulface himself takes off his mask and hey holy shit it's lakeith stanfield who's been having a very well deserved hell of a career lately he says they've just been picking up big daddy's scraps as a means to make money turns out they've been abducting people in their ice cream truck to sell to some fancy customers and that's exactly what happens to our unfortunate heroes right now they're all ushered inside and forced to their knees just in time for the curtains to open and they're the show they find themselves on stage in front of scores of rich people applauding their presence this is one of the more intriguing sequences of the film as a hostess auctions the characters off one by one to the highest bidders in the room eventually they're all sold to these human hunters as the most dangerous game purgers please suit up our protagonists are once again ushered down a hallway and wind up in a dark room called the hunting grounds with a couple of other huntees the hunters have a variety of weapons and night vision goggles to give them an edge as the rest of the rich folk watch from behind a bulletproof window the only thing left to do before a meal like this is pray to the new founding fathers and with that out of the way the hunt begins it's a dark scene but i'll do my best here we see one body in the background as leo tells the rest of the gang to stay in place while he tries to gain the upper hand we do hear a bunch of gunshots go off but i can't be certain they're all finding their targets unless i see them that is like the case with this running dude who shot straight through a wall oh yeah leo kills his first pair of hunters with the hurst brothers two rich heirs whose daddy bought them people to purge he beats the first brother down a bit before killing him by breaking his neck then after the second brother runs out and misses leo a whole bunch he is also bested by mr barnes being taken down and murdered with his own gun welcome to the revolution yabuji bastards leo throws on a pair of night vision shades and we see another three victims to add to the list one person getting stabbed to death in the far background and two bodies on the ground separate from the hearst brothers possibly victims of all that earlier gunfire leo gets attacked by the hannover sisters a pair of huntresses well known for their blade skills making them the katana and molina of the purge world after a short fight he breaks one of their necks against the sculpture and then after getting the other on the ground shoots the second sister as she struggles to get up he returns to his de facto purge knight family and gives them weapons and goggles together he and liz shoot another hunter papahurst as he approaches them in his stupid hunting outfit you wore the wrong kind of vest dude but these rich people don't like to play by the rules because you know they're rich people so they turn on the lights and call in a team of fixers to clean this mess up while the group despairs over their new odds shane gets lit up by a whole bunch of bullets by a dude who leo immediately returns fire on and kills unfortunately this lightning strike kills shane which has really gotta suck for liz seeing as their relationship was just on the men it's actually an emotional moment in a series that usually has a hard time creating them so good job anarchy some alarms go off to warn the rich people that omar coming after a flash grenade is thrown and blows up three security guards get gunned down but not by carmelo himself instead it's by one of his men who we know from the original purge and that french algerian beach because it's the stranger motherfucker he and the rest of carmelo's movement burst into the hunting grounds and quickly dispatch of another couple hired guns dressed like waiters hope the paycheck was worth it guys with the battle underway carmelo makes his grand entrance fuck you fuck your money and motherfuck the purge callie fangirls over him for a minute since she wasn't able to see him at vidcon and then leo tries to get his remaining group to go but liz is too upset about shane's death i want to purge so after the stranger promises to take care of her leo ava and callie run out with leo still determined to take his revenge carmelo's forces arm liz and begin a forward assault really putting the pro and proletariat as they gun down another couple of waiter dudes fighting for the bourgeois leo hijacks a car in the parking garage and even though there's less than an hour left to the purge he's convinced he can still make it so he speeds off as day breaks over los angeles when he arrives at his final destination he tells his companions what we've already surmised that the dude inside this house warren grass was a drunk driver who killed the son but got off on a technicality but after everything we've seen this movie i think it's safe to say that that is the only thing leo barnes and slow-ass motherfucking jeff have in common cali tries one last time to convince leo not to do this but he snaps at her and tells the ladies to stay in the car while he goes inside having disabled the security system discreetly last week leo goes to wake up warren gently with a nice little nuzzle her muzzle a gun muzzle he throws warren across the floor and even does the same to warren's wife and yells at warren for what he did while warren's wife pleads to let him go after a lot of crazy yelling from leo the scene ends and it cuts to outside the house where leo steps into the sunshine with blood all over his face but ain't no time to enjoy that vitamin d when you're getting shot twice like leo does the shots that knocked his ass to the ground came from who else big fucking daddy who followed leo to this obvious location after learning who he was from his license plate big d tells leo that there's an unwritten rule of the purge don't save lives tonight we take lives we make things manageable for us he says that since citizens haven't been killing each other enough the nfa has resorted to killing people themselves in order to keep the poverty levels down since leo tried to be a hero big daddy's gonna have to kill him bless it be america a nation reborn and then he gets shot in the head yeah i mean we all pretty much figured this would happen but did you know warren grass would be the one to pull the trigger oh you did since you rightfully assumed leo didn't actually kill him when the scene cut away okay that's fair ava cali and big daddy's men all arrive on the scene super armed but then loud sirens blair signaling the end of purge 2023 together ava and kelly load leo into warren's car and leo and callie hold hands in the back seat as warren pulls up to a hospital the movie ends with a card advertising the next purge like it's goddamn christmas or something i guess these movies are like christmas for those of you who like big numbers so let's unstuff some stockings and get to [Music] them 65 people died during the purge anarchy a new second place record again gender distribution is hard to know for sure but i think we wound up with 54 men and six women with five kills i just couldn't discern that makes uh this pie chart yay pie charts with a run time of 103 minutes we had a kill on average every 1.58 minutes purge can't stop won't stop i'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to the homeless guy who gets lit a blaze since i always love a good fire stunt and you know it's not somebody getting shot dull machete for leima's kill can be a homeless dumpster guy sure and that's it the purge anarchy came out in 2014 and helped establish the franchise as a big name in contemporary horror the series would get even more zeitgeisty with 2016's the purge election year which is up next friday but until then i'm james agenese this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching this week's kill count i want to thank a couple of patrons like michael nicholson and john lechner iii oh you fancy huh i just got back from a four-day trip to vegas to celebrate my dad's birthday and in two days i'll be going down to vidcon for three days that is a lot of days not to be working when i usually spend every day working so on sunday instead of a new video i'm just gonna do a live stream of alien isolation be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 13,626,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james demonaco, semi, franchise, murders, horror, carmen ejogo, DMKC, murder, kiele sanchez, kills, kill count, death, movies, purge, jaj, frank grillo, resistance, james a. janisse, zach gilford, los angeles, auction, edwin hodge, michael k. williams, scary, carnage count, sequel, films, anarchy, second, carmelo, la, action, dead meat, dystopia, zoel soul, pine commander boogie, dystopian, the wire, series, body count, night, truck, deaths, 2nd, leo barnes
Id: smf0qyVm7_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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