The Price (or The Cost)

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all right everybody welcome back i'm robert breaker and this will be the sermon of the week last week i was a little bit out of my comfort zone talking about a subject that i really don't like to talk about but i'd just like to say i appreciate all of you who pray for me and support me and help me in this work of the ministry thank you for that thank you very much well i want to talk today about something that kind of goes along with what we looked at last week now what did we talk about last week when we talked about money and value and i talked about money and what it actually is a lot of people nowadays are so backwards and twisted and turned around that they don't even know what real money is according to the bible and so they don't see the value in things and so it's good to see what value is and to see what you know something is worth and what might be valuable to one person is not valuable to another and that's just so strange but that's the world we live in we live in a world of really kind of two different minded people and uh we used to be united around the bible and we also think with a biblical type of a mindset but the mindset of the world today is very very different very different and so today we see that to some people what god calls money has very little value and so they take something else that they turn into what they call money and they say now that's valuable when it really has no value whatsoever it's it's crazy so we talked about money and value last week but i want to say today that there is so much more out there that is worth more than money okay and so today we're going to talk about a little bit different subject but we're going to kind of go along with what we talked about last week because i just can't get this off my mind i woke up this morning with a song of my heart and i'm going to sing that song to you at the end of this sermon and i've just been thinking about these things because i get a lot of emails from christians that say brother breaker i think this is it i think this is it we're leaving soon at the rapture and this world to me used to be valuable and i used to enjoy the things of the world i just don't enjoy that anymore my only enjoyment now is thinking about jesus and looking for him coming and i just want to see him because he is so precious to me and i say amen i understand that i understand that as a christian so today we're going to look at the subject of the price we're going to look at the price of something what it costs what is the cost and i want to look at this like we did last week in the physical realm but then apply it to the spiritual realm and i can't wait to get into this and we're going to look today at the price or the cost and worth just as we looked at money and value today we're going to look at the price and then the worth of it so i hope i'm not going to repeat myself from last week's message but i do just kind of want to open this up a little more and show you a little bit more about this in the hopes that this will be a blessing last week people said that was a real blessing so i hope this week will be as well so let's go to genesis chapter 23 and verse 9. genesis 23 and verse 9. we're going to start there today we'll be talking about the price and we'll be talking about worth and uh the word christ shows up guess what 33 times in 31 verses in the king james bible i find that very interesting price and then the word worth is found nine times in nine verses so the bible talks about these things and that's why i teach on if it's in the bible i'll talk about it amen i want to go to the word of god and i want to help people and a lot of people they they want to know more what does the bible say about this what does it say about that well this just thrills my heart because when i begin studying these things in the physical realm and what the bible says about it it makes me think about the riches in the spiritual realm we're supposed to be doing what we do on this earth laying up treasures in heaven okay so today we're going to talk about the cost of something genesis chapter 23 and verse 9 we see the word worth w-o-r-t-h genesis 23 and verse 9 says that he may give me the cave of machpelah which he hath which is in the end of his field for as much money well there's what we talked about last week money he says i want to buy something with money but he says give it to me well that's what business is that's what a free market economy is it's you give me this and i give you something in return usually money and it says which he hath which is the end of his field for as much money as it is worth he should give it me for possession of a varying place amongst you so here we see that money has worth so we look at the word worth and money we say oh money is how much something is worth now that's a little different than the price and i'm going to talk to you about that too a little bit because a lot of people don't ever think about this and maybe you should maybe you should think about the price of something you know the price is not what it's worth that's always called the asking price or the set price but a lot of times the price is not what it is until you've actually done the deal and sometimes you can come to somebody go you know you're asking this much will you take this much okay well then that was the price it wasn't that first number it's it's the last number and if you go garage selling like i said last week we garage sale a lot you understand that you know you go how much is this two dollars would you take a dollar all right what was the price the price was a dollar because the price is what you paid so the price is not always what they ask the price is what you pay okay and a lot of times they say the price is this and you end up paying more because they have lots of hidden fees so you got to watch out for that stuff you got to try to figure out what's the out the door price you know if you're going to buy a new car or something and try to figure that out now because the bible says here that money has worth i decided i go to the 1828 dictionary and look up the term worth what is worth mean worth value so there we are back to last week that quality of a thing which renders it useful or which will produce an equivalent good and some other thing the worth of a labor's day may be esteemed in money or in wheat the worth of labor is settled between the higher and the higher the worth of commodities is usually price they will bring in market but price is not always worth isn't that something because prices change if you've seen that price can go up or down it continues value of mental quality is excellent virtue usefulness as a man or magistrate of great worth interesting a man is worth something we'll go there and we'll look at that here in a second but third is importance importance how important is it so we have jesus on the cross and of course i'm going to take us there here in a minute but we're looking here at what the bible calls worth and i just find it so interesting when it talks about worth and worth has to do with what something is valued at so what is the worth of something how much value it has of course but worth also has to do with the importance the importance of something how important is it to you do you realize you could have something for sale and one guy walks by and he goes wow i want that another guy walks by looks the same thing goes i don't need that it's all about how valuable is it to you how much do you want how important really the economy is all about want but how important is that to you now i'm going to bring all this together here in a minute but i want you to know the definition of words you know i i hate to have to go and teach on a free market system all over again but maybe i should because we live in a country that well a lot of communism has gotten in and taught people communism and what has that done that's made people not think about these things so we need to think about these things so what else has worth well it says that man has worth so there's worth and so what is worth something what is worth worth first of all is how much is it worth to you okay is something worth anything to you if it's not worth anything to you you won't buy it okay so it's all about what are you willing to buy because if it is important then you will pay what it costs and you will pay the price because it's something that is important to you and one of the things that the bible says is that man has some value man has some worth all right let's look at some verses on that in leviticus and i'm going through and reading the old testament and it just it's interesting to me how we looked at last week the first reference in the bible of money is a person being bought with money how odd is that now in the bible we talk about the price or the cost of something or what something's worth and it goes back to a man being worth something why do you think that is well i think because god is setting it up to eventually tell you about how he was willing to pay the price on the cross for your sins and that he was willing to purchase you with his own blood so the bible as you read through a lot of times you think i'm just reading a book about different economic stuff but god's looking at it spiritually he's going yeah well the greatest price paid is your life that's the greatest price that you can pay for something if it costs you your life and what did jesus do well we'll look at that in a minute but man has worth go to leviticus chapter 27 and verse 23. so we're talking about worth today what is something worth is is it worth anything to you is man worth anything to you there's a lot of people out there that are called narcissists and the only thing that has any value to them the only thing that's worth anything is them and you are nothing it's all about them that's a bad person that's somebody who needs to repent that somebody needs to humble themselves that's somebody that needs to remember hey be respectful of others others first and then you amen not the other way around but leviticus chapter 27 in verse 23 the bible says then the priests shall reckon unto him the worth of thy estimation even unto the year of the jubilee and he shall give thine estimation in that day as the holy thing unto the lord so it's talking about jubilees and it's talking about giving the worth of something what is it worth and it's the priest in that interesting and today it would be the pastor would decide how much something is worth how odd that is right why because well he's supposed to be an honest person and so a lot of this comes to honesty it's supposed to be that you're honest and so you um give an honest price and the person who buys it well you shouldn't rip them off i guess is what it's trying to say but you got to make money so when you buy you raise the price a little to sell there's nothing wrong with that but it's called price gouging where you raise it so high and i think there's laws against that isn't there so there's nothing wrong with using money there's nothing wrong with paying a price buying and selling and making money nothing wrong with that okay but it's interesting that a lot of times the bible's talking about this and it has to do with money and man why is that let's go to deuteronomy chapter 15 and verse 18. deuteronomy 15 18. look what it says in deuteronomy 15 18 it shall not seem hard unto thee when thou sendeth them away from thee for he hath been worth a double-hired servant to thee in serving these six years and the lord thy god shall bless thee in all that thou doest so he's talking about a man that worked for another man a servant if you will but i guess he's a hired servant and his time is worth something so time is money have you ever heard that saying so if i go to work for a man we settle on okay you pay me so much per hour because i'm valuable and my time is valuable and so i'm going to give you my time for this amount this is the price this is how much it cost for you to use me to work for you and i will exchange my time for money and because my time is worth something my time is valuable i mean these are just simple basic little things that i'm telling you but a lot of people forget this don't they now let's go over to uh 2nd samuel chapter 18. and i'm going to bring this all together i just want to remind you of some things second samuel 18 3 but the people answered thou shalt not go forth for if we flee away they will not care for us neither if half of us die will they care for us but now thou art worth ten thousand of us and therefore now it is better that thou secure us out of the city now what an interesting thing here are the people talking to king david and they say king david look you are worth ten thousand of us because you're the king and because you're the king you're worth more than we are now what a thing to say but it says that he was there to care for them you know that's what a leader is supposed to do if a man is a king or a president or something like that he's supposed to care for those people that he's supposed to be leading a lot of times they don't do that do that they try to abuse them that's kind of sad didn't it but they said david you're worth ten thousand of us what a thing to say david you're worth something to me so in the bible men have worth men are worth something so when you look at other people are they worth something to you in the bible you know what else has some worth the words from a person's mouth the words from your mouth have worth in the bible in the sense that you're only as good as your word but also your speech let me show you this in the bible i find this very interesting let's go to job chapter 24 24 job chapter 24. job chapter 24 and we are supposed to be in the united states of america in a land of first amendment freedom of speech because to our founding fathers your right to speak your mind was valuable they wanted to know what you had to say and they said you know what it's worth something for you to be able to have that freedom to speak and so in job chapter 24 verse 25 we read these words and if it be not so now who will make me a liar and make my speech nothing worth basically who wants to make my speech worth nothing well guess what today we're seeing that we're seeing a society where man is not worth much to other people and we're seeing a society in which when you want to say something you go you know just shut up i don't want to hear that because who cares about you and basically who cares about what you have to say so what are we seeing on a global scale we're seeing censorship we're seeing banning your speech we're seeing people whoever they are the uppity ups the big wigs the rich people the people in charge say you know no what you have to say is not important so you're shut down you're closed off no one can hear what you have to say what does that come from that comes from saying men are worthless and so whatever they have to say is worthless that is a bad society when society turns to that then you know society is in trouble and it won't be long until we have another hitler we have another holocaust we haven't because that's the road that that leads down to and that's kind of scary to see society looking at men and saying you know what you're no good well you know what else has little worth or no worth is malevolence malevolence in the bible malevolence is worthless what is malevolence evil basically so evil shouldn't be worth anything to a person who wants to do right let's go to proverbs chapter 10 proverbs chapter 10 but in the day in the age we live people want to do evil more than good so when you stand up and say hey i'm a christian and and i see you're doing this or i see you're doing that do you realize the bible calls that sin do you mind if i tell you what the bible says shut up i don't want to hear what you have to say because when a person is in evil they don't want to hear that they're doing wrong a lot of times they hate that and it makes them angry and so who is it that's trying to take away the freedom of speech i guess it's sinners but it says here in proverbs chapter 10 and verse 20 the evil people are behind all this proverbs 10 20 says the tongue of the just is as choice silver in that interesting what is silver money so your your freedom of speech and your ability to say something that can be edifying to someone else is so valuable it's worth silver at least is what it's saying maybe gold you know there's a passage says as apples of silver and pictures of gold you know and it's talking about that you ought to have a right to speak that is a valuable thing to god at least but not to the world but look at what it says here in proverbs chapter 10 and verse 20 the tongue of the justice says choice silver the heart of the wicked is little worth so the bible says look a wicked filthy heart to god is worthless and if we have a society of people that are just evil and mean and hateful and all they want to do is shut you down and shut you up we're not going to have a fruitful safe free society we're going to have some problems and it's going to get really scary okay i hate to say that but it's going to get scary do you know that we used to live in a society where there was honor it was all about your honor let me just get this one off of here because i i put it up there just to explain it but that's not worth that's the opposite of worth being evil it's not worth it do you know it's not worth it to be evil because the more evil you are the more you have to give account to god for at the judgment and the more you have to pay for you'll have to pay a price for being evil did you know that so i'm just trying to warn you but it used to be and i love to read old books from the 16 17 1800s and even before that and it was all about the honor and you were taught there was a code of honor it was all about ethics and it was all about being an honorable person and doing the right thing being honorable so do we see that nowadays but our forefathers that was ingrained in them from a young age and they lived by that code of ethics where the right thing was to do right because that showed that you were a person of worth that you were a person of value you were a gentleman okay you were somebody that could be trusted and who was the ones that weren't those that were the thieves and the liars and the prostitutes and the people that that didn't care about doing right they just wanted to do wrong they looked at those people as okay those people don't contribute to society so should they be a part of society so these are all biblical principles and having honor and being an honorable person is being a person of value and you're of value to the community because you're someone who can help the community and contribute to the community so all this that i'm talking about today made me think about man and what he's worth let's go to psalms chapter 8. and it should be that we value our fellow human beings but do we today i'm looking around and i'm seeing a lot of people that look at you and say man i don't like you you mean nothing to me you know where is that love of the fellow man you know i i'm not seeing that i'm starting to see people becoming evil and having evil hearts and looking down on others i was always taught to respect other people especially your elders but look at what the bible says in psalms chapter eight and verse four what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou has made him a little lower than the angels who's speaking here david holy spirit speaking through david but david is asking god what is man that you are mindful of him god why would you think about man what is so great about us your creation why would you make us but he continues for thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor thou mayest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou put all things under his feet so god made adam and said now you have dominion over all the animals and the earth and this is yours enjoy adam had worth had value and god wanted to devote his time to him because god enjoyed having that fellowship with him until he sinned so i say all this to say that guess what in god's eyes man has value did you realize that to god you are worth something to god he looks at you and he says those people are souls that mean something to me i want them to come to me that's the opposite of the world we see today isn't it in the world we live in today a lot of people don't look at other people as valuable they look down upon other people and that's sad let's go over to luke chapter 12 and verse 7 and look at what this says luke chapter 12 and verse 7 this is amazing this is jesus christ speaking in luke chapter 12 verse 7. in luke 12 7 jesus christ says but even the very hairs of your head are numbered fear not therefore ye are of more value than these sparrows so jesus christ is speaking and he says you know what you are you're valuable isn't that something to think that god the creator in heaven says you know what you mean something to me you're worth something to me so to god men have value they are worth something to him how about the devil how about the antichrist okay i put up here this timeline all the time you know and and after the rapture comes the tribulation and here's the time when the antichrist comes in does the antichrist look at man and say man they're worth something or does he say oh they're worthless i hate them actually yeah the antichrist isn't there to help man he's there to deceive man and to put man down matter of fact let's go to a verse here in revelation chapter 18. this takes place during the tribulation when the antichrist is in charge and look at this what is important to the antichrist men and their souls are the things of this world i just read this chapter from time to time and just look at it go wow wow revelation chapter 18 verse one after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great is fallen has fallen has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every spirit in a cage and of every unclean and hateful bird and he goes on there and he talks about how she's committed fornication with the kings of the earth verse three how she not repented of her plagues verse 4. verse 5 for our sins had reached into heaven and god had remembered her iniquities now look at this when you get down there to verse 11 okay this takes place in the middle of the tribulation period and look what it says verse 11 and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore their merch i guess they call it nowadays and so this is where the merchants of the world were and look at all the things that are supposed to be precious are of value or money if you will look at the list verse 12 the merchandise of gold and silver well that's real money in the bible and precious stones and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all the thin wood and all manner vessels of ivory and all manner vessels of most precious wood and a brass and of iron and marble i mean it's a list of things that men look at as this is precious to me this is important to me this is valuable i think this is worth a lot and it continues verse 13. and cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beast and sheep and horses and chariots now watch this and slaves what slaves on the list of valuable things just think of this as as in order of the most important valuable thing to the least important and the last thing on the list is man and look at what's after slaves and the souls of men so they value gold and all these things more than they value man and man's soul and that's the devil and these people are prospering under the devil's system you know where the mark of the beast will be and where they'll be and this is what they count as riches and to them the least valuable thing is another human being isn't that incredible now do you see why i did this sermon to tie this into the sermon last week last week i told you the first time the in the bible that money shows up it's connected with a man here is the end of the bible and man is worthless compared to everything else they obviously go back to wanting gold and silver and look at all these things and man oh he's the least worst thing in the world to man to man man is worthless and the devil only lives to deceive man's flip over there to revelation chapter 12 and verse nine chapter 12 and verse nine and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so what does the devil live for the devil lives to deceive you so the devil over here he doesn't care about you and the devil seeks to deceive but we look up here at jesus and what does jesus think jesus says you know what you are worth something you have value to me and i care about you and guess what i want to save your soul and that's what this whole thing boils down to there is a battle today for your soul the devil wants your soul and he's going to deceive you and try to get your soul so it ends up with him for all eternity and you know where in paying a price for your sins because you chose your sins rather than jesus christ and forgiveness but jesus wants your soul and the devil he lies to you oh the bible's not true oh there's no hell oh you don't need to oh just follow me and be happy and he's a deceiver and he wants your soul but who says that your soul is worth something it's worth nothing to the devil but it's worth everything to jesus and it's worth so much to jesus that he was willing to pay a price for your soul so do you see where i'm going with all this i just think this is so amazing to think about that in the beginning of the bible money something that has value is connected with men and just kind of puts that in the context that men are valuable jesus shows up on the earth he says yeah you're worth something to me in fact you're worth so much that i'm willing to die for you and jesus died for you isn't that something jesus died for you do you think the devil loves you enough that the devil's willing to die for you no you're not that important to him you're not that valuable he doesn't care about you he won't go out of his way to be nice to you and show you that he loves you he just wants to deceive you and lie to you and then have you suffer with him for all eternity he's evil matter of fact you take the d off and that's what he is he's evil matter of fact you take the e off he's vile if you follow the devil well you take off the v you'll be ill and if you take off the eye guess where you end up you end up in l with the devil so the devil is evil and he does not value mankind in fact the list of riches in the end of the bible the souls of man is the least valuable thing to the devil isn't that crazy so the bible tells us that god looks at you and he says man i value them and i value them and i want their soul to be saved and be with me for all eternity and this is what's called the battle for your soul and for the last six thousand years jesus has been trying to get man's soul and come to be with him for all eternity in heaven and the devil's been battling and lying and deceiving people and he wants to get their soul so they'll spend eternity with him where he's going to end up and so you have a decision to make do i want the devil or do i want the lord well it's very easy to just sit and think for a second and say well which one of them loves me no brainer jesus jesus loved you enough to die for you most kids when they go to sunday school the first verse they learn is john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him shall not perish but have everlasting life he looks at you and he says man what value your soul is and i'm willing to pay a price for that and he did that let's go to ephesians chapter 2. you see god is rich he's the creator of everything so he has all the riches but he's more interested in spiritual riches than physical riches and he's willing to pay a price for you and he did just that ephesians chapter 2 verse 4 but god who is rich in mercy amen god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us he did what well he did something for us and he was willing to pay something that cost him dearly in order to try to show you how much he loves you and have you come to him and that's what he did let's go to galatians chapter one galatians chapter one and verse four speaking of the lord jesus christ there in verse three verse four says who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of god and of our father so jesus christ he died for our sins he gave himself for you but it says for your sins so he looked down and he says okay there's robert breaker if i don't do something robert breaker is going to have to pay for his sins now where do you pay for your sins well the bible says the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord so the wages of sin is death when you die your soul leaves your body and then it goes down and what happens down there you pay the price for not being saved you see if you choose to sin then you have to pay for that sin and that's what that place down there is that's where you go to pay the price for your sins are you willing to pay that cost all eternity suffering because you wouldn't come to jesus for salvation do you understand that he already paid the price for you on the cross well a lot of people don't and a lot of people don't think about this and they don't think someday i'm gonna have to pay for my sin well that's what the bible teaches are you willing to do that do you think that would be a great cost is there value in that no there's actually a way to have your sins forgiven and not have to pay for them and that is through christ who has already paid your price for your sins on the cross he died for your sins do you know that titus chapter 2 verse 14 talking about our savior jesus christ in verse 13 verse 14 says who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity iniquity is sin then he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works now look at this and there's a word there an interesting word and that word is redeem it's from the word redeem that we get the word redemption do you know what redeem means it means to buy back basically that's the easy way to look at it you see this last week and this week i've been talking about money and value and worth and things like that and price and cost and it's all having to do with buying and selling i'm basically being a dave ramsey i'm talking about you know basic uh economy buying and selling supply and demand but i've been talking about that in the hopes of helping you physically if you're having problems or if you're in debt you know learn how to buy something and get the most out of what you pay for it so that it is worth something but also in the sense that you get a good price so so your money goes farther and all that stuff but all that stuff that i'm talking about it's because i want to bring you over here and the way god looks at this in the spirit world is this the devil laid claim to your soul when adam and eve sent and the devil said ah they're mine now they're the children of sin and i'm the sinner and i'm the one who sinned first you know i rebelled against you so god this is my world these are my the bible even says he's the god of this world little g he's the prince and power of darkness and prince and power of the air satan and he tries to run this world and he tries to make people think huh that belongs to me but jesus is up in heaven and he goes no devil no i created that and they belong to me and the devil says well yeah well i won't let you have it god says i'm going to do something that you can't back out on i'm going to do this deal that can't be undone and the bible says that jesus came down for 33 years and he lived a sinless life he said see devil it can be done now only because he was god he could do that or never been a human being because we're all born with a sinful nature there's never been a human being that didn't sin and the wages of sin is death and so the devil had claim over death but jesus died as the sinless substitute in my place the sinless one jesus christ he died and guess what he did he paid for my sins and when he died he paid the price he paid the price and the father poured out all of his wrath against man's sin upon jesus christ and the bible says if you come to jesus and you accept him by faith then you are accepting that payment you are accepting that and you're saying i receive it when you receive it by faith guess what when you receive that price that he paid you are redeemed you know what redeemed means means you're purchased that's why over there in acts chapter 20 and 28 it talks about jesus christ and it says he purchased the church with his own blood he made a purchase and he didn't use a credit card he purchased with the most important valuable thing in the entire universe that was worth more than anything else his own blood god's blood god himself became a man and shed his blood for our sins and he did that to purchase us because the devil says man no you don't got anything i want he says yeah well i want my creation back i'll purchase it from you i'll buy what what do you want the devil says i just want you to die jesus says that's a deal i'm gonna hold you to it and jesus came down and he died on the cross and he shed his blood and that was the price for the purchase of my soul now yes there was a cost but you know what the devil didn't make any more deals and the devil said well he's dead he's mine now but after three days after three days jesus rose again the devil says oh no oh no oh no and we're told in the bible that now jesus has power over death and hell and jesus has power to give you salvation and eternal life and to forgive you of all your sins jesus power to save your soul and that's what salvation is salvation of your soul and you're redeemed through that so do you see there's kind of a spiritual aspect to all of this that i'm trying to get to so we look at the price that jesus paid and that brings me to the 1828 webster's dictionary and in the 1828 webster's dictionary i said i wonder what price means so i looked up price in the 1828 webster's dictionary it says the sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued or the value which a seller sets on his goods and market a man often sets a price on goods which he cannot obtain it often takes less than the price set so i told you when it comes to the physical things the price that you see on something that's not the price the price is what the person settles for now you can't always do this in a store but sometimes you can't sometimes i'll go in the store and i'll see something i'll take it up there and i'll go you know i'd like to buy this but i'm not really interested it's the last one you have on the shelf i don't know if you're getting any more would you take less and people go i don't know let me ask the manager manager come out you know we haven't ordered any more of those that that's the last one i'll give you 10 less my wife she tells me man it's embarrassing to be with you sometimes but i don't like to pay full price for things i like my money to go farther and i like to be frugal i mean so i try to do that so whenever there's a price on the object remember that is not the final price the price is not what they're asking the price is what it ends up being sold for and you can haggle with people i just find that interesting i just want you to know that especially garage sales it says price definition two the sum or equivalent given for an article sold as the price paid for a house or an aux or a watch so the price is in the mind of some what they're asking but that's not really the price the price is what did it actually sell for if you come up from less they say okay then what you paid them was the price so the price really is what was paid okay the current value or rate paid for any species of goods is the market price of wheat prices change thank god the price that jesus paid can't change it's done it's settled amen it's settled number four the value or estimation the excellence or the worth of something number five the reward are the recompense amen the bible says there must be a just recompense for the reward well jesus paid the recompense god the father looked down on god the son and god the father says i can't bring people to heaven because they're sinners and they're in their sins someone has to pay for that sin and jesus said i'll pay for it and he did he paid with his own blood and that's when we get to the fifth definition reading down look what it says the price of redemption that is the atonement of jesus christ that's why i love the webster's 1828 dictionary it gives you the definition of physical things but he always throws in there now let me give you a little spiritual thing there too and he gives you a bible definition because in his day everyone read the bible and they all knew what the bible taught the price of redemption the atonement of jesus christ wow i just find that so amazing and i wanted to show you that that's why i say let's always use the 1828 webster's dictionary in the modern dictionaries they use they change words and they oftentimes don't even go to the bible try to show you how the bible defines it that's why i really like the 1828 webster's dictionary and you can go and find that online and look that up and use it online so that is the price of something um let's go to a first chronicles 21 and i want you to just think for a minute about the price that jesus christ paid for you and me what did he go through on the cross what did he suffer as he bled and died for our sins have you thought about that when you're saved that is important to you and you look at that as valuable and you look at that and say man i am not worth it but he looked at me as worth it and he went and he died for me and that's just to me that is the most wonderful precious valuable thing more than money is what jesus did matter of fact i wasn't going to read it i forgot all about it but before we come over here to the verse i told you to come to uh let me read first peter chapter 1 verse 18 and 19. first peter 1 18-19 for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptable things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of christ as of a lamb without blemish without spine redemption is not through gold and silver you know a lot of people they want to say well i'm a good person so i'm going to buy my way into heaven with gold and silver that doesn't work you cannot pay to be saved it won't work someone has already paid your sin debt through something that's worth way more than gold and silver and that's the blood of jesus and so that was the price and he shed his blood now you can be saved if you will look at that as the way god looks at it how valuable to you is the blood of jesus is it worth anything to you you know a lot of lost people they hear a message like that they go oh that doesn't mean anything to me whatever well what are you saying you're saying i'm willing to pay my own price down there for all eternity paying for my sins boy i don't know about you but that doesn't sound good i'm so thankful that i got saved and i found someone who paid my price i owed a debt i could not pay but he paid it for me he paid the price in my place so let's go over here to first chronicles chapter 21 and let me say this when you get saved by trusting in the payment paid for you what jesus did then you're redeemed you're saved you're forgiven of your sins when you get saved what jesus did means more to you and you really see the cost and how much he paid and what he went through now that you're saved now you need to work for jesus you need to live for him you know one of the first things is you figure out after you get saved is that the devil now is going to start attacking you and the world's going to start making fun of you because the world today they don't like christians and so now you realize man it's gonna cost me something to live for jesus and some christians they say you know i love jesus i'm glad he saved me but i'm not gonna witness or pass out tracks or i'm not gonna say anything and you know make waves in my workplace or in my this play i'll just i'm saved and i love jesus but i'm just not gonna tell anybody about it they don't want the cost they don't want people to make fun of them and mock them and laugh that they say oh well jesus you know he did that for me but i'm just gonna do my own thing so basically what are they saying they're confessing but i'm not gonna do anything for him it cost him everything for my soul now that my soul saved i should look at that as now i'm going to give him everything no matter what the cost i'm going to live for him but a lot of christians aren't like that they're like thank you jesus okay and then go do their own thing i don't know why every time i think about what he did for me it makes me want to do more for him if that means suffer if that means be ridiculed if that means go through some things i'm willing to go through those things because i love him because he took that cost for me and paid that price for me i'm gonna pay the price for him i'm gonna not shut up i'm gonna do my best to speak and to tell the truth so go over here to first chronicles and let's look here at first chronicles 21 24 here's an interesting story first chronicles 21 24 and king david said to ornan nay but i will verily buy it for the full price for i will not take that which is thine for the lord nor offer burnt offerings without cost so here is a neat story now let's turn over to the second passage of this also in second samuel 24 24. second samuel 24 24. but uh what is going on here well david comes to this place and he says i'd like to uh to buy this place to make sacrifice for jesus and the guy says no no you're the king so i'll just give it to you king because you're the king and david says no no it's worth something to me it's valuable and if you don't mind i'd like to pay whatever it's worth i want it to cost me something to serve jesus that's what it is in type it's i want it to cost me something i want god to know that i love him so much that i'm doing everything i can for him and i want him to see what i went through for him because god i do see what you went through for me does that make sense i mean sometimes i preach these messages and i i think man i did a horrible job and i go sit down and start editing and i go wow that wasn't half bad so i hope i'm really getting across what i'm trying to say it cost jesus everything and he paid the price to save my soul what does he want from me well after i'm saved i should look at that and say if he did that for me i want to do that for him whatever the price whatever the cost i'm going to be a follower of jesus and do whatever he asks and live for him because he loved me enough to give me his all i'm going to give him my all and no matter what it costs does that make sense second samuel chapter 24 and verse 24. and again he's wanting to buy this place and look what it says verse 24 and the king said unto aruna nay but i will surely buy it of thee at a price neither will i offer burn offerings unto the lord my god of that which doth cost me nothing so david bought the fleshing floor and the oxen for 50 shekels of silver so david says look when it comes to god i want to give god my all i want it to cost me something to serve jesus because it cost him so much to save a low down good for nothing nobody like me that i'm willing to serve him at any cost at any cost i read that i looked at that i just thought about that for a little bit i just thought man that's that's amazing that's amazing jesus died for our sins let's go over to hebrews chapter 9. i want to close here real soon then i want to sing you a song about this but you might be asking brother breaker why are you talking about money and prices and things like that and value and all this i get a lot of emails i get a lot of phone calls from people that say brother breaker it is hard times right now and i'm suffering and i'm having to pay the price it's costly to serve jesus i'm having to make a decision in my life am i going to do this thing or am i going to stand up for jesus and say it doesn't matter if i lose my job i'm going to be a good testimony of jesus there's a lot of people having to make decisions and the right decision is whatever you do follow jesus no matter what the cost amen and so we're seeing a lot of people suffering and i say well whatever the cost make sure you put jesus first because he died to redeem you to redeem you redeem means to buy back purchase you if that's true then that means you're no longer your own and isn't that what the bible says you're not your own you were bought with a price i forgot to write that verse down maybe i can give it to you here but the bible says when you're saved you're not your own you're bought with a price so now you belong to him so now no matter what the cost now you serve him because of all that he's done for you and it says here in hebrews 9 12 what did jesus do hebrews 9 12 says neither by the blood of goats and calves by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us so eternal redemption is to redeem us for all eternity eternal redemption is eternal life that he offers through his blood and through faith in that blood so if he cost him everything to pay the price to save you after you're saved it's kind of a no-brainer in it whatever the price whatever it costs i'm gonna go all the way in serving jesus hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 and 13 look what it says here hebrews 13 12 wherefore jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood that was the price that he paid the blood shed suffered without the gate now look at what he says in verse 13 let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his approach because he suffered for me all right i'll suffer for him he paid the ultimate price and it cost him everything to do what he did to save me all right i need to look and say well what does it cost to serve the lord well you're going to find out real quick that the more you do for jesus the more you live for jesus the more you open your mouth and try to tell people about jesus the more it's going to cost you you'll probably lose friends you may lose your job you might lose family you might have people attack you ridicule you lie about you spit upon you talk bad about you the world might be against you and laugh and mock but that's very little compared to what the cost was for him and we looked at last week if you live for jesus while you're laying up treasures in heaven now i don't have time to get into everything i wanted to talk about here today but i did a video many years ago on youtube and i ask you to look it up and that video on youtube is entitled what hurts christ and i did that video many years ago go to youtube and type in in the search engine robert breaker what hurts christ do me a favor and watch that sermon because in that sermon i give you the price he paid and what it cost him to die on the cross you know many people who've contacted me and who've watched that and contacted me said brother breaker that video made me cry thinking about everything that jesus did for me the cost what he paid for me i said yeah amen amen i said now what has the cost been to you for serving him what does it cost you to do something for jesus a lot of christians are suffering and going through things and i get a lot of emails from a lot of christians saying brother breaker just the world is awful it's not what it should be i'm going through so much i just i don't know what to do and everything's falling apart well you're going through the cost you're suffering for jesus and that's why you want the rapture to come and i don't blame you me too well why do we do what we do because of what he did for us i'm going to sing him real quick and i'll close with that but i want to read you a verse of scripture before second corinthians 5 verse 13 through 15. think on what he paid and the price that he paid for your sins think of the cost that he went through and then i want to ask you are you doing anything for him second corinthians 5 13 says for whether we be beside ourselves it is of god or whether we be sober it is for your cause for the love of christ constraineth us when i think of what he did and what he paid and the cost and everything i think one thing man love boy he must have loved me he must have loved me so much to go through all of that that great love paul says for the love of christ constraineth us because he loved me so much i want to show him back how much i love him because we thus judge that if one died for all then we're all dead now verse 15 and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again you don't after you're saved just go live for yourself and forget god when you get saved now this is a new life in christ now you're supposed to live for him and so if you're a christian and you've tried to step out by faith and live for the lord you've seen the cost you've seen how the devil comes after you the world comes after you you've seen what it costs to live with the lord and you've seen the trials and the sufferings and the pain and all the stuff that we go through as christians and it hurts not as bad as what hurt jesus but it hurts so i want to sing this to you because uh i woke up this morning and this was the song of my heart and that's what made me think about all this stuff reading my bible and stuff and i want to sing him called when we see christ because a lot of christians are saying brother breaker the cost is so great i'm losing everything my business my house my my job the world's taking everything from me when will it end well send ensued jesus is coming back soon and that's what we're looking forward to is when he comes when we see christ so hang in there put up with it because it won't be long until he comes back off times the day seems long our trial's hard to bear we're tempted to complain to murder and despair but christ will soon appear to catch his bride away all tears forever over in god's eternal day [Music] it will be worth it all when we see jesus life's trials will seem so small when we see christ [Music] one glimpse of his dear face oh sorrow will erase so bravely run the race till we see christ [Music] sometimes the sky looks dark and not a ray of light we're tossed and driven on no you've been help in sight but there is one in heaven who knows our deepest care let jesus solve your problem just go to him in prayer if we'll be worth it all when we see jesus life's trials will seem so small when we see christ [Music] one glimpse of his dear face all sorrow will erase so bravely run the race till we see christ my voice is going out life's day will soon be your all storms forever past we'll cross the great divide to glory safe at last we'll share the joys of heaven a harp a home a crown the tempter will be banished does that make you want to shout it will be worth it all [Music] when we see jesus life's trials will seem so small when we see christ one glimpse of his dear face oh sorrow will erase so bravely run the race till we see christ amen if you're saved it won't be long it won't be long until jesus comes back and then everything you went through in this life it'll all be worth it all if you did it for jesus if you're suffering if you're going through some things if you're hurting if you're having problems if you're going through trials if you're going through tribulations and you just say god i can't take it help me but yet you're faithful to the lord and doing right and living right it's going to be worth it all because soon we'll be with him and this whole world can't touch us and the devil can't touch us and we'll be with him in a better place and we'll look back on all this and we'll just be like i'm glad that's over but until then the only thing worth anything is doing something for jesus have you ever passed out tracks have you ever witnessed have you ever shared the gospel peter told anybody about what jesus did now's the time time is short i hope this has been a blessing to you it meant a lot to me looking at this and learning about this this week and i just hope it will help you and if you haven't done anything for jesus do something because whatever you go through for jesus and do for him you get rewards in heaven like we looked at last week a lot of people this last time said what good are rewards in heaven who needs that well i don't know what it's all good for but i know one thing there's one passage of scripture where they have rewards they have a crown and then they throw it back at jesus feet wouldn't that be something we're up in heaven we all just say god i'm so unworthy you're the worthy one here just take it back and you're up there and you've got nothing to throw back at his feet because you did nothing for jesus now is not the time to be quiet and do nothing now is the time to serve jesus christ no matter the cost now is the time to live for him all right we'll see you next week if we're still here hope the rapture comes first amen but if not think about these things how much is what jesus did worth to you is it worth enough to try to do something for him you know i wasn't going to say this but maybe i should how much is a fellow man worth to you i've had people call me lately and say brother breaker you don't realize just how much of a blessing you are to me and i say wow i'm a lot of times i sit over here and pout and think i'm nothing and worthless and other people say brother breaker you're worth something to me what a blessing well i want you to know that you are all worth something to me that's why i do this that's why i take my time and energy and come to you every week and give you another message if you're lost this is why i do that i want to see you save because your soul's worth something to god and worth something to me and i want to see you saved so i better stop here god bless you and think on these things and think about doing something for jesus god bless you we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 25,228
Rating: 4.9485097 out of 5
Keywords: The Price, The Cost, The purchase price of salvation, The Blood of Jesus, bloodbought
Id: 2fv63sgMSU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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