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shirts will you join me in welcoming the whole wide world to open door church and big time Burleson Texas on a Wednesday night boom my friends blessing and peace on you and the mighty name of King Jesus welcome welcome welcome guys at the beginning of this year I had the great privilege of bringing the prophetic word for the year and I'm calling this a golden year right you guys remember that I just now got through looking at our youtube channel and the video hit 80 thousand views today so I'm like yay praise the Lord for that so be sure and share that and get that out there guys a lot of people are running with this word now guys the Lord gives the word but great is the company that publishes it amen and it's one thing for God Almighty to reveal to you his plan it's a whole other thing for you to conform your life to the image of God's plan it's one thing for God Almighty to say this is what I have for you it's a whole other thing for you to live a life to where you're actually partnering with God to make sure that that actually happens as a son in tonight's message I'm gonna be talking to you Andrew guys we're gonna be revisiting the prophetic word for the year and we're just gonna be looking at some of the highlights on that and we're actually gonna be talking about okay let's don't forget this key part and let's don't forget that key part now a few weeks ago I started to preach this and I don't know it was a night like I had like bran Dobson or somebody up here and I just never got to it I never I never did get to it that night but you know what I'm bound and determined I'm gonna get to it tonight so you guys with me on this all right guys I want you if you would please open up your Bibles to James to the book of James James chapter 1 verse 22 I'm gonna be reading for the New King James Version it says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves you literally put a bag on top of your head and you deceive yourself you literally begin to walk in a spirit of deceit you intentionally walk in a spirit of deceit which means you can never live a prophetic lifestyle if you hear the word and you do not do the word amen so for if anybody is a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like a man that observes his natural face in a mirror and then he goes away and immediately he forgets what manner of man he is do you know that a big part of your identity and your destiny and your purpose is tied into how you hear God and how you run with what God Almighty is speaking to you but then verse 25 says but he looks into the perfect law of Liberty and he continues in it and he's not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this one will be blessed in what he does you know I think one of the great mistakes that I've made in the past is the labor and labor and labor for a word but not labor and labor and labor to help us all walk in that word and I'm trying to change that this year I'm I'm more aware of this word for the year 2019 or the year five seven seven nine then of any prophetic word that I've ever preached before I cannot get away from this and some of the key tenants of this are things that we really need to embrace a big huge part of missing a great move of God is that you put way too much stock in the last move of God and you're like what God said back then I remember what God did back then and many times we miss what God has for us right now because we are still in the old thing right on we had we had a prophetic company that was here over the weekend and brother Matt Gonzales a man what a what a rock star he is him and his bride Desiree and they actually stayed out at my ranch on Sunday night and we got together and then we were praying for each other and we were just kind of living that awesome crazy cool prophetic lifestyle that we all get to live and he said you know Tori I don't feel like you know God's bringing you to the next thing he's bringing you to the new thing and that there's a lot of that going on all over the world one of the one of the words that God gave me on Pentecost this last year when I was in Jerusalem is the word tectonic plates that there are tectonic plates that are shifting and I didn't come up with that there was an apostolic group that came up with that term and I was like yeah this is not the next thing this is not an additional layer to the old thing this is a completely new thing and one of the dangers that we all face whenever God Almighty begins to invite us into new things is our default many times we'll be to go into the thing we know how to do instead of going to the new thing that we don't know how to do and many of us miss great moves of God and we miss great incredible things because we're like you know what I don't know how to do that thing but I do know how to do this thing and I'm gonna remain here well guys listen you don't you don't want to remain you want to continue forward man you want to live your life forward somebody say amen to that amen so James is saying that if we're gonna be blessed then we're gonna have to be doers of the word which means when God tells us something and when the Lord begins to show us something and when God Almighty begins to reveal something and invite us into something we don't just sit and do nothing and call that the sovereignty of God we got to get up we got to get up man got to get up you got to press in and you got to go after it in James chapter 2 he goes on to say what does a prophet my brother's if somebody says he has faith but he doesn't have works can faith save him if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one and one of you says to them depart in peace be warmed and filled but you don't give them the things that they need for their basic body what is it profit thus also faith by self if it does not have works is dead one of the things that you run into whenever you deal with the Bible and whenever you deal with translations the Bible you deal with problems of language you and I are reading a Bible in English that was not written in English it was written in Hebrew and it was written in Greek in this New Testament in the book of James was actually written in Greek and whenever we translate that over into English there are some words that we struggle with now the Greeks have a clearer definition they have a lot better language than what we do now I want to tell you I love the English language and one of the things I love about the English language is you can just make up your own words I like that that's a hootenanny to me but the problem but the problem with the English language is you can make up your words or one word will mean one thing to somebody and it means something with some somebody else like if I say I love you you say I know what that means but I use the same exact word love for I love my chickens I love my chickens I really do but not like I love my wife I love chicken fried steak running on I love Texas but not like I love my kids so we have one word for that and then we have it we have a perfect scenario in what I'm talking about here in this word works because in some places in the Bible is saying listen I want to tell you something you will miss heaven if your salvation is all about works right and then in other places in the Bible it says this you don't even have faith unless you have works so what is it is God bipolar no it's a language issue and here's the deal pickle you have to you are responsible for getting past that like well I'm sorry too Bible is just too confusing Wang let's just call a wah-mbulance for you and will hold your hand Wang the word works has really got me messed up listen overcoming and find out exactly what the Word of God is actually saying amen I'm going to be preaching a sermon series called this or that and it's examples of this same premise all the way through the Bible why does it say one thing about this subject in this part of the Bible and why does it say something else about that subject in this part of the Bible and I love that challenge I love that well this is this is this is a this or that and guys what we're talking about is not works unto salvation we're talking about salvation that produces something amen we're not talking about hey my name's Cain and I've got a really cool crop this year and I had to work really hard and God had better appreciate it when I bring my offering to him I don't care what he says is acceptable I'm going to dictate to God what is acceptable to me and I'm gonna prove my righteousness by bringing my mater's to the altar is that well that's just crazy well you know what people do that all the time people do that all the time well I don't really have a good relationship with Jesus but I'll tell you this I've never murdered anybody I've never cheated on my wife I had never done this I haven't ever done that and that's just you bringing your mater's to the altar Amen that kind of mess have been around for a long long time hadnít guys it sure has so what's really is we're in desperate need of a savior well I thank God that I've got one amen I mean we are all in desperate need of a savior who is truly holy and guys Jesus really and truly is holy I mean he is it man he he became he was God Almighty who became a human being he didn't pretend to become a human being he actually became a human being and he conquered sin and death in the same kind of flesh that you and I live in it's incredible I mean he pulled it off and he didn't pull it off as God he pulled it off as a man being subject to God it's it's mind-boggling what Jesus has done but he did it okay so we don't present our works in order to be saved we don't say well you know what I gave so much money or I save so many girls out of sexual slavery or I I even dug a water well that that ought to get me in no that's not how it works how it works is Jesus is the door and there is no other amen there is no other Jesus is it now that I've said that once you have gone through that door there should be something that comes out of your life that proves you are saved and unfortunately in most translations the the description of the word that they use for that is also works and it's confusing but you just need to understand it's just a problem with the English language that's all it is so if we don't want to call it works because we all think of works as in works of the flesh in order to be saved maybe maybe we should just call it fruit fruits a really good word faith without fruit is dead but faith without action is dead you say you believe it but you don't do nothing about it and you don't do nothing with it I really believe house destroyed God is going to send me on a missions trip okay well show me your passport show me show me your passport oh no I know I don't I don't I'm gonna get a passport until I have it all worked out you have no faith well pastor Rory I really truly believe with all my heart you know that God's called me to be a nurse okay all right great what what school you plan on going to oh I've never looked into that faith without action is dead which you know just exactly like your body without the Holy Spirit with your body without a soul and without the Spirit is dead all right okay your faith without any kind of works or action upon your part is a dead kind of faith dead okay so that means that whenever God tells us something we have to do something to conform our life to the image of that and he's looking and he's like okay man I'm gonna say this like great got it I remember I remember 20 years ago it is well over 20 years ago the Lord told me and I'm talking about told me and friends when I when I say God told me I don't I don't use that phrase very often I really don't I will say you know God's talking to me about this or hey I'm really hearing God's speak about this but a lot of times when God is speaking to us it takes a while to work out what it is that God is saying how many guys know that that's the truth but my staff and my friends know this if I tell you God told me something you can take it to the bank because you don't just pull that out all the time you don't just say that all the time you know yeah and I don't you have to be very respectful and downright fearful if you guys will allow that word about how you how you steward your relationship with the Lord right so about 20 years ago maybe maybe even 25 years ago I was seeking the Lord and I just heard God speak in my knower now like how did you hear I don't know really I don't I and I don't I don't know how you hear God speak and I'm not talking about inaudible voice and I want to tell you God can speak in an audible voice and it's not stupid to think that God can speak in an audible voice of course he can but for me when the Lord speaks to me prophetically and when God's voice really resonates within my spirit and I I just know something it tends to show up in the memory part of my mind as if somebody told me I don't remember when they told it to me but you know that when you're trying to think of somebody's name you're like what's that dude's name what's that what's that guy's name what is it and you remember and you got oh and it's a powerful moment right there's a one of the ways that God speaks to me prophetically it's just like that it feels like that and it's like boom I know it and I got it and I didn't have it a minute ago and I got it now boom right I don't know if that's a good explanation or not but it but but it works for me it's just one of the voices that that God has within my life well the Lord told me Troy I've got a I've got a place for you and it's not in heaven I have a place for you on the earth and I'm gonna do a miracle for you and you're gonna have a miracle testimony concerning a house well I've seen that happen I've actually seen it happen you're actually in it right now for one thing you're in you're in one layer of that revelation there's a whole bunch of layers of that revelation and one of it is actually this building that I'm in right now but but I'll tell you this 25 years ago I am I'm not I'm not calling this righteousness I'm just telling you that it was a big deal for Liana and I to have electricity on it was a big deal for us to have it do we were so stinkin poor we were so poor and I hated it I didn't know oh it's cool it's no problem no it was a problem for me now Liana was cool you don't lean has been poor all her life man and she's like yeah it's all good no I wasn't good for me I don't like it I like it one bit and man we we would you know our kids you know man we just had there was just man whenever we started doing ministry you know I was doing prison ministry and we were feeding poor people one you know there's what are you gonna do you know go to prison and the Hat you know well I got a couple of cigarettes this week and a very lewd comment from certain people at I mean what are you gonna do with that oh yeah you know what are you gonna do and I didn't have a plan and I wasn't very smart and I didn't have I didn't have good counsel in my life and man we we really went through it now I mean guys I'm talking about it was tough and I'm talking about if I'd probably married any other woman on the planet Earth they would have left me and Lyanna stuck with me and she loved me and she was proud of me and she would tell me Troy we're gonna get through this amen but whenever God spoke that word into my life you know when I told lianna we got to learn how to buy a house and we started visiting houses as if we had money and lianna am I telling truth honey I'm talking about all the time we'd be like hey let's go let's go look at houses today because we know God's gonna do a miracle for us and we wouldn't leave there and go I'm sad because some people have nice houses and we don't even have glasses some of our windows we I'm not making that up guys we didn't have anybody in the world that was willing to lift a finger to help us we're gonna have glass on our windows we didn't have electricity on in our house we got four babies and man we're doing ministry every single day of the week taking taking groceries to people who are griping telling us how bad they've got it and they didn't have a clue didn't have a clue I'm saying that during that time the Lord spoke a word to me and said I have a place for you and you're gonna have a miracle testimony to tell and you need to get ready for it and so we started looking for houses then we started looking at we got to build our credit up what a joke that was we started talking about we started learning okay do we like this do we not like that what kind of a house do we like what do we like do we like this do we like that and we learned that and guys it was it was it was over 22 years before I saw that miracle actually happened and I want to tell you this are you ready for this I don't think it would have ever happened if number one if God hadn't spoken it and number two if I hadn't acted on it you got to act on it and you got it you can't just be mad and offended well God's totally this but I said one of the things that happen everybody's like I want a prophetic word I want okay you need to understand how that works because many times as soon as you get a prophetic word your life will go exactly opposite encounter to what God just now said to you and then you're gonna have to get through the offense of that you're gonna have to press through the offensive and go no no no no I know what the Lord said there's a word on me and I'm sticking with the word devil from hell I once was a child but I put away childish things and I'm gonna get through this I I did fallout before and I failed the test before but I'm not gonna fail at this time I'm on it I'm on it like a duck on a junebug it's one thing for God to give you the big picture it's a whole other thing for you to make your life look like the big picture so you have to do that and you have to you know Paul says that there was a crown of righteousness for him and not only for him but for everyone who loved the appearing of the Lord and it's a special promise for those of us who believe in the glorious and the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ but it's also about this God spoke it and he's gonna make it happen you watch I don't know how he's gonna make it happen I don't have a plan I don't have a plan I don't have it all figured out but I trust in the Lord my God and I can't wait for him to show up I am looking for his appearing amen well you do that you do that and guys I want to tell you something you do that through some hard stuff and and that's just a part of the walk faith without works is dead listen I'm gonna keep it positive but I'm gonna keep it accurate and I'm gonna just tell you this listen oh this is positive and this is a happy word but you need to understand that if you're going through something if you're going all it's doing is making you a candidate for a much much much greater blessing amen and I tell you what I've been through some things you've been through some things I have failed many times and going through things and then there been other times I'm like I you know what I failed this the last time I went through this I felt that I'm not going to this time I'm not going through this time this is it right on well man you got to work out your faith through great commitment and dedication James 2:26 for as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also you're gonna have to work it out through being committed and dedicated and saying I'm committed to this God spoke it into my life it doesn't have anything to do with where I came from it doesn't have anything to do with my family it doesn't have anything to do with my education it doesn't have anything to do with any of these things but God said this so you know what I'm gonna be dedicated and committed to the Word of God within my own life and the Lord Jesus is looking for people who are living that kind of commitment that when he whispers something that you receive it as a roar and you say my god you know what God doesn't have to scream that to me God Almighty doesn't have to you know what I heard it I heard it I know what I heard and you know what and if you have the counsel of hell in your life in the form of Christians well we better be careful you be careful you be careful when you see what that gets you I'm following God in a dangerous way I'm going after God in a reckless dangerous kind of way and rain on you if you want to be a limp-wristed pansy for the rest of your life and you're not gonna every time God says anything will I don't know I don't know I'm not sure if that's God if you want to live your life and constant confusion not knowing the voice of God that's on you and I tell you what I will not suffer the counsel of people who want they want to you have to pass the Troy you're gonna have to jump through a whole bunch of Hoops for me to believe that I don't care if you believe it or not why would I care if you believe it I didn't wake up this morning concerned about your level of faith I woke up this morning concerned about mine Amen Alleluia so there are three main themes that I'm sensing about this year 2019 that I'd like us to revisit number one is gold number two is faith and number three is fruit-bearing when I said gold I'm talking about supernatural presence and financial breakthrough gold means supernatural presence and a breakthrough faith a new grace for hearing and believing God for things much much much bigger than you and then fruit-bearing this is the year that your miracle baby is born all right so you guys remember all this right so what if I want to just just ask you what if this was the narrative of your heart in your mind every single day instead of the news what if this was the narrative of your heart in your mind every single day instead of what some knucklehead said to you on Facebook I won't take something you don't think you can deal with your facebook I promise you you couldn't deal with mine people are crazy I'm talking about they will kill you thinking they do God a service as Paul said just oh my gosh I thought I thought the other day I was going through my facebook I thought if one more person calls me a false prophet I'm liable to just I'm allowed to lose my mind then I thought now beyond right I just love it just absolutely love it well one of the reasons why we came to the conclusion that this is a year of gold that gold is a big theme of this year is simply because on the atomic scale there's 118 numbers I think there's 118 there's some crazy Russian just found a brand new element within just within a passive people out there looking for new elements like wow I can't even find my keys I lose my phone in my glasses 25 times a day much less be able to find a new element but on the atomic scale of things that are elemental in other words if if I can touch this that means it's made up of something and there's somewhere around 118 things that we can actually describe that make up the things right well the number 79 the 79th one is the number gold like why is that a big deal because this is the year 79 on the Hebrew calendar it's five seven seven nine if you ask a G hey man what year is it they're not gonna say five thousand seven hundred seventy-nine they're just gonna say 79 so 79 on the atomic scale all over the world is there's an elemental truth that goes with this that it actually represents gold well gold in the natural means wealth and gold and the natural means finances so if you're living if you're living a lifestyle of a prophetic person one of the things that you do is you ask the question all the time if that was a dream what would it mean and she's driving down the road and something crazy happens what I did if I dream that if I dream that what I know the interpretation of the dream well you don't got to be asleep for God Almighty to speak to you through circumstances he'll be able to start talking to you through everything going on all day long and you just ask the simple question if that was a dream what would that mean which means you're gonna have to learn prophetic speak and how you learn prophetic speak is through the Word of God okay so you also have insight into kingdom things by looking at natural things as well you know Jesus says this all the time consider the lily of the field so look at this so that you can understand this other thing right so you get supernatural insight by being keenly aware of I want and when I look at anything within the world I want God Almighty to be able to speak to me about that so if you had a dream and if there was gold in it you would know what that is right I remember there was somebody that came here and they came here just to pray and they in too fast and I came in here to my office and they said pastor Troy pastor oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh like what she said I saw something I had an open vision and this this lady had never had an open before and I'm like what was it she said I saw a giant pile of gold in this in this sanctuary I saw a gigantic monster pile of gold and and she said I prayed and asked God what that was and he said the Lord said that he's about to change the finances of this church and he's gonna you know whatever you're doing to save girls all over the world that's this it's about to go through the roof and how are many water wells you're digging you're about to dig a whole lot more and this whole thing of I was like ok praise God man I received that well it doesn't mean wealth and it does mean finances and so this is a year for us to partner with God financially more listen there are times where the emphasis of God will change from this to that or from this to that or or for or from this to that this is a huge year guys and I don't know what the future is gonna bring up I'm telling you the truth I I've got a really good view of 2020 but I don't have a clue about 2021 and I'm I'm been praying and seeking God and gods like nope I'm not gonna show you anything past 2020 you're gonna have to know 2019 you're gonna have to know 2020 and when we get towards 2021 I want to start talking to you about that kind of stuff and I'm like wow I was like why because right now is a golden opportunity for us to go to the next level and I don't know how much longer that that's gonna last it ain't gonna last forever you know whenever we had the great American Eclipse that happened on August 21st to 2017 whenever we whenever would that happen or was it 2018 it was 2017 whenever that happened I really insure Leibig in that it was a prophetic marker because seven years after that there's another Eclipse that actually puts an X across the United States and like well that happens all the time well the last time we had a great American eclipse was a year that our nation was born in 1776 so which marks which means it was a word about our nation amen and whenever God speaks through the Sun he speaks something different than when he speaks to the moon right the Bible says that it says it says day and a day he utters speech and night unto night he reveals knowledge and there is no language where their voice is not heard talking about how the glory of God is seen through the stars in heaven so daytime is for hearing God's speak or whenever whenever God is speaking through the Sun he's speaking to natural people about natural things but when God is speaking through the moon see the thing about the moon is the moon represents the bride you know the Sun is always seen as masculine but the moon is always seeing this feminine as a matter of fact the moon has a 28-day cycle the same as a woman does alright exact 28-day cycle so whenever you see whenever you see something happening through the moon it tends to be feminine why because the moon represents the body of Jesus the moon represents the church the moon always represents it represents the bride it represents it represents God's people alright the moon is a bright light but it's not her lie it's the sun's light right so you and I have holiness and we have righteousness and we have glory but it's not ours it's his and we reflect his light right so so I really ensure Lee believed that when God was speaking through the great American Eclipse to America that he was saying hey this is an American word it happened on the 1st of Elul which means for penance and it also represents Jonah and it also represents Joseph and I don't have time to preach into all that but I can tell you in 7 years there's another prophetic marker of another one that Criss crosses and I believe with all my heart that we entered into seven years of plenty before there's seven years of famine listen the Lord doesn't ever warn us about things to scare us he warns us so that we can be prepared when Joseph had that dream and when Joseph saw that he wasn't scared he actually you know what they ended up calling Joseph zefa Neph paneah you think you got a train wreck as a name that's an Egyptian name Zephaniah and it literally means the savior of the world he was positioned during that seven years Joseph positioned himself to be a person of influence that would affect the entire planet Earth this is a time for you to position yourself this is a time listen this is not a time for you to go well I I'm just gonna hold back no there's gonna come in but it's not today you guys believe me when I tell you that so it's important you understand that there's some financial things that God wants to do within your life right now a well past Roy I'm seeing everything go completely opposite of that well you don't live buff you don't live by sight you live by faith and and I want to tell you I've got some huge financial challenges to you guys I'm I mean so far over my head I'm in so far over my head i I'm unlike I've always been in over my head but not like this like oh my gosh and I literally have to constantly go back to the word just to keep from freaking out sometimes and just go you know what I'm not stupid for doing this this is what God told me to do and this is a life I'm gonna live because he's given me an opportunity and this is an invitation and I'm saying yes I'm saying yes amen so gold also in the kingdom means the manifest presence of God his majesty and his kingdom come right on gold represents kingship it represents majesty is what it is what it represents this is a year of his kingdom coming this is a year the Spirit of God showing up and saying okay that's what it looked like before but now that I'm showing up it's gonna look different than that friends I want you to think about how we have to partner with God to make sure that that actually happens I told everybody that a golden day it's a golden year and guys not only on this not only has gold the number 79 okay you guys tracking with me in remembers five seven seven nine but remember this is also the year nineteen on the Gregorian counter now guys here we go again Gregorian the Gregorian calendar that you and I go off of is a solar calendar the Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar it's the same thing now just talking about so God speaks one thing to one group of people through a Gregorian calendar and then he speaks something else through the lunar calendar which he's always talking to his people or to Israel or to the church amen through the Hebrew calendar okay but guys do you know what the the word gold has a numerical value okay and before I before if you don't know about gamma tria gematria is simply the understanding of every single word in Hebrew and every single word in Greek is also a number because they don't have one two three they have ABC okay and that's and that's really not hard to follow if you're a knucklehead that looks after Roman Roman numerals right or a Raymond noodles is meaning you Hillbillies like to say are corn and they're ramen noodles okay so Roman numerals is what's actually called and so so if you see it on a bank right it's not a one it's an AI you guys are with me on that okay so just exactly like that the Hebrew alphabet which has 22 letters in it and 22 means revelation it means the light coming on it means it means it means God going tada that's why I bought the whoa hey the book of Revelation has 22 chapters in crazy cool stuff right well there's 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet well guys the word gold is the number 19 and it's the 19th year so it's actually convergent it converges on both calendars this year the 79 and the five seven seven nine and the year 2019 both say it is a golden year it is a year of gold it is a year of financial opportunity so don't be surprised if there's if there's a lot of warfare concerning your finances man fight the good fight get up say I got a word I got a word there been some of you guys that you've tried things in the past that didn't work that this is the season that it's actually gonna work there's there's been other of you guys that you've tried really really hard you know to get things cleaned up financially and and to have real wisdom and you just haven't had an opportunity to be able to make it happen no this is the time that that's going to happen and I tell you what right now one thing that I'm seeing straight out across the board is that it is a tremendous year of expansion for businesses monster year of expansion for people's businesses why cuz it's a golden year again you know we still got and I and I don't know that we have a full seven years I'm not I'm not saying that it is exactly seven years and maybe it's ten years praise God maybe it's maybe it's three years I don't know but the prophetic marker of seven years of plenty and seven a famine has been shown to us anyhow like well past Roy I just don't know if that's gonna happen yeah I'm just I'm just telling you look how long will you halt between two opinions what's it gonna take for you to change the narrative of your mind from criticism and delay and I need to check everything out and have all my ducks in a row too you know what I'm believing God said that and I'm going with it amen just really want to encourage you and tell you man that this is a year where businesses are expanding and increasing and the Lord is gonna there's there some supernatural knowledge that God Almighty has for you concerning if you are a business owner concerning because I want to tell you something man your business is important to the kingdom it is so important man that has not been taught near enough within the body of Christ and say this if you are a business owner that is a ministry I promise you and if you don't believe it just just just just don't pay your employees this next week and see if that doesn't affect their lives no man I want to tell you it has to work you're missin man your business has to work there's a lot on the line a lot on the line and if you are a prosperous Kingdom person you're in a position to instead of just get sad that there are girls caught up in sexual slavery you can get up and you can do something about it amen amen oh look at pastor stories gonna start preaching prosperity will you go preach you know stupidity and I know I know that I know that I know that there been people that have done stupid stuff and I'm not gonna get up here and start selling snake oil and all that craziness I know and I'm sorry about that I'm sorry that that people have done wrong things with prosperity but I promise you this there is a true prosperity message and it's this you can be blessed and you can prosper as long as you don't run off from Jesus and and like well it's just gonna be about how much money I'm like guys man dude I won't tell you this right now if you gave me a check for a million dollars right now a million bucks I'm praying and believing that there's gonna be somebody gonna give me a check for a million bucks just so that right there is gonna give me so much hate mail and you know what you hate before I started preaching and I'm not trying to win you over anymore amen I want to tell you this if somebody gave me a check for a million dollars tomorrow you know how much money I would have in the bank the day after tomorrow none because I know exactly where to spend that million dollars and I know the kind of lives that it would affect and I know the licen it would change in the regions that it would change and you know do you know what's better than 1 million dollars a billion dollars yeah so like well I don't I don't want to hear any of that past ROI because that's just people people have done crazy things with that and so I just avoid that well you don't do that with sex hypocrite amen [Applause] I love that I just love that it's a golden year this is a year of being crowned and rewarded Psalms 21 verses one through three the Lord will bless your pursuit and put a crown on your head this is a year that God is blessing your pursuit got a scripture for that be determined to overcome friends be determined to finish things and complete them with excellence be determined you know what one of the things that I'm hearing God say to me I and I mean I'm hearing it hardcore Leah and I we just had her 30th anniversary and we went away on a cruise and in the midst of our really killer cruise and we went scuba diving and we've ridden motorcycles on an island and took off and just just did such we had such a good time but in the midst of all that one thing that we did every single day is we're like so what is God talking to us about what what is the Lord speaking of one of the things I'm hearing God speak hardcore is finish the things you have started just don't ask me for anything else new just look at the things in your life that need to be finished and finish them well this is a year that God is blessing that it's a golden year amen listen it's time for me to close and I still got a whole bunch more of these I'm gonna do one more I'm gonna do one more a golden year this is a year doing things that matter a year of enduring works 1st Corinthians chapter 3 and 4 and I want to just tell you when I say it's a golden year and I say it's a year of enduring work so remember he says the things that endure is gold silver and precious stones I've already preached on that right and and it's revealed by the fire are the passion or the zeal or the the the Heart of Jesus himself okay so this is a year that God's like I I will give you a supernatural I to be able to judge is this thing that I'm involved in does it matter or does it not matter and I want to be a part of enduring works I want to be a part of stuff that's going to work for years to come I don't want to just be a part of something I want to spin my way than anything that's just gonna bog me down and keep it and keep me from being a part of things that really matter so Francis a golden year for you and the Spirit of the Lord is with you there's a word so I want to say it one more time it's one thing for God to tell you the plan but it's a whole other thing for you to conform your life to the image of that plan let's give King Jesus a great big praise in the house hallelujah
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 6,396
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit, A Golden Year
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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