The Power of Praying Scripture - Corey Russell part 2

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alright alright bye take a deep breath alright we're gonna go we're gonna step into a different kind of flow here for this next one so that was Mary and I if I had time we would look at Luke 11 and look at cuz right after Jesus Mary does the one thing Jesus is doing the one thing in Luke 11:1 and the disciples asked him teach us to pray so that's a whole nother time that we can maybe look at another time but I think that's pretty powerful alright Psalm 2 everybody turn me in your Bible Psalm 2 I believe that we're in a psalm 2 crisis that demands a Joel 2 response which will result with an axe to outpouring I believe that these three chapters I believe and I don't say that I'm not gonna say that about every passage these three are three you want to get deeply familiar with you really want to read it I remember in I was January 2nd 2014 I was in Mexico City and the Lord dropped Psalm 2 on me and he says I want to teach you about the revelation of intercession the revelation of intercession and he led me to Psalm 2 but before I get to Psalm 2 I just think if you're this close to someone you might as well read it anytime you get close to Psalm 1 you got to read it because I think listen Psalm 1 is the life style to navigate a psalm to generation Psalm 1 lifestyle is the way to navigate a psalm to culture and generation I want to read Psalm 1 and then we'll go to Psalm 2 because many times we separate them but they're really deeply connected here we go blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners I'm in psalm 1 nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by rivers that brings forth its fruit in its season whose leaf shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper the psalmist is going to highlight something very interesting right here and it's the subtle nature of the heart here here me everybody lucky with me that whoever you're walking with and whatever value system words whatever culture you're drinking from today lightly in a casual walk you will be sitting tomorrow and the next day and that you'll be standing tomorrow and the next day you'll be sitting in full agreement there is the subtle nature of the heart I want you to see the walking standing sitting the walking the standing the sitting and the psalmist says blessed is the man who isn't found casually walking today because you'll be standing tomorrow and you'll be sitting in full agreement the next day the counsel of the ungodly the seat of the scornful the path of sinners he says come out of that and come into a new flow he says I want you to find your delight in the Word of God and meditate in his law day and night I am currently disciple about 10 guys and we're reading through the Bible we do 10 chapters a day and then we do about an hour Bible study every every day and so it's fun we're pounding 40 chapters a week and we were just hitting Joshua and just crossing over and Joshua 1 is so interesting I believe that Joshua 1 mandate keeps getting followed from Joshua 1 the Lord says Moses is dead you're the one that's gonna take them into the Promised Land and in Joshua 1:8 he says do not let the book of the law depart from your mouth but you need to meditate in it day and night to make your way prosperous and the psalmist is saying delight and meditation in my law and there will be 4 fruits of the man or the woman who gets the word off the pages and gets it in your mouth meditate means to simply ponder while speaking the words that change you the most are not going to be Corrie Russell's I'm not gonna be John Tyson's or whoever your favorite preacher is the words that will change you the most will be your own when you hear you declare God's Word to God you are transformed the most it says that he shall be like a tree planted by rivers if there's anything that we need in this culture it's trees trees that have broken through the surface and that have tapped into the underground water sources of the Holy Spirit number two it says that their leaf it says that they will bring forth their fruit and it season their leaf will not wither and whatever they do shall prosper okay Psalm 1 is the call psalm 2 is the context let's look at this I want you to see Psalm 2 like a four-part drama I want you to see each scene has three verses we're gonna see four main actors in this drama the first three verses will be the kings and the nations of the earth the second scene will be the father the third scene will be the son and the fourth will be David David is in a full-on vision in Psalm 2 he's seeing something global something unprecedented and he's seeing a global conspiracy taking place in the earth and that's why he begins to question with the question why I'm gonna read the first three and then share a little bit about it why do the nation's rage and the people plot a vain thing and then he sees specifically the kings of the earth they set themselves and the rulers have taken counsel together who are they taking counsel against against the Lord and against his anointed and this is what they're saying let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us it does not take a rocket scientist to see that the spirit of these first three verses are alive and well in this nation as well as all over the earth right now we are seeing the beginning of this global rage it's gone on for centuries it's gone on for thousands of years but it is beginning to reach a climactic moment I believe in the earth where we're beginning to see rage taking place in the nations we're beginning to see a conspiracy among nations judges players and nations and it's specifically set against the Lord and against his anointed and this is what they're saying it's time to get set free from him it's time to get set free from the cords and the bonds and the restrictions of the Word of God it's time to throw off the fetters and for us to fully step in to the full realization of who we are this is the hour that we're living in it's an intense hour it's an hour of great warfare it's an hour of insanity it's an hour of global insanity and we need to feel it we need to see it we don't need to be buckled by it but we need to feel it and just like David it's almost like he's watching the first three scenes on CNN or fox or MSNBC and he's watching it at this level and he goes guys you can huff and puff but you're not going to overtake the plan of God and I just want to say just drop this in here it's not fully where we're gonna go but I want you to feel it this is a route this rage specifically is around the promised inheritance from the father to the son namely the city of Jerusalem this is about the father's promise that his son will rule all the nations from a specific plot of ground in the earth and nations will rage war against this David is watching this and he's going why it's not gonna work you've built a sandcastle there's a wave coming in he feels it at this level but the Lord does not want you to engage with it from this level he takes us to the very next scene look at the very next scene it says he who sits in the heavens everybody say in the heavens see that's very important because we're about to get filled with the father's confidence concerning nations that are raging against his sons inheritance it says he who sits in the heavens he laughs says that he will hold them in derision he will speak to them in his wrath and distressed them and his deep displeasure and he says yet I have set my King on my holy hill of Zion you want the father's confidence to fill you in this hour I don't care what global conspiracy what national conspiracy I don't care what demonic hordes what principalities what coalition of men that seek to overthrow the plan of God our Father is sitting on his throne in heaven far above every power and principality ruler and Dominion and there has been a decree that has been established from before the foundation of the world and the father is going to laugh over the nations as he confidently declares I have set I've already set my king and I've already set him on the hill I've chosen and you guys weren't in the voting process the fathers laugh is going to terrify the nation's the father's confidence is going to stir the nation's and the church needs to come out of the horizontal swirl of this or that left-right that this whatever and we need to come up into that place of sight that place of victory and that place of perspective so that we can partner with the father in releasing his will on the earth it's intense the scene closes verse 7 opens and now we're about to see what is Jesus doing when nations are raging Kings are plotting and nations are conspiring to throw off his leadership I love this verse Jesus shows up and David's about to overhear one of the greatest verses in the Bible he's gonna overhear Jesus talking to the Father in the eternal councils and he says I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me you are my son today I have begotten you ask of me and I will give Nations I will give you the nation's for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession you shall break them with the rod of iron and dash them to pieces like a Potter's vessel what is Jesus doing when it's the most chaotic he's in the prayer room and he's looking his father in the face and he this is intercession in a simplest form you'll walk in with me he is going to simply declare back to the Father what the father has spoken over him he says I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me what is the father declaring and I want to tell you this is where the church is going to be found in this hour it's joining Jesus first off I want you to know that he is sitting on his heavenly Hill right now you with me he is sitting on his heavenly hill right now and at right hand of father and he's returning to a set on a real Hill on the earth as he will rule the nation's as the son of David and this is awesome and exciting and Jesus in the middle of the swirl is asking the father you have declared over me that I am your son and the father looks at him you see those nations that are aging ask me for them and I'll make them your inheritance I went through a really intense season the last six years and the Lord spoke to me in the middle of it all he said kori your greatest places of warfare are to become your greatest places of inheritance and wherever you find the devil and the greatest amount of warfare that is actually not the time to run from it but to step into that confidence receive your identity as sons and daughters and ask the Father for fullness ask the father for his inheritance ask the father for your inheritance in there intercession is simply telling God what he tells you to tell him intercession is telling God what he tells you to tell him no matter the swirl no matter the attack no matter the accusation you tell God what he told you to tell him and you do it rooted and grounded in a sonship identity I believe that the greatest call to the church in this hour is to come out of the swirl and to join Jesus in the place of prayer and declaring back to the Father what he has spoken over the city over your lives over the nations of the earth hallelujah and I want you to ask God for his heart and I don't normally go into this but I want you to ask God for his heart for the apple of his eye Israel I want you to take it out of a political language take it out of trying to connect with some people over in the Middle East God had a blank slate and he chose a man named Abram out of the ur of the chaldeans which is Iraq he calls this man out and he goes I'm gonna make of you a great nation I'm gonna bless you and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you he didn't do anything special to deserve it he wasn't that righteous matter of fact he told Israel and Deuteronomy you're not that awesome he goes ain't nothing special about you you're just the perfect picture of humanity and I chose you and I loved you because I loved you there was nothing in you that gave you any special anything it's me but God and his sovereign has chosen a people to bring Redemption to the whole earth they bore the rage of Satan for thousands of years to bring forth Messiah and our King is a Jewish king he's not African he's not American he's not Asian he's Jewish this speaks volumes to us that salvation has come to the world and I believe that God's going to give the church across the earth his heart for the apple of his eye as she comes into a saving faith in Jesus Christ we're gonna labor that the promises of God the promises made to David that there will never lack a man who will sit on your throne Messiah will come through your loin so I want you guys to begin to ask God God give me your heart for your people take it out of the political language take it out of the meat trying to connect with some people it's about a calling to bring Redemption to the whole earth and I believe it says in Romans 11 that all Israel shall be saved anyway good there's gonna be in key intensifying warfare as we come into the return of the Lord there's gonna be intensifying rage intensifying just animosity and rage and the church that are standing for the purposes of God in Israel which means the true peace to Israel is the revelation of Jesus is them coming into a saving faith in Jesus good go ahead and told me to saw a Joel 2 Psalm 2 crisis a Joel 2 response we know Joel - this is what I believe God wants to release in the in the streets of New York City this is what's happening right here right now Joel - go ahead and turn with me to verse verse 15 he says blow the trumpet in Zion consecrate it fast call a sacred assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children in the nursing babes that the bridegroom go out from his chamber and the bride from her dressing room let the priest who minister to the Lord weep between the porch and the altar and let them say spare your people o Lord and do not give your heritage to reproach why should they say among the peoples where is their God the Lord will be zealous for his land and piteous people the Lord will answer and say to his people I will send you grain and new wine and you will be satisfied and I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations a song to crisis of Joel to response here's Joel to strumpet God's gonna raise up trumpets all over the earth he's gonna use men and women's mouths he's gonna use people that will not stop it will be annoying it will be a burr under people's saddle I mean does anybody like your alarm in the morning huntys he might pop up oh praise God tell me about the nature of an alarm it's rude it doesn't care how good your sleep is it doesn't care how comfortable your bed is how nice the downy comforter is how cold it is outside how good that dream was how little sleep you've gotten the alarm has one agenda and that's to wake you up and to get you into the purpose of God God has alarms and in these kinds of hours Joel said and you actually see it twice in Joel - two alarms one alarm is to say what's coming the second Armus to say this is how you respond and this is what Joel's alarm is people come off your individual islands of Prayer and everybody get into the same place at the same time and cry out to God together I love personal prayer I love my secret place I love my closet I love my car I love my hotel room I love closing my eyes and going within there is one aspect for personal prayer but I want to tell you that there are hours where it is time for corporate prayer there are times to where we cannot get where we've got to get alone I have a certain amount but the ceiling is lifted when we do it together and it releases a corporate grace upon us to grow us up into the things of God and I believe that God's answer to the day that we're living in is that we need to begin to see families that begin to develop corporate histories of prayer and fasting corporate histories are pruned fasting of crying out to God together turning our hearts together repenting together and meeting with God together the church was birthed in a corporate prayer meeting Acts 4 and the place where they were assembled together was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness there's a there's a lot of voices out there that says you know what I'm getting my prayer life alone in my room and I say praise God that's awesome but that's not enough it's not enough we've got to do it together you're like I don't like the way they pray over there big deal they're too loud over there some of you quiet ones need to get around loud ones and some of you loud ones need to be quiet I think most of us though are coming from a culture where most of us are a lot more quiet and we just like to think all the time and be quiet and meditate and all that I love that but that's not the only aspect of prayer there's times to lift up your voice and to begin to cry out to God it's not about personality types it's about biblical commands it's not about your personal preference of how you like to connect with God see that's what the corporate does is it rubs you and it brings everyone into this corporate dependence of God here we are God we need you it doesn't mean putting on forms but it means we're showing up together and we're gonna lift up our voice and guys I want to say to you there's corporate grace on corporate gatherings there's a corporate grace there's a corporate outpouring there's corporate protection there's protection when you do it together there's fullness when you do it together Ephesians three that you would know together with all the saints what is the width the length the depth the height that you would know the level that you would be filled with the fullness of God fullness is in corporate fullness is in corporate because I can go so far individually but I need you to break open a ceiling for us all to walk into certain things I would just want to shoot that in the head well you're like well I don't have time you got to make time we've got to develop histories that brings you into proximity with others I'll tell you this is the power because there will be nights this is why you need corporate cuz there will be many nights you got to get around communities that will sing your song and pray your prayer back to you when you forget it and what the corporate does it's a constant accountability for you to stay true to your original commitments to God coz left to me I'll get funky and still think I'm awesome and I won't know it because I'm measuring myself by myself but I come in here all barely making it and John begins to push the envelope or one of you begin to push the envelope that's my I was at the House of Prayer in Kansas City for 18 years that's the greatest gift I say is that I would have friends when I felt like checking out and just going and eating and binge watching something they would step up there and begin to push in for fullness God you promised a great outpouring of the Spirit we ask you to any cut me and I'm like yes get out of that funk quarry and I Driss ein up I need you and you need me and we can't do this together the church was birthed in a corporate prayer meeting I could probably if I had time I would walk you through revival history every great move of God has happened through corporate prayer every great move of God has happened through corporate prayer that's where God bursts his purposes and that's Joel Joel shows up at weddings I mean Joel is intense Joel shows up to the bride bride's dressing room how about having that prophet show up in your dresser he goes no we're not gonna get married right now he goes to the nursing moms in the back he gets nursing moms at the prayer meeting he says you know what get married in another season you only get to the prayer meeting blow the trumpet in Zion sound and alarm in New York City gather together with prayer and fasting declare God's Word and cry out for mercy we need leaders doing we need leaders leading it we need the intercessors we need the moms we need the ones five days old fifty years twenty years or five minutes we need people showing up saying Here I am god I don't even know what to say but I'm here and that gathering I promise you there are pockets of mercy in pockets of grace and there's a corporate blessing on that house breakthrough you know it brings together all of us Amen just go ahead and look at verse 28 while you're there I'm going to give you the action to thing right now 2:28 and it shall come to pass afterward after what after Joel - 12 through 17 I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall dream dreams you're you're young your old men dream dreams young men see visions on my men my women I will pour out my spirit wonders in the heavens blood fire pillars of smoke Sun into darkness moon into blood before the coming of the Great and awesome day of the Lord it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved now look at Acts - I want to read it again Psalm - crisis Joel - response action - outpouring verse 1 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place one Accord one place 120 in an upper room over 500 sold the Ascension of Jesus to heaven 380 didn't make it to the upper room and suddenly there was the sound of a from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting see it's not even about you March and they weren't marching they weren't dancing they were sitting and there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and he began to rest upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance look at verse 14 then Peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice and said to them men of Judea and those who dwell in Jerusalem and this be known to you and heed my words they're not drunk as you suppose since it's only the third hour of the day but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel it shall come to pass and the last day says God I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy young men see visions old men dream dreams men women I will pour out my spirit in those days they shall prophesy I will show wonders in heaven blood fire vapor of smoke Sun into darkness Mundi blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord everybody say before say it loud one more time the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved they're doing the corporate prayer meeting they did Joel - and then Acts 2 fell upon them divided tongues of fire rushing mighty when they were filled with the Holy Spirit began to speak in the languages of the nation's as they stumbled out of that upper room these trained fishermen from Galilee stumbling out of the upper room talking in the languages of the Jews that had come from the nations and their hearing them talk in their languages talking and all their languages magnifying God and they're going man these guys look drunk they're gone God chooses to birth Christianity with an upper room prayer meeting tongues of fire lots of tongues and everyone looking drunk those are the signs that God is going to use to mark the beginning of Christianity with a bunch of untrained fishermen and Galileans and here we have them coming out of this upper room and then Peter steps up the man who fifty days earlier denied Jesus is going to step up redeemed renewed and restored and he's going to preach the first miss a message of Christianity and he's going to preach Joel - the first message of Christianity at the day of Pentecost is Joel - he could have chosen Isaiah's prophecies of the outpouring he could have chosen some of Jeremiah's Ezekiel's about the new heart and about I'm going to pour out my spirit give you a new suit new heart but he chose Joel this small minor prophet I believe it's because Joel contains the prescribed model of what church looks like in these kinds of hours to see a fresh release of the gospel this short little book gives us the prescription of what to do in hours of transition hours of transition where you see judgment in the land if I had time I would walk you through Joel Joel 1 is just stepping up on the back end of a locust plague which means the economy has been shaken to the core and Joel says to prayer meetings do prayer meetings because if you don't get chapter 1 chapter 2 is coming and in chapter 2 when the Babylonian army comes to prayer meetings cry out for mercy and in acts 2 in an hour of transition they're crying out to God God pours out the spirit and and Peter steps out of that upper room and he quotes Joel 2:28 and in essence what Peter is saying is Joel's prophecy has begun it's begun and you are going to see until the coming of the Lord that there will always be fresh seasons where I will blow trumpets gather my people together cry out for mercy and I will release fresh outpourings of the Holy Spirit that will release afresh a witness of the spirit of prophecy he says you will always see this and it will culminate with the return of our Lord Jesus Christ the coming of the Great and awesome day of the Lord and you know I had you emphasized the word before because guys I want to tell you and we have it right here in the word we are being prepared for the greatest outpouring on the whole earth that we've ever seen now when I talk about revival I'm gonna start talking about we're gonna go one more hour tonight we're gonna have tent revival we got a revivalist coming in to preach no I'm talking about when God manifest his glory over regions God manifest his glory over cities where the tangible manifest presence of God begins to infiltrate crack houses pedophile rings human trafficking rings prostitution rings where corruption is exposed where there's a tangible manifest glory of God that begins to penetrate where no man can get to and a spirit of conviction is released I refuse Joel told us this this would happen before he returns and I have great faith in my heart that we are going to see a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit there's nothing deeper that rests in my spirit than the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I believe this there's nothing that the devil seeks more to steal from my heart than this by looking at around or looking at circumstances are looking at the the culture but I want to tell you I know God's gonna do it cuz whenever I try to settle for a lesser form of Christianity he slaps me in the face and says huh you were made for something so much more my fullness is coming glory I want you to lay hold of me Jacob lay hold of me Jacob lay hold of me revival the outpouring of the Holy Spirit but we just think revival comes and all of our problems will go away revival actually starts the problems because what it does it removes all the gray it removes all the hidden and it brings everything to the light and it brings a clear demarcation between those who vehemently hate him and those who vehemently love him you read the book of Acts and you'll get pictures of what happens when the manifest presence of God comes I believe that God wants to in this hour raise up trumpets all over New York City and it doesn't mean you're loud and you're boisterous it just means you ain't going nowhere it doesn't mean a personality it doesn't mean you stand on stages it just means I'm not going anywhere and I'm gonna go to prayer meetings and I'm gonna call as many people through whatever medium God will allow to get people to prayer meetings and this is the thing about the prayer meetings they're really not that awesome they're really not that awesome they're just weak and broken people trying their best and that's what's the big anti-climatic really is this it and God says yeah this is what I want but that delivers me from being awesome and creating something to bring something cuz it's all him all he asked me to do is show up I don't know why he needs me to show up but he wants me there and he wants you there and he wants you whispering and crying and singing and sang and showing back up tomorrow night and doing it again and God uses those two loaves and five fish to release something unprecedented we need trumpets in this city to get people to places hallelujah Thank You Holy Spirit I believe he wants to mark revivalist in this city wants to awaken revivalist he's gonna lay upon you strange burden for people groups just roll with his heart amen I just want to pray that spirit of prayer for revival it comforts me that tongues of fire showed up on them while they were sitting 10 days of fasting and prayer shut up in a room a quarter of this 120 of them it's not that awesome but that's the glory of it that's the glory of it there's gonna be awesome moments there'll be awesome times where as glory comes in we're wrecked and we're undone but there's a lot of times it's not Jesus I just want to pray this for you then we'd do a Q&A or something like that okay I really like you guys I like you I like you I love your hunger you're hard and I just want to honor you just for your labor in the city thank you however little you may think it is I want to tell you it means a lot more than you realize you know the thing that we're gonna love when we stand before the judgment-seat all the stuff we forgot was really close to him he doesn't forget anything he doesn't forget anything and the stuff we passed by was really important to him and I want to tell you we get a blink cold our lives here on earth that's what I was doing when I was driving when I was driving in from my uber last night I was just thinking god I was looking up in apartments and god those those ones in apartment complex that's just been asking God to send revival to the city I thank you God god I just pray that you would release what you think about these men and women in this room I ask you Father that you were just washed in God with your what you think about them god I pray that you would just just plant places all over this city God but there would be places God you would gather your people break down every wall god I pray break down every wall every blockage god I pray every denominational wall break down every ethnic wall break down every wall Jesus break down every wall and gather your people together John 17 Psalm 133 you would release a unity movement in this city around prayer and that you would pour out the Holy Spirit father God that you would pour out the Holy Spirit in New York City that you would send the reigns of revival God that you would send the fire oh that you would rend the heavens and come down so what they cried out on the Hebrides islands oh that you would rend the heavens and come down the mountains might shake at your presence fire causes water to boil that you would make your name known to your adversaries you are the God who acts on behalf of those who wait for you and God will wait for you God will wait for you all the day will wait for you God release your power God I prayed in the north and the south and the east and the west of the city pour out the Holy Spirit send revival to New York City my god release an awakening in the city god shake every pulpit shake every pews shake every believing heart Emily marriage child release salvation and deliverance and healing restoration by God release a breakthrough I pray release resurrection in the name of Jesus we just stand before you and the weak whisper of our heart we believe in revival I believe in revival gotta believe in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I believe when you take weak men and women and you turn them into something completely other then you took a coward in Peter you made him a bold lion god I just pray right now to you would baptize us with the Holy Spirit of fire baptize us with the holy spirit of fire we need the Holy Ghost and Fire thank you God
Channel: Church of the City New York
Views: 11,298
Rating: 4.9678717 out of 5
Keywords: pray, prayer, how do I pray, what is prayer, does prayer work,, nyc, New York City, prayer room, Corey Russell, Upperroom Dallas, International House of Prayer, Upperroom, IHOP, International House of Prayer Kansas City, intercession, scripture
Id: qJlEhTrdkfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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