How to Pray Prayers That Access Heaven and Change Earth | Corey Russell

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it's time for another episode of the sean tavett show a podcast where i connect you with thought leaders from across the globe dig into some of my favorite topics like personal development marketing spirituality and pretty much any other shiny object that happens to catch my attention today my special guest is corey russell and we're going to be discussing his new book teach us to pray prayer that accesses heaven and changes earth corey it is truly an honor sir welcome to the show thank you for having me it's an honor to be here well corey this is the first time you and i are meeting at any length we briefly cross paths at a filming back in january but this is the first time you are getting a chance to talk face to face i know you're going to be brand new to a bunch of my viewers and a bunch of my listeners so let's kick this off by having you share a bit of the cory russell origin story feel free to include your superpowers your special abilities whatever we need to know if we're meeting you for the first time share that with us now i'm just a simple guy from arkansas it's who i am i got um that's what i love and i grew up in a town of 3 000 in northwest arkansas and and i think that's a really a part of who i am i'm just a fun-loving guy but i'm i really got marked radically um i really went into the whole you know drugs and alcohol and that whole world and was deep into that my teenage and early 20s years and but i had a praying mom my best friend had a praying mom and they were storming the gates of heaven and hell for us and um and then it went through a season when my friend just got a little weird it culminated with him coming to the lord and i didn't want anything to do with him on february 18 1997 he shows up at uh the university that i was at and he uh took me to lunch and he began to share with me that for several months he was seeing in the spirit realm he was seeing and it was freaking him out he didn't know what to do but he knew that god was calling him out and he was to call his friends out of darkness and so he's preaching at me i said dude just take me back to school he drives back to the school we pull into the parking lot and right before i get out of the van the holy spirit filled the van and i just remember just shaking violently like i was having a seizure i remember like a tug of war battle between light and darkness and he pulled in the back of the parking lot and he started praying and praying and praying he took authority over spirits i start choking and i'm trying to say the name jesus but all i can get out is jeez and kept trying to say it say it say it and finally i screamed the name jesus the whole broke off my throat and it came and broken my mouth for the first five minutes all i could say is i've got air i've got air i've got air you know he he's jumped running around the van screaming jericho's come down jericho's come down and i didn't know what that meant but so i heard a voice as clear as day coming in my mind and the voice says get out of the van get on the pavement and give me your life your mind so i'm going to college parking lot kids running everywhere and i'm screaming at the top of my lungs jesus christ i give you my life i'm yours and and that's the greatest moment but within a within a month i had a drug ring of friends that had encounters like that or bigger than their explosions and i ended up leading my little brother to the lord who was still in high school and over the next six months we saw about we saw half the high school the local high school come to jesus or get you know backslidden come back or and we begin to have around five meetings a week till three in the morning as we moved into a season of renewal a season of revival and i got really wrecked with the presence of god but even more than that i really began to connect to these older lady intercessors who you know when they would open their mouth i just knew they knew god and i wanted to be around them and i really spent the first two years kind of being tutored underneath them in prayer early morning prayer late night prayer praying through what to do when a burden comes on you and it was mostly revolved around the move of god revival revival revival and that's what set me on a course in 1997 that has led me over these last 23 24 years into a life given to prayer and the lord taking me on a journey of what is this all about and it's really become clear now at 43 years old that this is my call to a generation is to teach this generation and equip them in the place of prayer so that's what began it it then led us to kansas city in 2000 spent 18 years there and spent the last two years in dallas texas at a upper room church so that's some of the origins in the early days well one more origin story question i'm always curious to hear about uh a sense of calling into ministry what like what was the trajectory you thought you were gonna go on with life and what was kind of that that tug that pulled you into a life of ministry yeah i would say my salvation was quite impactful but when it got really clear i i came to a conference in kansas city and it was a friends of the bridegroom conference and mike bickle preaching on god raising up ten thousand john john the baptist before the second coming of the lord and i don't remember a lot i knew he preached isaiah 40 but i laid him i laid on my back for uh and i actually talked some about this in in in a recent book but i i literally laid on my back for three days and all i could say is i don't want to be an echo i want to be a voice i don't want to be an echo i want to be a voice which means god i'll go through whatever process so that you would use my life in whatever way you see fit and so that's what really solidified the call and was massive in getting us to kansas city well before we get into the book although this definitely relates to the book i'd love to have you share a little bit of the kind of behind the scenes of your prayer life and maybe uh connect it to like the the decade you were in like how is your prayer life shifted from your 20s into your 30s and now into your early 40s i would imagine as your ministry world has grown as your family life has grown and changed your prayer life has had to grow and change along with it yeah i there there's two different things one is i've just said it that i want to be in the presence of god this is what i want to do with my life um but it would look different seasons i'm a teacher by degree though i never got it i never used it but i would say in my 20 was it was all about revival and i'm as much revival right now as i've ever been but the lord really connected me to deep meditative prayer that took me on a journey and showed me the power of intimacy that fuels the flame that fuels the faith that fuels the the life of contending so the lord really took me through my 20s of really grounding me one in the bible intimacy with the holy spirit while continuing daily prayer for revival and for the outpouring of the spirit and and it's definitely grown over the years i mean we moved to kansas city and we jumped in and i i did about 18 years of around you know 30 hours a week in the place of prayer as my primary call uh in the prayer room from 6 a.m to 2 most days and i just said it this is what i want to do in my life my wife is a prophetic singer and worship leader and so we ran together really strong for that first decade there but um you know it's it's come and gone in different seasons but i kept that that this is not even preaching it's not even writing books or do any other things i'm an intercessor that's my first calling in my first place however i what i'm grateful for is that i grew up in the home of a dad that worked 30 years in a factory and i watched his faithful prayer life 6 a.m every morning he'd pray and then he'd go to work and he evangelized one guy for 30 years and saw him come to the lord at the end of his life at the end of his time at his factory and i saw the power of just a regular life of people that are going to work you got 10 kids you got this you got that and and the priority of are you faithful with the time you have it's not about how much it's about are you showing up and cultivating a life of prayer regardless of whatever your calling is or your your your ministry or your work so that really marked me and i carry that in all the seasons some seasons it's been that but i've kept the big part my primary thing but i have a big value for people that hey man i got 30 minutes i got i got and i but i would just say feel the 30 minutes so that's some of the thoughts with that uh next i'd like to have you talk about how are many of us i would say barely scratching the surface in our prayer life the the mental picture i had was like you know we keep taking those same flintstone vitamins we took his kids but man there's so much more available to us now that we're adults and all grown up yeah i i just want to tell you who's ever you know gonna listen or watch this that that god is waiting to be discovered and that he's not far off you know it's not too mysterious that you got to go way up there and in the mountains or in the in the heavens to find him with the words near you it's in your mouth and so the first thing is god wants you he wants audience with you he has pursued you he's done everything to rend veils to fill you with the spirit to dwell on the inside of you and he's made you for intimacy with him so i i would say when first deal with the fact that you think you got to get somewhere the first movement in prayer is realizing what's already been accomplished and how he's made you his tabernacle he's made you his place where he dwells and he's not far off but that all it comes down to is learning how to dial down shut the doors and connect with he who is already on the inside of you and letting him grow you in prayer and i think we constantly live with the borderline shame and guilt that we never pray enough or that we're not doing enough so why do it you know you know you know so i i think that that kind of plagues a lot of people and they don't know what to do when you do your little checklist you do your little devotional you check it off the list and i want to say hey that's great but god wants to talk to you god wants to fill you with his heart and i don't care how disqualified you feel that he really wants to meet you and and i think that removes all the religious stuff of living in flintstone land for 20 years i think next i'd love to have you talk to us about listening because i feel like we can often set a time and a place and you know a lot of times initially we'll bring kind of our laundry list of requests to god but i feel like that difficult place for people to transition into is that place of listening and hearing from god we get really uncomfortable with that yeah that right there is the first movement in prayer and i just say to you prayer doesn't begin with you talking it begins with you listening and and i think that's critical because you know the disciples asked jesus to pray and he didn't start with a request but he connected them with who are you talking to where does he live and what's his name and he connected us with listening to him and this is what i found in my life that if you cultivate a life of listening with a bible open and a heart open god's gonna fill you with his will god's gonna fill you with his heart his mind his desires his plans and then out of the overflow of that it reorders how you pray to him and you pray back to him the things that he sowed into you and that's the stuff that god always moves on is the stuff that was born of him i i think we're gonna have to have a restructuring and reordering ourselves to learning how to listen and it's not like well am i hearing am i hearing it's a bible he's talking through his bible you have the indwelling spirit the biggest issue of listening is calming down and listening in the same way you know two people can't talk over each other one person has to have the main audience and the other one has to listen and i think coming through that door opens up the realm of impossibilities in prayer next i'd love to have you speak to kind of setting the environment or the atmosphere you know you talk to different people about how how they go about praying some people say well i i pray soaking music and i lay on the floor and i listen or different stuff i'd love to hear for you in terms of kind of shifting the atmosphere creating an environment that is conducive to hearing from god and dialoguing with god what does that look like for you yeah this is what i've found you know regardless of whether you have an hour or you have 30 minutes or whatever your time is is i i all about soaking coming through the door of receiving listening prayer but many people stop there and that's all their prayer life and i don't feel like i feel like if you're going to walk through all the movements i i've found and i break it down like this 20 20 20. if i have an hour and it's not just a stopwatch kind of 20 but it's movements in prayer is the first 20 is the soaking and receiving and it's just becoming present and it's listening but then it moves you into a second movement and i don't think many ever get there they just kind of stay in the first movement and it's good but i want to tell you it's not complete it's not fullness because i feel like there god wants to grow us all up in all movements of prayer because we're we're called to both silence and we're called to vocal lifting up our voice in scripture it's not just and it's not based on personality types it's not based on well that's how i connect with god that's how you connect with god because you've cultivated it but there's other movements and muscles in prayer that you need to cultivate and so the second 20 minutes and these are even postures the first 20 is laid back receiving the second one it may be rocking or it may be pacing i even think body language helps with connection and prayer and and the fact that and i move into that second 20 and it involves declaring who god is praising him adoring him but it gets more vocal and it gets out of my head and i and i begin to engage praying in the holy spirit waking up my spirit and getting my spirit into the front seat getting my soul into the backseat and entering into that door of praying in the spirit which then leads me into my third movement which is intercession request for loved ones my wife my kids friends that are in need because paul put this so deep about praying pray for me i'm gonna pray for you and we need a greater revelation of what happens when we open our mouth and declare god's word back to god for people and so those all three i believe is what the lord wants to grow all of us up into i like that 20 20 20 that's easy to remember you know i think the next thing i'd like to have you press into is this idea of praying through walls of resistance we all have times you know anybody can relate to you you're praying for something it feels like you're hitting a wall or god's silent or there's just something you're contending for and you're just not seeing an answer so talk to us about praying through those walls of resistance uh how is god shaping and growing us in that process because often it is unto something yes yes and luke 11 the disciples asked jesus teach us to pray and he he pretty much taught us two doors two realities in prayer the first one is learning how to walk through the open door many believers can never get over shame or guilt to ever actually enter in and enjoy the fruit of what jesus has accomplished the second one is learning how to knock on closed doors till they get open so there's an open door that's already open but there are closed doors and these closed doors are you know it's the will of god it's salvation for a loved one healing deliverance breakthrough something that god has spoken deep to you that you know it's his will but yet he's not moving on your timetable and it's almost like the more you pray the more brass heavens it is what keeps us there in that furnace i think it's feeding on the knowledge of who we're talking to that's where really it's the midnight wrestles and that and that parable of the friend at midnight in luke 11 is so critical because there's another aspect of prayer where you learn about prayer at midnight you learn about prayer when you get confronted that you don't have the resources the wisdom or the ability to get to to make that thing happen and that's gonna take an act of god and then you get in that furnace of god break in i found that it's feeding on who am i talking to he's a good father he's a compassionate father he's rich and he's generous he's rich and he's generous and i know who i am and i know what he said and that's what keeps me there knocking that keeps me there knocking and what jesus calls persistence he goes he won't rise and give to him because he's his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs so what fuels persistence is the daily connection who i'm talking to what does he possess and who am i to him and i've found that that's what keeps me unto the breakthrough because god wants to do more than meet your individual need he wants to make you a distributor of the same breakthrough for many others i want to press into that idea of prayer being unto something for others when it comes to prayer a lot of us think of prayer as something for us personally to experience with god but in terms of an outward focus of prayer uh unlocking us ministering to others like how does god want to move us in prayer to in essence reach the world absolutely and that's the other thing the luke 11 story the a friend has come to the disciples and they're saying we need bread we need the life of god we need the holy we need god and yet it's in that that we bring the world with us into that place of prayer because what it says in luke 11 it says that the lord in the story says he won't rise and give to him because of his friend yet he will rise and give him as many as he needs this is the ultimate purpose of your breakthrough it's not just primarily for you to feel good and you to have your own thing with god god wants to make you a distributor of the life of christ in a broken and fallen world he wants to use your testimony of what happened when you stayed in that midnight wrestle he wants to use the power and the anointing that was cultivated in that midnight wrestle the oil of anointing is produced in the crushing so what you're wrestling with whether it be a child that grew up in the church and now they've ran off and you're contending declaring every word god spoke of them whether it be a marriage under trial whether it be finances whether it be physical uh circumstantial your labor in that is actually going to break through into actually having something of substance to give to a broken and dying world and actually come with the resource of heaven instead of just putting band-aids on gaping wounds we need believers who have stayed a little longer and broken through on the other side into the resource of heaven corey when you think of the the reader's journey with the book they get to the last page they close that back flap what does success look like for for you how will you know they've actually captured the message what's their life going to look like then yeah well the book is teach us to pray you know accessing heaven chain prayer that accesses heaven changes the earth what i do in the book is i want to take you on a journey i begin with listening prayer sitting at his feet and hearing his word learning how to come out of distraction and busyness and anxiety and connect with god my main desire is to to take you whether you've been praying for five minutes five years or 50 years take you on a journey of deepening your prayer life of expanding your prayer life and of seeing the call of god on the inside of you loosed and god using you as a messenger in this world to bring the resource of heaven to a broken world that's the main point of the book well let's transition now briefly to talk about your new album revival i was in charlotte last week at it's supernatural we taped a whole new season for larry sparks brand new show and what was really funny is everybody was talking about revival and they're like oh my gosh i i can't listen to corey's new album in the car because i'm afraid i'm going to like fall out or have this holy spirit encounter and drive off the road so like i heard that theme over and over again so uh i was sure to listen to this morning before we uh we're gonna do this interview but uh in terms of this album like what's the theme what's what's the tone uh what's the experience you're trying to create with that it's called revival and i i feel the holy spirit really put that word on my heart it's been in my heart for 25 years but i believe that america as well as the earth is being poised for the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit we've ever seen whenever you see all the narratives in the culture the father always loves to to overcome all the voices with a revelation of his son and so in this album i've done this is my sixth prayer album i began them in 2004 and they've been the most impactful thing i've done but i take prayers again i want to connect people to prayers and we pray through the baptism of fire uh revelation 4 revelation 5 uh prayers for revival out of hosea 10 verse 12 the gift of tears prayer revival praying is prayer on the other side of words and and we also have maranatha come lord jesus and so revival is the backdrop we need an inbreaking of god in our day in our time and i believe these are prayers and my daughter does one says i want to burn it's a younger generation that's crying out saying i want to burn for you god so that's our whole thrust is to awaken a passion for revival and give prayers to help people connect to it and in in terms of the recent album is there one particular track that sets the tone or is kind of that defining experience for the whole album um they're all they all fit into it i mean i would say some of the main thing i'm feeling is the hosea 10 verse 12 where hosea says break up your fallow ground it's time to seek the lord until he comes and reigns righteousness on us so it's calling us to break the ground and to pray with a fresh fervency for god to move well corey it's almost time for us to wrap up before we get ready to go though i would love for you to take a few moments to pray to encourage the listeners of viewers would you do that for us yes lord i just thank you for everyone that will listen or watch this and i ask you father right now in the name of jesus release the outpouring of the holy spirit god i pray that you would knock off all shame guilt condemnation that's kept us far from you and i pray for the blood of jesus to wash us and for an invitation into 2021 and beyond that we would come out of the shadows and that we would come into a fresh intimacy and power in prayer with you god i bless every listener and i pray god's richest blessings upon them visit them i pray in jesus name amen amen amen thank you so much for that corey and in terms of the listeners the viewers connecting with you find out more finding out more about your albums your books where can we connect with you on the web yeah is the greatest place to go and you get everything books albums online courses all of that stuff will be at and like we do with every episode we'll have detailed links in the show notes places where you can connect with corey and pick up your very own copy of this new book it's time to bring this episode of the sean tabit show to a close many thanks for being a part of my conversation with corey russell once again our book today was teach us to pray or excuse me teach us to pray a prayer that accesses heaven and changes earth and again if you want to find out more you can head on over to and corey i just want to say thank you so much for sharing with us today it's been an honor it's been a joy to have you on the show thanks for having me
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 9,580
Rating: 4.9780822 out of 5
Keywords: bethel church music, bethel church redding, bethel church service, christian videos, christian songs, it’s supernatural network, jesus christ, bill Johnson, James goll, Lana Vawser, Jennifer LeClaire, healing, praying, prophetic word today, prophetic word for someone, corey russell, daily prophetic word for today, prophetic word for december 2020, prophetic word for someone today, prophetic word, holy spirit, presence of god
Id: _fJyIV7rN3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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