Foundations of Intercession | Corey Russell

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[Music] praise God it's good to be with you this morning we had a fun time last night I'm feeling a little wobbly this morning strengthen your servant Lord pour into his bosom touch him I love to pray in third person oh good awesome well we've anyway it's just so good to be with you guys I you guys who don't know who I am my name is kori Russell spent 18 years in Kansas City Missouri at the House of Prayer and we recently moved to Dallas a year ago and we're now part of the Upper Room Church in Dallas and I've got been married my wife 22 years and I have three daughters 20 year old almost 17 year old and nine year old I have a Hadassah Russell right here on the front row okay sure wondering all right all right she says she struggles a little bit with sinus so getting breakthrough so anyway so we just been hanging out I love these trips I've been doing it with all my kids from their ages of just taking them on these trips and getting you know connecting hearts and being together in God and we take this serious she's coming as my prayer partner as my ministry partner in this stuff and we're carrying you guys and our hearts been praying for you and I just love to get our kids in the anointing hallelujah they get a taste for the real thing you know then they then they know how to decipher between the fake if they don't know anything but religion they can't decipher what's fake in religion we want to give them the anointing baptize them in the fire and all the weirdness that comes with it I want tongues to be part of the way dad talks all the time tongues in English he goes back and forth and that's just the way it is and then dad starts crying and mom starts crying worship songs I want that to be normal amen who said that's weird who said the devil se-young we've got a whole generation out there in clubs just they won't wake up till two o'clock that's normal no that's what's wrong man come on people shaking and praying in the Holy Ghost is beautiful all right good praise the Lord all right good all right um I brought a couple of books I've been I've written five books I got one I'll release at the end of this year I don't even truly take books anymore I'm just getting lazy cuz I don't like chicken book or chicken bags on flights so I can't fit it into my little carry-on I usually don't bring books anymore but since I drove down I wrote a book in 2013 called prayer why are words to God matter and a lot of what I'll teach on today is gonna come out of this book and so who would like it who wants that all right you get it ma'am right there bless you bless you get her Lord and then a book called inheritance this is pretty much it's clinging to God's promises in the midst of tragedy who's going through a hard season all right sir you get it right there good this is a book 2013 we lost a son and this is pretty much a book about praying through suffering praying through grieving and all the different kinds of prayers so I'm a man of Prayer I care deeply about it and amen Lord we love you we love your word in Jesus name Amen all right can you put Hebrews 7:25 up here we're gonna start there I'm gonna I'm gonna do a lot of work this morning and I want to talk to you about the revelation of intercession the revelation of intercession many of us when we and I'll get to some of that stuff but I just want to paint a picture of letting you know I've traveled extensively as Ricci has across the earth and I just want to testify that we are in the middle of a transition in the body of Christ across the globe there is a radical shift that's happening in the earth the Lord is bringing together the prayer movement the missions movement and a local church in a profound way and I believe that God is awakening us to government and how government and resource and power is released he's bringing us back to apostolic foundations in this hour and and a lot of the songs that we're hearing about these days either say holy holy are worthy worthy the the scenes surrounding the throne room of God is becoming clearer and clearer as we get to see how God is worship day and night and how worship and prayer accompany God in heaven and Lord is releasing revelation of how they do things up in heaven and on earth as it is in heaven and so we're in the middle of this shift and I want to tell you I spent 20 years at IHOP to where it was a 24/7 and it'll go till Jesus comes back I just know it that it is a machine but what I'm finding that God is doing in this generation and one of the reasons why we moved to Dallas a year ago I believe that one of the main things God's doing right now he's taking the DNA of the prayer movement and he's sewing it into the local church and that God Jesus is building his church and and the vehicle that is going to carry prayer to the four corners of the earth is going to be local churches we are in the middle of a shift I just want to say it this way the days of Sunday only Christianity they're coming to a close they're coming to a close they are there's a couple that are still holding on but there is coming a shift to where it's not going to be built around 45 minutes and 20 bucks only but we're going to begin to see communities of prayer worship community built around the spirit of Revelation built around God that's why I love these spirit filled Bible studies that we're beginning to build a life around God that's not just built on just this only where we then live the other six days 23 hours and 15 minutes of our week disconnected but that we begin to build her on this and so God is bringing this to the forefront but one of the things that I got to deal with is that when I say intercession most of us have lots of paradigms of what that means many of us have so many misconceptions about intercept intercept ssin and I just want to say some of them have been true but I got trained by the old Pentecostal prayin moms we've got any old Pentecostal prayin moms in here that annoying everybody with oil praying in the Holy Ghost all the time I call them devil come out or I'm coming in after you kind of women they're scary they're always singing in the Holy Ghost and they got a blanket on them and candles are always burning and la la la beaucoup yo they're a little weird but thank God when they open their mouth you feel god those women taught me how to pray when I got saved in 97 I literally spent my first two years and I'm a 20 year old freak right out of the world I spent my first two years like kids you not with 250 year old women and one eighty year old woman and they were you know they go you don't need your favorite song on before you start praying you've got tongues and the Bible you got 6 a.m. you got late night prayer and you pray through they taught me about how to pray through and I'm grateful for what I learned in that season and I'm grateful for women that have carried it and I just want to honor the women women have carried it but I want you to know that I believe that he's delivering the church and he's bringing the church into a fuller revelation of intercession that's not just delegated or resignated to a couple of people in a back room but he's bringing it to the front room that's a that's a massive shift that's a massive shift and I want to say thank you women for carrying the torch I believe it's because women have learned how to receive women are just deeper they're more spiritual but God's changing that because there's an intercessor in heaven and it's not a woman yeah we're about to shoot them in right now there is a man as you're about to read who fully lives to make intercession I want to give you some misconceptions I don't believe that intercession is just a calling for few I believe it's a calling for all that's it that's a paradigm shift because many of it I don't see anywhere in scripture to where you say he's got the calling of an intercessor do you understand that your new creation birthright is you're born into an intercessors family that's what we're born into some of you were born into doctors and lawyers and teachers families your DNA screams intercession your new creation identity is intercession now I do believe people I do believe that there are certain people who have cultivated the sensitivity to growing in the spirit of prayer but I want to say to you right now it's not for a few it's for all and he's bringing the church into it I believe that the Ministry of intercession is the foundational ministry from which all other ministries flow from you didn't hear what I said a friend of mine walked into our prayer room a few years ago and he walked in and he saw different letters on people's chests some had apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher he saw letters on people's chests and he sold the Lord wave his hand across the room and all the letters fell off and then he waved his hand back and the letter I was placed on everyone's chest and the Lord was saying every calling flows out of the calling of intercession every function and your primary calling is that you stand before God on behalf of men and you stand before men on behalf of God this is deeper waters but whatever I'm not gonna see you for a little bit so we're gonna talk about it hallelujah so we're in the middle of a shift right now intercession is simply a person who stands between two opposing parties and the purpose of an intercessor is bringing reconciliation between the two opposing parties a lawyer a defense lawyer in a courtroom has access to the judge while representing the defendant he is an intercessor and to and I want to just route us and ground us today because I believe God's bringing freedom Church into this revelation in this season and I just want to root and ground this whole thing that it's not about you trying to stir up something in your own zeal but you need to first set your eyes on the intercessor and receive his intercession for you so you can join him in his lorry Scott just talked to you all right good in the very beginning in the garden can you put genesis 3:15 up here in the very beginning in the garden we see perfection God and man heaven and earth intimacy glory the one made in the image of God and communion with God and the and the great horrible sin took place sin took place they ate the forbidden fruit and from that very moment divorce took place the break chasm between God and man the great chasm between heaven and earth but in genesis 3:15 we get a great promise that god is going to reverse the curse and he's going to restore things as he always intended he says and this is what I love the Lord comes into the garden and he's finding out who did what and he says this he's looking at Satan and in essence he's saying okay Satan you won round one but I want you to know that there's going to come a seed through this little girl and he's going to crush your head he says I will put enmity or war between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed look at this he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel and from the very beginning in the garden at the fall the Lord makes it clear I want you to know there's coming a seed through this little girl that's gonna crush your head and we get the picture right here there's coming a messiah an intercessor a seed that's going to reverse the curse and make it right again and so the story of the Old Testament is God bringing forth that seed that's the story of the whole Word of God is the seed that's going to crush Satan and what you see through the Old Testament is that for God to bring forth the seed it's got to come from a certain man and it's got to come from a certain family and so God raised up Abram of the earth of the Chaldeans called him to leave his father's house and to go to a land that God would show him and God made covenant with Abram are you with me come on guys I'm not going to just entertain you for forty-five minutes and so what did God do God raised up intercessors that would show up at strategic points to labor as friends of God for the intercessor and so God raised up people like Abraham friends that when God was about to rain down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah he said shall I hide from Abraham what I'm doing and we get to see in Genesis 18 a council room between Abraham and the Lord as the Lord says I'm going to judge them and Abraham says God what if you find 50 righteous will you still judge them the Lord says if I find 50 I won't judge them how about 40 how about 30 give me 20 give me 10 he walked God from 50 to 10 people and God couldn't even find 10 people in that city he found 4 and he rescued before out of Sodom because of Abraham's intercession God raised up friends God raised up Moses who pulled Israel out of Egypt took them to Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and they're having a full-on demonic orgy rave at the base of the mountain this is a Bible and they're having a full-on rave at the bottom of the mountain and God says okay this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna kill all them I'm going to start over with you and and Moses said God you can't do it what are the nations gonna think that if you brought them out of Egypt just to kill them out here God you can't do that you can't do that and you know what the Bible says it says that God relented from the harm which he was going to do Moses stopped God from killing a whole nation one man God raised up King David who had a cry in his heart that God would have a dwelling place on the earth it so moved God that God says David you want to build me a house you can't do it cuz you got a you got a guilty pass but he got a lot going on with you but I want you to know that I'm gonna build your house forever and there will never lack a man who will sit on your throne and I will establish your seed and establish your throne forever raised-up Daniel who we read about last night Daniel this man who grew up in two years and one man's prayer life literally brought forth the purposes of God in Israel God raised up and this is what I named my daughter Hadassah which is the Hebrew name for Esther and I've told her from her early days God's planted and is gonna give her a heart for Israel that's the mark on her life and I'm praying into when that time goes but I'm saying that God raised up an Esther who had access to the king that literally stopped the complete annihilation of the Jewish race her access before the King stopped Haman's decree and so God raised up intercessors to labor for the intercessor but the sad story is that by the end of the Old Testament God could not because the story of the Old Testament is this is there a man a woman anybody that can stand in the gap and that can fully represent me and bring restoration and reconciliation is there anybody and the sad truth is God can't find anybody can you put Isaiah 59 16 up here we're gonna go somewhere today Isaiah 59 16 this is so good it says that God saw that there was no man why does it have to be a man we'll get to that later he saw that there was no man and he wondered that there was no intercessor so what did God do there for his own arm brought salvation for him and his own righteousness it sustained him just hold that there what did God do when God could not find a man God became a man when God could not find a man to stand in the gap God threw himself into the gap who is Jesus he is the outstretched arm of the Father to an imprisoned culture into a prison people he is the arm of the Father that's why it says his own arm brought salvation for him Jesus is the outstretched arm of the Father to us but hear me he's your outstretched arm to ABBA Jesus is the perfect revelation of the father to us but he's the perfect revelation of us to the Father he is Jacob's Ladder that bridges heaven and earth he is fully God and fully man and in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he is intercession before he makes intercession he is heaven and earth He is God and man he is humanity and divinity the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory who is this man I love it I love the glory that God you know what intercession is about when God comes and gets into your dirty to lift you into his glory intercession is about getting into mud pieces to say you were made for something so much more don't ever graduate from that can you put Hebrews 2:14 up here oh we're about to have fun we're about to have fun and as much then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood what degree are you flesh and blood 100% he himself likewise shared in the same I love this as some of my favorite verses in the Bible that through death everybody say through death I love this it says he might destroy him who had the power of death that is the devil keep going and release those who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage to the degree that we're flesh and blood he shared in the same keep going with me verse sixteen he indeed does not give aid to angels he does not take on the form of angels but he does give aid to the seed of Abraham when Satan and the angels tried to usurp God's throne what did God do he threw them down but when one hundred percent of us stick the thumb up at God going we don't want you and we don't want your leadership and we walk our own way God says not so fast and he comes after us he comes and gets into our dirty he becomes a man gets into our mess he took on your form he took on your frame and when you get into heaven you're not gonna encounter a ball of fire you're gonna meet a man with a warm smile with cheekbones and an ear and nose and about five foot five yeah I'm blessed enough all kinds of paradigms today a Jewish first century man's about five foot five on a good day and you will look in his eyes and everything that was ever known about you are in those eyes Jesus I love it where's Derek go where Derek go come over here I love this I want to do a little I like doing a little skit sometimes I want you to see this just just go over there real quick just squat down this is what I love keep going with me verse 16 it says in all things he had to be made like his brethren that he might be a merciful everybody say merciful and say faithful high priest and things pertaining to God to make propitiation which is just a fancy word for making the stopping of the sins for making a sacrifice for the sins for the people next verse and that he himself suffered he is able to aid those who are tempted now look at 3:1 I'm just gonna read this and then we'll go on therefore my brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and the high priest of our confession Christ Jesus so here's the storyline humanity is depraved imprisoned and bound to iniquity and darkness and what did God come and do in the person of Jesus he came the Bible calls him the last Adam and what the first Adam got us into this mess Jesus came as the last Adam and he took on our form and he became us that that's profound and if you get over that read it until it hits you and then he says father he then for 33 years the life you could not live he lived he walked through every temptation that is common to humanity every arrow of rejection and fear and lust and loneliness every work of the devil every voice of the accuser everything that's common to the human experience as the high priest he had to walk through it he had to absorb it he had to feel it how about this one resting over you you don't know who your dad is there's only one person in history that has Holy Spirit resting over their virgin womb and their conceiving of a baby you know in John eight they go we know who our Father is which implies you don't he he knows every arrow everything that is common to the human experience and he trusted the father every step every arrow he did not sin not once he did not sin not once but he trusted the father and he said father as I trust you counted and imputed to the ones who had put their faith in me and then he climbed up on that cross [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with me took us into that grave and then goes on the count of three we're gonna break out of this joint one two three breaks the power of the grave and says we ain't stopping at resurrection we got to get to the throne he's raised us up and seated us together with him in the heavenly places it says he passed through the heavens and the Bible says he took he walked right into the presence of Almighty God he offered his blood as one sacrifice for sins once and for all and the Bible says he sat down where he now sits ruling and reigning thank you praise God we need the gospel again in our minds get it off of you quit worshiping you and how good your last week's been how Bad's our last week's been it ain't about you it ain't about you it's about the glory of this man he's exaltation he sacrificed his blood the work that he worked that you could not work he did take your eyes off yourself we don't need better people with a little bit of Jesus I don't want you to be better he wants you to look at him more my goodness just puts fire in my blood because when we talk intercession that means I gotta go get more prayer meetings and immediately shame over something you haven't done enough it's you as well as evangelizing and giving and I want you to look your eyes on that man there is a man in a resurrected Jewish body who is right now sitting at the right hand of the Father and I what I love about Hebrews 2 through 3 it says this he fully partook of you so you can fully partake of if he became you 100% you are now partakers of the heavenly calling hallelujah everybody say I have a heavenly calling no say it like you mean it I have a heavenly calling every earthly function flows out of your heavenly calling your primary calling is those who have been raised and seated together with Christ in heavenly places your primary identity is a royal priesthood is the bride of the Lamb sons and daughters of the king you've been given an exalted reality you're as clean as God is in the presence of God you're as clean as Jesus is because Jesus doesn't shop at thrift stores you don't get secondhand righteousness I love these kinds of phrases to get into my prayer life I'm as clean as Jesus is and I'm as close as Jesus is that'll destroy religion what are you talking about brother the more you get that's exactly right he became sin that we would become what the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus that's why your prayer life flounders it's because the state that the ground on which you stand is shaky it's based on how good or bad your last week has been it's based on how much you've yelled at the kids this week or not it's based on how much you've yelled at your spouse this week or not it is rooted and grounded and our sir standing on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand he is my standing he is my righteousness he is my sanctification he is my justification he is my glorification he is the rock on which I stand not my own righteousness but the righteousness which is by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me religion puts you at the center revelation puts Jesus at the center Jesus religion wants you worshipping you Christianity wants you worshipping Jesus it's really good but we're not done now we're not gonna have the altar called now we're going to talk about intercession if I'm a partaker of the heavenly calling could you put Hebrews 7:25 well before we do that look at Hebrews 8:1 and then we're going to Hebrews 7:25 oh this is good this is the main point everybody say main point writer of Hebrews waited till chapter 8 to give us the main point this is the main point of the things we are saying we have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand I love this race of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens I like to say it this way there is a man sitting at the right hand of the Father now go to Hebrews 7:25 now we're about to have fun it says he is able so Jesus's ability to save you to the uttermost those who come to God through hims how can you have confidence that what he's began he is able to accomplish how can you have full confidence that he will not only justify you but he will sanctify you and he will glorify you how can you have confidence because he forever lives he always lives to make intercession for us he who began a good work in you is able to accomplish that which he has begun how do I know that because he ain't going anywhere he ain't going anywhere he is our eternal intercessor so I've asked myself this question Ricci what is intercession in the throne room looked like for Jesus for him to forever live to make intercession is he just Lu up there I imagine that some rock and going I imagine he's pacing what does intersect with this throne room intercession look like and as I've as I've meditated deeply for 20 years on that verse I've come up to three realities can you put Hebrews nine 24 three things I believe number one his presence the very fact that he's there makes intercession for us he got to the throne Christ has not entered holy places made with hands which are copies of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us we made it we made it because he made it we made it there's a man up there who fully represents us all of our jacked-up Denese all of our stuff all of our issues all of our hypocrisy he knows it all and he now represents us before the throne and his presence stands and goes father have mercy remember have mercy his presence makes intercession not only does this presence make intercession his blood makes intercession can you put Hebrews 12 24 up here you're like man it's a lot of Hebrews do you know what Hebrews is about talking people out of quitting do you know what happens to the fainting heart you need to get realigned to the surety in steadfastness of the fact that he's there and he represents us and you ain't in this thing alone that'll put backbone in you the devil whispering quit leave her go get a new wife and a new in a new life put a backbone in you to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant look at this and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel y'all remember Genesis 4 don't you Cain kills Abel Jesus comes into the in there and goes where's your brother am I my brother's keeper he goes you can just stop it your brother's blood is crying out from the ground two things I want to note right here number 1 blood has voice number two what are the better things Abel's blood was crying out justice justice justice right now on the mercy seat in heaven his blood on your behalf is crying out merci merci merci his blood speaks on your behalf his blood speaks as your defense it speaks as your representative in the throne room of God his blood speaks well what am I having to do to get that you got to look at it until you believe it and number three his words make intercession I believe Jesus is speaking words in the presence of Abba on your behalf I believe he's praying John 17 in the presence of God I believe he's praying words for you Father you remember I remembered this is what we dreamed about this one he is mine five more minutes and then I'll let you go and in John 17 last night we looked at this ask of me I'll give nations I believe Jesus is asking for Nations I believe he's asking for you I believe he's praying you through your funky seasons he's praying you through your seasons where you just kind of lost your head for a second can you put Luke 22:31 everybody get your seatbelt on on that very night in John 17 Jesus is going to look at the rock Peter the one who had seen the Transfiguration who got the correct answer and who do you say that I am who was one of the core three and Jesus looked at him and he goes Oh Simon I want you to understand something and the Lord said Simon Simon indeed and keep this verse up before we go to verse 32 Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat it's almost like Peter said and you told him no didn't you I mean that verse is just offensive on about ten levels how's this work how Satan able to even talk to you how does he even get access to ask for people to say let me take my best shot at them yet Jesus said Satan came to me and he said let me take my best shot at him and expose all of his fault lines you ever been in one of those seasons where you ran into the painful revelation you're not as dedicated as you thought you were you're not as holy as you thought you were you're not as awesome as you thought you were and Jesus and essence is going to say to Satan take your best shot on one condition look at verse 32 but I've prayed for you I pray for you that your faith should not fail and when you've returned to me you're gonna strengthen others with this testimony who in here has ever had the floor fall out who's had the floor fall out tragedy came trial came wake-up 15 years spouse wants a divorce kids have ran off into stupid vil financial you've been betrayed by a long-term business partner bankruptcy difficulty comes and you feel everything inside of you is exposed on the inside of you and everything that can go wrong does go wrong and what I love is about these seasons Jesus told Satan he goes okay take your best shot but on one condition I get to pray for him there's nothing better Jesus could have told Satan I am so grateful to God that I'm standing here right now because of his prayers his prayers and him praying through saints him him breathing through saints putting people on their hearts and their minds saying I want you to pray for this person right now and that's Jesus praying for you through a brother or sister the power of his prayers to carry you through your darkest nights your most horrific seasons when the floor falls out and everything is exposed on the inside of you Peter didn't know he was going to make it he barely made it he wasn't there at the cross he was hanging out some bar somewhere I don't know that I'm just saying the point is he didn't make it to the cross what were those three days like for Peter the tormenters the accusers the liars everything you've seen and you've done this you're a fake you're a betrayer how could you do this you could never do this you you denied Jesus torment torment torment and Jesus pray for him I love it because I prayed for you not praying it's already settled I'm not praying I've already prayed that's the power of prayers I want I want one prayer that settles it I prayed for you and I loved it that your faith should not fail which means buddy it's gonna be dark but you're gonna make it you're gonna make it you're gonna keep holding on and you're not gonna lose faith it may be dark it may be a little bit but you're gonna hold on and you're gonna know how you hold on but I held on through you your faith should not fail and when you've returned where am I going Jesus you'll find out when you've returned the power of this story is going to strengthen many people and who would know that about 50 days later that young man would step out of an upper room and God would entrust the first message of Christianity to that sucker right there who leads like Jesus who leads like Jesus and that man stood up and three thousand were cut to the heart and fifty days earlier he was scared I love Jesus for this I love Jesus and if you haven't had the floor fall out you just keep walking with him you ever had those seasons where everything's exposed on the inside of you I want you to know that before you can join Jesus with him in his intersession you first have to receive his intercession for you because unless he washes your feet you have no part with him he can't raise you up and do his glory until you let him embrace you in your ugly hallelujah he wants to break some of y'all through who and here would say you're in one of those seasons you feel like you're getting sifted all kinds of crap everything is getting stirred up raise your hand don't be ashamed of it this is where we need it this is I want to say to you right now the whole church is coming into intercession the whole church Jesus forever lives to make intercession it's what you've been born into but I refuse to make this about us screaming and just getting some prophetic word to get there or some inertia or inertia does it come from something it's about something that's already been settled and what Jesus is doing that's what we join him in and the fact that we're there if you would say you're in one of those Peter seasons right now I want you to stand up Jesus hallelujah he's gonna first pray for you so you can pray with him I'm encouraged I just want to testify I've been in seven years you know how the seven-year tribulation I just finished a seven-year season that was absolute tribulation but I want to testify to you right now Lord come before a long time I was preaching on tears weeping weep and weep and weeping but those who sow in tears are going to reap enjoy it don't just weep for your whole life there comes joy in the morning there comes real joy and I believe we're moving into the season of joy but right now he's got to pray you through a dark night hallelujah just open up your hands have you just standing right now hallelujah we're gonna ask right now take your eyes off of you and I want you to know it's not based on you there are certain seasons where the enemy just takes his best shots and it's where you look to him and you cling to his commitment to you it's stronger than your commitment to him father right now in the name of Jesus father right now in the name of Jesus I just declare the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him pray God that you would break the power of every lie and accusation every tormenting spirit every accusing spirit and lying spirit I thank you for the blood I thank you that through death you destroyed him who had the power of death and Father I declare it right now your breakthrough Lord every person thank you for this beautiful couple right here Jesus Satan's asked to sift you as wheat but I've prayed for you this one is mine Satan you can't have them they're mine [Laughter] you're going to make it you're gonna make it many will see many will fear many will put their trust in God thank you God for new songs thank you for new songs if they're next to you I want you to put your hand on them there's something just about three more minutes this is good you're not alone you're not alone heavens in your corner there's a man at the right hand of the Father who forever lives to make intercession for you and he is able to save you to the uttermost he's gonna save you he saved you spiritually he's going to save you emotionally he's going to save you physically he's going to save you financially god I thank you I just declare it right now I break I take authority I declare the blood of Jesus over every heart every man and woman that's standing declare the blood the blood that speaks better things and I break the lying spirit break the accusing spirit the tormenting spirit in the name of Jesus you're gonna make it [Music] one of my favorite lines of any movie is and I think it's in Rocky too when rocky is actually going to beat Apollo Creed and it might be rock you for with Drago I don't know but there's this moment where Talia Shire it has this moment she goes should kind of do it some of you have been in things for 10 20 years her some decades bondage is breaking those things that have been going on for 20 years 30 years I declare that the drought is ending in Jesus name declare the drought is ending in Jesus name and by the power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declare a new season I declare a new season and marriages hunting for a new season in homes I declare a new season in finances in bodies in relationships you're gonna do it [Music] son de la vie [Music] if you can get up I can get up yeah yeah play with some attitude come on [Applause] [Music] come on come on lift your hands there is a man sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens the heavens are open through death he destroyed him who had the power of death come on there is power in the name of Jesus let's get into that salt come on [Music] come on [Music] come on I want you to sing it his words of power [Music] to pay there's a chain breaking anointings there's a shame breaking annoying [Applause] [Music] [Music] break there's a breaking morning working on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] two bullets come on come on lift your voice Mitchell order it's work the season is over of making peace with the devil we don't make peace with dysfunction we don't make peace [Music] there's power power let's just sing it again
Channel: Freedom Church
Views: 8,777
Rating: 4.921875 out of 5
Keywords: Corey Russell, Richy Clark, Freedom Church
Id: aHpVfg7IdU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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