Corey Russell | The Father Jesus Knew

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[Music] good morning awesome happy Father's Day to all the fathers you guys are awesome you're here praise God we're here we win you show up you win all right good that's what we say that Kansas City a lot if you don't quit you win that's the name of the game I've got three daughters three beautiful daughters 18 year-old daughter a 15 year old daughter and a seven year old daughter glory I am probably the most ill-equipped just Rocky Balboa loving athletic watching guy in the world and so it's been an awesome journey of learning fatherhood and I love it and I just love my daughter so much and so proud of them and I just want to say at all you know nothing like you just give a little bit on father II for a second nothing has exposed all of my weaknesses limitations in abilities insecurities like fathering I've done it wrong a thousand ways and when I try to do it right I still screw it up when I try to fix things I make it worse and when I don't do anything then they get mad I didn't reach in and try to help them I [Laughter] want you to know that I just love it that these are this is the place we get transformed and I feel like the name of the game is staying present staying engaged asking forgiveness a billion times and leaning in to be a part of the story and not miss those moments looking for those moments that are great at my greatest moments with my daughters are CVS runs and we do CVS runs and those turn into one as it lets them play their music and then out and then we connect with each other around those times I'd do about 20 a week so I genuinely enjoy driving around I can drive around for hours so I'm always looking for things to do so I'm looking for those windows with my daughter's and I just want to say guys stay engaged stay present and let the father transform you in the journey when you hit those walls that you can't fix I've been in situations and storms and things because that's hard for men we're protectors were providers and we're fixers and when you hit unfixable situations don't shrink back when you fit and you hit walls that you don't know what to do don't shrink back just open up and get vulnerable in those places and and I promise you the Lord will cover you and he'll transform you in it so I've been doing this for a second probably got a c-minus on the real report card but thank God for his grading curve amen he really grades nicely and he's kind to us and you know take a day like today and reach out to your kids your grandkids your spiritual kids or whatever and just say I love you I'm proud of you and do whatever you got to do alright whoever you got to say I'm sorry to do it today okay don't wait till you get close to death and then all the stuff that really matters starts coming out do what you got to do now to build bridges fathers go to the lowest place first they go they lay down their life first so make it right today okay good I got one Amen from Richie good you're like man he's getting all deep with this all quick this is real life man nothing is messier than this and if you let him God will transform you by the revelation of his father's heart if you actually let him make you tender and let him make you change you and I shared it a little bit last night our last six years have been really intense we lost a son five years ago and I have three beautiful daughters two girls entering their teenage years a wife has just unbelievably just undone by it all as a little daughter and what do I do I am the most eloquent man in all the world and I knew one thing and that was to bind us together and go to my knees and I've lived on my knees for five years and by the grace of God we're here hallelujah that's and you know what there's just some days where you thank you God I'm here you're sitting in the chair that says something you're here and that matters and so I've got a daughter that comes out of nightmare of seasons that would lead some kids down to Tajikistan and acting stupid Ville for their teenage years and she went to God you know in it she took her pain and she went to God it wasn't cause of my great fathering I didn't do them I didn't do everything right but I I reached in and I went to my knees and I bore myself to my kids and she's gonna go now into missions organization so I'm just like come on Jesus gods into doing stuff that only he is to blame for it it's about fathers taken away some plaque I did this yeah we don't do anything right we bring five loaves and two fish you just got to bring what you got and he'll show up with the rest all right good I love you bless you and I really like cor love I really love you guys I love your spirit these guys are beautiful man you guys connect with this booth out here I love these guys they're just fiery they love Jesus they love the presents and they got a happy spirit you know a lot of times you'll see mission to organization they're just main they're critical and a judge everybody you could feel it 10 feet from him not from them but from I've been in groups we're saying oh my god I gotta get saved and they want you feeling that way they do want you filling in to a degree but they got a happy spirit saying God's doing it you can either get it on or just keep enjoying your nice American life and I love that I love the freedom that they're happy and God he's doing it so that's beautiful thank you for doing that that's why you guys give $21,000 cuz you could feel that you don't feel judged good praise God alright good well let's talk about father let's talk about God his father let's talk about him everybody say I BA good let's talk about father y'all been talking about Holy Spirit alright we're gonna talk about Holy Spirit and the father we'll get to Luke 11 today but I think it's Luke 11 verse 13 he says of you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him yeah and the father loves to give the Holy Spirit to his children I love it I travel a lot and my daughter's my especially my youngest one she's saying what are you bringing home dad what are you bringing home what are you gonna bring home from Russia what are you gonna bring home from here what are you gonna bring home from that I'm kind of running out of ideas I don't like those Russian dolls those little Russian weird dolls they're just weird I don't want to have to get the intercessory team to pray over it or anything like that I've got a funny story I used to be really intense with a lot of that stuff when we were when Trinity my oldest was young and her grandma gave her a unicorn gave her a unicorn doll for a birthday or something like that in the middle of the night and you know we were into every deliverance book and unicorn some sexual devil we got to deal with it it's just weird so in the middle of the night I go into her bed and I cut the horn all right guys I've come a long way all right it's crazy how your oldest one gets the most intense of you and by the seventh I'll give as many unicorns to her in the world just fill up the whole bed with unicorns [Applause] I'm serious she's always hitting this way this is you would never let me get away with this and it was the funniest thing I cut the unicorn in the middle of the night put it back in there now I can rest and in the in the next morning she walks in crying and I see she had put a band-aid over the over the unicorns head and said dad I let him to Jesus I said okay you keep me because you let him to Jesus but he's still gonna have that bandaid on his head we ain't gonna put no unicorn back on there anyways love you I don't even know why I'm sharing that I'm gonna share all my father stories today so who we're talking about if you be your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit I want to give you some good father verses Romans 8:15 says we have received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out ABBA you have received the Spirit of God and the very moment you were born again you were born into the family of God you're adopted grafted Streamline plugged in to the family of God and God is now your father hallelujah you have his DNA pumping through your veins you have his life dwelling in your spirit and you're no longer an orphan no longer an illegitimate no longer a slave but we are sons and daughters of the Most High God first John 3:1 says behold what manner of love this is that the father would bestow upon us that we would become the children of God and I just want to rest this day you want to rest in the fact I am a child of God maybe we can even do that for the ministry time I'm no longer a slave but I'm a son Suns experience full acceptance in the father's house they don't have to put on their best faces they're just in the family you were born into the family that you have you didn't earn that spot you were born into it and in the same way you're born into your natural family so we're born supernaturally into the family of God it's not about who jumps the highest and who prays more over here and does more over there but were beloved children or the father I love Jesus and I love Jesus but John 13 he's telling him he goes got is his last night with his disciples he goes guys I got to go somewhere you can't go all right you got to go I got to go somewhere you can't go he said but when I come back I'm gonna receive you to myself and I'm giving you a new commandment love others as I've loved you by this they'll know that you're my disciples if you have love for one another and it's just like us because Peter didn't hear the new commandment none of us hear that new commandment loving one another thing G and Peter goes Lord where are you going you need to see that in your Bibles Lord where are you going and Jesus says where I'm going you can't come now but you'll follow me afterward well Peters thinking will my only way to keep up with you is to show you my unique devotion I'm going to show you something special about me that will separate me from everybody else he says I will lay down my life for your sake Jesus says will you really Peter he goes I love you you're awesome but you are about to fail me more miserably than anybody in history on the most important night of human history and he says this no you're not you're gonna fail me miserably and but he says this do not be troubled by this I love Jesus language don't be troubled by this I'm troubled Jesus he says in my father's house are many mansions many rooms if it were not so I would have told you which means that if Christianity was about you proving something special about you that would separate you from everybody else and give you access into this house I would have set it up that way but that's not the way it works he says I'm preparing a place in father's house and I'm going to go prepare it and then come back to you and receive you to myself that where I am you may be also it's not about your unique devotion your unique skill set your new unique abilities it's about faith in Jesus's ability to bring us to the Father because you believe in God believe also in me and I want to tell you something right now we stand because of the work of Jesus in the father's house everybody take a deep breath you're in you're in it's a place of acceptance I love it and I said it last night he is the father of Luke 15 who after we've seen I love the Luke 15 verse 20 can you put Luke 15 verse 20 up here in New King James to be bringing them other translations we're bringing that nearly inspired Luke 15 verse 20 this is the this is the story of the prodigal son okay he says dad you can go ahead and die now can I get my inheritance think of your kid came to you and says dad can I get my inheritance now you would say out of backslap you ain't getting your inheritance early no you'll get that when I die and now I'm not gonna give it to you well this father gives it to the son and he runs to wherever either Vegas or downtown Houston and goes crazy hit the strip clubs goes crazy for a season and he comes bankrupt and the younger son comes to a revelation you know what guys who work for my dad got it better than me I'm gonna go just work with them and I'll be a hired hand and he begins the long journey home and I always picture about a mile long driveway he's been gone for two years and he left so strong and independent and now he's coming back broken dependent and just completely shattered and I love this reality you see the mile-long driveway and then we see this father and it says he arose and came to his father here it is but when he was still a great way off everything that I'm about to show you is while the son was still a great way off number one the father saw him here's I want to speak to every one of those prodigal areas in your soul every one of those prodigal areas that you have run from God instead of to God and you thought you could find comfort joy and peace and life outside of him and I love this about the father because the in those areas of our life that we may run to other things to find that place of acceptance and joy and peace in those places when we come to ourself and say father I want to find my life in you when we begin our journey back and we're still not there the Bible says that the father saw him number two the father felt compassion he had compassion the father in that ancient world should have started screaming down the driveway and says see I told you this would happen you made a mockery of our name you made a mockery of our family you made a mockery of my money you lost everything bring him to the City Square let's stone him the father that Jesus knew saw him first off is will you let G will you let the father see you in your most vulnerable areas will you let him see you there because most of us are saying I refuse to be seen by you until I pull my bootstraps up and get back to the house the father saw him had compassion he saw his one step and says I'll take ninety-nine and he ran everybody say he ran do you have a revelation or a view of God that runs towards you in your most vulnerable areas do you have a picture of a running father number four he fell on his neck and number five he kissed him and what you're about to see take place is that the father is going to give him a second inheritance as if he never lost the first one and as soon as God began to release this extravagant mercy and love to the younger son we then see the exposing of the religious spirit because we hear the older son who's been working for the father and I said this last night in passing I wanted to break it down a touch more today you have the younger son having the party killing of the fatted calf father loving rebellious sons that run to downtown Houston but then the father shows up and he hears about the older son who is annoyed because he's worked done perfect fulfilled everything been a faithful son I've done everything right and I've never had one party in all my years of living with you and what does the father do he runs out to the older son he doesn't just run out two younger sons I want to tell you he doesn't just run out to the prodigal sons and give them inheritances he runs out two older sons who've done it all perfect and yet have anger disconnect and angry that they didn't get paid the way they thought by God and the father runs out to him and he says son why you upset and the older son says this son of yours he's been living with harlots you bring him back and you're giving him all this I've never had one party I've never done anything wrong and my heart is shriveled he goes this ain't right and the father looks at him and says son you could have done this whenever you wanted to you could have partied as much as you wanted to but you were so into working for me you can never be enjoyed by me there's three sons in this story there's the younger son and the older son and the son telling the story and the son telling the story is saying I'm trying to get all of you boys into the house because it's the house is the place of acceptance it's the place of authority it's the of inheritance and it's the place of power but I but I want to tell you right now whether you come in from downtown Houston or you're coming from religious Ville the father's running out to you today and if you don't think you're that person you're the older one just to help you find yourself in the story ever look with me in Luke 11 I just want you to want to look at a couple of things right here and then we'll let it be hallelujah you're a good good father who you are who you are and I'm loved by you who I am perfect in all of your ways perfect in all of your ways perfect in all of your ways to us what does that song I mean it's not that profound but I mean there's some of the lyrics are but what is it touching he's a good father he's a compassionate father he's a merciful father he's a righteous father he's the father of glory the father of lights he's the father of mercies he's the inexhaustible treasure house of all goodness and all love and all kindness and all justice and righteousness he's perfect in all of his ways he is wise beyond all of his leadership is perfect and he knows how to father us Jesus is in Isaiah 9 called the everlasting father and he never had natural children fathering is more than even natural children it's the spirit that comes on you that delivers you from a preoccupation with yourself the spirit of the Father delivers you from narcissism it delivers you from this preoccupation with you and says I am made for someone else another generations others he's the father who hugs and embraces you in your weakest places and I love the Hebrews 12 father he's the father that takes you to the woodshed anybody been taken to the woodshed five of you if you have it the Bible says you're illegitimate no I'm serious if you I don't spank other parents other kids because they're not my kids now I'll do it everyone so uh I'm not gonna spank your kids I want to and you may want to spank mine but that's just a certain law you don't break unless we're really tight and family I've before a season we raised my nephew and I spanked him more and I did everybody you don't spank other other parents kids that's just wrong and God is the same way he goes I don't spank somebody else's kids I only spank my kids and the Verisign you get spanked by me is to show your mind and if you go unchecked and undisciplined by the father you need to question whether you're his he is the father who doesn't just give hugs he gives spankings have you do you know the chastening of the Lord do you know the discipline of the Lord do you know his confronting of you and that he's not a sugar daddy who's just an agreement with you but he's into conforming you into his son and so that you may become a partaker of his holiness that's what I want I want to become a partaker of his holiness I don't want to live in fantasy of some sugar daddy that just wants to make me happen he's into hugging me all the time some weird overweight grandpa looking dad just gives good hugs all the time it's not father you know whatever you let that land where it needs to I think that's our only view of father at Santa Claus they've gives hugs all the time my father take taking me to the woodshed he spent 2016 he used the language shepherd but he says on January 23rd he says I'm your Shepherd you could call him father he says I will make you lie down in green pastures this year and it wasn't violins and nice green grass it was full nelson i'm gonna drag you down slow you down and put you and make you lie down in green pastures and i know you'll try to get up there for i'm going to hammer you to the ground in case you try to get up cuz he may ever ever had that father come to you that make you lie down who strengthened your servant lord Luke 11 Lord Jesus teach us to pray Jesus teach us to pray Jesus says you want to learn about prayer I love it you know I think Jesus came to the earth to teach us how to pray Jesus came to the earth to bring the revelation of the Father we see it hinted and highlighted a few moments in the Old Testament but the primary revelation that Jesus brought to the planet is ABBA and he came as the father's outstretched arm to humanity and he then becomes our outstretched arm to the Father he brings together heaven and earth and himself he brings God and man together in himself and he comes down in over a hundred times in the book of John you'll find the word father that's the predominant revelation is Abba that will shake the earth is the revelation of God as Abba and the disciples for three and a half years got to witness Jesus praying all the time with ABBA Jesus had this preoccupation and this ability to live in two places at once he would be talking to them and then effort ly start talking to ABBA and he goes back and forth between ABBA what I see I say what I hear I say what I see I do and they watched him for three and a half years saying man you're addicted to time with him man you're addicted to time with him I believe Jesus's prayer life was the greatest a discipleship an impact that he left on his disciples the disciples come to him and Luke 11 they said teach us to pray he goes okay first lesson in prayer come on stick with me here guys I'm gonna fall asleep on me y'all got some big steak dinners come in come on breathe I'm gonna mess in with your with your reservation it's coming up here no you could no you ain't all right Jesus says well I'm gonna give you the Lord's Prayer and I'm gonna teach you about prayer and the first lesson in prayer is I need to correct your understanding of prayer he says this is what I want you to do I want you to write down everything you need me to fix in your life save Uncle John deliver aunt Suzie heal brother Joe I need money I need money I need money he goes you get down that list yes I got that list Jesus says oh let me see it we hand him the list he looks at it he smiles that just blows us a kiss and he does this first lesson in prayer is that when you think of prayer you think list when I think prayer I think person I think place and I think name and I want to introduce you to the most beautiful love righteous good person you will ever meet and I have come to share my dad with the whole earth when you pray say our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name he takes us as I want to introduce you to him and that's who you need to connect with before you get caught into your list of what you need from God you need to know who you're talking to you need to know who you're talking to it's not about your list and that's why your list stays on the list cuz you don't have faith in who you're talking to you've been praying for the same thing for 3,000 years because most of us are talking to a middle-class working dad with 7 billion children and you're one more mouth to feed in the breadline father heaven holy he says I want to take you to the throne and that there's one word that surrounds the throne and it's called holy hallow would be your name holy holy holy there is no one like your father hallelujah and as you behold the father you're transformed into the father this transcends gender this transcends gender I want to honor all the single moms in here today thank you you're doing both jobs bless you bless you it's not just father's we got single moms in here that are both mom and dad bless you and as you behold him the very spirit of the Father will transform you and will help fill up those vulnerable areas and He will bring righteous men around those boys to help it takes a village Jesus takes us to the throne and he says father heaven holy he says I just want you to look there for a while because as you get connected to father heaven holy there's gonna come one prayer out of you on earth as it is in heaven and Jesus takes us through the Lord's Prayer and then he says guys you need to learn something about prayer is that there's going to come midnight knocks to the door of your life that you didn't see coming there's going to come moments in your life because there's part of your prayer life what's not learned in a class or learn by just doing wrote prayers God is into taking you and throwing you in the ten-foot water and says I'm going to throw you into midnight knocks you didn't see coming they're gonna catch you off guard and that will awaken you expose you and drive you to your knees have you ever been awakened at midnight maybe a marriage that you didn't know that you thought was perfect but it's on now the brink of a divorce kids that were raised just right and then they go into stupid Ville I live teenagers in stupid Ville maybe it's finances maybe it's a midnight knock that says God either you're real or you're not it's always nice to talk about father nice hugs I need father I need father but who in here knows that there are moments where you really need a father you really need a father and either he's real or he's a liar have you ever been there before three some of y'all need to cuz I may be the devil easy a man messing with you maybe I'm just telling you you need to look at your life if it's so perfect you may need to get saved I'm serious [Laughter] Jesus says you're gonna get exposed there's a friend that needs bread you're gonna get exposed you don't have what it takes to answer the need what do you do when you get exposed you don't have enough money you're not smart enough you don't have enough wisdom or resources to bail yourself out of a certain situation it's in that moment to where either you will put band-aids over it detach your heart from it or you will be driven to your knees of saying God I need you that is the breakthrough of whether Christianity will stay nice and you just retreat to the golf course Retreat to ESPN or retreat to another wife or a new boyfriend or a new job or a new this or you will go to your knees saying God I need you there's so many that hit this wall that pullback tune out and disconnect men we need men in this hour that do not disconnect from the vulnerable exposed areas but that actually go to God instead of from God and from their families we have generations in the balance because of decisions you're going to make you have great-great grandchildren who are going to be blessed because you chose to cut off that emotional affair at work there's going to be generations in the balance because you cut off that spirit of temptation there's too much in the balance this is not about you trading in your birthright for a bowl of soup a tree a cheap thrill that are going to hold generational consequences hits the wall and then in the story of Luke 11 Jesus says you're going to come to God God I need you God I need you and you're gonna hit something and it's called God maybe not moving on your timetable have you ever been there before where God I need you now and he says just keep knocking I'm not getting up right now have you ever been offended by God where God says no not right now it's not a good time what do you do when you're in that furnace I'll tell you what the first thing that happens all the lies and accusations they begin to come to the surface and now you're in the Battle of your life is God true or is he a liar is he just another father that made promises but bailed on the family is he someone with empty words empty promises empty declarations over my life is it real or is it not and it's in that season Jesus says he won't rise and give to him because of he's his friend there's a place on the other side of friendship yet because of his persistence what keeps you in that furnace when you hit that wall I'll tell you what keeps you there father I know who you are I know what you possess and I know who I am to you and I'm not going anywhere I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna knock I'm gonna ask and I'm gonna seek oh jesus says he won't rise and give to him because he's his friend yet because of his persistence and persistence isn't just it's this it's the quiet confidence that says I'm not going anywhere and honestly I've burned all my bridges to go anywhere else most people hedge all of our bets that we have so many bridges and XK clauses that to be thrown in the furnace is a difficult vulnerable place it says that the father will rise open the door run a conveyor belt of bread and give him as much as he needs God wants to do more than just meet your you'll need he wants to make you a conduit of the resource of heaven and he wants to open heavens over your life and make you a releaser and a distributor of the bread of heaven Jesus gives us the parable and then he comes and he looks at us and he says so I say to you ask seek knock everyone who asks receives everyone who seeks finds everyone who knocks the door will be open you know what I love about that verse everyone he doesn't care who your daddy is he doesn't care whether he's a drug dealer or a pastor there is an irreversible law in the kingdom of God that everyone who asks receives can you deal with the offensive simplicity of that statement Jesus says if you ask for any father among you come on put this up here with me go to the verse 11 right here 11 11 Oh glory if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him a stone if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish and verse 12 if he ask for an egg how many sons in here I've asked your dad for an egg well cross that one another time if he asks for an egg will he give him a scorpion I think about this bread stone fish serpent egg scorpion what kind of twisted father you come to your dad saying dad I need food he goes okay son close your eyes takes a scorpion out of his back pocket and he drops a scorpion in his son's hand and the scorpion bites him and dies what does Jesus saying you don't have a jacked-up dad I mean Jesus this is the son of God taking a whole verse in the Bible and one of the key strongholds in prayer and why your prayer life is suffering you have views of a jacked up dad you have views of a jacked up dad who is a manipulator who is a liar who is twisted who's into harming you all of those things because if I bit into bread thinking it's a sandwich and I hit a stone that's my teeth if I think it's a fish and it's a serpent that bites a scorpion that bites deadly and Jesus says if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him hallelujah I want to I know you guys just ended the series on the Holy Spirit I wanted to tie together a bond the Holy Spirit he is a good father and he is the one that you can expect the Holy Spirit from he is the spirit of the Father you know at Luke 24:49 I love this phrase Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the promise of the father he's the promise of the father hallelujah and I believe that I believe that that freedom is being poised to be a revival Center I believe that God is raising up bread distribution centers for the earth in this hour and he's taking people you got to go through midnight crucibles to break through on the other side I was reading this morning in first John and how there's the progression between the little children who know the father young men who overcome the devil and fathers who have known him from the beginning and there's a transition from young men into fathers and the transition is overcoming the wicked one because God any anyway we don't want to go down a path let's just stand I want to tell you fathers you don't get changed by trying harder you're not gonna become better fathers by trying harder yes but you I want to tell you you get changed as you behold the father as you look at him who he is is imparted and it transforms you but I want to look at 15 year olds in here I want to talk to 15 and 16 year olds start looking at 11 and 10 year olds and start pouring it to them I want you to start the spirit of the Father delivers you from your own narcissism and it says there's an eleven year old that where where I was five years ago and who needs a breakthrough it needs some in him I want to be what I didn't have I want to be what I didn't have we've got a lot of fathers in here who have been looking for father so long decades are going by and the Lord is looking at you saying go be what you didn't have go be what you didn't have turned your heart to the next generation turn to those in your house turn to those in the next generation and invest time labor intercession anyway do it just do it [Laughter] hallelujah I want to tell you the spirit of the father father it rests on women it rest on singles it rests on young it rests on old you don't got to be 70 and overweight look like Santa Claus to be a father that's who you are awesome and honestly they give the best hugs but it's a whole nother story oh good all right open up your heads things happen when you open your hands he's a good father and father we ask you right now right now I love what Jesus says in Luke 11 he says of you being evil you know what that means I don't care how great your dad was I had a really good dad I have a really good dad my dad worked 30 years in a factory never missed a day of work in 30 years of working in a factory he wasn't he's not that smart he he failed second grade twice he moved around so much because it was an army military kid and he had a speech impediment he had a harsh raising and yet he was so kind and tender with me my whole life he was faithful he showed up every day he labor for one man's salvation for 30 years to see him get saved 30 years after working there but do you know what touches me my dad would take his vacation days and would come to my to add a football practices in August I mean who schedules vacation days around August to a days more or less games what I'm talking about games we're talking about practices and that will forever be the image in my mind that there's one dad out there at four in the hot afternoon in Arkansas he came to the 10:00 or he came to the eighth and then he came to the floor that's the view of God I have he's the father who's engaged in the smallest most overlooked minut details of your life he's there and he's engaged when everyone else is busy with other things your father in heaven he see shoot he sees you in your most vulnerable areas the most insecure areas and he's not put off by it and he's not saying when are you gonna get this right he's the father that has compassion and tenderness on you in your most vulnerable areas and if you can let him see you feel compassion towards you and embrace you there you will become transformed [Music] hallelujah father I just pray this is the spirit of Prayer it's the revelation of the father here's the spirit of the spirit of prayer in its simplest form I belong [Music] halleloo father just move all across this room you know what every heart needs right now and I ask you just minister to every heart right now in this room some of you have been living far from the father's house disconnected father says I just take one step I'll take 99 just take one come back others of you have been so busy working for God your heart's gotten small you've gotten bitter and angry let the father run out to you let him break that religious spirit off of you [Music] hallelujah it's a beautiful man right here it's a beautiful man I want to tell you what my vision is one of them it's it's inevitable my one vision is to get really old I mean this guy's young but my vision is this to get old and keep crying and be tender I don't think there's any greater miracle in the whole world than to be old and tender because you know what life's hard people will do you wrong life does it may not go the way you think it does but the miracle of a tender heart says God I'm going to trust you through every season and that's a miracle right there ah hallelujah and I love God's editing process we make DS on the test and David made DS on his test Abraham made DS trying to short-circuit promises and God says he didn't waver at the promise yeah he did no he didn't he did how about God's editing process David fulfilled all the will of God in his generation and David was a mess hallelujah father I just pray right now that you and released the spirit of the Father here on this Father's Day that you would bow down father pour the love of the Father into our hearts by the Holy Spirit father I pray take us to the throne and introduce us Jesus Holy Spirit introduce us to the father bring us into a place of rest in prayer a place of authority in prayer a place of Revelation in prayer I pray that you would break off the blinders and all the wrong views that life has fed us about you [Music] and I pray that we would meet the father Jesus knew [Music]
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Id: AN4247i8Aqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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